What if...............he's there to get the more "moderate" dems to be open to his ideas, under the guise of "hey, maybe a Kennedy can beat the evil Drumpf", and so they accidentally hear about and maybe even rally around anti-vax, anti-big government and other ideas they would never entertain from our side.....and then after he beats the crap out of everyone in the Dem debates and is the frontrunner, he ends up being Trump's VP nominee....
Kennedy is absolutely a spoiler candidate and unlikely to have chance at winning the primary. But, as you state he will absolutely be dropping truth bombs. It is truly a shame his voice so bad as he can often be unintelligible when he speaks. He is a "classic liberal", one who is open to ideas and discussion on them without censure. That is anathema to the Jacobin/Marxists who've taken over the organized left now. It's also why some leftist podcasters (Bret Weinstein, Jimmy Dore, et al) sound more like conservatives than Democrats.
I grew up with a lot of those classic liberals - they were ok.
This new strain should have been shunned by the DNC but now it has taken over the DNC.
I remember on The_Donald being surprised at how many Bernie bros became strong Trump supporters after Donna Brazile stole the nomination for Hillary. It makes sense tho. They never should have been following Bernie in the first place - he's a sell out.
Classic liberals cared about the country and state of the people in it overall. Did not agree with many of their proposed solutions but never thought they were all in on the outright destruction of institutions and the country. We saw all that go out the window with the recent summer of love riots. What was once on the fringes was rolled out nationally.
They think they have enough horsepower to push this thru and they do if we let them. What you do to push back will take different forms with everyone who does so and that's what makes it so powerful. Instead of coordinated groups it's totally random forms of opposition. Remember when riots are staged that's the battlefield they want you to fight on. Be a doer but not a joiner.
And the easiest way to be a doer is to downshift & limit your consumption of new goods. Starve the beast of income. Some new goods are worth buying but most aren't. Teach yourself to discern what actual value vs. veneer is -
Repair what's broken do not replace
Buy used items whenever possible and use them up
Buy used clothes from thrifts, tailor to fit you
Buy new clothes from work wear brands (they last), tailor to fit you
Invest in high quality shoes/boots (they last) and take care of them
Have local water sources (stream, lake, pond) tested for contaminants
Learn to cook and with that you will learn how to grocery shop
The Clintons used Perot to fracture the conservative vote. They wanted to use Trump to fracture/pervert the conservative vote but that (it seems) spectacularly backfired.
I see absolutely no reason why Trump and his fellow conspirators would not do exactly the same thing to the Democrats.
He loses the nomination but beleagors Biden and causes him to spend a bunch of money on his campaign, and then hey presto Trump announces that he has selected Kennedy as his VP.
Trump does every thing by the book which means even if the military stops the cheating like they did in 2016, he still has to win legitimately. While, in a fair election, I think he could do it blindfolded while hiding in the room he stores his declassified files in (since he doesn’t have a basement,) adding a dem to the ticket would be an incredible move of showing peace and harmony and building a massive landslide.
Most GOP were not. But if you think Kennedy wants to be Trump's running mate, he's going to have to become a Republican. I know a lot of people hope Trump will start a third party but at least up to now, there's not the slightest hint he would do that. Not even in the face of their transparent and continued efforts to help the Biden steal.
People forget it was the leftist Dems who opposed vaccines long before they embraced them for Covid control.
A new Unity Party to beat the existing UniParty. A real one, that represents the concerns of actual Americans.
I used to think Kennedy was a hippie crackpot weirdo. But that was a long time ago. For the last 5+ years I have found him to be really solid on his direction, his focus on truth and getting to the actual science, etc.
And for the hero worshipper/boot licker types, the fact he's a Kennedy is a nonzero advantage. Some people really care about that shit.
The biggest issue with Kennedy is his dysphonia (weak/squeaky voice). It really hurts his ability to nail a public speech like his Father or Uncle could do.
I completely agree. I think the idea of him being a crackpot was planted by TPTB when they were more, shall we say, subtle. (His $290M win against Monsanto (Bayer) is probably a sore spot.) The mockingbird are out in full force, trying to paint him as a freak but he is no dummy.
I have had this exact thought. That I fell for it, back in the day (the fake nooz story on him). The Rockefeller-ian "Medicine" Industrial Complex rolls heavy and deep. And has done so for 120+ years.
It makes me sad to say, but this tweet tells me he will have a hard time appealing to today’s Democrat voters. Look at how quickly and easily Dem voters were flipped from being the anti-war party to becoming pro-war advocates. It will not be easy to convince the virtue signalers that Ukraine was a major mistake.
