People have been discussing the "10 day" event and the "scare" event theorizing that it may be linked to nuclear event from NATO/ Ukraine/ Russia. What if the event is actually linked to our access to money?
Many of the financial systems around the world are interconnected through investments. All it takes is for one of them to go down all the rest will follow shortly after. Banks will close down, ATM's will be turned off, access to your cash will be placed on a temporary hold.
We know Biden is destroying our currency, the stock market is taking massive hits, we have the China real estate crisis, European financial system is going down fast. Cutting energy delivery to Europe will hasten this collapse. European industry will be forced to shut down.
If a lack of access to cash turned in to a worldwide scenario, I think it would be more of a scare event than Russia bombing a target in Ukraine.
The current financial system needs to be destroyed. The Federal Reserve, international banking system, IMF and Tri-City establishment needs to go bye bye. Totally destroying the financial system we have in place today is the only way to get rid of it.
The 10 day event and scare event will most likely happen simultaneously. Stopping all access to the banking industry, pausing society as a whole, cutting communications, interrupting internet. Whole world comes to a stop. People will think the sky is falling.
Be prepared, we don't know when it will happen. If I had to guess, soon. Have everything you need to live for a couple weeks. Stock up, have cash tucked away, keep your gas tanks full. It is better to be prepared and not need it than vice versa.
Stay safe my frens
I like your thinking!!!!
me too! Lets go!
I am with you!!!
Shutting down people's money will for surely be a scare event like no other!
So many people use cards now and don't carry any cash. There's been bank issues where retail terminals stop working and cause chaos, so a financial scare event would be very effective.
Something like 15 years ago a satellite went down that effected ATM and debit cards for a single day. I was working at a gas station at the time. People lost their fucking minds. Ten days to roll out a new system......sounds kinda precipice-ey
Minor datefag: it looks like there is a countdown to Oct7 (9-24 on Julian calendar) with some event on Oct8. 10 days from that countdown on Oct7 is Monday, October 17. Could 10-17 be a Big Black Monday for the stockmarket and financial firms? Looks like UK already having serious problems and we are only 6 days to 10-7 now.
A lot of big crashes seem to happen in October for some reason. As an FYI both UK and AU central banks have been doing silly things with Bond markets and have losses in the hundreds of billions of dollars and have started up the printing presses again to "quantitatively ease" the situation.
I am just a minor anon here - but markets seem to do better in the summer, and seem to deflate in the fall, in my experience.
I am not a deep diver, but any other anon with skills, please contribute.
Why does it 'look like' that
Use a debit card! Every swipe of a credit card creates new currency that is now owed with interest. Its not like you are borrowing extant currency. It devalues every dollar in circulation and strengthens the grip of the harry potter goblins.
No interest owed if proper management of credit cards. Pay the bill on time the whole bill, no interest will accrue and most cards points are added.
Cool story. Im talking about the monetary system writ large, not your personal finances. Are you familiar with fractional reserve banking?
This is what I do. I use a credit card to pay for everything (ok, I like that I get miles for flying), but I know my budget and pay it off every two weeks with my bank account, never accruing debt. It is just easier and safer to use than my bank debit card.
I mainly don’t use debit cards because security reasons. If card gets stolen and used it is very inconvenient if paying bills w same account . W credit card it is inconvenient but not as much.
Heard that. If they get the debit card they can drain you.
Yes I mainly do not use debit for the fraud security issues which could be very inconvenient cashlfow wise for bill paying etc.
That's not how credit cards work. You aren't using someone else's money. You're creating new currency that is owed to goblins, which did not previously exist in the system. I was correct then, and I'm correct now. Just use cash.
That's not how credit cards work. You aren't using someone else's money. You're creating new currency that is owed to goblins, which did not previously exist in the system. I was correct then, and I'm correct now. Just use cash.
I understand that. I think ensuring we all still have the OPTION for cash in a physical sense is really important. It's also good to be a prepper and know how to survive without modern conveniences; even if just for a few days/weeks.
lol I gotta say, I love the juxtaposition of "the whole world grinds to a halt and everybody suffers" and "I like your thinking!!!!"
