Fenbendazole; My Experience and that of my Neighbors:
Hey! It’s been a while?! I’ve missed my GAw family. I have a set of informative accounts, with no studies to back them up, about mine and my neighbors both fighting cancer while the world burns. First, I’m just glad it’s not 2020 or I never would have gone to the Hospital. Second, but my main concern at the time, was about them giving me vaxxed blood during my almost 14 hour surgery. . Since there’s so little online about this cancer “miracle”, other patients need at least ~HOPE~. I’ll try not to tangent while keeping it brief to ensure your attention. Also Disclaimer; I’m not a Dr this is for information purposes only.
Most here have heard about Joe Tippens account of his victory over cancer(?). (Link below). Thanks to his angel-friend who worked for Merck Veterinary Labs, he took the canine version of the anti-parasitic (FDA approved for humans) drug fenbendazole as he prepared to basically die riddled with cancer. Again, his story is in the link below. So he put his experience in a blog and being a post cancer patient who does research, I found it. My first bout with cancer had me taking quite a list of “anti-cancer” supplements and a regime of treatments as a maintenance protocol, as I was afraid of recurrence. So when I came across Joe’s blog I added fenbendazole to that list.
Thanks to the 36 radiation treatments to my throat my teeth began rotting and either I pulled them or the Dentist did. I was aiming for dentures as implants weren’t going to happen, again thanks to chemo & radiation damage to my skull. I had the last 3 teeth removed around end of March 2022 and was on track for dentures. However I got a “dry socket” in one and it wasn’t healing right, plus the tissue had some black and white discoloration. My dentist had taken a 2-month vacation and the backlog put me to the end of July before I could be seen. Stupidly I didn’t go to another dentist, and hindsight this my biggest mistake. Due to the discoloration flag I did however restart all my treatments “just in case”, to include fenbendazole. Sidenote; so one day I was shopping online to see current pricing on fenbendazole, and saw some Amazon links for it & “for humans”. There appeared to be 2 labs selling it on *Amazon and the specs were identical incl pricing. They’re not allowed to make claims to efficacy obviously, but the Reviews indicated at least half the customers were buying it to treat cancer. *As we all know, Amazon is a-hole so buy direct from Sanare Labs fyi at following link; https://www.sanarelab.com/fenbendazol-222-mg-90-capsules-purity-99.html Link is to the dosage product I took, and interestingly it’s made at same dosage as the canine dewormer?! Note; I get nothing from this 👈🏻 just gotta say that.
So I see dentist end July, he refers it to a dental surgeon who takes biopsy. You guessed it, cancer. That surgeon sends me to an ENT surgeon and a PetScan shows him how much it’s progressed. He assured me he’d done this surgery dozens of times and he is the department head so in 3 weeks I’m scheduled for the removal of the right half of my lower jaw, with replacement bone to be harvested from my upper-back scapula. His main concern was that it had moved into my lymph nodes.
I used those 3 weeks to rally my family to come & take care of my pitbull puppy and help me during recovery upon my return home. I also bombarded my system with maximum dosages of several treatment protocols, supplements and of course fenbendazole. I took it twice/day and the following is important; take with food, best with fats incl avocado if leaning vegan. Also, and the original guy Joe take turmeric and some Omega-3. With the turmeric I took Beta Glucan, DHA, Vit-E and Vitamins D3 and A. I prayed and my hopes were high. The discoloration in tooth socket kept morphing ie changing color, changing size etc and I believed I was winning the battle.
Surgery was a grueling 14 hours and had no idea how well my treatments did, or whether I’d get vaxxed blood? Recovery was difficult at best, and was told they didn’t need any blood. THANKS GOD!! At about a week in ICU my surgeon came by & told me they’d removed all the cancerous bone and my lymph nodes biopsies came back. They “removed 40 lymph nodes” and none had cancer!! The reason I didn’t name the Hospital system is obvious, but to my surgeon’s credit he told me this; “most patients with this cancer/procedure we see cancer migrated to the lymph nodes”. Especially with the amount of time involved, about 6 months. “Your treatments must have worked”. Lastly, I’ll never know how far the cancer spread, or survived in my jaw but it’s considered gone. Since there’s been almost no documentation and testing we’re all shooting from the hip. The fenbendazole killed all the cancer in soft tissue/organs, but could it have worked in the bones if say, another month of treatments had been applied? I have a PetScan scheduled in about 3 weeks.
