One of the holdouts who was one of just 4 of the last to vote for someone besides McCarthy is Bob Good out of VA. Gaetz/Boebert (ringleaders) supporting with the "present" votes.
On the final vote (15th Round at 00:40am on 1/7 EST), all three of the last holdouts besides Good voted alongside Gaetz/Boebert with "present", but Good was the only one of that group to finally vote McCarthy.
MTG posted at 12:02 on Truth
and Gaetz,after round 14 went down and voted NAY to keep the night going then went and talked to McCarthy... who lead a rush of NAY votes to make the 15th happen... Trump won this.
There's a 5:5 in the timestamp of the Q post pictured above. So yeah, something important was agreed upon, somehow...
Edit: It's probably that package mentioned in the other post. Meanwhile another 5 was 5 Guys Burgers delivery meme. That hints that this package is really gonna murder something....turn it into hamburger.
Another Q proof, Trump endorsed McCarthy, and Trump promises the best is yet to come. We all should be very happy! Obviously there's a plan. To the unbelievers out there I ask, what more do you need?
Good sign on a Q proof, but being devils advocate- what if hold outs held out until the 15th vote specifically to line up with a post written 5 years ago in order to keep us quiet? While other Q proofs have been eye opening on, It’s not hard to align such matters in this case. Just a thought, but also creates optimism that the plan is being followed and guided by white hats
Remember, Q is not predicting the future. That's not possible. Q said they are controlling the future. So this would be in line with your devils advocate statement. Q is controlling what moves people are making at present day.
Fortunately, dear DeAd (Devils Advocate), that's the double speak OPPOSITE of Qs message. Instead its an iteration of Corporate Medias anti Q narrative; muh "the Q operation was intended to make Trump supporters cOmPlAceNt".
In fact, those who don't accept Q and Q+ as legitimate are those who tend to abandon hope, fall prey to despair, give up and "keep quiet".
Q and Q+ have always urged people to be effectively active and LOUD.
Tim pool, of all people actually had a very good point about the mid terms and speaker vote. IF theere was enormous red wave in the mid terms, then McCarthy would have made it in on the first vote, and would have had to give zero concessions. Gaetz et. Al were only able to have so much influence because the republicans did so poorly.
Soo, in a way, this is the best possible way this could have gone down.
I just want to put this out there for everyone, when this is over we will be amazed at the parts everyone played. All the world is a stage. Those we thought were dead could be alive and those we thought were alive are actually dead. Those that we thought were on one side were actually on the reverse side. Yes I think KM has done some crappy stuff too but at the same time I am looking at the big picture here. At some point we have to stop with the negative and put our hearts, thoughts and lives where our mouths are. Do you have faith? Do you believe that good will prevail? Do you trust God??? At the end of the day I choose to trust that God is going to win the war and yes it will get worse before it gets better but strong men, women and families are not made in times of ease. God will win and this my frens is why we should all take a step back, take a deep breath and have faith. God bless you all!!!
I'm training myself to transform a negative "feel" about a person into a real prayer for them. Then I try to remember to thank God for hearing my prayer and handling things for me.
The ONLY prayer request Christ taught Gods children to make to God starts with, "Father, your will be done (NOT mine).
Optics my friend. A top secret military plan could never be DIRECTLY released to the public. Only if it LOOKED like something else, giving enough plausible deniability that it was not in fact a publicly released top secret military plan, could such a thing ever by publicly released. Q has discussed this ad nauseum.
[15]th vote at the stroke of midnight [Jan 07]. Guess this is the vote this charade ends and we eventually get McCarthy because the DS faggots get whatever they fucking want.
Perhaps " the DS faggots" DID get what they wanted but at a cost they hadn't anticipated?
Adam Schiffs tweets suggest some "DS faggots" are already starting to realize they didn't get what they "fucking want" at all.
Obviously, effective hunters offer prey " whatever they fucking want". However, the prey isn't trapped/hooked until the prey takes whats being offered. Is that what just happened to the "DS faggots" when Kevin got elected on 1/7?
During emotional storms, President Trump advises taking a calm "lets see what happens" approach.
Dude, I’m ignorant, because I have a differing opinion?
It doesn’t look good when this board continuously gloats about not judging opinions like the left, and then call others ignorant for pointing out the fact the shot was completely avoidable.
