19" vs 20" ballots. I took a pic of my completed Pima County ballot before I turned it in. Curious about "fit to print" effects,I reduced the image by 5% to make a 19" version and flipped it on the vertical access. The blue ovals on the 19" version line up with the DEM candidate on the 20" version.

Is it possible that Maricopa County gave out 19" ballots so that the tabulators, expecting only 20" ballots, would read the position of the marked ovals as votes for the DEM candidates?
I sent this info to every social media platform Kari Lake's team uses. I hope that's ok u/AZpede
I second that !
That mix may have been Hunter's special blend fren
Sonny Delight anyone?
MORE than possible!
Have you tweeted this to KariLakeWarRoom?
I have more than once.
Holee Fuk !
Likely, not possible. Print on demand means they know the name and party of the voter before they print. Machines are cheating methods
jesus man I think you are on to something there, the tabulators might read a R as a D from this. Those involved committed treason.
More than reading, they could be printing onto these. The machine prints where it is told to.
Nice work Anon!! This is how we proof fraud!
Message Kari and Kari Lake Warroom on Twitter. They need to get this info.
I just did. If it's cool with u/AZpede I think everyone should send it to raise the chances of it being seen.
Send it to Abe Hamadeh. He gets to inspect ballots in PIma and Navajo counties, as well as Maricopa.
PS. Some random thoughts.
Start flooding twitter with a related hashtag to see if it will trend besides trying to get Kari's camp's attention. The more eyes on this the better.
Damn that is crazy. You might be on to something.
I voted in Pima county as well. I wish I would have taken a picture of my ballot.
Same here.
Interdasting catch, Fren
Not just a little disappointed that Kari Lake's legal team didn't have this yesterday ☹️
Got higher resolution than this?
I uploaded three files to: ufile.io
If the readers look for spots a certain distance from the top, then this certainly looks like a way to flip all the Republican votes to Democrats. Pretty ingenius really! I think many of us have said that the leftists aren't stupid, just arrogantly sure they can get away with what they do get away with. Let's hope if the ballot size issue is as theorized here, their arrogance will be their downfall.
The majority of leftists are idiots, but their leaders are cunning and sneaky. This was brilliant, and it had to be done intentionally.
Excellent work, fren! I didn't watch Kari's trial, so I don't know if her attorneys discovered and mentioned this. Probably not. I hope you get this to a number of different people and organizations. Kari's attorneys, the True the Vote folks, Trump, and even Jovan Pulitzer. Great info! Thanks for doing this.
i'd say send to Jovan Pulitzer, if the image is scaled down, the reader will reject it. However, i'd imagine if the allowances\tolerances for alignment could be ramped waaaay up (or down depending on the correct technical terminology), then maybe you got something there.
Anyone in MI,WI, or PA take a pic of their ballot? I'm going out on a limb and saying this was the defacto cheating method they've been using, and it's now uncovered.
AZpede, could you please post hi-resolution pictures of each ballot?
The scaling and translation seems a bit off.
I uploaded three files to: ufile.io
This is a massive find, Anon. The AZ judge wants proof of intent. If this lines up the way you have laid out, it shouts INTENT.
Fuuuuuk!!! That’s so friken dirty, it could only be intentional. And yet…. The State Dept. and their DS winkies (winged monkeys) “preserve the system” because they’re too compromised to do anything else. It’s all a scam. It didn’t just start in 1963 either.
How can we get this to someone who can verify this?
Great thinking!
Very nice work anon.
Well son of a bitch!!!! That is effed
Oh these people are just EVIL !!
Here's how this works.
19" ballots go to 'adjudication'.
'Adjudication' is done by DEMONRAT election operatives.
They literally just click and drag from the inbox to the 'D' side.
2&3 explicitly explained and demonstrated on video in the aftermath of 2020.
Any ballot not printed to the same uniform standards required, is invalid. The fact that they had workers recalibrating machines to read the unlawful ballots, proves that they were aware of the problem, but kept going anyway. Can it be proven that this 19in issue was intentionally done? Would be very difficult without a smoking gun. However, the intent doesn't matter. All that matters is that the law was violated. The judge requiring proof of intent, is guilty of judicial misconduct and should be removed from the bench.
If they could prove it was intentional then a low level employee or two would get blamed while those responsible avoid consequences as usual. Those criminals will get what's coming to them eventually but proving x amount of ballots were invalid can reverse the fraudulent election which ultimately is the desired result, for now.
Autism superpowers activate !
Great job!
Autism at its best
So this is the slip side of in-person voted Republican ballots getting refused by the tabulator for being the wrong size: any Republican ballots cast by mail or drop off could have their votes swap using this method.
Now this is very interesting. Sneaky bastards.
They are just hideous scoundrels'!!!
Each county does their own ballot so you'd need to apply it to the Maricopa ballot but yes they needed a new scam after the bleedthrough pens got exposed in 2020, no Republican voter was going to use a bleedthrough pen again. The printers on election day printing ballots at the wrong scale in 6/6 centers that the Lake legal team were able to access is a major red flag, looks like that was the scam this time.
Remember, these people develop the ballots I'm sure this is their number one way they cheat!
How widespread is this type of cheating across the US, I wonder
They are pre printed in most cases.
The black rectangular shapes on the left are used to align the optical scanner with the possible core shapes.
The fact that 2 different size ballots exist, is evident of fraud. Just as a dollar bill is made to exacting standards
Holy shit, you have something here! Did it line up with All Dem candidates or just Katie Hobbs?
His example shows the 3 top races all line up to the D candidate if the R 'vote' is reduced to 19" ballot.
ThanQ I couldn't see the individual voting blocks on the examples above on my phone.
Nice catch….I will say I’d think this was realized by Kari’s legal team just by begging the question so hard. Send this along, but man I hope they’re sharp enough in their own to already know.