Redditors are worried a Trump conviction will only make him stronger in spite of Huffpost stating the opposite, and are losing their shit because they're sensing the culture at large is branding the Democrats as pedophile groomers and the party as the pedo-commie deep state

Which is why normies are just as guilty as the deep state. Fuck the kumbaya forgiveness crap. I hope these reddit servants of satan suffer.
The greater the scope of Clown World, the more sympathy I have towards normies. The deck has been truly and utterly stacked against them/us for generations since we were born.
It is only by the grace of God, and the bravery of ex-Clowns, that we are not fully enslaved at this point.
I grew up in an awakened family, and was awake young. It was so surreal knowing what was going on was a facade, but few would listen. Knowing you'd be branded a loony bird for speaking truth, I learned early to just stay quiet. Even then I never heard the full info about stuff, so having only bits and pieces didn't help either.
Even when I met others of like mind, I didn't have a complete picture, and some off the wall even more extreme views would put me off talking to that nut job....who I realized later just knew more than I did at the time.
Sadly, I saw many brilliant minds go off the deep end, going too deep down the wrong rabbit hole into fake conspiracies, into true madness.
Ultimately, I feel like a burden has been lifted, and clouds are parted to shining skies. My life of conspiracy theories and fringe knowledge taught to me over decades has been proven true, vindicated even.
It matters not that many still think it lunacy, or unproven, or that the war rages around us. The burden is shared and feels light as a feather. Freely able to talk about it, articulate, decern the truths from lies. I finally feel at peace.
Tomorrow I will get to business fighting this war, but today I am at peace.
that's a poem Rooks
You don't know the level of evil you're dealing with, quite frankly. Q wasn't joking when he said the truth would send 99% of us to the hospital.
Do you believe the Moon Landing is real?
Do you believe nuclear bombs are real?
Do you believe dinosaurs are real?
Do you believe rare earth metals are real?
Do you believe Antarctica is real?
Do you believe sports aren't rigged?
Do you believe Taiwan are the 'good guys'?
My personal favorite mindf***: do you believe Bush W & Sr. are evil?
No, I don't blame normies.
You simply haven't looked. There's more there than penguins, by a long shot. But endless wastes of ice are not very photogenic.
The top five are real. If you are convinced otherwise, you are living in a fantasy world. Which means you aren't real.
Do you believe the Moon Landing is real?
Do you believe nuclear bombs are real?
Do you believe dinosaurs are real?
Do you believe rare earth metals are real?
Do you believe Antarctica is real?
Jesus christ man you just sent me down several intense rabbit holes of comms for the past 2.5 hours.
My brain is completely fried from reading so much but I couldn't stop. I need to take a nap now and digest this.
I doubted you before when I only read the nuclear comms portion but after reading the particle comms and how they relate to pop culture throughout history.... It makes too much sense to dismiss now.....
Nothing was done about the voter fraud on purpose. Trump could NOT have been President and stood back and watched while Russia decided to invade Ukraine because of the public sentiment surrounding Trump's close friendship with Putin.
Moves and counter moves.... fucccckkkkkk our entire world is one ENORMOUS PsyOp!!
Are particle physics even scientifically accurate though? Or are they just claiming to conduct these experiments at CERN? What the hell is even real??
My head is going to explode.
And you haven't said a word to prove them unreal. I mean, you just haven't...you just point elsewhere, I'm not interested in reading assignments from people who are ignorant of the subject. If you have a death-dealing fact to relate, spit it out, but don't parade your ignorance as something to be proud of.
The moon landing was definitely staged as fuck dawg. I don't see the point in faking dinosaurs or faking rare earth metals though.
Not a fake. You don't understand what you are talking about. They brought back pieces of the Moon, unlike any minerals found on Earth. The behavior of the dirt kicked up by the wheels of the Moon Buggy demonstrated low-gravity behavior impossible to duplicate.
Are you eluding to the idea that daddy and dubya bush whackers are NOT evil!?! Now that is a complete find f***, but I believe to be untrue.
We don't know what's in the envelopes or what Bush Sr said or did before dying, nor Barbara
We may not know at all
Some theories to consider
Bush Sr gave Trump the final piece of the Q clock, instructions for devolution
Bush Sr gave Trump the Barry birth certificate
Bush Sr told Trump who of the world leaders are clones
Bush Sr gave Trump the clearance for the Tesla/John Trump/Einstein tech
I've always considered that last one, because it may be Trump's big red button, that some people have eluded he STILL has
SKULL and Bones? Now think mirror..PUNISHER LOGO
Why would Bush Sr. have given Trump anything? With the clearance for the Tesla tech, do you mean giving him actual government clearance? Or if one of the theories holds true that Trump was basically groomed for this job since he was young, with the Tesla tech having been handed over to his uncle, he wouldn't need government clearance since he would have been spoon-fed information about it.
Out of all revelations, this is the one that is the hardest for the truth community to reckon with:
That number again..17
Piss on them.