I'm starting to think that the "scare event" will be everything at once.
I like your advice: Be prepared, we don't know when it will happen. If I had to guess, soon. Have everything you need to live for a couple weeks. Stock up, have cash tucked away, keep your gas tanks full. It is better to be prepared and not need it than vice versa -- but I think more comprehensive prep is a good idea. We could be seeing a lot more than just bank problems:
Bank closures
Social Security, pension plans, etc cutting back payouts or worse
A Depression worse than the 1930s
Most jobs gone
Hunger common, literal starvation in parts of the US
Normies waking up to the death jab genocide
Crime and homelessness taking over big cities even more than now
Supply chain near-total shutdown
Medicines not available
Grid working only sporadically
Gasoline rationed if available at all
Internet sketchy if available at all
Phone service often not available
Every government response making things worse
Having said all that, I hope and believe that The Plan involves stopping the carnage before it gets to that point . . . but that's just hope. As you said: better to be prepared and not need it than vice versa
Yes, this ^^. Nobody is gonna have the will to change their ways or thinking if some bad shit doesn't go down. Western society (specifically) is so full of degeneracy, corruption, weak willed people - there has to be a "reset"....just not the Great Reset the elites want.
This is going to be biblical - HAS to be biblical. The Great Awakening is also a return to God. Because when all of this bad stuff goes down, only God will be able to save us.
This won't be Mad Max like some people might expect. The USA (or very little of the rest of the world) could survive long in our current state of the world or even if we had to go back to "bartering" - people would die by the tens of thousands, especially in large cities. We just need a taste of what life could have been like. 10 days of darkness might be the ticket...
We're not on the bad timeline because patriots are in control. The elite strings have been cut and God has already won. We just need to hold the line, wait for the mop up operations (300k+ sealed indictments), and help lead the normies into The Great Awakening.
I wonder..
Spelling matters, Darnkess....nk... North Korea?
An October 2022 scare event(s) should be enough to socially engineer normies to voting Republican or against Dems on Nov8. They not going to wake up until they made uncomfortable with lots of pain. Lots of this stuff is on the menu, but I don't think it can all be realistically crammed into the next 5.5 weeks.
Out of 3 possible Nov8 outcomes, delay of the election due to an unknown "event" on Nov3 is increasing in probability. If being under full Totalitarian dictatorship on Nov4 doesn't wake up normies, they are lost.
Well people here in NC are already voting at least by absentee ballot. Some have already been accepted in their respective counties. And early voting starts on Oct. 20th. So whatever happens should happen SOON.
...of inaugurating a traitor who provably, unquestionably, literally stole a presidential election and overthrew the govt. That was my hope and belief for the Plan, esp. after Q wrote "If Clinton had won the 2016 election, we were prepared to do the unthinkable to prevent another communist POS from assuming power" [paraphrasing but almost exact quote, particularly the bolded text].
Wonder what happened to that preparedness and resolve. Oh yeah, that's right: ALL military operations have contingency plans backing up their original plans, and more backup plans for the contingency plans. That's what we're living through IMHO. Nothing to worry about, the "Plan" didn't go sideways, just one aspect of it...and we should presume the white hats were definitely ready for it.
Let's not paraphrase. Q is very deliberate in his word choice.
"If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the UNTHINKABLE (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud)." Q post 36, Nov 02 2017
And this one, only a few days before:
Which is actually decoded to have been written by Saudi Arabian Patriots ("our country" = SA). Al-Waleed (+++) being purged Nov 4th 2017 wiping out 1/3 of the Pyramid, for the first time in human history. "Wizard and Warlocks" refers to SA Ops dating back to early 80s.
The threat that Patriots have had over Clowns during Trump's administration+ has always been DECLASS . The tens of thousands of sealed indictments as well.
Thank you for your post. It brings back to good old days of decoding drops. So encouraging to look back and what has happened.
Paraphrasing is a useful tool when needed to get an idea across and you don't have endless time to dig through drops for exact wording when it isn't crucial.
