He had such a mastery of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he loved from dying... He became so powahful that the only thing he feared was... Losing his powah.... Which eventually he did smirks
Just buy chicken instead of "beef". Duh. And buy and DRS 1 GME quick, then wait for MOASS and sell for 10 million or something, lol. Not financial advice, kek.
If you can find a Jimmy John’s, you can get a gargantuan sandwich for around $23. It’s 16” long and comes with 5 proteins. You customize. My husband and I eat from this sandwich 2 times each if we add chips. It’s huge and really, really worth the money IMO.
They are trying to normalize cannibalism, grooming, pedophilia, pedovores but it won’t work. People will be horrified when the cabal is exposed and they won’t be able to cross the street. They think we are sheep, cattle, but they are the true beasts.
I knew a handful of people who worked at McDonald’s 10 or so years ago. They said they can claim the beef is 100 percent beef cause that’s the name of the brand they buy, 100 Percent Beef. I’m not sure if they were joking, but they sounded serious. That made me never want another meal from there even if it’s not true.
I worked at McDonalds in my teens and yeah, the box of meat is labelled like the name of the product is "100% PURE BEEF!" if my memory from 15 years ago is correct.
Now is that a name? Is it a claim? Is it both? I don't know, no one I asked did. But what I do know from accounts of cannibalism that I remember hearing, as evident by the term "long pig", the fact that humans and pigs have compatible organs and similar flesh in the meat and skin, I'd say it's safe to assume that human and pork are two extremely similar meats.
If you're worried about accidentally eating people disguised as legitimate animal meats, then stay away from pork and processed meats claimed to made from pork or mixed pork.
You're not going to find it. Closest thing you'll find is UK Burger King getting busted for using horse meat back in 2013.
Horse meat scandal – McDonald's is loving it
One brand that is loving it is McDonald's. Their bitter rivals, Burger King, have had to make a number of announcements because traces/a faint whiff of horsemeat have been found in their burgers.
This is where McDonald's tireless campaign of promoting the fact they only use 100 per cent beef in their burgers - something they have harped on about for years - is really paying off. A great lesson for those wanting to understand how a longer-term, slow burn campaign can really help a brand.
I think I read it on 8 kun or whatever it's called. Some time ago. Some elite Edomite made the revelation that was going on. What else is new with this bunch. They're forcing Satanism on us.
You already have most the churches praising these imposters as God's chosen people.
Prion disease is CWD Right? (____ Wasting disease) what you get from deer? The reason that you are not supposed to use deer brains and ashes to cure hides?
I don’t feel like Im the odd man out saying ew, that sounds disgusting. Who would want to eat human flesh? I know - the evil globalists do - but anyone here ever admit they were curious? I am NOT. It sounds gross!
I FUCKING CALLED IT! ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! They’re absolutely going to try and turn the vaxed on to eating or drinking the pure blood of non v’d. 🤔 Why not? It’s Satan trying for all his marbles to place the earth in hell. Using communism and retarded people called liberals.
These people are out of their minds. Why don’t they start with their family. Think how much they could save on funeral costs, living expenses (clothing, food, shelter, education). Start early, save more, you lunatic.
Soft disclosure?
Get people used to the idea, for when the world finds out the elite have been eating baby flesh and "McDonalds beef" contains human meat?
Which is why I don't eat McDonald's. EVER! EVEN OF THERES A FIRE!
"Sir, this is a Wendy's".
how much of "Wendy" is in one of those patties??
But have you heard the story of Darth plagueis the wise....
I thought you hadn’t, it’s a sith legend.
silence from the Wendy's drive thru speaker for a minute go on....
A story about a Sith Lord so wise and so powahful, that he could manipulate midiclorians to create……. Life.
He had such a mastery of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he loved from dying... He became so powahful that the only thing he feared was... Losing his powah.... Which eventually he did smirks
FUCK. I just ate a TON of McDonalds for the last 2 weeks traveling. Great. Now I ate Danny. These people need to hang for this shit. So mad.
No cap, I spend time on the road for work and I’m poor so… McDonald’s is 2 for 4 what am I supposed to do? Spend 7 at subway for 6”?
I’ll start making my own I tried sandwiches but one sandwich leaves me hungry if I make it myself.
Just buy chicken instead of "beef". Duh. And buy and DRS 1 GME quick, then wait for MOASS and sell for 10 million or something, lol. Not financial advice, kek.
If you can find a Jimmy John’s, you can get a gargantuan sandwich for around $23. It’s 16” long and comes with 5 proteins. You customize. My husband and I eat from this sandwich 2 times each if we add chips. It’s huge and really, really worth the money IMO.
My thinking exactly...
I used to eat a lot of swedes in my youth. Made me fart, however.
From 21:00
Goddamned finkelstein shit kid.
jews did the same in Russia/Ukraine a century ago, now Klaus Schwab wants the whole planet to be a prison camp.
Here’s the vision, apparently with a piping system with rationed soylent green soup: https://mobile.twitter.com/seanmdav/status/1552372017344700416?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1552372017344700416%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2022%2F07%2Fsaudi-arabia-unveils-plans-dystopian-linear-city-will-cram-9-million-people-giant-109-mile-long-mirrored-wall-video%2F
They are trying to normalize cannibalism, grooming, pedophilia, pedovores but it won’t work. People will be horrified when the cabal is exposed and they won’t be able to cross the street. They think we are sheep, cattle, but they are the true beasts.
I've been looking for a good source to red pill someone with this. Know of any?
I knew a handful of people who worked at McDonald’s 10 or so years ago. They said they can claim the beef is 100 percent beef cause that’s the name of the brand they buy, 100 Percent Beef. I’m not sure if they were joking, but they sounded serious. That made me never want another meal from there even if it’s not true.
