I don't know why I had 50+ guns on that boat that day, but boy was I upset when I realized I forgot to put the drain plug in and that dang 'ol boat sank in Lake Lanier. Lost forever.
So I am not the only one this has happened to? Phew. That is a relief. I was beginning to think that maybe I should stop boating since clearly my boat captain safety record is abysmal.
I really like Matt Gaetz, but even if it did pass in the GOP led House of Representatives, it would have to pass in the Democrat led Senate and then Let's Go Brandon would have to sign it. This seems like it is a bridge too far and is only symbolic.
The House of Representatives could vote to withdraw funding the ATF, since the GOP control the spending purse. IMHO, this would have far better chances of passage. It would immediately get the attention of the ATF and return the genie to the bottle.
I don't think Brandon is long for this presidency. Super curious how his removal is all going to go down. Seems like the long knives on the left are out for him so I am hoping it happens soon! But yes, cut the purse strings at a minimum if we don't have our GEOTUS back.
His handlers installed him. That was the first coup d'etat. Now, his handlers have initiated a 2nd coup..... Who will replace him? Kamala Harris? Is she qualifies for the presidency? No.
McCarthy could raise the Constitutional prohibition that at the time of Kamala’s birth, her parents were not U.S. citizens. They were foreign students. At the time of her birth, she was the daughter of non-citizens. This makes her an anchor baby. Neither parent was a legal resident for 5 years prior to Harris’s birth, a requirement for naturalization. She is not eligible to hold the office of president. In addition, Harris was raised in Canada. Does she have Canadian citizenship?
I agree about the long left knives (I guess they think they want to install Harris) My guess is that the White hats have some clever plan to let the black hats do the dirty work and then come in at the right time or something or another. IDK should be fun to see
But why not set the agenda to get the base excited for when we will control all three branches of Govt. fully? (Yes, I know we had it before, but IMHO the timing was not right at that time.)
The last time the ATF was on the chopping block they phoned up the MSM to film them raiding a compound in Texas as a PR stunt to get public support for their continued existence. That ended with men, women, and children being burned alive.
They are defining a pistol with a support as a short rifle. So hold your pistol extended from one arm . . . it is now a short barreled rifle requiring a stamp??
The 2d amendment didn't give them permission to turn a pistol into a short-barreled rifle.
Have you ever tried to use the most common "pistol braces" for the function they were supposedly designed for? They barely work, lol. And they're ridiculously uncomfortable. It's clear that most "pistol braces" are just stocks with a strap, used 90% of the time as a stock against the shoulder.
They are the very definition of a loophole. And trying to defend that loophole is honestly pathetic.
The real problem is that a short gun with a stock is illegal at all. It's non-sensical.
We should start by trying to get a reasonable compromise that lets anyone with a state-issued concealed carry permit to be able to own SBRs without needing to get a tax stamp for them. And state-issued concealed carry permits should also include rifles (it's annoying as hell that I legally have to go out of my way when transporting my rifle in my truck, but am completely allowed to have a loaded handgun in my cupholder.)
This idea that we shouldn't be allowed to conceal rifles, even if we're licensed to conceal handguns, is bizarre.
Get rid of permits and registry. The citizens should have access to any weapon any law enforcement agency has access to. Enough with the handicap and the monopoly of use of force for the government. Our constitution was framed that way for a reason. They knew weapons would advance, and they knew that eventually we would need them to clear out tyranny.
They also can’t say one day that it is legal and then turn around the next and say that it is not. Plus the whole common use part of the NFA rules out what they are trying to do. They estimate 40 million of these out there which by definition makes it common use.
Save your breath. This is another example of an issue we ought to be on offense with. What you just said isn’t wrong. It is just unnecessary. You shouldn’t even need to get to that point till these fools promoting this answer a single question: What reason is there to regulate short barrel rifles/shotguns differently than non sbr/sbs?
