i believe Maxey did release it and is covering his tracts by saying is "mentally unstable IT guy released it." however we damn well knowing it was maxey who posted it to 4chan all along.
I'm seeing the same pattern with Gregggg, endlessly teasing a big release for weeks and weeks. I want to believe, but Jack Maxey should have been the last straw around here for people that tease big drops. The policy should be "put up or shut up."
The only thing I'll say about Gregg is that he is in the states, has a full team of lawyers and is constantly getting sued. His timing is based on when the lawyers are ready and prepared for the suits that follow the info drops.
Yeah you got it RTT. Pretty much what 99% of the paytriot crowd does. Maxey has the credibility of Simon Parkes with the errant bullshittery of Juan o' Shillin combined.
So basically one big fake-ass super fag who's career hinges on anon's clicks and duped support.
That's most people. Cursory examination of social media shows this is the basis of what passes for contemporary culture. Virtue signaling is the very manifestaion of you heroic bonafides.
I believe the Tech guy over Maxey, and him bashing the computer repairman Mac Isaac who is the only person we can knowingly credit for Hunter's laptop breaking the news in the FIRST place is top glow
Best guess: He was somehow in the know about it, but not in control. He went public to try to get the credit and grift off of it. When it didn't happen he went silent. Now he is trying once more to get credit for somebody else's work.
I really don’t understand what all of this means. But I do know one thing… The guy and his wife that are losing their minds, this is a perfectly reasonable response to the content that they have been exposed to.
I don’t care who released it. I’m just glad they did. And I hope the people that dude, don’t get hurt. But we all know that’s not gonna happen. The people that released this have risk their life‘s to get the truth out. Something that should’ve been done years ago by somebody braver. But we’re surrounded by cowards.
Giuliani, Trump, all of them… Somebody should’ve made sure this was released long ago. People were too concerned about their own safety, instead of the greater good of the world.
I assume you meant "content" and not "contact", and if so I completely agree. Early in my career I had to monitor a large set of government networks. Most of it was for network security, but I also had to monitor images downloaded (back in the mid 90s). There was a porn problem, and to a lesser extent a kiddie porn problem. When I would find child porn that someone downloaded I had to work with federal agents from 3-5 different agencies so they could make cases and prosecute. Some days I had 2 hours of porn to view. I still can't get some of the worst images out of my head.
it's just a show and you are getting your emotions involved too much and have lost clarity. step back and look at 35,000 ft view and see the chess pieces being moved.
Sheriffs won't touch it because they know they'll get arkancided or their family members. Then you got judges, lawyers etc who will be too scared to take the case. This is why I think military will be the only way to prosecute.
You are full of shit....not sorry your thunder got stolen...while from my point of view going to the Russians would have been cool...but I doubt there is anything he could tell them that they do not already know. As for his current lifespan well it's always been about as long as yours. Clowns are everywhere and now that the shit has hit the fan, like good Ringling Bros. clown trying to distract the crowd from the fact the Lions are eating the Lion Tamer here you are clouding the issue....may be your Tech guy is right maybe you are a spook. Time will tell...
So let me get this straight … so if no one will look at the offenses how will “we” let the public see what the offenders actually did and should be brought to justice for? If the fbi DOJ etc etc, won’t do anything then it is up to “we” the people to get this shit out there and create so much noise they have to get the perp arrested!! I’m tired of these “traps” can’t view a crime cause it’s against the law to view that crime.
WTF PEOPLE! Let’s figure out how to get this stuff public without being a criminal “yourself “!!
Sit down with a sheriff tell him what the problem is get him or her to sit with you and open the documents or videos together under the shield of law. Get them to document what they saw and swear out a warrant for the arrest.
This is my solution any others?
In some perverse way, more drama and intrigue about Maxey and his travails gets more people looking and garners greater exposure to the issue. Staight release like some grocery list would be less impactful. Incidental or intentional?
So one thing I don't understand, isn't the fact that Hunter hasn't been arrested for anything, despite the laptop being turned over to the FBI, plentiful evidence that a person should have no fear of looking at files alleged to show its contents?
If assumption of the possible presence of illegal content makes it illegal to view it, wouldn't that make literally every website illegal, as they all show illegal content at one time or another before moderation occurs?
