This has been predicted to happen. An event that puts us on the precipice for WWIII. I predict in a few weeks, it will happen. Russia and Ukraine will be all in, the U.s. will be more reluctant but will cave on the demands of U.S. citizens, the majority of whom DO NOT WANT WAR.
I think you are giving far too much credit to normies in America. We pedes know who the wars are for, but the normies believe the wars are for whoever the TV tells them they are for.
I actually recall seeing a poll taken then of who wanted to join WW2 and it was only like 19-20% until Pearl Harbor and even then it was still only around 35%
What’s interesting about that is the movie mentioned a few times in the Q drops, Sum of All Fears. The plot is that a small nuclear bomb is detonated in Baltimore, by terrorists, but they make it look like Russia did it. At the very last moment before US and Russia are about to launch nukes against each other, a 3rd party (Jack Ryan/Ben Affleck) intervenes on the comms lines and gets the Russian president to stand down.
Trump offering to intervene as a 3rd party makes this plot even more like the movie.
The movie was a bastardized version of the book. Other than the title, the name of the main characters, and a nuclear bomb, nothing about the book is similar to the movie. Many (MANY) differences but main difference: Movie - Neo-Nazi terrorists, book - Islamic terrorists
Pardon my datefagging but huge news has happened on the 8th day of each of the past 5 months (midterm voting is november 8th, queen was announced dead on the 8th) so Im willing to bet there will be huge news on October 8th. Something will happen, Im sure of it
The people need to be scared poopless first. Biden needs to openly mock Trump for offering to help, then fail miserably, putting us on the fast track to WWIII. Then, when Biden is the most hated man in America for endangering millions, possibly billions of lives, will there be a move that allows Trump to step in.
This will be War of the Worlds on steroids. By the way, if you ever get a chance to listen to the original broadcast, do it. People who missed the opening disclaimer were terrified, much like the people who have missed the last few years of warnings will be.
Expecting him to be denied. Things will escalate at a rapid pace and other countries leaders will turn to him. I expect at that point our Government will have no choice but to let him step in and them BAM BAM BAM done and done.
You re probably right. This may be the easiest way for him to inject himself into this mess. Europe really didn't like him but they respected him and saw him kick their collective assess with trade, NATO budget, and energy. They will demand him.
#1....the Cabal is NOT going to let Trump anywhere near this. They are making far too much money for him to broker a peace deal. #2...IF they do let him, they will set him up to fail. Still far too many traitors in the mix. #3....If they do let him try, and he succeeds, well, just more proof that he's in cahoots with Putin. I'm going with #1.
I agree, for very similar reasons. The "Biden" administration (whoever is in charge) cannot allow Trump any role. It would queer their plan (WWIII) and they can't allow a private citizen to "trump" the Secretary of State. So #1 is the only pathway. #2 could result in #3, so why take the risk? Non-starters.
What could happen, however, is that any effort to proceed with hostilities could have its apple cart upset, either through de-devolution or popular mass demonstrations. It will be an interesting answer to the question: "Who really has the nuclear codes?"
I wonder if a Republican congress, starting in Jan. 2023 could enable Trump in this role? At the very least impeaching Biden and the rest of the cabal is a priority.
As much as I despise the Biden administration, I don't think there is any means under the Constitution for Congress to interject in national foreign policy, which is set by the President. However, if Biden is impeached and removed, and somehow Harris never manages to stay in office, the next one in the saddle is the Speaker of the House. If that Speaker is Trump...
That would be nice. Sounds like a longshot however. I also have a bad feeling that any republican majority in the house and especially the senate would continue to play along with the narrative Ukraine good, Russia bad and not support any peace negotiations.
It is a long shot. But a coherent succession after Biden on Democrat terms is nearly impossible, so it will be an interesting time.
I also understand your bad feeling, but I do think it would be possible for Trump (as President) to start red-pilling the MAGA element about what is really going on in Ukraine. That and throwing the war-making decision in their laps. I think it would be a hot potato, but Congress has been shirking its responsibility for decades. Trump could take the position that "Unless you declare full, all-out war, as President, I am not going to countenance any hostilities or contribute to them."
