Or, just as likely, it is referring to the same "thing" that Elon Musk changing Twitter to X is referring to. Which honestly, isn't something I've seen anyone crack.
they are now just stabbing blindly in the dark and guessing what the next vaccine should/could be!"
This is not the first time...
See the 1918 Spanish flu.
"Influenza" means "influence from the stars" as in, they had no fucking clue what was causing the "Spanish Influenza" (hint, it was the "vaccine stabbing blindly in the dark" by the Rockefeller Foundation).
The very concept of a virus didn't even really exist at the time. There was certainly no evidence of one yet. They thought it was a bacteria, which was why the "vaccine" was an injection of bacteria (which, along with the mandated masks, caused lots of pneumonia and thus death).
Remember Trump mentioned 1917 several times. I think he knew the 100 year pattern. Its not a fucking virus. Its just murder by government. Ron Paul told the story of his first years in Congress during the seventies. Nobody died from the swine flu until they mandated vaccines. They halted the jabs when people started to die. Biden halted pipelines and new wells. .he stopped new coal fired plants. He supports abortion and no cash bail... He tried to mandate jabs that kill when ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine works. The pattern is they want anything that reduces population no matter the suffering. War is common strategy but now they're supplementing to speed up their plan. Since nobody hung for the last jabs. Why not repeat.
There still isn't evidence of viruses. We have tiny geometric particles that are associated with disease, but there is still no proof that viruses can be isolated and cause disease. It has never been done. There is no paper proving HIV causes AIDS or that SARS-COV-2 causes Covid-19.
The best explanation for viruses is that they are produced by various forms of cell respiration as waste products, which is why they are organic but "neither dead nor alive". Like feces.
Flies are active on a dead body- did the fly kill the animal?
Firefighters are active around a burning building, did they start the fire?
"Viruses" are present and detectable, did they cause the illness?
The big eye opener is that when we look at how testing for diseases works, it is almost never a test for the presence of the "virus" or bacteria, it is a POPULATION COUNT. "With PCR if you do it well you can find almost ANYTHING in ANYBODY" - Kary Mullis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHmVj3LTqrU
You have HIV. You have influenza. "There's very few molecules that you don't have at least one single one of them in your body." - Kary Mullis
Because "viruses" are not external. They are generated by your body in a GOOD process of illness that is meant to detox and clean us up. It is by design that we get sick, and the process of getting healthy is just a series of detox mechanisms.
"The weight of evidence we examined from both historical and modern analyses of the 1918 influenza pandemic favors a scenario in which viral damage followed by bacterial pneumonia led to the vast majority of deaths," says co-author NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. "In essence, the virus landed the first blow while bacteria delivered the knockout punch."https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/bacterial-pneumonia-caused-most-deaths-1918-influenza-pandemic
Except there was no "viral damage", only detectable waste products from immune response to the toxic vaccines that led to extreme immune response of pneumonia because the vaccines were so toxic.
There still isn't evidence of viruses. We have tiny geometric particles that are associated with disease, but there is still no proof that viruses can be isolated and cause disease. It has never been done.
This is so commonly spouted by the "virus deniers" yet no one that I have talked to understands how cell fractionation is done, nor how WGS (whole genome sequencing) is done.
The "isolation" for viruses, and indeed, in testing for all biological material, where we want to get to certain parts of the cell (or extra cellular milieu as the case may be) is done by taking a sample, and fractionating it in a density gradient (through centrifugation), and then, by serial dilution, isolating out the fraction that is in some specific density. This allows us to select out that portion of a cellular sample and perform other tests, to see what's in there. In the case of a viral "identification," we take the section that contains the "waste products" as you call them, and we perform a test on the RNA contained within it.
In the case of SARS-CoV-2 (and numerous other viruses) this produces the same RNA values every time, strongly suggesting a very specific code contained within these "waste products." Why would there be a very specific code, with minimal (and expected) genetic drift if it were not being produced to have that code? Why would tests on the exterior of these viral products produce such high proclivity to binding to other cells? To suggest such tests haven't been done shows absolutely no investigation into the evidence, ignoring it in favor of some "there's no such thing as a virus" theory.
No one who puts forth this idea ever addresses these issues. Indeed, no one I've ever spoken with or heard speak even seems to understand how biological testing is done, citing one random person (I don't remember his name, not Kery Mulls) who has made this "no isolation" protest.
