My wife just rushed to hospital, resting heart rate at 130, red skin, out of breath, misremembering things and stumbling. We’re both unvaxxed and under 35. I’m home watching our son, trying not to freak the fuck out! Any prayers or words of comfort are appreciated; this woman is my entire world, I’m scared shitless and don’t know what to do and have no where else to turn….I just want help. We’ve tried so hard to push through all the bullshit but now this happens—I’m so close to breaking frens, help me please.
Update: still in hospital. CTs, MRI, EKG, US all negative for any clots or embolisms. Doctors still aren’t sure what’s causing it- best working guess so far is POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) which is an excessively reduced amount of blood returning to the heart when moving from laying to sitting to standing. BP and heart rate still spiking anytime she has to get up. Pumping fluids and electrolytes and looking into starting a beta blocker until her OBGYN can assess hormone levels. Heart monitor hooked up for next cpl weeks. Home/bed rest until then. Not a whole lot of info or treatment for it so we just have to wait and see for now.
Lord, this is an emergency request to save Shad Fren's wife from whatever has happened to her. We have no idea if it's an allergic reaction to an environmental or ingested substance, or some other bizarre affliction, but in any case, we want you to please send the emergency healing and protection of the strongest of your angels. We ask in your name, Amen!
Praying in agreement!!
God please care for this woman in need and heal her.
In your son's name Jesus Christ
Thank you fren. I’m trying to stay positive and keep faith, your support is greatly appreciated.
Please know we are praying for your wife and you. WWG1WGA God Bless
How did she do overnight Fren?
Prayers sent.
God Bless.
still in hospital (should be out this afternoon). CTs, MRI, EKG, US all negative for any clots or embolisms. Doctors still aren’t sure what’s causing it- best working guess so far is POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) which is an excessively reduced amount of blood returning to the heart when moving from laying to sitting to standing. BP and heart rate still spiking anytime she has to get up. Pumping fluids and electrolytes and looking into starting a beta blocker until her OBGYN can assess hormone levels. Heart monitor hooked up for next cpl weeks. Home/bed rest until then. Not a whole lot of info or treatment for it so we just have to wait and see for now. Thank you for the prayer and support fren! I know they’ve helped.
I'm thankful she's getting discharged and that they are working to sort this out.
Hope they look at thyroid levels, potassium and iron levels.
God Bless.
I'm so sorry for your situation. How long ago did your wife give birth?
Please have a FULL THYROID PANEL (not partial, you must demand it) done with the blood draw first thing in the morning while in a fasting state. THIS IS CRUCIAL.
Also administer Natural Calm magnesium immediately and repeat several times a day. A good B vitamin complex will help too. BIO-IDENTICAL PROGESTERONE may be needed.
Prayers up and keep us posted🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hope all works out.
I'm so sorry to hear this and I will pray right now for you, your wife and son. God be with you all.
Thank you fren. It is greatly appreciated
Fren, what is your wife's first name? You can be sure that they have calmed her heart rate down. It sounds like a not uncommon rapid heartbeat thing maybe combined with an anxiety attack. That fast heartbeat has anxiety as a symptom. The right med does control this in people. Can someone come watch your son so that you can go to the hospital ? It is great news that you are both unvaxxed. Expect a peaceful and good outcome, I think you'll get reassuring news very soon. You are both in my prayers.
Rachel is her name. She has been fighting anxiety for a long time and lately it just seems to be catching up to us, lots of other personal/family struggles recently, I’m hoping that is all it is but I’ve never seen like she was. We don’t rally have any family close by and no real friends- her mother drove down and took her and will swap with me soon if she’s not better.
I had my first panic attack at about this age. My heart rate was 180. Stress does some crazy stuff. Try not to worry. Does her mom have a smart phone? Perhaps you could do a zoom call and check in. Let her know all is well at home, your son is resting peaceably and just her know you love her. You'll get a better feel for how she is doing and perhaps you'll feel better. If you can't concentrate or have nervous energy, put that energy to use doing small things that would reduce her stress when she comes home. Do dishes, pick up the toys or throw a load of laundry in. Exercise! Many prayers for you and your family as you move through this difficult time.
Thank you fren, I actually did just that bc I didn’t know what else to do: laundry, toys, dishes and trash, idk why but it did seem to help, if only to take my mind away for a moment. They just did a CT scan to check for an embolism after a recent procedure she had. Just waiting now. Thank you for your time and kind support.
I understand you on the addiction from fear of failure/preemptive refusal to try. Luckily she’s always been better in that regard, but we both def have to clean up our diets and minds. I will look into those supplements you mentioned. Thank you fren.
