In a bygone age, my childhood introduction to economics in school explicitly called out people voting with their money for the product they wanted more of.
Lo, we don't want more butt-alphabet BS -- and since the actual product is fungible (there isn't much quality to separate light US beers -- if there's even any quality at all) the messaging pretty much is what's there to monetarily vote for or against.
Stupid Jack Russell dog with fake Irish name; ok. Stupid wierd dude with fake female name; no.
Millionaires, and certainly Billionaires, do not make purposefully ridiculous financial decisions. They are rational actors.
To suggest otherwise, is to fall into the same mental trap that liberals do regarding politicians; that the leaders of Nation States act on emotion (Kim JongUn is 'crazy', Trump is 'deranged', Putin is 'evil').
It is cognitive filler. For what? To circumvent coming to terms with the fact that there are reasons as to why Elites act the way they do, reasons that we are not privvy to. It is painfully obvious that InBev's hand was forced. Whether it was to send a very important Comm, or to help usher in GA by disrupting normie's Circus & Bread, time will tell. Actively decoding the event and context takes work, work that falls by the wayside because cognitive filler is so much easier to slap on.
If they brought in 100 regular people with an offer to give them some beer for their opinions, they could have known the result without actually using tranny marketing.
Same. We used to keep Michelob Ultra as an "everyday" beer in the fridge (yes, it's mostly horrid) but we chucked every bit of it and will never buy any AB beers again. Just got two cases of Yuengling lager, which is far better.
I went over to my late mother-in-love's house to water the plants & I grabbed one of those out of the fridge. I literally gagged it was so gross. I'll have to try the Yuengling
If you have access to Yuengling...please do! My wife and I talked each other into Michelob Ultra years ago, when we wanted a beer through the week that was "lighter." It's really not that good. And as long it doesn't add to Anheuser Busch's bottom line? All the better. :)
AB-InBev owns 100+ brands of beer; Michelob, Natural Light, Busch, Stella Artois, Corona, Modelo, Pacifico, Becks, Lowenbrau, 10 Barrel Brewing, St Pauli Girl, Elysian Brewing, Shock Top, Kona Brewing, Breckinridge Brewing, Goose Island, Golden Road, Appalachian Mountain Brewing, Blue Point Brewing, etc., etc... The list is extensive. Take a minute and do your homework before buying your next six or 12 pack
There's no illusion of choice there; they're different products with different recipes, it's just they've been absorbed into a greater company and figuring that out is often deliberately difficult for exactly situations like this.
I dislike beer (alcohol in general) but if I were a beer kinda guy I'd aim for local. Local is best for most perishable industries anyway, e.g. foods, drinks, etc.
What that list above shows is that there is no local anymore. All of those craft beers people are touting instead of Bud are owned by the big corps. Everything changed once they changed the small batch laws. Big Beer has undergone the same consolidation publishing, media, medicine/hospitals and now banks are going thru.
Hm, I have completely unaffiliated breweries here.
But yes, consolidation is the name of the game. We have been conditioned to only trust big brands as having quality, which is an issue for many reasons.
3 independent small brewers near me, one 5 minutes away. None owned by the beer borg and their batches are small. Plenty of non-corporate beers if you look.
The local Bud Light alcoholic passed me a regional brand yesterday evening... Tiny anecdote but every one of these guys that switches, assuming they drink one twelve pack a day, that's $12 * 365 in sales lost.
The RIAA Metallica Madonna etc bunch was a joke. Like right now, if InBev came out and blamed "maga white supremacists" for their budweiser brands decline.
Thats what RIAA did. A few years after their soulless homogenization of music really started to eat into their profits, they saw that dumb kids where sharing music online and used them as a scapegoat for their ineptitude.
Then theyd go and take life savings of families because their ten year old was fucking around on a computer and downloaded a few albums. So, $45 of provable loss turned into a $15,000 payday. Their excuse was always "We'd have made hundreds of billions of more dollars if not for these assholes. We deserve it!"
It was never true and their response was like electing Biden parent of the year.
Yeah, I never went to another Metallica show after that. In fact, I started downloading EVERYTHING I could; music, games, software, movies. All of it. It was my way of saying fuck you to the system.
I'm shocked that it hurt Budweiser that much. There's that many people that actually like Bud Light? I think we need to open some taste bud (no pun intended) re-education camps.
It's a permanent boycott. They cannot undo this. An example is being made of them, and the media is frantically claiming that this has had no effect. Leftists are cheap and lazy, so even if they buy AB products they can't stop this train.