Well said
Every time I browse reddit I legitimately come back here to cleanse my fucking soul and eyeballs. I truly cannot believe how mainstream it is throughout internet culture to be a fucking communist goon. I know we meme, but I really fucking HATE Clown World.
Browse GME and Superstonk. They're waking up to the fuckery going on in the financial world, and have even mentioned the WEF and the Rothschilds. It may take some time for them to search deeper into their history, but it will happen eventually.
I have to remind my wife daily that I have no interest in forgiveness at this pt.
What a naive and evil point of view. Spreading a message of hatred and suffering makes YOU the agent of Satan.
You don't stand for Christendom. Anyone who wishes death and agony on misled sheep does not follow the teachings of Christ. That kind of thought is an infection in the church you claim to support.
And yours is the acceptance and tolerance of evil that has brought us to this tipping point
Ultimately if it's up to the brainwashed masses well all be dead or enslaved. They will trample us while willingly being driven off a cliff. I don't hate them. But sadly for myself I can't make myself love them ether. I can only pray that God would be gracious enough to save the few people wise enough to see from their mindless stampede. Maybe God open their eyes so they will end their rampage or He will lift a few up above them while they trot towards the chasm.
It’s not “brainwashed” vs. “red-pilled” it’s love vs. hatred. That is all. Check yourself. Your wisdom alone will not save you (although wisdom is good…pat your self on the back for learning what you know). Don’t let hatred into the equation or you’re just as bad as the hateful, brainwashed libtard.
I'm tolerating evil because I don't wish an agonizing death on the brainwashed masses? That statement is nonsense.
He didn't wish for "death and agony on misled sheep." You are obliged not to swear false witness against your neighbor. He did say that we need to follow the principle of the Church Militant, opposing evil---not the contemporary Church Complacent, which hides in church buildings to proclaim Christ and lives in camouflage outside.
"Good I hope these reddit servants of Satan die in agony"
Yes, he did.
Well said. WWJD, indeed
Atta boy, Zeitreise!
The “line in the sand” has NOTHING to do with gays vs. straights, or normies vs. red-pilled, or “us” vs. “them” of any sort. It only has to do with good vs. evil (or love vs. fear). If you are red-pilled, and you fear or despise someone who is gay, then you’re on the wrong side…even though you have a truth-seeking mind, your heart is not with Christ. Your hatred for the other side only solidifies their passion for their cause. If you love them, and show them God’s love, then he will always do the rest. DO NOT hate, or you are in the WRONG side.
Those who are wise (those with the minds to see the bigger picture, aka “red-pilled”), are still equally susceptible to hatred. But if we can be wise, and also loving, seeing people as God sees them, then, and only then, can we act in Christ's name, to inspire change.
What if your eyes are open to the fact that 5-7% of the US population commits 50% of the crime?
Righteous anger to put to trial those who commit crime, but not hatred for those who are blind. There’s a difference between righteous anger and hatred.
Okay, I can promise at least on behalf of myself that I don’t want you dead whatsoever.
I suppose we can spare Random Ogre. He's a pretty good guy. However you will have to watch as we smack around your friends.
What are you, fuckin twelve? Get your fucking Sunday school sensitive ass the fuck on board mate!!!
It’s time to finally see some action! Some revenge tears!!
This is precisely why our strategy for victory must be multi generational. There’s little hope for redemption for the past, but we can take action today and achieve victory tomorrow.
You can hate pedophiles and traitors and want them to die slowly and painfully.
You can, but it's a sin and will turn you bitter and spiteful eventually. What you should be feeling is pity and a desire to save the wicked from their ways and lead them to Christ. Even if the time comes for violence, to take pleasure in the suffering of others is evil.
I was born to two narcissists and have a narc sister. I've lived in Brooklyn, NY most of my life and deal with stupid people at work. I'm most certainly bitter.
It actually takes more courage to stand up to your own side.
This is how Satan took over the church. Heartless men spreading evil in Christ's name.
Heckles I'm the guy who effortlessly shoots a rocket launcher into a crowd of my own allies at the start of a Big Team Slayer match in Halo matchmaking.
Because it makes me laugh to hear the narrator exclaim, "BETRAYAL!" as I watch the bodies scatter into different directions and hear the other players on the microphone yell expletives and scream "what the fuck!?"
Your fragile skin makes you such a juicy target 😍
Mate, I'd annihilate your very essence at Halo. <3
Oh so you've played before!?? Kek, I could stick you from across the map, son!!
Are you confused? My anger is directed at the comments like, "Good I hope these reddit servants of Satan die in agony."
Saying something like that and then pretending to stand with Christ and Christians is a joke as ridiculous as a suicide bomber calling Islam the religion of peace.
Are you really trying to conflate Jesus kicking the money changers out with wishing death and suffering on God's children?
I think there's a lot of bots on reddit that push the DS narrative.
Also knowing that open season will be declared on their remaining safe-space Twitter soon, not to mention all accounts restored that bothered them so much previously.