Update: she’s still in hospital (should be out this afternoon). CTs, MRI, EKG, US all negative for any clots or embolisms. Doctors still aren’t sure what’s causing it- best working guess so far is POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) which is an excessively reduced amount of blood returning to the heart when moving from laying to sitting to standing. BP and heart rate still spiking anytime she has to get up. Pumping fluids and electrolytes and looking into starting a beta blocker until her OBGYN can assess hormone levels. Heart monitor hooked up for next cpl weeks. Home/bed rest until then. Not a whole lot of info or treatment for it so we just have to wait and see for now
Yeah 130 is not bad. My dad fainted and his heart rate was 170 when EMT’s made it there. It was shortly after a vaccine but definitely not related. Also it’s been awhile, what is the status? Sending positive vibes fren.
Yea that in its own wouldn’t really have worries me, it was the whole combo of symptoms that threw me for a loop. It has spiked a few times up 170 just from her trying to walk across the hospital room to the bathroom, scary.
Update: she’s still in hospital (should be out this afternoon). CTs, MRI, EKG, US all negative for any clots or embolisms. Doctors still aren’t sure what’s causing it- best working guess so far is POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) which is an excessively reduced amount of blood returning to the heart when moving from laying to sitting to standing. BP and heart rate still spiking anytime she has to get up. Pumping fluids and electrolytes and looking into starting a beta blocker until her OBGYN can assess hormone levels. Heart monitor hooked up for next cpl weeks. Home/bed rest until then. Not a whole lot of info or treatment for it so we just have to wait and see for now
So sorry. How frightening. Please get The Mood Cure book. You can help her so much with the amino acids. Speaking from experience!! Meds the establishment put her on if so are not the lifetime answer. Also get the low dose Lithium Orotate mineral supplement. Again, from experience. All this to get control over spiraling emotions. Once upon a time I was pretty much nuts from sweeping panic sttacks and anxiety. No more, and no prescriptions either.
If she’s struggled with anxiety for a long time, you should consider mycotoxins/metals/chemicals as a root cause contributor along with parasites. It’s common for people to suddenly develop psychological issues after being exposed to these substances, having no prior mental health issues. Psychological issues cannot be separated from physiology, and parasites and toxins are notorious for altering the mental state.
Actions you can take are finding a doctor who can order you a total tox burden Panel from Vibrant wellness labs that measures these toxins. Then get on a protocol with a doctor that knows how to detox pains, pathogens, emotions, energies, and traumas.
2 doctors that do this very well are Dr. George Stanton of Prairie Sage Health and Dr. Jaban Moore of Redefining Wellness Center. Also look in Cellcore Biosciences and Microbe Formulas supplement line. They are designed for detox and parasite eradication.
O Heavenly Father - Please give this poor woman the power to recover and heal from this acute event, and give her the strength and touch of Your eternal love. Also please help this family find Your healing grace and strength to withstand this storm. Amen
God bless you, fren. Hang in there
Excelsior indeed fren. Thank you, this means more to me than you’d think.
Amen! 🙌
Omg fren! So sorry. You got this!!! You have to.....for your little one!!! But you do got this. Dig deep. I've been thru something similar when my husband was attacked w a hammer to the head by a psycho while in another state and I had our daughter at home and just found I was pregnant again. Thought I was gonna fucking LOSE IT!! dear God, please watch this family and may your strength be upon them for healing!!!!! May your healing touch heal this wonderful woman!
Thank you fren, you help more than you know. I just put the lil man to bed and am trying to not to pace around the house- I hate the waiting and inaction but don’t know what to do. Trying to have faith but that’s been hard for me lately and I’m struggling. Thank you for your time and kindness!
Of course fren! Damn that takes me back to 5 yrs ago.....I put our then almost 4 yr old to bed and just sat on the edge of the bed waiting for the nurse to call ne back and let me now the ambulance made it thru the mountain drive and he was alive. Was f'n torture. I sorry dude!!!! We are here. Doesn't help much given that we are not you or your lady right now but dang.....sayin a little prayer for yall for sure. Have u found out any info of what this could be? And hey....great job on handling up and being a GREAT DAD!!!!!
Just the faith the size of a mustard seed (which is tiny) is enough for our God to use and multiply. Hold on to Jesus. He is with you in the valley. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want He make the me lie down in green pastures He leads me beside still waters He renews my soul He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His names sake Yay thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil, for You are with me Your Rod and your staff, they comfort me You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies You anoint my head with oil, my cup runners over Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, And I shall dwell in Your house (of the Lord) forever Amen
I’m trying to rebuild that relationship, this has opened my eyes a bit. Well, it’s a good thing a seed is enoigh bc my faith has diminished to that size over the years, I’ve sworn though to replant that seed and try my best to foster growth there. Time will tell, but I feel that my heart is open in a way that it has not been in quite some time.
