Demons, and their spawn, thrive in fire, right? Stake through the heart perhaps? Fill its mouth with salt and sew its lips shut? Dowse (drown) it in holy water?
Remove the head, burn the corpse, submerge the head in water blessed by a priest, adorn the vessel with cloves of garlic, stand approx. 500m away and proceed to vaporize the vessel wih an M107 barrett 50 cal with a depleted uranium tipped round.
I came across a news story, yesterday, I wasn't sure of the validity of the source so I didn't share it. But basically it said Chelsea was already dead at Gitmo. The story said there was a hearing after she was found guilty to see if she could be executed. She supposedly said, "Why aren't you hanging Marc?" Something to that effect. Don't even know who Marc is. Anyway, the military judge supposedly said, "You've ruined the lives of thousands of women and children. You hang tomorrow." Now that's some entertaining AF fan fiction, and if it true, I guess we'll know eventually.
So you’re saying that a lot of these people have already been disappeared off to Gitmo and the military tribunals have already been happening for some time now?
My policy remains the same. You get a needle near my children I will put you in the ICU. You inject this poison without permission? I will execute everyone involved with the decision.
Yeah I know. I've faced a ton of pressure and ostracization over keeping myself and child unvaxxed. There are a lot of people that would love to vax my kid without my consent and its a constant battle. Seeing a post like this where they want to mandatory inject their poison makes my blood boil
If I have to go into an office to work with shedding zombies, I will pre-treat with ivermectin for a couple of days first to get it into my system, wear my hair up; then as soon as I get home, shower and wash my hair, drop my clothes into the washing machine.
Is it even worth it?
Edit to add -- read up on occupational exposure and exposure during pregnancy.
I pretty much believe that something like this has happened to me. During the begining roll out I was training in martial arts and had a reaction after sparring with people who I suspected tp be vaxed. My whole body broke out in rash and now I have had psriosis issues since then. I also havent trained since then because of it.
Notice that the rate of autoimmune diseases and cancers are thru the roof. I'm not a scientist but my speculation is that these childhood vaccines and later adult boosters and flu shots tax the immune system and give way to these diseases and conditions that everyone I know has: things like MS, Lupus, RA, and so many others. There's too many to type out, I included a wiki list. How many people you know have these horrible conditions, even before the clot-shot?
Satanists love filth. If cleanliness is next to godliness then they want the opposite. They love vagrants camping in misery and shitting on the sidewalks. I've heard many accounts of Hillary smelling disgusting and we've all seen the shit pants photos. Evil is not pleasant to be around.
If there is all of a sudden new mandates or forced vaccinations or whatever there will need to at least be a reason for it, not because this daughter who will never live up to her parents and tries to stay relevant with crap like this decides we do
Yeah I agree with your sentiment. Allergies are a big thing nowadays because of climate change causing plants to bloom earlier, that’s actually what a search engine will tell you, I mean holy crap
She was specifically talking about covid vaccine for everyone who doesn’t have it yet though lol. What a cunt
Whenever I see comments that are obvious lunacy, my go to is that they were forced to say it as part of their script/deal. More and more it DOES appear that we are watching a movie and it just needs to play out to get the normies on board. It needs to be obviously stupid or obviously corrupt in order for the normies to notice.
the only reason her mother didnt sacrifice her to moloch and eat her then play with the carcass is because bill ran for president and it looked better if they had a child, even if it was actually webster hubbell's
The lib message has become very disjointed,poorly timed etc.This is either white hat puppet masters making them look foolish or publicly commit themselves to said message.Either way,it smells of their fall.
While they may try to use this program to get more to take mrna, it appears to be about regular vaccines, not that I am defending regular vaccines, but it doesn't seem to be about covid shots.
burn this demon spawn at the stake.......
kill it with fire
Demons, and their spawn, thrive in fire, right? Stake through the heart perhaps? Fill its mouth with salt and sew its lips shut? Dowse (drown) it in holy water?
I hear silver stakes to the heart work then cut iff the head for good measure
Howls. You are buying insurance now!
