What proofs have there been relating to events this year? I'm not really interested in where we've been, I'm interested in where we are and where we are going. In other words, I don't need to be convinced Q was authentic years ago, I need to know Q and the plan are relevant now, not that Q got killed by the deep state the day Biden took over (assuming he took over, and based on current events it certainly seems someone that hates the USA is running the show).
Funny you should ask. I defined these on GA just last year.
It's quite simple, really. The profanity modifiers are metric.
A Shit- is 10x.
An Ass- is 100x.
A Fuck- is 1000x.
If you have a Shitload of product you're trying to move or sell or provide, you're dealing with 10x a normal "load". Whatever that load may be. An Assload would be 100x your normal load/workload/whatever.
If you normally submit 5 TPS reports in a week, but last week you did 500, then you submitted an ASSLOAD of TPS reports!!!
Thus, if a metric ton is 1,000Kg, a metric Fuckton is exactly 1,000,000 kilograms, which is equal to a fucktonne.
I purpose smaller units as well. Cuck 1/10th, Soy 1/100th and Femi 1/1000th.
Thus, a cuckton is 1/10th of a ton, or 200lbs, and a guy who can bench press 2000 Femipounds is a soyboy indeed.
(Please note, the SI prefix KEK is currently undefined, and thus a KEKload or KEKton can be any amount. Our scientist pedes are trying to nail down the true value of KEK but it is very elusive. This is due to the KEKenberg Uncertainty Principle. We can measure where it goes with amazing accuracy (where one goes, all go!) , but this makes it impossible for anyone to see what is coming...)
Therefore, I metric tonne weighs 2.200 lbs; in mining they use metric tons almost exclusively. So rule of thumb, a Metric Tonne is about 10% more than a US Ton
This kinda backfired for me. I just showed my lib sister the second one on this list - and she pointed out that the Q post was made 06/12/18 after the event and Trump’s tweet, both on 6/11/18..
Just wanna give a heads up to the pepes like me, trying to redpill from proofs, double-check em before you show em.
Edit: Similar issue with the first as well. Q implies in to be included at the State of Union Address, but it doesn’t until April. (Is this proof that Q posts can also shift in accuracy?)
pepes like me, trying to redpill from proofs, double-check em before you show em.
I would say that to share the proofs effectively, you need to be able to also explain how it works, and how they are to be interpreted. Some are self evident, but many are not. Also, always emphasize that the proofs are created with plausible deniability and ambiguity on purpose, but cumulatively, they generate a result that is mathematically impossible to deny.
Example (in the one you cited):
12-22-2017 Q missile. missle.
6-10-2018 "FF (false flag) weather alert"
6-11-2018 Potus tweet (missing letters i and p)
6-11-2018 skunk bay weather report of missile launch
The proof here is what? Back in december Q sets up the missing letter in "missile" (missle) as a marker.
Q warns that a FF may be in the making on Jun 10.
Jun 12 Potus uses missed letters as a marker indicating that indeed, a missile FF was fired.
The FF cannot be (and was not) acknowledged publicly.
Plausible deniability: Is Potus truly confirming that there was a false flag? Is he allowed to do that legally? Is it classified information? But the connection between the December drop with [missle] and the FF event reported by Q on Jun 10, then by the weather blog the next day Jun 11, then confirmed (?) by potus the next day after that Jun 12 with the same missing letter spelling (missle) from December:
Could this be a coincidence? Absolutely. Why not? On it's own, it's certainly NOT conclusive. Q posts (missle) in December, Potus posts (missle) in Jun, after an undisclosed event that the anons and Q are discussing? Maybe it's merely a coincidence.
But the point of Q proofs is not that one individual "proof" is actual proof. No, the proof is the accumulative weight of all of these little 'coincidences' which, once you have so many, are mathematically impossible to deny or simply regard as coincidences.
Perhaps "Q proof" is misleading. It suggests to the unknowledgeable that individually, they are decisive. Mostly, they are not.
Again, take the tiptop one.
Request: January 29: Can Q work "tip top" into the SOTU as a shoutout?
April 1 Easter address. tiptop
What if Tiptop was actually put into the SOTU? Proof? Yes, but far too open and direct a proof. no Plausible deniability. Would it be a good idea to do it like that? bad idea. Must be plausible deniability. So, a different PUBLIC address: Easter.
Could it be a coincidence? Sure. On its own. Why not? In Jan anons ask for tip op by the President of the United States, preferably in the SOTU. Potus says tip top & tippy top in the Easter Address on April 1. The anon picks up0 on it, posts to the board, and Q confirms within 5 minutes.