Could be dehydrated!! Praying this is the answer.
That’s what I’m hoping, she’s had panic/anxiety attacks before but I’ve never seen her like this. Both of us were scared as hell. I’m trying to stay positive but my brain always goes to worst case scenario and I’m freaking the F out.
Oh jeez. Yes. I can't believe I did not remember and mention that. Dehydration is responsible for so much more than people think! And really one is supposed to put a wee pinch of salt in their big glasses of water.
Praying for you please stay strong for her. Encourage her help her stay strong and positive. She will get thru this.
I’m trying, just feel like a dick bc we both lashed out at eachother in our fear before she left and I’m terrified that if something happens. Trying to get the closest family member to come watch our son so I can go to hosp. You’re encouragement is appreciated
People recognize that stress makes that happen though.
Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
I’m trying to e believe this fren, I’m just struggling so much. I know I’ve strayed too far and am terrified something will happen to her and that I’m not GOOD enough to deserve His help. one on the face of the earth is "good enough" ...
...God offers salvation through the shed blood of his son Jesus as a gift...
...all you need to do is to ask for it....
Dear Lord Jesus, I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior
In your name Jesus, I ask these things,
I’ve been on my knees praying and begging for 30min. I just put as much energy as I could into those words. I know I’ve strayed so very far, but in my heart of hearts I try to be good. I just hope He sees and knows and that she has help, idc about me, I just want her to be ok and my son to have his beautiful mother. With everything I have: please Lord, have mercy and help her!
God has heard your prayers.
Just ask God that his will be done, and rest assured that your prayers will be answered...
Rest quietly and wait for the Holy Spirit to speak to your troubled heart, He is always present to bring comfort to the children of God...
Psalm 34:18;
New International Version
18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 139:7-8
New International Version
7 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
I truly hope you are right. THANK you for the time and support you’ve given me, I don’t even feel worthy of that but I sincerely thank you fren.
God loves you, never doubt that.
Thank you Ash, trying not to. Im going to work on rebuilding that relationship with Him and hopefully remind myself.
Update: she’s still in hospital (should be out this afternoon). CTs, MRI, EKG, US all negative for any clots or embolisms. Doctors still aren’t sure what’s causing it- best working guess so far is POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) which is an excessively reduced amount of blood returning to the heart when moving from laying to sitting to standing. BP and heart rate still spiking anytime she has to get up. Pumping fluids and electrolytes and looking into starting a beta blocker until her OBGYN can assess hormone levels. Heart monitor hooked up for next cpl weeks. Home/bed rest until then. Not a whole lot of info or treatment for it so we just have to wait and see for now
Lord I am not worthy, but say the word and my soul will be healed.
Our Father loves us as we are, not as we should be.
We are His Beloved Children.
Dear Lord, please provide a blanket of comfort and safety around @ShadiLayMeDown and his family.
Prayers for your wife, and for you and your son, fren. Keep us posted.
Thank you brother. I’ll update. Just waiting and trying not to pull my hair out atm.
Will pray for you, bro 🙏
Get down to the hospital though your wife needs you at her side!
Trying to brother, tough with no one close to help. Thank you!
Take your kid to the hospital. You mentioned that nobody else around, so I would imagine she could use the support. Plus you need to make sure they don't ...She will heal twice as quickly!
🙏 I'll light a candle for her.
Thank you fren. I appreciate you
You're in the right place fren. She's going to be okay.
I hope so, idk what I’d do otherwise…
Prayers going up for you and your wife, brother
Thank you brother, I feel lost now and the support from this community always surprises me.
Fren, what a trying situation for you to be facing. I don't know if you know Jesus, but if you don't, this would be a very good time to meet Him. PRAY! Ask Him for healing for your wife and peace and calm for you and your son. Get on your knees and humble yourself before God and ask Him to give you the strength to face this and to be with you as you deal with it.
I'm not a medical person, but it sounds like she had a reaction to something - maybe a severe allergic reaction. I have already prayed and will continue praying for your family in this situation. I pray that the doctors will quickly identify what is wrong and be able to treat it successfully, and that you are able to remain calm and collected for your sake, your son's sake and your wife's sake. Bless you fren, we will all continue to pray, I'm sure. This is a great group of believers. Please keep us posted on her progress and if you can, surround yourself with some people who love you and will support you, not further stress you out. Take care.