Originally, when the NFA was first passed, the main reason argued for the sbr/sbs rules were because of “concealability” of such weapons. A guy walking down the street might have one under his coat and catch everyone by surprise when he pulls out some heavy duty firepower like the gangsters in NYC, Philly, and Chicago used to do.
Not to say that I am ok with the contemporary arguments at the time of passage. Far from it. But for these purposes, just accept that argument. Fast forward 80 years. I can conceal a glock 17 with a 33 round mag under my coat lawfully in all but full Bolshevik states. Tell me how totally unsafe society is if someone can shave 4 inches off their M4/AR15 barrel and suddenly the public is totally fucked? “My God if this maniac had a 16” barrel instead of 12” all these people would still be alive!” Said nobody ever.
The next question I have for these clowns after answering the last one: What is so different about SBR/SBS that requires separate and overly burdensome applications to be filled out, along with finger prints etc, and an epic year long wait for these guys to stop shooting unarmed women/children and their dogs long enough to process these applications? If an FFL can sell me a 50 cal Barrett, AR10 .308, AK47, glock, sig, s&W etc without having to go through all of the bullshit for SBR/SBS, why do we need this system? What function does it serve other than arbitrary inconvenience?
You know what is a better argument for the handicapped than a stupid brace? The fact that without shorter barrels, they cannot reasonably and effectively use a rifle.
What function does it serve other than arbitrary inconvenience?
That's literally it. The original intent was for handguns to be restricted as well. The $200 tax stamp at the time was prohibitively expensive, pricing them well beyond the means of most americans. They didn't count on the federal reserve raping the dollar with interest, so these arbitrary inconveniences is designed to make most people not want to bother. The ultimate goal is total gun restriction, which the second amendment forbids, so they have to whittle away at our rights with thousands of tiny cuts. Any gun control is good in their eyes, no matter how arbitrary and frivolous.
No reason they should charge a $200 tax stamp just to buy a suppressor. Congress was looking to repeal that, until the fluffer Paul Ryan nixed it after the Vegas ff event. Hilderbeast stated “how many more people would have died if the shooter was using a silencer”.
The silencer shit is probably the worst of all gun control we have in America right now. For perspective, it's easier to get a silencer in Europe than it is in America.
The reason I say it's the worst is because silencers, of all gun accessories, have the most legitimate purpose in terms of all the things we do with guns that aren't murder, like recreational shooting and hunting.
With a silencer, you can shoot without disturbing your neighbors or the environment (wildlife don't like loud noises). They are also a safety concern because you can shoot without ear protection, which is especially important for those around you who may not have their ears on.
They House should focus on “shall not be infringed” and then the ATF would be kneecapped in regards to firearms regulations. While waiting for their little club to be abolished, they can only spend their time harassing citizens over tobacco and booze.
I mean of course we all want this but why wasnt this put forth when we had the house, senate and Trump as president? Putting it forth now with dems in control of senate and WH just makes this a pointless symbolic gesture.
Just getting brownie points. The GOP always grows bigger balls when they have the house and the dems have the Senate.
They bring all these awesome bills, knowing they won't pass the Senate. Then they can blame the dems for the bills not passing.
But when the GOP has the House, Senate, and Presidency, they just stand around with their thumbs up their butts. Because they really don't want change, either.
I mean its great optics, but you have to realize that this shit never happens when the Republicans have the House, Senate and White House. Until then, its just posturing and showboating. But, but....he's bring the issue into the light blah blah.....STOP IT. This issue has been in the light since at least Waco.
Then he is being sacrificed because more people are watching this than ever before. Now is the worst time to promise and not deliver. You either come through or you are exposed.
We should be thankful that these guys use glock switches. Think of the death toll in south Chicago if these were to go away and the shooters could actually hit the broad side of a barn and not run out of ammo in 1.4 seconds.
Up to now, I've been viewing the actions of the House as symbolic.
But it just occurred to me that if they hold the debt ceiling hostage, it might give them some leverage. They could say that the funding for whatever will have to come from what would have funded the dissolved 3 letter agencies.
