My daughter plays college volleyball and we had a playoff game in Toronto against a much larger college that has a trans bio male playing on their team. He jumps twice as high and hits twice as hard as any girl in the league. They set him 8/10 plays the first two games and just demoralized our players. Watching him prance around in his pink shoes celebrating and getting hugs from his teammates after every point was making my blood boil.
I gave my daughter a pep talk and said he is a mental case and if you can get him shaken he will meltdown as I know he has to be mentally weak. Start of game 3 I started shouting and cheering even louder and she blocked his next three spike attempts and he had a complete emotional meltdown as predicted. Stomping his feet like an 8 year old. That was the start of an amazing come back to win 3 games to 2 and put them out of the playoffs. A parent from the other team and I almost got into a fight over my boisterous cheers and I told him to kiss my ass. At the end of the match I told him "Now that was some poetic social justice right there. I guess you all will have to recruit more guys next year if you want to win." Felt so good! My daughter and her teammates were all tears after the match as they knew they had overcome long odds for the win.
Bravo. Many think this war is about men, but really it is against woman; wait to woman become fully cognizant about the abyss they are being marched into. That is when the tide turns, and we will again be able to celebrate woman and the creation of life.
You see how the Women’s rights activists are coming out against trans men playing on a women’s team? They aren’t. That just goes to show that the all are liars and hypocrits.
Those cretins NEVER WERE about women. Frauds trying to decouple us all from God
The left eventually eat their own, always! It’s just a matter of time and the feminist movement is no different. 🤷🏼♀️
Professional virtue signaling
Beautifully said <3
She probably whispered "you'll never be a woman" in his ear during one of the spike blocks.
I honestly thought I might get kicked out for how hard I was jeering the fake woman but I didn't care and it seemed to help get him to lose his shit. After that he hit in the net or out of bounds trying too hard.
One of my friends is transitioning right now. Their posts are constant virtue signaling looking for affirmation. Guess he’s trying to replace what he never got from his dad. It’s very sad to see.
I am giving them the benefit of the doubt for now. He’s a genuinely nice person and the mentally ill need friends too.
Well koodos to you I would have ghosted the weirdo.
Keep Playing ""Lets Pretend"" with your Friend, and YOU are not an actual Friend to him, you're just feeding his insanity, and it's the same as being s drug pusher, pretending to be friends with an addict who is trying to get clean....
Keep going, but in the end....
I’m not pretending at all. Just the other day we were talking about how people build fake Ferrari kit cars. At the end of the day they aren’t super cars and just a mutilated donor car with some accessories bolted on.
It’s tough work as he’s built up a sizable harem of women who have long since friend zoned him trying to help him find his real happiness.
Since I am Rarely at a loss for words, I'll let one of my favorite scenes say it for me....
Modern Problems....
Modern Solutions....
Oooh, what did you say and did any other parents on y’alls side join in once they heard what you were saying?
Every time we blocked him or he made an error I made a huge deal of it saying "WOOOOOOOO!!! He chokes again! Awwwww don't cry buddy... Other parents said you feel like a big man picking on a bunch of girls? I laughed and said you can think they are all girls but that doesn't make it true. and they all got mad and I told them to kiss my ass and just got louder. I def got in his head.
And yes she hollered right in his face through the net each time. "You Can't Intimidate Me!!!"
Or start singing "Dude looks like a lady".
Ya next time bring a stereo and blast that song during the game
Or if you wanna be totally on the nose about it, Faggot by MSI lol (though I think their singer is pretty cool).
just looked that up. omg is this what passes for music these days? bloody hell.
Also Wikipedia says this guy groomed and shagged a 15 y/o...I know Wikip isn't to be trusted but if any of that is true that's not someone to be thinking is "cool"....:/
Fuck, just found what you're talking about. I definitely wouldn't doubt it, I always thought the song Never Wanted to Dance was lowkey about him being molested as a child and it does seem like that stuff is highly cyclical (not making excuses, just reasoning why I moreso believe the accusation on my immediate reaction).
Cant say I'm not used to my former favorite bands turning out to be massive pieces of shit though unfortunately.
true, Rage against the machine and Offspring come to mind :(
Aw man I hope that's not true =( Not a band that I'd ever done any research into aside from watching some interviews way back in the day, like 2010. I'm definitely curious enough to look into it though.
I used to listen to that band kek
Or Lola
OR you'll never get laid ever again.
lol that would have f'ed him up for sure.
Good coaching, dad. The mental game becomes clear once they put a mental case on the court. Cruel, but only because they are asking for it.
Hmmm. It’s time to start smack talking these trannies… “Oh your period got you down today?” “Boobs in the way?” “Don’t get knocked up, it will end your season” “Need a tampon for your ass?” “Awww how cute, the boy wants to come play with the girls.” “A new patsy ladies. Probably a wife beater later too”
Dude I wanna party with you at the roller rink
GOOD for her !!
So proud of her and her teammates.
A parent from the other team and I almost got into a fight over my boisterous cheers and I told him to kiss my ass. At the end of the match I told him ”Now that was some poetic social justice right there. I guess you all will have to recruit more guys next year if you want to win."
Awesome story. Would have loved to have seen this and been obnoxiously cheering next to you.