But, the biggest problem is his writing style. It is too complex to hold a modern Dem voters attention. And, with the MSM running interference for the Establishment pick, he is going to have to find a way to get and hold these voters attention.
I think you’re right RFK JR does not get the likes on instagram and facebook. That’s all these people care about. That Bud Light tranny has 1.7M followers on instagram for example.
The precipice is going to have to be extremely bad to flip young people.
Look at the spouses...his wife is still connected to a lot of liberal Hollywood gross people. If RFK Jr really was as MAGA as we're being led to believe then she would have been shunned/expelled by now. They are all still friends.
Larry David would have declared war against the couple if RFK Jr was in any way detrimental to his objectives. Larry is still a friend. That's all I need to know.
When I first heard he was running for 2024, I was irritated. Why would he run against Trump? And then I remembered that he is a Democrat and kekked very hard.
I think a lot could be worked out if the two of them had a one on one conversation to discuss policy and where they agree and where they disagree
They will probably never come together in that capacity, but they're the only two people in politics right now that would ever entertain the idea of meeting in the middle despite their differences
Kennedy is a liberal, and that's just the way it is. He is a lawyer from NY, if you need further explanation. Finally, if you want to understand more, dig into what happened to his wife and why.
I don't see it. I made it about 10 pages into his book before he started trashing Trump and stopped reading it. Good guy, right about the vaccines, but his speaking voice will be a limiting factor
Finish the book, it's worth it. Sometimes we have to hold our noses to get through certain parts of things - we are never going to agree 100% with others, but we are smart enough to separate wheat from chaff.
So you think it's great that he's blaming neocons, who haven't held the White House for 16 years, instead of Joe Biden and Barack Obama? He said the same thing about the economy. Biden has made a mess of everything and has done it on purpose. Kennedy's silence on this is deafening.
Reading some of the new comments on how he's going to bring unity between MAGA and the Dems - that's utter delusion. Even if we could find any kind of common ground, the Dems are salting the earth and will never give an inch to people they consider to be deplorable subhumans.
Kennedy refusing to acknowledge Biden and Obama and even Clinton's culpability should be telling us he's not MAGA and never will be.
RFK Jr's spasmodic dysphonia, (voice disorder) is terribly difficult to listen to.
He's doing a lot of good with his Children's Health Defense organization, and his anti-vax stance and we thank him for all of his dogged hard work.
His written word is excellent, however when he speaks during interviews, his vocal straining is evident and the sound is so grating to the ears that it makes it difficult for the listener to stay engaged.
This disorder will hinder his success if he runs for President.
Unless he switches parties, he's not going to be DJT's VP.
Sorry, but I don't see him as a secret White Hat. He seems to me to be more of a reasonable-sounding front man for the democommie party. Someone who will make voters think "Hey, maybe the democrats aren't so bad, after all!" and vote against Evil Hitler Trump.
Switches parties? Didn't DJT offer himself to the Dems before he won the Rep. ticket? There won't be a Democrat or Republican party to run in the next election, The Plan as it concludes, will expose the Political parties as 90% gangsters and crime bosses, role playing as politicians and pillaging, killing and raping their citizens.
Whats the odds that the Dems will terminally fail as a party and DJT fills the vacuum with a ticket based on a new People's Mandate that obsoletes the uniparty in perpetuity ?
Yes - I stated the same in a thread the other day. Biden will almost certainly screw him out of the nomination via "super-delegates"... just like HRC did to her competition.
At that point, what would happen if DJT tapped him as VP? There would be an un-cheatable vote turnout like nothing seen in the modern era.
Ok, wow. Chris Paul posits that Kennedy will act as a gateway drug to bring the more "moderate" dems (forget about the lost-cause nutjobs) closer to OUR side ideologically than the establishment "Republicans"/RINOs are.....First he will shatter the vax narrative (which of course our side already DID but the dems wont' listen to us), then the primary will be blatantly stolen from Kennedy, shattering the "no such thing as election fraud" narrative.....and then possibly primary stolen from Trump at which point he runs as 3rd party candidate w/Kennedy as VP.
Imagine that. A split party ticket could kill the Uniparty.... back before the corporation was formed the VP was he who placed second....while this is slightly different it seems a great way to create "The Patriot Party"
I honestly think this is the way dems felt before turning progressive. Rs where always the Hawks and Ds the doves. That certainly ain't the case anymore!
Absolute truth on our failed foreign policy, but I would only add to this that to add insult to injury, the Left has rapidly turned America into a police state and advanced domestic lunacy to appease the idiots and parasites that live off of society, much like Lyme Disease ticks.
