Pepe Escobar is. credible journalist, for the record.
I was wondering why the mockngbird media cuckooed the Bucha story that had footage of bodies moving their arms and a gap of a few days after the Russians left to cook up a flase flag that included emotive journlaism about women's underwear that was allegedly stolen by Russian soldiers. The unverified rapey aspect had some pedes up in arms on social media.
My thought was: what are they covering up? 404 saga is an interesting word-choice. 404-page not found. Hmmm 404-person not found? The pit.
[insert] Random join-the-dots image of "burn pits" and Pelosi rubbing her knuckles together in glee.
The traditional Room 101: Room 101 refers to a torture chamber in the Ministry of Love in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four
Four times worse, four levels down? I've seen mention of baby factories, trafficking in Ukraine, and we have had the old "tunnels" malarkey for a while now, so this is all very zeitgeist-y
Room 101 is filled with fear but must be entered to get to find/achieve Christ consciousness. See room 101 symbolism in many movies, such as the first Matrix and A Beautiful Mind.
There's a channel on bitchute who covers this well, although he's more into literal Bible Jesus than esoteric occult applications of biblical verses about entering through the door to heaven and not going some roundabout way- such as in Truman Show. Not taking shortcuts by sacrificing babies and all the satanic power shit. Check out Shaking My Head Productions on bitchute about Room 101.
Infiltration works both ways. But I tell you this - I would be more nervous than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs to be THAT person! I couldn't do it.
Saw some webms on four chan. They are gone now, so yeah. nah. LOL should have downloaded.
My point was that we don't even know if those bodies are real bodies. But prima facie, there was no blood, or even 'consumed blood', meaning four-days-old blood. We don't know who killed those bodies, yet the media is screaming it was POOtin. We don't have a motive, except Russians bad. No-one has analysed bullets in bodies.
What if, the victims were pleased with the Russians, and were shot for displaying armbands by a Ukrainian clean-up crew? They wanted to shoot some Russians, so Russian collaborators will do. Their blood was up because they were 'being invaded'. Not a legitimate reason to kill, but a passionate one.
I think the debunking focus should be on photos I have seen that show Russian care packages lying nearby, and white tape on the sleeves of victims.
I was thinking that too. Like I thought nazis liked white ppl and hate everyone else. But in this scenario, they are trying to kill all the white ppl. Confusing
This is worth keeping a close eye on. Azovstal steel is owned by Metinvest who is owned by SCM Group, who's founder is Rinat Akhmetov, whom is a big league dirt bag....with a long history of being a glowing shit head. SCM group owns an ag co, media and so forth. He has a strong hold on Ukraine.
nuremberg trials were just a disgrace, the true perpetrators were never convicted. holohoax truth will come out the real victims were christians, 26million were russians. many milions died for the profit wars, the enemy still walks.
Yes it's true..USA and the Pope etc helped thousands escape death in Nuremberg trials ..operation paper clip. I am glad Putin is doing them.. nob one will escape justice.
Look up OSS & Vatican "rat lines" to South America for more. The displaced persons angle was the exact cover needed to get people out of Europe. Hundreds if not thousands escaped with Vatican & Holy See passports. The ones that stayed with new or assumed identities became the 1st spy network for the West vs. the Soviets. It was populated with ex-Nazi regime players.
Look, you can't blame all Germans for the genocide of the SS. You can't even blame all Nazis, since the SS were a distinct sub-organization. To be a Nazi was compulsory in that regime; it was not a choice, if one wanted to simply earn a living. The genocide was kept secret from the population. You are harping on Operation Paperclip out of bigotry. That was uniformly for the transference of German technical knowledge, mainly in aeronautics and rocketry. I am not aware of any one of those brought over under those auspices that had any advocacy of Nazism...and I don't think you do, either.
Look up what the Japaneses Medical Unit 731 did to POWS for "medical research". It makes the Germans look like armatures. They were cutting up AMERICAN POWS alive and removing organs and doing other barbaric shit but we gave most of those in 731 a fucking pass in exchange for the data they collected. I don't want to hear that "You are harping on Operation Paperclip out of bigotry." bullshit. The Nazi scum we got during Paperclip also did horrific shit and we gave them a pass.
Kindly identify ANYONE from Operation Paperclip that conducted atrocities. You are opposed to bullshit, so clearly you have the sauce. Right? Are you prepared to say EVERYONE from Operation Paperclip conducted atrocities? That is the implication of your broad brush libel. (I've met some of the Paperclip people. Have you?)