This is already so long, but my neighbors case is more dramatic so check this out. I accompanied my neighbor to 2 of her Oncologist appointments. She had cancer in her lower abdomen which had spread itself around half her organs so surgery was a no-go. It was decided to go the chemo route hoping it would shrink the tumor enough where surgery was possible? Note; When I first went with her the tumor made her abdomen look like maybe a first trimester pregnancy, but by end of forthcoming chemo treatments it looked like a full pregnancy. It was size of a volleyball (at least)! So 6 bags of chemo later and it had actually GROWN some!!! Very disappointing AND SCARY!! So what did her Oncologist say? “I can’t help you any further”. Unreal. I had briefed her fully prior about fenbendazole, but she’d decided to do the chemo by itself so post treatment data reflected just the chemo. It was a scary time but she’s a fighter left with one option?
I hadn’t mentioned both her hips are bone on bone, but hip replacements delayed due to the cancer. So she went on it twice a day with food adding some of the extra supplements I mentioned for 3 weeks. No side effects, no interactions, no other issues. Then around the three week mark one night she awoke to have evacuated “gallons” of waste. This toxin release went on for a few days. She added Activated Charcoal twice/day during this period to help absorb and rid her of the toxins. Being the trooper she is she went right back on the treatment. The amazing thing is her volleyball sized tumor literally “deflated” 100%!!!! Her stomach was and still is flat!! This procedure was repeated three times with each treatment seeing less and less sickness and waste. She’s on her fourth round now. She was initially so excited she called everyone she knows to spread the news. It is very exciting.
So big pharma has known about this for about 40 years, and as Joe Tippens states in his blog, how many millions could have been saved? Sorry for the length, and I apologize to everyone waiting for me to post this; there are a few angels here that I told this would be out last week, but holidays & further health issues precluded that. I love you all.
Resources; https://mycancerstory.rocks/
Praise God for the insight and self care you prescribed for yourself, and Bless You for sharing this story, and the protocol you used.
Bless everyone here and other sources of Truth for the guideposts to keep fighting?! TY 🙏💕
Sorry for hijacking your comment. Oldie but goldie. The Parasite Pill. The questions explains alot.
Excellent resource EVERYONE!! ☝🏼
God Bless and keep you
Amazing Story Thank you
I joined the fenbendazole cancer support group on FB about 6 months ago. The survivor rate on there is incredible even with STG 4 cancer, it’s insane! Also, the happy healing store is where most people get their fenbendazole. It’s more affordable than most places I’ve seen and they constantly test it to ensure it’s 100% fenbendazole.
Gee, I gotta look that up? Is that on FB Marketplace? I left FB a while ago though…
I know it sucks it’s on FB :/ but it is a very informative group that anyone can join.
Cool 😎 I hope FB changes but just knowing about data harvesting and that DARPA created it, I won’t go back. I miss my old friends there tho.
Thank you!
You’re very welcome!
Yep, that’s the one! You can either do the tablets or powder. From what I’ve read, The bio powder and tablets do not require fat for absorption, however, the pure has no additives and is best absorbed with DMSO, but you can also use a fat like avocado. They recommend in that group to get up to 2,000 mg daily for the best success, people seem to see success with lower numbers too though. I would try to get up to 2,000 if it were me just to be safe.
I drink too much for it to be safe for my liver i take one 222mg tab here and there. Sometimes break in half. Also using j crowes lugols solution 2%. Ivermectin. Nac powder. Hcq. Turmeric curcumin. B12 complex. Okra pepsin and my new favorite plant.. REEM! But mostly i ingest stress red meat and alcohol
A lot of folks on there take Tudca to help with the liver. It’s all pretty interesting for sure!
Hey THANKS for that link!! 😎👍🏼
Congrats to you and your neighbor for fighting and winning! Life is worth fighting for! Joe Tippen should be awarded a medal for having the strength and foresight to write his blog. His story and advice has saved a lot of lives. I keep his protocol on the computer and as a hard file.
