Spot on. I predict a shortage of government kidnappers after about 8 hours on the job. Brazilians can own guns. Hell someone jacks with my kid I'll put them down with a plastic spoon if I must.
We know here in the U.S. what good DCFS/CPS is. They “lose” children in their custody and you know that means they were trafficked by this complicit agency. They place children in homes they know are abusive physically, emotionally and sexually. Are they “friends” of the workers? Is there a “kickback” arrangement, another money laundering scheme? Do these children get sold and the workers pocket the money? Amazing how she genuinely caring parents step forward, road blocks are put in place: child must have his/her own bedroom, etc. I recall several instances where nurse practitioners and resident pediatricians threatened parents with DCFS involvement for refusing the hepatitis B vaccine for their child. The entire system is despicable and corrupt.. Medicine is in bed with BigZpharma and the government.
Exactly. I tell expectant parents to get a homeopathic doctor to recommend no vax for the child, due to family auto-immune issues (every family has someone with that issue). It is important not to argue your point with the hospital staff or your OB based on your own research or ideas.. otherwise, they claim you are an unfit parent.
Then, when doctors and hospital staff want to vax the new child, say, "I am already following doctor's orders. I am going to comply with what my doctor instructed me to do. He explained to me that my family is at higher risk of suffering adverse events because of our auto-immune issues" ...(examples to give them are lupus and ezcema).
Still, the hospital staff will literally try to vax the new baby, anyway, so the husband has to follow every time the baby is taken for tests. It is also a good idea to bring a notorized medical directive refusing the vax.
I have found that this strategy works. You have to pretend to kiss the butt of your medical superiors.
And, as a side note, no child needs a pediatrician. Family doctors are much better. Pediatricians will hound you endlessly about vaxxing your child. That is their main function. They will even turn you in to CPS or refuse to keep you as a patient. Such bullies!
Good information for those pregnant, of child bearing age, or with young children just starting the vaccine series. I wish I knew back when I had children, what I know now. I have stopped vaccinations on my dog.
Me, too. Just the rabies for my dogs, cuz I have to do that..
Yes. Vax damage is rampant in my family, so we have all studied it a lot now. Several of us are on medical freedom teams (available to connect people with quality doctors and pharmacists).
My family has a few kids on the spectrum now and a few with ezcema. Three of my grandkids had RSV, almost killing them at one month old.
So sorry to hear that. Fortunately no major issues with our children to date, other than our youngest with asthma, which he outgrew. But who knows what future damage they are the cause of: hypertension, cancer, strokes, etc. I myself had a vaccine injury in 1984 after my third hepatitis B shot which affected my vocal cords to this day, although my speech is better. I count myself lucky that it is all of the damage I had.
Wow. Did the Hep B vax cause acid reflux, which scarred the vocal chords?
I also had vax damage before I knew to distrust the medical industry. (I worked as a physical therapist in hospitals for years and never saw anything except an agenda and effort to heal, so I was blind about vaccines for a while.)
Anyway, in 2014 my Mom talked me into getting the CDC recommended vaccines before we went to China for vacation. It damaged my thyroid and pancreas. For 30 years I have eaten a very healthy diet and worked out. At the time of my vaccines I still had a super athletic build, even though I was 50...i was as fit as I was in my 20s. Three years later, I was on the verge of diabetes (for no reason) and my thyroid was under producing. Since then, I struggle to keep fit...sad. I had it made before this... regarding fitness and healh.
2014 was the same year my adopted daughter got severly vax-damaged...when I brought her in for her 3 yo shots. She had huge hives a couple days after, then diarrhea for 4 months, a year and a half of horrible flues, and loss of focus. (She had been playing piano already, but after her vax, her ability to read the notes dropped off to nothing. She then got so frustrated, even when trying to look at the notes in the book...still does.) I am sure she is on the spectrum now. Smart, sweet girl, but she is unable to process stimuli that well and is very ADHD.
So, 2014 is when I studied up on vaccines. None of us will ever get another one! I finally convinced my older kids to dump their kids' pediatricians and just use a wise, family doctor. Too bad they didn't listen to me 8 years ago before their kids were so badly harmed.
