My loss? 🤯 My son is an intelligent, compassionate and thoughtful young man. Does not drink or do drugs, volunteered at the local senior center doing community outreach during the plandemic. He also works with a middle-aged autistic African American man, helping him with daily tasks and his love of photography. Graduated from college with honors with a degree in photography and video.
Quoting the Bible is always funny when you always ignore several key points, and it's even funnier when the quotes have literally no relevance.
Love your neighbor and let him be the ultimate judge.
Take your Bible thumping elsewhere. That behavior is not only destructive to our movement, it is entirely contrary to the teachings of your so-called religion.
Interestingly -- and most amusingly -- if you believe your role is to preach and spread God's will to others so that they see the light, you are actually doing Satan's work by turning many away.
That type of holier than thou fuckery is what turned me away from going to church many years ago. Always eager to point a finger and misquote some bullshit that had no relevance when the whole passage was examined. Thumpers enjoy cherry-picking for self back-pats and have zero awareness they're doing more harm than good.
I just will never understand. It seems morally corrupt and dark in nature.
If you feel compelled to shit on someone with the Bible as your defense, that behavior is already preempted in the Bible itself by essentially telling you not to be a dick because it's not your role.
Invariably you end up sinning by shitting on someone else's sins. In point of fact, the parent above isn't even the gay one so even if you were to actively use a shitty defense like "it's fine to shit on sinners", they're shitting on someone that didn't.
Of course, and also important fact, we are all sinners by default. That's like, the whole basis for salvation.
It's just so circular, I had to bitch about it to my Christian friend just now because I hate it. I actually loathe anyone who lacks the self control to not say, quite literally, "your son is going to be eternally condemned to hell".
Does nothing. For no one. Doesn't earn you points with the big guy. Doesn't sway any onlookers to your side. Doesn't change the situation.
Basically: Fuck that guy. Hope someone sullies that book by shoving it up his ass. His kind are exactly why I hate organized religion.
I will also iterate once more that the Bible is written by mankind, translated and rewritten by mankind over many years. It has absolutely been perverted with various agendas over time.
For one, the false doctrine of eternal torment isn't Biblical. You ought to know that and about the ministry of reconciliation that Paul shouted from the rooftops.
Does Hell exist? Sure does. You're in it as we speak. It's not somewhere we go but the situation that we're all born into. It's a present reality where those who continue to misrepresent God are going to stay along with those in the world. Ignorance, darkness, failure, loss, disconnection from the source of life, regret, DELUSION, confusion and confoundedness...all symptoms of Hell indeed. It's the very opposite of that which His children were promised.
Listen carefully, poser: Jesus Christ shed His blood to save ALL men in the fullness of time. He will claim that which He purchased. The lake of fire is for correction unto repentance and not condemnation for all-time. Lucky for you, He'll eventually save your sorry ass with everyone else. Read your Bible again, this time with far more diligence.
Btw, Jesus had some things to say concerning this guy's kid and your spiritual ancestors (the Pharisees). He basically told them that this gay kid would enter the kingdom before they ever would.
I'm glad to hear that, I can't stand them either. There are many, many gay conservatives that the woke does NOT represent. A silent majority of gays? IDK but there are many and lumping them in with these rainbow flag wearing idiots is not right.
My son was never left unattended with adults, how rude of you to assume, he is gay because of that. Both of my sons attended a small K-8 parochial school 2 blocks from my house. I volunteered there on a weekly basis. My other son is straight. As my gay son says, the least interesting thing about me is that I'm gay.
