“What is the most resilient parasite? A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? — An idea. Resilient, highly contagious; once an idea has taken hold in the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. A person can cover up an idea, ignore it — but it stays there. You can forget information, yes. But an idea? Fully formed, understood? That sticks. The smallest seed of an idea can grow to define or destroy your world .”
In the aftermath of World War II, a war in which the advent of computational machines changed the methods, tactics, and strategies of warfare forever, humanity was put on a trajectory towards a new and hitherto unseen form of warfare that would come to affect every man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth. This new form of warfare has gone by many names including: Informational Warfare, Irregular Warfare, and Fifth Generation Warfare.
What is Fifth Generation Warfare? There exist many eras and time periods during which humanity engaged in the Art of War, utilizing a wide variety of tactics, strategies, and weaponries. It used to be that the objective of warfare was on some distant battlefield. During the American Revolutionary War, many Patriots lamented that the battlefield would be in their own back yard, and that their own children would grow up witnessing the horrors of war. Never could our Founding Fathers have ever imagined that the battlefield would one day become the very mind of every citizen in every nation across the Earth.
President John F. Kennedy was the first American President to confront the machines of Fifth Generational Warfare, and threaten their dismantlement. He was assassinated in front of the whole world for daring and threatening to unveil the secrets of this new and horrific form of warfare. The Cabal could not have the world confronting the fact that they were living in a dream world; a carefully constructed lie that was crafted and constructed over decades of planning by a group of evil and sadistic architects who aimed to subjugate and ultimately control every human on Earth.
There are many levels to the Cabal’s dream world. With every added level of the dream, brought on by new and innovative psychological operations, the dream world itself becomes more and more unstable. The further into the dream we go, the more chance there is that the entire narrative will collapse in on itself. We already know the markers of certain layers of this dream, such as the destruction of the Titanic, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the demolition of the World Trade Center Towers, and the release of COVID-19 upon the world. The Cabal are well aware of the unstable nature of deep dreaming, and as such they naturally have a contingency plan already in place. They call this plan The Great Reset.
The question that was presented to the Special Military Operation we know as the Q Team was how to awaken humanity from a centuries long, multi-layered dream world. To traverse all the levels of this dream back to their inception would be a long and arduous task that would ultimately lead nowhere, as the time it would take to accomplish this would give way to new Cabal controlled psychological operations and narratives that would send humanity further down the rabbit hole and into further Cabal controlled dream states.
The dream world that we all live in is perpetuated by the constant bombardment of reinforcing themes, narratives, and emotions from the mainstream media. These media narratives serve as rebar and cement would for the foundation of a vast and ever growing skyscraper. Without these support structures, the world of the dream would collapse in on itself as assuredly as a skyscraper would if its foundations were compromised as well. Knowledge of this architecture presents effective tactics and strategies that can be employed in the collapsing of the dream world.
How do you awaken a humanity that is deep within the dreams of the Cabal and the Deep State? This syndicate of criminals has sedated humanity to such an extent and level that traditional methods of warfare are utterly useless. As the old saying goes, sometimes you must fight fire with fire. Sometimes the only way out of a dream is to plunge further into it until you uncover the nightmare within, and allow humanity to bask in the terror that lays at the heart of this labyrinth.
Waking humanity up from the Cabal’s deep dream world takes something more creative than a retracing of the steps that led us to our present predicament. In order for humanity to wake up, it had to be put into a deeper and more unstable form of sleep. To save humanity, the Q team had to use the methods of Fifth Generational Warfare on us, just as the Cabal had.
To awaken humanity from the deep dream world they have been living in these past decades, it is not enough to simply tell them that they are dreaming. Humanity has been told any number of narratives and stories, and as such any attempt to sow the seeds of a new narrative in this tangled web, even a narrative with a terrible truth at its core that should captivate everyone’s attention with its emotional turmoil, would ultimately fail, as it would become lost among the torrent of lies and deceptions that have been constructed by the Cabal.
The key to humanity’s awakening can be found in the mainstream media, and its systematic deconstruction. The world of the dream must be exposed for what it truly is; a false reality of fantasies and fictions. Humanity must be shown the truth, not simply told. Experience burns deeper than words ever could. The world of the dream must become so unbelievably fictitious and absurd that it could not possibly be reality. The world must be made to witness impossibilities, and paradoxes of logic so outlandish that the only explanation to turn towards is that their world is not real.
