We need to peacefully protest at all military bases so that the Military understands that we do not accept the stolen election results and that the Military has a constitutional obligation to defend the country from this insurrection.
So how many protests have you organized? How many have you attended? Be the change you want to see. Acting butthurt online does not count as a protest. Nothing done online counts as a protest.
Start one yourself by going to the nearest base alone if you have to. People will see. People will show up in solidarity. What base do you live near? If I live nearby I will show up. That makes two at the very least.
I live in Canada. Organizing a protest at a USA military base would be a little complicated for me since I can't get into the USA currently because I am not vaxxed. But thanks for your caring reply.
The Dems didn't demoralize MAGA because they are acting exactly how we expected. The GOP on the other hand is the problem. The RINOS / anti-Trumpers like McConnell, Graham, Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Cheney, and others are the bigger troublemakers. It's not demoralize as much as frustrate because they provide a mouthpiece for MSM that is completely opposite Trump and his followers. They can't be trusted and are backstabbers. My guess is that is why military could be hesitating. They see the country split by registration about 50/50 but when you throw 20% of troublemaking GOP on the Democrat side of scale it puts the true right into minority status. Will military step in for 30% of the people being MAGA? It makes things much more dicey. If 70% of the voting public isn't complaining about the stolen elections but praising them, what should they do? If they moved in, it would be considered an illegal coup by the majority.
She hasn't been blindfolded for some time. And yeah. Fuck optics. Fuck the normies. What are the anti gun faggots gonna do? Burn down more Dem cities? I don't want war, but if the choice is war or more of the same, give me the fucking war!
It's interesting that the 'white hats' are TRYING SO HARD to avoid a civil war by denying justice that they can end up....provoking a civil war exactly through denying justice.
Something something about peaceful change being denied making violent revolution inevitable. I think it was a democrat (not demonrat) that said it.
You can not feel the way you do and actually be informed about this operation.
All the people calling for the military to step in. The entire operation is military.
EVERYTHING YOU SEE a controlled operation.
The military has been Taking care of this right in front of your eyes. Not your timing... too bad.
Yelling at the very people who are saving your asses.
Same kind of whining the children of Israel did in the wilderness all while God dropped food from heaven every fucking day.
Guess what, those who believed and didn't bitch saw the promised land. Those who didn't, died in the wilderness. They were free already and didn't even know it.
You gotta be willing to leave the wilderness and take what was promised.
Be strong, conduct yourselves like men, believing the truth.
I approved this statement only to warn. You know better than this level of Dooming. We are already at war. I don’t believe you really want a kinetic one. You have no clue what it feels like to be shot or nearly die I think. Don’t fall through the thin ice today.
Oh, the military wouldn't have a problem with revealing the truth as long as civilian courts processed the evil doers. They'd have a problem arresting and trying them in a military court since only about 30% of the voters would support the move.
Well if they don’t act at some this group will go around them and act on it’s own.
That would put the military in a position where they have to make a decision one way or another.
I’m thinking they’re definitely acting and have already acted in a major way that we just don’t know about, yet. Makes no sense to run a full fledge international and domestic psyop in the way they have been if you’re not fully committed to showing your cards at some point.
If any group is capable of hiding things it’s the military. Just look at the UFO issue. Their hands aren’t totally clean either. How much did the say they lost track of a few years ago? $46 billion or something? Lots of black projects with the clowns, too. Like any other branch of goverment they look out for their own and make all kinds of arrangements with their contractors like “no bid awards”.
Looking to them to correct the mess we find ourselves in is not as easy as sending in the Calvary. They will check the political winds. Remember, these are the same people who forced the C19 jabs on all military personnel. They also have leftists teaching at the service academies teaching CRT, gender stuff and other woke ideas. Not exactly what MAGA would want. No guarantee they would act any differently than Gen. Milley.
Within any large number group you’ll be able to find outliers and in the military most of those are political appointees, civilians holding military jobs and a few officers who are nothing more than political hacks.
