Let's not even focus on what were not gonna do. Let's focus on what we are gonna do. And that's give God all the praise and glory. It's the only way. Your frustration u feel is because there was room to grow even closer In the Lord. Dont look at it negatively. God is on the move. Keep faith in him. He loves us more than we can ever know
I think it’s the greatest news of the century myself. I can’t wait to vote for him again in 2024.
A lot has been done all over the country to get rid of voter fraud, counties have been getting rid of the machines, some states have passed good laws. That amount that was done coupled with this red wave got us the house. Not done yet by far but I don’t see key people giving up either.
Ignore the doomers, they twist and lie about everything.
Are you serious? Denying that disappointment and anger aren’t real things that real people are feeling after Q+ dropped the ball at the end of such a buildup? We’re all just “doomers” and therefore lying trolls? We can’t be turning on each other like this
What buildup? you let your mind get used again. That's the lesson. Don't get used only it wasn't trump who did it. The blackhats got you. Right here in GAW yes theybare here. Overhyped trumps moves so this disappointment comes. We.only think shills talk bad about trump but this is way more powerful and thousands of you fell for it. Your enemy is smarter than you don't forget it.
We have placed expectations on trump that we think are correct to fix this mess. Either trust its being fixed or continue on the deepstates emotional roller coaster.
Since this is a Bible centered thread I'll say this: "the thief cometh not but for to kill and to steal and to destroy,"
I wasn't let down because I prepared myself that it would be a big nothing burger, and at this time it seems as it was. But I disagree with your assessment it wasn't Trump who built it up, that "It wasn't Trump who did it". He overhyped this one with "Hopefully TODAY will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our Country!" and then ReTruthing all those Qposts. Many expected more. I know there is more to the announcement that we are not seeing or haven't figured out yet, and in time it may reveal itself. His seriousness and tone were much different, but the message was the same. I just feel like we are missing something here.
I’m still trying to figure out what I think about that announcement to be honest. Definitely not the historic event it was hyped up to be, and this is a very vulnerable time for a great number of people in terms of morale. Other people in this thread have said it better than me.
I’m curious about this “slow burn”. How slow are we talking? Nov 2024? If not, I’d like to know what led you to the idea.
You are right, I shouldn’t be so hard on most of the “doomers”. They are just drinking the controlled opposition kool-aid and being told what to doom about.
I’m not worried, they eventually snap out of it after taking a break from all of the propaganda.
"Doomers" are watching vaxxed friends and family die of mysterious illnesses.
"Doomers" are watching friends and family have trouble heating their homes, losing their jobs, making tough decisions about their food shopping
"Doomers" are seeing elderly friends and family forced out of retirement due to economic strife.
"Doomers" watched friends and family develop addictions that wrecked their lives or killed them during lockdowns while the perpetrators meet to talk about enslaving us with digital currency
"Doomers" are watching the people around them die and get hurt with no end in sight. This is not propaganda, these are things some of us are seeing with our own eyes.
I can still have a conversation about human sacrifice. Trafficking. Khazar Mafia jooz. 911. Military industrial complex, DUMBs, Salvatore Pais, Molach, Disney Epstein cruises and G Maxwell dual pilot licenses (air and sub). Monarch, operation high jump and paperclip, Dulce, adrenochrome and Earth Inc.
Most current doomers are suffering from blue balls. I'm sure Pfizer or Moderna patented a drug for that 5 years ago and as of the Trump non-announcement has billions of doses ready to introduce to their democracy. Funded by FTX.
Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of the kind. I live here and suffer through everything all of you doom about. I choose not to doom. I give no quarter to it.
I couldn’t agree more. “Doomer” moniker changes tone with me now after last nights 2020 concession. I’m still with him of course, but how does he, or Q, or the white hats “in control” expect most Americans to weather another 2 years? At least without violence or uprising?
The uniparty is getting away with it all, snd who knows, maybe they’ll even make voting harder over the next 2 years.
I’m sick of waking people up, now I feel like I need to wake up.
Yup, and last night we weren't told "two more weeks", we were told two more years!
At this point I think we are just a marketing demo for trumps brand of politics. He campaigns with conspiracies because that's what we crave. That's what resonates with our particular demographic.
There was always the possibility that even though Q existed and Trump is Q+ that it was not a good psyop, but one to keep the questioners and truth seekers busy while the deep state performed the last stages of its great reset. The question is what do we do now? Continue trusting the plan (while we know insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result) or is there another path?
Hold on fren, nobody is telling me what to doom about. The people that live and breathe this stuff 24 hours a day, have lost family and friends due to their belief that Trump would not allow 2020 election to stand much less the 2022 but announcing his run he tacitly admits Biden beat him in 2020. He said Biden will be there for 4 years. So, he threw in the towel on the elections. Did he mention Kari Lake or Doug Mastriano who had their elections stolen in plain sight? No fire or brimstone, no beast mode. Just the most tired version of his stump speech everyone has heard for years. And this is the most important announcement in the history of the country? That was his Truth post. Is that what you heard? No news to all of us that knew he would run.
I see everyone doing everything they can about 2020, there are still cases being fought and I see people doing something about 2022 with more stuff to come.
I heard the most important news of the century last night: Trump hasn’t given up and will continue to fight and I will be right there behind him to cover his 6.
I see a lot of panic. The fake news can pretend all they want they are not panicking and there will be duped people who believe them.
I know who the enemy is and I know the stakes. And Trump has confirmed last night in another spectacular speech that he has not given up the fight, and therefore neither have I.
