The text is so confusing. GOP detractors. 20 GOP lawmakers defected
This is freaking GP. They are not detractors. They are not defecting. They are just carrying out the wishes of their constituents. Words matter. Make sure you use the right words, GP.
Gateway Pundit does little to no reporting, despite slapping their "reporters'" (cough) byline on other people's stories. This story was lifted from Politico, not exactly known for their conservative or even fair reporting. Christina Laila, GP cut and pastist, didn't, as usual, even bother to rewrite it.
Term limits are different. They ensure a organized transfer of power. Making it "easier for someone to be removed" is not the same as giving them a time limit.
If the promises are written into his requirements as a speaker, if he tries to back out he can be sued into oblivion or kicked out. I hope WHs do this.
I’ve only been following this drama here and partially in Truth. Can’t bring myself to watch the MSM or so-called conservative news anymore. My gut feeling is this has been complete theater to make it appear McCarthy was backed into a corner to accept these changes. The fact we’re supposed to believe Gaetz and MTG have split on this is one tell.
The downer is a lot of people bought into the belief McCarthy would be blocked and that is the standard of success will be severely disappointed. They will probably be equally disappointed in the 20 holdouts when they drop their objections and elect McCarthy later today.
Hopefully the people who had their sights set on blocking McCarthy can salvage some hope when we see the concessions this theater achieved.
If there is a pool on when the vote that elects McCarthy happens, I’m going with 3:14 this afternoon.
Maybe we’re at the point of surrender. It seems pretty late for McCarthy to just cave and then not stick to the deal. If he was in control he’d have done that on the first vote. This whole thing is not a good look for him. I also “want” to believe that Trump was involved solidifying his power. MTG played her part as well. On a side note, I am amazed how we all we all talk about watching a movie but as soon as someone like MTG has a “role” that doesn’t fit “our” script, people here turn on her in a second. We just really don’t know what the hell is going on which is why we are told to “trust”.
Doesn’t mean he will,be a good,speaker if he was he would have already had this as his agenda also this is blackmail,which means he will do,what he wants anyway
Headline News
Satan has Agreed to All terms, no more attacks against Christians, he will stay out of our elections, no more murders, violent crimes or wars. In exchange we will allow him to rule the world.
What could possibly go wrong?
I want to see the fine print of McCathy's the written official agreement first, before I believe anything.
"Detractor"? Detractor - noun, a person who tries to take away from the quality, value, or reputation of someone or something.
Wrong Word TGP! It's should be 'Insurgent'. Insurgent - noun, a member of a section of a political party that revolts against the methods or policies of the party.
Crying out loud, TGP is using the enemy's weaponized propaganda words.
He says that now, but he’ll change his mind once he smelled it in. Is it complete loser and rhino. But they’ll vote him in anyway because we are a feckless government.
Wasn’t McCarthy part of the group that kept Lindell and others who had information on the fraud away from Trump? Basically so Trump didn’t have a complete picture of the treason that was happening?
1st order of business is to pass a resolution bill making impeachment of a sitting President illegal unless both parties have consensus. 2nd bill is complete amnesty for issues that have divided the country including Russiagate, spygate, covid, Ukraine, election fraud, etc. lastly we must tear down the divisive wall on the border so all the world may ent for stimmies and health care. This is Kaliphornia Kevin’s leadership. If Paul Ryan and Bernie Sanders had a three way with Liz Cheney, Kevin is what would poop out.
The text is so confusing. GOP detractors. 20 GOP lawmakers defected
This is freaking GP. They are not detractors. They are not defecting. They are just carrying out the wishes of their constituents. Words matter. Make sure you use the right words, GP.
Detractors = not loyal to the DC swamp. Technically correct since they are physically in enemy territory. The District is not one of the United States
Insurgent - noun, a member of a section of a political party that revolts against the methods or policies of the party.
It is the proper word that TGP hasn't discovered yet......
they don't fire on all cylinders all the time and given the insight some of there stuff has- it's intentional.
They are detractors of Kevin McCarthy. They do not support him and want someone else to win. It's not bad to be a detractor.
Gateway Pundit does little to no reporting, despite slapping their "reporters'" (cough) byline on other people's stories. This story was lifted from Politico, not exactly known for their conservative or even fair reporting. Christina Laila, GP cut and pastist, didn't, as usual, even bother to rewrite it.
Sadly true.
1, he did give in to all demands.
2, he won't keep his promises.
Right? How would that be a win when you know there will be excuses for why he couldn't follow through? How dumb are these people?
Trump knows!
Didn't he also agree to a rule change that would make it easier to kick him out?
Works both ways. Im not suprised at all a RINO would do that. Sabotage the role now so when a real patriot gets in hes easier to oust
Term limits!!!!!
Term limits are different. They ensure a organized transfer of power. Making it "easier for someone to be removed" is not the same as giving them a time limit.
Actually I think they should all be easier to throw out.
I disagree. Theres a line we gotta walk, if we step over it it leaves room for degenerates to legally harass and stonewall patriots.
These are just optics. CaveIn is definitely controlled by the WHs by now.
