It does seem strange. Noticing Jews is apparently worse than arming the people who wish to destroy Israel.
But it all makes sense when you realize that Jews (D) excel at selling their own people out. Which is why I conclude the Holocaust did happen. Why wouldn't they collude with the 3rd Reich to murder millions, when they collaborated with the 1st Reich to murder Jesus?
Interesting when one person talks about stuff, it can be labelled anti-semitic and people move on - like when Mel Gibson did. But when a bunch of people start saying the same things people will start wondering.
You think it was a coincidence Elon and all this stuff is happening at the same time? Kanye, that basketball player, Pelosi's husband. It's all being exposed. The great awakening. Patriots in control.
I don't care for his music now and also called him Wacko Jacko during the whole thing, but if it turns out he was trying to expose all the bullshit, I'll need to seriously rethink him. Not that that means I'll start listening to his music.
Pretty sure he was the way he was because, being a child star, he was passed around in back rooms a lot. I have no solid evidence, but everything does seem to make sense when you consider it.
Not popular on GAW to mention it, but its also his work with Bush Sr. that really made him a target. Clown World makes you a Star, gives you a Voice, and you decide to use it to expose them instead of push Racism? You get destroyed.
I've been banned for days on here several times for pointing out the Jew shit and although I am still under the impression Kanye is a psyop, I am extremely happy the masses are starting to see the true problem worldwide.
Song lyrics can and do include all kinds of naughty words, especially in the land of Freedom of Speech
The little faggot with the earring and the makeup...that little faggot got his own jet airplane...that little faggot, he's a millionaire
Father? (Yes, son?) I want to kill you. Mother? I want to...[not typing it here but you probably know what he said in concert]
Are there any queers in the audience tonight? Get 'em up against the wall! And that one looks Jewish/ And that one's a coon!
Have mercy, Miss Percy, I done put the coon tune on this 'Vette
Who are you...who who, who who...ah, who the FUCK are you?
Fuck me, you ugly son of a bitch...make it go fast in and out til it squirts fire, but don't get no jizz upon that sofa
Hey, Joe, who did you blow? Moe pushed the button, boy, and you went to the show...better suck a little harder, or the shekels won't flow...and I don't mean your thumb, so on your knees, you bum [refers to musicians having to kowtow to Jewish record producers]
Examples abound. A couple of these are from Brits, and in the UK they don't even have freedom of speech encoded in their law. The point is, as a species we have granted artists and poets the right to push the envelope of's part of why we HAVE artists and poets in our societies.
I just said last night to my hub,we clearly know they arent actively going after true pedos based on Epstein. So we can conclude any "pedo" they go after is probably not one but in fact someone trying expose them that they need to silence. Aka Michael Jackson.
Correct. Someone else has posted this in this thread, but I saw it a couple years ago and it completely changed my mind about Michael Jackson. It's a3 part series that totally destroys the story of MJ being a pedo.
Look to who bought a lot of news papers between 1885 and 1910, then see when the ADL was created, and what family dropped off the radar, and around that time khazarian was added to the jewish encyclopedia as the most prevalent. But, it's all conspiracy.
For what it's worth, Macauley Culkin (the Home Alone kid) said that Michael Jackson was about the only person in his life who didn't abuse him one way or another. Macauley knew MJ personally and was in one of his music videos - ?might have been "Black or White"
I'd love to know what Mac thought of DJT when he briefly worked with him on Home Alone 2
Unlikely. Look up razorfist. He has a three part video series showing that the allegations were bunk.
I'll edit the comment after I grab the first part.
Why is there a protected group of people when it comes to free speech? All that does is discriminate against those not in the group who are somehow more or less allowed to be scrutinized and ridiculed.
It's all shady bullshit to protect the ones really running the show.
they can & have ruined careers of those that speak out against them, that don't play by the rules, often accusing them & slandering them with pedophilia slander & accusations.
BUT... the ones who ACTUALLY DO PARTAKE in that stuff, if they "play by their rules" or they are one of them... THEY GET PROTECTED
The cabal loves to divide and conquer, but their minions will be having the civil war. Trannies are their victim group and lesbians are angry they are not the favorite anymore. Jews are protected and blacks are not preferred over them.
This playlist should interest you. Razorfist goes in depth on their constant attacks on him when he was alive. The "pedo" stuff only really stuck after his death where he could no longer defend himself. The media hyenas went wild, and they also played his music everywhere "in remembrance" making money off it. Sick sick people.
MJ was taken town cause he tried to speak out. He was trying to help kids that were harmed in the film and music industry, like he was.
