Plus the two towers are equilateral triangles, which give you 6 sides, 6 corners, and when superimposed, a so-called Star of David, a 6-pointed star (6-6-6) and symbol of....
Check out the source on the link provided. Also, she never really claims to have worked directly for the agency, but for a company that regularly contracted with them headquartered out of Europe, maybe in Luxembourg?
I agree that we should be careful who we follow, and so does Tore. She frequently says we shouldn't blindly trust anyone, including her. Most of the information she conveys is using publicly uploaded content that is related in one way or another.
I don't trust her 100%, but I appreciate the work she puts in, and the unique perspective she offers. I think she has her own angle in some way, and that she is impatient to a fault.
That being said, she substantiates the vast majority of the things she says using external sources, and by my estimation has done far more good to this movement than she has done harm, and that's a good thing in my book.
At the very least, try to learn her side of the story before coming to a conclusion. is a great searchable transcription database if you want to dig a bit. for podcasts and articles. ToreSays on rumble.
I responded to the post to u/eagle-eyes2020 put up and I think its worth putting over here for you folks, too. It could be a...
Very cool, fren 😎
CAA - Central Artists Agency
You mean Creative Artists Agency right?? I just wanted to make sure we had the correct name.
So this gave me a very interesting thought or two for some reason. Not even necessarily related to the docu itself but just from what I've been looking at/researching over the past few days.
Earlier we were clowning Clott Adam's. Someone posted a clip of him talking about how Tucker's opening monologue this past Thursday affected him strongly. THAT was about how Nixon won the largest margin of victory in the country when he was re-elected, only to be "removed" through Watergate.
4/5 people who snuck into the building were CIA. Bob Woodward was a Naval officer turned reporter who happened to get the story. Nixon was replaced by Ford, a member of the Warren Comission. The 🤡 got rid of Spiro Agnew, Nixon's VP, through a tax investigation.
*The Watergate Tapes featured a part where Nixon, speaking to the CIA Deputy Director, told him "I know what happened to John..." He was met with silence. Then shortly after removal. Replaced by Gerald Ford, unelected for either VP or President, who served on the Warren commission, who did what exactly? That's right they exonerated the CIA of involvement with JFK assassination. Ford allowed the Church commission to do its work, in part because faith in those institutions was at an all time low and public trust needed to be reinstated. From the film: 46:00
Whew, that line was a doozy: "Church didn't get anything WE didn't give him."
So Adams was talking and going down the list of Presidents who could've had involvement with Intel. Reagan? No... but! He was shot. Assassination attempt... and a lot of weirdness by George Bush Sr. immediately going to Texas following that refusing to go back to D.C. and so forth.
How about all the Presidents since GW? Not so clear if ANY of them before Trump were NOT ALL INTEL ASSETS. In fact it's rather likely. One family member of Bush, Clinton and Obama BOTH come from nowhere popular with people types, DEEP FAMILY CONNECTIONS with the Agency.
So does it stand to reason that maybe Bush just was the completion of the TAKEOVER started after JFK got taken out? And he was THE REAL POTUS until he died and Trump was the retaliatory method, timed perfectly to be elected upon the old man's death? Look again at your Q post: This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).
At that time thought to be reference to HRC/Obama but he makes sure to mention NOT JUST DEMS & NO REFERENCE as to WHEN the hostile takeover occured. Might've been many years ago.
Then: POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.
Trump COULD NOT have worked against [DS] unless this was 100% true. Past assassinations prove that out.
So this whole mission was completed and OUT of their hands from the moment Trump took office. The rest now is child's play - allowing them to strike back, try desperately to wrest back control from the White Hats, in the process completely voiding their trust and faith from the public, exposing themselves [what is necessary and ABLE to be shown at least] and finally destroying themselves.
I like to imagine a toddler in a playpen, exasperated, angrily throwing toys and knocking stuff over, shaking the barricade occasionally and running about, causing mayhem inside that managed little area, until finally they collapse on the ground in tears.
The past 60 years they kept us in darkness, well now its your turn.
