Yeah, I started watching Dave when I was 15 years old back in the 1980s he was hilarious. Unfortunately he’s a leftist-commie through and through - but it was something I could always look past - he’s entitled to his opinion (even if it’s wrong). He’s been very outspoken about President Trump like all of the other multi-millionaire late night cucks.
Every week some hollywood faggot is flown to Ukraine to take a pic or interview this little zio weasel. I'm surprised he isn't wearing his tough guy army green shirt.
this is just sad... why send an old, washed up commie? none of the talk show guys of today are good enough? the guy that sings karaoke with puppet celebs wasnt available? colbert still making extremely cringey vaxx parodies couldn't make the flight?
it's comical how serious they are both trying to look here. zelensky is such a fvcking joke its ridiculous.
Ah, yes Dave will be doing the hard-hitting, pull no bunches, investigative journalism that he is known for. Much like Ellen getting to the bottom of the Las Vegas shooting within one episode and it was implied that no one needs to ever ask about the event ever again, becaue Ellen of all people broke it down.
The both of them. Speaking of what "fate" has in store for the goyim.
Don't care anymore. The Synagog of Satan has identified themselves. They are not real chews. Nor could they hope to be. They go whoring after other gods.
Just a terrible propaganda attempt for mostly them. These liars are going to meet their father. And it is lamentable. Because these evil people were once innocent babes. And then conditioned to be just as evil as evil can be, by humans that were done the same to. Circles.
I believe these people to genuinely think they are in the right. Forest for the trees.... Too bad. Humans gonna human.
Forgive me Father, for I have trouble with these people.
I hope the irony of the US backing Ukraine and yet making a prisoner swap to return the MERCHANT OF DEATH to Russia who vows to fight Ukraine is not lost on the msm.
Blocked it on netflix, immediately. Under the settings on user account you can add titles so they never populate any lists We did this with all the pedophile and faggy shit too.
David "has been old goat" Letterman? That's the best they can do? There is an entire generation who don't know or care who the f#ck this guy is. Laughable
They are scraping the bottom of the barrel,if they send him.....
Well he is the president.
I thought it was Larry "Bud" Melman.
Yeah, I started watching Dave when I was 15 years old back in the 1980s he was hilarious. Unfortunately he’s a leftist-commie through and through - but it was something I could always look past - he’s entitled to his opinion (even if it’s wrong). He’s been very outspoken about President Trump like all of the other multi-millionaire late night cucks.
clowns gonna clown
Every week some hollywood faggot is flown to Ukraine to take a pic or interview this little zio weasel. I'm surprised he isn't wearing his tough guy army green shirt.
How much do you want to bet Festerman has a hoodie that says "I'm Fetterman" ?
I fed her, man.
Hahaha! Good one!
I'm Fester, man.
How else is supposed to remember his name?
He needs an ‘if lost please return to ….’ Shirt
How much you wanna bet he can't read it either?
"It's upside down, man!"
Ignorance is strength!
Even Orwell is having a hard time with that comparison. Kek!
Holy moly, orwell is probably laughing ass off. His pronouns are 100% I/Told/you_fuckfaced-morons.
Here we are !
"Hi, good night everyone"
Hes like some charicature silicon valley techbro..but also a corrupt puppet president
Hope Letterman does his Top 10 of Zeleskys fave drag outfits
I did nazi that coming
Underrated comment.
With will be more like a "Stupid Human Tricks" segment
And sucking another man's mouth hole. Gross af.
I don't think these celebs are visiting Zelenski just for propaganda. I think they're also relaying information.
Gotta Hope they have fun trying to explain themelves before God.
If you have to have a shirt that says "I'm" and your nationality beneath it...maybe there are some doubts that come into play there.
That shirt 😆😆😆😆😆
Jay Leno was always the better man.
Still is.
Letterman is a commie from way back
Always has been. Dude is a swamp creature 100%. Annoying as fuck, too.
Letterman is still Alive?????
Not only that, but, he has a BEARD
Duhhh. That's so he can smuggle in another $13 Billlion. 😉
He does? I hardy noticed? 😂
Looks like someone raided John Fetterman's closet. 🙄
this is just sad... why send an old, washed up commie? none of the talk show guys of today are good enough? the guy that sings karaoke with puppet celebs wasnt available? colbert still making extremely cringey vaxx parodies couldn't make the flight?
it's comical how serious they are both trying to look here. zelensky is such a fvcking joke its ridiculous.
His pronouns are: Interviewer/Pedo/Nazi
UGh. Propaganda anyone?
Letterman is still alive... neat.
Just wait. :p
Hope he brought his checkbook.
Ah, yes Dave will be doing the hard-hitting, pull no bunches, investigative journalism that he is known for. Much like Ellen getting to the bottom of the Las Vegas shooting within one episode and it was implied that no one needs to ever ask about the event ever again, becaue Ellen of all people broke it down.
The both of them. Speaking of what "fate" has in store for the goyim.
Don't care anymore. The Synagog of Satan has identified themselves. They are not real chews. Nor could they hope to be. They go whoring after other gods.
Just a terrible propaganda attempt for mostly them. These liars are going to meet their father. And it is lamentable. Because these evil people were once innocent babes. And then conditioned to be just as evil as evil can be, by humans that were done the same to. Circles.
I believe these people to genuinely think they are in the right. Forest for the trees.... Too bad. Humans gonna human.
Forgive me Father, for I have trouble with these people.
When did David Letterman turn into Santa Claus?
He's had a beard since the day his show ended.
Behold your next POW
crazy how people can still be asleep at this point LOL
I hope the irony of the US backing Ukraine and yet making a prisoner swap to return the MERCHANT OF DEATH to Russia who vows to fight Ukraine is not lost on the msm.
The MSM simply won't mention. As such, it never happened, and the normies will never know.
Sean Pean was busy?
Wonder what Dave did!?
90% kid diddlers.
Blocked it on netflix, immediately. Under the settings on user account you can add titles so they never populate any lists We did this with all the pedophile and faggy shit too.
I blocked Netflix permanently.
I like your style.
The Aliens 2 approach.
Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.
Shut it down, they know!
Let's find out if the Ukronazi can float!
This made me take one of the best dumps in a fort night
Honk honk
David "has been old goat" Letterman? That's the best they can do? There is an entire generation who don't know or care who the f#ck this guy is. Laughable
He's always been a CIA asset. That's his gig.
After the interview, did he put on his Velcro suit and jump on the Velcro wall? Fucking clown.
One totally unfunny clown interviewing another
Should be riveting