Of course they were Nazis. It was essentially illegal to not be a Nazi. But being a Nazi per se did not implicate anyone in crimes against humanity. Just like being a Democrat does not implicate anyone in murder (though some murderers are no doubt Democrats). The SS would have been a different story, but not even all of the SS were implicated.
If you have any flagrant cases of persons who committed crimes against humanity who were Nazis brought to America for ulterior purposes, give us names and cases. Supposedly, we are a nation that holds people innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
I'm sure your version is much closer to the truth than the comic book version that gets thrown around here. Operation Paperclip always struck me as being about technology. It certainly gave us a leg up in the space race.
My personal belief, from long years of consideration, is that von Braun was the indispensable man. Had he not stirred the popular consciousness and guided the Saturn V development, it might not have happened. And, as he relied on his team from Peenemunde, they were indispensable to his success as well.
Plenty of Nazis were normal people who were in fact rational. Since it was national policy for people to be Party members or not be employed, it included essentially everyone. You don't say whether they espoused Nazism, or where you found them.
The comparison would only apply if they were Paperclip immigrants. The neighbor's wife next door when I was growing up was from Germany, married by a G.I. during the allied occupation. I never knew anything about her politics; she never said anything. And, contrariwise, it would have been nearly impossible to find someone in postwar Germany who hadn't been a Nazi for purposes of occupation or social pressure (how many here took the jab out of social pressure?). If you deleted the Final Solution, which was kept secret from the population, it is not far distant from the Progressive social-political prescription.
Then there would be plenty of people on this page that would chime in. I note a distressing number of Nazi sympathizers on this page, blaming the world's ills on the Jews in virtually the precise language and terms used by Hitler in "Mein Kampf." Cloaking their racist bigotry under the cloak of "Oh, it wasn't THOSE Jews---it was the Khazarians." Or the Zionists. Or some other brand of coffee that they can feel unashamed to drink. It is disgusting.
If you have ever read "Mein Kampf" you will find it to be a much different document than most people think. That is because most people have only some kind of cartoon in place where a conception should be. Hitler is an interesting and acute observer of politics in the pre-WW I Austro-Hungarian empire. He is also an astute political organizer. One can see how he formulated his fuhrer-prinzip as a counterpoint to rule by committee (which is how he saw the failure of the Austro-Hungarians). There is much that he is right about, but we have been conditioned not to try to understand such persons. Probably because we might discover a basis for some respect. Hitler was a formidable person capable of great things---unfortunately, great chaos and evil things. We should have more respect for a man it took all the great powers of the world to defeat. Not adulation, but a grim respect, as for a cunning and dire predator. He was not a madman. That should be a very chilling realization.
You are leaving out the trials for crimes committed at the death camps. Nuremberg was for the identification of a national policy to commit crimes against humanity. "They all came here," is nonsense. Not a single former Nazi left in Germany at the end of the war? Really?
Sentenced to nothing? Don't be absurd. They were sentenced to death or imprisonment. Some of those sentenced to death managed to commit suicide. Others committed suicide before they could be sentenced. Separate trials were held for death camp perpetrators. Give me a count and we can talk about "very few" or something else.
Operation Paperclip is how scientists and engineers were brought here. They were not Nazi bureaucrats. They may have worn Party membership pins---because they had to. That is the nature of living in a totalitarian dictatorship. I suspect many on this board cannot begin to fathom what that is like. But they can disparage those who submit to vaccinations with no sympathy for confusion, coercion, or conformist pressure. That is the only respect in which they were Nazis. And they brought no political baggage to the U.S.
How does this tie in with all the recent Hollywood shit? For example, in James Bond with the DNA specific bioweapons. Another example being "Project Starfish" (human experimentation) in The Suicide Squad. Is that shit all just coincidence? Satanic mocking of victims?
On the subject of James Bond. He was killed, which is a first. Not sure how they will proceed with the story.
Maybe he will bounce back. They can't actually replace him, because he is a mythical hero, and those will never die. No matter how hard you try we are still talking about Hercules, Adonis, Orpheus and Jason.
They believe showing what they're doing or believe, gives them more power. That's why symbolism will be their downfall. They HAVE to show their allegiance to evil.