Obviously no one here thinks pedophilia is okay. I think the whole point to the Great Awakening Movement is for us to start questioning everything we thought we once knew to be true, as we've been lied to about everything our whole lives. I've been reading some Fritz Springmeier (shout out to Ashlanddog for linking some choice articles on Exploring Real History website), and I've learned a lot about the CIA's MKUltra programs. They've been doing it since before the advent of Disney, and, in fact, Disney was a huge contributor to their operation. My instincts tell me that MJ was an MK victim, which explains a lot of his behavioral idiosyncrasies, and when he tried to break free, they offed him. Listen to Ye. Look at Britney. They're walking testimonials. Question everything. Pedophilia is one of [their] most common weapons of attack. They project what they are guilty of, and weaponize it. I could be wrong, but MJ would have had a lot to lose by outing [them], so why would he make it up? And [they] would have had a lot to lose by allowing him to live and speak out.
The fact that he was sleeping in bed with little boys is a matter of fact, admitted by him and understood by all. How convenient that the totally innocent man they wanted to frame as a pedophile just happened to be someone who routinely slept in the same bed as a nr of different young boys...
And this whole "he was just so weird, he didn't have a normal childhood, he was just a kid himself at heart" is just a clever cover for a pedo.
I used to think he was innocent too before Leaving Neverland, watching it made me feel ashamed at how gullible I had been to support a man who is really no better then Epstein and even Savile. The dude even made his own personal amusement park to lure kids into his layer. Absolutely disgusting and the scale of the abuse is monstrous over a long period of time that he got away with.
And if you think about it, how much did he really "redpill" people? Talking about how record companies were corrupt after he had a personal dispute with them?
Did he talk about human trafficking of children? 9/11? Global warming? Did he say "they are projecting pedophilia on me because it is what they are doing themselves? Did he ever attempt to impress any of this upon his millions of devoted fans?
Of course he also used the "they're going after me cause I'm black" card and tried to appeal to the more conspiracy minded of us but the fact remains, the dude was as guilty as they come, there are so many witnesses who have come forward and corraborated these accusations, staff members at Neverland and even members of his own family. But of course they are all part of this grand conspiracy against the Illuminatis greatest adversary right? All got paid off. Of course. Each and every one of them has no morals and will make up a lie to hurt an innocent man for a bit of cash. Obviously they are all amoral but him.
Believe me, I've studied this topic more than most. This is an interview that he did himself, watch it and tell me you think this is totally fine? If anyone did that interview there would immediately be accusations of that person of pedophilia. It would not take any kind of conspiracy and it is absolutely what most people would immediately think.
The only think that I am confused about is why DJT plays his song in his rallies and has said positive things about him, but then again he said some nice things about Bill Clinton as well... And the man was undoubtedly one of the most talented pop artists of all time and his songs are incredibly catchy. But the dude was a pedo. Any other narrative is delusional.
Look identical too
i thought it was fauci at first
At this point, it wouldn't surprise me.
You can criticize everyone and everything but the Jew. Got it.
16 quintillion. Never forget.
60 QuantaGorillion....
But it’s not antisemitic to support Palestine. And the people that hate Jews.
Unless you go boycott, divest, sanction (BDS). THEN it’s “anti-semitic”. $$
No wrong, it's Antisemitic to Support Palestine, the PLA/PLO, and anyone there who is against the British Colony called Israel...
I'm not AntiSemitic, I'm a Critical Semite Theorist....
My post was satire
Mine too.....
It does seem strange. Noticing Jews is apparently worse than arming the people who wish to destroy Israel.
But it all makes sense when you realize that Jews (D) excel at selling their own people out. Which is why I conclude the Holocaust did happen. Why wouldn't they collude with the 3rd Reich to murder millions, when they collaborated with the 1st Reich to murder Jesus?
Interesting when one person talks about stuff, it can be labelled anti-semitic and people move on - like when Mel Gibson did. But when a bunch of people start saying the same things people will start wondering.
Yep! So glad Elon got to Twitter before #theNoticing or else all convo would just be "shut it down"'d
You think it was a coincidence Elon and all this stuff is happening at the same time? Kanye, that basketball player, Pelosi's husband. It's all being exposed. The great awakening. Patriots in control.
Yes. And I hear Dave in your statements.
Dave Dave ;)
Let’s talk about your hammer.
I think Elon has just heavily reduced their ability to tinker with tweets hasnt even shown the real power level. All in due time.
Yes, they found a doctor to sedate him into oblivion. That doctor got off with a light sentence too.
Exactly. That all started after he released Black or White. On an album called Dangerous.
Don't forget Man In the Mirror...