Well...that's some consolation, I guess, as I head to bed feeling defeated once again.
Don’t ever let anything swamp related defeat you. We’re not going to defeat these creatures in their own back yard.
Seriously. Win and McCarthy don't go together. Why can't we be in control with someone desirable for once?
One of the holdouts who was one of just 4 of the last to vote for someone besides McCarthy is Bob Good out of VA. Gaetz/Boebert (ringleaders) supporting with the "present" votes.
On the final vote (15th Round at 00:40am on 1/7 EST), all three of the last holdouts besides Good voted alongside Gaetz/Boebert with "present", but Good was the only one of that group to finally vote McCarthy.
This is a Hiroshima Q Proof!
My mind is blown away
Good voted present in the 15th and final round, and never once voted for McCarthy.
Better watch your facts here don't get in the way of any narrative building bud
Well stated Anon! “Future Proves Past” yet again. Always amazing to see God and Q at work. :)
Beautiful work, Anon.... Made my day.
Win for the .win communities
MTG posted at 12:02 on Truth and Gaetz,after round 14 went down and voted NAY to keep the night going then went and talked to McCarthy... who lead a rush of NAY votes to make the 15th happen... Trump won this.
Yes. And when he's re elected, Trump has McCarthy right where he wants him.
Because the plan involves imploding our federal government
At the very least, undercover RINOs were exposed.
Could only be a shill or an idiot. No 3rd option.
How so?
Fam still think im nuts when sharing this 🤣🤪
👉🤨 Look at me. We are your fam now.
This is more true than most realize.
You and me both fren, but we will be vindicated
LOLOL .... the ultimate Q proof!!!
Yes it was. 100% 15th round on 1/7... fucking nuclear Q proof.
1/7 hmmm a 17 is present hahaha! Nuclear Proof!!
Look at the time stamp too. 10:05:50
A 5:5 and the time the voting began.
This is one of the best, most definitive, Q proofs out there. Multiple layers.
McCarthy is the 55th speaker of the house. 5:5 perhaps?
I read it as Q Post 55!
There's a 5:5 in the timestamp of the Q post pictured above. So yeah, something important was agreed upon, somehow...
Edit: It's probably that package mentioned in the other post. Meanwhile another 5 was 5 Guys Burgers delivery meme. That hints that this package is really gonna murder something....turn it into hamburger.
It's a win because the military is the only way and this proves it? And Q knew down to the rounds of the vote (15)?
The plan is unfolding exactly as planned.
We're watching a movie.
Nice find. Heard that trump called in to talk to some of the members
Nice Q proof.
This is beautiful and these kinds of proofs always give me a snort of hopium. Thank you fren!❤
Another Q proof, Trump endorsed McCarthy, and Trump promises the best is yet to come. We all should be very happy! Obviously there's a plan. To the unbelievers out there I ask, what more do you need?
That's impressive. Enough to make me believe there is a Looking Glass device.
Not again!
Just kidding. MOAR!
What higher level proof is there than this!?!?
Good sign on a Q proof, but being devils advocate- what if hold outs held out until the 15th vote specifically to line up with a post written 5 years ago in order to keep us quiet? While other Q proofs have been eye opening on, It’s not hard to align such matters in this case. Just a thought, but also creates optimism that the plan is being followed and guided by white hats
Remember, Q is not predicting the future. That's not possible. Q said they are controlling the future. So this would be in line with your devils advocate statement. Q is controlling what moves people are making at present day.
"To keep us quiet"
Fortunately, dear DeAd (Devils Advocate), that's the double speak OPPOSITE of Qs message. Instead its an iteration of Corporate Medias anti Q narrative; muh "the Q operation was intended to make Trump supporters cOmPlAceNt".
In fact, those who don't accept Q and Q+ as legitimate are those who tend to abandon hope, fall prey to despair, give up and "keep quiet".
Q and Q+ have always urged people to be effectively active and LOUD.
LOUD =/= "quiet"
Devils Advocate would be “DD”, But very creative on your part. With that said, I think you missed the point of my post.
this was nice.
Happy Sabbath.
... dasting.
dasting indeed.
Another Q proof!