Also, I’m not sure the damage from the vaxx is real. It could just be part of the show to wake Americans up to just how evil big pharma can be. I talk to my friends who work in the medical field and they acknowledge seeing stats that show sharp rises in all sorts of stuff, but it doesn’t line up with what they’re seeing personally or with what their colleagues are telling them they see.
They seem truly confused..
They should look at all cause mortality rates as shown in life insurance company data for 2021 and 2022 as compared to years prior. Their businesses pay close attention to this as it relates directly to their profits after payouts. You would think after the vaccine rollout the death rates would go down. The opposite occurred. The vax made it worse and deaths increased.
If the military doesn't do anything now, all we have left is... Well.. the end game
So at what point do you consider that "the military" will not "do anything"? You do realize that "the military" is in no way whatsoever a single entity right? There are multiple branches, each with its own chain of command. In order for "the military" to step in and "do something" would require the top level brass from each one to all agree to act in concert together and send the order. And if those orders seemed...revolutionary...to people further down the chain, it could lead to said orders being questioned. That is normally never done but unless each and every recipient of said orders 100% agrees with them, it will cause issues due to the nature of the orders. Troops are not going to mindlessly go out into the streets and start arresting and/or shooting people just because they are told to. This whole "the military" thing has been way way overblown IMO.
And what is your definition of "the end game"? If "the military" does not "do something" then what else is there to do by regular citizens? Specifically. Because acting butthurt online counts for exactly dick.
When Lake loses, and I don't see ANY repercussions in the following week I'll take that as a sign the military, in ANY FUCKING FORM, {nobody implied military on the streets to begin with} is doing absolutely zero. Because if they were going to do anything, they'd sure as hell want to do it before the outrage hits the streets and violence occurs. {Think deputies on roof in Maricopa... They are not there for your health}
I'm not going to say what the end game is, but we all know. One side wants it, and the other is trying to avoid it.
Question I have for you is, how long do you wait until it becomes crystal clear that they got away with it?
When your family is in a bread line or jailed for wrong speak?
Well pretty much any mention of the military "taking action" on this site references mass arrests, tribunals, and public hangings. So yeah "on the streets" is kind of a no brainer at that point.
And since you answered (some) of my questions:
how long do you wait until it becomes crystal clear that they got away with it?
Honestly I don't know. I try not to assume that every single loss for an R candidate means definite cheating. Because to be fair, it is not reasonable to suspect that 100% of them should have won hands down. That is simply not logical given the number of voters in the country. We haven't even finished the initial count yet, much less any recounts and/or run offs. So to out of hand reject everything at this stage is to me, foolish.
But what I will say is that all I have seen is a lot of butthurt whiny online posting going on. No real world protests or sit downs or anything. If people truly believed there was thievery in the ballot counting rooms, it seems to me that they should be out there making some noise in the real world instead of posting online about how "the military" needs to step in and kick ass. If people hold their breath waiting for MPs to start making arrests, they are going to pass out.
Posting complaints here is the same as going to the movies and arguing that the cost of popcorn is too high. Everyone there will agree but nothing will be done about it.
Well I take issue with your comment about whining and complaining.
I did none of that. It was a opinion regarding "if this doesn't happen, this surely will". You don't agree with it so it's you who is harping on it.
So you can stop with that nonsense. But it appears to me you keep misinterpreting MY feeling about military intervention. I do not expect military on the street yanking people into armored cars. Though that WILL happen if street violence breaks out, and it won't be good for us.
I do however expect things to happen on the tech side, such as verifiable proof of election fraud.
To go with your asinine "popcorn" observation even further, you don't know if I have arranged protests, served papers to the teachers union or plastered posters about certain people in local government. I am, however, certain I've done far more than you have.
Good people don't need to do bad things they need to make some difficult decisions, some courageous dicisions, and finally do the right thing which is to protect and defend the Constitution.
Lee Zeldin conceded to that wretched criminal whore, Hochul. Rumor has it that he was threatened when he briefly hinted at election fuckery, because he then changed his tune.