First, they are the same. I did both because the “for humans” version wasn’t on my radar for a while. Go to Amazon & search “fenbendazole for humans”. (I hate saying go to Amazon). Anyway, reread my comments in this thread I responded to a few others more details? -Peace 💕
Why does an anti parasitic get rid of cancer?
How many diseases can be tied to parasites?
If there are parasites of the body are there parasites of the mind that affect thought?
I mean if we think about it, cancer is like a parasite?
It attaches itself to us and sucks blood and nutrients from us for itself, maybe the parasite drugs can't tell the different between a normal parasite and the cancer
Yes! Look up Toxoplasmosis.
Many doctors have found that caner is a micro parasitic infection.
^^^ Asking the real questions here.
Ya. Crazy Cat Lady syndrome is real its a parasite that lives in cat poop. Who knows what else is out there or whats been weaponized
We can fight disease but the money big pharma is making will never lead to a cure. It's time to take your life in hand and rely on the family of Frens and your maker to see you through. Dog and horse dewormer are only part of the story. The federal government granted the Virginia Medical College money to study the effect of cannabis tincture on tumors in rats. That was 1974. They found that they could eradicate tumors with Marijuana and completly covered it up. Who benefits? The same people that charge an enormous amount for radiation and chemo. Why treat cancer and not cure it? $
May you find your friend and yourself free of deadly disease and on the mend.
Excellent observations. Yeah…I puff-puff on occasion. My daughter found me some Rick Simpson Oil capsules which I used too. I made it once but overall pricey. But whatever works!! No idea how well it helped cuz I took all the other stuff. MJ has shown to help seizure & epileptic patients too…you know.
Yea and medicinal mushrooms as well. Mushrooms can do amazing things.
A most effective organic antidepressant. Very therapeutic in low/micro dosages.
Such valuable and encouraging information and I thank you for taking the time and effort to share it.
Thank you for posting this! I had a dinner plate sized fibroid removed 4 years ago, but based on recent pain, I think it might have regrown. I’m going to try this.
Oh WOW, I’m sorry. Please get on it asap & if you have any questions just DM me? I’m going to try to show up here every day from now on. 💕🙏
Thank you!
Welcome back Brother, and NO your story wasn't too long at all... feel free to share moar!
Congrats to both and plz keep us in the loop!
We saved my fil with fenben. It's awesome
Wow!!! That IS AWESOME!!! I love that 💕
Praise The Lord for His healing of you both! Praise Him also for gifting you with this knowledge and Bless you for passing it on! 🙌
SO MANY people may be saved when we share your stories...like the ripples on a pond knowledge will move forward.
Very proud of you dear Phish for sharing your ordeal and recovery as well as your neighbor's. God Bless you for being there for her! You are a true friend and neighbor.
Many of your family here missed and prayed for you during your absence to GAW and we will continue to pray for you! 🙏💕🎉 Have a Blessed Christmas fren! 🎄
If it weren’t for you & Mary911 (& a couple others)…I dunno if I’d have written all this. May God Bless and keep you sister!!! 💕
Love you fren! 😘
Truth Social accounts FloridaSharkMan and SSG_Q are both excellent sources for more info on alternative medicines like fenben.
GREAT to know!!! It’s harder to post a testimony this long over there cuz word-count but can be done in multiple posts. GAw is my #1 online “home” so with encouragement from @Mary911 and @Joys1Daughter (here) I posted here. I’ll look them up…I’m over there same name 😎👍🏼
Gave ya a follow.
May I ask what "dosage" you use for the FBZDL?
He said twice a day and each pill from the link is 222 mg
The human version capsules are all dosed at 222mg, as was the canine version. One every 12 hours (2X/day) with Turneric and supplements I mentioned. Take WITH foods, preferably something with fat content.
May God bless you and heal you! Thank you so much for posting your story. I keep every bit of tidbit I can find on cancer cures because I know someday someone I love will have this battle, and I will be prepared thanks to so many of you patriots that continue to do what the health care industry should have done all along - tell the truth, share the cure.