Something that I keep seeing that, is fully wrong. It is NOT because they embraced that specific man pretending to be a girl, it could of been any man doing so and it would be the same result. They keep trying to specifically make it out to be Dylan as the reason and not the whole bullshit agenda they are all pushing on us.
It may sound great with the boycott and I support the boycott but I think it'll have very little effect. Just consider how many brands they have, not only how many brands that they're partner with you'll be surprised even Coors 50% owned by you guessed it Anheuser-Busch and the list is very long.
Exactly! One must simply avoid all international corporations completely! They despise us and want us dead after they drain our last penny an have damaged our health beyond recovery.
Disagree, fren. What do you think would happen if just 15% of current AB product drinkers bailed? Do you think that AB would take notice? Well as of right now they are down about 17% across the board, coupled with the fact they have been losing overall market share for at least a decade.
Folks are reporting full coolers of Bud products, Costco is marking down cubes of the stuff, AB's "girl boss" of marketing got fired, and stores are having to either clearance AB products or throw it away. AB's competitors are now up by 15% as well. Agree it's stupid to switch from one macro to another, but I disagree that AB is not taking notice of the situation.
This will be studied in marketing classes for decades. How to destroy a well established brand in literally minutes.
Easy, just hate your customers. And they do.
They thought they were delivering a lecture.
But it turns out that We the People are delivering the real lecture
In a bygone age, my childhood introduction to economics in school explicitly called out people voting with their money for the product they wanted more of.
Lo, we don't want more butt-alphabet BS -- and since the actual product is fungible (there isn't much quality to separate light US beers -- if there's even any quality at all) the messaging pretty much is what's there to monetarily vote for or against.
Stupid Jack Russell dog with fake Irish name; ok. Stupid wierd dude with fake female name; no.
ignore the demographics
Millionaires, and certainly Billionaires, do not make purposefully ridiculous financial decisions. They are rational actors.
To suggest otherwise, is to fall into the same mental trap that liberals do regarding politicians; that the leaders of Nation States act on emotion (Kim JongUn is 'crazy', Trump is 'deranged', Putin is 'evil').
It is cognitive filler. For what? To circumvent coming to terms with the fact that there are reasons as to why Elites act the way they do, reasons that we are not privvy to. It is painfully obvious that InBev's hand was forced. Whether it was to send a very important Comm, or to help usher in GA by disrupting normie's Circus & Bread, time will tell. Actively decoding the event and context takes work, work that falls by the wayside because cognitive filler is so much easier to slap on.
Spit in the faces of your established demographics instead of just staying apolitical and taking both sides' cash.
Honestly would be a good thing to point to for "reasons why you don't go political as a business"
But then again, Cabal minions ARE willing to tank their profitable companies to serve Satan.
Not much to study, just be normal, business could continue.
If they brought in 100 regular people with an offer to give them some beer for their opinions, they could have known the result without actually using tranny marketing.
I hope they never recover.
Same. We used to keep Michelob Ultra as an "everyday" beer in the fridge (yes, it's mostly horrid) but we chucked every bit of it and will never buy any AB beers again. Just got two cases of Yuengling lager, which is far better.
I went over to my late mother-in-love's house to water the plants & I grabbed one of those out of the fridge. I literally gagged it was so gross. I'll have to try the Yuengling
If you have access to Yuengling...please do! My wife and I talked each other into Michelob Ultra years ago, when we wanted a beer through the week that was "lighter." It's really not that good. And as long it doesn't add to Anheuser Busch's bottom line? All the better. :)
AB-InBev owns 100+ brands of beer; Michelob, Natural Light, Busch, Stella Artois, Corona, Modelo, Pacifico, Becks, Lowenbrau, 10 Barrel Brewing, St Pauli Girl, Elysian Brewing, Shock Top, Kona Brewing, Breckinridge Brewing, Goose Island, Golden Road, Appalachian Mountain Brewing, Blue Point Brewing, etc., etc... The list is extensive. Take a minute and do your homework before buying your next six or 12 pack
The illusion of choice.
There's no illusion of choice there; they're different products with different recipes, it's just they've been absorbed into a greater company and figuring that out is often deliberately difficult for exactly situations like this.
I dislike beer (alcohol in general) but if I were a beer kinda guy I'd aim for local. Local is best for most perishable industries anyway, e.g. foods, drinks, etc.