The http code for Not Found... man, when I learned everything is a lie or a code to these sick fucks, I guess I vastly underestimated the word "everything"
There are 45 kilometers or miles, forgot which, of ancient tunnels under Kiev. One of the most famous Russian Orthodox monasteries is the Monastery of the Kiev Caves. The tunnels under Kiev were also used during WW II to hide out in. Look it up.
4,500 km of tunnels in Ukraine, largest known tunnel system in the world with a section of it being the oldest. You can use the search option in to find a recent post in the Great Awakening with great resources.
So is that why they call it "404" because they don't come back? Joking aside, this is alarming and I hope something good come out of this a la Nuremberg. I know it's coming but I mean, very soon!
Remember all the time we've heard the MSM talk about bio weapons... and how using biochemical weapons on civilian populations is a red line. In Syria & in Ukraine in recent memory they talked about this... Lets see how they try to flip flop their spin when this story goes worldwide...
Here is Patrick Lancaster pointing at a factory that the Azov Battalion is holed up in, defending strongly. Could this be place?
Patrick Lancaster is a great youtube channel who is reporting on-the-ground in eastern Ukraine, currently in Mariupol. He also goes around helping and evacuating people, and has many people saying that it is the Ukrainian Azov Battalion that is killing Ukrainian civilians and shelling apartment buildings and other non-military targets
I’ve been posting his videos on GAW but Alexander Mercouris has been reporting daily. He has contacts and he is inside Ukraine. He will say if he hears something and cannot confirm - still checking - then he will report back with confirmed details a day or so later.
So what does 404 actually mean?
The first ‘4’ means you’ve done something wrong, either misspelling the URL or requesting a page that’s no longer there.
The middle ‘0’ simply refers to a general syntax error, meaning the URL is misspelled.
The last ‘4’ refers to the specific error in the group of 40x.
Why is it called error 404?
In the past, it was speculated that error 404 was named after a room at CERN (European Organization of Nuclear Research) where the original web servers were located. However, this speculation was disproved by Tom S., who said that he couldn’t find Room 404 when he visited.
He proceeded to explain the CERN office numbering system where the first digit ‘4’ refers to the building number while the last 2 digits the office number.
“Sorry to disappoint you all, but there is no Room 404 in CERN – it simply doesn’t exist, and certainly hasn’t been preserved as “the place where the web began”. The whole “Room 404” thing is just a myth.”
The theory: Error 404 might just be based on Room 404 in CERN, simply because both can’t be found in this world. Someone in the past might have went, hey there’s no room 404 here, let’s use that as a code for something that doesn’t exist, shall we?
No wonder many reacted with the fury of a thousand suns 5 minutes into the Ukraine strikes. Many were well-aware that there was a lot operating and hidden there that should not be found.
Pepe Escobar is. credible journalist, for the record.
I was wondering why the mockngbird media cuckooed the Bucha story that had footage of bodies moving their arms and a gap of a few days after the Russians left to cook up a flase flag that included emotive journlaism about women's underwear that was allegedly stolen by Russian soldiers. The unverified rapey aspect had some pedes up in arms on social media.
My thought was: what are they covering up? 404 saga is an interesting word-choice. 404-page not found. Hmmm 404-person not found? The pit.
[insert] Random join-the-dots image of "burn pits" and Pelosi rubbing her knuckles together in glee.
That 404 number sticks out like a sore thumb
A lot of the time they’ll use terms/words/numbers that are “un-googleable”. This makes it very difficult to search for information.
The traditional Room 101: Room 101 refers to a torture chamber in the Ministry of Love in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four
Four times worse, four levels down? I've seen mention of baby factories, trafficking in Ukraine, and we have had the old "tunnels" malarkey for a while now, so this is all very zeitgeist-y
Room 101 is filled with fear but must be entered to get to find/achieve Christ consciousness. See room 101 symbolism in many movies, such as the first Matrix and A Beautiful Mind.
There's a channel on bitchute who covers this well, although he's more into literal Bible Jesus than esoteric occult applications of biblical verses about entering through the door to heaven and not going some roundabout way- such as in Truman Show. Not taking shortcuts by sacrificing babies and all the satanic power shit. Check out Shaking My Head Productions on bitchute about Room 101.
good tip thanks
He cites "deep state sources" in one of his tweets which gives me pause.
Infiltration works both ways. But I tell you this - I would be more nervous than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs to be THAT person! I couldn't do it.
Do you have a source for the bodies moving their arms? I’ve been semi out of the loop the last few days.