Let's not pretend I altered the meaning in any significant way whatsoever. The point is, Q said if Clinton won they were prepared to do the unthinkable, and the white hats (wizards and warlocks of NSA) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS [to] control our country.
Yet the second part happened; and they didn't do the unthinkable. So that doesn't look like Plan A.
I know it's impossible for many in this forum to accept that any of the daily horrors we are now suffering through were NEVER INTENDED by Q and the patriots, that plans need backup plans because everything doesn't go exactly as desired in a military operation. However, the fact remains that they did not expect Biden to "win", [he didn't, but someone who vaguely resembles him is in office] and did not want him to get inaugurated instead of Trump.
Disagree fundamentally on two of your assumptions.
For further explanation on why #2 is important, there are events that had had to happen throughout the world, that would have created horrific Optics for any sitting President. What happened in Afghanistan? Needed to be done ( Trump could not have survived the Optics.
What happened/is happening in Ukraine? Needed to be done. Which is why Pelosi and the DS pushed so hard to equate Trump = Putin. Because they knew evidence for Durham's investigation needed to be physically obtained, via a Russian invasion. Trump could not have survived the Optics. (
Q said it's the inside term for certain honest patriots inside the NSA.
Interesting, you can embed Q posts by typing "u/#q15" (replace 15 with the appropriate post #)
What if there's a system waiting in the wings for switching us from fiat currency to the gold standard?
What if the changeover is going to take 10 days to implement?
What if you could kill two birds with one stone?
Changeover = Scare Event = assets frozen while the new system is being installed.
This would indeed be worthy of the white hats. Smooth transition from the evil system to the best is yet to come...
...and scarier than hell for the people installing the changes. 😂🤣😂
Imagine being a back-end systems engineer given that responsibility to take new systems from dev/test into production. No big deal... just hundreds of millions of people's lives are depending on you. 😂
And, you're only given 10 days to pull it off. Ten days sounds like a lot...unless you've been there, done that.
Maybe the Y2K bug was the test to see whether businesses could handle a massive do-or-die change. And before someone tries to claim Y2K was a hoax...yes, this was a legitimate problem. It only appeared to be a nothingburger because we in IT were all wildly successful in fixing the problem in time to divert disaster.
True dat!
Not to mention, if the internet is down for an extended period of time, the DS loses a vital means of communication. The WHs can then go in and scoop up any remaining DS players.
Be still my heart....from your lips to God's ears! 🙏
It's really the only thing that makes sense when you think about it. With all this TIME to create it, why would there NOT be a new system already in place when the current shitshow is taken down?
The seizure of trillions in assets from deepstate players committing global genocide and human trafficking should obviate most of our taxes, forever.
Simple subtraction equation:
(Debt jubilee + gold-backed US currency) - (Fed + income tax + IRS + central banks) = LIBERTY
An unfounded assumption.
Lots and lots of major systems have changed and events have happened without my hearing about them.
Banks shutting down, unable to pay the bills that would wake people up!
If no one can pay their bills no one would care imo. Who would enforce it? Even the bill collectors couldn’t pay their own bills!
When they can't buy fast food, their starvation begins.
The creditors would enforce it. You owe me money and society's collapsing and I can't buy food, guess what? I'm coming for my money.
Vigilantism is real, and believe me, certain populations have a huge head start on their willingness to take what they want
And for say, let's say the power went out unless the power company got paid something in value for exchange of services.
So would a complete shutdown of SNAP, WIC, and SSI
I believe you are correct Anon!
In all likelihood, all scare events will fire off at the same time. It truly will look like Armageddon across the world. The financial collapse, the threat of a third World War, the possibility of global thermonuclear war, and the presence of military on the streets of every country on Earth.
The financial collapse alone will be enough to jolt most awake, especially if it is accompanied by a communications blackout that cuts off the feed of the TV and radios so that for 10 days all of humanity simply exists in the nightmare of the World Economic Forum's "own nothing, be happy" utopia.
