Barack Obama: “We Need Full-Blown Gov’t Censorship To Eradicate Independent Media" - The People's Voice
Former President Barack Hussein Obama has urged the Biden regime to declare a national emergency and use its powers to eradicate all independent media online ahead of the 2024 election.
The Kenyan fag knows what coming.
Yes, Big Mike
I lvoe that we can talk like normal, free adults here on this site.
With independent media they can't fake the polls, and can't rig the election....
Obama - - "We Need Full-Blown Gov’t Censorship To Eradicate Independent Media”
I didn't hear this statement on the link provided. Is there a longer version somewhere?
There is one,... Unfortunately I'm at work but will look when I get home.... 😁
edit:...LMFAO at the downvotes(Why no Comments?)...I see we still have retards here...🤣🤣
The downvote Bandit takes no days off.
Agents on "special assignment".
I've lived here for a few years now, I know where most everything is and how to get around. But for the life of me, I still don't know how to downdoot a post, just a comment. And I don't think I've ever seen a post I'd want to downdoot anyway!
For the main posts, you need community styling turned off. Comments, of course, have a down arrow.
Now do "community styling turned off" lol
It’s a setting in the page settings gear top right. It’s there even on mobile.
Shh... don't tell new fags how to do it!
Would be great to see who like or dislikes by User name...
I urge Barry to pick a nice suit for his final slumber…
And make sure the crease in his pants is crisp.
Leave a spot for Big Mike though...
I love the smell of Deep State Panic in the morning ... smells like victory.
Showing his true Communist colors.
Will be fleeing to Kenya in 3…2…1 ✈️
F#ck obama!
Ooooooh Obama buddy.... he's gonna fuck around and find out about the 2nd amendment with his continued bullshit.
"The People's' Voice = Newspunch = Clickbait (Disinfo) and an Attack on Truth in the current 5th Generational Warfare" as posted by u/FractalizingIron. This is good research that he did here and something to consider.
Former CIA Director William Casey in 1981 made a powerful statement. People should not take this figuratively, but as a hard-driven goal:
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director .
42 years later, the words of William J. Casey, CIA director still resound as we cross the Rubicon in our Republic form of government. Here's one thing we know for certain, the proclamation that Director Casey made is far from complete, but what we also know that there has been no lack of attempts made in doing so.
got me with this shit yesterday
That idiot Obama hasn't got a clue what he is talking about.
There have been many mass shootings in Australia.
The 4 main large ones were :
The Hoddle Street Massacre, Melbourne, 9 August 1987.
The Queen Street shooting, Melbourne, 8 December 1987.
The Strathfield Plaza Massacre, Sydney, 17 August 1991.
The Port Arthur Massacre, Tasmania, 28 April 1996.
There have been numerous other smaller mass shootings such as:
The Miperra Bikie (Out law motor cyclists) Massacre,Sydney, 2 September 1984.
The spree killer Joseph Schwab, the Kimberley killer(Western Australia) May to June 1987.
Also many more,too numerous to mention.
The current number of legal (registered) firearms in Australia is over 3.2 million.
The number of illegal (unregistered) firearms is believed to be somewhere from 1.5 million to over 4 million .
Don't believe a word idiots like Obama say. They always use Australia as an example for gun control, and they lie through their teeth!
So good to finally here some truth!
Thank You!
(I remember years back hearing in our news that the entire country "voluntarily" disarmed, turned all their firearm's in after some mass shooting)
The Authorities love to lie to Australians and use Australia as an example so they can lie to the World, especially the US gun owners.
I do believe Obama is now constantly hearing a bell toll.
He must know what that's about since he's not asking "for whom doth it toll?"
Declaring an Emergency would be about seizing our guns. They can't figure out any other way except brute force at this point. That is how desperate they are.
We sure do occupy a different reality!!
Your reality is screwing children and your country. Ours is holding you accountable for it.
Yeah got to say, its officially panic mode - ON!
And if you look, Obama and Co, they kinda don't look so ....smug? Kinda grey, and already dead? Somethings a foot. Dirty pool? I must admit, deep deep down I am, enjoying this, just a tad.
“I’m much older than you… when I was coming up, you had three TV stations and people were getting a similar sense of what is true and what isn’t, what was real and what was not.”
Translation: Three TV stations gave the American public a false narrative. The American public ate it up and went to sleep. Now the American public is waking up. We cannot have that. I demand that they GO BACK TO SLEEP!!!
I know.... That's why I provided the Twitter link....
(POS) 🤭 Nice addition
I had to... 😉😜
When he was growing up he had only 3 stations?
I didn't realize Kenya was so far advanced back in the early 60's..
What a total fucking faggot. I want to see him squirm. It looks like this is a preview. Winning!!!! Nobody walks away from what you did.
fukin commie
For democracy... lol what a clown. Hell is hot.
Here's how this will play out:
Tucker redpills the world via Twitter.
More independent journalists follow the same model on Twitter.
Biden follows Obama's recommendation and "temporarily" shuts down Twitter.
Tucker, journalists, and Twitter users migrate to Truth Social.
Smooth talker pos
And now we have reports that CIA just initiated a Telegram page...
Why did they avoid setting up new accounts on Truth Social and Twitter?
Heard that Telegram was owned by Russia. Seems quite the conflict of interest.
To quote Blazing Saddles "I've got a special. When can you work him in?"
In case no one has seen it:
Oh Dear OBummer is panicking
He needs to be "no-named".....
There's only one way to "eradicate" pestilence. He and his cohorts are the pestilence.
Soon as and if they declare that I will be waiting for the real president to tell me the storm is upon us
🖕💩 Kenyan
Bathhouse Barry is hoping for a state of emergency at the glory hole. All able-bodied men are to line up and have their turns.
As Bugs said when we had three stations: "What a maroon. What an ignoranamouse." How about we go back way before we had 3 stations. Back before radio. The common understanding came together slowly through one on one conversations and arguments held anywhere people gathered together. Only we can do it faster now on the internet if we get assholes like him to let us sort it out without trying to outlaw speech he doesn't like.
Even democrats would disagree, right?!
"We ALMOST live in two different realities"?
No, you live in lies, and we live in realities....
I picture a very tired and isolated grandma hearing that Obama is going to "declare a national emergency and eradicate all independent journos from the web etc." And it makes me sad. People need information that isn't made to shock. It reminds me of national enquirer headlines at the checkout line in the 90s. I wondered who the hell is out there believing Hillary Had an Alien Baby.
And then there's Chelsea