He's also surrendering for arrest in Georgia on Thursday, so naturally, he'll be figuring how how to pose for that mugshot that's about to become a rallying cry, and how to present himself as the motorcade rolls through Atlanta to comply with this shitshow.
This is a poor comparison here, so please forgive the sacrilegious nature of the comparison if you're a believer, but Jesus prayed his heart and soul out in the garden of Gethsemanie before he presented to the Romans to be tortured, paraded through town, and crucified. How should he act? Will he have the courage to endure the pain, to endure the hatred of the crowd there to watch him suffer, to do what he must? Will he bear it all with courage?
I can imagine Trump will be having similar self-doubts and will be asking for similar divine guidance and support. Let's be clear here, this is a political crucifixion and they intend not just to destroy the man, but do it with immense cruelty so that no one else will dare challenge their control again.
"If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud)."
If he's not worried then I'm not. I keep praying and watching.
Just wanted to say that I feel the same exact way about the Trump-Jesus comparison and its nice to see I'm not the only one. Obviously Jesus is Lord but there are alot of similarities between what Jesus went through vs what Trump is going through.... an awful lot of them. The phrase "its going to be biblical" comes to mind.
Thanks for having the mental capacity greater than a 2 year old chimpanzee & being able to make analogies / comparisons between Jesus & anyone else, and not autistically screeching "BLASPHEMY, REEEEEE!" like so many do.....
so naturally, he'll be figuring how how to pose for that mugshot
That's PR, I would expect a pretty solid strategy already in place. I also don't have the impression Trump is the sort of person to dedicate a lot of time to religious meditation and prayer. Like a full evenings worth.
Seems like something else. Who knows, maybe you're right.
The Republican debate on Fox will be on tomorrow night. Trump won't be there, but will instead be live on Tucker at the same time to decimate Fox's ratings!
Trump will be there. Well, not in the flesh. But most certainly he will be up front in the minds of everyone in the auditorium and watching at home. The prospective voters. The attendees. The moderators. And of course the other candidates. And those two hours go by, it will be interesting to see how many times his name, his competing interview, his criminal charges, or his past administration is mentioned, either directly or indirectly. I am guessing 5-10x more than any other candidate. Not bad for someone not there in the flesh!
You know what I’d like to see? Since both republicans (including rino-supporters) and some demonrats (those who sense their party will be knocked out during next year’s elections, assuming they occur) will be eyes-on that primary debate… Wouldn’t it be nice if the feeds were hacked and out popped some really damning footage? Or if the military itself broke into the broadcast for a serious matter (like one that makes it crystal clear that the storm is upon us)? An anon can dream…
Who knows but one can hope its the storm tweet followed by a complete blackout while emergency broadcasts go out that within the next 24 hours there will be many arrests of high ranking public officials for treason.
Rather than releasing the Report on the Rigged & Stolen Georgia 2020 Presidential Election on Monday, my lawyers would prefer putting this, I believe, Irrefutable & Overwhelming evidence of Election Fraud & Irregularities in formal Legal Filings as we fight to dismiss this disgraceful Indictment by a publicity & campaign finance seeking D.A., who sadly presides over a record breaking Murder & Violent Crime area, Atlanta. Therefore, the News Conference is no longer necessary!
He is interviewing with Tucker while the debate is goin on…I assume this is what he is referring to.
He's also surrendering for arrest in Georgia on Thursday, so naturally, he'll be figuring how how to pose for that mugshot that's about to become a rallying cry, and how to present himself as the motorcade rolls through Atlanta to comply with this shitshow.
This is a poor comparison here, so please forgive the sacrilegious nature of the comparison if you're a believer, but Jesus prayed his heart and soul out in the garden of Gethsemanie before he presented to the Romans to be tortured, paraded through town, and crucified. How should he act? Will he have the courage to endure the pain, to endure the hatred of the crowd there to watch him suffer, to do what he must? Will he bear it all with courage?
I can imagine Trump will be having similar self-doubts and will be asking for similar divine guidance and support. Let's be clear here, this is a political crucifixion and they intend not just to destroy the man, but do it with immense cruelty so that no one else will dare challenge their control again.
I don't think He is having self-doubts.
You ever see this guy. It's like he doesn't have a care in the world. Everything is under control.
Everybody thinks the deep state is in complete control yet those clowns are like chickens with their heads chopped off running around in circles.
^^^ Facts
At this point, anons, you either believe in the Plan or ya don't. That simple... and I'm comfy af
Yep one of the things that keep me going is this.
"If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud)."
If he's not worried then I'm not. I keep praying and watching.
"I don't think he is having self-doubts."
Nor do I. I do see that there are some parallels between current events and the Crucifixion story, but it's not a perfect match.
I've never seen anyone as self-confident as DJT.
I see Trump as David, a flawed man called by God to do incredible things.
And God even used a murderous persecutor of Christians, Saul, then Paul, to do a marvelous work.
Just wanted to say that I feel the same exact way about the Trump-Jesus comparison and its nice to see I'm not the only one. Obviously Jesus is Lord but there are alot of similarities between what Jesus went through vs what Trump is going through.... an awful lot of them. The phrase "its going to be biblical" comes to mind.