Remove the head, burn the corpse, submerge the head in water blessed by a priest, adorn the vessel with cloves of garlic, stand approx. 500m away and proceed to vaporize the vessel wih an M107 barrett 50 cal with a depleted uranium tipped round.
All but the pries part I agree with
I came across a news story, yesterday, I wasn't sure of the validity of the source so I didn't share it. But basically it said Chelsea was already dead at Gitmo. The story said there was a hearing after she was found guilty to see if she could be executed. She supposedly said, "Why aren't you hanging Marc?" Something to that effect. Don't even know who Marc is. Anyway, the military judge supposedly said, "You've ruined the lives of thousands of women and children. You hang tomorrow." Now that's some entertaining AF fan fiction, and if it true, I guess we'll know eventually.
Marc Mezvinsky is her husband.
He's a former Goldman Sachs investor who co-founded a hedge fund that banked on Greece getting bailed out by the EU.
When the bailout never happened, Eaglevale Partners fizzled out and officially shut down 3 weeks after the 2016 Presidential election.
Who knows what would have happened there instead if Hillary had won?
Marc Elias is one of their operative lawyers.
Oh that's right! It was an entertaining "story", but I guess we'll have to wait and see
sounds like that came from the raw news site all BS
So you’re saying that a lot of these people have already been disappeared off to Gitmo and the military tribunals have already been happening for some time now?
When do you think the people will be informed?
When it's time for the people to be informed.
I concur. With fire. Then piss on and spread the ashes.
Nice teeth.
not very neigh-borly 🐴
I fully understand your mane point.
Stop this nonsense, I want to keep this chat stable.
We really should quit horsing around.
Not to foal around or anything, but maybe we should kick back with a nice, cold Colt 45?
Better to tear the flesh with. She looked like she needed her Adrenochrome.
You would think she would get them whitewashed- but then again eating pizza tends to blacken them
My policy remains the same. You get a needle near my children I will put you in the ICU. You inject this poison without permission? I will execute everyone involved with the decision.
Literally. Any fuckin goof forces an mrna shot into my kid will die. That's a promise.
Don’t tell everyone or you could end up in jail. Some things are best left unsaid.
Yeah I know. I've faced a ton of pressure and ostracization over keeping myself and child unvaxxed. There are a lot of people that would love to vax my kid without my consent and its a constant battle. Seeing a post like this where they want to mandatory inject their poison makes my blood boil
Stay strong for the family.👍🏻
And sometimes a man should stand up and be counted as a show of force against the satanic commies and their demon semen
Or any shot without permission, meaning all shots.
One shot deserves another kind of shot
Gunpowder and lead
Pretty soon it will be nasal spray or transdermal.
Ok, same policy.
Or “vaccination” by fruits, vegetables, mRNA hogs, beef or chem trails.
Vaccination by standing or working near them.
If I have to go into an office to work with shedding zombies, I will pre-treat with ivermectin for a couple of days first to get it into my system, wear my hair up; then as soon as I get home, shower and wash my hair, drop my clothes into the washing machine.
Is it even worth it?
Edit to add -- read up on occupational exposure and exposure during pregnancy.
I pretty much believe that something like this has happened to me. During the begining roll out I was training in martial arts and had a reaction after sparring with people who I suspected tp be vaxed. My whole body broke out in rash and now I have had psriosis issues since then. I also havent trained since then because of it.
Strong reason to defend the 2nd amendment!
That picture looks pure evil!
I was thinking the same thing.
Damn straight!! She looks NOTHING like Bill. In fact, there's not one shred of proof that Bill has ever had sex with Hilary...
Notice that the rate of autoimmune diseases and cancers are thru the roof. I'm not a scientist but my speculation is that these childhood vaccines and later adult boosters and flu shots tax the immune system and give way to these diseases and conditions that everyone I know has: things like MS, Lupus, RA, and so many others. There's too many to type out, I included a wiki list. How many people you know have these horrible conditions, even before the clot-shot?