Now I am a consistent mouthpiece...even to expecting strangers. After showing them joy and celebration, I gently tell them about the Hep B vax being given at 6-8 hours old, what is in it, why it is unnecessary, and how to avoid it being given to their new baby. If they have an interest, I tell them more and connect them with research and quality, brave physicians.
No, no acid reflux. I had 3 colds in a month. I would just get rid of one cold, then 2 days later I had another. I was just recovering from my third cold when I was supposed to get my third hepatitis vaccine. The nurse told me, “no problem” taking it with recovering from a cold. Within 48 hours I had trouble talking due to vocal cord paralysis and a weak diaphragm. No breathing difficulties, but required a lot of effort and diaphragm fatigue to speak. I was a naive nurse back then. Botulism toxin injections were only effective for 6 weeks the first time, it should last 10-12 months. After that it was less and less effective. The thing that helps the most was acupuncture in the neck with electrical stimulation along with an herbal tea. This was done by a Chinese herbalist/acupuncturist In Mississauga, Ontario. She wanted me to return twice a week, and living in Ohio that wasn’t feasible. My voice was 99% normal after her treatment. I looked for an acupuncturist near me, but no one would replicate what she did. So after 3 treatments back home, I stopped. My voice is not like it was, but the diaphragm fatigue is gone. Weather and stress still affects my speech, but I am thankful that the damage wasn’t worse. Robert Kennedy had the same reaction after a hepatitis vaccine, but his voice is three times worse than mine. I believe all these vaccines cause cancer down the road, cause SIDS in young children and autism. Until someone proves otherwise, I will believe this. Fortunately my children were born at the time that polio, MMR, chickenpox, DPT were the only vaccines given. Had I known then, what I know now, I would not have vaccinated them. I am so sorry your daughter experienced the damage she did. It might be worth reading up on colloidal silver, NAC to see if that helps at all to detox.
I am so glad you knew about acupuncture! Amazing tool. I never knew a hep vax could cause paralysis leading to loss of voice. So sorry this happened.
Sadly, I agree that vaccines eventually end up causing cancer, auto-immune disease, and/or diabetes, and, like you said, SIDS and autism in some kids. I feel so duped to have agreed to them in 2014. Never again!
I do believe in healing, so I leave space for that in my expectation and emotion as I pray.
I take colloidal silver. I never thought of trying it with my 8 yo. Thanks for the thought. She does take a compounded green tea, but, I will have her swish colloidal silver, also (in appropriate doses). I am glad you brought it up. I think she is too young for glutathione, but I will double check about NAC.
I have been paying attention. And I am standing by. But I won't be the one to give them their headline and it seems there's more to "the plan" (or rather plans) than what was expected. I wouldn't personally classify the midterms as "safe" but technically some of them were. As it stands this is either some impressively precise timing and planning or it's back to my original pre 2017 theory that the world is run by clowns who can't agree on who gets to be clown supreme... I've done all I can to prepare myself for the worst. Unless Fedbois start kicking down my door, I have no reason to get uppity. I think the "America First" ideology isn't the patriotic Murica Fuck Yeah belief system we assumed it was... I think we're supposed to be inspired by putting our family's interests first and doing what's best for ourselves and interests... and I think that can be confirmed by one, Trump telling other countries to put themselves first and two, Washington's Thanksgiving proclamation which commends the first settlers of succeeding by establishing some of the first and early acts of capitalism. Long story short, basically the pilgrims were going to die out because they were trying a more communistic system. Everyone was supposed to contribute to the overall whole. Well, instead things got so bad that the town basically disbanded. Everyone was told to look after their families and fend for themselves... that following harvest season, everyone had massive surplus to share. And the settlement of course prospered. The point is... they put their families first, ahead of their neighbors, ahead of the interests of the community. Ahead of what was basically their own little country at the time...