Lin Wood is one of the only ones to keep fighting to fix 2020 AND called out Mike Pence as a pedo way before the rest of us. Also he's been fighting the deep state for 20 years, first with Jewel etc. Also, he brought all the receipts on his Telegram channel to back up all his claims earlier in the year when Rittenhouse and Flynn lied about him.
Exactly. Lin has been completely destroyed and targeted by the DS and media smears all for fighting the cabal for 20 years and trying to keep the sunlight of the real crooks. He is also not hostile to Q, although doesn't totally believe in it, he acknowledges we fight for the same cause.
Lin is a warrior, and even lost his own family over standing up for his beliefs. His own sons think he's a fruit loop for saying the election was stolen.
Maxey tried to discredit Garrett Ziegler and his Marco Polo project by calling him names like Peter Navarro's coffee boy and shit like that. Then Maxey invented multiple social media accounts pretending to be strangers praising Jack Maxey's courage and heroism (c'mon you guys he's risking his life for this) under names like "Swissbro".
Swissbro comes across like a grade A douchebag and if that wasn't the worst, I ask you, if you're on the run and hiding out from globalists...do you actually hide in Switzerland?? That's like running towards the fire.
Odd that he'd name drop the guy who is clearly scared. Odd in a fishy way.
And can we get a higher caliber of patriot for the love of all things holy? I'm sick and tired of this paytriot wannabe hero shit. Two weeks here two weeks there gets real old. Drop the shit and run. Let the chips fall where they will.
Interesting word choice. When I was doing the work I outlined in my post above, a few of the federal agents tried to get me to apply and join them. Fortunately I had one agent I was good friends with, and he convinced me that I did NOT want to join any of those agencies. The exact words he used were "Don't go there. They eat their own."
Ok, whoever downvoted me. Go engage in some serious meditation. Do some serious research. Re-evaluate your life. Then when you realize that I am right, come back and meekly apologize. I will then accept your apology accordingly.
If I understand correctly, these people (Maxey, Juliani, Etc.) can't do anything with this stuff because the sensitivity of it nat sec, whatever (I don't agree with keeping it a secret since it has been so long). It is the law enforcements job to handle. Now 4 chan has leaked the info to the public. We know several sheriffs departments had the details and police are now dead that looked at it. The FBI had it, the C🧨A had it, and who knows who else. Perhaps the 4 chan hack was a way to get it out there so we the people would pressure law enforcement to take action.
Game theory - We are at war. The cabal knows this is out there and saying we are going to drop sends them into action. Look at all the false flag shootings to get people off topic and fighting about 2A, but we didn't lose sight, "guns are safe" The 4chan thing was a surprise which has caught the DS off guard. This is the broken record around here, just do the drop and don't tell us. They aren't telling us they are going to drop they are telling the cabal to throw them off. We know Declass is coming. Just remember we are at war and the people that we are listening to are being listened to by the enemy.
Many here have not been around long enough to know the FACT that Maxey was the first to air the laptops and turn them over to the FBeye.
Do some actual research,ask Bannon, it happened on his show.
This Stinks like alphabets and paytriots.....
This guy's just another grifter....
......he wants an apology from us. Im drafting it for us all, right now. Breakfast Club style essay........
Someone on 4Chan dumped it.
Jack Maxey is taking credit for it 2 days later.
i believe Maxey did release it and is covering his tracts by saying is "mentally unstable IT guy released it." however we damn well knowing it was maxey who posted it to 4chan all along.
You got it right.
I'm seeing the same pattern with Gregggg, endlessly teasing a big release for weeks and weeks. I want to believe, but Jack Maxey should have been the last straw around here for people that tease big drops. The policy should be "put up or shut up."
The only thing I'll say about Gregg is that he is in the states, has a full team of lawyers and is constantly getting sued. His timing is based on when the lawyers are ready and prepared for the suits that follow the info drops.
Yeah you got it RTT. Pretty much what 99% of the paytriot crowd does. Maxey has the credibility of Simon Parkes with the errant bullshittery of Juan o' Shillin combined.
So basically one big fake-ass super fag who's career hinges on anon's clicks and duped support.
Super fag =)
Dear Mr Maxey...
He's the face of Maximum Jackassery...
That's most people. Cursory examination of social media shows this is the basis of what passes for contemporary culture. Virtue signaling is the very manifestaion of you heroic bonafides.
"He sees the media as part of a larger conspiracy.."