Its important we dont push aside others emotions though. That's awesome your still feeling uplifted from this. However some might not see those good things as out weighing the bad. Putting our hope in things going on will always lead to let down. Hope in the Lord and faith when we cannot see is the only way to find joy consistently
Are you serious? All weekend that narrative was being pushed through pinned posts as the gap widened between Hobbs and Lake. "Election day favors Kari Lake, and there's a big drop Monday! Stop dooming, stop being black pilled!"
Christ cares about their struggles as well friend. To simply say they will snap out of it is to completely ignore the fact we should be leading them to Christ. Love them not reject them. Be the light dont hold onto it for yourself. Christ is KING
He was not talking about the speech. He was talking about this lawsuit that got put on the SCOTUS docket that will remove 388 traitors from government including Biden, Harris, and Pence, and would likely get Trump inaugurated after Jan 20, 2023 with the VP of his choice since Pence would be ineligible to serve (to be confirmed by the Senate): https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22-380/243739/20221027152243533_20221027-152110-95757954-00007015.pdf
Deep State retards assume he was talking about the speech, but he was not, imo.
It is on the docket. I believe that means it has already been granted Writ of Certerori, but I will watch it and verify. I don't think it can be put on the docket without getting the Writ.
But all you need to file a petition for cert is a losing district court case and a losing circuit court case. And God knows we have more than enough loses everywhere.
I think you have to have someone qualified to present the case before the Supreme Court as well. I was reading the SC rules a few weeks ago, and I think even the person that files the Writ of Certori must be qualified in some way. I'm guessing one can hire that person. Not sure the average Pro Se joe can easily qualify in a quick timeframe.
Pro se litigants are deemed qualified. The stamp on the brief makes it look like something. Yet it has as much chance of being granted cert. as a fair election being conducted.
The military isn't going to do a damn thing. They take orders. Just like cops and at the end of the day they do what they are told. No one fixed 2020 and they let the steal happen again for many more in 2022. I do not see any way the swamp loses in 2024. They control the swing states and can rinse and repeat again and again. 2 more years of the the country being destroyed and more and more human imports through the border. Only republican they will let be president is another one of their fellow swamp rats. If they can.. they will rig the primary and to make sure Trump can't run as a republican, but rest assured.. they are already working on dead voters etc. I am sure they have a database of all the people that pass away so they can get those early ballots filled out asap for drop boxes.
know what we need next time? A kind of duplicate, mock election - almost like a control group - where we leave a paper ballot showing who we wanted for each office.
All paper ballots counted on site in full view of witnesses and cameras.
Then compare those results to what the DemoRats come up with.
The mock election wouldn't be official, of course, but might open a few eyes. No idea how to organize this, but could be interesting.
Correct. I think this is why it is important to highlight. It does appear that all non-military means are being exhausted, and we are near the very end of that effort.
The military isnt going to move a finger to help Trump. I never understood the fan-fiction obsession with them in the first place. The military takes orders from the president. If Trump is filing papers to run, he is clearly not the president which means they are taking orders from Biden
Yes u are correct dont lean on man.We have help now. Jesus Christ is with us. We shouldnt expect things ways we see it rather step into his will which is perfect and just
It looks like we're on our own. We have one thing left that all of us can do:
Everyone can start by practicing civil disobedience. Whatever outrageous crap they try to force on us, every single individual can just refuse.
A lot of us did that with the lockdowns and other Covid lunacy. A lot of us refused to wear masks, refused to be "vaccinated," refused to be tested.
We stayed away from any businesses that required it. We didn't travel if it meant being vaxxed and tested. Some of us quit jobs that went too far.
That actually worked. A lot of places got worn down and started backing off. I went into my doctor's medical bldg a few days ago and there was no one at the mask-and-temperature station by the door. Masks no longer enforced even in a large medical building.
We can do the same with whatever bullshit they try to do now, especially with this social credit score stuff.
Everything helps. As someone once said, even the smallest person can make a difference.
It doesn't required violence or coordination to stand up to them. It starts with each one of us as an individual. We can always go from there.
I was getting ready to book a cruise, but when I read their "terms", it states that they COULD invoke a covid vaccination requirement if they want. I didn't want to risk that happening, so I'm not going on a cruise.
There is a conference this week for something I'm very interested in, but same problem: I don't want to be in another state and "test positive" for COVID and be unable to attend, or even fly home. Or, as you said, suddenly get hit with a requirement for shots Or Else.
I stayed home. One less person spending money at their show and in their city. If a few more and a few more do the same, it adds up. A lot.
Totally agreed, although I came to moon the establishment from this hilltop. When the alternative is to give up and/or join the other side, there really is no choice. Nothing is over, far from it. Can't wait to see what happens next
Agreed. Just gallows humor, as I have never been more black pilled. Still feels like Trump was off…very low energy…felt like Jan 6th hype & will be wild & a trap for people rotting away in a DC prison. I think it’s time for a break for me.
How about Trump running at the very same moment that the democrats loose the House. Now Trump will be running as Trump supporters in Congress hold hearings on election fraud and money laundering.
If they're dooming out of the very human emotion of disappointment (and one should be able to feel empathy for those who are genuinely disappointed) then I'd rather they stay, but only to lurk. No need to have anyone trash their lives after losing hope and as far as I've seen this board is the best source of hope.
For any who are just trying to blackpill others, yeah, they can go.
I havent needed to look for an "air Q" or anything else like that for more than a year now. I can see Q plan in the daily unfolding of events, and now is no different.