God Bless you sister 💕
Thanks for the post, I have shared the information with my brother who is battling colon cancer currently. I am not sure if he will give it a try, praying he will.
It’s very effective in digestive system cancers from all I’ve heard & read. He NEEDS to get ON IT ASAP!!
Thanks for the link to the lab. Bought some. I'm sure I will have family in need in the next year. God bless you for sharing your story.
They want us DEAD. You’d think they’d want to keep us around to pay their bills etc? I dunno anymore…WWG1WGA 👍🏼
They definitely want all the white people dead. Free-thinking Purebloods are their biggest threat.
☝🏼 Zackly THIS
The amount of money they have leeched from honest hard working folk is a travesty and criminal. Maybe even trillions if we're talking 50+ years where a cure was known
You are CORRECT Fren. I wonder about American Cancer Society…they rake-in millions from grieving families to do “research”???!!! Spit is flying as I typed that.
Thank you, God, for these peoples’ recovery. Thank you, OP, for sharing this very, very important information. May you and your neighbor completely heal. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!
TY SO MUCH!! 🙏💕. May God Bless and keep you as well!!
Amazing story. I wish I had known about fenben 4 years ago when my mom got glioblastoma, though I wonder if fenben could have gotten past the brain blood barrier.
I don't watch Dr. Oz but when channel surfing at some time in the past, I thought I remember him talking about "fenben". Leftists love to blast Dr. Oz because he would often talk about alternative medical treatments. It's like leftists think that anything that has always been, and is pushed by government and other "authorities", must be the truth and must be right.
I could be wrong, but if I remember correctly menbendezal is what would be needed to cross the barrier. They speak on it a lot in the FB group “fenbendazole cancer support group.”
I’m surprised big pharma hasn’t gotten that shut down
Me too :/
Great thoughts there. I wish I had an answer for this? -Peace Fren
Great news! But, I am curious about the waste part. Was this evacuated via the colon or bladder? Was is suspicious? Bloody, clear, diarrhea, solid? Very interesting that this was released and her growth deflated. You’d think this would be the first thing a doctor would try to accomplish.
You’d THINK so, eh? Well I didn’t want to go into too much detail cuz it’s gross, but let me just say both. Plus both hips are destroyed so she was practically immobile. Not bloody. I wasn’t part of her “clean-up crew”; being a guy she called her female friends to help her. But just imagine a volleyball sized tumor in belly going flat overnight? All I can think to say is WOW.
Love this! So happy you’re doing better! Very important info that everyone needs to know
Thank you Lord! Incredible story!
So glad each day to be here 😎💕
Thanks so much for sharing your story, and your friends. I’m saving this info in case I need it in the future. Bless you!
Incredible story. Glad to hear it working for both you and your neighbor. Only a matter of time before "They won't be able to walk the streets" when the World learns what they've been withholding from us for so long.
Trust The Plan. 100%
Wow...what a wealth of information. First of all, I am truly sorry for all that you and your neighbor are dealing with but Praise God there is progress in the right direction. Thank you for caring enough to take the time to give testimony to the efficacy of the alternative treatments for cancer. I am saving this and I have thought about getting some fenbendazole...I may more seriously look into that. People come and go on this site but I remember your name...you just never know what people are up to. Your neighbor is very lucky to have you as a friend...I just pray that God will continue to bless you both and give you all the information that you need to continue to get rid of your cancer.
If anyone could have seen her stomach you’d be FLOORED. I swear, she was ready to burst. I’m SOOO happy to have helped her.
Thank you for posting this. Suggestion: Start banking your blood now. But first find out which facilitiy your hospital uses for blood. It's not always the Red Cross. Find out about directed donations. Also, banked blood for surgery cannot be more than 40-something days old. Get your body in shape to donate a pint a month, depending on your age, eat red meat, and hydrate to the max with supplements. Make sure the fenben is in your banked blood.
