"Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.
Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”
I've always appreciated the cleverness of yours!.. I've been here since the 'summer of love' but had technical issues keeping my original (one less r). I Love this site, this community...it seems to be the glue for both my sanity and our fellow Patriots!
This is definitely comms. I don't know what type of comms but it looks like they are trying to be edgy at the last minute and get the edgy people on their side.
Now this took me back! My oldest son is nearly 30 but I still remember those days when he was 4 and Power Rangers came on at 4pm. We'd need to be in the living room and ready on time and he'd run around the living room in his power rangers underwear with a plastic sword jammed in the side lol
Almost seems like a declaration of the purpose of a given entity, a declaration of intent, if you will.
Windows gives a window into everyone's home.
NASA has a monopoly on describing what the universe is. Astronauts could be explorers of some sort of unknown hidden frontier.
Starbucks wants to keep people addicted to their product.
AT&T seems like the deep states connectivity provider of choice, thinking back to the data center that was obliterated in Nashville in 2020.
Biden is trying to impose democracy on our constitutional republic. Mob rule without the boundaries we have in place.
This could be expanded upon ad nauseum, but this trend strikes me as a declaration of allegiance to the Party. Especially in context with the speech Biden gave last night.
AT&T seems like the deep states connectivity provider of choice, thinking back to the data center that was obliterated in Nashville in 2020.
AT&T were tasked to provide a global network and after a few years of incompetence, they had failed to achieve much except spend Billions on failing. The cabal then called in Carlyle who got their man Gerstner to persuade IBM to hand over their Global Network to AT&T.
Most Americans think only of the AT&T cellphone business, but they are much larger and now carry a large chunk of global data over their networks. They are said to have access to 100% of the global internet traffic, siphoned off into vast data centres.
I had the same thought. I suspect 95% of those word associations are just filler, there to create a pattern. Only a few of those words are important and someone's being told which ones through other means.
The catch here is that this is a REALLY big and vulgar display of the communication structure if you think about it. Doing it this way shows the world that the message senders are capable of this level of control of the Twitter world in order to put it out there. Either they talked to each corporation running the accounts and got them to post in this coordinated way or they created the posts inauthentically through Twitter's platform. I suspect they simply asked the PR people to do it, which now narrows the group of people capable of doing this considerably.
If you think about fascism, so much of it hinges on coordination of power between state and corporate power, then having both of those nexuses of power effectively controlled by the same people (ie Mussolini's Italy or Hitler's Germany). This is a rather scary display from corporations who are clearly "on the team."
After Joey Bribes' Reichstag speech last night, there's a lot of coded talk flying around. Major moves are being made in the open.
Wait til you find out that McD's represent individual MKUltra cells, and there is specific meaning conveyed when their Ice Cream ("I Scream") machines are broken.
That was my first thought. If you are playing a word association game with these company names, like a Family Feud (top five answers on the board), the first thing I thought of was fries. Even if I had the image of a clown, with McDonald's, you would say Ronald, because that way, you know exactly who you are referring to....
OT. My best friend in high school - her mother's maiden name was MacDonald. Her father's name was.....Ronald.🤭
Whatever the F this is, just watch and we will certainly figure it out and it is almost certianly cringe, whatever it is. Lets see if "blueanon" decodes it or some shit.
Because at the highest levels of every single one of those entities? They know what they did; they know about Q; they know they're about to die. The time to make deals went by in 2018.
But there were sleepers on the inside so the companies will survive IF they are not evil ;-)
There's something very odd and off-putting about it. All these social media managers know each other and are colluding or they're all controlled by white hats? Why September 1st all at the same time? It reminds me of when all the big tech companies colluded to ban Alex Jones all across the platforms at the same exact time. What the fuck is going on?
It's app they use for automated tweets malfunctioning. They probably have a keyword they put in in order to have it select a premade message, and instead of the message it's tweeting the keyword directly. Why is the automation broken?
I think you are on to it. Seems to me like it is the result of a simple keyword "command" being sent to an Artificially Intelligent computer. Seems to be malfunctioning. There may be significance to the timing of each post. May even indicate some sort of pattern or code/comms.
everyone likes piling on to to someone for making a mistake
it became the 'cool' thing to do so everyone wanted to be a part of it
most brands were doing it so if you were a brand that wasn't, it looked like you were 'out of the loop'
Just go back through and look at some of SlimJim's, or Wendy's or DuoLingo's posts. They will do anything to get the all important like or retweet and this was a low hanging fruit way of doing it.
Windows got 9,000+ retweets from it. Go back through and find the last post they had that got those kind of numbers.
No...I had 4 accounts permanently suspended...Gave up after that and I'm a much better person for it...Its a Cesspool...
As for Not being Comms of sorts...I Disagree 100%...
What is your theory then? You think 50+ brands and agencies are coordinating something? And you think the 22 year old recent college grads who run their social accounts are the masterminds behind it all and are working with the deep state? And they are doing it out in the open on Twitter? And each word they tweeted means something specific? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
If you put OP's list in chronological order, it sounds like Space Force is spying on the clowns, and then Biden is like, "No it's a democracy shwiffle mumblegrr."