Gay or straight or whatever people are is nothing more than a piece of a person. I served in the military when gay people were not allowed to say that they were gay. We all knew who were different from the usual orientation, but nobody cared. They were there to do a job and serve their Country. I'll say it again, NO ONE CARED about their personal sex life or orientation. It wasn't appropriate to discuss in a place of work about anyone's personal sex life, except for a few people that liked to overshare. I see a lot of Christians condemning homosexuality. I am a Christian, but I concentrate far less on the Old Testament and focus on the New Covenant through Jesus' teachings. We are NOT to judge. This is God's right. Do not judge and do not cast judgement. You don't have to love them sexually, but you must love them as a neighbor and as a sibling under God. It really is that simple. Now when they try to throw it in your face, a simple statement about TMI and boundaries in polite society. If they do not relent, explain that it is insensitive to your feelings and that you are beginning to feel persecuted. If they still do not relent, leave from their presence and never return. There is no more for you to do. If you must come into their presence again, ignore them and explain to others that he was insensitive to your feelings and you are no longer willing to tolerate oppression or persecution, so you refuse to engage. This has worked superbly well in the past for me. It is completely diplomatic and allows you to maintain your dignity and personal rights. Never get over excited or loud, put everything in calm logical statements and carry on.
I'm sure you wouldn't mind these studying these verses from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 then:
"Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor HOMOSEXUALS, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God."
If you really loved your neighbor, wouldn't you warn them that homosexuality is a sin punishable with eternal torment?
Nope, that is between them and God. I will keep my counsel to myself. The knowledge is common now. Children are told that a red light means stop. You do not have to keep posting signs that red lights mean stop. At this point, you are wasting words. Let all do what they want to themselves, only intervene when they do something to you or someone else against their will. The temptation to judge others is great, but must be resisted. It is not our duty. Homosexuality is no more a choice than heterosexuality. Abstinence is still an option, and some choose this path, but the sin is still committed in the mind.
Look who stumbled upon the reasoning for their grooming. I mean disneying. They can't procreate so they must pervert your offspring. Only the highest level fags will actually go through the hassle of adopting one to corrupt.
They are trying to fix the outside world because they can’t come to terms with their inside world. It’s a common problem that the leftists tyrants exploit in the useful-idiot wing of leftism.
The sad part is he probably really believes it. Look how soft he is - I would have the same amount of respect for a straight man that looked and acted like that.
These groomers are losing it... hope they kill themselves before they try to touch or groom out kids then we do it for them....stay away from our kids freaks....
Why exactly would any of the things "he" talked about be a concern to children in pre-k through third grade? Do kids that young really need to be thrown into the deep end of how complicated life can be? Is it really so horrible for children to be allowed to just be children?
How can anyone listen to a fucking scumbag like this and think "wow, that adult has no issues whatsoever!".
If you want to teach sexual topics in elementary schools, you might need to seek some fucking mental help. There is something wrong with you. Your brain is not working properly.
All these demented scumbags want to do is kick kids down a path of acting like the opposite sex. That has to be the easiest way for them to groom their next generation of mentally ill people. This also has the side effect of destroying the poor kid's family on top of the kid's life.
None of this happened by accident ... it's all been planned. Be sure to thank a white liberal for springing this sickening disease on our kids.
He’s confusing normal, realistic behavior, what we teach our not normal, unrealistic behavior, as in people deciding what their sex is at 5 yrs old.
He needs to understand about God’s law. And that his mental disorder, we don’t want as teachings to children. His brain is messed up. He needs help. That’s the ONLY way I see it. And we don’t need mental patients teaching children about sex. Nor doing anything on a “leadership” role. Stop living in that sin, and repent to God. Trying matters.
" im a liberal idiot and whatever i whine about with emotion is the truth reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee " he's just mad that he isn't making other people as miserable as he is.
I really hope this individual doesn't have kids of his own as he said "... I don't want my child to...". It's odd looking at such a broken mind. Mentally ill deviants like this should not be allowed anywhere near children.
Oh Lord, the Georgia rep, Hank Johnson. I have never laughed so hard in my life. The look on the Admiral's face was priceless. He is a better man than I. I would've laughed my bollocks off and asked the Rep if he was effin serious. I would followed up with, " That is the dumbest thing I think to have been uttered out of any human in all of human history." "Everyone in this room is now dumber from hearing it."
The sad thing is that he was in Congress making decisions about our country.
Is he smarter than AOC, or does she think the island will tip over as well?