The protest itself is sound. We should be able to set up such an isolation -> infection experiment. And indeed we have, many times, in what are called bacteriophages, which are "viruses" that target bacteria specifically. Bacteriophages, rather than being spherical, like human viruses, are robust and have a shape and function that leaves no doubt that they are targeting "machines" of some sort, created by "sick" bacteria, designed to transfer specific codes to other bacteria (which is really the definition of a virus). I myself have done infection experiments with bacteriophages. No one seems to protest those, so why the protest on human viruses?
It could even be that we have done similar tests in human viruses as well, though when I looked, I could not find such experiments. Thus the protest is sound, in that it would be a very good experiment to do. But I think the reason it has not been done (if it indeed has not been done, instead of "not done very often" and the reason I couldn't find any is because the signal to noise ratio is just too high) is not due to a "grand conspiracy," but rather, because we do cell fractionation isolations all the time and no one protests it in any other context (because it is a sound methodology), so why would they do so in the case of virus experiments? Indeed, it would extremely weird to do it any other way in virus experiments because such isolations are difficult when compared with centrifugal serial isolations (cell fractionation).
As for Kary Mullis' protests, they too are sound, but that is a completely different issue, and has more to do with how PCR is done, what "finding something" really indicates with respect to disease, and the statistics involved in applying it to population wide "disease control" policies, than that it is an unsound technique for understanding what is in some sample. On the contrary, it is a very sound technique for understanding what is there. It's really a protest that says that finding a specific something there doesn't make you sick (or infectious, or even potentially sick or infectious).
With regards to the Spanish flu, there aren't any tests that I have ever seen that in any way indicate there was any virus involved at all. Not because no tests can be done (see above), but because no such tests were ever done, because they had no idea how to do such things until 40 years after the fact, by which time there would be no meaningful way to get samples to make any such determination.
The bigger tell is how lab animals are made to be ill. And humans in controlled studies.
Swapping spit doesn't work. Injecting blood from infected same species organisms (that doesn't trigger blood type rejection) doesn't work. I'll try to find it (it keeps moving and being deleted but it is available on pubmed), but there was an experiment with about 100 servicemen in 1918 where they volunteered to try and get sick with the Spanish Flu, and the researchers could not make them sick by any means, finally resorting to having them spit in each others' mouths with zero success.
Animals cannot be given a specific human illness solely by exposure to humans. It requires adjuvants like aluminum, petroleum products like polyethylene glycol, a "matrix" like FBS- which is Fetal Bovine Serum- calf's blood, Vero cells from green monkey kidneys, and antibiotics. This "base" is combined with cultured snot or the resultant product of the cell fractionation, injected into the test subject, and when the test subject becomes ill- the author points to the cultured snot/test cells as the cause, completely ignoring the effect of the mixture of incredibly toxic adjuvants, each of which could on its own result in an illness response.
Understanding the intricacies of cell fractionation is not the issue. The issue is that that the variables tested are not remotely independent variables and they never have been. I posit this is because they cannot work in the way they are described independently (and it is common knowledge that you need adjuvants in a vaccine or the immune response will not happen).
The reason these "waste products" have very specific genetic codes is because humans have very specific genetic codes that are incredibly dynamic and operate procedurally. When you cut your arm, you have a very specific response to the pain that triggers inflammation and the routing of resources like platelets to begin the healing process. When you are exposed to some extreme toxin like radiation, people have almost exactly the same physiological responses that produce identical cancers that can be identified with genetic testing. I am not saying I understand the purpose of the particles we call viruses or their functions, I am simply pointing out that the entirety of their existence in mainstream medicine and virology is based on flimsy lies.
If you cannot be made sick by exposure to the virus, or a "purified" version in saline, water, host blood, or host mucus, nothing in these substances is pathogenic. The only thing that causes illness is the adjuvants.
Now the adjuvants CAN kick off specific immune/detox reactions that can mirror the body's natural responses, and those may have the ability to create a small illness now that results in a small illness later. But that is at the cost of incredibly toxic adjuvants that accumulate and cause their own long-term chronic issues. If vaccines didn't leave a mark and result in increased overall health, explain the reality of things like this (it's also the food and soap and air and water obviously):
Don't get bogged down in the intricacies of experimental prose in the results, and instead evaluate the experimental design. If independent variables are not actually tested, the study is fraudulent and any forthcoming conclusion does not accurately explain reality. With enough money and the ability to exclude study members for any reason at all, you can prove almost anything in a peer-reviewed study. My father practiced medicine for 45 years and his assumption is that 95% of peer-reviewed studies are nonsense.