This right here. My whole belief in what Q has been telling us did not hinge on last night.
A year ago people would have been dying to hear, see Trump say anything about Q now he's retruthing Q stuff all the time and even had a Q plus pin, yet it's not enough, nothing will be enough, we could be in the middle of the military tribunals happening and people would still be complaining that it's not enough.
One thing I've learned working retail no matter how hard you try it will never be good enough for some people, ever...
You think this was about looking for Q’s in the air? It’s about having a backstage pass to a movie that’s playing out before your eyes. And guess what? You chose to watch the spoilers.
So what does that leave us to do? When shit hits the fan, we show them how this is a movie. We’re just waiting for our turn in the plan. You think your friends and family won’t look to you for guidance when we hit the precipice?
Imagine, for a second, that you live in a country where a specific politician says "hey, i'm gonna give a very important announcement", and that only almost started World War 3. Then he says "ayo it's nothing i'm just running for president, what did you espect lol" and inmediately after that the news go like "sooo remember that russian attack? welllll it seems it was actually an ukranian one, nothing to worry about"
Big thing are happening, fren, and you are in the eye pf that storm that is about to go down.
I'm with you fren. Tired of all the bullshit hype and lack of anything getting done. Tired of criminals stealing elections and nothing happening. Tired of pretending like Q is a thing and 'the military is in control'. Ya, we're really doing great. Things are fantastic. But this is just 'part of the plan' I suppose. Yup, the plan to make us all look stupid while they usher in the Great reset and CBDC's. Look at all the politicians getting rich and these youtubers and social media guys grifting off of us. I'm done with this. I had hope before tonight that there was a good side. There isn't. It's just another 2 years of 'hoping', getting another election stolen and nothing happening. I'm done wasting my time.
Did they really say tonight would be the biggest happening in politics in 100 years? What the actual fuck? He literally announced he was doing this exact same thing a few years ago. While I don't disagree with what he said and his vision for the country, it literally makes no fucking difference if they can just steal the election and every major news outlet lies about you and what you say with no repercussions. They're playing us all for fools. I'd love to see proof proving me wrong.
It could be the true intent is for everyone to become more involved and informed as voters. For us to stop trusting electronic elections. And for everyone to forget about the white knight riding in on his horse to fix everything. It's up to us. It doesn't have to be violent, but it has to be decisive.
The one thing I keep in the back of my mind is this is still optics. This is a Global war...not a US war. It is so much bigger than most of us can imagine, and Trump must continue to "act" normal, while letting the Military do their thing, on their timeline. Granted...I wish they would step in now, after the blatant fraud we had with these past mid-term elections, but there is so much going on outside the US too, it's on their time. It's a World-wide war, not just a US war we are fighting.
Don’t they always say, “don’t worry, the military will save you on the end” before they then slaughter all the dissenters? That is part of the communist playbook.
I don’t fully trust Q, or Trump, or anyone for that matter besides God, but I do know that Q has woken up, both in the United States and worldwide, millions (hundreds of millions) of people to the reality that we are living in. People who would’ve otherwise not been awake and fighting for light over darkness. I can’t believe Satan/the DS wouldn’t be stupid enough to allow that to happen so close to the culmination of their plan, it literally stopped Clinton from becoming President and has exposed the worldwide elite pedophile ring - that is now common knowledge.
One of the things I got out of this speech was that it’s not up to Trump, it’s up to us. We need to do even more, expose more, red pill, more, support, more, whatever we can do because he can’t do it alone. We, collectively, through God, are the ones who can save us. Not Trump, not Q, and not the Military.
He also said a very powerful sentence: it does not have to be this way.
He needs to keep reminding normies of this, of how the right leader with the right people behind them can create a heaven on earth versus the hell we are currently living in.
I posted this comment earlier but will copy and paste once cause I think it’s important.
I have a few questions- if this gets me banned so be it - this board is 99% male, so it being 100% male is fine too
They stole the election twice- with the 2nd being more brazen than the first. What’s to stop the steal again? Seriously? Paper ballots 2024 on are great….but you did see the wef stuff coming out of g70 and the currency digitization…the election has to be won for this to be stopped.
2nd question. Those from J6 that are still in prison that did nothing wrong will likely be dead. Still celebrating?
The vax has yet to be explained in any way shape or form.
Unfortunately last night I saw a lot of ego and I mean ALOT of ego. If there wasn’t so many q retruths, or if it wasn’t as lukewarm or it at least the people rotting in prison were addressed (who were there because he told them to come) it would be different.
Maybe my expectations were off, but President Trump and the yahoo’s that WE GET BANNED FOR FUCKING QUESTIONING built this shit up to this point.
Mods have a lot to answer for.
There are no true satisfactory answers to your questions, I've been trying to get one about the vaccine for awhile. The closest I've gotten is that they were necessary to avoid 10 year lockdowns (based on no evidence and contradicted by the fact almost every state was out of lockdown before the vaccines were released) and that when Trump says take the vaccine he ACTUALLY means take ivermectin. Somehow. Even when he specifically mentions it in the context of warp speed.
The only way you'll get satisfactory answers to your questions is if you want to believe the answers at all costs
Sooo, my take is he had planned something different. He did not seem normal to start, like he had planned a my fellow Americans start but was told last minute we are not there yet. And as he talked about we have not suffered enough yet , it is bad out there but in no way can I see this as precept yet. In my mind this will be BAD with no way to see it in any other light. Only then will a military action be viewed as a savior not an assault by the general population.