I think it would be a great project to rank the intelligence of every single Rep and Sen. I'm guessing that overall, they aren't even average intelligence. Some of the dumb stuff that comes out of them is staggering. The fact that most of these idiots are lawyers and professionals is proof that these guys are all about being artificially installed.
What a fag
What a Disney.
What an angrily gesticulating Disney.
Wearing a gay flag to boot.
Gay pedo flag.
My 23 year old gay son can't stand these types of fags. He thinks they're a detriment to the gay community
I’ll pray for your son to awaken from “the world”. We are not people of this world. We are children of God.
sorry for your loss
My loss? 🤯 My son is an intelligent, compassionate and thoughtful young man. Does not drink or do drugs, volunteered at the local senior center doing community outreach during the plandemic. He also works with a middle-aged autistic African American man, helping him with daily tasks and his love of photography. Graduated from college with honors with a degree in photography and video.
Sorry for the retards.
Quoting the Bible is always funny when you always ignore several key points, and it's even funnier when the quotes have literally no relevance.
Love your neighbor and let him be the ultimate judge.
Take your Bible thumping elsewhere. That behavior is not only destructive to our movement, it is entirely contrary to the teachings of your so-called religion.
Interestingly -- and most amusingly -- if you believe your role is to preach and spread God's will to others so that they see the light, you are actually doing Satan's work by turning many away.
BOOM, well stated. 100% in agreement.
That type of holier than thou fuckery is what turned me away from going to church many years ago. Always eager to point a finger and misquote some bullshit that had no relevance when the whole passage was examined. Thumpers enjoy cherry-picking for self back-pats and have zero awareness they're doing more harm than good.
I just will never understand. It seems morally corrupt and dark in nature.
If you feel compelled to shit on someone with the Bible as your defense, that behavior is already preempted in the Bible itself by essentially telling you not to be a dick because it's not your role.
Invariably you end up sinning by shitting on someone else's sins. In point of fact, the parent above isn't even the gay one so even if you were to actively use a shitty defense like "it's fine to shit on sinners", they're shitting on someone that didn't.
Of course, and also important fact, we are all sinners by default. That's like, the whole basis for salvation.
It's just so circular, I had to bitch about it to my Christian friend just now because I hate it. I actually loathe anyone who lacks the self control to not say, quite literally, "your son is going to be eternally condemned to hell".
Does nothing. For no one. Doesn't earn you points with the big guy. Doesn't sway any onlookers to your side. Doesn't change the situation.
Basically: Fuck that guy. Hope someone sullies that book by shoving it up his ass. His kind are exactly why I hate organized religion.
I will also iterate once more that the Bible is written by mankind, translated and rewritten by mankind over many years. It has absolutely been perverted with various agendas over time.
"Our movement?"
What is truth?
Know this," the truth will set you free." Do you prefer darkness, or light?
It is nothing but darkness to tear down someone and attempting to justify yourself with a shield that you view as inscrutable.
It is the agent of Satan who would falsely cower behind the Bible to make people hate God.
For one, the false doctrine of eternal torment isn't Biblical. You ought to know that and about the ministry of reconciliation that Paul shouted from the rooftops.
Does Hell exist? Sure does. You're in it as we speak. It's not somewhere we go but the situation that we're all born into. It's a present reality where those who continue to misrepresent God are going to stay along with those in the world. Ignorance, darkness, failure, loss, disconnection from the source of life, regret, DELUSION, confusion and confoundedness...all symptoms of Hell indeed. It's the very opposite of that which His children were promised.
Listen carefully, poser: Jesus Christ shed His blood to save ALL men in the fullness of time. He will claim that which He purchased. The lake of fire is for correction unto repentance and not condemnation for all-time. Lucky for you, He'll eventually save your sorry ass with everyone else. Read your Bible again, this time with far more diligence.
Btw, Jesus had some things to say concerning this guy's kid and your spiritual ancestors (the Pharisees). He basically told them that this gay kid would enter the kingdom before they ever would.