Oz conceded, which makes sense if he was (as many of us suspected) a co-conspirator with the Dems.
Tudor Dixon conceded to that other wretched criminal whore, Whitmer (Dixon was sus as well).
The 2022 steal is revealing the pawns and cowards.
When the post says "The ending won't be for everyone".
Sometimes this makes me believe that Trump does not want to arrest people.
He wants to keep using the Media to point out the corruption over and over again.
I think he believes that if he keeps doing this.
It will cause change at the state level.
Trump and Mike L are promotion marketing guys.
They are naturally going to do what they are comfortable with.
Having a massive amount of arrests might be something that Trump will never do.
I want an arrest.
But could this be what they mean by "The ending won't be for everyone"?
I'm not sure if POTUS Trump would be the one to decide about arrests if people are caught who have committed crimes...the cheating with election interference, treason, etc.
Wouldn't that be the military that decides this in their courts and system of justice?
If that's the case, then the ending will be for no one. If they succeed in this steal, they're gonna gather a lot more that 87,000 IRS agents. They're gonna start sending assassins after all of us to take us out quietly and put out in the mainstream, "Died suddenly" they'll cremate the evidence (assuming they don't send your body and organs elsewhere) and nothing will be done to stop them anytime soon because they have the media spitting out false stories and brand anyone trying to make connections of patriots disappearing with the usual labels.
I speak these things in the hopes that they DON'T manifest. That calling them out on their evil here is enough... But I guess in a couple days we'll see.
“He wants to keep using the Media to point out the corruption over and over again… I think he believes that if he keeps doing this. It will cause change at the state level”
A likely scenario, but it’s one without an “ending”, really, just a long slow change over 10-20 years … I feel that Q at least implies a more obvious precipice and reveal.
I did not read all the comments to this post, so if someone else pointed this factoid out I give them my respect....
So whatever the final approved results are when all the smoke has cleared the winner is still determined by the votes cast by eligible voters. So I will continue watching as each race suspected of being a bad faith result becomes a case for the courts to adjudicate. This is not a game this is a legally held election with clear rules that need to be adhered to by all parties. Yeah, I know there are more that a few bad actors out there and some of those may very well get away with their latest transgressions... but until they take away all of the rights guaranteed to us by the law of the land, we are duty bound to continue fighting on whatever fucking battlefield this war is being waged upon. Currently that is legal and informational.
I still believe there are more true patriots who understand their oaths of service to the CONSTITUTION, that still have enough learning to understand what is and is not constitutional, to do their duty. OUR duties are not terribly different after all.
Logically, legally, yes. Concessions are comparable to coerced confessions. However legally if you concede, you will get fucked by the courts. See what happen to Ritter in PA. SCOTUS ruled that the lower court's ruling was vacated, that the ballots should not have been counted, and thus Ritter should have won. But because he conceded, they rendered the case moot.
Yeah they are openly stealing the last 2 elections. Kari Lake seems set to lose now what should have been a home run. We are watching in real time as all the winning Senate and dozens of House seats are just openly stolen again with late night counting under cover of darkness.
The whole world can see it, millions of people are just going to stay home in 2024 after watching their votes get tossed in the trash yet again.
No more of this 'we caught them all, just wait and we will show everyone blah blah' - the country, and the world, is being lost. Where are these National Guard protecting elections. Where is the NCSWIC super duper election cyber security that was promised. Where is 'the military is the only way'.
Perhaps the military has to wait until all election votes are "recorded" before they can move in and make arrests. Since eyes are on AZ, I pray the arrests start here.
Fair Warning: Long, boring, somewhat rambling post to follow:
I would really appreciate some help understanding something, and I mean this sincerely and not as a means to doom or start an argument or anything of that nature. This is something that has bothered me since I first learned about Q and started coming here.
Why do people speak of the military as if it's an autonomous entity and can DO anything on its own? A living, breathing, human being is required to orchestrate the actions of the military.
If we're going by the US Constitution, then the US military is under the command of the sitting President of the United States. Obviously Biden is not going to do anything of the nature of directing the military to act against him.