When Q said “scare event”, he also said “non-nuclear”, so this theory makes more sense. At the same time, it does seem like a narrative is being built where Biden brings the world to a state of imminent nuclear war through incompetence and corruption, and then President Trump swoops in (with help from the military?) to negotiate a worldwide peace deal and the end of the nuclear war threat. If this narrative has been in the works for a few years now, then I think the Hawaii nuclear alert would have been a social experiment to see how it affected people. If everyone had freaked out and started raping and shooting each other, Q Team probably would have had to rethink this plan.
I also think Covid might have been the “scare event”. Basically it was biological warfare, but at the most minimal level imaginable. That seemed very White Hat to me, like, “OK, we have to do this, but what would be the LEAST upsetting biological attack?” And they arrived at “the common cold”. That seems like the rationalization people would make to justify faking a biological attack on the entire world. Also, I often think major military actions went down during that initial lockdown when the streets everywhere were empty. It would make sense to me that even as they were faking the common cold as biological warfare, they could have been genuinely worried about real biological warfare and needed people off the streets until the enemy was subdued.
It's the vaccine I'm worried about.
It’s possible the White Hats allowed the vaccine to be poisoned to break the pharmaceutical spell of vaccines. Remember that it was only a few years ago when being slandered as an “anti-vaxxer” was common on the left and the right, at every economic level, and at every social class. It was like being called a “Holocaust denier”. Probably there are people here who now know the truth who used to be absolutely cruel to “anti-vaxxers” and spread much slander and hate about those who didn’t inject themselves with the latest pharmaceutical products.
This has now changed. People on the left are still clinging on to the “anti-vaxxer” slur, but that’s about it. The magic spell around vaccines has been broken. Could this be “the hardest decision of his life” that Trump had to make? To knowingly allow a poisoned vaccine which would kill millions in order to break the vaccine industry, which was killing tens of millions?
And you can’t just say: well, Trump could have just gone in front of a camera and told the truth about vaccines. Because one thing Trump showed us, along with Q, is that you cannot wake up people who actively choose to stay asleep. Hydroxychloroquine is a perfect example of this. Trump mentioned that a nearly-inert common drug with a 50-year track record could reduce Covid symptoms, and what did you see? You saw the entire world turn on him, you saw scientists forge peer-reviewed studies in the Lancet, you saw a worldwide ban on the drug, you saw doctors who had safely been prescribing it for decades suddenly turn around and call it a toxic poison, you saw prescriptions cancelled, you saw Neil Cavuto in his whiny bitch-voice screaming into a camera, “Hydroxychloroquine will KILL you!”
And if that is what the world does when they hear something they don’t like, that alleviates their fear, think about how they would react to the truth about vaccines?
How, then, do you even begin to change that programmed response? Because it’s not as easy as “just tell the truth”.
I do still hope the “vaccine” (mRNA injection) has some sort of antidote that the White Hats are sitting on. That might better explain how they let this happen, knowing that more people would be saved by waking them up to the vaccine, and that those who didn’t die from it immediately could later be saved from it. And then I guess those who took it but died before the antidote was released would have been seen as the inevitable casualties of information warfare.
Another possibility according to DecodingSymbols is the Covid Plandemic used by the White Hats to disarm most of the active MKUltra cells, as well as destroying the deep state's other secret weapons (I.E. the bioweapon found aboard the Evergiven)
Yeah, still worries me. My wife had to get it to keep her profession.
I also think a lot of the injections were saline - possibly the majority. I know so many people who took it and appear to be unaffected so that gives me hope that there was tons and tons of saline administered instead of the mRNA fluid-tech. This would also explain why everyone caught Covid anyways. Good luck!
Everyone I know who was unaffected so far didn't take more than two, it's the booster crowd that are chronically sick or dying suddenly. They also got it early on and I think a lot of the original shots were saline because if too many people started dying immediately it would have killed their momentum when they wanted the first people to become advocates going "look nothing bad happened to me!"
I'm seeing the same thing. The more they took, the sicker they get. I also see that NONE of the sick ones think it was the vaxx.
That does make sense. It is better to have been injected with pure saline instead of the actual vaccine and then later catch the live virus. Natural antibodies are many times more superior to vaccine antibodies anyway.