PS did anyone find the flag placement odd? They where in a pattern that seemed off to me.
If there is any hope to salvage this country we need to act like we would have without Q or the Military to swoop in and save us cause that’s not gonna happen.
DNC made the call out yesterday to begin embedding their media engines to work on 2024.
They’re prepping to take 2024 this early, we need to do likewise.
They’re prepping their paid and unpaid door knockers, they’re prepping their ballot harvesting, all the sly shit we hate… we have to join them because playing fair in an internationally unfair system is resulting in us getting creamed.
When are all y’all doomers gonna realize that chess isn’t played in a predetermined order? You make your plan to then move, then your opponent makes their move and you often must adjust the plan. Oftentimes you do things in what looks like the wrong order—even letting your opponent win pieces—if the end result is checkmate.
Trump’s timing of his announcement isn’t based on the timing of fixing 2020. Both things can happen. Good grief. At least give the new MAGA-filled Congress a chance to fix it before dooming so hard.
You need to wake up n stop crying.
Its busy work for the cabal. They think they've won......they think hes moved on. So do you. Thats dumb.
All the radicals n weak minded are going to get kicked in the balls when they least expect it.
That's the fun of revenge...a dish best served cold.
As I was saying ... Stop putting your trust in him. Be loyal only to Jesus Christ. You want to defeat the cabal? Go to church, raise a family, teach them (and yourself) discernment and logic, and teach them (and yourself) above all ...scripture.
Nothing will get better until this nation kneels before the Almighty once again.
I'm not the one in Wisconsin telling others they suck. You are. My state requires updated ids and drivers licenses to vote. We even give out free non drivers id if someone doesn't have a license. I know this because I work for the D.O.T.
My state also had all of it's ballots counted the night of, and low risk of voter fraud.
Trump's MO is to manipulate a situation so that he is in the middle of it as though he were the eye of the storm itself. Then he allows the storm to spend its energy.
In the present case I believe his announcement of his candidacy for '24, with only fleeting reference to the fraudulent elections, is a maneuver to preserve the appearance of neutrality for himself while some version of the storm rages all around him. In this way he remains "untainted" for election in '24.
After all he gave MAGA Patriots lots of very broad hints on TS in the two days prior to his announcement. Those shouldn't be ignored.
This announcement is the "false front" he has to assume to take leadership when the time comes.
And by the way, where are JB, KH and NP? I wonder if we are going to see them again soon - and in what context.
I mean, that's probably a LITTLE high on expectations, but I like that attitude over the consistent threads.
Where ever that thread is stickied with the meme how Trump declaring he's running in 2024 would harm maga, and here all he did was announce and people are dooming again... so, even though that meme is funny, the NPC in that cell turns out to be right for many.
Well I mean cuz the build up to this (most important in history, retruthing tons of Q memes and memes about it now being TIME)...you can see why some battle weary digital soldiers were expecting some type of good news right?
the problem is that you all haven't learned and had any type of expectation at all when we have been told repeatedly that this is an information war. Nothing is as it seems and the real truth is even harder to discern. Moreover none of these large events or plans between whatever white hat and black hat group are things we can even control. This is what it means to watch the movie.
The only thing you have complete control over is yourself. Things are bad but wasting energy on these events you don't control is meaningless. Focus your energy on changing yourself and the world around you within your reach.
Really? If Q “woke” you up then you never did your due diligence and made yourself an informed citizen. Get off internet messaging boards, it breeds complacency.
Let's not even focus on what were not gonna do. Let's focus on what we are gonna do. And that's give God all the praise and glory. It's the only way. Your frustration u feel is because there was room to grow even closer In the Lord. Dont look at it negatively. God is on the move. Keep faith in him. He loves us more than we can ever know
God is the way — the only way.
Agreed. God, yes. All others? In Question.
I think it’s the greatest news of the century myself. I can’t wait to vote for him again in 2024.
A lot has been done all over the country to get rid of voter fraud, counties have been getting rid of the machines, some states have passed good laws. That amount that was done coupled with this red wave got us the house. Not done yet by far but I don’t see key people giving up either.
Ignore the doomers, they twist and lie about everything.
Are you serious? Denying that disappointment and anger aren’t real things that real people are feeling after Q+ dropped the ball at the end of such a buildup? We’re all just “doomers” and therefore lying trolls? We can’t be turning on each other like this
What buildup? you let your mind get used again. That's the lesson. Don't get used only it wasn't trump who did it. The blackhats got you. Right here in GAW yes theybare here. Overhyped trumps moves so this disappointment comes. We.only think shills talk bad about trump but this is way more powerful and thousands of you fell for it. Your enemy is smarter than you don't forget it.
We have placed expectations on trump that we think are correct to fix this mess. Either trust its being fixed or continue on the deepstates emotional roller coaster.
Since this is a Bible centered thread I'll say this: "the thief cometh not but for to kill and to steal and to destroy,"
It isn't hard to see who the enemy is.
I wasn't let down because I prepared myself that it would be a big nothing burger, and at this time it seems as it was. But I disagree with your assessment it wasn't Trump who built it up, that "It wasn't Trump who did it". He overhyped this one with "Hopefully TODAY will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our Country!" and then ReTruthing all those Qposts. Many expected more. I know there is more to the announcement that we are not seeing or haven't figured out yet, and in time it may reveal itself. His seriousness and tone were much different, but the message was the same. I just feel like we are missing something here.