What that list above shows is that there is no local anymore. All of those craft beers people are touting instead of Bud are owned by the big corps. Everything changed once they changed the small batch laws. Big Beer has undergone the same consolidation publishing, media, medicine/hospitals and now banks are going thru.
Hm, I have completely unaffiliated breweries here.
But yes, consolidation is the name of the game. We have been conditioned to only trust big brands as having quality, which is an issue for many reasons.
3 independent small brewers near me, one 5 minutes away. None owned by the beer borg and their batches are small. Plenty of non-corporate beers if you look.
Exactly right. As more and more people do this homework, it won't just be the Bud Lite brand that goes down. It will take the whole company with it.
That's painful. Corona is gooood. (But I drink it only at Mexican restaurants.) I will have to go home and figure out which beer to cry in...
The local Bud Light alcoholic passed me a regional brand yesterday evening... Tiny anecdote but every one of these guys that switches, assuming they drink one twelve pack a day, that's $12 * 365 in sales lost.
My dad has been drinking regular Budweiser for at least 40 years. He's officially switched to anything else, without me even bringing it up.
Reminds me of when Metallica started suing their fans for downloading their music in Napster
Yeah I mean... They've only had 5 straight albums debut at number 1 since!
In all seriousness, I personally feel they were correct but the last person in the world you want as a mouthpiece is Lars
The RIAA Metallica Madonna etc bunch was a joke. Like right now, if InBev came out and blamed "maga white supremacists" for their budweiser brands decline.
Thats what RIAA did. A few years after their soulless homogenization of music really started to eat into their profits, they saw that dumb kids where sharing music online and used them as a scapegoat for their ineptitude.
Then theyd go and take life savings of families because their ten year old was fucking around on a computer and downloaded a few albums. So, $45 of provable loss turned into a $15,000 payday. Their excuse was always "We'd have made hundreds of billions of more dollars if not for these assholes. We deserve it!"
It was never true and their response was like electing Biden parent of the year.
Yeah, I never went to another Metallica show after that. In fact, I started downloading EVERYTHING I could; music, games, software, movies. All of it. It was my way of saying fuck you to the system.
I'm shocked that it hurt Budweiser that much. There's that many people that actually like Bud Light? I think we need to open some taste bud (no pun intended) re-education camps.
A-B On the Rebound; No new 'down home country life' ads/commercials will make US back down! DEAL WITH IT!
lol... 3 white chicks and a guy that appears molado.... they just don't get it, do they... wokeness is deadly....
I predict they will come up with a new name to slap on the same piss beer. New marketing campaign, same watery beer.
Hope the sales go into the ground. Zero.
Does it matter much? I'm sure Blackrock Vanguard BH control all if the major beer brands
It's a permanent boycott. They cannot undo this. An example is being made of them, and the media is frantically claiming that this has had no effect. Leftists are cheap and lazy, so even if they buy AB products they can't stop this train.
This is crappy beer for sale. Who cares if the whole shebang goes under?? It's not like it is an important thing.....
HAHAHAHAHA - best I've got 😊
This is not something that people are just going to get over/forget about
Something that I keep seeing that, is fully wrong. It is NOT because they embraced that specific man pretending to be a girl, it could of been any man doing so and it would be the same result. They keep trying to specifically make it out to be Dylan as the reason and not the whole bullshit agenda they are all pushing on us.
It may sound great with the boycott and I support the boycott but I think it'll have very little effect. Just consider how many brands they have, not only how many brands that they're partner with you'll be surprised even Coors 50% owned by you guessed it Anheuser-Busch and the list is very long.
Drink microbrew or just quit all together. No reason to trade one piss beer for another.
Exactly! One must simply avoid all international corporations completely! They despise us and want us dead after they drain our last penny an have damaged our health beyond recovery.
With out doubt that why I support the boycott, was saying just substituting one of their other beers isn't enough, Boycott the whole Dam thing....
Disagree, fren. What do you think would happen if just 15% of current AB product drinkers bailed? Do you think that AB would take notice? Well as of right now they are down about 17% across the board, coupled with the fact they have been losing overall market share for at least a decade.
Folks are reporting full coolers of Bud products, Costco is marking down cubes of the stuff, AB's "girl boss" of marketing got fired, and stores are having to either clearance AB products or throw it away. AB's competitors are now up by 15% as well. Agree it's stupid to switch from one macro to another, but I disagree that AB is not taking notice of the situation.
I gave up big beer a decade ago, it's chemical soup! Local craft beers are the way to go if you like beer.