That I think is what we're supposed to take away from MAGA. Figure out the things that will work best for your family and I'll give you a hint: material possessions ain't it. At least not primarily. I don't know how this plays out, but there is still time to fix things by 2024. Will they happen? I'm gonna be too busy focusing on my family to really care enough. Either way, I am standing my ground. I hope and pray for legal and peaceful and right now that seems to be the outcome we're headed in. I mean Musk took over Twitter and now Trump is back... Roe v Wade is overturned... if you're tired of the gas and inflation killing you then figure out what changes you can make that will be to your family's benefit. I think we were supposed to be putting our families first this whole time. I think that is what we have been missing.
Roe vs Wade being overturned didn't stop theft making abortion extremely legal in states like Michigan. And while I fully believe in letting states dictate their own laws, that evaporates when the state gets cheated out of an election
I agree. And I empathize with anons in those states. But that's also their battle to figure out how to win. We have to remember we aren't a federal society so it's not our place to determine what's best in other states outside our own.
I can't imagine the govt pulling this shit without major violence ensuing. Armed or not. The people will not tolerate these actions. The world needs to see and follow. Most importantly, these children need to be saved. 🙏
As of 2005 in Brazil, all firearms are required to be registered with the minimum age for gun ownership being 25.[1] It is generally illegal to carry a gun outside a residence, and a special permit granting the right to do so is granted to certain groups, such as law enforcement officers.[2] For citizens to legally own a gun, they must have a gun license, which costs R$88,00[3] and pay a fee every ten years to renew the gun register.[4] The registration can be done online or in person with the Federal Police.[5] Until 2008, unregistered guns could be initially registered at no cost for the gun owner, the subsequent referring fee each decade would then apply.[6]
Exactly. That’s why we will never give up our weapons in the U.S. The pedos would love nothing more than to take our kids and have them magically disappear into the “system”. Wasn’t John Of God one of their famous pedos?
Brazilians have reacted way faster and way stronger to the election fraud than the US.
If Brazilians allow to take their children- the US will be lost, even with the guns because … Brazilians have them too. If they won’t use them - Americans won’t use them either.
I wonder if this is stripping many from the center away from the proposed marxist beast system of the left. Think of the centrist's thought process... "Whoa! I disagree the election was stolen, but wtaf are they talking about taking those people's kids away??!" Even some on the left who are just brainwashed idiots and still love their children have to be questioning when their government threatens that kind of evil shit. This kind of shakeup really separates the chaff out, so to speak. Frankly, if I were made aware that even my closest friend or relative thought it was okay to do something like take someone's kid(s) away in circumstances like this, I'd never speak to my relative/friend again. Ever.
They all think their gangstas. Who knows? Maybe they are.
I feel like I’m constantly watching a (modern) supervillain comic book where they go after your money then your family. But when they were doing this shit 10 years ago they tried to hide it and use it on one hero at a time. Now they just try blanket constitutional overreach every chance they get.
Wtf are wrong with these people.
There is no quicker way underground than to fuck with my kids.
Especially in Brazil. They are literally going to get killed trying to enforce this.
They want depopulation, we will give them depopulation.
As they should.
Came here to say ^^^ THIS ^^^
CPS HR department would be busy as hell having to hire newfags to replace the dearly departed.
Someone comes for my children and they are fertilizer, no questions asked...
I will kill anyone who fucks with my kids with my own two hands.
..Fortunately I don't have kids yet so there's time for this whole shebang to cool off and some normalcy to be restored.
But! The point remains, you don't fuck with someone's kids.
They go right for the children.
The threat tends to be enough
Every time.
Spot on. I predict a shortage of government kidnappers after about 8 hours on the job. Brazilians can own guns. Hell someone jacks with my kid I'll put them down with a plastic spoon if I must.
Exactly, even lack of guns won’t stop an outraged parent protecting their kids
yes, they want a war. Still the best means to depopulate.
yep, this is definitely the precipice for me, personally.
We know here in the U.S. what good DCFS/CPS is. They “lose” children in their custody and you know that means they were trafficked by this complicit agency. They place children in homes they know are abusive physically, emotionally and sexually. Are they “friends” of the workers? Is there a “kickback” arrangement, another money laundering scheme? Do these children get sold and the workers pocket the money? Amazing how she genuinely caring parents step forward, road blocks are put in place: child must have his/her own bedroom, etc. I recall several instances where nurse practitioners and resident pediatricians threatened parents with DCFS involvement for refusing the hepatitis B vaccine for their child. The entire system is despicable and corrupt.. Medicine is in bed with BigZpharma and the government.