Q and the anons know what is going on. Q confirms and there is a trust relationship between Q and the anons. They consider themselves to be working together. So the anons can easily believe this is a valid confirmation, BUT they still have to apply logic, reasoning, and evidence.
Maybe it's a coincidence.
But, when you have enough of such coincidences, what do they all add up to?
In other words, the person looking at the proofs HAS TO THINK. A very key and core part of the Q operation was to get people to research, think, start thinking outside of groupthink and outside the matrix.
If you explain it like this, then you can also say "hey, maybe these are coincidences..." But if you show enough of them, the person will have to ask themselves... how likely is it that ALL these coincidences have taken place?
This is an inductive process. The questions, and the proofs are meant to induce thinking and questioning. Not doctrinal belief. Anons have to be careful NOT to become indoctrinated (which fosters unthinking belief) but to have questioning belief based on understanding, facts, logic and reasoning, backed up by an accumulation of evidence.
I think the proofs involving the "potus_schedule" accound should be removed though. I think it was clear at the time that the account got the time righy, but nothing was ever official by that account and often got banned by twitter. Was probably an anon insider
I don't even claim it as bullshit. I just say that it's really hard to walk up to people and claim that any of this is proof that Q is military intelligence or has the credibility that he claims to have to be taken as seriously as he is taken here.
For instance, let's take the very first link presented here as proof of Q and Trump's connection.
Trump says "tip top" and then emphasizes it with "tippy top" into the State of the Union after it was requested by Q supporters. The timestamps prove it.
Wow. That... is pretty compelling.
Assuming, of course, that Trump isn't a fan of using such an odd expression as "tippy top" before his use of it for the 2018 State of the Union. Assuming that "tip top" was not a usual part of Trump's vocabulary before 2018.
So has Trump weirdly emphasized "tippy top" before 2018, when this proof occurred?
Yes. This YouTube video was uploaded in 2016, from a rally two years before this proof occurred. And Trump makes a big emphasis not just on "tip top" but "tippy top."
Could it still be evidence, since we can't prove Trump WASN'T communicating with Q people?
Well, would you think I have an inside source to Joe Biden if I accurately predict he’ll use the the word “malarkey?”
I would counter it was far more likely that whoever made that ping request simply predicted Trump's somewhat unique language, because everyone who is a fan of Trump tends to adopt his expressions, even without realizing it.
And the fact that Q endorsed this makes me feel more like Q took advantage of a likely coincidence of Trump's language to establish credibility, not that Q's credibility was actually established. Q wasn't even involved in the original prediction. As far as I can tell, he just took credit for it after it came true.
"Tippy top" was an established Trumpism before the proof occurred, so the strength of this evidence has diminished significantly. All it took to research this was a quick search of transcripts for the use of the word I was wondering about, and then searching YouTube for the speech.
And for someone who isn't me, that would be enough for me to raise an eyebrow at the rest of the links on this list and think it's not worth going further.
I'm not going to sit here and try to debunk every proof presented, but anyone who you present these proof to will, and if they're halfway competent, they will perform these exact same checks on your sources.
You may want to run those checks yourself on every single proof and see if the underlying assumptions you're making (such as the notion of "tippy top" being some weird, unique signal that has no other reason to be uttered by Trump) will hold up when someone isn't willing to give the proof the benefit of the doubt.
I have a question in the second listing that shows the pictures of the volcanoes - The volcanoes listed are in Washington state, yet the label on the ones peaking above the clouds says “Alaska-Vols …”
I don't get #4, the AF1 picture. Why is there a big Apple logo in the left side picture? What what does it mean when someone found a version of the picture without the Apple logo? What does it prove?
That's my problem, I believe in Q but it's not helping me make sense of what is happening. That is subject to change the moment indictments or arrests for election fraud or Russiagate happen. And no, the minor charges for Danchenko and Clinesmith and I don't even remember the other guy at this point don't count in my mind. Once we hit McCabe or Comey or John Brennan or Hillary then it is finally happening.
Hundreds of proofs in a video: Ultimate Q Proofs
Even the proofs have proofs!!!
When youre right, youre right. And you? Youre always right!
Give me paw!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGWRAa5uTUQ now i gotta go watch the movie again XD thumbs up anon
Hijacking top comment to post this zip file with all of OP's links:
Darn, I went 1 by 1 to save them all
Bonus point for dedication...
Wow...thanks fren! 🏅 u/cryofreeze
You have surpassed yourself u/BQnita! Unbelievable effort! Thanks fren! 👏🏆
What proofs have there been relating to events this year? I'm not really interested in where we've been, I'm interested in where we are and where we are going. In other words, I don't need to be convinced Q was authentic years ago, I need to know Q and the plan are relevant now, not that Q got killed by the deep state the day Biden took over (assuming he took over, and based on current events it certainly seems someone that hates the USA is running the show).