Consider your ways.
The folks like you who claim to know the Lord by tossing bible verses around, know him not. I know plenty of people like you
I'm glad to hear that, I can't stand them either. There are many, many gay conservatives that the woke does NOT represent. A silent majority of gays? IDK but there are many and lumping them in with these rainbow flag wearing idiots is not right.
my 2 best friends are a gay couple and they say the same xD
there's gays and then there's faggots
My gay son feels the exact same way
Who was your sons school teachers? Where did you leave him unattended with adults?
My son was never left unattended with adults, how rude of you to assume, he is gay because of that. Both of my sons attended a small K-8 parochial school 2 blocks from my house. I volunteered there on a weekly basis. My other son is straight. As my gay son says, the least interesting thing about me is that I'm gay.
Gay or straight or whatever people are is nothing more than a piece of a person. I served in the military when gay people were not allowed to say that they were gay. We all knew who were different from the usual orientation, but nobody cared. They were there to do a job and serve their Country. I'll say it again, NO ONE CARED about their personal sex life or orientation. It wasn't appropriate to discuss in a place of work about anyone's personal sex life, except for a few people that liked to overshare. I see a lot of Christians condemning homosexuality. I am a Christian, but I concentrate far less on the Old Testament and focus on the New Covenant through Jesus' teachings. We are NOT to judge. This is God's right. Do not judge and do not cast judgement. You don't have to love them sexually, but you must love them as a neighbor and as a sibling under God. It really is that simple. Now when they try to throw it in your face, a simple statement about TMI and boundaries in polite society. If they do not relent, explain that it is insensitive to your feelings and that you are beginning to feel persecuted. If they still do not relent, leave from their presence and never return. There is no more for you to do. If you must come into their presence again, ignore them and explain to others that he was insensitive to your feelings and you are no longer willing to tolerate oppression or persecution, so you refuse to engage. This has worked superbly well in the past for me. It is completely diplomatic and allows you to maintain your dignity and personal rights. Never get over excited or loud, put everything in calm logical statements and carry on.
Thank you, bro.
I'm sure you wouldn't mind these studying these verses from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 then:
"Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor HOMOSEXUALS, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God."
If you really loved your neighbor, wouldn't you warn them that homosexuality is a sin punishable with eternal torment?
Nope, that is between them and God. I will keep my counsel to myself. The knowledge is common now. Children are told that a red light means stop. You do not have to keep posting signs that red lights mean stop. At this point, you are wasting words. Let all do what they want to themselves, only intervene when they do something to you or someone else against their will. The temptation to judge others is great, but must be resisted. It is not our duty. Homosexuality is no more a choice than heterosexuality. Abstinence is still an option, and some choose this path, but the sin is still committed in the mind.
Not your role to judge.
If you believe in those, then you are forced to believe that God is who judges, not you.
If you can't reconcile that, you are just a poser.
I think you should look in the mirror and take a close look at yourself. I'm sure you're also a sinner, let God be the judge
Degenerates gonna degenerate
This dude has to hand out flyers whenever he moves to a new neighborhood.
If it wasn't for heterosexuals, this fag wouldn't even be here. PERIOD.
Look who stumbled upon the reasoning for their grooming. I mean disneying. They can't procreate so they must pervert your offspring. Only the highest level fags will actually go through the hassle of adopting one to corrupt.
Anderson Cooper
Shhhhhh! Don't tell them that! We don't want them to spawn....
These people are sick
I have AIDs now from watching part of this. Skipped right over HIV to full blown butt AIDs
He thought this was a gotcha moment 😂
Also, I just realized TikTok is just Twitter in video form.
He’s about to rage knit a colorful sweater. Best twat comment i saw
"rage knit" bahahahahahaha
Referring to rage quit?
They are trying to fix the outside world because they can’t come to terms with their inside world. It’s a common problem that the leftists tyrants exploit in the useful-idiot wing of leftism.
What a weirdo.