The reason: You mentioned your fam may need the fen ben perhaps surgery in the next year. Also you can direct donate to others who need unvaxxed blood if the type matches,
Also - https://safeblood.ch/en/
They got a great thing goin-on there!! 👍🏼
Funny you mentioned blood. I wanted to donate my own blood pre-surgery and the Hospital just about laughed at me!!! Serious. I tried to push it a bit & a Dr’s Assistant made a joke “oh he must be a Jehova’s Witness”?!!?! I shit you not. This from “best Hospital in Southeast USA”. I did NOT say “cuz I don’t want your stinkin poison vaxx you pack of TARDS”!! After-all, they were gonna cut me apart already?j. I just said “cuz I’m an identical match to myself”. They assured me it would not be needed due to this surgeries history of not needing lblood. Thanks God it wasn’t 🙏
Thank God you didn't need blood! How unprofessional of them! Did they ask if you were vaxxed?
Yes they did ask but neither I nor they put 2 & 2 together on that. Or thats how it seemed? Agreed…very unprofessional. 😎👍🏼
I believe when all is revealed to the public our health will really be about health! Oh, the irony!
Prayers for you and your friend’s continued recoveries! Thank you for sharing!
So one question is, would taking a low-dose of the fenbenzedole, along with some other supplements, daily, prevent cancer?
Darn good question. All we can do is go by other’s testimonies, right? If you take it & stay clear of cancer did it work, or were you never going to get it? A real headscratcher, eh? Like I mentioned to another Commenter, I took half doses for a long time off & on to avoid a second run with cancer. I think the efficacy depends on type of cancer & where it emerges. In other words, I believe it’s effective on a lot, but not all cancers.
It won’t hurt. Just add it in with the rest of your vitamins. We occasionally will throw in 100mg of HCQ if we have been around someone who is sick. We rarely, if ever, get sick.
Praise the Lord, so happy to hear this friend. Wish I had know about all of this when my dad was dying of cancer in 2008.
So do I for both my parents. How are YOU doing???
Pretty good. Still waiting on God to open doors for Camp Yesu but got some help with streamlining and organizing documents. Did a couple paintings and sent to President Trump with letter and all Camp Yesu documents praying he would decide to help. No word back so far. #7 Grandbaby is currently baking, due in April, got a new white lab puppy since my old one died. Mom still being pigheaded in moving out by us and leaving behind 50+ yrs of hoarding even though she’s currently stuck in nursing care. Found a neighbor gal who wants to start a ladies bible study with me when we get back home.
Wow, what a challenge but God only gives us as much as we can handle, even though sometimes we feel overwhelmed. #7 Grandbaby…WOW!! What a Blessing. My 3 children have all basically said they’re not having children, so I won’t get to experience that. “Due to how the world is”, they’ve all said. I REALLY wanted to be a Grandad. Far as I’m concerned it’s the cabal’s fault so it’s now personal with me. I know all about hoarders, and I wish you luck with that?! With my newest scrape with death I’m trying to get my personal affairs in order; so easy to procrastinate it. I want to die at home…so sick of “institutions” all with hands in your pockets…I could scream. Well I’m trying to be around more now…but we’ll see what comes next?!
Lord Jesus, Please keep this dear friend around a long while yet and if You would bless him with grandchildren due to a change of hearts in his children. You did this with my younger brother who didn’t want kids and now has four, You can do this with anyone. Show Pete that he has plenty of value in Your eyes and there is lots of reason for continued fight. Keep that cancer gone permanently and renew his body and mind In Your Almighty name, Amen
Thanks Juls…uummm this response was public but I don’t mind my name be known. Merry Christmas!!!
Oops, sorry that was accidental. Merry Christmas
😂 It’s totally ok Juls…loves Ya!!
Thank you for telling yours and your neighbor's stories. The more positive stories that come out about Fenbendazole and other medications for use on cancer and other serious health issues the better. It does help others to know your story.
So happy to hear it helped you both so much!
Bless you too Fren!! Missed Y’all 😎💕
You know I have a friend whose husband has bladder cancer, took the docs a while to figure out why he was urinating blood, first thought it was an infection, it took too long in my opinion to figure out he had cancer. He is vaxxed, how many I don't know but probably at least 2 shots.