May not be up to the American cabal...Europe may end up in a revolution before this is over and may decide to go with Trump to see what he can do. Even if they don’t like it. They are running out of options. They can try to weather the Storm (Trump), or get overrun by countrymen. And after the American midterms, if it all goes right, may make ole’ Joe look like a evil dictator, along with anyone supporting him. I can see how this could work. Lots of BIGLY’s in there. But, who knows. All it takes of for the foreign nations to start demanding Trumps help. Then done and done.
Interesting this call for peace came after the referendum, after the labs were taken out, after Russia did what they needed to do. NOW it’s time for peace? Very convenient timing of events. Nice planning Mr President.
This is just dripping a billion drops of pure genius. Trump is absolutely amazing. I don't think I have ever respected someone as much as I respect him.
I have been wondering when this was going to happen.
OF course, the cabal won't allow him, and may restrict his travel to international destinations.
However, there are other ways to talk to these parties.
But, this will only work if he has some power. If this does happen then we will have proof that the Biden admin is toothless, to add to the fake WH, the lack of respect from military during inauguration, and the National Guard in DC, the weird arrangements re: AF1.
He basically just told the entire Nation that he can do what our entire government can't. And he's right.
He told the world. ;)
He'll be denied the opportunity, and then things will escalate.
Fiat Currency System needs to collapse before he can really step in.
This has been predicted to happen. An event that puts us on the precipice for WWIII. I predict in a few weeks, it will happen. Russia and Ukraine will be all in, the U.s. will be more reluctant but will cave on the demands of U.S. citizens, the majority of whom DO NOT WANT WAR.
The vast majority.
I bet under 30% of citizens would want war.
less than 20% wanted to go into WWII
dont let academia and the media fool you. Americans arent dumb, we know who these wars are for
I think you are giving far too much credit to normies in America. We pedes know who the wars are for, but the normies believe the wars are for whoever the TV tells them they are for.
See how fast that changes if they reinstated the draft.
they will. calling it now and women too and they will have to be in with the trannies. you wanna piss off every dad in america? thats how u do it.
They wanted equal rights, they better prepare for equal lefts.
That number doesn’t surprise me.
I actually recall seeing a poll taken then of who wanted to join WW2 and it was only like 19-20% until Pearl Harbor and even then it was still only around 35%
What’s interesting about that is the movie mentioned a few times in the Q drops, Sum of All Fears. The plot is that a small nuclear bomb is detonated in Baltimore, by terrorists, but they make it look like Russia did it. At the very last moment before US and Russia are about to launch nukes against each other, a 3rd party (Jack Ryan/Ben Affleck) intervenes on the comms lines and gets the Russian president to stand down.
Trump offering to intervene as a 3rd party makes this plot even more like the movie.
The movie was a bastardized version of the book. Other than the title, the name of the main characters, and a nuclear bomb, nothing about the book is similar to the movie. Many (MANY) differences but main difference: Movie - Neo-Nazi terrorists, book - Islamic terrorists
Can't make the saracens look bad to the masses.
Pardon my datefagging but huge news has happened on the 8th day of each of the past 5 months (midterm voting is november 8th, queen was announced dead on the 8th) so Im willing to bet there will be huge news on October 8th. Something will happen, Im sure of it
Not even 2 weeks. :)
He's running a little late
President all along....
It's beginning to all look scripted., Everywhere you go... 🎶🎵
Because you have an idea there is a script. Most of the based people guess govs are just stupid.
Offering an olive branch before letting the military take over.
You watch, I bet he does it and ends the problem. Massive red pill.
The people need to be scared poopless first. Biden needs to openly mock Trump for offering to help, then fail miserably, putting us on the fast track to WWIII. Then, when Biden is the most hated man in America for endangering millions, possibly billions of lives, will there be a move that allows Trump to step in.
I bet within a couple weeks, we're gonna see exactly what you just said.
This will be War of the Worlds on steroids. By the way, if you ever get a chance to listen to the original broadcast, do it. People who missed the opening disclaimer were terrified, much like the people who have missed the last few years of warnings will be.
That's what I'm sayin' It will be glorious to watch.
You can use bad words. I use 'fuck' and 'faggot' often.
You can, but you don't need to.
It helps get the point across, plus it's fun.
They'll never allow him to save the day. This is what they WANT
Expecting him to be denied. Things will escalate at a rapid pace and other countries leaders will turn to him. I expect at that point our Government will have no choice but to let him step in and them BAM BAM BAM done and done.