What if...............he's there to get the more "moderate" dems to be open to his ideas, under the guise of "hey, maybe a Kennedy can beat the evil Drumpf", and so they accidentally hear about and maybe even rally around anti-vax, anti-big government and other ideas they would never entertain from our side.....and then after he beats the crap out of everyone in the Dem debates and is the frontrunner, he ends up being Trump's VP nominee....
That's exactly what I was thinking. If he ended up as VP nominee, it would be a very healing move for the rift in US society.
I was thinking the same thing. Especially given Trump's close ties to the Kennedy family.
Kennedy is absolutely a spoiler candidate and unlikely to have chance at winning the primary. But, as you state he will absolutely be dropping truth bombs. It is truly a shame his voice so bad as he can often be unintelligible when he speaks. He is a "classic liberal", one who is open to ideas and discussion on them without censure. That is anathema to the Jacobin/Marxists who've taken over the organized left now. It's also why some leftist podcasters (Bret Weinstein, Jimmy Dore, et al) sound more like conservatives than Democrats.
I grew up with a lot of those classic liberals - they were ok.
This new strain should have been shunned by the DNC but now it has taken over the DNC.
I remember on The_Donald being surprised at how many Bernie bros became strong Trump supporters after Donna Brazile stole the nomination for Hillary. It makes sense tho. They never should have been following Bernie in the first place - he's a sell out.
Classic liberals cared about the country and state of the people in it overall. Did not agree with many of their proposed solutions but never thought they were all in on the outright destruction of institutions and the country. We saw all that go out the window with the recent summer of love riots. What was once on the fringes was rolled out nationally.
They think they have enough horsepower to push this thru and they do if we let them. What you do to push back will take different forms with everyone who does so and that's what makes it so powerful. Instead of coordinated groups it's totally random forms of opposition. Remember when riots are staged that's the battlefield they want you to fight on. Be a doer but not a joiner.
And the easiest way to be a doer is to downshift & limit your consumption of new goods. Starve the beast of income. Some new goods are worth buying but most aren't. Teach yourself to discern what actual value vs. veneer is -
Repair what's broken do not replace
Buy used items whenever possible and use them up
Buy used clothes from thrifts, tailor to fit you
Buy new clothes from work wear brands (they last), tailor to fit you
Invest in high quality shoes/boots (they last) and take care of them
Have local water sources (stream, lake, pond) tested for contaminants
Learn to cook and with that you will learn how to grocery shop
Seek out local farms w/ farmstands and buy direct
Consider buying a farm produce "share"
Learn to forage native edibles in your area
Grow some portion of your own food supply
Learn to hunt, trap, & fish
He's easier to understand than Biden or Fetterman
It was easy for me to read. It was only 16 lines of English.
Don't hold your breath. A Kennedy is not going to turn MAGA Republican ever. Not ever.
We don't necessarily NEED him to. He can fracture the left irreparably, as well as the false "2 party system".
This is the other line of my thinking.
The Clintons used Perot to fracture the conservative vote. They wanted to use Trump to fracture/pervert the conservative vote but that (it seems) spectacularly backfired.
I see absolutely no reason why Trump and his fellow conspirators would not do exactly the same thing to the Democrats.
I know that I would definitely do this.
For that to happen, RKjr will have to run as an independent.
Yep. But that is actually possible.
He loses the nomination but beleagors Biden and causes him to spend a bunch of money on his campaign, and then hey presto Trump announces that he has selected Kennedy as his VP.
It's doable. And it would be hilarious.
Hilarious indeed.
Will be interesting to see if Trump will be forced to run as an Independent. The GOPers definitely want to box him out.
Trump does every thing by the book which means even if the military stops the cheating like they did in 2016, he still has to win legitimately. While, in a fair election, I think he could do it blindfolded while hiding in the room he stores his declassified files in (since he doesn’t have a basement,) adding a dem to the ticket would be an incredible move of showing peace and harmony and building a massive landslide.
it would probably push the neo-cons towards Desantes though. I know a lot of repubs who are not loving The Don.
I don't know a single one.
He is the left. He's not going to shatter the left.
a good method of using their own tricks against them... The pollsters will hate it!!!!
MAGA is not republican or democrat. MAGA is MAGA and we have some even from the libertarian. That was my party, because I love Dr Paul.
I was never a GOP fan with the likes of Bush, No name, and the Romneys
Most GOP were not. But if you think Kennedy wants to be Trump's running mate, he's going to have to become a Republican. I know a lot of people hope Trump will start a third party but at least up to now, there's not the slightest hint he would do that. Not even in the face of their transparent and continued efforts to help the Biden steal.