I'm a big believer in allowing people to do stupid shit as long as they're not hurting anyone else (and they're an adult) because it's ultimately their life and I want to live in a society where people are allowed to do what they want. But there are few things more pathetic than biological males joining women's sports teams. Utterly disgusts me.
I am the same mind set. Do whatever stupid shit you want to yourself but leave my daughter's teams and kids out of it cuz now it affects others rights. I would have been pissed too if I was a parent of a player on the other team riding the bench while the tranny plays.
This too!☝🏻 Not only does it matter to the opposing team, but he’s also taking a girls spot on his own team. Same song and dance as the runners and swimmers that come in behind a tranny, but would have placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc, if the school hadn’t allowed a man to participate on a girls team. Such a shame because that can make or break a girls scholarship. The Mama bear in me gets fired up thinking about it! 😡
Exactly. These young women spend years training and dreaming to be great at the sport they love. Every time a biological male takes a woman's spot in high school or college, a young woman's dream has DIED.
Congratulations to you and your daughter. Great going Dad!
YES!!! Congratulations to your daughter’s team! You inspired your daughter and her team, and showed them how to be productive and strong WOMEN.
As the t-shirt that I had made says, “REAL women...aren’t men”. I wear this shirt proudly, and I am in the Toronto area.
I am so happy for your daughter. And you, parent, are AWESOME. What a way to turn this around! This transvestite and eunuch crap has to be re-relegated back to jokes, comedy sketches, and burlesque shows only.
Congrats! Hope to be a dad like you some day! (Im early 30s, just haven’t had a child yet).
Get after it, young man! Find a based young woman (church is a good place, if you are so inclined) and get started. Mrs. Dark Heart and I got started in our mid-thirties and that was nearly too late.
Dang right! Good start in stopping this perverse mentality!
Over the past 2 years or so I've gotten into the sport of armwrestling and there is an example of this where a biological female champion beats a man who identifies as a woman.
haha thats fucked up retarded.
This might be part of the "I'm a woman" play. They are caricatures.
Nicely played anon. They are ALL mentally ill.
Unfortunately, this is not something that can be done in individual sports like swimming. No one can hear you cheering when they are swimming in the water as we all know.
Wow, this needs to become a team strategy because, you are right, they can't hold up mentally or emotionally under any kind of intimidation. Great job!!!
You see, all it takes to be a woman is a pair of fake tits.
A fake woman who can’t hack real life. I say send them ALL to the front lines in wars.
Technically a contender for mainstream media "woman of the year" award.
Still a man
I joke, I joke. Making fun of the narrative. I get it.
AWESOME!!! Which school, so I can keep track?
You asking him to dox himself?
Could be this?
Did a Brave search on 'Feb 18, 2023 college women's volleyball playoffs Toronto'
No Durham is Toronto ish but the team with the tranny is George Brown College.
Thanks. It's a shame young women are having to contend with this ludicrous tranny BS. On another note, I recently watched a college female hockey game that a young (distant) cousin was playing in and truly enjoyed seeing these young players in action. As you get older you see things through a different perspective and I see team playing, focus, energy, hard-earned skills from training, etc. Team sports are important for young people. Best of luck to your daughter.
That's effing awesome! Thanks for the story.
Praise God!!!
More Power To You, and any who supported you in this!
For your girls' team to beat a team with a male on it makes them more than champions ; So these Apologetix songs are for you: We Will Walk Through / More Than Champions
teams need to instantly forfeit and not play when this happens. maybe the message will get across loud and clear to the other players, the trannie and people in attendance.
Don't "play" by their rules. Just say NO! Don't even get on the field. By "playing" against a team with a trans male they are consenting to the madness.
exactly. Starting the game legitimizes the trans athlete whether you agree with them or not. you consent and agreed okay thats a trans lets do this game knowing full well its a clown world and unfair advantage.
the best way to counter this is to not join the circus. walk away.
Well said! Essentially it's allowing the enemy to define the battlefield.
I have been saying this. Just walk out and refuse to play. Or turn your back.
I missed the part of the helicopter ride
Thats awesome, good for you, your daughter and her teammates!!
Damn shame they have to compete against grown men. This shit has to stop.
Wow! I so 💖 this! You nailed it. 🐸
Why don't they just have a third division--the trans division? But they don't, so that leads me to believe that it is a war against women.
GREAT story! Thank you for sharing. "Trans women" are men and they all seem to be misogynists. Good for you and your daughter. I hope she keeps that fire.
10/10 would read post again
Hearing this story made me happy.... thanks for sharing it. You're a good dad. We need you and many more like you.
Great to hear !
Good job, Coach!
I believe the following strategy would put a stop to this nonsense: Once a woman's team knows there's a trans bio male playing on the other team REFUSE to get on the field. REFUSE to play! By playing in the first place the women are consenting to the insanity. Don't consent by "playing". JUST SAY NO!!!!
Father of the Year! The very definition of BASED!! You, sir are my hero. Coaching is your forte in whatever form it’s needed. I’m sending you one shiny brand new “Worlds Greatest Dad” coffee mug
That's very kind of you. I have 4 and have tried my best to do the same with all of them. They are all successful adults in what they do. My daughter was written up in our local paper as player of the game.