I must confess that in the first 2 or 3 months of this moronicy I did use a cloth mask a handful of times when going into stores and such that required it, just so they'd stfu and leave me alone.
I was a conspiracy nut long before trump and Q and even I wore a mask for the first 2 weeks. Figured out what was going on and took that face diaper off. (In my defense 1 of those weeks was due to me procrastinating)
I am willing to bet a lot of people were similar. We had no studies done yet (or so we thought) and things were looking pretty bleak with the Chinese propaganda.
That changed at some point though, and I'm going to give a shout-out to the people who said "fuck it" first as they're the sole reasons that inspired so many others to do the same.
Only time I’ve worn it is taking my mom to doctor visits and our local hardware store. I know the owner and he was crying about how they’ve threatened to fine him $5k if they see anyone in his store without a mask🙄
Rest of the places I just wait and see if anyone was gonna say anything and I already had the response of the day prepared if they did. Only had words with a few customers and about half a dozen store clerks the entire time. A lot of times I’d start spewing facts about masks and covid and then customers would come up to me asking to clarify this or that and wanted more info about what I was saying. Spewing red pills everywhere. 😂
I was at a restaurant that made you wear masks to go in, but there are literally tables out to the front door, so while I'm standing there yet to be checked for a fever and sprayed with alcohol, I'm standing next to unmasked customers eating their meals.
If any of this is true, isn't that completely unsafe for both of us? I don't want any of it, but lets at least have some logic go into these measures if they must exist.
I also love the little plastic dividers they put between seats since viruses can't travel upward a few inches.
I hate that when I point these things out to people, NOBODY SAYS ANYTHING. It's as if I'm the only one in the world that notices how ridiculous this is.
Taiwan still has mandatory masks at all times while outdoors.
I just stopped going to places that dabble in fiction. The few times I had to go inside cucked places, I just put on the "I dare you to talk to me" face.
Only time I ever wore a mask was when I got arrested and they made me wear it through booking, even though the cop who was standing 3 ft away from me was exempt from the policy just for being a cop.
I'm a proud member of this club too, AND I also became kind of a hermit out of necessity. Since then, I realize how much material crap I don't need and that I generally don't like most people, so it's been a little bit of a blessing to get to know myself a lot better.
I had the same discovery. I like a small handful of people and other than that I just want to be left alone. I'm way less materialistic than I was and it's been a huge relief to discard that mindset of always needing the next new and shiny thing.
YES. If there's a silver lining in this shit, it's what we've learned about ourselves that'll serve us in the future.
On a side note, I looked into Marcus Aurelius because of one of your posts about a year ago, and it's made a huge impact on my life. Thanks for that, fren!
That's great to hear! His writings are fascinating and drip with practical wisdom. I honestly believe that a stoic mindset with a Christian worldview is the thing that's gotten me through this insanity so far.
I too have to confess.... I wore a mask ONCE in order to vote for DJT.
Then I read a post here where a Patriot told the voting Nazis to FO with the mask and was successful. I felt like I should have stood up to them as well, but that is the only time. No jab, no test... ever.
Nobody could criticize you for that. Of all the worthwhile things you could do, voting for Trump has to be near the top. I'm in no position to judge others--I have no job to potentially lose. I gave up a whole lot 7 years ago in order to be free. We're off-grid and self-reliant, aside from food (working on it), so we can close the gate on our road and say goodbye to the outside world for at least 12 months. Very comforting to have that in my back pocket.
Wish I hadn't needed to get the test, but I took it anyway. Thankfully it was only once, and ever since I had "covid" I haven't even so much as gotten the sniffles. It gave me super-immunity against all the other crap. Regardless I never got the shots either, and it's turning into a great investment as I remain healthy and all the people I knew who got it seem to always be sick or not as energetic as they once were.
Most of the people I see still masked where I live are much older people. You know, the ones who still believe their doctors are infallible gods. One of the biggest crimes against humanity has to be the fear the COVID-preachers have instilled in these folks.