Most excellent. Thanks Anon! Bonus points for "metric shit-ton".
Which is two orders of magnitude less than a metric Fuck-ton.
Non-metric=truckload o’ shit.
I've helped my neighbor unload a few of those, lol
How do these relate to an assload?
Funny you should ask. I defined these on GA just last year.
It's quite simple, really. The profanity modifiers are metric.
A Shit- is 10x. An Ass- is 100x. A Fuck- is 1000x.
If you have a Shitload of product you're trying to move or sell or provide, you're dealing with 10x a normal "load". Whatever that load may be. An Assload would be 100x your normal load/workload/whatever.
If you normally submit 5 TPS reports in a week, but last week you did 500, then you submitted an ASSLOAD of TPS reports!!!
Thus, if a metric ton is 1,000Kg, a metric Fuckton is exactly 1,000,000 kilograms, which is equal to a fucktonne.
I purpose smaller units as well. Cuck 1/10th, Soy 1/100th and Femi 1/1000th.
Thus, a cuckton is 1/10th of a ton, or 200lbs, and a guy who can bench press 2000 Femipounds is a soyboy indeed.
(Please note, the SI prefix KEK is currently undefined, and thus a KEKload or KEKton can be any amount. Our scientist pedes are trying to nail down the true value of KEK but it is very elusive. This is due to the KEKenberg Uncertainty Principle. We can measure where it goes with amazing accuracy (where one goes, all go!) , but this makes it impossible for anyone to see what is coming...)
Sorry fren, but you are mixing imperial and metric here. This would be a metric shit tonne... kek! Could this also be an ass load?
Someone should report this to The Department of Redundancy Dept.
Pun: a rare medium, well done
Always preferable to a small medium at large. KEK!
If you're have a concern about going on your scheduled visit to Indian lands,...do you have a reservation reservation reservation?
It took me 30 seconds to get that
That's a statement you can take all the way to the ATM machine!
US ton = 2,000 lbs
Metric tonne= 1,000 kgs
1 kg = 2.2 lbs
Therefore, I metric tonne weighs 2.200 lbs; in mining they use metric tons almost exclusively. So rule of thumb, a Metric Tonne is about 10% more than a US Ton
Thanks a ton!
Also Tooosh B
Big ass load of fuck tons?
This kinda backfired for me. I just showed my lib sister the second one on this list - and she pointed out that the Q post was made 06/12/18 after the event and Trump’s tweet, both on 6/11/18..
Just wanna give a heads up to the pepes like me, trying to redpill from proofs, double-check em before you show em.
Edit: Similar issue with the first as well. Q implies in to be included at the State of Union Address, but it doesn’t until April. (Is this proof that Q posts can also shift in accuracy?)
I would say that to share the proofs effectively, you need to be able to also explain how it works, and how they are to be interpreted. Some are self evident, but many are not. Also, always emphasize that the proofs are created with plausible deniability and ambiguity on purpose, but cumulatively, they generate a result that is mathematically impossible to deny.
Example (in the one you cited):
12-22-2017 Q missile. missle.
6-10-2018 "FF (false flag) weather alert"
6-11-2018 Potus tweet (missing letters i and p)
6-11-2018 skunk bay weather report of missile launch
6-12-2018 2:37pm This is not a game
6-12-2018 3:09pm Event talk. ... potus tweet missing letters
The proof here is what? Back in december Q sets up the missing letter in "missile" (missle) as a marker.
Q warns that a FF may be in the making on Jun 10.
Jun 12 Potus uses missed letters as a marker indicating that indeed, a missile FF was fired.
The FF cannot be (and was not) acknowledged publicly.
Plausible deniability: Is Potus truly confirming that there was a false flag? Is he allowed to do that legally? Is it classified information? But the connection between the December drop with [missle] and the FF event reported by Q on Jun 10, then by the weather blog the next day Jun 11, then confirmed (?) by potus the next day after that Jun 12 with the same missing letter spelling (missle) from December:
Could this be a coincidence? Absolutely. Why not? On it's own, it's certainly NOT conclusive. Q posts (missle) in December, Potus posts (missle) in Jun, after an undisclosed event that the anons and Q are discussing? Maybe it's merely a coincidence.
But the point of Q proofs is not that one individual "proof" is actual proof. No, the proof is the accumulative weight of all of these little 'coincidences' which, once you have so many, are mathematically impossible to deny or simply regard as coincidences.