I’m sure the beef part is 100% pure beef, including the colons, rectums, & assholes ground up in the mixture, who knows what the other parts are...
I worked at McDonalds in my teens and yeah, the box of meat is labelled like the name of the product is "100% PURE BEEF!" if my memory from 15 years ago is correct.
Now is that a name? Is it a claim? Is it both? I don't know, no one I asked did. But what I do know from accounts of cannibalism that I remember hearing, as evident by the term "long pig", the fact that humans and pigs have compatible organs and similar flesh in the meat and skin, I'd say it's safe to assume that human and pork are two extremely similar meats.
If you're worried about accidentally eating people disguised as legitimate animal meats, then stay away from pork and processed meats claimed to made from pork or mixed pork.
Basically eat kosher or halal lol.
One has to wonder whether this explains why some religions forbid the eating of pork -- no way to tell whether it is actually pork or not.
You're not going to find it. Closest thing you'll find is UK Burger King getting busted for using horse meat back in 2013.
Horse meat scandal – McDonald's is loving it
One brand that is loving it is McDonald's. Their bitter rivals, Burger King, have had to make a number of announcements because traces/a faint whiff of horsemeat have been found in their burgers.
This is where McDonald's tireless campaign of promoting the fact they only use 100 per cent beef in their burgers - something they have harped on about for years - is really paying off. A great lesson for those wanting to understand how a longer-term, slow burn campaign can really help a brand.
It's not bad, in wouldn't say it's good either though.
I found it to be very mild. It's perfect sandwich meat of you want to taste everything else in the sandwich lol.
I think I read it on 8 kun or whatever it's called. Some time ago. Some elite Edomite made the revelation that was going on. What else is new with this bunch. They're forcing Satanism on us. You already have most the churches praising these imposters as God's chosen people.
Me too. This keeps getting dropped casually.
From 2019 though...
Cool. I’ll start with Swedish Scientists.
eat the rich😂
In a way you are right.
Yea it’s all fun and games till grown humans are hunted and killed for food and entertainment kinda like they do children now….
I'd literally rather not eat meat than eat a person. Jesus. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
I upvoted because your screenshot had the source and date. I wish everyone would do that.
Wow, he hit the big three in one rant.
Sustainability, Global warming and cannibalism.
He surely got an 'A' from the cabal on his book report.
Send him to Alex Jones He'll eat his ass up!!
puts a different spin on Swedish Meatballs, eh???
mmm doesn't it cause health problems?
Prion disease? Akin to vax?
Let him volunteer to be the first entree.
Prion disease is CWD Right? (____ Wasting disease) what you get from deer? The reason that you are not supposed to use deer brains and ashes to cure hides?
It’s called CJD in humans. Nasty stuff.
what does the J stand for? and the C?
This is what happens when you believe humans are merely animals.
Who is to eat whom??
I have a feeling we are in the shit on that one.
We’re the ones with the guns. Good luck trying to eat me if you can’t kill me first.
one things for sure...as long as we have each other we will never go hungry😏
LOOK at him ,I mean he is dead already. No life in that face, those eyes, he is the embodiment of the walking dead.
He also believes he'll be the one doing the dining... And that he won't be the meal.
As all stupid commies do.
eat him😂😂😂
Speaking as a norwegian...of course it's a fucking swede saying this shit, they've always been advanced in their degeneracy.
You want prion diseases? Because that's how you get prion diseases.
Ah, I see we've skipped the civil war and gone straight into the zombie apocalypse.
Just like communists ALWAYS see them selves as the party leaders and NEVER the factory workers.
The cannibals ALWAYS see themselves as the eaters and NEVER the eaten.
eat him😂😂😂
I don’t feel like Im the odd man out saying ew, that sounds disgusting. Who would want to eat human flesh? I know - the evil globalists do - but anyone here ever admit they were curious? I am NOT. It sounds gross!
dont eat him...he prolly tastes bad😂
Thats what Im saying!!! Why do these weirdos like human flesh? It sounds nasty af!!
I know all about that. Its gross too. Haven’t had McDonalds since 2008/09 but yeah. Still.
😂😂😂 queue joker Joaquín Phoenix
I FUCKING CALLED IT! ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! They’re absolutely going to try and turn the vaxed on to eating or drinking the pure blood of non v’d. 🤔 Why not? It’s Satan trying for all his marbles to place the earth in hell. Using communism and retarded people called liberals.
They definitely preprogrammed us with all of those zombie shows. Doesn't the CDC have a "Zombie Apocalypse" section?
dont eat him...a deep thinker🤔😂
And then he volunteers to be the appetizer.
Pretty sure they already do that in rural Scandinavia. I mean, I’ve seen Midsommar.
The programming continues.
Is this what it will take to wake up to Normies?
I’m ordering a case of Chianti and a large bag of Fava beans. I’m hungry.
Still available at DM even though from 2019: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7443707/Swedish-scientist-says-humans-cannibals-fight-climate-change.html
The Donner party agrees.
He should be the first harvest.
USDA Grade Gay
snowflakes leave me so unsatisfied...mostly water🙃
And Big Air!😩💨
I knew soilent was people...
but fk a cracker...needs to be more meatier
Anyone advocating for cannibalism should be the first ones to be eaten. I'll leave my portion in the street for the coyotes.
Old article but good to remind folks that have been desensitized.
They are sick
Are those Swedish scientists offering?
These people are out of their minds. Why don’t they start with their family. Think how much they could save on funeral costs, living expenses (clothing, food, shelter, education). Start early, save more, you lunatic.
🤔dont eat because of a problem...literally EAT your problems😂