I’m seriously debating going up to them and sincerely asking “so what’s the plan here? When is the mask coming off? Are you wearing it for the rest of your life?” I wonder if I could get away with it at the gym if I just acted curious and non hostile about it. I think I should do it. Fuck these people. They need to be harassed at this point.
Took a fair few PCR tests only because it was required to come back to work if you had cold symptoms (left that company as soon as was feasible and found my current based employer). Joke’s on my previous employer, back in the day those tests took like a week to come back so I got 5 extra days of PTO, MULTIPLE times, for a COLD 🤣🤣🤣
Know it's on the backend of some DNA/paternity tests and such, not just for COVID, they just rolled it out for COVID because Mullis said "it's not designed for something like this" and Fauci was like "you sir are uncategorically and preposterously wrong, we're going to make it work, I've been to the gay bathhouses, I've seen how you can insert something into an Exit Only structure, this is where I met President Obama's husband for the first time!"
No jab, no test, no mask. Am I alone?
I must confess that in the first 2 or 3 months of this moronicy I did use a cloth mask a handful of times when going into stores and such that required it, just so they'd stfu and leave me alone.
but that's it.
Similar situation for me. I've only worn that damn thing twice and only because they wouldn't shut the hell up about it. Never again.
I was a conspiracy nut long before trump and Q and even I wore a mask for the first 2 weeks. Figured out what was going on and took that face diaper off. (In my defense 1 of those weeks was due to me procrastinating)
I am willing to bet a lot of people were similar. We had no studies done yet (or so we thought) and things were looking pretty bleak with the Chinese propaganda.
That changed at some point though, and I'm going to give a shout-out to the people who said "fuck it" first as they're the sole reasons that inspired so many others to do the same.
Only time I’ve worn it is taking my mom to doctor visits and our local hardware store. I know the owner and he was crying about how they’ve threatened to fine him $5k if they see anyone in his store without a mask🙄 Rest of the places I just wait and see if anyone was gonna say anything and I already had the response of the day prepared if they did. Only had words with a few customers and about half a dozen store clerks the entire time. A lot of times I’d start spewing facts about masks and covid and then customers would come up to me asking to clarify this or that and wanted more info about what I was saying. Spewing red pills everywhere. 😂
Man, you really showed them
It's pretty important to cover your mouth AT THE DENTIST.
I'm in Taiwan. Things are crowded.
I was at a restaurant that made you wear masks to go in, but there are literally tables out to the front door, so while I'm standing there yet to be checked for a fever and sprayed with alcohol, I'm standing next to unmasked customers eating their meals.
If any of this is true, isn't that completely unsafe for both of us? I don't want any of it, but lets at least have some logic go into these measures if they must exist.
I also love the little plastic dividers they put between seats since viruses can't travel upward a few inches.
I hate that when I point these things out to people, NOBODY SAYS ANYTHING. It's as if I'm the only one in the world that notices how ridiculous this is.
Taiwan still has mandatory masks at all times while outdoors.
I did wear a cloth mask because I lived in a mandatory mask state. But I pulled it off my nose whenever I could. But no jab, no PCR test ever for me.
Same. I took my mask off months before they lifted the mandates. People are still wearing them a year later. Sheesh!
I just stopped going to places that dabble in fiction. The few times I had to go inside cucked places, I just put on the "I dare you to talk to me" face.
Only time I ever wore a mask was when I got arrested and they made me wear it through booking, even though the cop who was standing 3 ft away from me was exempt from the policy just for being a cop.
"Back the blue" is not a blanket policy.
bAcK tHe bLuE will get us killed.
Nope, I'm in that club too. Granted, I had to become a pseudo hermit to do it, but damn was it worth it.
I'm a proud member of this club too, AND I also became kind of a hermit out of necessity. Since then, I realize how much material crap I don't need and that I generally don't like most people, so it's been a little bit of a blessing to get to know myself a lot better.