So true! Trump is very insulated. The fact that there isn’t restricted airspace over Mar a Lago says all I need to know. He’s guarded by some of the most sophisticated technology on the planet completely backed by Space Force. I get a lot of flack for mentioning Space Force... but if you go back in Trump’s timeline from announcing his run all the way to the unveiling of Space Force it all lines up. I do believe Space Force was always in place, it wasn’t created under Trump’s watch - probably, secretly under General Mike Flynn - at least he had knowledge of the group.
All one need to research is how the MSM and even a lot of politicians reacted to the announcement of Space Force. They weren’t in control of it so they hated and downplayed it almost as much as they hate and downplay on the greatest POTUS to ever live.
If that shocked you, look up Laurel Canyon.
The ‘70s rock and psychedelic scene was a intel psyop. We boomers got played. All part of the grand Wurlitzer cultural revolution scheme. Classic rock males me want to puke my guts out.
I don’t know the non-English language, but it looks familiar.
Edit: Looks like Greek. Second word appears to be ποσοστό and Google translate says that means "rate". Working on first word. Edit: I can't figure out the first word. That character with the vertical line has me stumped.
The ARPANET, later the Internet, was stood up in 1969. It has been my thought that it was stood up to eventually enable people to get around the MSM. (not to mention it being used for surveillance)
A lot of this reminds me of the movie Eagle Eye where they’re tasked with shutting down a supercomputer. It makes me wonder if something like Eagle Eye is real and this is Hollywood propaganda trying to say this supercomputer is bad and dangerous. Perhaps there really is a computer like this and it is good. It’s
been a while since I have seen the movie to remember the specifics. I do remember that there are twins in the movie and that is a whole other Hollywood thing where they encode Freemason stuff and such.
This is an excellent channel to run down the rabbit hole of symbolism used in movies.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all that Q isn’t an AI supercomputer with quantum computing capabilities. (a least the Q group may be leveraging one) Quantum computing would be used alongside our existing binary computing as they’re each better suited to solving different problems. Quantum computers can cut through encryption like hot butter. Edit, like T.O.R.E. through the encryption.
Maybe you and I are 2 nodes in a growing organic AI that is self-organizing as a counterforce to whatever is ailing us as a species, manifesting just as naturally as the sunrise or a canyon eroded by a river, maybe being nudged just a little here and there by a space...force.
I've been obsessed with φ lately so that made me sit up and start digging. Can't find some of the symbols after that so I sent up a flare in the form of a screenshot and got more homework instead lol. Thank you for the links, I'll dig in especially after running into this just now haha.
The DS thinks they’re boiling us frogs. In reality, we are a plague of frogs that are boiling the DS. Dark to Light.
I used the Character Map in Windows to find the symbols. I just couldn’t find that weird one with the vertical bar. It almost looks like a cursor, but that makes no sense. Too bad I don’t speak Greek.
I’ve been watching the video. She talked about what I had thought about, using the Internet to get around the MSM.
The φ is a lower case PHI symbol. Apparently the privacy of your PHI is in jeopardy. At least that's what the current meme says. All memes and mentions with a φ symbol help spread that viral meme, including this one, I suppose...
It takes in data and through layered computations will find features in the data on its own to better classify something in the data (though it doesn't tell you what what the features are).
Sometimes the features actually contribute something to classification but most initial features dont.
Layered Neural Networks are whats called Deep Learning.
The font sizes don't match - Compare "BIOS" and "All Rights Reserved" with the rest and their pixels do not line up. The pixels of the Greek font do not line up with the other fonts either. A CRT will have pixels that are in line with one another; one big grid. It would be a little off because of the curvature of the monitor glass, but nothing like what is seen here. A cute, fake screen shot.
The charitable foundation angle really resonated with me. I used to be a grant writer. Researching grants for the non-profits I worked for led me to many of these foundations. While I couldn't prove it and didn't understand the grift, my gut told me many of them were money laundering schemes. The next source of grant money was government grants. Forcing American taxpayers to fund non-profits whose mission they may not support is blatantly wrong in my view. I concluded the government controlled much of the non-profit sector. I got out. Literally every freakin' thing is rigged.
(Enter the bridge, with shredding lead solo by Alex, Geddy's ripping bass riff - which I just about have worked out - and if course The Professor on the drum kit.