Unfortunately the world of the dream is preferential to that of reality. Humanity’s existence in the dream world, particularly here in America, has become far too comfortable, convenient, and entertaining. To awaken from this dream into the horrors of the reality that a Cabal of criminals has been trafficking and torturing the children of the world is no easy pill to swallow. This will not be a pleasant experience for the masses to go through. It is difficult enough to accept the fact that one’s own reality is a fictional narrative. To confront the demons that have been controlling, manipulating, and subjugating humanity for thousands of years is the ultimate challenge that humanity will be forced to confront.
Child sex trafficking is real. The trading of children for money, pleasure, youth, and as currency is real. The spirit cooking, cannibalism, and torture of these children is real. What has been done to the children of the world is unspeakable, horrific, and absolutely demonic. Those who know of these horrors cannot sleep, and can never return to the world of the dream no matter how badly they wish to banish this knowledge from their memories and consciousness. Soon, all of humanity will know these truths as they are forced to confront the nightmare at the core of the Cabal’s dream world.
Q told us that the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. Many anons have speculated what truth might result in such a wide percentage of the public being hospitalized. Most theories turned to terrible viruses, bacterias, parasites, and other such biological explanations. I believe the answer is more simple and human.
Imagine what it would be like for a human to suddenly be jolted awake from their dream world, and to realize in one moment that everything they had come to know as reality and truth was all a deception and a lie. Such a sudden realization would break all but the most stalwart and hardy folks. Q made a point in saying 99%, not 100%. It is the 1%, the dedicated Anons and Patriots who have followed the breadcrumbs that are prepared to hear the truth and not suffer a complete mental breakdown from the horrible truths that lay at the bottom of the vast network of rabbit holes we have traversed these past seven years.
For the normies to suddenly have these truths thrust upon them would result in a complete systematic failure of their brain synapses. Even Anons who believe they have seen it all have yet to truly discover the depths in which the Cabal have operated, and we likely never will know the full truth of the matter. Those who have seen the truth firsthand have reportedly required therapy and counseling after coming face to face with the demonic nature of the Cabal.
The mission objective of Q is not merely to awaken the public. It is also to preserve the health of humanity, and the integrity of the American Republic. In order to preserve our way of life, and minimize the collateral damage, Q had to engage in their own form of 5th Generation Warfare. When you see woke Military Generals, the embarrassing retreat from Afghanistan, the trading of woke tranny basketball players for high grade arms dealers, and other such outlandish narratives, there can be only one explanation, an explanation that Q told the Anons at the outset of this brilliant and intricate plan.
Q told us very clearly that we are watching a scripted movie, with scripted actors playing out their parts. Rather than jolt humanity awake with a fire and brimstone approach, Q opted for a more subtle art of warfare. Rather than retracing the dreamworld up the layers of falsehoods and fictions, Q built a new dream world beneath the one the Cabal had constructed, and set humanity on a path to traverse this world of horrors and nightmares. In this dreamworld we are living through there is no logic to anything; no rhyme or reason, no explanation for the befuddling and baffling spectacles we are witnessing play out on a daily basis. The only purpose of this new dream world is that of leading humanity to the natural conclusion that something is terribly wrong with our reality, and that it is time to wake up before it is too late.
The past two years represents a time in our Republic when our nation has been traversing the newly constructed dream world of the Q team. From the moment COVID-19 was released upon the world, and the Biden Administration took office, we have been living in an upside down, left-side right world of contradictions, conundrums, paradoxes, and deceptions. Never before in the history of propaganda warfare have the methods of this war been so exposed for the general populace to witness.
What is Twitter? What was the purpose of Twitter? For what reason was it constructed? The general public is just now coming to realize what Anons have known for many years. Twitter was designed for the single purpose of informational and irregular warfare against the American People. It was Obama who first legalized the use of propaganda by the United States Government against its own citizens. Programs like Facebook and Twitter were integral components of the Deep State’s propaganda war on the American people.
Using a sophisticated network of artificial intelligence, the Deep State tech companies were able to fabricate consensus through the use of bots. These fake humans would parrot fake news and lies, and manifest a form of group think that could sway political discussion in whatever direction the authors of these algorithms desired. Like parasites, they could infest the conversations on Twitter and Facebook, and control the host organism, which in this case is the mind of every citizen in the country who is not aware of these activities. Truth exposes and ultimately defeats these A.I. parasites; truth that we are now seeing brought to light with Elon Musk’s purchase and subsequent exposure of Twitter for what it always was.