Perhaps "Q proof" is misleading. It suggests to the unknowledgeable that individually, they are decisive. Mostly, they are not.
Again, take the tiptop one.
Request: January 29: Can Q work "tip top" into the SOTU as a shoutout?
April 1 Easter address. tiptop
What if Tiptop was actually put into the SOTU? Proof? Yes, but far too open and direct a proof. no Plausible deniability. Would it be a good idea to do it like that? bad idea. Must be plausible deniability. So, a different PUBLIC address: Easter.
Could it be a coincidence? Sure. On its own. Why not? In Jan anons ask for tip op by the President of the United States, preferably in the SOTU. Potus says tip top & tippy top in the Easter Address on April 1. The anon picks up0 on it, posts to the board, and Q confirms within 5 minutes.
Q and the anons know what is going on. Q confirms and there is a trust relationship between Q and the anons. They consider themselves to be working together. So the anons can easily believe this is a valid confirmation, BUT they still have to apply logic, reasoning, and evidence.
Maybe it's a coincidence.
But, when you have enough of such coincidences, what do they all add up to?
In other words, the person looking at the proofs HAS TO THINK. A very key and core part of the Q operation was to get people to research, think, start thinking outside of groupthink and outside the matrix.
If you explain it like this, then you can also say "hey, maybe these are coincidences..." But if you show enough of them, the person will have to ask themselves... how likely is it that ALL these coincidences have taken place?
This is an inductive process. The questions, and the proofs are meant to induce thinking and questioning. Not doctrinal belief. Anons have to be careful NOT to become indoctrinated (which fosters unthinking belief) but to have questioning belief based on understanding, facts, logic and reasoning, backed up by an accumulation of evidence.
Very well put.
I think the proofs involving the "potus_schedule" accound should be removed though. I think it was clear at the time that the account got the time righy, but nothing was ever official by that account and often got banned by twitter. Was probably an anon insider
Yes. Also, I’ve found that the “delta” material is harmful in the same way.
Yeah, same, I sent this to my kid who wrote back 1500 words tearing this apart. Like #3 is Pope Francis retiring, except he's still pope ...
Best ones i've seen so far.
John McStain's death to the exact minute. Ohio gov'r saying "McStain was put to death" Verification that Q really posted it before he died here. McCain's daughter saying "can't kill him again."
Q foretelling the Andrew McCabe tweet. Trump hadn't mentioned McCabe for 5 months.
Evergreen ship.
Scavino/Q predicts Biden tripping up the stairs.
Biden in front of a "Q delivers" box and MAGA kids.
Rudy Giuliani FBI raid.
Alec Baldwin.
Scavino predicts Bill Clinton hospital visit. (submarine captain also called Bill Clinton) (then Bill clinton leaves hospital on the 17th, with a number 17 over his shoulder.) (he's probably comming to the enemy that Q is watching him.)
'O' Stocking deliberately converted to a 'Q' with tape/marker pen in Trump's hotel ad.
Q baby on 17th day of the month.
Trump repeating "17" four times in less than 30 seconds.
Many hidden Q's in tweets 1, 2, 3, 4.
Biden hidden audio confession. "I just agreed to a plea sentence for....."
And the one that cracks me up eternally: Trump doing 'Q' in morse code with his hands at 4:20 https://youtu.be/hDNiNdsPHNA?t=251
Please reply to this comment with your favorite ones i've missed (that aren't in the 2 hour Ultimate Q proof vid.)
My favorite one is where the Trump tweet, 1 min after Q new tripcode, contained every trip code letters and characters, case sensitive. That was dope
Second is a 0 delta I pointed where I got Q'd back
And just verified, WTF with the alec baldwin one. Head explodes
Lol nice,
Which one is that, if you have it on hand?
Lmao, this one where Q posts a graphic of a previous [0] delta while doing ANOTHER [0] delta. At 1:45:00 in the vid
Yes. But not included in the vid seems to be the fact that every letter, case sensitive+ special char was included in the tweet.
ah cool, which tweet? i don't see a capital "J" or a "q"? https://www.thetrumparchive.com/?dates=%5B%222019-12-01%22%2C%222019-12-03%22%5D
capital J is in trump's name.
Q was ommited then added to the next confirmation tweet a minute later
I have one I posted regarding the Canadian convoy and Q post 3173.
The calm before the storm?
What happens when a blockade (threat) is dismantled & removed?
“You’ll find out.”
Children used as shields (manufactured crimes of perjury)?
CTV allegedly said on the news they were used as shields. Heard from a streamer. Still need a source from CTV. HTTPS://twitch.tv/videos/1302057792?desktop-redirect=true (8:41:25)
One of the organizers that got arrested. https://youtu.be/UvDWnta4u14
Her shirt? 10-7. Day she was arrested ? February 17. Also to note, when an anon asked Q to help Canada. Q said the world will follow.