Yeah, I’ve heard this as well and my wife got the JJ vaccine which isn’t MRNA and she’s just had the one.
I disagree, because millions around the world weren't the least bit scared of either "COVID" or the pseudovaccine. We knew it was bullshit from the outset and never even considered for one second taking an experimental govt poison. Fear played no role in the decision whatsoever (sorry for you, Scott Adams).
Losing all access to money and communications, though....that would scare billions of people—virtually everyone except the members of this forum, who are totally expecting and preparing for it, understanding it will be very short lived.
Doesn't Q also say "sky event"?
Yes he does. But he does not say ‘scare’ event.
It could mean a lot. You could even relate it to the pandemic scare, that shit was global!
So then you can argue that it came and went…like an “event” that was “scary”
Check out my XRP chart for when this shit might go down.
We're still in Libra which is when the XRP vs. SEC trial might end.
ISO20022 is initiated in November.
Also don't forget Russia was kicked off SWIFT and they've legalized the use of cryptos and have an agreement to use China's CIPS system, all ISO20022 ready.
The fed will die and the world will just move on to the new system.
It will be scary when the whole dept-based system implodes and every fiat currency backed by nothing hyperinflates. That will cause people to re-evaluate their priorities and realize what things in life are truly important. It had to be this way.
Get physical Gold and Silver while you still can.
There is currently a run on silver, all around the world, and stocks are dropping quicker than dead flies. In all likelihood, won't be able to get silver soon.
Mmm Silver 💕
I don’t have a chance. Already living check to check just to keep food in the fridge. I’d never be the one to go out and hurt people but I can imagine the police would be stretched too thin. I’d have no choice but to make my run on the local Walmart .10miles away from my house. Only 1 gun for protection I’d HAVE to steal what my family needs. Not from people but from companies. It’s gonna suck.
Buy things that stretch. Rice and beans will keep you alive and it’s cheap and easy. In that scenario the more you can stay home the better. That’s lockdown time, not gunfight in Wal Mart time.
Listen to JayFrank. Go buy you lots of canned or dried beans and dried rice. I'd add in some canned greens. They're good with beans and will add in some vitamins and minerals. Onions will keep for a good while. Apples will keep all winter if stored properly. Winter squash keeps okay and is cheaper right now. You can get airtight bins at Walmart and Target and store the dried rice and beans under your bed if storage space is a problem. The bins I'm talking about have a blue gasket around the edge of the lid. Let me know if you want info on storing apples in a garage, shed or cold basement. Before reading your post, I was just thinking to myself, "Not just cities. Anyone who lives close to stores is in the habit of not stocking up, just buying what you need as you need it." Plus everyone is pinching pennies nowadays. Those of us who live miles from town have kept food on hand for years. What do I do when I'm snowed in for days, the power is out and I can't get to the store or cook except on the woodstove? Depending on their age, your grandparents can tell you lots of ways to get by in hard times.
Heres hoping people help each other out. I think many are stretched thin the way prices are. Here hoping it doesn't go for too long.
Do you really think people facing starvation are going to take food away from their families to feed someone else? Read here about what happened to an African tribe when starvation hit.
No, even among my awake friends we all admit inside house family first BUT if we all have excess of something it makes sense to share. The way my garden is going im gonna get fed up with cucumbers real quick
Go read about the Ik. They took food out of the mouths of their own children. I took anthro classes in college under one of the guys doing the study. The tribe was starving, btw, because their government took away their lifestyle, handed them some seeds and said, "Go be farmers because your lifestyle is bad." Sound familiar?
I do think most will help friends and family but what are you going to do when the starving hordes from the nearby cities and suburbs show up?
... bingo
I have said this before, and I will say it again. The Precipice is a series of events that culminate into a preview of all the scare events in the past - including Great Depression and World Wars.
The financial collapse requires a cover - and fake WW3 is going to be that cover. WW3 will come in handy when the disclosure happens, and we are getting there.
Disclosure Start -> fake WW3 -> Financial Collapse -> Precipice.