"I've been a victim of,
A selfish kind of love,
It's time that I realize...."
Final Boss
He outted them with symbolism on his album covers too.
I love this so much 🙏🏻❤️
RIP Michael. King of Pop!
I don't care for his music now and also called him Wacko Jacko during the whole thing, but if it turns out he was trying to expose all the bullshit, I'll need to seriously rethink him. Not that that means I'll start listening to his music.
Pretty sure he was the way he was because, being a child star, he was passed around in back rooms a lot. I have no solid evidence, but everything does seem to make sense when you consider it.
Not popular on GAW to mention it, but its also his work with Bush Sr. that really made him a target. Clown World makes you a Star, gives you a Voice, and you decide to use it to expose them instead of push Racism? You get destroyed.
A point of light ambassador................
Gent(i)lemen, Behold
The Cold Hard Truth
I've been banned for days on here several times for pointing out the Jew shit and although I am still under the impression Kanye is a psyop, I am extremely happy the masses are starting to see the true problem worldwide.
God bless us all.
Sorry you got banned, Mr./Ms. Un. I know your posts are good, I see them all the time. Glad you're back.
Jackson isn't the only one who sang naughty words
Song lyrics can and do include all kinds of naughty words, especially in the land of Freedom of Speech
The little faggot with the earring and the makeup...that little faggot got his own jet airplane...that little faggot, he's a millionaire
Father? (Yes, son?) I want to kill you. Mother? I want to...[not typing it here but you probably know what he said in concert]
Are there any queers in the audience tonight? Get 'em up against the wall! And that one looks Jewish/ And that one's a coon!
Have mercy, Miss Percy, I done put the coon tune on this 'Vette
Who are you...who who, who who...ah, who the FUCK are you?
Fuck me, you ugly son of a bitch...make it go fast in and out til it squirts fire, but don't get no jizz upon that sofa
Hey, Joe, who did you blow? Moe pushed the button, boy, and you went to the show...better suck a little harder, or the shekels won't flow...and I don't mean your thumb, so on your knees, you bum [refers to musicians having to kowtow to Jewish record producers]
Examples abound. A couple of these are from Brits, and in the UK they don't even have freedom of speech encoded in their law. The point is, as a species we have granted artists and poets the right to push the envelope of's part of why we HAVE artists and poets in our societies.
This rabbi and the ADF are race-baiting putzes.
I just said last night to my hub,we clearly know they arent actively going after true pedos based on Epstein. So we can conclude any "pedo" they go after is probably not one but in fact someone trying expose them that they need to silence. Aka Michael Jackson.
Correct. Someone else has posted this in this thread, but I saw it a couple years ago and it completely changed my mind about Michael Jackson. It's a3 part series that totally destroys the story of MJ being a pedo.
I love that song so much.
He also has a song called DS where he was very much so, "expressing himself" it's pretty freaking awesome.
I think Michael was framed to smear image and then taken out. That's what I think happened.
Realizing that MJ was J-woke and in all likelihood innocent is one of the most mind blowing revelations of my red-pilling.
Look to who bought a lot of news papers between 1885 and 1910, then see when the ADL was created, and what family dropped off the radar, and around that time khazarian was added to the jewish encyclopedia as the most prevalent. But, it's all conspiracy.
Maybe he wasn't a child molester after all???
For what it's worth, Macauley Culkin (the Home Alone kid) said that Michael Jackson was about the only person in his life who didn't abuse him one way or another. Macauley knew MJ personally and was in one of his music videos - ?might have been "Black or White"
I'd love to know what Mac thought of DJT when he briefly worked with him on Home Alone 2
He tweeted that he wanted Trump digitally altered out of Home Alone. He's a deep state patsy.
Unlikely. Look up razorfist. He has a three part video series showing that the allegations were bunk. I'll edit the comment after I grab the first part.
A must-watch. It changed my mind about MJ.
Why is there a protected group of people when it comes to free speech? All that does is discriminate against those not in the group who are somehow more or less allowed to be scrutinized and ridiculed.
It's all shady bullshit to protect the ones really running the show.
they can & have ruined careers of those that speak out against them, that don't play by the rules, often accusing them & slandering them with pedophilia slander & accusations.
BUT... the ones who ACTUALLY DO PARTAKE in that stuff, if they "play by their rules" or they are one of them... THEY GET PROTECTED
Michael is still Alive!
Definitely sticky-worthy. Good job, mods.
Me, 15 minutes into "no politics at the Thanksgiving table"
Lmao, this account is great
I don't get it? What's on the phone?
I've been looking for that all day; thx fren. Also .... WOW!