Thank you so much fren. I’m trying. I’ve strayed so far over the years, I’m trying to keep the faith but the constant barrage of shit we’ve had has pushed us to our limit. I know it is precisely times like THESE that we need HIM the most, I’m just such a struggling sinner that I don’t feel worthy of his help, which terrifies me even more…
You ARE worthy, you were included in the list of people He died for, willingly, as a plan, and He already knew everything you would do. He WANTS you to turn to Him so it will be worth the sacrifice.
I hope you’re right. I swear I’ll turn my soul around and open my heart to Him, I just want her to be ok. I’ve been so confused, angry, lost and bitter for so long, but the one constant that has kept me grounded in goodness, for the sake of goodness, has been HER. Our family is everything to me, and im not strong enough to carry on in this bullshit without her.
This is exactly why you need a strong friend, the strongest, and if you can work out your own problems it will be the best thing you can do for your wife in the long run. Maybe the short run too. I think the prayer you are looking for is "help, help, help," without conditions. It's a valid prayer, has often worked for me. Praying for your peace.
All of you frens have given me more strength than you realize. I did, I prayed with everything I have and by the end, that’s all it was: help, help, help. I have a sense of calm slowly coming over me but don’t know if that’s just bc I’m cried out and emotions are fried, but I’m going to meditate on it and pray more until I hear more news. Thank you fren, from the bottom of my heart.
I'm glad to hear that. I'm sure we all prayed that God cloaks you in His peace. As terrifying as it all is, please try to remember Romans 8:28. "All " things work to good for those who love the Lord. All things. We might not see the good in the immediate moment, but we will eventually. Blessings to you, fren.
No one is worthy. Accept God’s grace. It may sound silly, but humbling yourself on your knees and praying aloud to God is powerful.
Darlin', none of us are worthy. That's the whole point. Jesus came to us, when we 'were yet sinners.' And He willingly went through a torturous death for you and me, and for everybody. His sacrifice is too precious not to receive. Don't spend a minute worrying that you are not worthy. He believes you are and that's why He did what He did. Don't make His suffering for nothing.
I have literally shed tears over this. I can imagine how you have felt, the terror, the unknown. I can understand how you feel and it moves me. Now, God understands how you feel so much better than I do. He will be with you if you let Him. Lean on Him for everything. I know you said your wife and your family are everything to you. I understand that. I do. But now it's time to let God be your everything. Lean on Him and expect Him to hold you upright. I'll certainly keep praying.
Thank you so much fren. I have to admit that a calming presence came over me Tuesday night, yesterday was busy and stressful but I’m aware of an underlying calmness I don’t usually feel. I’ve made a promise to mediate and focus on this more and try to rebuild my relationship with Him. Thank you for your very kind words of support and empathy, I got emotional again reading your reply (and others), I’m always amazed by the community we have here and I appreciate you gobby.
Update: still in hospital (should go home this afternoon) CTs, MRI, EKG, US all negative for any clots or embolisms. Doctors still aren’t sure what’s causing it- best working guess so far is POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) which is an excessively reduced amount of blood returning to the heart when moving from laying to sitting to standing. BP and heart rate still spiking anytime she has to get up. Pumping fluids and electrolytes and looking into starting a beta blocker until her OBGYN can assess hormone levels. Heart monitor hooked up for next cpl weeks. Home/bed rest until then. Not a whole lot of info or treatment for it so we just have to wait and see for now.
I signed in today to see if you had posted an update and I saw your new thread. I'm glad that at least they know some things it is not. The POTS you mentioned seems so strange. Why wouldn't she have had signs of that prior to this point in her life? I don't know. Perhaps that's not an unusual thing to develop as an adult. I will continue to pray for all of you. And I am so pleased to hear about your new sense of calm. It IS real. I can so distinctly remember an absolute calm descending over me when I had to go to the emergency room during the whole covid thing. I wasn't allowed to have anybody with me and I had to make decisions about emergency surgery. I felt so calm and collected (if you knew me, you'd know that is not my usual state, lol.) I had such a sense of peace. It was like an actual hum. I will never forget that. I know it was God watching over me and allowing me to feel His presence. I would like that for you, too. And your wife and son.
I do hope the doctors will get to the bottom of this quickly. Perhaps it is the POTS, perhaps it is not. I will pray they are enlightened about the actual cause and will be able to treat it successfully. Take care, ShadiLayMeDown. You have a lot on your shoulders right now, but you also have help in a way you had nearly forgotten. I'm glad He is back in your consciousness.