Fantastic!!!.....I see my fan/s are back to downvote...👌👌
edit:...Brilliant, I've got 4 of them back at least.....👌Where you been guys...I've missed those Downvotes...😁
edit,edit:...LMAO...now I have 9....you guys seem to have come out of the basements for some Sun and Fresh air...🤣
I'm at ya side anon, the DimDemCast crew have boarded in the last few days.
Lots of shills/morons on here....
"Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.
Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”
Be like Bruce Lee...be like WATAAH!!🌊💥
Nice user name . Glad u have joined us.
I've always appreciated the cleverness of yours!.. I've been here since the 'summer of love' but had technical issues keeping my original (one less r). I Love this site, this community...it seems to be the glue for both my sanity and our fellow Patriots!
Numbers have more than doubled lately.
If you notice...I'm the only one with Multiple Downvotes...😆 Fucking love it...I'm Living Rent-free fellas...
I'm confused - I'm a fan, should I downpoot you?
🤣🤣....I have fans....and I have 'fans'..... depends which one you are.....
Haters going to hate.
I upvote Perky for village Press Director!!!!
Condescending 🤡 is back...Fucking Permanent Downvotes are all you get from me...
This is definitely comms. I don't know what type of comms but it looks like they are trying to be edgy at the last minute and get the edgy people on their side.
Sounds like a bunch of power rangers coming together to build a Megazord.
Now this took me back! My oldest son is nearly 30 but I still remember those days when he was 4 and Power Rangers came on at 4pm. We'd need to be in the living room and ready on time and he'd run around the living room in his power rangers underwear with a plastic sword jammed in the side lol
I hated those damn putties. 🤣
Our Magazord is better
Powered by God and the Constitution.
Almost seems like a declaration of the purpose of a given entity, a declaration of intent, if you will.
Windows gives a window into everyone's home.
NASA has a monopoly on describing what the universe is. Astronauts could be explorers of some sort of unknown hidden frontier.
Starbucks wants to keep people addicted to their product.
AT&T seems like the deep states connectivity provider of choice, thinking back to the data center that was obliterated in Nashville in 2020.
Biden is trying to impose democracy on our constitutional republic. Mob rule without the boundaries we have in place.
This could be expanded upon ad nauseum, but this trend strikes me as a declaration of allegiance to the Party. Especially in context with the speech Biden gave last night.
AT&T were tasked to provide a global network and after a few years of incompetence, they had failed to achieve much except spend Billions on failing. The cabal then called in Carlyle who got their man Gerstner to persuade IBM to hand over their Global Network to AT&T. Most Americans think only of the AT&T cellphone business, but they are much larger and now carry a large chunk of global data over their networks. They are said to have access to 100% of the global internet traffic, siphoned off into vast data centres.
I had the same thought. I suspect 95% of those word associations are just filler, there to create a pattern. Only a few of those words are important and someone's being told which ones through other means.
The catch here is that this is a REALLY big and vulgar display of the communication structure if you think about it. Doing it this way shows the world that the message senders are capable of this level of control of the Twitter world in order to put it out there. Either they talked to each corporation running the accounts and got them to post in this coordinated way or they created the posts inauthentically through Twitter's platform. I suspect they simply asked the PR people to do it, which now narrows the group of people capable of doing this considerably.
If you think about fascism, so much of it hinges on coordination of power between state and corporate power, then having both of those nexuses of power effectively controlled by the same people (ie Mussolini's Italy or Hitler's Germany). This is a rather scary display from corporations who are clearly "on the team."
After Joey Bribes' Reichstag speech last night, there's a lot of coded talk flying around. Major moves are being made in the open.
Spot on analysis IMO
First paragraph is exactly what I was thinking.
Roll call.
I Absolutely agree...
Gamestop has not done this
Neither has Yuengling
Amazon tweeted smiles at 10:49am
Apple has not done it
WWE has not done it
UFC has not done it
Now some other examples Sephora has not done it Target has not done it Walmart hasn't either
This is definitely comms. Not just a trend.
Edit: walmart joined in late with "rollbacks". Sephora rival Ulta tweeted "ultra"
Right?! I'm aware of Ronald McDonald but clown doesn't fit. Why not burgers? Big Mac? Fries? McNuggets? So weird.
Maybe they’re part of the cia front
Yeah, maybe their free WiFi acts as some sort of secure gateway for agents in the field worldwide
Fuck me, I really like this train of thought.
Wait til you find out that McD's represent individual MKUltra cells, and there is specific meaning conveyed when their Ice Cream ("I Scream") machines are broken.
10 million views, the video itself an algo-pushed Comm. From whom, for why, I'd need to dig deeper into the context and watch more than 30 secs of it.
They sell franken "food" with no regard for the nutritional value being served to customers. Sounds like the perfect buddy to a three letter agency.
Cheap garbage/calories to keep the population fat and lazy.
That was my first thought. If you are playing a word association game with these company names, like a Family Feud (top five answers on the board), the first thing I thought of was fries. Even if I had the image of a clown, with McDonald's, you would say Ronald, because that way, you know exactly who you are referring to....