Exactly. I tell expectant parents to get a homeopathic doctor to recommend no vax for the child, due to family auto-immune issues (every family has someone with that issue). It is important not to argue your point with the hospital staff or your OB based on your own research or ideas.. otherwise, they claim you are an unfit parent.
Then, when doctors and hospital staff want to vax the new child, say, "I am already following doctor's orders. I am going to comply with what my doctor instructed me to do. He explained to me that my family is at higher risk of suffering adverse events because of our auto-immune issues" ...(examples to give them are lupus and ezcema).
Still, the hospital staff will literally try to vax the new baby, anyway, so the husband has to follow every time the baby is taken for tests. It is also a good idea to bring a notorized medical directive refusing the vax.
I have found that this strategy works. You have to pretend to kiss the butt of your medical superiors.
And, as a side note, no child needs a pediatrician. Family doctors are much better. Pediatricians will hound you endlessly about vaxxing your child. That is their main function. They will even turn you in to CPS or refuse to keep you as a patient. Such bullies!
Good information for those pregnant, of child bearing age, or with young children just starting the vaccine series. I wish I knew back when I had children, what I know now. I have stopped vaccinations on my dog.
Me, too. Just the rabies for my dogs, cuz I have to do that..
Yes. Vax damage is rampant in my family, so we have all studied it a lot now. Several of us are on medical freedom teams (available to connect people with quality doctors and pharmacists).
My family has a few kids on the spectrum now and a few with ezcema. Three of my grandkids had RSV, almost killing them at one month old.
So sorry to hear that. Fortunately no major issues with our children to date, other than our youngest with asthma, which he outgrew. But who knows what future damage they are the cause of: hypertension, cancer, strokes, etc. I myself had a vaccine injury in 1984 after my third hepatitis B shot which affected my vocal cords to this day, although my speech is better. I count myself lucky that it is all of the damage I had.
Wow. Did the Hep B vax cause acid reflux, which scarred the vocal chords?
I also had vax damage before I knew to distrust the medical industry. (I worked as a physical therapist in hospitals for years and never saw anything except an agenda and effort to heal, so I was blind about vaccines for a while.)
Anyway, in 2014 my Mom talked me into getting the CDC recommended vaccines before we went to China for vacation. It damaged my thyroid and pancreas. For 30 years I have eaten a very healthy diet and worked out. At the time of my vaccines I still had a super athletic build, even though I was 50...i was as fit as I was in my 20s. Three years later, I was on the verge of diabetes (for no reason) and my thyroid was under producing. Since then, I struggle to keep fit...sad. I had it made before this... regarding fitness and healh.
2014 was the same year my adopted daughter got severly vax-damaged...when I brought her in for her 3 yo shots. She had huge hives a couple days after, then diarrhea for 4 months, a year and a half of horrible flues, and loss of focus. (She had been playing piano already, but after her vax, her ability to read the notes dropped off to nothing. She then got so frustrated, even when trying to look at the notes in the book...still does.) I am sure she is on the spectrum now. Smart, sweet girl, but she is unable to process stimuli that well and is very ADHD.
So, 2014 is when I studied up on vaccines. None of us will ever get another one! I finally convinced my older kids to dump their kids' pediatricians and just use a wise, family doctor. Too bad they didn't listen to me 8 years ago before their kids were so badly harmed.
Now I am a consistent mouthpiece...even to expecting strangers. After showing them joy and celebration, I gently tell them about the Hep B vax being given at 6-8 hours old, what is in it, why it is unnecessary, and how to avoid it being given to their new baby. If they have an interest, I tell them more and connect them with research and quality, brave physicians.