Did I miss something? I thought exactly this is happening.
I am skeptical too..
I believe the Tech guy over Maxey, and him bashing the computer repairman Mac Isaac who is the only person we can knowingly credit for Hunter's laptop breaking the news in the FIRST place is top glow
Issac MAC and his nifty hat. What a neat outfit for primetime television.
popcorn crunch
Dude admits to not looking at images? So now he can't claim anything about the images. Got it.
In his defense, Kaufman did see it all and could have explained/described what he found.
If any of this is true of course
He didn't see them, in his own words. "I refuse to look at those images without the cover of law."
Best guess: He was somehow in the know about it, but not in control. He went public to try to get the credit and grift off of it. When it didn't happen he went silent. Now he is trying once more to get credit for somebody else's work.
I really don’t understand what all of this means. But I do know one thing… The guy and his wife that are losing their minds, this is a perfectly reasonable response to the content that they have been exposed to.
I don’t care who released it. I’m just glad they did. And I hope the people that dude, don’t get hurt. But we all know that’s not gonna happen. The people that released this have risk their life‘s to get the truth out. Something that should’ve been done years ago by somebody braver. But we’re surrounded by cowards.
Giuliani, Trump, all of them… Somebody should’ve made sure this was released long ago. People were too concerned about their own safety, instead of the greater good of the world.
I assume you meant "content" and not "contact", and if so I completely agree. Early in my career I had to monitor a large set of government networks. Most of it was for network security, but I also had to monitor images downloaded (back in the mid 90s). There was a porn problem, and to a lesser extent a kiddie porn problem. When I would find child porn that someone downloaded I had to work with federal agents from 3-5 different agencies so they could make cases and prosecute. Some days I had 2 hours of porn to view. I still can't get some of the worst images out of my head.
Yes I fixed my word to content.
Sorry you had to go through all that. What you see something it never goes away.
it's just a show and you are getting your emotions involved too much and have lost clarity. step back and look at 35,000 ft view and see the chess pieces being moved.
Sheriffs won't touch it because they know they'll get arkancided or their family members. Then you got judges, lawyers etc who will be too scared to take the case. This is why I think military will be the only way to prosecute.
Q should drop censored images on 8kun. Blur out the parts that make it illegal, people will know what is there.
This guy can spin a yarn, I tell you what.
Plausible deniability? Kek.
Love how many clown upvotes he got!
I hope Max reads this....
You are full of shit....not sorry your thunder got stolen...while from my point of view going to the Russians would have been cool...but I doubt there is anything he could tell them that they do not already know. As for his current lifespan well it's always been about as long as yours. Clowns are everywhere and now that the shit has hit the fan, like good Ringling Bros. clown trying to distract the crowd from the fact the Lions are eating the Lion Tamer here you are clouding the issue....may be your Tech guy is right maybe you are a spook. Time will tell...
That’s the fakest thing I’ve ever seen
We arguing over credit, credit, damn credit. Do we got the goods or not? If we do, forget this mess.
So let me get this straight … so if no one will look at the offenses how will “we” let the public see what the offenders actually did and should be brought to justice for? If the fbi DOJ etc etc, won’t do anything then it is up to “we” the people to get this shit out there and create so much noise they have to get the perp arrested!! I’m tired of these “traps” can’t view a crime cause it’s against the law to view that crime. WTF PEOPLE! Let’s figure out how to get this stuff public without being a criminal “yourself “!! Sit down with a sheriff tell him what the problem is get him or her to sit with you and open the documents or videos together under the shield of law. Get them to document what they saw and swear out a warrant for the arrest. This is my solution any others?
The whole truth needed to be outed.
In some perverse way, more drama and intrigue about Maxey and his travails gets more people looking and garners greater exposure to the issue. Staight release like some grocery list would be less impactful. Incidental or intentional?
I have add its about 400 sentences too long for me
It’s just “boo hoo poor me” he’s protecting the Biden’s like everyone else up there.
So one thing I don't understand, isn't the fact that Hunter hasn't been arrested for anything, despite the laptop being turned over to the FBI, plentiful evidence that a person should have no fear of looking at files alleged to show its contents?
If assumption of the possible presence of illegal content makes it illegal to view it, wouldn't that make literally every website illegal, as they all show illegal content at one time or another before moderation occurs?