You re probably right. This may be the easiest way for him to inject himself into this mess. Europe really didn't like him but they respected him and saw him kick their collective assess with trade, NATO budget, and energy. They will demand him.
“President Trump swings his massive member around for all to see that he can have his wife and yours too if he so pleases. And you will thank him.”
If he's got as much stamina in that area as he does in all the rest, he may take everybody's wife.
Donald Khan
#1....the Cabal is NOT going to let Trump anywhere near this. They are making far too much money for him to broker a peace deal. #2...IF they do let him, they will set him up to fail. Still far too many traitors in the mix. #3....If they do let him try, and he succeeds, well, just more proof that he's in cahoots with Putin. I'm going with #1.
I agree, for very similar reasons. The "Biden" administration (whoever is in charge) cannot allow Trump any role. It would queer their plan (WWIII) and they can't allow a private citizen to "trump" the Secretary of State. So #1 is the only pathway. #2 could result in #3, so why take the risk? Non-starters.
What could happen, however, is that any effort to proceed with hostilities could have its apple cart upset, either through de-devolution or popular mass demonstrations. It will be an interesting answer to the question: "Who really has the nuclear codes?"
I wonder if a Republican congress, starting in Jan. 2023 could enable Trump in this role? At the very least impeaching Biden and the rest of the cabal is a priority.
They could make Trump Speaker and impeach both Biden and Harris, which would hand Trump the Presidency again.
Doubt that's how it'll play out, of course.
As much as I despise the Biden administration, I don't think there is any means under the Constitution for Congress to interject in national foreign policy, which is set by the President. However, if Biden is impeached and removed, and somehow Harris never manages to stay in office, the next one in the saddle is the Speaker of the House. If that Speaker is Trump...
That would be nice. Sounds like a longshot however. I also have a bad feeling that any republican majority in the house and especially the senate would continue to play along with the narrative Ukraine good, Russia bad and not support any peace negotiations.
It is a long shot. But a coherent succession after Biden on Democrat terms is nearly impossible, so it will be an interesting time.
I also understand your bad feeling, but I do think it would be possible for Trump (as President) to start red-pilling the MAGA element about what is really going on in Ukraine. That and throwing the war-making decision in their laps. I think it would be a hot potato, but Congress has been shirking its responsibility for decades. Trump could take the position that "Unless you declare full, all-out war, as President, I am not going to countenance any hostilities or contribute to them."
May not be up to the American cabal...Europe may end up in a revolution before this is over and may decide to go with Trump to see what he can do. Even if they don’t like it. They are running out of options. They can try to weather the Storm (Trump), or get overrun by countrymen. And after the American midterms, if it all goes right, may make ole’ Joe look like a evil dictator, along with anyone supporting him. I can see how this could work. Lots of BIGLY’s in there. But, who knows. All it takes of for the foreign nations to start demanding Trumps help. Then done and done.
Popcorn shortage incoming.
Yes but I think he reported it as negotiating over the biolabs. Very close but no way for him to know about NORD stream so I’m calling it a yes.
Interesting this call for peace came after the referendum, after the labs were taken out, after Russia did what they needed to do. NOW it’s time for peace? Very convenient timing of events. Nice planning Mr President.
"They are not coming after me, they are coming for you, I'm just standing in the way."
This is just dripping a billion drops of pure genius. Trump is absolutely amazing. I don't think I have ever respected someone as much as I respect him.
Seriously doubt this'll happen.
Meanwhile, Joe sleeps.
I have been wondering when this was going to happen.
OF course, the cabal won't allow him, and may restrict his travel to international destinations.
However, there are other ways to talk to these parties.
But, this will only work if he has some power. If this does happen then we will have proof that the Biden admin is toothless, to add to the fake WH, the lack of respect from military during inauguration, and the National Guard in DC, the weird arrangements re: AF1.
Obviously I love GEOTUS, but I think brokering peace deals isnt his best area lol like he sent Kushner to fix the middle east
Think Kissinger got their before him and will demand the laurels.
It’s happening!
All they've done is let President Trump show them up, why stop now.
Bet this will go up their Ying Yang sideways...💯
Ahh, that’s my President!!
NCSWIC... TRAP SET... CHECKMATE... Like Clandestine said... HE will be the hero of the world.... He's the real President no permission required.