So the next alternative is the one that is mentioned the most around here and that is Trump is still secretly in control of the military. So instead of getting frustrated that "The Military" hasn't done anything yet, why are we not getting frustrated that TRUMP hasn't done anything yet?
I see many people mention that Trump can't be seen to be directing the military, that for optics he needs to be seen to be neutral. But those optics would be for the normies who aren't aware of these things. WE don't need those optics, because we Obviously understand the optics and realize that Trump is the one controlling the military. Yet we still play this game of blaming "The Military" instead of Trump.
And how would it be explained to the rest of the world who the US military was being controlled by? Who would be the living, breathing person that would be recognized as the Commander of the US Military whenever "The Military" mobilizes and does whatever it is it's supposed to do to right all these wrongs? What is that person's name?
I feel like much of this is like a dog chasing its tail, with people being frustrated by "The Military" doing nothing, while knowing that the US military absolutely 100% would be under the directive of Trump, but having to pretend that Trump wasn't in control of the military because we need to maintain optics for the normies....of which we are not part of.
So what I'm taking a long time to say is, are we simply frustrated not with "The Military" but with Trump, but are simply too scared to say it? Or feel guilty to say it?
Or is there some other logical explanation for it? Other than it's part of The Plan and we have to Trust in the Plan? Because for me that just opens up a whole 'nother can of beans.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and again, I would appreciate any insight that could be given.
We have asked the mil to step in since 2020. They are busy painting rainbows on their behinds.
The truth is this: "Angry mobs with flaming torches are the only language demented despots understand, it has always been this way throughout history".
What is everyone waiting for? Someone else to be brave and free?
Oz shouldn't have conceded.
The slow walk is a game of chicken to apply pressure from public outrage over the drawn out process. Kari must hold out. They made Stacy Abrams concede early to set the example of what these other candidates should do in the sheeples minds.
I don’t think redpilling works on anyone unless they are wanting to be open to truth. I also don’t think we will see anything from the military. We don’t even have the republicans in charge making comments or asking questions
Giving the Current Year Left a voice in the law of the land. Give them their perfect chance to enshrine gender bullshit in the Constitution for all of time.
Come on Military - Do your job!
We need to peacefully protest at all military bases so that the Military understands that we do not accept the stolen election results and that the Military has a constitutional obligation to defend the country from this insurrection.
Too busy forcing SHARP training and transitioning and forcibly clot shotting their troops.
General Milley is too busy going dress shopping and learning how to apologize to black people and LGBTQBLTBBQS
Milley smacking the new recruits on the ass and showing them how to sashay in his military fashion shows.
If they do not stand for their fellow men and women here and now, they will lose the opportunity to ever do so again.
So how many protests have you organized? How many have you attended? Be the change you want to see. Acting butthurt online does not count as a protest. Nothing done online counts as a protest.
Start one yourself by going to the nearest base alone if you have to. People will see. People will show up in solidarity. What base do you live near? If I live nearby I will show up. That makes two at the very least.
I live in Canada. Organizing a protest at a USA military base would be a little complicated for me since I can't get into the USA currently because I am not vaxxed. But thanks for your caring reply.
The Dems didn't demoralize MAGA because they are acting exactly how we expected. The GOP on the other hand is the problem. The RINOS / anti-Trumpers like McConnell, Graham, Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Cheney, and others are the bigger troublemakers. It's not demoralize as much as frustrate because they provide a mouthpiece for MSM that is completely opposite Trump and his followers. They can't be trusted and are backstabbers. My guess is that is why military could be hesitating. They see the country split by registration about 50/50 but when you throw 20% of troublemaking GOP on the Democrat side of scale it puts the true right into minority status. Will military step in for 30% of the people being MAGA? It makes things much more dicey. If 70% of the voting public isn't complaining about the stolen elections but praising them, what should they do? If they moved in, it would be considered an illegal coup by the majority.
If revealing the truth is a 'coup', might as well destroy this country (or what's left of it) anyway.