"Disease X represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease. The R&D Blueprint explicitly seeks to enable early cross-cutting R&D preparedness that is also relevant for an unknown “Disease X”.
It really isn't much different than what they did with covid and it's "variants"
The jab was so narrowly focused (on a mythical thing they never could isolate anyways) that people weren't "protected" from anything other than the first myth...
And their SOLUTION .....
Hurry up and get a 2nd, 3rd, 4th shot of the EXACT SAME THING you already took. And oh by the way scream and yell at anyone skeptical of it because they don't agree with you, and make sure you call for them to be jailed, try to remove their children from their custody and openly call for their mistreatment and death for them.
Exactly how coldvid19 happened. Moderna admitted they produced 100k vax in 2019. Those bioweapon labs in Ukraine that Victoria nuland didn't want to fall into Russia control seem to be the source of upcoming pandemics. If the majority of deaths occur after vax, then they might just skip the virus psyop and go straight to the jabs with bioweapon inside.
I posted yesterday that this was on UK radio 'news' yesterday. Not verbatim, but basically scientists are developing a vaccine for a new disease X, that they don't know what it is yet, but it will come from an animal and will be the next pandemic. Literally. That's how audacious they are now.
Local news station w their propaganda articles saying this is wait for it..fake news. Love they way they write Yes or No to start of the article intro . Just so you know what you're allowed to think.
disease X is an illness designed to infect only those that are jabbed. It relies on the "framework" established in their bodies by the graphene oxide in the covid jabs.
Mark my words, Disease X is a kill shot that will affect only the jabbed.
I agree with others that this looks like comms about (former) Twitter. A need to "vaccinate" people against the truth prior to the election? Are they going to try to take the site down?
They are already preparing the vaccine for the next disease because they already know what the disease is. They probably know when they plan on releasing it (this winter is my guess, but lets hope not).
They learned that the covid jab killed to fast. It was too obvious. They also learned that the jab didn't show clear benefits before death. To top it off, the virus they released wasn't scary enough.
So now they need to make onewithh a longer death incubation period. Then once they get a good one ready, figure out what viruses would be scary, release one or a few and profit!
They need us to make a false choice, either die immediately from the virus, or die in a couple years from the jab. Your choice.
Remember, if we do a good job with vaccines, we can lower the population.
To me, there are always trying to show us who’s boss. “Lookie what we can do? We’re in control! Don’t bother fighting back! We’ve already got a new virus in the works!”
Remember in Feb 2020 Nancy Pelosi imploring us to 'Come to Chinatown, it's safe'... "we want to be vigilant about what might be on the hor - er, what is out there in other places".
Well when 2/3rds of the population take an untested and useless vaccine that harms them - you see that they can literally print money and sell pet rock vaccines. Might as well do it again since there is immunity for them to do it again.
" We have to pass the vaccine, so we uh so we can find out what's in it ".
Sound familiar ?
Closely followed by “if you don’t take it, how do we know what it will do to you?”
Wait, disease X like Twitters new name?
Right. Reading just the headline this could be comms. I no longer take any news at face value.
It's X/Twitter -- the story at face value is too retarded.
Or, just as likely, it is referring to the same "thing" that Elon Musk changing Twitter to X is referring to. Which honestly, isn't something I've seen anyone crack.
Can you expand on this?
SpaceX, and he also named his kid X. He's a GenXer.
There could be something to it but I just don't see it yet.
Don't forget X.com, the precursor to Paypal. Although I believe this Comm may be different than what that sent back in the Columbine days.
Only an arsonist can predict a building catchung on fire
This is not the first time...
See the 1918 Spanish flu.
"Influenza" means "influence from the stars" as in, they had no fucking clue what was causing the "Spanish Influenza" (hint, it was the "vaccine stabbing blindly in the dark" by the Rockefeller Foundation).
The very concept of a virus didn't even really exist at the time. There was certainly no evidence of one yet. They thought it was a bacteria, which was why the "vaccine" was an injection of bacteria (which, along with the mandated masks, caused lots of pneumonia and thus death).