Saw some webms on four chan. They are gone now, so yeah. nah. LOL should have downloaded.
My point was that we don't even know if those bodies are real bodies. But prima facie, there was no blood, or even 'consumed blood', meaning four-days-old blood. We don't know who killed those bodies, yet the media is screaming it was POOtin. We don't have a motive, except Russians bad. No-one has analysed bullets in bodies.
What if, the victims were pleased with the Russians, and were shot for displaying armbands by a Ukrainian clean-up crew? They wanted to shoot some Russians, so Russian collaborators will do. Their blood was up because they were 'being invaded'. Not a legitimate reason to kill, but a passionate one.
I think the debunking focus should be on photos I have seen that show Russian care packages lying nearby, and white tape on the sleeves of victims.
How ironic is it that it's Nazis helping to create a bioweapon to wipe out white people. Hopefully this story breaks hard and people wake up.
I was thinking that too. Like I thought nazis liked white ppl and hate everyone else. But in this scenario, they are trying to kill all the white ppl. Confusing
He asked in a text to (Natalie?) if she believed he burned a child alive along with other murders ....
Yeah. It was a text message... I'll see if I can find it
Here's a copy of it ... and it was to Hallie not Natalie-
Yikes. Totally fine they said. He was asking a series of rhetorical questions, trying to find out if she believed the reports.
One must ask, however, why those reports exist in the first place.
Updooted for non-monstrous: it just rolls off the tongue.
This is worth keeping a close eye on. Azovstal steel is owned by Metinvest who is owned by SCM Group, who's founder is Rinat Akhmetov, whom is a big league dirt bag....with a long history of being a glowing shit head. SCM group owns an ag co, media and so forth. He has a strong hold on Ukraine.
Believe it, us general that got caught around there was primarily nato commander and is pictured with all nato people
Apparently the Pentagon back channels to the Russians have been going ape shit in trying to get this general back. Panic in DC is an understatement.
It was posted here a few days ago. So it's here you just need to look for it.
Not saying I don't believe you, but where did you hear that?
It's joining the dots really.
There is this knowledge that a US general was in Ukraine
Then there were a flurry of messages about some failed rescue mission.
And this supposed report from the Russians:
nuremberg trials were just a disgrace, the true perpetrators were never convicted. holohoax truth will come out the real victims were christians, 26million were russians. many milions died for the profit wars, the enemy still walks.
Yes it's true..USA and the Pope etc helped thousands escape death in Nuremberg trials ..operation paper clip. I am glad Putin is doing them.. nob one will escape justice.
Look up OSS & Vatican "rat lines" to South America for more. The displaced persons angle was the exact cover needed to get people out of Europe. Hundreds if not thousands escaped with Vatican & Holy See passports. The ones that stayed with new or assumed identities became the 1st spy network for the West vs. the Soviets. It was populated with ex-Nazi regime players.
Or diplomatic immunity if carrying blood or DNA samples?
Let's hope so!
Also another means of depopulation.
Look, you can't blame all Germans for the genocide of the SS. You can't even blame all Nazis, since the SS were a distinct sub-organization. To be a Nazi was compulsory in that regime; it was not a choice, if one wanted to simply earn a living. The genocide was kept secret from the population. You are harping on Operation Paperclip out of bigotry. That was uniformly for the transference of German technical knowledge, mainly in aeronautics and rocketry. I am not aware of any one of those brought over under those auspices that had any advocacy of Nazism...and I don't think you do, either.
Look up what the Japaneses Medical Unit 731 did to POWS for "medical research". It makes the Germans look like armatures. They were cutting up AMERICAN POWS alive and removing organs and doing other barbaric shit but we gave most of those in 731 a fucking pass in exchange for the data they collected. I don't want to hear that "You are harping on Operation Paperclip out of bigotry." bullshit. The Nazi scum we got during Paperclip also did horrific shit and we gave them a pass.
Kindly identify ANYONE from Operation Paperclip that conducted atrocities. You are opposed to bullshit, so clearly you have the sauce. Right? Are you prepared to say EVERYONE from Operation Paperclip conducted atrocities? That is the implication of your broad brush libel. (I've met some of the Paperclip people. Have you?)
They were all Nazis. They won the war. They just didn't tell you.