The doctors says although the syndrome is uncommon, when it does manifest it commonly develops after a pregnancy or surgery or trauma…and she had a miscarriage/surgery inFeb. So idk, but may at least be moving towards answers. Thank you fren.
Oh, I'm so sorry you had to deal with a miscarriage as well! And so recently. But now it makes more sense that perhaps it really is POTS. Thanks for taking the time. I will keep praying for all of you.
Prayer given now.
Dear father in heaven, In Jesus name we approach your throne to thank you for healing your daughter. We thank you for bringing peace and comfort to her family and we thank you for always being there for us as our most trusted defender.
Prayers for you, your wife and your little one!
I am praying for your family .
Sounds like dehydration, or acute infection
Allergic reaction also a possibility..
Have faith and verify any substance given to her
Praying for you, fren. Trusting in God's love for you and your family. Have faith in that. These verses came to mind for you:
But Joseph replied, “Do not be afraid. Am I in the place of God? As for you, what you intended against me for evil, God intended for good...Therefore do not be afraid. I will provide for you and your little ones.” So Joseph reassured his brothers and spoke kindly to them. (Gen. 50:19-21)
Prayers for healing for your wife and strength for you. 🙏 Dear Lord, please heal OP's beloved wife, Rachel, and guide her medical care givers to treat her with the utmost integrity and expert care. Please calm our OP's nerves and strengthen him to keep a clear mind and positive attitude. Lord, we ask that You heal this beloved woman and unite this family in fine health as they walk the path of their lives together with their young son. We thank You, Lord, for all Your many blessings and for answering our prayers. In Jesus' loving name. 🙏✝️
Thank you so much. I truly appreciate your kind prayers and support
It's my honor to pray for you, your beloved wife Rachel and all others in need of our mighty Lord, especially during times of turmoil.
Breathe, friend, deep and slow, calm yourself and keep focused on God as you pray. It's been my experience that He hears every word we speak, but we need to listen. Know that He's with us. God bless you and your family.
Amen, thank you.
Thank you fren, this has been a learning experience in more ways than one. I’m going to work on focusing and trying to listen to Him. I need to rebuild that faith but I feel my heart open in a way that it has not been in a very long time. I’m optimistic. Love and support from brothers and sisters like you is appreciated so very much.
Update: she’s still in hospital (should be out this afternoon). CTs, MRI, EKG, US all negative for any clots or embolisms. Doctors still aren’t sure what’s causing it- best working guess so far is POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) which is an excessively reduced amount of blood returning to the heart when moving from laying to sitting to standing. BP and heart rate still spiking anytime she has to get up. Pumping fluids and electrolytes and looking into starting a beta blocker until her OBGYN can assess hormone levels. Heart monitor hooked up for next cpl weeks. Home/bed rest until then. Not a whole lot of info or treatment for it so we just have to wait and see for now
Thanks for the update. Thank God she's stabilized, being monitored and on the mend. Between working with the medical staff and researching on your own you'll figure this out. The preliminary diagnosis seems fairly promising as well (though I'm not in the medical field). Breathe easy, focus on your wife's healing, your calm strength and your son's needs.
None of us were given lessons on what life will be throwing at us; we just do our best, learn and grow. God is with us all, all the time though we may not understand how when we go through tribulations or losses. He wants us to draw close to Him just as any father would want their child to. I think you've got a good perspective on this going forward. Good luck with juggling child care, house chores and care of your spouse, among your normal activities. You've got this, anon. 👍
Prayers, fren +++
Electrolyte imbalances... dehydration... medications... alcohol or benzo withdrawal... other possibilities... you have my prayers fren
Jesus be with the wife/mother right now and heal her quickly. I pray peace and strength to husband and child tonight and bring a swift answer to your children Dear Father
Prayers sent!
My prayers are with you and your family
Sounds almost like a panic attack, I struggled with those for a time.
prayers out.
This is allergy season and her symptoms elevated heart rate, breathing difficulties and skin flush could be a reaction. That's no explanation for the memory problems though. You say she was rushed to the hospital. Was she able to drive? Be strong for your boy he needs you too.
Neighbor took her, trying to get her mother to come down and watch our son so I can go to hosp. I’m trying, just probably or doing a very good job
We’re here for you and Rachel… and ask God’s Mighty Hand to protect you both and your child.
Anxiety can make you feel like you’re having a heart attack or stoke or any one of a million things… and you get scared and that makes it worse.
Been there.
As hard as it may be… be still and let God work his blessings. Be strong in Him.
Prayer warriors have been called and prayers are being lifted for y’all
Lord please take this lovely woman into your hands and ease her suffering and return her safe to her loving family. Amen In my prayers tonight my friend from England