=== X days of darkness = X days when people think the world has ended ====
Then the midterms, glimmer of light, MAGA red wave => Steady trickle of full declas via congressional committees, courts, perhaps tribunals.
=> This leads to Great Awakening, which for some people will span almost full 2 years. We are in the last two years of the 8 year Q Plan.
Welp, time to stock up on some ramen…
Often gone from the shelves here. Either not stocking it or others have the same idea
Always quality when you post jhartz39!
I hope so. If it doesn't cost people directly they don't change. They got away with COVID because they kept bellies full and mortgages afloat.
I'm with you. The sheep don't scare by nuclear. They are materialists. That's what shakes them.
👏👏👏👏👏👍 dam straight, a particular family member comes to mind, let alone knowing the average adult is the same
They may do a debt jubliee or something as well.
Have food storage and means to protect it folks. Get a UHF or some kind of small radio. Community up. Be vigilant. After you're done helping yourself, help your neighbor....even the fucking blue ones.
Covid-19 was the scare event. Ironically there is no such thing (just as there is no such thing as a nuke).
Get cash while you can
I agree. We are controlled by our money, this is the addiction of MORE, the first addiction, where everyone is affected.Hopefully, those that are wakened to this, can plan. I wish I could get my mortgage taken care of, so close but so far away. I can survive just fine for 10 days, we have food, we have silver, we know how to live if the utilities go dark. People will lose it, no doubt about that, hunker down and protect what you have hopefully saved up in your own home. Evil loses when it is deprived of money, it is what it thrives on. It is the root of all Evil. Stop trusting the system with your hard earned money, stop buying on credit, pay it off. Refinancing is a trap you may never get out of. The powers will crumble and the earth will be given to the humble and meek and God fearing, because that is our inheritance. The whore of Babylon is the finance system, stop nursing from her poison breast.
"Watch me collapse society Morty, just by changing a one to a zero"
Since its getting harder for peeps to access their own money this would defin be harder on society then any location based nuc. I know so many people who literally food shop day by day due to convenience. Imagine how many people are farked.
Isn't that pretty common in Europe especially in cities where less have cars to get a proper load of groceries home? For years saw eurotrash on social media criticizing our car culture and mentality of going shopping once a week or once a month even ("you wouldn't need a big car if you weren't doing a months shopping all at once dur dur").
I would have thought normal in Europe because cooking shows here imply they eat fresh everyday, buying fresh baked bread etc. But im in oz and (generalising) we don't buy day to day fresh veggies etc. Peeps are going to their general local supermarket simply out of convenience in my opinion. At least based on comments my family make.
Pretty sure it's going to be a whole lot of things at once, almost in an atlas shrugged sorta way
This is a very good theory and yes this would be worse than a Nuke because with a financial system crash everyone would be effectively equally fucked.
Most people have lost sight of how the world operates. They assume that food just appears in the grocery store, that power will always heat their house, and they’ll always have access to their savings. I think the scare event will be triggered by banking, but it will result in no heat, power, or food being available. Imagine society literally not functioning.
Ammo and guns. When people can't get their money they will become animals and must be delt with as such. Protect your family first. It should be only 2 bad weeks. A lot can happen.
The purge movie shows how bad a night could be let alone 2 weeks 😅🥺
Does someone have at hand the Q drops that prompted the discussions of a type of global, scare "event?"
Over on the right side of all GAW pages, there is a section entitled RESOURCES. They provide this link to an aggregation page of the Q posts: You can search for terms using their search function. There's also The post most people are referring to is 97.
I have always thought the only way people will wake up is if they're blocked from their money. They've already been poisoning us and stealing from us and most people are just going about life like it's normal.
Definitely more than a hmmm, this seems a likely part of any upcoming scenario.
There is no clean way to clean up the financial mess worldwide.
I would add to you above prep advice, if you are able stock up enough to help some neighbors, even those who may have shunned you.
Indeed, WWG1WGA.
Shutting down the internet is worse, fibre optic cables run under water just like a gas pipe. Just a thought.
This is only the coolest thing in the world if it's super short. Ten days at the max, maybe two weeks.
two weeks