No, no acid reflux. I had 3 colds in a month. I would just get rid of one cold, then 2 days later I had another. I was just recovering from my third cold when I was supposed to get my third hepatitis vaccine. The nurse told me, “no problem” taking it with recovering from a cold. Within 48 hours I had trouble talking due to vocal cord paralysis and a weak diaphragm. No breathing difficulties, but required a lot of effort and diaphragm fatigue to speak. I was a naive nurse back then. Botulism toxin injections were only effective for 6 weeks the first time, it should last 10-12 months. After that it was less and less effective. The thing that helps the most was acupuncture in the neck with electrical stimulation along with an herbal tea. This was done by a Chinese herbalist/acupuncturist In Mississauga, Ontario. She wanted me to return twice a week, and living in Ohio that wasn’t feasible. My voice was 99% normal after her treatment. I looked for an acupuncturist near me, but no one would replicate what she did. So after 3 treatments back home, I stopped. My voice is not like it was, but the diaphragm fatigue is gone. Weather and stress still affects my speech, but I am thankful that the damage wasn’t worse. Robert Kennedy had the same reaction after a hepatitis vaccine, but his voice is three times worse than mine. I believe all these vaccines cause cancer down the road, cause SIDS in young children and autism. Until someone proves otherwise, I will believe this. Fortunately my children were born at the time that polio, MMR, chickenpox, DPT were the only vaccines given. Had I known then, what I know now, I would not have vaccinated them. I am so sorry your daughter experienced the damage she did. It might be worth reading up on colloidal silver, NAC to see if that helps at all to detox.
I am so glad you knew about acupuncture! Amazing tool. I never knew a hep vax could cause paralysis leading to loss of voice. So sorry this happened.
Sadly, I agree that vaccines eventually end up causing cancer, auto-immune disease, and/or diabetes, and, like you said, SIDS and autism in some kids. I feel so duped to have agreed to them in 2014. Never again!
I do believe in healing, so I leave space for that in my expectation and emotion as I pray.
I take colloidal silver. I never thought of trying it with my 8 yo. Thanks for the thought. She does take a compounded green tea, but, I will have her swish colloidal silver, also (in appropriate doses). I am glad you brought it up. I think she is too young for glutathione, but I will double check about NAC.
Thanks. It was nice to chat with you. 😃
start shooting
You first.
I got 57 more Goddamn rounds in this 4 round magazine
This only proves more the elections were stolen
I have been paying attention. And I am standing by. But I won't be the one to give them their headline and it seems there's more to "the plan" (or rather plans) than what was expected. I wouldn't personally classify the midterms as "safe" but technically some of them were. As it stands this is either some impressively precise timing and planning or it's back to my original pre 2017 theory that the world is run by clowns who can't agree on who gets to be clown supreme... I've done all I can to prepare myself for the worst. Unless Fedbois start kicking down my door, I have no reason to get uppity. I think the "America First" ideology isn't the patriotic Murica Fuck Yeah belief system we assumed it was... I think we're supposed to be inspired by putting our family's interests first and doing what's best for ourselves and interests... and I think that can be confirmed by one, Trump telling other countries to put themselves first and two, Washington's Thanksgiving proclamation which commends the first settlers of succeeding by establishing some of the first and early acts of capitalism. Long story short, basically the pilgrims were going to die out because they were trying a more communistic system. Everyone was supposed to contribute to the overall whole. Well, instead things got so bad that the town basically disbanded. Everyone was told to look after their families and fend for themselves... that following harvest season, everyone had massive surplus to share. And the settlement of course prospered. The point is... they put their families first, ahead of their neighbors, ahead of the interests of the community. Ahead of what was basically their own little country at the time...
That I think is what we're supposed to take away from MAGA. Figure out the things that will work best for your family and I'll give you a hint: material possessions ain't it. At least not primarily. I don't know how this plays out, but there is still time to fix things by 2024. Will they happen? I'm gonna be too busy focusing on my family to really care enough. Either way, I am standing my ground. I hope and pray for legal and peaceful and right now that seems to be the outcome we're headed in. I mean Musk took over Twitter and now Trump is back... Roe v Wade is overturned... if you're tired of the gas and inflation killing you then figure out what changes you can make that will be to your family's benefit. I think we were supposed to be putting our families first this whole time. I think that is what we have been missing.