Of course they were Nazis. It was essentially illegal to not be a Nazi. But being a Nazi per se did not implicate anyone in crimes against humanity. Just like being a Democrat does not implicate anyone in murder (though some murderers are no doubt Democrats). The SS would have been a different story, but not even all of the SS were implicated.
If you have any flagrant cases of persons who committed crimes against humanity who were Nazis brought to America for ulterior purposes, give us names and cases. Supposedly, we are a nation that holds people innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
I'm sure your version is much closer to the truth than the comic book version that gets thrown around here. Operation Paperclip always struck me as being about technology. It certainly gave us a leg up in the space race.
My personal belief, from long years of consideration, is that von Braun was the indispensable man. Had he not stirred the popular consciousness and guided the Saturn V development, it might not have happened. And, as he relied on his team from Peenemunde, they were indispensable to his success as well.
I personally know Nazis that escaped. They look like normal people, and they sound rational. They bring up their children LOL.
And that is the truth.
Plenty of Nazis were normal people who were in fact rational. Since it was national policy for people to be Party members or not be employed, it included essentially everyone. You don't say whether they espoused Nazism, or where you found them.
I am not saying where or when. They were fervent supporters, but generally lived life in our society.
The comparison would only apply if they were Paperclip immigrants. The neighbor's wife next door when I was growing up was from Germany, married by a G.I. during the allied occupation. I never knew anything about her politics; she never said anything. And, contrariwise, it would have been nearly impossible to find someone in postwar Germany who hadn't been a Nazi for purposes of occupation or social pressure (how many here took the jab out of social pressure?). If you deleted the Final Solution, which was kept secret from the population, it is not far distant from the Progressive social-political prescription.
Hm what if their mum had given gold, voluntarily to the Nazis?
What if they say "I suppose Hitler had it right" in casual conversation?
Just hypothetical questions not admitting anything.
Then there would be plenty of people on this page that would chime in. I note a distressing number of Nazi sympathizers on this page, blaming the world's ills on the Jews in virtually the precise language and terms used by Hitler in "Mein Kampf." Cloaking their racist bigotry under the cloak of "Oh, it wasn't THOSE Jews---it was the Khazarians." Or the Zionists. Or some other brand of coffee that they can feel unashamed to drink. It is disgusting.
If you have ever read "Mein Kampf" you will find it to be a much different document than most people think. That is because most people have only some kind of cartoon in place where a conception should be. Hitler is an interesting and acute observer of politics in the pre-WW I Austro-Hungarian empire. He is also an astute political organizer. One can see how he formulated his fuhrer-prinzip as a counterpoint to rule by committee (which is how he saw the failure of the Austro-Hungarians). There is much that he is right about, but we have been conditioned not to try to understand such persons. Probably because we might discover a basis for some respect. Hitler was a formidable person capable of great things---unfortunately, great chaos and evil things. We should have more respect for a man it took all the great powers of the world to defeat. Not adulation, but a grim respect, as for a cunning and dire predator. He was not a madman. That should be a very chilling realization.
Yes, very few people were sentenced... they all came here. But from that we got the Nuremberg code...
Yes, the Nuremberg code, the cabal weren't expecting us to hold them to it, but we will!
You are leaving out the trials for crimes committed at the death camps. Nuremberg was for the identification of a national policy to commit crimes against humanity. "They all came here," is nonsense. Not a single former Nazi left in Germany at the end of the war? Really?
I said sentenced. Very few people were actually punished.
Operation Paperclip is how they brought Nazi's here.
Sentenced to nothing? Don't be absurd. They were sentenced to death or imprisonment. Some of those sentenced to death managed to commit suicide. Others committed suicide before they could be sentenced. Separate trials were held for death camp perpetrators. Give me a count and we can talk about "very few" or something else.
Operation Paperclip is how scientists and engineers were brought here. They were not Nazi bureaucrats. They may have worn Party membership pins---because they had to. That is the nature of living in a totalitarian dictatorship. I suspect many on this board cannot begin to fathom what that is like. But they can disparage those who submit to vaccinations with no sympathy for confusion, coercion, or conformist pressure. That is the only respect in which they were Nazis. And they brought no political baggage to the U.S.
How does this tie in with all the recent Hollywood shit? For example, in James Bond with the DNA specific bioweapons. Another example being "Project Starfish" (human experimentation) in The Suicide Squad. Is that shit all just coincidence? Satanic mocking of victims?
You betcha it was [THEM] telling us what [THEY] do
On the subject of James Bond. He was killed, which is a first. Not sure how they will proceed with the story.
