Ukraine - home to the worlds largest underground tunnel system (link to photos and video in comments)
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That is incredible. 2,500 km of tunnel! The longest expedition was just 40 km. There is no way smugglers would not still be using those tunnels. It's "forbidden" to map them.
Those tunnels are a huge security risk, yet the government (local and country) just looks the other way
Odessa is a port city. Look at where it is on a map:
A gigantic set of tunnels right next to a port city. That's a smugglers wet dream. No one would ever see what you're bringing in and out. You can't tell me the authorities wouldn't be aware of how easy it would be for smugglers to take full advantage of that tunnel system.
Smuggling tunnels are a well known problem:
It's even bigger BS that they say the 700 mile one in Ukraine was only used to smuggle "cigarettes". Yeah right. That's not the main good they go underground for and anyone with a brain knows it.
If you look at the demographics of Ukraine it's crazy how fast the population has been dropping there for decades. They claim it's out-migration or it's a low birth rate, but Ukraine's low birth rate doesn't make sense when the women start having kids so young. Yet somehow all the kids keep disappearing and everyone acts like they're not. "What kids?"
The women remained traditional and gave birth very young. That should raise the population, yet somehow Ukraine crashed like a rock anyway.
They've KNOWN something is deeply wrong in Ukraine. Young, traditional mothers should be causing the population to soar, but somehow it never happens.
It happens often in Ukraine and just gets swept under the rug.
The babies are literally stolen and the mothers are not allowed the bodies.
They steal your baby right after it's born and then tell you it died and refuse to give you the body saying, "This is for your own good". When parents protest they get no justice.
Stolen as newborns and sold. Those poor children.
Babies keep mysteriously disappearing or dying, but authorities never can find out why no matter how hard upset families push for answers.
You have a country with tunnels everywhere. They are everywhere in the Ukraine. It's a smugglers paradise.
Kiev also has the deepest metro station in the world:
This should be it's own post.
They really try hard to discourage at home births.
While that may be true for some full term births, I can say with certainty that my local main hospital saved my son's life who was born months early.
Yes, there are definitely many good doctors. Otherwise, babies wouldn't get born at all. Glad to hear about you son's life. That's wonderful.
I used a midwife at home, no doctor necessary.
Is our planet becoming a baby farm? We are debasing our own species.
It has always been a trafficking farm. Always. If anything it has grown far worse since modern society has grown.
Hard agree!
Great work, I think we are onto something. This is why we fight. Bravo anon.
Aid agencies (ones that actually care) have been battling authorities for years, but it's just met with a "yawn" despite the huge number of devastated families. One problem is how prized fetal tissue is:
Fetal tissue is huge in the beauty market from placenta masks to lotions and creams. It's supposed to only be form animal fetal tissue, but when there is that big of a market demand there is always a way to get it.
That is why the shills try to mislead people on the "blood-drinking" stuff. They don't want you looking at the beauty industry where the demand for human fetal tissue is massive.
Q post #3405 goes into the hard truth.
So many resort to plastic surgery at increasingly young ages because they don't want to get old. The booming demand for beauty products that reverse aging creates an increasingly huge demand for ingredients that will slow down aging.
excellent post as always. it's all about the children.
Please make this its own post so it can be stickied. It's an uncomfortable truth, to say the least, but it needs to be seen by more eyes.
Is there a list of these products because there isn't a list of ingredients on skin creams.
From the washington times articles:
So it's very hard to make a list like this since you'll never really know.
This is distressing.
It's not going to be in any average beauty product. It's VERY expensive to get fetal tissue. The products that use it are going to be high end and oriented to the wealthy.
99% of what a normie uses will not have any in it.
Thank you. Face creams don't make the wrinkles you've earned disappear, but it does make them softer.
Finally, probably the part of the whole Pinchuk thing that makes me the sickest- the art. This was actually what got me into Pizzagate research. The guy hosts so called "art" that is child mannequins with penises swapped out for noses or coming out of their mouth. It is fucked up.
Awesome post Vapourface! 👏
Thank's for this. It's been known for a very long time this region was a human trafficking hub. It's history goes way back.