People forget it was the leftist Dems who opposed vaccines long before they embraced them for Covid control.
Who are the Rodney's. Do you mean Romneys??
Yup fucked that up lol
His job is to expose the uniparty.
IMO --- Old School Democrats were/are more conservative, pro small business than today's RINOs.
RFK Jr is an Old School Democrat.
That is what I was thinking.
A new Unity Party to beat the existing UniParty. A real one, that represents the concerns of actual Americans.
I used to think Kennedy was a hippie crackpot weirdo. But that was a long time ago. For the last 5+ years I have found him to be really solid on his direction, his focus on truth and getting to the actual science, etc.
And for the hero worshipper/boot licker types, the fact he's a Kennedy is a nonzero advantage. Some people really care about that shit.
The biggest issue with Kennedy is his dysphonia (weak/squeaky voice). It really hurts his ability to nail a public speech like his Father or Uncle could do.
Yeah the voice issue sucks, BUT, we can take a page out of the leftie playbook and if/when they criticize him for that, scream ABLEISM!!!!!!!
Senator Rocky Road and POTATUS can barely put sentences together, so...
Yeah, that'll work.
I completely agree. I think the idea of him being a crackpot was planted by TPTB when they were more, shall we say, subtle. (His $290M win against Monsanto (Bayer) is probably a sore spot.) The mockingbird are out in full force, trying to paint him as a freak but he is no dummy.
I have had this exact thought. That I fell for it, back in the day (the fake nooz story on him). The Rockefeller-ian "Medicine" Industrial Complex rolls heavy and deep. And has done so for 120+ years.
It makes me sad to say, but this tweet tells me he will have a hard time appealing to today’s Democrat voters. Look at how quickly and easily Dem voters were flipped from being the anti-war party to becoming pro-war advocates. It will not be easy to convince the virtue signalers that Ukraine was a major mistake.
But, the biggest problem is his writing style. It is too complex to hold a modern Dem voters attention. And, with the MSM running interference for the Establishment pick, he is going to have to find a way to get and hold these voters attention.
I think you’re right RFK JR does not get the likes on instagram and facebook. That’s all these people care about. That Bud Light tranny has 1.7M followers on instagram for example.
The precipice is going to have to be extremely bad to flip young people.
Look at the spouses...his wife is still connected to a lot of liberal Hollywood gross people. If RFK Jr really was as MAGA as we're being led to believe then she would have been shunned/expelled by now. They are all still friends.
Interesting. Just had a look at dear Cheryl. GOSH how they make that relationship work is beyond me. Takes CHALK and CHEESE to next level.
Larry David would have declared war against the couple if RFK Jr was in any way detrimental to his objectives. Larry is still a friend. That's all I need to know.
Wow! This is the first time I have seen ANY reference to PNAC (Project for the New American Century) put into play the year before 9-11.
Is Mr Kennedy part of the plan?
It sure feels like it.
I think he is
When I first heard he was running for 2024, I was irritated. Why would he run against Trump? And then I remembered that he is a Democrat and kekked very hard.
Trump/Kennedy unity ticket. It would break the 2 party illusion forever, along with the brains of every American who isn't an anon.
That would require RFK Jr to get rid of his TDS. Those two do not get along.
I think a lot could be worked out if the two of them had a one on one conversation to discuss policy and where they agree and where they disagree
They will probably never come together in that capacity, but they're the only two people in politics right now that would ever entertain the idea of meeting in the middle despite their differences
Kennedy is a liberal, and that's just the way it is. He is a lawyer from NY, if you need further explanation. Finally, if you want to understand more, dig into what happened to his wife and why.
Tell me pleeeeease!
Do you remember how RFK signaled in the affirmative when asked if JFK Jr. was still alive?
No I don't. Where or how would I "google" that?
I don't see it. I made it about 10 pages into his book before he started trashing Trump and stopped reading it. Good guy, right about the vaccines, but his speaking voice will be a limiting factor
Finish the book, it's worth it. Sometimes we have to hold our noses to get through certain parts of things - we are never going to agree 100% with others, but we are smart enough to separate wheat from chaff.
So you think it's great that he's blaming neocons, who haven't held the White House for 16 years, instead of Joe Biden and Barack Obama? He said the same thing about the economy. Biden has made a mess of everything and has done it on purpose. Kennedy's silence on this is deafening.
I thought the same. If he thinks it's only Neocons to blame and not most of his own party and it's supporters as well, then he's blind as a bat.