That Q post is also on the same date as the Evergreen ship blocking the canal (Mar 23)
Oh yeah, and Q posted the Bible verse "Put to death" the day after the McCain prediction post.
I understand how people can look through these posts and still claim that this is all bullshit.
I don't even claim it as bullshit. I just say that it's really hard to walk up to people and claim that any of this is proof that Q is military intelligence or has the credibility that he claims to have to be taken as seriously as he is taken here.
For instance, let's take the very first link presented here as proof of Q and Trump's connection.
Trump says "tip top" and then emphasizes it with "tippy top" into the State of the Union after it was requested by Q supporters. The timestamps prove it.
Wow. That... is pretty compelling.
Assuming, of course, that Trump isn't a fan of using such an odd expression as "tippy top" before his use of it for the 2018 State of the Union. Assuming that "tip top" was not a usual part of Trump's vocabulary before 2018.
So has Trump weirdly emphasized "tippy top" before 2018, when this proof occurred?
Yes. This YouTube video was uploaded in 2016, from a rally two years before this proof occurred. And Trump makes a big emphasis not just on "tip top" but "tippy top."
Could it still be evidence, since we can't prove Trump WASN'T communicating with Q people?
Well, would you think I have an inside source to Joe Biden if I accurately predict he’ll use the the word “malarkey?”
I would counter it was far more likely that whoever made that ping request simply predicted Trump's somewhat unique language, because everyone who is a fan of Trump tends to adopt his expressions, even without realizing it.
And the fact that Q endorsed this makes me feel more like Q took advantage of a likely coincidence of Trump's language to establish credibility, not that Q's credibility was actually established. Q wasn't even involved in the original prediction. As far as I can tell, he just took credit for it after it came true.
"Tippy top" was an established Trumpism before the proof occurred, so the strength of this evidence has diminished significantly. All it took to research this was a quick search of transcripts for the use of the word I was wondering about, and then searching YouTube for the speech.
And for someone who isn't me, that would be enough for me to raise an eyebrow at the rest of the links on this list and think it's not worth going further.
I'm not going to sit here and try to debunk every proof presented, but anyone who you present these proof to will, and if they're halfway competent, they will perform these exact same checks on your sources.
You may want to run those checks yourself on every single proof and see if the underlying assumptions you're making (such as the notion of "tippy top" being some weird, unique signal that has no other reason to be uttered by Trump) will hold up when someone isn't willing to give the proof the benefit of the doubt.
Awesome post, impressive length.
The doomers are not going to like this kek u/#Catdance
We need an adjunct board for permasticky resources....
The Easter bunny's expression on the first one is perfect, lmao
Yep. That would be a metric shit ton lol. Thank you for these.
Just love the smell of Qproofs in the morning.
I think I was able to get them all. Here is this post archived so you can check yourself.
(When you click on a link in the archived link, it will pop up with an archived link as well if the link was saved)
I'm gonna also try automating the archive links on web.archive.org as well
OUTSTANDING - this is a KEEPER! Thank you!
I love the (tippy top) one. What a boss!
Thank you, great work!
OP probably has carpal tunnel now…. Thanks for the post.
I have a question in the second listing that shows the pictures of the volcanoes - The volcanoes listed are in Washington state, yet the label on the ones peaking above the clouds says “Alaska-Vols …”
That doesn’t seem to jive?
How do you explain half the world getting the poison jab? Is that part of the plan?
Excellent! Thank you, fren! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Extremely interesting and reassuring and FUN! Thank you.
Great job!
I don't get #4, the AF1 picture. Why is there a big Apple logo in the left side picture? What what does it mean when someone found a version of the picture without the Apple logo? What does it prove?
Impressive length!
👁️👁️ wow
MODS, why hasn't this been stickied yet?
Their changing baby q's diaper give them a few..
The Shittons, my new band name. Don't look for us on Spotify any time soon.
That list....just kinda keeps going....for a long time.
Tell people what's going on,don't waste time trying to convince them of Q. They are two separate things.
That's my problem, I believe in Q but it's not helping me make sense of what is happening. That is subject to change the moment indictments or arrests for election fraud or Russiagate happen. And no, the minor charges for Danchenko and Clinesmith and I don't even remember the other guy at this point don't count in my mind. Once we hit McCabe or Comey or John Brennan or Hillary then it is finally happening.
Where are all the Q proofs about Trump actually allowing the election theft as part of his plot to expose the deep state?
Fuck the metric system.