Tore Maras has been around for quite a long time and has called quite a few things correctly. You should look into her work. She is properly banned and blacklisted so she has that credibility.
Obviously you have not looked into her at all, because she has REPEATEDLY called out the likes of Simon Parkes and Charles Ward for being full of shit.
Simon Parkes is into some wild stuff, like being married to a 9 ft alien or something like that.
She has NEVER promoted NESARA. Show me where. She has talked about crypto, but said they will try and have a centrally controlled global crypto and that's not what we want. She has talked about tying motion and thought monitoring to a global crypto.
Methinks YOU are either trying to pull something here or didn't actually look into Maras and instead found a video of someone bashing her and call that "researching her stuff."
She is on telegram and rumble and Look it up.
Watched it last night. Really good. I’m starting to realize that A-list celebrities who were rounded up during covid was not solely for crimes against children but to flip on the CAA.
This is an excellent doc. Great timing for me to come across this. It reinforces my recently emerging theory that almost anyone and everyone with a modicum of celebrity or notoriety, from mainstream to alternative entertainment and media, is likely in on it, with only very few exceptions I'm still trying to identify... What are they all in on? My guess: they're Judas Goats distracting us from a real-time, globally coordinated depop democide a long time in the making. For whom are they doing it? Not fully clear but my guess is somewhere between Quigley's 'The Network', the Square and Compass crowd, Paperclip eugenicists, globohomo psychopaths, lizard overlords and everything in between.
"Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) files obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the dad, maternal grandpa and father-in-law of President Obama’s trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government.
Jarrett’s dad, pathologist and geneticist Dr. James Bowman, had extensive ties to Communist associations and individuals, his lengthy FBI file shows.
In 1950 Bowman was in communication with a paid Soviet agent named Alfred Stern, who fled to Prague after getting charged with espionage. Bowman was also a member of a Communist-sympathizing group called the Association of Internes and Medical Students. After his discharge from the Army Medical Corps in 1955, Bowman moved to Iran to work, the FBI records show."
I have worked right there in that immediate vicinity. This is also where people get their passports and swear in as citizens / dual / anything dealing with passports. There is an art exhibit on ground floor in one of the buildings. Interesting stuff. Also, this is where the elite of HollyHood and any ring of anything are a common occurrence / sightings. CAA is one of THE largest agencies and agents. You must be at least A-list or A-list material. B-listers get in from A-listers. It’s a big “ring” with locked arms. Definitely noticed this before. The buildings have a significant meaning too, but I can’t remember. But yes, this place is ground zero for any deals made, anyone singed, and I’m pretty sure it’s where they sell their souls.
John McCloy was very bad for Germany, connected to Dulles etc.. He had his headquarter in I.G. Farben building with was next to to a Rothschild mansion - says it all, or not? Also the cradle for the Grundgesetz our quasi constitution was 'invented' with a think-tank in a Rothschild mansion! Now the Warburg bankers have their puppet with chancellor Scholz via the CumEx scandal.
This was on Voat back in 2019 ... and I believe it was in that Documentary about Hollywood by the stuntman. Can't remember the name but it was about satanic behavior and pedos in LA.
Dang!! This was an incredible documentary!!! And the chick checks out too with what I have found digging on her so far! She's been working on this doc for over a year!
But this strung together so many things!! The CAA for sure! Holy Moly, (CAA was news to me!)! How did these people form this organization!?!
Ovitz is a supreme douche! And is a complete megalomaniac!
Wow, CAA. I do not like these people now. And Sean Penn??? Disgusting! It's Like, Team America times 2356...
I haven't finished the video and maybe they will point this out.
At 9:43, the CAA building in Century City when viewed from above echos the Square and Compass symbol from Freemasonry.
I noticed that as well. Above, on the other side of the building in the street meridian it looks like an 'allseeing eye'
Plus the two towers are equilateral triangles, which give you 6 sides, 6 corners, and when superimposed, a so-called Star of David, a 6-pointed star (6-6-6) and symbol of....
Tore Lindeman is CIA. Check out the Twitter link below.
FAKE Patriot Tore L. aka ToreSays - Be careful who you follow!