Well said. I do hope something positive will come of it, if only it is opening eyes of others re. the corrupt ness of Congress, whose members most of the time don’t act in our interest due to blackmail or thirst for money/power.
They are basically state sponsored terrorist organizations.
Then use that money to start adding security guards to schools to stop these wacko shooters.
Man, democrats would not know how to compute.
Defund all three letter agencies that THAT problem will go away.
Exactly stop the wackos instead of terrorizing students
They're false flags/entirely made up. There are probably few "legit" school shootings.
YES!!! we need to abolish most alphabet agencies and alphabet people!
FEMA and DHS too
Funny, when the Republicans hold both houses and the presidency, bills like this seem to dry up and blow away in the wind.
Even though I lost all my guns in a boating accident this still seems like a reasonable piece of legislation.
I don't know why I had 50+ guns on that boat that day, but boy was I upset when I realized I forgot to put the drain plug in and that dang 'ol boat sank in Lake Lanier. Lost forever.
So I am not the only one this has happened to? Phew. That is a relief. I was beginning to think that maybe I should stop boating since clearly my boat captain safety record is abysmal.
That what happens when you keep them all on one side, duh. kek
Obama stole mine and gave them to some Mexicans in Mexico.
Group of illegals took mine. Sonsabitches.
Must be climate change.
Winter vagina
Hate when that happens...
I really like Matt Gaetz, but even if it did pass in the GOP led House of Representatives, it would have to pass in the Democrat led Senate and then Let's Go Brandon would have to sign it. This seems like it is a bridge too far and is only symbolic.
The House of Representatives could vote to withdraw funding the ATF, since the GOP control the spending purse. IMHO, this would have far better chances of passage. It would immediately get the attention of the ATF and return the genie to the bottle.
Why not just withhold money to fund it, like they did 87,000 IRS agents?
Agreed. That's what I just stated.
But why not just defund it?
Keks. We could do this all day.
I agree that they should be defunded but unfortunately have other ways of getting plenty of money (esp the CIA)
When the Soviet Union disbanded the KGB still continued on for years
But why male models? 😗
Exactly. But will they? No.
I don't think Brandon is long for this presidency. Super curious how his removal is all going to go down. Seems like the long knives on the left are out for him so I am hoping it happens soon! But yes, cut the purse strings at a minimum if we don't have our GEOTUS back.
His handlers installed him. That was the first coup d'etat. Now, his handlers have initiated a 2nd coup..... Who will replace him? Kamala Harris? Is she qualifies for the presidency? No.
McCarthy could raise the Constitutional prohibition that at the time of Kamala’s birth, her parents were not U.S. citizens. They were foreign students. At the time of her birth, she was the daughter of non-citizens. This makes her an anchor baby. Neither parent was a legal resident for 5 years prior to Harris’s birth, a requirement for naturalization. She is not eligible to hold the office of president. In addition, Harris was raised in Canada. Does she have Canadian citizenship?
Of course this made her ineligible to be VP but who's tracking?
I agree about the long left knives (I guess they think they want to install Harris) My guess is that the White hats have some clever plan to let the black hats do the dirty work and then come in at the right time or something or another. IDK should be fun to see
Of course, that's what's going to happen.
But why not set the agenda to get the base excited for when we will control all three branches of Govt. fully? (Yes, I know we had it before, but IMHO the timing was not right at that time.)
Who holds the purse strings.
The House of Representatives do.
I think the point is to get the idea out there so that when election fraud is rectified the ground work has been laid
Gaetz, you magnificent bastard. I'm in
The last time the ATF was on the chopping block they phoned up the MSM to film them raiding a compound in Texas as a PR stunt to get public support for their continued existence. That ended with men, women, and children being burned alive.
They are defining a pistol with a support as a short rifle. So hold your pistol extended from one arm . . . it is now a short barreled rifle requiring a stamp??