Hyped, I didn't see hype. I heard him say he had a big announcement and he did.
If you thi k it wasn't big then fine.
Again it was that big. Your problem if you don't se it.
I’m still trying to figure out what I think about that announcement to be honest. Definitely not the historic event it was hyped up to be, and this is a very vulnerable time for a great number of people in terms of morale. Other people in this thread have said it better than me.
I’m curious about this “slow burn”. How slow are we talking? Nov 2024? If not, I’d like to know what led you to the idea.
You are right, I shouldn’t be so hard on most of the “doomers”. They are just drinking the controlled opposition kool-aid and being told what to doom about.
I’m not worried, they eventually snap out of it after taking a break from all of the propaganda.
"Doomers" are watching vaxxed friends and family die of mysterious illnesses.
"Doomers" are watching friends and family have trouble heating their homes, losing their jobs, making tough decisions about their food shopping
"Doomers" are seeing elderly friends and family forced out of retirement due to economic strife.
"Doomers" watched friends and family develop addictions that wrecked their lives or killed them during lockdowns while the perpetrators meet to talk about enslaving us with digital currency
"Doomers" are watching the people around them die and get hurt with no end in sight. This is not propaganda, these are things some of us are seeing with our own eyes.
I'm blackpilled. But I know.
I can still have a conversation about human sacrifice. Trafficking. Khazar Mafia jooz. 911. Military industrial complex, DUMBs, Salvatore Pais, Molach, Disney Epstein cruises and G Maxwell dual pilot licenses (air and sub). Monarch, operation high jump and paperclip, Dulce, adrenochrome and Earth Inc.
Most current doomers are suffering from blue balls. I'm sure Pfizer or Moderna patented a drug for that 5 years ago and as of the Trump non-announcement has billions of doses ready to introduce to their democracy. Funded by FTX.
Blue balls because thry think they're getting g the head cheerleader and Instead they get the towel boy.
You cannot point out disappointment here, or you will be piled on or put in time out until your thoughts are "right again"
But being cruel & heartless, mocking the people maimed & killed from the vax; claiming that they deserved it, get applause and updoots.
Let that sink in. Mind boggling.
Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of the kind. I live here and suffer through everything all of you doom about. I choose not to doom. I give no quarter to it.
There are also non-doomers in all of those categories.
“Doomers” buy into the controlled opposition narrative about what to doom about.
They eventually take a break from the propaganda and come out of it.
Anyways, TRUMP 2024 BITCHES!
I couldn’t agree more. “Doomer” moniker changes tone with me now after last nights 2020 concession. I’m still with him of course, but how does he, or Q, or the white hats “in control” expect most Americans to weather another 2 years? At least without violence or uprising?
The uniparty is getting away with it all, snd who knows, maybe they’ll even make voting harder over the next 2 years.
I’m sick of waking people up, now I feel like I need to wake up.
Yup, and last night we weren't told "two more weeks", we were told two more years!
At this point I think we are just a marketing demo for trumps brand of politics. He campaigns with conspiracies because that's what we crave. That's what resonates with our particular demographic.
There was always the possibility that even though Q existed and Trump is Q+ that it was not a good psyop, but one to keep the questioners and truth seekers busy while the deep state performed the last stages of its great reset. The question is what do we do now? Continue trusting the plan (while we know insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result) or is there another path?
U are mixing the covid debacle and this somehow.
Sort of, but on purpose.
"two more weeks" has become a meme on pdw.
I live here too. I still don't doom. That shit is no excuse.
Hold on fren, nobody is telling me what to doom about. The people that live and breathe this stuff 24 hours a day, have lost family and friends due to their belief that Trump would not allow 2020 election to stand much less the 2022 but announcing his run he tacitly admits Biden beat him in 2020. He said Biden will be there for 4 years. So, he threw in the towel on the elections. Did he mention Kari Lake or Doug Mastriano who had their elections stolen in plain sight? No fire or brimstone, no beast mode. Just the most tired version of his stump speech everyone has heard for years. And this is the most important announcement in the history of the country? That was his Truth post. Is that what you heard? No news to all of us that knew he would run.
I see everyone doing everything they can about 2020, there are still cases being fought and I see people doing something about 2022 with more stuff to come.
I heard the most important news of the century last night: Trump hasn’t given up and will continue to fight and I will be right there behind him to cover his 6.
Did you forget that “patriots are in control”? (While the country burns) Maybe it’s that there’s “panic in DC” (Even though nobody seems panicky)
I see a lot of panic. The fake news can pretend all they want they are not panicking and there will be duped people who believe them.
I know who the enemy is and I know the stakes. And Trump has confirmed last night in another spectacular speech that he has not given up the fight, and therefore neither have I.
Its important we dont push aside others emotions though. That's awesome your still feeling uplifted from this. However some might not see those good things as out weighing the bad. Putting our hope in things going on will always lead to let down. Hope in the Lord and faith when we cannot see is the only way to find joy consistently
It’s all doomer driven... they will snap out of it soon.
The doomers always have to change their narrative so there are small windows to recoup while they are waiting to be told what to doom about next.
Your blind optimistic denialism and projection is making your post quite hypocritical right now.
I'm old enough to remember when "we were told to expect bad news on the weekend, but Kari has this Monday!" was the trend.
“We were told...”
Who is we? I’m not in your “we”. Kari had lawyers on the ground watching everything.
As for “trends”, I avoid them. They are meaningless.