Maybe he will bounce back. They can't actually replace him, because he is a mythical hero, and those will never die. No matter how hard you try we are still talking about Hercules, Adonis, Orpheus and Jason.
They believe showing what they're doing or believe, gives them more power. That's why symbolism will be their downfall. They HAVE to show their allegiance to evil.
In the 404?
The http code for Not Found... man, when I learned everything is a lie or a code to these sick fucks, I guess I vastly underestimated the word "everything"
All Trump has to do is say something about it and mockingbird diddlers will reveal themselves
updooted for mockingbird diddlers.
There are 45 kilometers or miles, forgot which, of ancient tunnels under Kiev. One of the most famous Russian Orthodox monasteries is the Monastery of the Kiev Caves. The tunnels under Kiev were also used during WW II to hide out in. Look it up.
4,500 km of tunnels in Ukraine, largest known tunnel system in the world with a section of it being the oldest. You can use the search option in to find a recent post in the Great Awakening with great resources.
So is that why they call it "404" because they don't come back? Joking aside, this is alarming and I hope something good come out of this a la Nuremberg. I know it's coming but I mean, very soon!
FYI Ukraine is called 404 because it is not a valid country.
It's about time the tide started turning, this shit is getting more tiresome than Covid was.
Please tell me the company has an umbrella logo...
Remember all the time we've heard the MSM talk about bio weapons... and how using biochemical weapons on civilian populations is a red line. In Syria & in Ukraine in recent memory they talked about this... Lets see how they try to flip flop their spin when this story goes worldwide...
Pepe Escobar has been a really good investigative reporter. He really vets things. So I'm anticipating this to be the real deal.
Here is Patrick Lancaster pointing at a factory that the Azov Battalion is holed up in, defending strongly. Could this be place?
Patrick Lancaster is a great youtube channel who is reporting on-the-ground in eastern Ukraine, currently in Mariupol. He also goes around helping and evacuating people, and has many people saying that it is the Ukrainian Azov Battalion that is killing Ukrainian civilians and shelling apartment buildings and other non-military targets
I watch Patrick everyday. He is wonderful and he has a heart for these people. Someone here pointed me to him and I’ve been hooked ever since.
Are there any "pedes" in Ukraine who can verify if the MSM reports of war atrocities are true, and if true, who is committing them?
I’ve been posting his videos on GAW but Alexander Mercouris has been reporting daily. He has contacts and he is inside Ukraine. He will say if he hears something and cannot confirm - still checking - then he will report back with confirmed details a day or so later.
So what does 404 actually mean? The first ‘4’ means you’ve done something wrong, either misspelling the URL or requesting a page that’s no longer there.
The middle ‘0’ simply refers to a general syntax error, meaning the URL is misspelled.
The last ‘4’ refers to the specific error in the group of 40x.
Why is it called error 404? In the past, it was speculated that error 404 was named after a room at CERN (European Organization of Nuclear Research) where the original web servers were located. However, this speculation was disproved by Tom S., who said that he couldn’t find Room 404 when he visited.
He proceeded to explain the CERN office numbering system where the first digit ‘4’ refers to the building number while the last 2 digits the office number.
“Sorry to disappoint you all, but there is no Room 404 in CERN – it simply doesn’t exist, and certainly hasn’t been preserved as “the place where the web began”. The whole “Room 404” thing is just a myth.”
The theory: Error 404 might just be based on Room 404 in CERN, simply because both can’t be found in this world. Someone in the past might have went, hey there’s no room 404 here, let’s use that as a code for something that doesn’t exist, shall we?
Theres no 19th story
True if Huge
Hell on earth.
Man, I'd love to watch some Nuremberg Trials 2.0!!!
The guy has openly bragged about how the more outlandish his claims are the more hit he gets.
This carnival barker can either produce the goods or fuck right off.
Sadly, more and more I'm feeling like if someone can imagine it, it's already been done.
No wonder many reacted with the fury of a thousand suns 5 minutes into the Ukraine strikes. Many were well-aware that there was a lot operating and hidden there that should not be found.
404 -- Did someone named Paige go missing?
"may have"
Kind of believable coming from Escobar.
Nice! I can't wait for this to be memory-holed and nothing to happen!
Wow, sounds juicy!
It's all a big ongoing sting. Even Truth social. Trump is still the most irresistable Blonde Honeypot.