The 2d amendment didn't give them permission to turn a pistol into a short-barreled rifle.
Have you ever tried to use the most common "pistol braces" for the function they were supposedly designed for? They barely work, lol. And they're ridiculously uncomfortable. It's clear that most "pistol braces" are just stocks with a strap, used 90% of the time as a stock against the shoulder.
They are the very definition of a loophole. And trying to defend that loophole is honestly pathetic.
The real problem is that a short gun with a stock is illegal at all. It's non-sensical.
We should start by trying to get a reasonable compromise that lets anyone with a state-issued concealed carry permit to be able to own SBRs without needing to get a tax stamp for them. And state-issued concealed carry permits should also include rifles (it's annoying as hell that I legally have to go out of my way when transporting my rifle in my truck, but am completely allowed to have a loaded handgun in my cupholder.)
This idea that we shouldn't be allowed to conceal rifles, even if we're licensed to conceal handguns, is bizarre.
The entire run of thousands of pages of regulations is bizarre! ATF, IRS, OSHA, you name it.
Get rid of permits and registry. The citizens should have access to any weapon any law enforcement agency has access to. Enough with the handicap and the monopoly of use of force for the government. Our constitution was framed that way for a reason. They knew weapons would advance, and they knew that eventually we would need them to clear out tyranny.
They also can’t say one day that it is legal and then turn around the next and say that it is not. Plus the whole common use part of the NFA rules out what they are trying to do. They estimate 40 million of these out there which by definition makes it common use.
Save your breath. This is another example of an issue we ought to be on offense with. What you just said isn’t wrong. It is just unnecessary. You shouldn’t even need to get to that point till these fools promoting this answer a single question: What reason is there to regulate short barrel rifles/shotguns differently than non sbr/sbs?
Originally, when the NFA was first passed, the main reason argued for the sbr/sbs rules were because of “concealability” of such weapons. A guy walking down the street might have one under his coat and catch everyone by surprise when he pulls out some heavy duty firepower like the gangsters in NYC, Philly, and Chicago used to do.
Not to say that I am ok with the contemporary arguments at the time of passage. Far from it. But for these purposes, just accept that argument. Fast forward 80 years. I can conceal a glock 17 with a 33 round mag under my coat lawfully in all but full Bolshevik states. Tell me how totally unsafe society is if someone can shave 4 inches off their M4/AR15 barrel and suddenly the public is totally fucked? “My God if this maniac had a 16” barrel instead of 12” all these people would still be alive!” Said nobody ever.
The next question I have for these clowns after answering the last one: What is so different about SBR/SBS that requires separate and overly burdensome applications to be filled out, along with finger prints etc, and an epic year long wait for these guys to stop shooting unarmed women/children and their dogs long enough to process these applications? If an FFL can sell me a 50 cal Barrett, AR10 .308, AK47, glock, sig, s&W etc without having to go through all of the bullshit for SBR/SBS, why do we need this system? What function does it serve other than arbitrary inconvenience?
You know what is a better argument for the handicapped than a stupid brace? The fact that without shorter barrels, they cannot reasonably and effectively use a rifle.
That's literally it. The original intent was for handguns to be restricted as well. The $200 tax stamp at the time was prohibitively expensive, pricing them well beyond the means of most americans. They didn't count on the federal reserve raping the dollar with interest, so these arbitrary inconveniences is designed to make most people not want to bother. The ultimate goal is total gun restriction, which the second amendment forbids, so they have to whittle away at our rights with thousands of tiny cuts. Any gun control is good in their eyes, no matter how arbitrary and frivolous.
ATF rules are not laws.
The verdict from the W.VA vs EPA should essentially make all the agencies that issue rules and regulations as law null and void.
He needs to include language to abolish the entire NFA as well.
Give Matt fourteen years or so and he's going to be ready for a real power position.
Fourteen years? And yet people were ready to have Kari Lake as Trump's VP with no related experience. smh.