Are you serious? All weekend that narrative was being pushed through pinned posts as the gap widened between Hobbs and Lake. "Election day favors Kari Lake, and there's a big drop Monday! Stop dooming, stop being black pilled!"
Why do you place so much importance on “pinned posts”?
Christ cares about their struggles as well friend. To simply say they will snap out of it is to completely ignore the fact we should be leading them to Christ. Love them not reject them. Be the light dont hold onto it for yourself. Christ is KING
He was not talking about the speech. He was talking about this lawsuit that got put on the SCOTUS docket that will remove 388 traitors from government including Biden, Harris, and Pence, and would likely get Trump inaugurated after Jan 20, 2023 with the VP of his choice since Pence would be ineligible to serve (to be confirmed by the Senate): https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22-380/243739/20221027152243533_20221027-152110-95757954-00007015.pdf
Deep State retards assume he was talking about the speech, but he was not, imo.
That case is not going to be granted cert. NO chance.
It is on the docket. I believe that means it has already been granted Writ of Certerori, but I will watch it and verify. I don't think it can be put on the docket without getting the Writ.
It's on the docket for cert petition.
But all you need to file a petition for cert is a losing district court case and a losing circuit court case. And God knows we have more than enough loses everywhere.
I think you have to have someone qualified to present the case before the Supreme Court as well. I was reading the SC rules a few weeks ago, and I think even the person that files the Writ of Certori must be qualified in some way. I'm guessing one can hire that person. Not sure the average Pro Se joe can easily qualify in a quick timeframe.
Pro se litigants are deemed qualified. The stamp on the brief makes it look like something. Yet it has as much chance of being granted cert. as a fair election being conducted.
The military isn't going to do a damn thing. They take orders. Just like cops and at the end of the day they do what they are told. No one fixed 2020 and they let the steal happen again for many more in 2022. I do not see any way the swamp loses in 2024. They control the swing states and can rinse and repeat again and again. 2 more years of the the country being destroyed and more and more human imports through the border. Only republican they will let be president is another one of their fellow swamp rats. If they can.. they will rig the primary and to make sure Trump can't run as a republican, but rest assured.. they are already working on dead voters etc. I am sure they have a database of all the people that pass away so they can get those early ballots filled out asap for drop boxes.
know what we need next time? A kind of duplicate, mock election - almost like a control group - where we leave a paper ballot showing who we wanted for each office.
All paper ballots counted on site in full view of witnesses and cameras.
Then compare those results to what the DemoRats come up with.
The mock election wouldn't be official, of course, but might open a few eyes. No idea how to organize this, but could be interesting.
Correct. I think this is why it is important to highlight. It does appear that all non-military means are being exhausted, and we are near the very end of that effort.
The military isnt going to move a finger to help Trump. I never understood the fan-fiction obsession with them in the first place. The military takes orders from the president. If Trump is filing papers to run, he is clearly not the president which means they are taking orders from Biden
*taking orders from Obama, Killary, and Pelosi
Yea, just don't believe anything any politician says any longer. Blowing smoke up our ass when we need help now, today not in 2024.
Yes u are correct dont lean on man.We have help now. Jesus Christ is with us. We shouldnt expect things ways we see it rather step into his will which is perfect and just
...and in two years...
...they will be saying that about 2022....
It looks like we're on our own. We have one thing left that all of us can do:
Everyone can start by practicing civil disobedience. Whatever outrageous crap they try to force on us, every single individual can just refuse.
A lot of us did that with the lockdowns and other Covid lunacy. A lot of us refused to wear masks, refused to be "vaccinated," refused to be tested.
We stayed away from any businesses that required it. We didn't travel if it meant being vaxxed and tested. Some of us quit jobs that went too far.
That actually worked. A lot of places got worn down and started backing off. I went into my doctor's medical bldg a few days ago and there was no one at the mask-and-temperature station by the door. Masks no longer enforced even in a large medical building.
We can do the same with whatever bullshit they try to do now, especially with this social credit score stuff.
Everything helps. As someone once said, even the smallest person can make a difference.
It doesn't required violence or coordination to stand up to them. It starts with each one of us as an individual. We can always go from there.
Exactly just say No
I was getting ready to book a cruise, but when I read their "terms", it states that they COULD invoke a covid vaccination requirement if they want. I didn't want to risk that happening, so I'm not going on a cruise.
There is a conference this week for something I'm very interested in, but same problem: I don't want to be in another state and "test positive" for COVID and be unable to attend, or even fly home. Or, as you said, suddenly get hit with a requirement for shots Or Else.
I stayed home. One less person spending money at their show and in their city. If a few more and a few more do the same, it adds up. A lot.
Totally agreed, although I came to moon the establishment from this hilltop. When the alternative is to give up and/or join the other side, there really is no choice. Nothing is over, far from it. Can't wait to see what happens next
I tried to warn you all - https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZDzy8ari/nothing-of-any-substance-will-oc/
Maybe in two more years most of D voters will be taken care of with their 4th booster and Rsv shot. So we CAN outvote the steal!
Agreed. Just gallows humor, as I have never been more black pilled. Still feels like Trump was off…very low energy…felt like Jan 6th hype & will be wild & a trap for people rotting away in a DC prison. I think it’s time for a break for me.
Not if they are all dead?
Does this mean the Doomers are leaving The Great Awakening for good?
We can only hope so!
How about Trump running at the very same moment that the democrats loose the House. Now Trump will be running as Trump supporters in Congress hold hearings on election fraud and money laundering.