Truth doesn't need justification or optics.
The whole optics shit is retarded.
Hey your wife got murdered on camera by Billy Dee but we can’t arrested him because Billy Dee’s 2nd cousin is a policeman so bad optics.
Fuck this shit. Justice doesn’t give a fuck about optics. It’s why she wears a blindfold.
She hasn't been blindfolded for some time. And yeah. Fuck optics. Fuck the normies. What are the anti gun faggots gonna do? Burn down more Dem cities? I don't want war, but if the choice is war or more of the same, give me the fucking war!
It's interesting that the 'white hats' are TRYING SO HARD to avoid a civil war by denying justice that they can end up....provoking a civil war exactly through denying justice.
Something something about peaceful change being denied making violent revolution inevitable. I think it was a democrat (not demonrat) that said it.
You can not feel the way you do and actually be informed about this operation.
All the people calling for the military to step in. The entire operation is military.
EVERYTHING YOU SEE a controlled operation.
The military has been Taking care of this right in front of your eyes. Not your timing... too bad.
Yelling at the very people who are saving your asses.
Same kind of whining the children of Israel did in the wilderness all while God dropped food from heaven every fucking day.
Guess what, those who believed and didn't bitch saw the promised land. Those who didn't, died in the wilderness. They were free already and didn't even know it.
You gotta be willing to leave the wilderness and take what was promised.
Be strong, conduct yourselves like men, believing the truth.
I approved this statement only to warn. You know better than this level of Dooming. We are already at war. I don’t believe you really want a kinetic one. You have no clue what it feels like to be shot or nearly die I think. Don’t fall through the thin ice today.
Thank you.
Not singling out GC here, but the comments in this thread don't sound like the GAW I know. Doomers coming out the woodwork.
Yes they are. I’ve been working for days trying to educate before banning haha! Sometimes each weighs equally, but I prefer trying.
Justice is only blind in the left eye, has been that way for a long time.
Oh, the military wouldn't have a problem with revealing the truth as long as civilian courts processed the evil doers. They'd have a problem arresting and trying them in a military court since only about 30% of the voters would support the move.
30% MAGA in office is not the same as 30% of the country being MAGA.
We are the majority.
Well if they don’t act at some this group will go around them and act on it’s own. That would put the military in a position where they have to make a decision one way or another.
I’m thinking they’re definitely acting and have already acted in a major way that we just don’t know about, yet. Makes no sense to run a full fledge international and domestic psyop in the way they have been if you’re not fully committed to showing your cards at some point.
If any group is capable of hiding things it’s the military. Just look at the UFO issue. Their hands aren’t totally clean either. How much did the say they lost track of a few years ago? $46 billion or something? Lots of black projects with the clowns, too. Like any other branch of goverment they look out for their own and make all kinds of arrangements with their contractors like “no bid awards”.
Looking to them to correct the mess we find ourselves in is not as easy as sending in the Calvary. They will check the political winds. Remember, these are the same people who forced the C19 jabs on all military personnel. They also have leftists teaching at the service academies teaching CRT, gender stuff and other woke ideas. Not exactly what MAGA would want. No guarantee they would act any differently than Gen. Milley.
Within any large number group you’ll be able to find outliers and in the military most of those are political appointees, civilians holding military jobs and a few officers who are nothing more than political hacks.
Also, I’m not sure the damage from the vaxx is real. It could just be part of the show to wake Americans up to just how evil big pharma can be. I talk to my friends who work in the medical field and they acknowledge seeing stats that show sharp rises in all sorts of stuff, but it doesn’t line up with what they’re seeing personally or with what their colleagues are telling them they see. They seem truly confused..
They should look at all cause mortality rates as shown in life insurance company data for 2021 and 2022 as compared to years prior. Their businesses pay close attention to this as it relates directly to their profits after payouts. You would think after the vaccine rollout the death rates would go down. The opposite occurred. The vax made it worse and deaths increased.
If its hid how do you know about it?
70% of Congress is against us, not the public. I would say/guess that we and those like us are more like 55-60% of the public.