Remember Trump mentioned 1917 several times. I think he knew the 100 year pattern. Its not a fucking virus. Its just murder by government. Ron Paul told the story of his first years in Congress during the seventies. Nobody died from the swine flu until they mandated vaccines. They halted the jabs when people started to die. Biden halted pipelines and new wells. .he stopped new coal fired plants. He supports abortion and no cash bail... He tried to mandate jabs that kill when ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine works. The pattern is they want anything that reduces population no matter the suffering. War is common strategy but now they're supplementing to speed up their plan. Since nobody hung for the last jabs. Why not repeat.
There still isn't evidence of viruses. We have tiny geometric particles that are associated with disease, but there is still no proof that viruses can be isolated and cause disease. It has never been done. There is no paper proving HIV causes AIDS or that SARS-COV-2 causes Covid-19.
The best explanation for viruses is that they are produced by various forms of cell respiration as waste products, which is why they are organic but "neither dead nor alive". Like feces.
Flies are active on a dead body- did the fly kill the animal? Firefighters are active around a burning building, did they start the fire? "Viruses" are present and detectable, did they cause the illness?
The big eye opener is that when we look at how testing for diseases works, it is almost never a test for the presence of the "virus" or bacteria, it is a POPULATION COUNT. "With PCR if you do it well you can find almost ANYTHING in ANYBODY" - Kary Mullis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHmVj3LTqrU
You have HIV. You have influenza. "There's very few molecules that you don't have at least one single one of them in your body." - Kary Mullis
Because "viruses" are not external. They are generated by your body in a GOOD process of illness that is meant to detox and clean us up. It is by design that we get sick, and the process of getting healthy is just a series of detox mechanisms.
Watch this interview with Kary Mullis: https://ugetube.com/watch/kary-mullis-pcr-inventor-the-full-interview-by-gary-null-hiv-aids-1996_zKng4sOqHPIAOBO.html
"The weight of evidence we examined from both historical and modern analyses of the 1918 influenza pandemic favors a scenario in which viral damage followed by bacterial pneumonia led to the vast majority of deaths," says co-author NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. "In essence, the virus landed the first blow while bacteria delivered the knockout punch." https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/bacterial-pneumonia-caused-most-deaths-1918-influenza-pandemic
Except there was no "viral damage", only detectable waste products from immune response to the toxic vaccines that led to extreme immune response of pneumonia because the vaccines were so toxic.
This is so commonly spouted by the "virus deniers" yet no one that I have talked to understands how cell fractionation is done, nor how WGS (whole genome sequencing) is done.
The "isolation" for viruses, and indeed, in testing for all biological material, where we want to get to certain parts of the cell (or extra cellular milieu as the case may be) is done by taking a sample, and fractionating it in a density gradient (through centrifugation), and then, by serial dilution, isolating out the fraction that is in some specific density. This allows us to select out that portion of a cellular sample and perform other tests, to see what's in there. In the case of a viral "identification," we take the section that contains the "waste products" as you call them, and we perform a test on the RNA contained within it.
In the case of SARS-CoV-2 (and numerous other viruses) this produces the same RNA values every time, strongly suggesting a very specific code contained within these "waste products." Why would there be a very specific code, with minimal (and expected) genetic drift if it were not being produced to have that code? Why would tests on the exterior of these viral products produce such high proclivity to binding to other cells? To suggest such tests haven't been done shows absolutely no investigation into the evidence, ignoring it in favor of some "there's no such thing as a virus" theory.
No one who puts forth this idea ever addresses these issues. Indeed, no one I've ever spoken with or heard speak even seems to understand how biological testing is done, citing one random person (I don't remember his name, not Kery Mulls) who has made this "no isolation" protest.
The protest itself is sound. We should be able to set up such an isolation -> infection experiment. And indeed we have, many times, in what are called bacteriophages, which are "viruses" that target bacteria specifically. Bacteriophages, rather than being spherical, like human viruses, are robust and have a shape and function that leaves no doubt that they are targeting "machines" of some sort, created by "sick" bacteria, designed to transfer specific codes to other bacteria (which is really the definition of a virus). I myself have done infection experiments with bacteriophages. No one seems to protest those, so why the protest on human viruses?