Doomers are dooming. Lol
No I won’t be alone. Doomers never kill anything, their narrative eventually gets forgotten.
Trump isn’t even close to giving up.
If they're dooming out of the very human emotion of disappointment (and one should be able to feel empathy for those who are genuinely disappointed) then I'd rather they stay, but only to lurk. No need to have anyone trash their lives after losing hope and as far as I've seen this board is the best source of hope.
For any who are just trying to blackpill others, yeah, they can go.
This is a war,not a battle.
I think it's the beginning of the end.+
What's the plan to overcome the cheating? I rarely doom but I need to hear a plan.
I havent needed to look for an "air Q" or anything else like that for more than a year now. I can see Q plan in the daily unfolding of events, and now is no different.
This right here. My whole belief in what Q has been telling us did not hinge on last night.
A year ago people would have been dying to hear, see Trump say anything about Q now he's retruthing Q stuff all the time and even had a Q plus pin, yet it's not enough, nothing will be enough, we could be in the middle of the military tribunals happening and people would still be complaining that it's not enough.
One thing I've learned working retail no matter how hard you try it will never be good enough for some people, ever...
You think this was about looking for Q’s in the air? It’s about having a backstage pass to a movie that’s playing out before your eyes. And guess what? You chose to watch the spoilers.
So what does that leave us to do? When shit hits the fan, we show them how this is a movie. We’re just waiting for our turn in the plan. You think your friends and family won’t look to you for guidance when we hit the precipice?
Imagine, for a second, that you live in a country where a specific politician says "hey, i'm gonna give a very important announcement", and that only almost started World War 3. Then he says "ayo it's nothing i'm just running for president, what did you espect lol" and inmediately after that the news go like "sooo remember that russian attack? welllll it seems it was actually an ukranian one, nothing to worry about"
Big thing are happening, fren, and you are in the eye pf that storm that is about to go down.
Godspeed, from Chile
I'm with you fren. Tired of all the bullshit hype and lack of anything getting done. Tired of criminals stealing elections and nothing happening. Tired of pretending like Q is a thing and 'the military is in control'. Ya, we're really doing great. Things are fantastic. But this is just 'part of the plan' I suppose. Yup, the plan to make us all look stupid while they usher in the Great reset and CBDC's. Look at all the politicians getting rich and these youtubers and social media guys grifting off of us. I'm done with this. I had hope before tonight that there was a good side. There isn't. It's just another 2 years of 'hoping', getting another election stolen and nothing happening. I'm done wasting my time. Did they really say tonight would be the biggest happening in politics in 100 years? What the actual fuck? He literally announced he was doing this exact same thing a few years ago. While I don't disagree with what he said and his vision for the country, it literally makes no fucking difference if they can just steal the election and every major news outlet lies about you and what you say with no repercussions. They're playing us all for fools. I'd love to see proof proving me wrong.
It could be the true intent is for everyone to become more involved and informed as voters. For us to stop trusting electronic elections. And for everyone to forget about the white knight riding in on his horse to fix everything. It's up to us. It doesn't have to be violent, but it has to be decisive.
Not sure there were ever any air Q's. CPAC a couple years ago was the closest one.
The one thing I keep in the back of my mind is this is still optics. This is a Global war...not a US war. It is so much bigger than most of us can imagine, and Trump must continue to "act" normal, while letting the Military do their thing, on their timeline. Granted...I wish they would step in now, after the blatant fraud we had with these past mid-term elections, but there is so much going on outside the US too, it's on their time. It's a World-wide war, not just a US war we are fighting.
Don’t they always say, “don’t worry, the military will save you on the end” before they then slaughter all the dissenters? That is part of the communist playbook.
I don’t fully trust Q, or Trump, or anyone for that matter besides God, but I do know that Q has woken up, both in the United States and worldwide, millions (hundreds of millions) of people to the reality that we are living in. People who would’ve otherwise not been awake and fighting for light over darkness. I can’t believe Satan/the DS wouldn’t be stupid enough to allow that to happen so close to the culmination of their plan, it literally stopped Clinton from becoming President and has exposed the worldwide elite pedophile ring - that is now common knowledge.
One of the things I got out of this speech was that it’s not up to Trump, it’s up to us. We need to do even more, expose more, red pill, more, support, more, whatever we can do because he can’t do it alone. We, collectively, through God, are the ones who can save us. Not Trump, not Q, and not the Military.
He also said a very powerful sentence: it does not have to be this way.
He needs to keep reminding normies of this, of how the right leader with the right people behind them can create a heaven on earth versus the hell we are currently living in.
You should be worried. Even with military, nothing they do will stick unless public is awake and active.
This is where I'm at too.
I posted this comment earlier but will copy and paste once cause I think it’s important.
I have a few questions- if this gets me banned so be it - this board is 99% male, so it being 100% male is fine too They stole the election twice- with the 2nd being more brazen than the first. What’s to stop the steal again? Seriously? Paper ballots 2024 on are great….but you did see the wef stuff coming out of g70 and the currency digitization…the election has to be won for this to be stopped. 2nd question. Those from J6 that are still in prison that did nothing wrong will likely be dead. Still celebrating? The vax has yet to be explained in any way shape or form. Unfortunately last night I saw a lot of ego and I mean ALOT of ego. If there wasn’t so many q retruths, or if it wasn’t as lukewarm or it at least the people rotting in prison were addressed (who were there because he told them to come) it would be different. Maybe my expectations were off, but President Trump and the yahoo’s that WE GET BANNED FOR FUCKING QUESTIONING built this shit up to this point. Mods have a lot to answer for.