Reading some of the new comments on how he's going to bring unity between MAGA and the Dems - that's utter delusion. Even if we could find any kind of common ground, the Dems are salting the earth and will never give an inch to people they consider to be deplorable subhumans.
Kennedy refusing to acknowledge Biden and Obama and even Clinton's culpability should be telling us he's not MAGA and never will be.
Neocons have been in the WH since Reagan, possibly earlier.
"Neocons" is just the name they used in the early 2000s. Their real name is Khazarians, Deep State etc etc.
Look at Nuland. 100% neocon khazarian filth.
They have always been there. They ARE the deep state.
He's just calling them out by a name that might resonate with whatever is left of the sane democrats.
Khazarians? Its JEWS. Some Khazarians are JEWS but the neocons are JEWS. Donmeh Jews.
And they killed his dad and uncle for exposing the DS, oh, and his cousin. I'm sure he is a marked man!
He believes in climate change.
RFK Jr's spasmodic dysphonia, (voice disorder) is terribly difficult to listen to.
He's doing a lot of good with his Children's Health Defense organization, and his anti-vax stance and we thank him for all of his dogged hard work.
His written word is excellent, however when he speaks during interviews, his vocal straining is evident and the sound is so grating to the ears that it makes it difficult for the listener to stay engaged.
This disorder will hinder his success if he runs for President.
This guy is full-on climate change. Big red flag for me
He also protects the notion of viruses, probably the best weapon the deep state has.
A lot of wild speculation here. I think Mr. Kennedy is a Patriot. I'm old enough to remember when most Democrats were.
Unless he switches parties, he's not going to be DJT's VP.
Sorry, but I don't see him as a secret White Hat. He seems to me to be more of a reasonable-sounding front man for the democommie party. Someone who will make voters think "Hey, maybe the democrats aren't so bad, after all!" and vote against Evil Hitler Trump.
Switches parties? Didn't DJT offer himself to the Dems before he won the Rep. ticket? There won't be a Democrat or Republican party to run in the next election, The Plan as it concludes, will expose the Political parties as 90% gangsters and crime bosses, role playing as politicians and pillaging, killing and raping their citizens.
Whats the odds that the Dems will terminally fail as a party and DJT fills the vacuum with a ticket based on a new People's Mandate that obsoletes the uniparty in perpetuity ?
Yes - I stated the same in a thread the other day. Biden will almost certainly screw him out of the nomination via "super-delegates"... just like HRC did to her competition.
At that point, what would happen if DJT tapped him as VP? There would be an un-cheatable vote turnout like nothing seen in the modern era.
Ok, wow. Chris Paul posits that Kennedy will act as a gateway drug to bring the more "moderate" dems (forget about the lost-cause nutjobs) closer to OUR side ideologically than the establishment "Republicans"/RINOs are.....First he will shatter the vax narrative (which of course our side already DID but the dems wont' listen to us), then the primary will be blatantly stolen from Kennedy, shattering the "no such thing as election fraud" narrative.....and then possibly primary stolen from Trump at which point he runs as 3rd party candidate w/Kennedy as VP.
-- This is a must-hear episode (right now only available to paid subs, of which I am one, BUT it will be available free in the very near future on his Rumble channel). https://imyourmoderator.substack.com/p/the-endgame-040623-gateway-drug-to#details
Rumble channel (subscribe, he's awesome, and watch for the above episode to show up there soon):
I guess a good guy, but way more boring than Trump. Trump would just say they were a bunch of losers.
The normal choice is between two WEF approved candidates. Imagine an election between two, competent, anti-WEF candidates.
No matter who loses... everybody wins!
Imagine that. A split party ticket could kill the Uniparty.... back before the corporation was formed the VP was he who placed second....while this is slightly different it seems a great way to create "The Patriot Party"
Imagine all the Trump Kennedy merch would still be relevant if you surprise swap Kennedys ;) ;)
I honestly think this is the way dems felt before turning progressive. Rs where always the Hawks and Ds the doves. That certainly ain't the case anymore!
Absolute truth on our failed foreign policy, but I would only add to this that to add insult to injury, the Left has rapidly turned America into a police state and advanced domestic lunacy to appease the idiots and parasites that live off of society, much like Lyme Disease ticks.
Cheryl Hines gonna run that house too? Vaccination papers please!
"How to win friends and influence people."
Dale Carnegie
Yes he does
I’ve been pondering that also, it would make some heads explode 🤯
I hope he is careful. His people don't have a great track record with these people.
He might be the next Kennedy to suffer from the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity mafia.
is RFK one of the rare...
I’ll be watching…,