You mean to tell me Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming?!
Just imagine going thru life that delusional.
Like Hillary Clinton's IT guy, "stonetear", asking reddit how to delete archived emails.
How do you "achieve" an email?
Haha thanks!
Autocorrect "archived", duh!
Who is Pierre Dilecto?
"Pierre Dilecto"... That's got to be the gayest name, ever!
He is a fucking sell out. Good guys have him by the balls. Where does his son work? What was that idiotic “medical plan” he created for the Massholes?
I can’t keep track, what conviction are they fantasizing about these days?
Numerous counts of obstructing walls from closing in
Thank you - I'm wondering the same thing
They control practically all the mainstream media and major social media networks and STILL can't bury this story. No matter what they do this isn't going away.
Lefties are Berea - they produce the man, and then "find" the crime, not vice versa.
Can you ELI5 what berea is?
Lavrentiy Beria
Crazy murderous henchman of Stalin.
A town in south central KY with a fine liberal arts program and an ayahuasca church.
Also, you shouldn't let your kids accept rides from them. Berea comparison is apt.
They are servants of darkness. Disregard the kumbaya forgiveness crap. These normies are just as guilty as Bill Gates and are equally apart of the synagogue of Satan. I despise the cabals cattle more then the cabal itself.
The head of Ukraine is literally Jewish.
So is Soros.
So? Do you really believe no Jewish nazis have ever existed?
Hitler. Also Jewish.
Putin is also Jewish. There goes your narrative, huh??
Top comment from 69BonerDAD...
You can't make this shit up!
Reddit is full of idiots constantly talking about boners and sexual shit like they teenagers. They think its super funny.
conviction for what? what are these mystery charges they keep thinking he will be arrested for? Like, upsetting your bubble is not a felony as much as you'd like it to be
Understatement of the year. It's so cancerous I continuously get myself banned by calling them out for being such delusional pussies and justifying their government abusers.
Weird how the elephant in the room on Redd Tit is that the conviction is certainly going to be major Dems, starting with Hunter (not surprising) and then Hidey (earth shattering for the Left).
Conviction for what
Did I miss something
Meh. I started to wonder myself, then I remembered how they come up with reasons to think Trump is about to be convicted every other week for the last 6 years.
Inciting the erection.
I was asking to myself that too.
I was worried that I, and Patriots.win, missed something big.
Conviction for what? What a bunch of losers…
For inciting erections apparently 🙄
That's why they come here to shill and doom so hard. It's projection.
I've been watching the leftists for a while. They are dooming hard over Merrick Garland as well. I mean super hard. At first they told themselves that Gardland was just taking his time. Any day he would go after Trump. Then it was "two more weeks". Now they're in a panic as mid terms approach and he's still made no move to shut down Durham or go after any of Trump's people.
If mid terms are the expect blood bath, they'll lose the Senate. They'll be stuck permanently with Garland after that and they know it. It'll be either Garland or someone more conservative. Durham won't have any check after that.
They know the clock is ticking and they're melting down with screams of "Do something Garland! What are you waiting for? REEEE!"
The person who is bitching about being labeled as a groomer pedophile litetally has a screen name of "69bonerdad"
"reddit: where narcissists coalesce into parasitic psychopathy" ™️
They're still fantasizing about a Trump conviction?
Did Durham announce something recently? Ah yes! It all makes sense.
I didn’t even know trump was being investigated for anything? What’s he on trial for? Wtf am I missing out on lol
Potential tax fraud. Yes, you heard me right. A businessman wanted to avoid paying taxes :0
Nah not tax fraud. It was for inflating the appraised value of his properties. Even bigger bullshit.
Somehow that's even dumber than what I thought it was
I know right!!!?? These people are completely unhinged. Additionally the government lady in NY who's trying to "Trump up" charges against him, actually has a famous viral video of her posing for selfies with one of her constituents before her election and brazenly stating that she will go after Trump relentlessly once she's elected.
It was for "inflating the value of his properties".
Question: what do they think Trump is going to be convicted of this time?
"is branding the Democrats as pedophile groomers and the party as the pedo-commie deep state"
....ummmmm. its true, isn't it???
Good I hope these reddit servants of Satan die in agony
What a wretched point of view.
We must be doing alright in the information war if th narrative has slipped their control that much. Also note that I have never seen anyone accusing Republicans of stealing elections then come out in support of stricter election integrity measures. You'd think they'd want to have voter ID and paper ballots and audit every ballot to prevent those mean Republicans from cheating their way in. Right?
What do they think he will be convicted for? Truly baffled...haven't almost all the cases been dropped?
I must've missed something... A trump conviction?
A conviction for what this time? This is how much ive turned off
Trump conviction for what? Did I miss something?
Fucking Right! Go US! WWG1WGA We did that!
Convicted of fucking what?????
"Democrats as pedophile groomers"
"and the party as the pedo-commie deep state"
This is also true
If the shoe fits. . .