It could even be that we have done similar tests in human viruses as well, though when I looked, I could not find such experiments. Thus the protest is sound, in that it would be a very good experiment to do. But I think the reason it has not been done (if it indeed has not been done, instead of "not done very often" and the reason I couldn't find any is because the signal to noise ratio is just too high) is not due to a "grand conspiracy," but rather, because we do cell fractionation isolations all the time and no one protests it in any other context (because it is a sound methodology), so why would they do so in the case of virus experiments? Indeed, it would extremely weird to do it any other way in virus experiments because such isolations are difficult when compared with centrifugal serial isolations (cell fractionation).
As for Kary Mullis' protests, they too are sound, but that is a completely different issue, and has more to do with how PCR is done, what "finding something" really indicates with respect to disease, and the statistics involved in applying it to population wide "disease control" policies, than that it is an unsound technique for understanding what is in some sample. On the contrary, it is a very sound technique for understanding what is there. It's really a protest that says that finding a specific something there doesn't make you sick (or infectious, or even potentially sick or infectious).
With regards to the Spanish flu, there aren't any tests that I have ever seen that in any way indicate there was any virus involved at all. Not because no tests can be done (see above), but because no such tests were ever done, because they had no idea how to do such things until 40 years after the fact, by which time there would be no meaningful way to get samples to make any such determination.
The bigger tell is how lab animals are made to be ill. And humans in controlled studies.
Swapping spit doesn't work. Injecting blood from infected same species organisms (that doesn't trigger blood type rejection) doesn't work. I'll try to find it (it keeps moving and being deleted but it is available on pubmed), but there was an experiment with about 100 servicemen in 1918 where they volunteered to try and get sick with the Spanish Flu, and the researchers could not make them sick by any means, finally resorting to having them spit in each others' mouths with zero success.
Animals cannot be given a specific human illness solely by exposure to humans. It requires adjuvants like aluminum, petroleum products like polyethylene glycol, a "matrix" like FBS- which is Fetal Bovine Serum- calf's blood, Vero cells from green monkey kidneys, and antibiotics. This "base" is combined with cultured snot or the resultant product of the cell fractionation, injected into the test subject, and when the test subject becomes ill- the author points to the cultured snot/test cells as the cause, completely ignoring the effect of the mixture of incredibly toxic adjuvants, each of which could on its own result in an illness response.
Understanding the intricacies of cell fractionation is not the issue. The issue is that that the variables tested are not remotely independent variables and they never have been. I posit this is because they cannot work in the way they are described independently (and it is common knowledge that you need adjuvants in a vaccine or the immune response will not happen).
The reason these "waste products" have very specific genetic codes is because humans have very specific genetic codes that are incredibly dynamic and operate procedurally. When you cut your arm, you have a very specific response to the pain that triggers inflammation and the routing of resources like platelets to begin the healing process. When you are exposed to some extreme toxin like radiation, people have almost exactly the same physiological responses that produce identical cancers that can be identified with genetic testing. I am not saying I understand the purpose of the particles we call viruses or their functions, I am simply pointing out that the entirety of their existence in mainstream medicine and virology is based on flimsy lies.
If you cannot be made sick by exposure to the virus, or a "purified" version in saline, water, host blood, or host mucus, nothing in these substances is pathogenic. The only thing that causes illness is the adjuvants.
Now the adjuvants CAN kick off specific immune/detox reactions that can mirror the body's natural responses, and those may have the ability to create a small illness now that results in a small illness later. But that is at the cost of incredibly toxic adjuvants that accumulate and cause their own long-term chronic issues. If vaccines didn't leave a mark and result in increased overall health, explain the reality of things like this (it's also the food and soap and air and water obviously): https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/04/older-millennials-chronic-health-conditions.html
Don't get bogged down in the intricacies of experimental prose in the results, and instead evaluate the experimental design. If independent variables are not actually tested, the study is fraudulent and any forthcoming conclusion does not accurately explain reality. With enough money and the ability to exclude study members for any reason at all, you can prove almost anything in a peer-reviewed study. My father practiced medicine for 45 years and his assumption is that 95% of peer-reviewed studies are nonsense.
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False John P. A. Ioannidis https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124
(Post from Robin Monotti on TG)
“The WHO literally admitting that "Disease X" is a fiction here:
"Disease X represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease. The R&D Blueprint explicitly seeks to enable early cross-cutting R&D preparedness that is also relevant for an unknown “Disease X”.
they know very well what is coming because they are creating it !