Explains why the NY post is so different from the rest.
The real monster in the machine is getting dragged into the light.
The cabal loves to divide and conquer, but their minions will be having the civil war. Trannies are their victim group and lesbians are angry they are not the favorite anymore. Jews are protected and blacks are not preferred over them.
Imagine back then being so alone, knowing what you know, trying to explain the best way you can, continually getting smacked back down.
Social media may be many questionable things, but it's now at least possible to get the word out there and have it spread on its own.
If you want to find out who runs the world, find out who you can't criticize or make fun of.
So we're ok with adult men taking 8 year old boys on tour and sleeping in the same bed as them now?
Who says if anything is true about him? Remember, him and PDJT were pretty tight. That revelation blows my mind
This playlist should interest you. Razorfist goes in depth on their constant attacks on him when he was alive. The "pedo" stuff only really stuck after his death where he could no longer defend himself. The media hyenas went wild, and they also played his music everywhere "in remembrance" making money off it. Sick sick people.
MJ was taken town cause he tried to speak out. He was trying to help kids that were harmed in the film and music industry, like he was.
I'll 2nd Razorfists's videos on this. Very compelling.
I'm wondering about everything said about him, and about Cosby.
Because media smears are true, right? Did you forget what they accused Trump of already?
Russian garbonzo beans on his face or some such.
Obviously no one here thinks pedophilia is okay. I think the whole point to the Great Awakening Movement is for us to start questioning everything we thought we once knew to be true, as we've been lied to about everything our whole lives. I've been reading some Fritz Springmeier (shout out to Ashlanddog for linking some choice articles on Exploring Real History website), and I've learned a lot about the CIA's MKUltra programs. They've been doing it since before the advent of Disney, and, in fact, Disney was a huge contributor to their operation. My instincts tell me that MJ was an MK victim, which explains a lot of his behavioral idiosyncrasies, and when he tried to break free, they offed him. Listen to Ye. Look at Britney. They're walking testimonials. Question everything. Pedophilia is one of [their] most common weapons of attack. They project what they are guilty of, and weaponize it. I could be wrong, but MJ would have had a lot to lose by outing [them], so why would he make it up? And [they] would have had a lot to lose by allowing him to live and speak out.
The fact that he was sleeping in bed with little boys is a matter of fact, admitted by him and understood by all. How convenient that the totally innocent man they wanted to frame as a pedophile just happened to be someone who routinely slept in the same bed as a nr of different young boys...
And this whole "he was just so weird, he didn't have a normal childhood, he was just a kid himself at heart" is just a clever cover for a pedo.
I used to think he was innocent too before Leaving Neverland, watching it made me feel ashamed at how gullible I had been to support a man who is really no better then Epstein and even Savile. The dude even made his own personal amusement park to lure kids into his layer. Absolutely disgusting and the scale of the abuse is monstrous over a long period of time that he got away with.
And if you think about it, how much did he really "redpill" people? Talking about how record companies were corrupt after he had a personal dispute with them?
Did he talk about human trafficking of children? 9/11? Global warming? Did he say "they are projecting pedophilia on me because it is what they are doing themselves? Did he ever attempt to impress any of this upon his millions of devoted fans?
Of course he also used the "they're going after me cause I'm black" card and tried to appeal to the more conspiracy minded of us but the fact remains, the dude was as guilty as they come, there are so many witnesses who have come forward and corraborated these accusations, staff members at Neverland and even members of his own family. But of course they are all part of this grand conspiracy against the Illuminatis greatest adversary right? All got paid off. Of course. Each and every one of them has no morals and will make up a lie to hurt an innocent man for a bit of cash. Obviously they are all amoral but him.
Believe me, I've studied this topic more than most. This is an interview that he did himself, watch it and tell me you think this is totally fine? If anyone did that interview there would immediately be accusations of that person of pedophilia. It would not take any kind of conspiracy and it is absolutely what most people would immediately think.
The only think that I am confused about is why DJT plays his song in his rallies and has said positive things about him, but then again he said some nice things about Bill Clinton as well... And the man was undoubtedly one of the most talented pop artists of all time and his songs are incredibly catchy. But the dude was a pedo. Any other narrative is delusional.
I used to think like that until I watched this 3 part series that completely destroys the narrative that MJ is a pedo.
IMO, MJ was so deeply abused that I don't believe that he even thought as a fully matured and sexual human.
I remember that interview where he gave every wrong answer... 2 possibilities:
he was so sociopathic and oblivious that his answers would be shocking, or
He was thinking of it as preteen sleepovers where it's playtime. We can't understand because normal people at that age with teens would only be bad.