Clandestine is right on this account.
We pushed in with a heavy vote push that made them spend a week cheating to overcome...
If the military doesn't do anything now, all we have left is... Well.. the end game
Exactly, a whole week and they still want Kari to lose but at the same time it would be too obvious
Well considering it needs to be seen, I think the operation a success. Now it needs to be fixed.
So at what point do you consider that "the military" will not "do anything"? You do realize that "the military" is in no way whatsoever a single entity right? There are multiple branches, each with its own chain of command. In order for "the military" to step in and "do something" would require the top level brass from each one to all agree to act in concert together and send the order. And if those orders seemed...revolutionary...to people further down the chain, it could lead to said orders being questioned. That is normally never done but unless each and every recipient of said orders 100% agrees with them, it will cause issues due to the nature of the orders. Troops are not going to mindlessly go out into the streets and start arresting and/or shooting people just because they are told to. This whole "the military" thing has been way way overblown IMO.
And what is your definition of "the end game"? If "the military" does not "do something" then what else is there to do by regular citizens? Specifically. Because acting butthurt online counts for exactly dick.
Okay I'll answer your questions.
When Lake loses, and I don't see ANY repercussions in the following week I'll take that as a sign the military, in ANY FUCKING FORM, {nobody implied military on the streets to begin with} is doing absolutely zero. Because if they were going to do anything, they'd sure as hell want to do it before the outrage hits the streets and violence occurs. {Think deputies on roof in Maricopa... They are not there for your health}
I'm not going to say what the end game is, but we all know. One side wants it, and the other is trying to avoid it.
Question I have for you is, how long do you wait until it becomes crystal clear that they got away with it?
When your family is in a bread line or jailed for wrong speak?
Well pretty much any mention of the military "taking action" on this site references mass arrests, tribunals, and public hangings. So yeah "on the streets" is kind of a no brainer at that point.
And since you answered (some) of my questions:
Honestly I don't know. I try not to assume that every single loss for an R candidate means definite cheating. Because to be fair, it is not reasonable to suspect that 100% of them should have won hands down. That is simply not logical given the number of voters in the country. We haven't even finished the initial count yet, much less any recounts and/or run offs. So to out of hand reject everything at this stage is to me, foolish.
But what I will say is that all I have seen is a lot of butthurt whiny online posting going on. No real world protests or sit downs or anything. If people truly believed there was thievery in the ballot counting rooms, it seems to me that they should be out there making some noise in the real world instead of posting online about how "the military" needs to step in and kick ass. If people hold their breath waiting for MPs to start making arrests, they are going to pass out.
Posting complaints here is the same as going to the movies and arguing that the cost of popcorn is too high. Everyone there will agree but nothing will be done about it.
Well I take issue with your comment about whining and complaining.
I did none of that. It was a opinion regarding "if this doesn't happen, this surely will". You don't agree with it so it's you who is harping on it.
So you can stop with that nonsense. But it appears to me you keep misinterpreting MY feeling about military intervention. I do not expect military on the street yanking people into armored cars. Though that WILL happen if street violence breaks out, and it won't be good for us.
I do however expect things to happen on the tech side, such as verifiable proof of election fraud.
To go with your asinine "popcorn" observation even further, you don't know if I have arranged protests, served papers to the teachers union or plastered posters about certain people in local government. I am, however, certain I've done far more than you have.
So anyway, kindly fuck off.
Good day
Find your nearest military base here.
Agreed. No other answer is satisfactory. It's now or never. Do or the country dies.
I don't believe there will ever be a free and fair election again until some good people do some bad things. I can't know what those would be.
Good people don't need to do bad things they need to make some difficult decisions, some courageous dicisions, and finally do the right thing which is to protect and defend the Constitution.
I think this is what you meant, by the way.
Lee Zeldin conceded to that wretched criminal whore, Hochul. Rumor has it that he was threatened when he briefly hinted at election fuckery, because he then changed his tune.