Tore L.
Fake Doctor - No medical licenses
Fake 'Harvard' graduate - ONLY 1 online class
Fake 'Intel officer' - ONLY 8 mo Navy service
Did not work for CIA's John O. Brennan
Stolen Valor - Purple Heart (and other fake awards)
Stole money from hometown Christmas charity to pay for fast food and online purchases
Failed Political Candidate for City Council
State Attorney General sought to limit her internet for abuse, bullying, harassment, and for making false statements on social media.
State Consumer protection unit investigated for soliciting donations for a fake charity
Greek nationality - (Tom Hanks escape)
Husband Barry not US Citizen
Human Trafficking investigator that didn't notice husband's sexual assault ON THEIR OWN DAUGHTER/FAMILY/HOMES - December 2019
Character assassination instead of refuting points made? Get out of here, man. Not a good look.
The points she's making imply she has some degree of authority and "in the know" status, and he seems to be refuting that.
Check out the source on the link provided. Also, she never really claims to have worked directly for the agency, but for a company that regularly contracted with them headquartered out of Europe, maybe in Luxembourg?
I agree that we should be careful who we follow, and so does Tore. She frequently says we shouldn't blindly trust anyone, including her. Most of the information she conveys is using publicly uploaded content that is related in one way or another.
I don't trust her 100%, but I appreciate the work she puts in, and the unique perspective she offers. I think she has her own angle in some way, and that she is impatient to a fault.
That being said, she substantiates the vast majority of the things she says using external sources, and by my estimation has done far more good to this movement than she has done harm, and that's a good thing in my book.
At the very least, try to learn her side of the story before coming to a conclusion. is a great searchable transcription database if you want to dig a bit. for podcasts and articles. ToreSays on rumble.
She is a criminal and a fraud. These are facts. Public knowledge.
Character assassination? Have "A Magic City Christmas" motherfuchers.
Archived link here:
She says in the video she was part of the CAA
D anon closing music video "Mirror rorriM":
Scotty mar10 version on Rumble:
The Tore Says Show Podcast
RSS address:
I responded to the post to u/eagle-eyes2020 put up and I think its worth putting over here for you folks, too. It could be a...
Very cool, fren 😎
You mean Creative Artists Agency right?? I just wanted to make sure we had the correct name.
So this gave me a very interesting thought or two for some reason. Not even necessarily related to the docu itself but just from what I've been looking at/researching over the past few days.
Earlier we were clowning Clott Adam's. Someone posted a clip of him talking about how Tucker's opening monologue this past Thursday affected him strongly. THAT was about how Nixon won the largest margin of victory in the country when he was re-elected, only to be "removed" through Watergate.
4/5 people who snuck into the building were CIA. Bob Woodward was a Naval officer turned reporter who happened to get the story. Nixon was replaced by Ford, a member of the Warren Comission. The 🤡 got rid of Spiro Agnew, Nixon's VP, through a tax investigation.
*The Watergate Tapes featured a part where Nixon, speaking to the CIA Deputy Director, told him "I know what happened to John..." He was met with silence. Then shortly after removal. Replaced by Gerald Ford, unelected for either VP or President, who served on the Warren commission, who did what exactly? That's right they exonerated the CIA of involvement with JFK assassination. Ford allowed the Church commission to do its work, in part because faith in those institutions was at an all time low and public trust needed to be reinstated. From the film: 46:00
Whew, that line was a doozy: "Church didn't get anything WE didn't give him."
Cross referencing the film again: 46:50 - 51:00 or around there
So Adams was talking and going down the list of Presidents who could've had involvement with Intel. Reagan? No... but! He was shot. Assassination attempt... and a lot of weirdness by George Bush Sr. immediately going to Texas following that refusing to go back to D.C. and so forth.
How about all the Presidents since GW? Not so clear if ANY of them before Trump were NOT ALL INTEL ASSETS. In fact it's rather likely. One family member of Bush, Clinton and Obama BOTH come from nowhere popular with people types, DEEP FAMILY CONNECTIONS with the Agency.