We are 👀 a 🎬 🍿
Tim pool, of all people actually had a very good point about the mid terms and speaker vote. IF theere was enormous red wave in the mid terms, then McCarthy would have made it in on the first vote, and would have had to give zero concessions. Gaetz et. Al were only able to have so much influence because the republicans did so poorly.
Soo, in a way, this is the best possible way this could have gone down.
I just want to put this out there for everyone, when this is over we will be amazed at the parts everyone played. All the world is a stage. Those we thought were dead could be alive and those we thought were alive are actually dead. Those that we thought were on one side were actually on the reverse side. Yes I think KM has done some crappy stuff too but at the same time I am looking at the big picture here. At some point we have to stop with the negative and put our hearts, thoughts and lives where our mouths are. Do you have faith? Do you believe that good will prevail? Do you trust God??? At the end of the day I choose to trust that God is going to win the war and yes it will get worse before it gets better but strong men, women and families are not made in times of ease. God will win and this my frens is why we should all take a step back, take a deep breath and have faith. God bless you all!!!
I'm training myself to transform a negative "feel" about a person into a real prayer for them. Then I try to remember to thank God for hearing my prayer and handling things for me.
The ONLY prayer request Christ taught Gods children to make to God starts with, "Father, your will be done (NOT mine).
Well... I like it, seems to be "win-y" today.
Wake up Kevin
"Wake up Kevin"
Hopefully every poop container aka "bucketofpoop", no matter what their name is, does "wake up", rise up then pitch in to help as best they can.
If this is a proof, it has to have a double meaning. In the original context, the surrounding posts were talking about 15 minute tweet deltas
Optics my friend. A top secret military plan could never be DIRECTLY released to the public. Only if it LOOKED like something else, giving enough plausible deniability that it was not in fact a publicly released top secret military plan, could such a thing ever by publicly released. Q has discussed this ad nauseum.
Your absolutely right. I hope this is a proof. Just wanted to make sure everyone was aware. Hadn't seen anyone else mention it.
Godwin's Law?
When I saw this post it was 10:07AM on 1/7 incredible.
[15]th vote at the stroke of midnight [Jan 07]. Guess this is the vote this charade ends and we eventually get McCarthy because the DS faggots get whatever they fucking want.
"the DS faggots get whatever they fucking want".
Perhaps " the DS faggots" DID get what they wanted but at a cost they hadn't anticipated?
Adam Schiffs tweets suggest some "DS faggots" are already starting to realize they didn't get what they "fucking want" at all.
Obviously, effective hunters offer prey " whatever they fucking want". However, the prey isn't trapped/hooked until the prey takes whats being offered. Is that what just happened to the "DS faggots" when Kevin got elected on 1/7?
During emotional storms, President Trump advises taking a calm "lets see what happens" approach.
Advice offered. Advice taken?
But why does Q want ds rat for speaker?
So, it doesn't occur to you that he may have turned and now controlled by the White Hats?
The billions given to Ukraine is also done under white hat approval. Gotcha
Ops don't run on free. 1.7 Trillion or 1700 billion of 1700000 million is a lot of money that nobody knows where its going.
"Under white hat approval"
Armchair guesses =/= Real World true.
" The billions" == paper peanuts
The debt ceiling battle could put an end to Ukraine money laundering. Guess we'll wait and see.
Here's a thought...are they really given billions?
If so, then it's part of a bigger plan that you nor I obviously don't know about.
Do you have no concept of war? Are you really so ignorant?
Dude, I’m ignorant, because I have a differing opinion?
It doesn’t look good when this board continuously gloats about not judging opinions like the left, and then call others ignorant for pointing out the fact the shot was completely avoidable.
Yes because otherwise it would require literal time travel or future vision lol
So you’re telling me 5 years ago, this specific sequence of events was planned? I’m all for deltas but come on this is a reach…
Also this is technically a day off!!
Explain the technicality. Which time zone are you?
I prefer viewing "events" as being deliberately planned to include specifics that line up with previous Q drops.
This allows Q/Q+ to continue sending messages to those who heeded Q drops that said "learn our comms".
Some did participate in the boot camp training offered by Q/Q+. Some didnt. Some are deciding to try and catch up by studying the drops now.
Each persons journey and missions are unique. Not everyone sees the same things. Not everyone needs to. That's why teamwork is important. WWG1WGA
i hope i’m not seeing 26 year delta in 21 years ffs