Wiki: List of autoimmune diseases
Good Lord she needs to brush her teeth. 🤢
they are as yellow as my urine.
This picture reminds me of the clown in "It".
This! My thought exactly..
Probably means you're not drinking enough water.
Satanists love filth. If cleanliness is next to godliness then they want the opposite. They love vagrants camping in misery and shitting on the sidewalks. I've heard many accounts of Hillary smelling disgusting and we've all seen the shit pants photos. Evil is not pleasant to be around.
"Piss and boiled cabbage" I think was the term used.
Coincidentally that's exactly how humas breath smells.
God she is ugly.
She's just showing us how evil she is.
This demon is going to get people killed.
She needs to be jabbed in her face repeatedly
Kek, I laughed out loud. Then felt bad.
Don't feel bad! lol
laughed out loud, didn't feel bad
She's Hitlerys child not Monica's. Wouldn't know how to handle it.
But the pandemic was just declared over by the WHO, does she know that just happened? Why would more shots matter at this point?
Compliance. They cant stand that you won’t do what you are told to do
If there is all of a sudden new mandates or forced vaccinations or whatever there will need to at least be a reason for it, not because this daughter who will never live up to her parents and tries to stay relevant with crap like this decides we do
The ones that make you dumb, dampen your soul, give you allergies and increase your chances of autism. Those ones are still necessary for children.
Yeah I agree with your sentiment. Allergies are a big thing nowadays because of climate change causing plants to bloom earlier, that’s actually what a search engine will tell you, I mean holy crap
She was specifically talking about covid vaccine for everyone who doesn’t have it yet though lol. What a cunt
EXACTLY! She's been elected to nothing, and has absolutely no authority over anyone. Webb Hubbell's demon spawn needs to just shut the fuck up.
I recently found out that all the passenger pigeons that became extinct in the early 1900s was because of climate change. LOL
Says the upside down cross wearing sycophant.
Ugly truly runs in the family.
Since she's so adamant about this she should personally go door to door forcing the vax... In let's say.. Detroit!
Your statement just reminded me that I haven't had a needle stuck in my arm since I got out of the Air Force 30 years ago. Feels great!
Whenever I see comments that are obvious lunacy, my go to is that they were forced to say it as part of their script/deal. More and more it DOES appear that we are watching a movie and it just needs to play out to get the normies on board. It needs to be obviously stupid or obviously corrupt in order for the normies to notice.
Yep, this stuff is so outlandish, it's gotta be the only explanation.
I concur.
the only reason her mother didnt sacrifice her to moloch and eat her then play with the carcass is because bill ran for president and it looked better if they had a child, even if it was actually webster hubbell's
Would those teeth even fit down her throat?
Just an anatomical question
The lib message has become very disjointed,poorly timed etc.This is either white hat puppet masters making them look foolish or publicly commit themselves to said message.Either way,it smells of their fall.
Desperation move. She also wants porn in k-12 schools.
Demons are REAL!
I'm sure the ugly horse-faced fuck actually "vaccinated" her kids...about as likely as Bill Gates "vaccinating" his.
While they may try to use this program to get more to take mrna, it appears to be about regular vaccines, not that I am defending regular vaccines, but it doesn't seem to be about covid shots.
Correct. But regular vaccines are now going to be mrna crispr gene editing tech. Same poison, different label.
Never get a shot again frens!
Is it sad that everytime I see her I think of a donkey?
The face of a demon
The eyes are the window of the soul! What she shows us is truly horrific.
Those that believe they have a right to kill off the rest of humanity are in need of a high speed injection of lead.
I'd say this pretty much covers it.........
I say we force every traitor to take their own poison.
Lordy look at those teeth 🙈
seriously? This is current? Oh please God some housecleaning... right now.
I think she should receive them all.
I don’t think so Joker! I’m Batman!!
Hang tight, you demon.
Imagine the smell
Wilber needs it's teeth ground down a bit. And whitened.
In the equestrian world they call that floating the teeth. An yes, her vet is overdue.
Oh my, is this an edited pic of her?? Demons sure are close to the surface!