So does it stand to reason that maybe Bush just was the completion of the TAKEOVER started after JFK got taken out? And he was THE REAL POTUS until he died and Trump was the retaliatory method, timed perfectly to be elected upon the old man's death? Look again at your Q post: This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).
At that time thought to be reference to HRC/Obama but he makes sure to mention NOT JUST DEMS & NO REFERENCE as to WHEN the hostile takeover occured. Might've been many years ago.
Then: POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.
Trump COULD NOT have worked against [DS] unless this was 100% true. Past assassinations prove that out.
So this whole mission was completed and OUT of their hands from the moment Trump took office. The rest now is child's play - allowing them to strike back, try desperately to wrest back control from the White Hats, in the process completely voiding their trust and faith from the public, exposing themselves [what is necessary and ABLE to be shown at least] and finally destroying themselves.
I like to imagine a toddler in a playpen, exasperated, angrily throwing toys and knocking stuff over, shaking the barricade occasionally and running about, causing mayhem inside that managed little area, until finally they collapse on the ground in tears.
The past 60 years they kept us in darkness, well now its your turn.
Go to sleep.
So true! Trump is very insulated. The fact that there isn’t restricted airspace over Mar a Lago says all I need to know. He’s guarded by some of the most sophisticated technology on the planet completely backed by Space Force. I get a lot of flack for mentioning Space Force... but if you go back in Trump’s timeline from announcing his run all the way to the unveiling of Space Force it all lines up. I do believe Space Force was always in place, it wasn’t created under Trump’s watch - probably, secretly under General Mike Flynn - at least he had knowledge of the group.
All one need to research is how the MSM and even a lot of politicians reacted to the announcement of Space Force. They weren’t in control of it so they hated and downplayed it almost as much as they hate and downplay on the greatest POTUS to ever live.
Patriots in control!🇺🇸
When I imagine a toddler I don't feature it in distress. Calm yourself. Become a conduit for peace and tranquility.
Did you read anything except that part? This has so little to do with anything I wrote, that, that....
Oh now, look at what you've done. You've gone and upset him again.
I look at it as the death throws of an exorcism, the demon is contesting but has lost the fight. Great comment!
I hadn’t known about CAA, interesting stuff
If that shocked you, look up Laurel Canyon. The ‘70s rock and psychedelic scene was a intel psyop. We boomers got played. All part of the grand Wurlitzer cultural revolution scheme. Classic rock males me want to puke my guts out.
If anyone is interested in finding out more about this, highly recommend reading by Dave McGowan (RIP)
This guy reads. Thanks for the citation.
1 hour in and riveted.
CAA from above:
This thing is damn good. I'm at 40 minutes. It's so good I'm thinking the White Hats made it.
Very interesting. The 17s are very noticeable.
FAFO is noticeable.
I don’t know the non-English language, but it looks familiar.
Edit: Looks like Greek. Second word appears to be ποσοστό and Google translate says that means "rate". Working on first word. Edit: I can't figure out the first word. That character with the vertical line has me stumped.
The ARPANET, later the Internet, was stood up in 1969. It has been my thought that it was stood up to eventually enable people to get around the MSM. (not to mention it being used for surveillance)
A lot of this reminds me of the movie Eagle Eye where they’re tasked with shutting down a supercomputer. It makes me wonder if something like Eagle Eye is real and this is Hollywood propaganda trying to say this supercomputer is bad and dangerous. Perhaps there really is a computer like this and it is good. It’s been a while since I have seen the movie to remember the specifics. I do remember that there are twins in the movie and that is a whole other Hollywood thing where they encode Freemason stuff and such.
This is an excellent channel to run down the rabbit hole of symbolism used in movies.
There is even one for Eagle Eye which I’m about to watch.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all that Q isn’t an AI supercomputer with quantum computing capabilities. (a least the Q group may be leveraging one) Quantum computing would be used alongside our existing binary computing as they’re each better suited to solving different problems. Quantum computers can cut through encryption like hot butter. Edit, like T.O.R.E. through the encryption.
Maybe you and I are 2 nodes in a growing organic AI that is self-organizing as a counterforce to whatever is ailing us as a species, manifesting just as naturally as the sunrise or a canyon eroded by a river, maybe being nudged just a little here and there by a space...force.