The sad part is he probably really believes it. Look how soft he is - I would have the same amount of respect for a straight man that looked and acted like that.
What a waste.
Don’t say gay. Say sodomite instead. It is what it is.
This dude is definitely not happy-gay.
Sunlight destroys groomers. This witch is utterly melting.
Does this moron realize he had a mother and father?
These groomers are losing it... hope they kill themselves before they try to touch or groom out kids then we do it for them....stay away from our kids freaks....
Why exactly would any of the things "he" talked about be a concern to children in pre-k through third grade? Do kids that young really need to be thrown into the deep end of how complicated life can be? Is it really so horrible for children to be allowed to just be children?
get a rope
"Are ya winning, son?"
How can anyone listen to a fucking scumbag like this and think "wow, that adult has no issues whatsoever!".
If you want to teach sexual topics in elementary schools, you might need to seek some fucking mental help. There is something wrong with you. Your brain is not working properly.
All these demented scumbags want to do is kick kids down a path of acting like the opposite sex. That has to be the easiest way for them to groom their next generation of mentally ill people. This also has the side effect of destroying the poor kid's family on top of the kid's life.
None of this happened by accident ... it's all been planned. Be sure to thank a white liberal for springing this sickening disease on our kids.
What. A. Freak.
The face of severe mental illness.
Omgawd did you see how hideous his clothes were? Those colors clash like a MAGA hat at a Hillary rally
He’s confusing normal, realistic behavior, what we teach our not normal, unrealistic behavior, as in people deciding what their sex is at 5 yrs old.
He needs to understand about God’s law. And that his mental disorder, we don’t want as teachings to children. His brain is messed up. He needs help. That’s the ONLY way I see it. And we don’t need mental patients teaching children about sex. Nor doing anything on a “leadership” role. Stop living in that sin, and repent to God. Trying matters.
human refuse like this has no place teaching children.
Taking the sign of God's destruction of the Earth and using it to symbolize their perversion.
Let's see how this works for them.
Back to you, Tom.
Kids don't need to know anything about sex until they start going through puberty. That's how they used to do it.
Cope more, faggot.
Exactly as advertised, these faggots cannot for the life of them distinguish between simple concrete terms and hypersexualized commie gobbledygook.
That's funny. Didn't know kids went to class on Sundays to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day.
Some people are in desperate need of an industrial accident. Maybe this “guy” can find his way to another one.
What is this guy talking about?? He makes no sense.
" im a liberal idiot and whatever i whine about with emotion is the truth reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee " he's just mad that he isn't making other people as miserable as he is.
Always thought demons would have had a different look
The transvestite thing is ancient blasphemy.
disgusting groomers
I really hope this individual doesn't have kids of his own as he said "... I don't want my child to...". It's odd looking at such a broken mind. Mentally ill deviants like this should not be allowed anywhere near children.
Give all the fags Greenland. Extinction in a generation.
Nah, Trump wants Greenland :-).
I say put them on Epstein Island with no way to leave. Same thing will happen.
they will find the tunnels and go over to prince fuckfaces island and get more kids, best to fix it now with a rope
The tunnels can be closed ... maybe while there are some of the perverts in them!
Ultimately, you're right though ... so long as they're there, someone will care about them.
A congressman told me Guam would capsize with too many people on it. Lets put them there.
Oh Lord, the Georgia rep, Hank Johnson. I have never laughed so hard in my life. The look on the Admiral's face was priceless. He is a better man than I. I would've laughed my bollocks off and asked the Rep if he was effin serious. I would followed up with, " That is the dumbest thing I think to have been uttered out of any human in all of human history." "Everyone in this room is now dumber from hearing it."
The sad thing is that he was in Congress making decisions about our country. Is he smarter than AOC, or does she think the island will tip over as well?
I think it would be a great project to rank the intelligence of every single Rep and Sen. I'm guessing that overall, they aren't even average intelligence. Some of the dumb stuff that comes out of them is staggering. The fact that most of these idiots are lawyers and professionals is proof that these guys are all about being artificially installed.