This guy is a lynn wood kinda faggot…
Lin Wood is one of the only ones to keep fighting to fix 2020 AND called out Mike Pence as a pedo way before the rest of us. Also he's been fighting the deep state for 20 years, first with Jewel etc. Also, he brought all the receipts on his Telegram channel to back up all his claims earlier in the year when Rittenhouse and Flynn lied about him.
I cant fathom anyone on this board shitting on Lin Wood. He is the only one that has been solid with this movement the entire time.
Yeah, he's southern rich guy weird, but incredibly based about kidfucking and treason.
They hate him because he calls out every last paytriot.
Exactly. Lin has been completely destroyed and targeted by the DS and media smears all for fighting the cabal for 20 years and trying to keep the sunlight of the real crooks. He is also not hostile to Q, although doesn't totally believe in it, he acknowledges we fight for the same cause.
Lin is a warrior, and even lost his own family over standing up for his beliefs. His own sons think he's a fruit loop for saying the election was stolen.
Maxey tried to discredit Garrett Ziegler and his Marco Polo project by calling him names like Peter Navarro's coffee boy and shit like that. Then Maxey invented multiple social media accounts pretending to be strangers praising Jack Maxey's courage and heroism (c'mon you guys he's risking his life for this) under names like "Swissbro". Swissbro comes across like a grade A douchebag and if that wasn't the worst, I ask you, if you're on the run and hiding out from globalists...do you actually hide in Switzerland?? That's like running towards the fire.
More info: https://politicalmoonshine.com/2022/03/21/the-hunter-biden-hard-drive-ziegler-v-maxey-for-the-truth-maxeys-self-promotion-as-swissbro/
Maxey wants an apology for promising to deliver the good months ago... failing to do so... and then it being leaked?
Apology for what? If you made good on your promise, it would have never needed to be leaked.
Fucking clown.
Sorry not sorry. Buh bye Jackass
People here are wayyyy to quick to call someone a shill. Strange behavior.
Fuck Jack Maxey.
Shill all the way.
Can't believe he name dropped the guy, gave his suspected whereabouts and then said he cares for his safety... wtf fucking Irish logic
Men of the wear, defend everything you hold sacred. Get stronger, get better
Odd that he'd name drop the guy who is clearly scared. Odd in a fishy way.
And can we get a higher caliber of patriot for the love of all things holy? I'm sick and tired of this paytriot wannabe hero shit. Two weeks here two weeks there gets real old. Drop the shit and run. Let the chips fall where they will.
You guys eat your own alot.
Interesting word choice. When I was doing the work I outlined in my post above, a few of the federal agents tried to get me to apply and join them. Fortunately I had one agent I was good friends with, and he convinced me that I did NOT want to join any of those agencies. The exact words he used were "Don't go there. They eat their own."
Ok, whoever downvoted me. Go engage in some serious meditation. Do some serious research. Re-evaluate your life. Then when you realize that I am right, come back and meekly apologize. I will then accept your apology accordingly.
If I understand correctly, these people (Maxey, Juliani, Etc.) can't do anything with this stuff because the sensitivity of it nat sec, whatever (I don't agree with keeping it a secret since it has been so long). It is the law enforcements job to handle. Now 4 chan has leaked the info to the public. We know several sheriffs departments had the details and police are now dead that looked at it. The FBI had it, the C🧨A had it, and who knows who else. Perhaps the 4 chan hack was a way to get it out there so we the people would pressure law enforcement to take action.
Game theory - We are at war. The cabal knows this is out there and saying we are going to drop sends them into action. Look at all the false flag shootings to get people off topic and fighting about 2A, but we didn't lose sight, "guns are safe" The 4chan thing was a surprise which has caught the DS off guard. This is the broken record around here, just do the drop and don't tell us. They aren't telling us they are going to drop they are telling the cabal to throw them off. We know Declass is coming. Just remember we are at war and the people that we are listening to are being listened to by the enemy.
Many here have not been around long enough to know the FACT that Maxey was the first to air the laptops and turn them over to the FBeye. Do some actual research,ask Bannon, it happened on his show.
People who seek fame
People who seek to deceive
The rest on the sites are the source of adulation for the first and the victims of the second
I'll give neither the satisfaction.
Dnot b afaid
Not sure I trust this guy🤔.
I think going to Russia might be a life-saver TBH.