The name 'Ukraine' comes from the word "ukraina", which means "borderland" and translates literally as "the borderlands". It has always been understood as a borderland region that was used quite frankly as a buffer between competing nations. This region was part of the Russian Empire having varying borders that existed from 1791 to 1917 to which permanent residency by Jews was allowed. It was called the Pale of Settlement. Beyond this Jewish residency, permanent or temporary, was mostly forbidden. Throughout history Ukraine has acted somewhat like a 'sacrificial metal' does to which trouble first rears its head.
When Putin said Ukraine was never a nation with borders, this is what he was referring to. Ukraine has been a place where bad actors are sent ridding governments of troublemakers. It really is a breeding ground for corruption.
This deserves a sticky of its own, fren. Good work
The largest in the world. 2500 km.
Tunnels are built to remain concealed from eyeballs. A network of this size indicates a massive operations going back hundreds of years.
Who built the tunnels, Vlo?
Parts of it are 1000 years old. Who knows? Traffickers.
Trafficking is an old industry, fren.
It's amazing the whole thing doesn't just collapse. I guess that's where sink holes come from.
Nice to see you, Blacksmith21!
How's it going, Fren? Long time, no see. I hope all is well. I'm on TS as well.
I'm well. My dumb ass got vaxxed, to see my uber-liberal family, but I've been following Dr. Zelenko's protocol and hoping for the best.
Not on TS yet. I'm on Gab but posting there is like pissing into the wind. It is crazy how all the old information has come screaming back to relevance, so I've been trying to get it out there again. I saw GamePWN on here but you are the only other voat anon I noticed.
Is is any wonder Soros wants Putin and Xi dead? He's terrified of this being exposed.
Thanks, I remember reading that at the time. Didn't Q point it out?
It was posted here many months ago. I don’t remember Q posting about Ukrainian tunnels; only Epstein island tunnels.
I remember 100,000 troops leaving SC to 29 palms marine corps base for amphibious training. Yeah right ! In the middle of the desert they are doing amphibious training ?
It was around the time of a huge earthquake at China Lake. DUMBS !
Makes you wonder?
video tour:
I'm pretty sure Russia has control of Odessa and those caves by now.
Check out the chaotic history of the western Russia area. Those people have been through it all, relentlessly, and nothing would be surprising at this point.
I think a distinction should be made between the hand-dug catacombs beneath Odessa (and other cities across Europe and the Mediterranean), and the types of tunnels the military is training to fight inside...which are much deeper, and dug by special nuclear-run boring machines. The catacombs can provide easy cover for those topside, but the deeper tunnels (and D.U.M.B.S.) are much more problematic.
Ok, now show me a map of all the elite mansions, brothels, orphanages, daycares, and preschools. I'm sure there is nothing suspect whatsoever.
Now, it’s obvious why the Cabal wants to defend Ukraine. Look at that tunnel system. It’s the perfect place to traffic people. Bastards.
Dear God! the horrors committed wonder the biden connection, hillary, and assorted other demonic degenerates want to protect ukraine...the children, always about the children, as Trump has maintained...God help free the survivors, and then use any and all means necessary to stop this underground madness, in Jesus name we pray...God save the children!
Child trafficking hub and soon even the normies will have to at least THINK about this.
No,they wont.
Big job ahead for Putin. And so far, I would guess the system under Chernobyl is part of this.
We already know they built tunnels under Chernobyl. It was even a big part of the mini series. In reality (at least what is told of it) the miners risked exposure to radiation to build long tunnels that were not needed at all. What happened to those tunnels? I imagine they were needed just not for the reason told to the miners.
Nothing false about a burning reactor.
False flags can still be true events specifically put into motion to distract from something or place blame on someone else though.
Who knows. Obviously this still remains one of history's most interesting events.
I'm stealing this, OP. and posting it on TD.
course, anon never cares about credits
Put this on r/todayilearned on reddit and it got automod removed literally the moment I posted it.....
The Nazis have to be able to secretly transport their victims somehow.
List of Ukraine biolab documents reportedly removed by US Embassy
Dated: March 11, 2022 by Sharyl Attkisson
The following is from information being circulated by journalists and advocates online and is published as received for general information purposes.
List of Ukraine Biolabs documents removed by US Embassy
Up until recently, the existence and details of these bioweapons labs were public knowledge. The US embassy had previously disclosed the locations and details of these laboratories in a series of PDF files online. On February 26, 2022, the official embassy website shut down the links to all 15 bioweapon laboratories.