Elon is undoubtedly working with, or directly for the Military and the Q team. Space Force and Star Link are both integral components to the disclosure phase of The Great Awakening. Without Star Link, a communications blackout could set the Q plan back decades. Elon's moves both terrestrial, and extraterrestrial, have significantly shortened the timeline of the final Check Mate move against the Cabal.
Many Anons get hung up on Elon's past dealings with the Black Hats, Deep Staters, and Cabalists. Never forget that even President Trump at one point was cordial with these people until he discovered their true nature and distanced himself from them.
Consider also the use of tactical cloaking in a Fifth Generation War. Programs like Star Link could have never gotten off the ground had the Deep Staters and Cabalists been aware of Elon's true intentions. Thus, disguising ones self as a Black Hat, and outwardly aligning with their principals may have been the only way for Elon to rise through the ranks of society to his position of power we see him in now.
Do not forget that the National Security Agency was likewise constructed under the guise of spying on Americans and compiling a database of all human interactions. The Deep State thought they had it made until they realized that the NSA was being turned against them. In retaliation, they sent Edward Snowden into the NSA as a plant to discredit the organization and tarnish its reputation in the public eye, and distract from its true purpose.
The deep dream world that the Deep Staters and Cabalists constructed is collapsing in on itself. When Q tells us that Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming, it means that the dream world is set for demolition. It is not the Q team that will demolish this world, it is We the People who will do so when enough of us awaken and confront the truth that our world has been an elaborate lie. The Q team could never force humanity to awaken. Such a tactic would be ineffective, as the habits and behaviors that led us into the dream world would still be in place. The Deep State could very easily put humanity back to sleep again, even if not for another hundred years or so.
The Great Awakening was never about simply waking humanity up. It was about exposing the methods and motives of the architects of the dream world. A humanity that understands how Fifth Generation Warfare works and how information can be used as a weapon can never be put back to sleep.
"You're waiting for a train. A train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can't know for sure. Yet it doesn't matter, because we'll always be together.”
Where is God in this theory? Q has often said good vs evil and that this would be Biblical.
What do you suppose would happen if one day God moves his hand and the whole world will know who he is. There have been prophecies indicating the people will drop to their knees and will be filling stadiums and arenas around the world to know the word of God.
Our assignment is to be there to help guide people and help them understand this good vs evil may be God's final attempt to bring people to him and his church. This is the end time when Jesus will return and reign, not the end of the world.
Worldly analysis of worldly problems. It's good as far as it goes, and nothing wrong with that. But all who know God, know that God is bigger.
Maybe it’s all coming together. “Come out of her my people”.
Waiting on God to fix it is just like dooming, it's up to US!
Always was up to us.
God wants us to do our part - not sit on our thumbs waiting for Revelation.
I enjoyed reading your comment and praise God for it ! Gods mighty hand will move and every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord ! Nice to meet you sister
When you have true faith in God everything you say and do is inspired by this faith. All things are united with God and once you fully understand this you should see at once there is no need to refer God all the time, for God is present everywhere.
You can talk all day about what might happen, but take one look at a Bible and you'll find this type of "what if one day God did this" line of questioning is meaningless.
Matthew 6:34 "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
Likewise you can look at Exodus 20:4 "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth."
Now look at the word "image" it can be taken in a physical sense to mean a picture or statue, something artistic, but likewise image also means "mental representation or idea", when looked at from that perspective it takes on a whole new meaning. Of course, all physical art is ultimately a physical representation of the images formed in our mind, so it makes sense that "image" should encompass both mental and physical images. Ideas about what God might do are mental images, and the advice offered is to not create any images of God.
We were all created in Gods image
Therefore God acts through us. This is an inescapable Truth so many Christians fail to see.
Only when man acts according to God Word does He work through man.
Wrong. Unless you believe in some kind of lesser demi-god that isn't omnipotent and omnipresent and all powerful and not the God of the bible...
Ephesians 1:11
11 In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.
.....it says "everything" not some things or most things.
Proverbs 16:4
4 The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of disaster.
There is even a classic old testament story example that shows this in an obvious way
Exedus 9:12
But the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not listen to them, as the Lord had spoken to Moses.