There are no true satisfactory answers to your questions, I've been trying to get one about the vaccine for awhile. The closest I've gotten is that they were necessary to avoid 10 year lockdowns (based on no evidence and contradicted by the fact almost every state was out of lockdown before the vaccines were released) and that when Trump says take the vaccine he ACTUALLY means take ivermectin. Somehow. Even when he specifically mentions it in the context of warp speed.
The only way you'll get satisfactory answers to your questions is if you want to believe the answers at all costs
Sooo, my take is he had planned something different. He did not seem normal to start, like he had planned a my fellow Americans start but was told last minute we are not there yet. And as he talked about we have not suffered enough yet , it is bad out there but in no way can I see this as precept yet. In my mind this will be BAD with no way to see it in any other light. Only then will a military action be viewed as a savior not an assault by the general population. PS did anyone find the flag placement odd? They where in a pattern that seemed off to me.
If there is any hope to salvage this country we need to act like we would have without Q or the Military to swoop in and save us cause that’s not gonna happen.
DNC made the call out yesterday to begin embedding their media engines to work on 2024.
They’re prepping to take 2024 this early, we need to do likewise.
They’re prepping their paid and unpaid door knockers, they’re prepping their ballot harvesting, all the sly shit we hate… we have to join them because playing fair in an internationally unfair system is resulting in us getting creamed.
When are all y’all doomers gonna realize that chess isn’t played in a predetermined order? You make your plan to then move, then your opponent makes their move and you often must adjust the plan. Oftentimes you do things in what looks like the wrong order—even letting your opponent win pieces—if the end result is checkmate.
Trump’s timing of his announcement isn’t based on the timing of fixing 2020. Both things can happen. Good grief. At least give the new MAGA-filled Congress a chance to fix it before dooming so hard.
You need to wake up n stop crying. Its busy work for the cabal. They think they've won......they think hes moved on. So do you. Thats dumb. All the radicals n weak minded are going to get kicked in the balls when they least expect it. That's the fun of revenge...a dish best served cold.
As I was saying ... Stop putting your trust in him. Be loyal only to Jesus Christ. You want to defeat the cabal? Go to church, raise a family, teach them (and yourself) discernment and logic, and teach them (and yourself) above all ...scripture.
Nothing will get better until this nation kneels before the Almighty once again.
Amen, but I can see why he keeps doing them for the newly awakened.
Waah, it's not what I wanted when I wanted it!
If the Q plan is carried out during his second term I guess that would be pretty great.
If undeniable evidence of the worst crimes imaginable becomes ubiquitous there will be a lot fewer normies as we know them today.
He announced his candidacy for the President of the United States. It would be easy to mentioned 2024. But he didn't
The paperwork is specifically for the 2024 election.
I caught this too. It felt cut off, deliberately.
what else can I do? He always has my support. I hope he has yours too.
He's got mine, but I'm not entertaining any notions that the election will be free or fair anymore.
He has my support but he'll certainly lose it if he starts lying to us.
Have YOU done anything about it? We’ve been working 2 years to get rid of drop boxes in WI.
Well, you suck at it because they are still there. Just saw it yesterday outside the library.
so if you're in wisconsin, you suck at it too, what have you been doing?
I'm not the one in Wisconsin telling others they suck. You are. My state requires updated ids and drivers licenses to vote. We even give out free non drivers id if someone doesn't have a license. I know this because I work for the D.O.T.
My state also had all of it's ballots counted the night of, and low risk of voter fraud.
a lot of us would be asleep if it weren't for Q. I also wouldn't be a Christian
Trump's MO is to manipulate a situation so that he is in the middle of it as though he were the eye of the storm itself. Then he allows the storm to spend its energy.
In the present case I believe his announcement of his candidacy for '24, with only fleeting reference to the fraudulent elections, is a maneuver to preserve the appearance of neutrality for himself while some version of the storm rages all around him. In this way he remains "untainted" for election in '24.
After all he gave MAGA Patriots lots of very broad hints on TS in the two days prior to his announcement. Those shouldn't be ignored.
This announcement is the "false front" he has to assume to take leadership when the time comes.
And by the way, where are JB, KH and NP? I wonder if we are going to see them again soon - and in what context.
I mean, that's probably a LITTLE high on expectations, but I like that attitude over the consistent threads.
Where ever that thread is stickied with the meme how Trump declaring he's running in 2024 would harm maga, and here all he did was announce and people are dooming again... so, even though that meme is funny, the NPC in that cell turns out to be right for many.
Hey, man, you got any more of that copium?
Same. People are being over emotional like the babies on the left we make fun of.
Yep. A lot of people salty right now when Trump literally said Trump 2024 at his rallies for months.
Well I mean cuz the build up to this (most important in history, retruthing tons of Q memes and memes about it now being TIME)...you can see why some battle weary digital soldiers were expecting some type of good news right?
the problem is that you all haven't learned and had any type of expectation at all when we have been told repeatedly that this is an information war. Nothing is as it seems and the real truth is even harder to discern. Moreover none of these large events or plans between whatever white hat and black hat group are things we can even control. This is what it means to watch the movie.
The only thing you have complete control over is yourself. Things are bad but wasting energy on these events you don't control is meaningless. Focus your energy on changing yourself and the world around you within your reach.
Really? If Q “woke” you up then you never did your due diligence and made yourself an informed citizen. Get off internet messaging boards, it breeds complacency.