All the documents associated with these labs have been removed from the internet. If you click on any of the links, the PDF files are no longer available. Thankfully, these files have been archived and can still be accessed.
Copy and paste any link below:
Here's a zip file of all the non-duplicate documents:
Here's archives of every non-duplicate document:
So Deep State is basically Umbrella Corporation with bio-labs creating new viruses and large underground network???
That's amazing. Lots of human traffickng for sure!
These may be the real tunnels that people have been looking for. They also have underground military bunkers, real DUMBs, not some fantasy 10KM deep place only robots could exist in.
NatGeo is part of MSM and there are 1000’s maybe 10’s of thousands of earthquakes that occurred at this exact depth in recent years where earthquakes were non-existent in these places for decades except for the times they were built.
A great resource for historical data and even current ones happening on the daily at the USGS website.
At ten kilometers the average temperature is 100-200 Celsius/212-394 Fahrenheit. There is increased air pressure and gravity too. And no water. There are no known silicon or sulfur based life forms that are able to withstand such conditions, and certainly no carbon based ones frolicking in illicit pleasures. Where is all the equipment and air conditioning it would take to drill down that far to make the tiniest little room, let alone a worldwide system of tunnels? Surely there are some patents, some machinery makers, some fuel suppliers, who would have given us a clue.
I am willing to consider ancient aliens leaving tunnels built by robots that collapse occasionally (not that a tunnel collapse would make enough energy to record as an earthquake unless that tunnel was miles in diameter and hundreds f miles long), or buried Watchers kicking under the mountains placed to hold them down until Judgement day, but the fact that the USGS reports a lot of earthquakes now at 10 Km is no proof of anything at all. Their default used to be about 100 Km if they couldn't determine the depth. That would put a lot of earthquakes in the mantle layer, whereas 10 Km will put most of them in the rocky crust. Somehow I feel this has more relevance.
Not all dumbs are at 10km, some are at 3, 5, and 7km.
There are patents for tunnel boring machines that are nuclear in nature. I looked into it awhile back and it is a very interesting topic to research. Perhaps maybe you should research the questions you have, there is no shortage of info on the topic.
Oh, I am researching it. And noticing several interesting things about all the "info" on the topic and who is promoting it. I'm even making the effort to collate all these in a nice document, with archived links and a time line if it can be worked out. However, I do not in general doubt the existence of underground hidey-holes at all. This one is 12,000 years old and dug by hand.
Nor do I doubt that such a fantastic drilling machine would be a dream for mining or disposing or nuclear waste. Or ferreting out ancient reptilian overlords, although I still maintain that at those depths there are only going to be robots. These are the world's deepest mines: The deepest being 4 Km, but it was a big, obvious effort that would be noticed, not something that a lot of rich people could manage on the qt. Working in these mines is hellish. Imagine the ambient temperature being twice as much.
The confusion is the idea that human smugglers are going through these deep holes with kidnapped children to deep hideouts where life can only exist with airconditioning that would be even more amazing than a plasma borer. Why on earth would they do that? Every day people are found disappeared into ordinary basements. No need to go far away or use such equipment. The human powers that be aren't going to do that either. They might try to hide in places like Khazakhstan and put up a fuss if such a country was invaded, they aren't going to give up their comforts. The biggest such rich man's bunker I saw proposed some years ago had room for only a hundred people at most, and that was just a proposal someone was trying to get funded.
Odd, clicked on the link and at the bottom yhere was a story about "The tunnel people of Las Vegas"
Anyone have an overlay with this? There are no points of reference.
Fucking creeps.
Maybe this is why we don't see much war footage or photos?
Some of the tunnels are available to explore via tours in Odessa. They were used as resistance shelters for Jews during the war.
That should be enough room to fit everyone in the Deep state blow up all exit passages and call it a day
as if some alien underground nation found its way to Earth and trying to live like before...
Those look like mining tunnels. Could they be from coal or salt mines? The first thing we've been programmed to think of when we hear tunnels is DUMBS where kids are kept. Not saying that couldn't happen but a network that extensive seems like part of a commercial activity connected to mining.
Let me guess the Russians blue those things the fuk up
🤮 So this is what Biden’s kiddie-pipeline looks like.
is it just me? The share link icons are not functioning?