Roe vs Wade being overturned didn't stop theft making abortion extremely legal in states like Michigan. And while I fully believe in letting states dictate their own laws, that evaporates when the state gets cheated out of an election
I agree. And I empathize with anons in those states. But that's also their battle to figure out how to win. We have to remember we aren't a federal society so it's not our place to determine what's best in other states outside our own.
Exactly. It's the shift from watching the world like a television show, or instead taking the responsability in your own life
Oh this is not going to end up well. At all.
I can't imagine the govt pulling this shit without major violence ensuing. Armed or not. The people will not tolerate these actions. The world needs to see and follow. Most importantly, these children need to be saved. 🙏
We need to relearn to ostricize those who help the beast. Help the beast...get rejected from society.
They took some tips from Canada I see! Apparently freezing bank accounts too.
What’s the general 40,000 feet view of what’s going on? Any locals care to put their observations in?
That's what one can expect from low down dirty dogs.
Armed population?
the gangs have more weapons than the police.
As of 2005 in Brazil, all firearms are required to be registered with the minimum age for gun ownership being 25.[1] It is generally illegal to carry a gun outside a residence, and a special permit granting the right to do so is granted to certain groups, such as law enforcement officers.[2] For citizens to legally own a gun, they must have a gun license, which costs R$88,00[3] and pay a fee every ten years to renew the gun register.[4] The registration can be done online or in person with the Federal Police.[5] Until 2008, unregistered guns could be initially registered at no cost for the gun owner, the subsequent referring fee each decade would then apply.[6]
Exactly. That’s why we will never give up our weapons in the U.S. The pedos would love nothing more than to take our kids and have them magically disappear into the “system”. Wasn’t John Of God one of their famous pedos?
More people die to fists, boots, and gravity each year than to fiearms.
Brazil has a shitload of illegal guns
Yes, which makes it even more surprising.
At what point people start defending themselves?
Brazilians have reacted way faster and way stronger to the election fraud than the US.
If Brazilians allow to take their children- the US will be lost, even with the guns because … Brazilians have them too. If they won’t use them - Americans won’t use them either.
You’re in for a rude awakening.
Interview with Brazilian who had his kids threatened by government
Brazilians will do to child services like they do to those that car jack… swift steel justice
Ho Lee Fuk! Touch My kids and it becomes Game On, instantly...
Cue up Archer, season one: "Do you want ants?! This is how you get ants!"
I wonder if this is stripping many from the center away from the proposed marxist beast system of the left. Think of the centrist's thought process... "Whoa! I disagree the election was stolen, but wtaf are they talking about taking those people's kids away??!" Even some on the left who are just brainwashed idiots and still love their children have to be questioning when their government threatens that kind of evil shit. This kind of shakeup really separates the chaff out, so to speak. Frankly, if I were made aware that even my closest friend or relative thought it was okay to do something like take someone's kid(s) away in circumstances like this, I'd never speak to my relative/friend again. Ever.
Of course they want to take the children away so they can rape and take their blood
Compare this:
Unvaccinated => mentally ill => cannot grow children
This is the level where we are in the world now. "If you don't stand down and just let us cheat, we will take away your children." Unreal.
Now that is a way to make this even more unstable.
It is one thing to go after protesters but to go after their children, that is a big button on the nuclear option button.
I guess CPS in Brazil better bring their own body bags.
The Canadian truckers were threatened with this by Trudeau’s government only a few months ago.
They all think their gangstas. Who knows? Maybe they are.
I feel like I’m constantly watching a (modern) supervillain comic book where they go after your money then your family. But when they were doing this shit 10 years ago they tried to hide it and use it on one hero at a time. Now they just try blanket constitutional overreach every chance they get.
So how does this work? Someone protests yet they punish the innocent child who didnt participate?
Isnt that like a person robs a bank and someone else gets arrested for it? Sounds ass-backward to me.
In any case, demons always attack innocent kids.
Take one kid and it will be the perfect reason for the military to step in. And they will have the full support of the people.
Look at these crowds - literally millions of people in the streets for weeks and not a peep from the mfing controlled DS media.
Of all the things to do, why so blatant. Desperation?