OT. My best friend in high school - her mother's maiden name was MacDonald. Her father's name was.....Ronald.🤭
Whatever the F this is, just watch and we will certainly figure it out and it is almost certianly cringe, whatever it is. Lets see if "blueanon" decodes it or some shit.
Find the first one, earliest one I see is CNN and you might be able to find something, looks like they are doing it now for fun
I don't think they are enjoying whatever is happening
What makes you say that?
Nothing can stop what is coming?
Because at the highest levels of every single one of those entities? They know what they did; they know about Q; they know they're about to die. The time to make deals went by in 2018.
But there were sleepers on the inside so the companies will survive IF they are not evil ;-)
There's something very odd and off-putting about it. All these social media managers know each other and are colluding or they're all controlled by white hats? Why September 1st all at the same time? It reminds me of when all the big tech companies colluded to ban Alex Jones all across the platforms at the same exact time. What the fuck is going on?
They missed one
some kind of name a word that defines you, type game
They misspelled "astronots"
Wait till they get a load of "ASTROTHOTS"
NASA is pitiful. The lies, the deceptions, the swindle.
The real question?
Are any companies we know are based doing it?
WWE? UFC? Yuengling?
What about companies we know Trump has had meetings with? Apple? Amazon?
And most of all, did Gamestop do it?
It's app they use for automated tweets malfunctioning. They probably have a keyword they put in in order to have it select a premade message, and instead of the message it's tweeting the keyword directly. Why is the automation broken?
Like Bidet reading out his instructions.
I think you are on to it. Seems to me like it is the result of a simple keyword "command" being sent to an Artificially Intelligent computer. Seems to be malfunctioning. There may be significance to the timing of each post. May even indicate some sort of pattern or code/comms.
Its 9/1 +1 word.
the ritual is now set in motion. every single one of these companies will collapse
Clown Universe. Sounds about right.
This may help elon’s case?
Good point...
Clown universe indeed.
Similar repeat of 911? Where the school children recited interesting words and Bush stood there and listened while the Trade Centers went down?
Roll call.
Broadcast your status. Your function/callsign, and if you are still on Team Evil, or somehow compromised.
IMHO, it sounds reasonable at least.
Exactly my thoughts.
No hidden message behind it. Amtrak mistakenly tweeted out 'trains' yesterday and then other brands jumped onboard to make fun of them.
Just another day in Twitter-world
Why would they waste their time doing that?
New to Twitter?
A few reasons:
Just go back through and look at some of SlimJim's, or Wendy's or DuoLingo's posts. They will do anything to get the all important like or retweet and this was a low hanging fruit way of doing it.
Windows got 9,000+ retweets from it. Go back through and find the last post they had that got those kind of numbers.
CNN got 40K RTs.
No...I had 4 accounts permanently suspended...Gave up after that and I'm a much better person for it...Its a Cesspool... As for Not being Comms of sorts...I Disagree 100%...
What is your theory then? You think 50+ brands and agencies are coordinating something? And you think the 22 year old recent college grads who run their social accounts are the masterminds behind it all and are working with the deep state? And they are doing it out in the open on Twitter? And each word they tweeted means something specific? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Cant wait to hear this.
Probably, though it could’ve been coordinated (Amtrak was the signal or something).
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds had a one word tweet: "Iowa"
If you put OP's list in chronological order, it sounds like Space Force is spying on the clowns, and then Biden is like, "No it's a democracy shwiffle mumblegrr."
What does the link point to?
Put them in chronological order, and they still don't make any sense. :)
Dont forget the French US Embassy saying just "Revolution" around the time of Bidet's speech.
I think I found the oldest one.
@moonpie Linda
21 hours ago
Clown world
Anyone find one related to water?
For the Apes out there, Fidelity tweeted one word yesterday too.
Is it Pedo-Code?
Pizza Hut = Pedo House
Trump = Won
French Embassy US = Revolution
Why does Tiktok = corn? That doesn't make sense...
Short for Corn Pop. China owns Tik Tok. China owns Joe.
What? No. It's a meme song.
Chicken wing chicken wing hot dogs corn and belogney
Check out this reply.
It’s a current trend. Song about corn spawned from a news interview with a young black kid. Kinda like the “I like turtles” if you ‘member that one.
My understanding is that this song is going viral on tik tok right now.
Could be some kind of signal, corn comms, Grassley, etc
That kid loves himself some corn 🌽 with butter. Cute song. “When there’s like, negative in the world, take a corn break”
Well at least it's not soybeans.
Here’s how it goes. Scrum Meeting: We need a corn video to muddy the waters and dilute searches on other corn comms.
I have a kid talking about eating corn.
That will do. Promote that to the top of all FY feeds.
Not the song itself, but TikTok using that word to describe themselves/their intentions? Very possible.
China buying all our corn fields.
Corn is the product of the farm. The farm raises the clowns.
Near ready for harvest?
Pfizer- science
Woh, woh, woh... Fauci is Science. He said so time and again. Will Fauci sue Pfizer for stealing his definition?
fake science
soyence is made of people!
Sonic did KETCHUP.