I would like to see Gaetz run for Senate and then take McConnell's role.
Abolish the NFA.
Even putting this idea in the public realm of ideas is freaking yuge!
IRS, NSA, CIA, ATF, FBI, DOD, DOJ, and all oversight committees are trash and need to be abolished.
Im ok with going alphabetically
That way they don't miss any.
Where were these bills when RINOs had total majority in 2016-2018?
No reason they should charge a $200 tax stamp just to buy a suppressor. Congress was looking to repeal that, until the fluffer Paul Ryan nixed it after the Vegas ff event. Hilderbeast stated “how many more people would have died if the shooter was using a silencer”.
The silencer shit is probably the worst of all gun control we have in America right now. For perspective, it's easier to get a silencer in Europe than it is in America.
The reason I say it's the worst is because silencers, of all gun accessories, have the most legitimate purpose in terms of all the things we do with guns that aren't murder, like recreational shooting and hunting.
With a silencer, you can shoot without disturbing your neighbors or the environment (wildlife don't like loud noises). They are also a safety concern because you can shoot without ear protection, which is especially important for those around you who may not have their ears on.
I sure hope this guy is legit and can get things done. I like him.
Next they will rule on grips. Any gun that has a place you can hold onto it with your hands will be considered illegal.
"triggers must face backwards"
Repeal the Patriot Act.
They House should focus on “shall not be infringed” and then the ATF would be kneecapped in regards to firearms regulations. While waiting for their little club to be abolished, they can only spend their time harassing citizens over tobacco and booze.
I mean of course we all want this but why wasnt this put forth when we had the house, senate and Trump as president? Putting it forth now with dems in control of senate and WH just makes this a pointless symbolic gesture.
Just getting brownie points. The GOP always grows bigger balls when they have the house and the dems have the Senate.
They bring all these awesome bills, knowing they won't pass the Senate. Then they can blame the dems for the bills not passing.
But when the GOP has the House, Senate, and Presidency, they just stand around with their thumbs up their butts. Because they really don't want change, either.
Well said fren. “It’s just a Cohencidence”
I mean its great optics, but you have to realize that this shit never happens when the Republicans have the House, Senate and White House. Until then, its just posturing and showboating. But, but....he's bring the issue into the light blah blah.....STOP IT. This issue has been in the light since at least Waco.
Then he is being sacrificed because more people are watching this than ever before. Now is the worst time to promise and not deliver. You either come through or you are exposed.
Bring the bill back wheb the Rs have everything again is really the only way I can think of.
Like Obamacare repeal?
Fair enough!
Gay bois go after “pistol” braces but can’t stop joggers with Glock switches … 1986 Machine Gun Ban Was a Parliamentary Scam
We should be thankful that these guys use glock switches. Think of the death toll in south Chicago if these were to go away and the shooters could actually hit the broad side of a barn and not run out of ammo in 1.4 seconds.
I'm afraid it's time.
Long overdue!
Up to now, I've been viewing the actions of the House as symbolic.
But it just occurred to me that if they hold the debt ceiling hostage, it might give them some leverage. They could say that the funding for whatever will have to come from what would have funded the dissolved 3 letter agencies.
Bring the tiger!!!
I'm chubbin up over here... Select fire here we come!!!! 😁😁😁 Crap... I'm gonna need more ammo now!
gesturing not gonna happen I'm sure I'd be happy if so
Conservatives always go big and loud whenever their bills never have a snowball's chance in hell of ever getting signed into law.
But when they have power, they sit meekly around looking at their dicks in their hands and doing fuck all.
Too bad it's D.O.A.
Unfortunately the Senate won’t go for that.
How long have we dealt with illegal elections and corrupt Congress. All talk and no action changes nothing my friend.
Well said. I do hope something positive will come of it, if only it is opening eyes of others re. the corrupt ness of Congress, whose members most of the time don’t act in our interest due to blackmail or thirst for money/power.