*** people are this dumb. (simplistic)
If the promises are written into his requirements as a speaker, if he tries to back out he can be sued into oblivion or kicked out. I hope WHs do this.
He will control the Rules Committee. Everything goes through the Rules Committee.
If he is the rules committee, he is in no way obligated to make said rules to control him. Fawk.
I gotta say this:
My weary eyes read that as Craven Mediocrity...
I’ve only been following this drama here and partially in Truth. Can’t bring myself to watch the MSM or so-called conservative news anymore. My gut feeling is this has been complete theater to make it appear McCarthy was backed into a corner to accept these changes. The fact we’re supposed to believe Gaetz and MTG have split on this is one tell.
The downer is a lot of people bought into the belief McCarthy would be blocked and that is the standard of success will be severely disappointed. They will probably be equally disappointed in the 20 holdouts when they drop their objections and elect McCarthy later today.
Hopefully the people who had their sights set on blocking McCarthy can salvage some hope when we see the concessions this theater achieved.
If there is a pool on when the vote that elects McCarthy happens, I’m going with 3:14 this afternoon.
Shouldn't the time add up to 17?
There is a four year delta today with a picture of a watch and a pen. The watch face read 3:14 and 59 seconds.
Ahhh - excitement!
The sum of 3 and 14 is what?
I'm not a biologist OR a mathematician.
Kevin McCarthy is swamp and will say anything. Each and every one of us have been through this our entire lifetime.
And Trump may be counting on McCarthy to show his true face.
Maybe we’re at the point of surrender. It seems pretty late for McCarthy to just cave and then not stick to the deal. If he was in control he’d have done that on the first vote. This whole thing is not a good look for him. I also “want” to believe that Trump was involved solidifying his power. MTG played her part as well. On a side note, I am amazed how we all we all talk about watching a movie but as soon as someone like MTG has a “role” that doesn’t fit “our” script, people here turn on her in a second. We just really don’t know what the hell is going on which is why we are told to “trust”.
Saying he is ready to fund unending wars should qualify.
“Just kidding guys, now let’s make America last!”
I still trust Trump. There’s a good reason for his all-out endorsement—and we’ll learn it by the end of the movie.
Oh, look behind him at the angry faces.
Wonder what today will bring.
Ah C'mon guys....... Lucy isn't going to pull the football away THIS time........... smh
McCarthy is a liar and cannot be trusted.
Frankly, I'm fine with no speaker.
Doesn’t mean he will,be a good,speaker if he was he would have already had this as his agenda also this is blackmail,which means he will do,what he wants anyway
Oh my gosh..wouldn't you just know it. More deceit. Hold the line don't be deceived by this wolf.
But what were the demands?
I read that. That was only two that I saw. Bongino today listed a few that were important.
They going to secure our border and build the wall?
He will cave now and cave again later.
Cave'in' McCarthys promises are worthless.
Making a deal with McCarthy is like making a treaty with communist China. It won’t be honored.
What this whole thing has shown is that it only takes 5 congresscritters to shut the GOP majority down.
If he starts reneging, expect a lot of bills he's trying to get passed to start failing.
McCarthy may end up the Speaker, but he's not in control.
The lesson is this: obstruction works. I hope patriots understand this in the future.
Assholes want to pass bills. Obstruct the shit out of them. GUM UP THE WORKS. That is how you drain the swamp, deny them water.
Headline News Satan has Agreed to All terms, no more attacks against Christians, he will stay out of our elections, no more murders, violent crimes or wars. In exchange we will allow him to rule the world. What could possibly go wrong?
Still don't want him. He is a liar.
Please tell me these empty promises won't be enough to get McCarthy elected as speaker.
I want to see the fine print of McCathy's the written official agreement first, before I believe anything.
"Detractor"? Detractor - noun, a person who tries to take away from the quality, value, or reputation of someone or something.
Wrong Word TGP! It's should be 'Insurgent'. Insurgent - noun, a member of a section of a political party that revolts against the methods or policies of the party.
Crying out loud, TGP is using the enemy's weaponized propaganda words.
He says that now, but he’ll change his mind once he smelled it in. Is it complete loser and rhino. But they’ll vote him in anyway because we are a feckless government.
he said OK to Term limits???!!!
Wasn’t McCarthy part of the group that kept Lindell and others who had information on the fraud away from Trump? Basically so Trump didn’t have a complete picture of the treason that was happening?
Interesting how Gaetz nominated trump and then Mccarthy caves?
This is the way…
We are watching a movie.
The issue is they have lied and NEVER kept promises before. Seriously.
1st order of business is to pass a resolution bill making impeachment of a sitting President illegal unless both parties have consensus. 2nd bill is complete amnesty for issues that have divided the country including Russiagate, spygate, covid, Ukraine, election fraud, etc. lastly we must tear down the divisive wall on the border so all the world may ent for stimmies and health care. This is Kaliphornia Kevin’s leadership. If Paul Ryan and Bernie Sanders had a three way with Liz Cheney, Kevin is what would poop out.
Lucy and the football yet again......