Free will. Two sources of spiritual power. One is the true God the Father of our Lord and Savior Christ. The other isn't.
Issiah 45:6-7 "That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."
The image was spirit not flesh. God is spirit and no man hath seen God at any time.
Wasn't Jesus God in the flesh? A lot of people saw him...
Then Jesus must not be God. However God did say "this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased". Seems God knew who Jesus was.
My frustration with so many Christians is that they fail to see the true meaning of God making man "in his image".
Amen sister.
God works through everything. God created good and evil. God is still in control weather the outcome of things agrees with one prophecy or another or the theology of one church or another.
God gave man agency, to do as he wished. The choices one makes day to day determines the character of eternity one will dwell in..
Mind control tech that fills every human with feelings of bliss and God all at once. Maybe vax tech and 5g have something to do with it.
God made the existence of evil possible. Man chose a knowledge of evil when he already had the knowledge of good.
God is light and love and there is NO darkness in Him at all. God doesn't do evil.
If God created everything then God created EVERYTHING and is in control of the outcome of everything and 100% dictated it to be what ever way it ends up being. Any other lesser view of the source of everything means you believe in a lesser small g "god" that isn't the source of everything. This is a hard pill for people to swallow because most Christians want one god who does all the evil stuff (the devil) and one god who does all the good stuff. This stupid belief is the case because the church has a DS problem too. If you appeal to peoples feelings instead of logic you can keep them asleep and they wont question anything as long as they feel good and the pastor makes them feel encouraged so they can get through the next meaningless week of enslavement and high taxes.
A good verse to quote for people who attribute only things they consider "good" to God, and everything else "bad" to some other entity, is Issiah 45:6-7 "That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."
Q Posts that Inspired this Thread
Click on permalink to continue . . .
High effort and a welcome reminder, thanks.
I am in awe of you, Qanaut. This is an amazing post.
I agree! This is your most important post to date! 👏
So well laid out it can be used to educate normies.
How does the dream collapse faster? Memeception: https://greatawakening.win/p/15K6qEF3FR/when-you-are-busy-making-a-meme-/c/
Perhaps THE most important post here thus far on GAW... or anywhere
Twitter = DEEP DREAM
This is brilliant, reasoned and incredibly well stated!! I'll be sharing far and wide. I have such massive respect for you anons that can so cohesively explain such abstract ideas. Thank you!!
Roll Tide! Awesome article. Keep the faith!
Fuck the Ducks. Go Huskies!
All universities are liberal shit holes lol. UW is one too. My Dad played on the team under Don James so I have been a fan my whole life. You can seperate your football fandom and the school itself.
But what Jonathan Smith has done with the Beavers program is phenomenal. The Pac 12 was very competitive this year.
Fantastic post. It also drew out the doomers, shills, and sliders. Mods should take note of them.
Especially the topic sliders. Right away first responses were immediate topic slide, glad someone else noticed.
Outstanding post! This needs to be required reading for everyone here!
Put to words what I was explaining the other day why no matter what our adversary does they cannot win - because the idea has been planted.
Very well written!
Top tier OP!
I think you truly nailed it.
Thank you. This is outstanding. I know all of this, but I forget the details and get impatient and depressed. Seeing the overall big picture makes things crystal clear. We can see things really taking shape now.
Exceptional insight and exposition
Inspiring my good friend! Wonderful and inspiring! Well done!
Nicely done.
One of the best analysis and well thought out and laid out posts made here on the Great Awakening.
Saved this and will be rereading and sharing with the many normies in my life.
Thanks @Qanaut.
Thank you for this post Qanaut, it's very comforting.
That last statement sounds like it was spoken by Rod Serling of the original Twilight Zone.
Great post, thank you pede.
Just as none of the children of Israel who left egypt free from bondage entered the promised land. Not all will enter the promised land we are heading for. This new promised land is in the mind. The bondage broken is that of the mind. People will wander the wilderness until we can believe truth and be sustained by it beyond the false narrative. Those who can not change their minds will stay in the wilderness and die there.
I am not to sure its all psychological, there is a new world coming and it will be glorious. All of humanities dreams will be there under the panoply of God. He is coming back and there will be no doubt that he is real.
Its a movie and we will like its ending, and end it will.
When I say truth I mean THE TRUTH God's Word.
1 cor Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought unto the obedience of Christ. Men have work to do with their minds, its required by design if we want to have truth.