Well he had surgery to remove it and will also be doing chemo and radiation. Well found out after surgery it is pretty bad and spreading already. When my friend first told me about the cancer, I told her to look into Ivermectin & definitely Fenbendazole, that Fenbendazole has helped others with getting rid of cancer. She shut me down immediately, wouldn't even listen, she trusts his doctor. So I will have to let it go and see what happens.
Do you think the chemo and radiation helped or made worse your cancer? I read you had those treatments on your throat, then got the cancer in your jaw. And with your neighbor it made her cancer grow. My mom had lung cancer, she had 3 chemo treatments in the hopes that it would shrink enough to then have surgery to remove it. This was years ago before cvd19 and before knowing about Fenbendazole. Her 3rd chemo did her in, her body was not ready for that 3rd treatment. Right before she passed the doctor told us her cancer grew, and after she passed another doctor told us they believed the cancer went to her bones. I told my family if I get cancer, I won't be getting chemo treatments, we will find another way.
WOW!! My Mom died from chemo too. I did chemo & radiation on throat and this was before I knew about fenben, so besides cutting out my vocal chords I had no other options. I was Stage-4…it had migrated into neck tissue. The combo did, I believe cure that cancer. I didn’t suffer as bad as so many do, but I was about 58 then & not really “old”/weakened much yet. There was peripheral damage to lymph nodes & salivary glands plus sometimes I’d get something I drank slip into lungs but not very often. They say radiation is “targeted” but I call BS. This round I opted for surgery but declined radiation post surgery because of proximity to brain. I’ll take fenben as maintenance probably forever(?)!
Amazing testimonies!
Thank you for the share, I in turn will share with those in my life affected by cancer.
Hallelujah!!! That’s exactly why I wrote it 👍🏼
No apologies necessary fren! Thank you so much for this post, I've mentioned fenbendazole for kicking cancer in the ass to as many as I felt necessary but didn't have much info on it. I'll be sure to send these links to anyone fighting cancer along with those who know of someone in that situation. I'm so very grateful to know you've won this battle and have helped others! 💪❤️🔥💪
It’s my pleasure (and duty) to share anything that could save a life?!! Too bad our Drs & medical INDUSTRY have become what they are now. I feel like an outlaw these days? WHY are things this way…WHY??? satan
Bless you for sharing you and your neighbor's story. I already take antiparasitics for prophylaxis, due to family history. I am thankful for your success and wish you a long, healthy and happy life. Keeping spreading the word!
I came back here and posted this because GAw is the kindest group of people I’ve found online 😎👍🏼
I have been thinking about you ever since you went offline here and I am really relieved that you are back!
If I had known about this treatment in 2017 and 2018 I could have saved my father He was a person who brought support and friendship to many people . He died of bladder cancer in 2018 because the NHS doctors neglected to treat it in a timely fashion.
I guess you are a similar age to my father so it all resonates with me.
I’ve missed you too Fren. Yeah both my parents died from cancer so if I’d known then what I know now etc? Glad to be “back”…nothing chased me off, just been overwhelmed here.
It's overwhelming here even when nobody is pulling out your lymph nodes.
Ah Ha HAAAHH man…?! You got that right and I laughed HARD!! I sorely needed that 😂👍🏼
You are one tough specimen!
My mother has a flat polyp in her duodenum. The last surgery she had the surgeon said she would not survive another surgery. She is full of scar tissue from other surgeries. We have FAP in the family...leads to colon cancer. Her new doctor wants te do a section on her, but I don't think she will make it. The doctor acts like it will be simple procedure. I know it won't be. I'm going to get her on this Fbzl stuff.
Good!!! Gee I hope she will take it; show her this thread & have her read all through comments too?! Dearest Father, hallowed be thy name…please let ForHumanity3364’s Mother try this miracle-cure so she may live longer? In Jesus’ name we pray -Amen
So, if a friend or family member had cancer, what would you suggest they take? How many doses of fendbendazole and what else would you take with it?
Tell Ya what…I’ll do a separate post (soon) with all the supplements I dug up online that are effective to some degree against cancer? My post and Joe Tippens blog outline the basics. Take twice/day with food that has fat in it with turmeric, Vits E, D3, C & A. I added Beta Glucan & DHA.