I've been obsessed with φ lately so that made me sit up and start digging. Can't find some of the symbols after that so I sent up a flare in the form of a screenshot and got more homework instead lol. Thank you for the links, I'll dig in especially after running into this just now haha.
We’re frogs.
The DS thinks they’re boiling us frogs. In reality, we are a plague of frogs that are boiling the DS. Dark to Light.
I used the Character Map in Windows to find the symbols. I just couldn’t find that weird one with the vertical bar. It almost looks like a cursor, but that makes no sense. Too bad I don’t speak Greek.
I’ve been watching the video. She talked about what I had thought about, using the Internet to get around the MSM.
The φ is a lower case PHI symbol. Apparently the privacy of your PHI is in jeopardy. At least that's what the current meme says. All memes and mentions with a φ symbol help spread that viral meme, including this one, I suppose...
What is a neural network?
It takes in data and through layered computations will find features in the data on its own to better classify something in the data (though it doesn't tell you what what the features are).
Sometimes the features actually contribute something to classification but most initial features dont.
Layered Neural Networks are whats called Deep Learning.
Woah! Were did you find that? In Tores video?
It's flashed up near the beginning.
I also don't think it's real. 1700k in 1969? Not impossible I suppose, but highly doubtful.
I'm coming in to this a little late, and have not had a chance to watch the documentary yet.. 1700k what in 1969?
The font sizes don't match - Compare "BIOS" and "All Rights Reserved" with the rest and their pixels do not line up. The pixels of the Greek font do not line up with the other fonts either. A CRT will have pixels that are in line with one another; one big grid. It would be a little off because of the curvature of the monitor glass, but nothing like what is seen here. A cute, fake screen shot.
The white hats obviously broke through Youtube. This would definitely be censored if the black hats had control of the largest video sharing website.
I mean its called Enjoy the Show all we are missing is the popcorn. I can see why you feel that way and it very well could have white hat involvement
The charitable foundation angle really resonated with me. I used to be a grant writer. Researching grants for the non-profits I worked for led me to many of these foundations. While I couldn't prove it and didn't understand the grift, my gut told me many of them were money laundering schemes. The next source of grant money was government grants. Forcing American taxpayers to fund non-profits whose mission they may not support is blatantly wrong in my view. I concluded the government controlled much of the non-profit sector. I got out. Literally every freakin' thing is rigged.
The world is indeed a stage!
We are merely players. Performers and portrayers. Each another’s audience outside the gilded cage.
(Enter the bridge, with shredding lead solo by Alex, Geddy's ripping bass riff - which I just about have worked out - and if course The Professor on the drum kit.
WWR1WRA, where R = Rock. : )
Good info, ticks all the boxes. But I distrust the source somehow.
Tore Maras has been around for quite a long time and has called quite a few things correctly. You should look into her work. She is properly banned and blacklisted so she has that credibility.
This too
She is for sure on my sketch-radar
Obviously you have not looked into her at all, because she has REPEATEDLY called out the likes of Simon Parkes and Charles Ward for being full of shit.
Simon Parkes is into some wild stuff, like being married to a 9 ft alien or something like that.
She has NEVER promoted NESARA. Show me where. She has talked about crypto, but said they will try and have a centrally controlled global crypto and that's not what we want. She has talked about tying motion and thought monitoring to a global crypto.
Methinks YOU are either trying to pull something here or didn't actually look into Maras and instead found a video of someone bashing her and call that "researching her stuff."
She is on telegram and rumble and Look it up.
Thank you, maybe it's a style thing. Or just distrust of anything so well produced.
Watched it last night. Really good. I’m starting to realize that A-list celebrities who were rounded up during covid was not solely for crimes against children but to flip on the CAA.
This is an excellent doc. Great timing for me to come across this. It reinforces my recently emerging theory that almost anyone and everyone with a modicum of celebrity or notoriety, from mainstream to alternative entertainment and media, is likely in on it, with only very few exceptions I'm still trying to identify... What are they all in on? My guess: they're Judas Goats distracting us from a real-time, globally coordinated depop democide a long time in the making. For whom are they doing it? Not fully clear but my guess is somewhere between Quigley's 'The Network', the Square and Compass crowd, Paperclip eugenicists, globohomo psychopaths, lizard overlords and everything in between.