Oz conceded, which makes sense if he was (as many of us suspected) a co-conspirator with the Dems.
Tudor Dixon conceded to that other wretched criminal whore, Whitmer (Dixon was sus as well).
The 2022 steal is revealing the pawns and cowards.
I don't see anything happening....Patriots haven't hit rock bottom yet.
When the post says "The ending won't be for everyone".
Sometimes this makes me believe that Trump does not want to arrest people. He wants to keep using the Media to point out the corruption over and over again.
I think he believes that if he keeps doing this. It will cause change at the state level.
Trump and Mike L are promotion marketing guys. They are naturally going to do what they are comfortable with.
Having a massive amount of arrests might be something that Trump will never do.
I want an arrest.
But could this be what they mean by "The ending won't be for everyone"?
It is possible they have made deals already with all of them. Look at how facebook is tanking.
Look at how many of their homes are for sale or resigning all of sudden.
I'm not sure if POTUS Trump would be the one to decide about arrests if people are caught who have committed crimes...the cheating with election interference, treason, etc.
Wouldn't that be the military that decides this in their courts and system of justice?
If that's the case, then the ending will be for no one. If they succeed in this steal, they're gonna gather a lot more that 87,000 IRS agents. They're gonna start sending assassins after all of us to take us out quietly and put out in the mainstream, "Died suddenly" they'll cremate the evidence (assuming they don't send your body and organs elsewhere) and nothing will be done to stop them anytime soon because they have the media spitting out false stories and brand anyone trying to make connections of patriots disappearing with the usual labels.
I speak these things in the hopes that they DON'T manifest. That calling them out on their evil here is enough... But I guess in a couple days we'll see.
The reptiles (elites) want us to live like Borgs.
And: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CpN1FiEUAAE0Wmc.jpg
It's very clear the left does not understand reason and getting caught means nothing to them. They just don't care.
The only thing they respond to is force; compulsion.
The legal system has refused to do the job.
The military is the only way.
And for America it's do or die.
Assassins? You believe that but don't believe the patriots are in control???
It's just a theory.
“He wants to keep using the Media to point out the corruption over and over again… I think he believes that if he keeps doing this. It will cause change at the state level”
A likely scenario, but it’s one without an “ending”, really, just a long slow change over 10-20 years … I feel that Q at least implies a more obvious precipice and reveal.
I agree. Interesting times for sure.
To me it means the ending won’t be for Anons because we will already understand what has and is happening.
Where are all the trolls that like talking shit to other Anons for making statements like this?
*** Obviously somebody needs to explain to Clandestine exactly what Washington and his boys went through while crossing the Delaware!
media was never "wrong". they are complicit.
I like this stance. If those who are supposedly given duties to protect their nation do nothing and standby, then I guess welcome to 1984.
I did not read all the comments to this post, so if someone else pointed this factoid out I give them my respect....
So whatever the final approved results are when all the smoke has cleared the winner is still determined by the votes cast by eligible voters. So I will continue watching as each race suspected of being a bad faith result becomes a case for the courts to adjudicate. This is not a game this is a legally held election with clear rules that need to be adhered to by all parties. Yeah, I know there are more that a few bad actors out there and some of those may very well get away with their latest transgressions... but until they take away all of the rights guaranteed to us by the law of the land, we are duty bound to continue fighting on whatever fucking battlefield this war is being waged upon. Currently that is legal and informational.
I still believe there are more true patriots who understand their oaths of service to the CONSTITUTION, that still have enough learning to understand what is and is not constitutional, to do their duty. OUR duties are not terribly different after all.
Logically, legally, yes. Concessions are comparable to coerced confessions. However legally if you concede, you will get fucked by the courts. See what happen to Ritter in PA. SCOTUS ruled that the lower court's ruling was vacated, that the ballots should not have been counted, and thus Ritter should have won. But because he conceded, they rendered the case moot.
Yeah they are openly stealing the last 2 elections. Kari Lake seems set to lose now what should have been a home run. We are watching in real time as all the winning Senate and dozens of House seats are just openly stolen again with late night counting under cover of darkness.