Preparing for the next pandemic by developing the next pandemic. Probably working on MULTIPLE different virii and their subsequent "vaccines."
This evil people just need to stop and be jailed or GITMO dirt-napped ASAP.
Pitch forks, torches and heads on pikes.
IMO this demonstrates that the vaccine is the reason for the disease. not vice-versa.
They know the outcome or "cure" they need. That is all they care about.
And surprise surprise this jab will be the SAME one that's killing people now.
There will be no ingredient list, they probably won't even change the labels.
It really isn't much different than what they did with covid and it's "variants"
The jab was so narrowly focused (on a mythical thing they never could isolate anyways) that people weren't "protected" from anything other than the first myth...
And their SOLUTION .....
Hurry up and get a 2nd, 3rd, 4th shot of the EXACT SAME THING you already took. And oh by the way scream and yell at anyone skeptical of it because they don't agree with you, and make sure you call for them to be jailed, try to remove their children from their custody and openly call for their mistreatment and death for them.
Can they do something more meaningful, like making some Nike sneakers.
Isn't this basically the flu shots? They just pick a few that they think will be big this year?
Exactly how coldvid19 happened. Moderna admitted they produced 100k vax in 2019. Those bioweapon labs in Ukraine that Victoria nuland didn't want to fall into Russia control seem to be the source of upcoming pandemics. If the majority of deaths occur after vax, then they might just skip the virus psyop and go straight to the jabs with bioweapon inside.
August 6 2023 Sunday show 60 minutes ( the show that made Bill Clinton President) Bat caves the next pandemic https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pandemic-virus-hunters-pathogen-x-60-minutes/
I posted yesterday that this was on UK radio 'news' yesterday. Not verbatim, but basically scientists are developing a vaccine for a new disease X, that they don't know what it is yet, but it will come from an animal and will be the next pandemic. Literally. That's how audacious they are now.
Local news station w their propaganda articles saying this is wait for it..fake news. Love they way they write Yes or No to start of the article intro . Just so you know what you're allowed to think.
disease X is an illness designed to infect only those that are jabbed. It relies on the "framework" established in their bodies by the graphene oxide in the covid jabs.
Mark my words, Disease X is a kill shot that will affect only the jabbed.
And the graphene oxide in the water supply
Now you know why they spent the entirety of 2020 in the UK digging up all the roads and poking around in the water pipes.
I agree with others that this looks like comms about (former) Twitter. A need to "vaccinate" people against the truth prior to the election? Are they going to try to take the site down?
Covid vaccines and test kit created before Covid exist as well ,
So now just exposure time
Create the solution
Then create the problem
No joke. They think we are stupid.
They are already preparing the vaccine for the next disease because they already know what the disease is. They probably know when they plan on releasing it (this winter is my guess, but lets hope not).
They learned that the covid jab killed to fast. It was too obvious. They also learned that the jab didn't show clear benefits before death. To top it off, the virus they released wasn't scary enough.
So now they need to make onewithh a longer death incubation period. Then once they get a good one ready, figure out what viruses would be scary, release one or a few and profit!
They need us to make a false choice, either die immediately from the virus, or die in a couple years from the jab. Your choice.
Remember, if we do a good job with vaccines, we can lower the population.
This sounds like the opening to an apocalypse movie.
Scrolled down from a post regarding the white genocide in SA Musk commented on to find this trend about X
Anyone that is stupid enough to get a vax gets what they deserve. Its an IQ TEST.
To me, there are always trying to show us who’s boss. “Lookie what we can do? We’re in control! Don’t bother fighting back! We’ve already got a new virus in the works!”
They're not very imaginative, are they? They just keep trying to kill us the same way.
Yeah, let's get a bit more creative here...
They are proboly just another legal biolab calculating the effects of vaXXXine X on the public and how much money they can make on it.
In silico
Interesting use of 'scanning the horizon' also.
Remember in Feb 2020 Nancy Pelosi imploring us to 'Come to Chinatown, it's safe'... "we want to be vigilant about what might be on the hor - er, what is out there in other places".
Well when 2/3rds of the population take an untested and useless vaccine that harms them - you see that they can literally print money and sell pet rock vaccines. Might as well do it again since there is immunity for them to do it again.
They're referring to Twitter and Elon Musk... they're going to try to Kennedy him.