I had the same discovery. I like a small handful of people and other than that I just want to be left alone. I'm way less materialistic than I was and it's been a huge relief to discard that mindset of always needing the next new and shiny thing.
YES. If there's a silver lining in this shit, it's what we've learned about ourselves that'll serve us in the future.
On a side note, I looked into Marcus Aurelius because of one of your posts about a year ago, and it's made a huge impact on my life. Thanks for that, fren!
That's great to hear! His writings are fascinating and drip with practical wisdom. I honestly believe that a stoic mindset with a Christian worldview is the thing that's gotten me through this insanity so far.
Same here.
Ditto for me, except for the "pseudo" part. I had a pretty good head start being a hermit though.
Once you see how corrupt and busted the system is it kinda kills any motivation you might have to participate in it lol.
I too have to confess.... I wore a mask ONCE in order to vote for DJT.
Then I read a post here where a Patriot told the voting Nazis to FO with the mask and was successful. I felt like I should have stood up to them as well, but that is the only time. No jab, no test... ever.
They tried to make me wear a mask to vote. But I got loud and threatened to sue the county clerk for disenfranchisement and they let me vote maskless.
That's the fastest way to the "adjudication" pile but good for you anyway. 👍🏻
Fraud pile!
Nobody could criticize you for that. Of all the worthwhile things you could do, voting for Trump has to be near the top. I'm in no position to judge others--I have no job to potentially lose. I gave up a whole lot 7 years ago in order to be free. We're off-grid and self-reliant, aside from food (working on it), so we can close the gate on our road and say goodbye to the outside world for at least 12 months. Very comforting to have that in my back pocket.
And Pound Me Too.
"☝️" I resemble this remark!
Wish I hadn't needed to get the test, but I took it anyway. Thankfully it was only once, and ever since I had "covid" I haven't even so much as gotten the sniffles. It gave me super-immunity against all the other crap. Regardless I never got the shots either, and it's turning into a great investment as I remain healthy and all the people I knew who got it seem to always be sick or not as energetic as they once were.
What do you want, a cookie?
No test no jab no coof and no fucks to give about those who lost their minds over catching a cold.
I do like to see maskers still out and about, lets me know who the mentally ill are so I can easily avoid them.
Most of the people I see still masked where I live are much older people. You know, the ones who still believe their doctors are infallible gods. One of the biggest crimes against humanity has to be the fear the COVID-preachers have instilled in these folks.
I’m seriously debating going up to them and sincerely asking “so what’s the plan here? When is the mask coming off? Are you wearing it for the rest of your life?” I wonder if I could get away with it at the gym if I just acted curious and non hostile about it. I think I should do it. Fuck these people. They need to be harassed at this point.
I'm in Gainesville right now, they were all students at the U of Florida.
I don't know for sure, but I think maybe they think wearing a mask in public makes them cool and mysterious.
None of the old folks wear them, no fucks given.
Lmao, ditto
Took a fair few PCR tests only because it was required to come back to work if you had cold symptoms (left that company as soon as was feasible and found my current based employer). Joke’s on my previous employer, back in the day those tests took like a week to come back so I got 5 extra days of PTO, MULTIPLE times, for a COLD 🤣🤣🤣
I've had to take a few tests. :(
But I will die a pure blood.
I have been forced to mask under duress
Haha this is me!
Unfortunately I got the damn thing so I’m tested but yea. I’m on yalls page!
Ditto that! And -
Lived my life the same as usually with the occasional mask to shut the F up Karen's at Grammy's assisted living center.
Bang on, baby. Bang on.
I wore a mask for my wife’s grandmothers funeral. That’s it.
He might be lying about that PCR test.
Know it's on the backend of some DNA/paternity tests and such, not just for COVID, they just rolled it out for COVID because Mullis said "it's not designed for something like this" and Fauci was like "you sir are uncategorically and preposterously wrong, we're going to make it work, I've been to the gay bathhouses, I've seen how you can insert something into an Exit Only structure, this is where I met President Obama's husband for the first time!"