I noticed that Killary’s announcement was almost, verbatim, the same words spoken by Obama when he announced he’d tested positive like a week ago. Why suddenly are so many of “them” testing positive? What are they trying to pull now? Seems scripted.
There is a follow up post where Bill is fine and has not tested positive. Isn't there a drop about how he tried to make a deal by playing the ex-POTUS card? I know no deals, but maybe something there...a flip? He is awful quiet. And their relationship has always been weird...
Article is very interesting Mr. Heckles. I can't say how accurate it might be, but I can't say its inaccurate either. Whoever compiled this put alot of work into it nonetheless.
Why would they do comms over Twitter, if it's personal messages meant for other select people, then you wouldn't do it over a public channel you'd do it through a private channel. Public comms like from Q were disseminated over public channels to inform the public.
The best place to hide something is often right out in plain sight. Think of how many times people have looked for their glasses only to find them on their head already.
It's definitely comms. Remember Omicron has already run its course. There isn't a major wave from a new variant circulating right now. These people are all healthy and triple vaccinated, and yet they all seemingly have COVID at the same time? Unlikely.
The issue is that we don't know how to decipher it yet. Well, let me amend that. I don't know how to decipher it. Maybe someone else does.
Are there still rules in DC courts (and maybe even military courts) that you can’t come to a trial or jury hearing if you have COVID or have been in contact with someone who has COVID?
Could be another reason aside from fear of capture if out in public.
It probably is comms for: "We're (the cabal) in trouble. We're all going to claim we're sick so then we don't have to be out in public for a while. We're trying to avoid getting arrested so we'll just say we have covid and stay inside until the Ukraine war distracts everyone enough to forget we're gone."
I just tested positive for COVID. I’ve had a scratchy throat for a couple days, but am feeling fine otherwise. Michelle and I are grateful to be vaccinated and boosted, and she has tested negative.
It’s a reminder to get vaccinated if you haven’t already, even as cases go down.
Pretty damn close. Nice catch. It sounds very scripted.
Quite a strong 24 hours for Covid! But something tells me this year that not many are going to be cheering covid on from the sidelines for a really good season like in the past.
At the very least it’s an opportunity/com for this wicked group to isolate and communicate with each other. Thinking of it like a time out in sports where they huddle together, out of earshot of the opposition, and plan their next play.
I got a bad case of it. Covid felt synthetic. Weirdest illness I've ever had. Not the worst by any stretch. But it was weird. Oxygen for a while.. But within 6 weeks I was back to normal. Unvaccinated pede here.
I wonder how much the drug corps. pay people to publicly state their thankfulness for the vaxx that failed to prevent them from getting sick, and spreading the disease.
or they are "claiming" covid as a later defense to try and show they weren't in on its creation since they actually got "sick" from it, otherwise they would have had an antidote"
A message for the circle of defeat?
"Ok guys...if we get in too deep and I have to kill myself I will tweet that I have Covid, then you guys can follow suit, seeing as how we are most likely fucked beyond belief."
How exactly do time stamps play into comms? Those are both PM but one is translated to military time and the other isn't. Also, doesn't the time posted change depending on your time zone? How would you know which to look at? Actual question as I've never used Twitter.
Who's missing? If DS are giving everyone instructions/excuses to be AWOL from the public eye, who is left? You just know if they are going to get anyone take the fall for the past six years it's going to be a drug addict and a national embarrassment.
If these are coincidences, then it's also just a coincidence that my fingers are moving and these words are just happening to spill out onto the screen, having to do with coincidence.
I noticed that Killary’s announcement was almost, verbatim, the same words spoken by Obama when he announced he’d tested positive like a week ago. Why suddenly are so many of “them” testing positive? What are they trying to pull now? Seems scripted.
Something is definitely up. But why announce it? Is it some kind of signal?
Some anons believe it’s comms. I don’t know enough about comms yet to make a judgment, but it sure seems suspicious to me.
There is a follow up post where Bill is fine and has not tested positive. Isn't there a drop about how he tried to make a deal by playing the ex-POTUS card? I know no deals, but maybe something there...a flip? He is awful quiet. And their relationship has always been weird...
Here is an article that goes over what it means for them to test positive for covid: Symbolism Comms
Article is very interesting Mr. Heckles. I can't say how accurate it might be, but I can't say its inaccurate either. Whoever compiled this put alot of work into it nonetheless.
Thanks for the share.
It's comms...
Why would they do comms over Twitter, if it's personal messages meant for other select people, then you wouldn't do it over a public channel you'd do it through a private channel. Public comms like from Q were disseminated over public channels to inform the public.
The best place to hide something is often right out in plain sight. Think of how many times people have looked for their glasses only to find them on their head already.
It's definitely comms. Remember Omicron has already run its course. There isn't a major wave from a new variant circulating right now. These people are all healthy and triple vaccinated, and yet they all seemingly have COVID at the same time? Unlikely.
The issue is that we don't know how to decipher it yet. Well, let me amend that. I don't know how to decipher it. Maybe someone else does.
Triple vaccinated and healthy don’t belong in the same sentence, but I get what you’re saying.