Brilliant stuff. Hollyweird -- the voice of the deep state.
Roseanne Barr: -> Timestamp 01:39:00
"The first phone call that was made, was made to Valerie Jarret (Obama) about my 'gaffe' "
"Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) files obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the dad, maternal grandpa and father-in-law of President Obama’s trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government.
Jarrett’s dad, pathologist and geneticist Dr. James Bowman, had extensive ties to Communist associations and individuals, his lengthy FBI file shows.
In 1950 Bowman was in communication with a paid Soviet agent named Alfred Stern, who fled to Prague after getting charged with espionage. Bowman was also a member of a Communist-sympathizing group called the Association of Internes and Medical Students. After his discharge from the Army Medical Corps in 1955, Bowman moved to Iran to work, the FBI records show."
From 4230: "week to remember. rt Q post 1332"
I have worked right there in that immediate vicinity. This is also where people get their passports and swear in as citizens / dual / anything dealing with passports. There is an art exhibit on ground floor in one of the buildings. Interesting stuff. Also, this is where the elite of HollyHood and any ring of anything are a common occurrence / sightings. CAA is one of THE largest agencies and agents. You must be at least A-list or A-list material. B-listers get in from A-listers. It’s a big “ring” with locked arms. Definitely noticed this before. The buildings have a significant meaning too, but I can’t remember. But yes, this place is ground zero for any deals made, anyone singed, and I’m pretty sure it’s where they sell their souls.
The proper stickied thread. Ty mods.
THANK YOU, Mods!!!
Just posted also this:
John J. McCloy was mentioned. My brain linked it to Troy McClure
John McCloy was very bad for Germany, connected to Dulles etc.. He had his headquarter in I.G. Farben building with was next to to a Rothschild mansion - says it all, or not? Also the cradle for the Grundgesetz our quasi constitution was 'invented' with a think-tank in a Rothschild mansion! Now the Warburg bankers have their puppet with chancellor Scholz via the CumEx scandal.
The George Soros funded PENN QUARTER GROUP Penn Biden Center University of Penn letter to Pelosi to dismantle China committee
Are we all Following the Pen(n) yet?
Thank you for sharing. This was one if the best documentaries I've seen and I've been researching for over a decade
You should check out her podcast! Its called the Tore Says Show.
Wow!!! Folks, watch this for 10 will blow you away.
Who knew this place existed.,-118.413604,358m/data=!3m1!1e3
This was on Voat back in 2019 ... and I believe it was in that Documentary about Hollywood by the stuntman. Can't remember the name but it was about satanic behavior and pedos in LA.
And it is located right next to Beverly Hills Highschool...
You can't make this stuff up...
Excellent, thanks for posting.
Hahaha hey!!! I knew it
I posted in the other sticky u/catsfive had up that I had seen this once before via someone posting it up weeks ago, and here it is!
glad you got your moment in the Sun, son. 🤣😉
Noticed the same. At least it's getting exposure, whoever posts it.
thanks will watch later
Outstandingly done.
Dang!! This was an incredible documentary!!! And the chick checks out too with what I have found digging on her so far! She's been working on this doc for over a year!
But this strung together so many things!! The CAA for sure! Holy Moly, (CAA was news to me!)! How did these people form this organization!?!
Ovitz is a supreme douche! And is a complete megalomaniac!
Wow, CAA. I do not like these people now. And Sean Penn??? Disgusting! It's Like, Team America times 2356...
Well, it’s more than obvious that CAA = (((CAA)))
Very well done
This is excellent! And only 30 mins in...
What is the overlap between the CAA members and Epstein Island flight log?
I gotta watch this
What do you call a country controlled by it's intelligence agencies? Because, unfortunately, that is what America is.
This should be required viewing for all GAW folks.
Just finished. Solid documentary…CAA was a new one for me. Highly recommend!
Love and Light shall expose ALL 💕
This is awesome. Did it just recently come out?
Have "A Magic City Christmas" motherfuchers.