Awesome post! Very good overview of the whole story of the Great Awakening. Wish I had your writing skills!
IMO I think the meaning of what Q is saying is that 99% of the people who would see the images/videos of the elites (the cruel truth) doing sexual acts/tortures etc on babies, childrens would end up in a psychiatric? hospital, i could be wrong but that's what I believe.
I think the key words are "would put" it isn't "will put"
Which truth is it? The truth about the vaccines killing and injuring us?
The truth about the psychological impact of the horrors of childrens torture and deaths?
The truth about the satanic spells that have been cast onto us through language, TV and movies?
I believe the words "would put" mean that the 99% hospitalized isn't a foregone conclusion.
That is exactly what I believe would happen. Recall the story of the New York police officers who saw what was on one of the laptops. They reportedly required therapy and counseling for what they saw.
I believe the worst of this content will be incinerated and never see the light of day. We will likely see just enough to shock us to our core, but not enough to traumatize us and put us in the hospital.
As I recall, most (if not all) of the police officers who viewed Anthony Wiener laptop ended up dead.
You right and I hope and pray that justice will be served.🙏🙏🙏
I have heard a dozen seasoned guys are now dead after seeing that.
I myself saw a short 15 second clip. I know what the clip showed, if its true its heinous beyond words.
Thank you for putting this together.
99%...It sounds like the matrix when you get woken up. Could you imagine? Or awoken and projected reality's projector or frequency drops out to reveal a world of demons you can see all the time. That would be shocking and put your ass in the hospital. Nearly everything we've been taught is a big lie, designed to cut you off from God. To make you feel small, insignificant and far away from God. You must do your duty and seek communion with God, far from the limits of religion and the constant monkey chatter of your mind. Matt 6:22 says- "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." He's literally telling you to place your consciousness in the area if your 3rd eye, and be filled with light. Call it prayer, meditation, whatever - most never even try this. They get preached on, get the free donut and are told how dare you think you can be like Christ... when Christ literally said you could not only be like him but better. All is revealed in silence... including your eternal nature. You were never created and cannot, in spirit, ever be destroyed. When you experientially know this, you've already won the big enchilada.... and the cabal can bite the big one.
This is more like the Truth
When I click the share link, there is not an option for TruthSocial. I am hoping it is okay to share this by clicking on my address bar at top. Please let me know if not.
Thank you for this excellent post.
Outstanding! Thank you!
u/Quanaut, do you run a Substack? If so, I just haven't heard of it. If not, then I hope you create one. Either way, this should be posted to it!
So the Q team and military let millions of people die from the vaccine? As part of the plan?
Consider the moves and counter moves had the Q team disclosed the true nature of the vaccine, and the C19 bioweapon. Even had the military taken control, and disclosed this information, the tentacles of the Deep State and Cabal were so engrained and embedded in society that many would simply believe the Military were attempting a coup d'état, and lying about the vaccine and the virus.
The result would be a Civil War in which not only would millions have died from the vaccine, but millions more from the kinetic warfare that would erupt all across the nation. Consider also that the original plan was to instigate a global thermonuclear war between Russia and the United States during the aborted Hillary administration. Q saved us from the darkest nightmare timeline, while allowing humanity the choice of whether to go along with the narrative of C19 and the vaccine.
Remember that you cannot tell people the truth, you have to show them.
Another slide. No one made anyone volunteer to be test subjects of a injection. Doesnt matter who supported it, told anyone to get it. It was always still a choice those millions, you speak of, made themselves.
That has been drilled into every anon here for years now. It's hard to accept If you are a normal person. But a Patriot you will know the truth when you hear it. But it helps to go back through GEOTUS presidency and look at the decisions he made and things he said and the way he acted and still does to this day. The ONLY reason he would behave that way is if he was in possession of ALL of the goods. He's seen these videos and pictures and he didn't go to the hospital. Hell he even went to their gatherings to see for himself. To have it burned into his brain so he could do what needed to be done. And if that meant letting millions of people die and many more children being abused in the meantime, then so be it. Only a man walking with Jesus Christ could do such a thing. Obviously Jesus and his Father do it every day instead of just "fixing" it. GEOTUS, God, and Jesus will WIN for the Anons, Real American Patriots, and many autistic people. NCSWIC!
This is the best explanation of the plan I have read to date. Thank you.
Sometimes (often!) it's difficult to remember that we've already won.
Great post!