Tucker made a joke that it’s similar to a UTI and we really don’t need to know! 😂
I don't trust Tucker but sometimes he's got some real zingers 🤣
Interesting since Bill was hospitalized with UTI that spread to his bloodstream last October. 🤔
Ha I forgot about that.
Some spike proteins will erase all of that.
Are there still rules in DC courts (and maybe even military courts) that you can’t come to a trial or jury hearing if you have COVID or have been in contact with someone who has COVID?
Could be another reason aside from fear of capture if out in public.
It probably is comms for: "We're (the cabal) in trouble. We're all going to claim we're sick so then we don't have to be out in public for a while. We're trying to avoid getting arrested so we'll just say we have covid and stay inside until the Ukraine war distracts everyone enough to forget we're gone."
I think something is up too.
Its code for "Help I'm in Gitmo".
The scratchy throat is from the rope. Don't worry, in a few minutes, you won't even notice it.
Hope they do there part for environment and reuse the same hemp rope lol.
Obama's :
Pretty damn close. Nice catch. It sounds very scripted.
From talking too much perhaps? I hope Zero is singing like a canary.
From deep throating Michael all day and night.
Trumps boot is on my Neck SOS
These people are SICK
Quite a strong 24 hours for Covid! But something tells me this year that not many are going to be cheering covid on from the sidelines for a really good season like in the past.
We should be able to predict who will get fake Covid next.
I'm waiting until I get more info on this but it's been claimed that Klaus Schwab has COVID.
At the very least it’s an opportunity/com for this wicked group to isolate and communicate with each other. Thinking of it like a time out in sports where they huddle together, out of earshot of the opposition, and plan their next play.
Quick round them up place on outside of rocket 🚀 get them off of our beautiful 🌎
Or we could just call up Deadpool. I'm sure he would take care of the problem 🤷
"say my name...." "Oh I'm gonna fucking spell it out for ya"
The phone number is the National Human Trafficking Hotline, just FYI for newer anons.
Just goes to show, check both 12hr and 24hr formats.
Lol I think its reasonable to say after going THIS long being unvaccinated. That we were right about never needing it in the first place.
I got a bad case of it. Covid felt synthetic. Weirdest illness I've ever had. Not the worst by any stretch. But it was weird. Oxygen for a while.. But within 6 weeks I was back to normal. Unvaccinated pede here.
I wonder how much the drug corps. pay people to publicly state their thankfulness for the vaxx that failed to prevent them from getting sick, and spreading the disease.
or they are "claiming" covid as a later defense to try and show they weren't in on its creation since they actually got "sick" from it, otherwise they would have had an antidote"
Good point.
So 640 pm is 640 qpost But 630 pm is 1830 qpost?
Military time 6:30 pm = 1830
Don Jr for the win!!😂
A message for the circle of defeat? "Ok guys...if we get in too deep and I have to kill myself I will tweet that I have Covid, then you guys can follow suit, seeing as how we are most likely fucked beyond belief."
If only it were so.
Lot of top-tiers testing 'positive' for covid in recent days so just here to dust of this as a reminder...
Tested Positive For CV
I believe the white hats are posting for these people. Definitely comms.
I figured this would have a shit post flair, too.
So COVID is suicidal?
Or it needs to go into hiding—if it knows what’s good for it
Didnt Jen Psaki state she has covid ?
How exactly do time stamps play into comms? Those are both PM but one is translated to military time and the other isn't. Also, doesn't the time posted change depending on your time zone? How would you know which to look at? Actual question as I've never used Twitter.
This is too good
The implication is that military intelligence is making the tweets on behalf of both Trump Jr. and Hillary.
I can believe it is possible with Hillary's account. I doubt it with Trump Jr.
There needs to be a structure to decodes, I don't think you can use military time in one instance and non-military in the same decode.
To make it all work the Q team may have had to use both, knowing that the autists and anons would figure it out.
Think of the entirety as an extremely complex puzzle. You may have used one piece but need another, so the only way is to convert to military time.
I don't think Q team would have ever expected US to be able to figure out all their decodes. That would be terribly reckless.
Funny how Trudeau tested positive right as the convoy got to town.
Refresh my memory... what that phone number actually to the CF or was it actually the suicide hotline?
National Human Trafficking hotline
That's right..
I believe they’re going under cover for the possible Biden snafu in EU. Or, it’s just BOOM week/March madness? 👀
Does this relate to the Q post warning us to watch for a decline in the Clinton’s health?
I wondered if Bill’s time was up when he had that emergency hospital visit...
Suicide weekend? Likely not.
Who's missing? If DS are giving everyone instructions/excuses to be AWOL from the public eye, who is left? You just know if they are going to get anyone take the fall for the past six years it's going to be a drug addict and a national embarrassment.
Hillary Clinton is not suicidal!
Being that the tests could never decipher Covid from flu / cold, when someone says they have cold symptoms, how is it determined to be covid?
If these are coincidences, then it's also just a coincidence that my fingers are moving and these words are just happening to spill out onto the screen, having to do with coincidence.
Another one bites the dust. I think Bill testing negative pretty much tells you who wore the pants in that relationship, and ran the White House.
Hopefully, Hilldog will get to play baseball with the Olsen twins too.