The whole world can see it, millions of people are just going to stay home in 2024 after watching their votes get tossed in the trash yet again.
No more of this 'we caught them all, just wait and we will show everyone blah blah' - the country, and the world, is being lost. Where are these National Guard protecting elections. Where is the NCSWIC super duper election cyber security that was promised. Where is 'the military is the only way'.
Its fucking time.
Trump. MAGA Party. Period.
Perhaps the military has to wait until all election votes are "recorded" before they can move in and make arrests. Since eyes are on AZ, I pray the arrests start here.
Me too
Military will do nothing. They did nothing for years.
I bet Clandestine penciled in Tulsi Gabbard on his ballot
How do we know the military is watching?
Fair Warning: Long, boring, somewhat rambling post to follow:
I would really appreciate some help understanding something, and I mean this sincerely and not as a means to doom or start an argument or anything of that nature. This is something that has bothered me since I first learned about Q and started coming here.
Why do people speak of the military as if it's an autonomous entity and can DO anything on its own? A living, breathing, human being is required to orchestrate the actions of the military.
If we're going by the US Constitution, then the US military is under the command of the sitting President of the United States. Obviously Biden is not going to do anything of the nature of directing the military to act against him.
So the next alternative is the one that is mentioned the most around here and that is Trump is still secretly in control of the military. So instead of getting frustrated that "The Military" hasn't done anything yet, why are we not getting frustrated that TRUMP hasn't done anything yet?
I see many people mention that Trump can't be seen to be directing the military, that for optics he needs to be seen to be neutral. But those optics would be for the normies who aren't aware of these things. WE don't need those optics, because we Obviously understand the optics and realize that Trump is the one controlling the military. Yet we still play this game of blaming "The Military" instead of Trump.
And how would it be explained to the rest of the world who the US military was being controlled by? Who would be the living, breathing person that would be recognized as the Commander of the US Military whenever "The Military" mobilizes and does whatever it is it's supposed to do to right all these wrongs? What is that person's name?
I feel like much of this is like a dog chasing its tail, with people being frustrated by "The Military" doing nothing, while knowing that the US military absolutely 100% would be under the directive of Trump, but having to pretend that Trump wasn't in control of the military because we need to maintain optics for the normies....of which we are not part of.
So what I'm taking a long time to say is, are we simply frustrated not with "The Military" but with Trump, but are simply too scared to say it? Or feel guilty to say it?
Or is there some other logical explanation for it? Other than it's part of The Plan and we have to Trust in the Plan? Because for me that just opens up a whole 'nother can of beans.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and again, I would appreciate any insight that could be given.
Stop using logic and rational thinking. Lol. Good post.
Thank you. ✌️
The military brass is woke, they do Democrat bidding. Do not count on them for anything.
First principle all military members learn "hurry up...and wait"
Another bombshell must read investigative report by The Conservative Tree house. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/11/13/the-modern-electioneering-process-of-ballot-submission-assistance-is-taking-center-stage/#more-239759
are they, tough ?
We have asked the mil to step in since 2020. They are busy painting rainbows on their behinds.
The truth is this: "Angry mobs with flaming torches are the only language demented despots understand, it has always been this way throughout history".
What is everyone waiting for? Someone else to be brave and free?
Note to Repubs,,,,, if you concede, you are a Tool !
Yes...... military must step in. I am beyond pissed off !!!
Oz shouldn't have conceded. The slow walk is a game of chicken to apply pressure from public outrage over the drawn out process. Kari must hold out. They made Stacy Abrams concede early to set the example of what these other candidates should do in the sheeples minds.
I don’t think redpilling works on anyone unless they are wanting to be open to truth. I also don’t think we will see anything from the military. We don’t even have the republicans in charge making comments or asking questions
Not going to happen. Convention of the States may be our only peaceful solution.
Giving the Current Year Left a voice in the law of the land. Give them their perfect chance to enshrine gender bullshit in the Constitution for all of time.
Great idea.