Thanks for having the mental capacity greater than a 2 year old chimpanzee & being able to make analogies / comparisons between Jesus & anyone else, and not autistically screeching "BLASPHEMY, REEEEEE!" like so many do.....
That's PR, I would expect a pretty solid strategy already in place. I also don't have the impression Trump is the sort of person to dedicate a lot of time to religious meditation and prayer. Like a full evenings worth.
Seems like something else. Who knows, maybe you're right.
Wonder if he will be in Hawaii helping people.
I heard on Warroom the interview with Tucker is not live. My guess he is going to watch the debate and critique the runners.
Sorry - I just posted something similar before seeing your post. Didn't mean to double up.
No worries, no need to apologize.
If they could do it mystery theater 3000 style that’d be awesome
On Joe Rogan.
OAN said tonight that the interview is pre-recorded. I wonder if he is going to watch the debate and send a bunch of Truths?
4:13 < 4:4 < 4/4
つ _ ༽つ Donald Take My High Energy ༼ つ _ ༽つ
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ☆.。.:・°☆.。.:・°☆.。.:*
he blew up ISIS when he was having dinner with XI, he blew up solamani when he was having dinner with mcconnell.
maybe he'll be having dinner.
Fantastic point u/2ndenthusiast 👈🏻
Since we all love accuracy here on the board I will just point out it was Syria, not ISIS. But then again, they are kind of all one in the same.
Here is Trump describing the moment while he and Xi dined on the most beautiful chocolate cake in the world.
Grateful for the reminder about our bad ass GEOTUS
Yeah, I think there was chocolate cake too :)
I don't know what it means... but I am ready Mr. President! LFG!!!!
He’s not signing that statement of support. He’s already said he’s not doing any primary debates.
The Republican debate on Fox will be on tomorrow night. Trump won't be there, but will instead be live on Tucker at the same time to decimate Fox's ratings!
Not "live" prerecorded, but either way can't wait for some possible boomidy booms
I've seen several people mention it, where did you find out it was prerecorded?
We heard it tonight on Newsmax
Trump will be there. Well, not in the flesh. But most certainly he will be up front in the minds of everyone in the auditorium and watching at home. The prospective voters. The attendees. The moderators. And of course the other candidates. And those two hours go by, it will be interesting to see how many times his name, his competing interview, his criminal charges, or his past administration is mentioned, either directly or indirectly. I am guessing 5-10x more than any other candidate. Not bad for someone not there in the flesh!
Isn't he going to ATL tmmrw?
I thought it was Thursday when he turns himself in at Atlanta
You're right, I'm a day ahead.
I'm hoping he uses this Tucker interview to drop the election fraud info. He's getting 100 million +views. It would be awesome
No Deltas listed for tomorrow night. Wonder what's up.
If anything happens, I get the feeling there is no Delta for this one.
Tucker interview and the Faux News debate for the VP candidates. 🤣
Nobody wants any of those sellouts for VP
You know what I’d like to see? Since both republicans (including rino-supporters) and some demonrats (those who sense their party will be knocked out during next year’s elections, assuming they occur) will be eyes-on that primary debate… Wouldn’t it be nice if the feeds were hacked and out popped some really damning footage? Or if the military itself broke into the broadcast for a serious matter (like one that makes it crystal clear that the storm is upon us)? An anon can dream…
Double Troll... the Fox (non) VP Debate & prep for the fake surrender. He is definitely a master of narratives.
Who knows but one can hope its the storm tweet followed by a complete blackout while emergency broadcasts go out that within the next 24 hours there will be many arrests of high ranking public officials for treason.
Mic drop.
🤔 Interesting
It has been reported the interview with Tucker has been prerecorded. So, if not that...
U got a link for this fren. I can't seem to find it on truth
Yeah, he's got a jam packed schedule! First, he's breaking out of prison - Trump ain't paying no $200k bail. Fuckouttaheeeere.
Next, AF2 pickin him up, he's flying to Tucker.
Unfiltered mass communication vehicle... during the motha fuckin' corny ass VP debate on Fox.
Then he's going to drain their ratings like a leech high on coke from being on Hunter.
BB is probably right... https://babylonbee.com/news/trump-to-host-live-stream-of-debates-where-he-insults-the-other-candidates-mst3k-style/
Operators in control
Why would he be shouting this...that part is as interesting as the message itself
Mug shot. Mug shot. Mug shot. Mug shot!
4th psyop group also said they would be busy..
Maybe drop the report he canceled on Monday?
You can tell who the front-runner is in a debate by who the others attack. Guarantee they won't be attacking anyone in the debate stage. KEK
"Tomorrow Night" is Wednesday night.
He is supposed to be indicted in Fulton County, GA on Thursday, the very next day.
So what is he doing to prepare for that?
All of his posts get flooded with bots and spam links claiming to be all sorts of dasting content. Don’t fall for it and click ANY of em
Every. Single Time. And they're all a bunch of telegram links asking you to join.
Confirming this is where to watch?
Fuck knows...But I bet Melania is excited
Rather than releasing the Report on the Rigged & Stolen Georgia 2020 Presidential Election on Monday, my lawyers would prefer putting this, I believe, Irrefutable & Overwhelming evidence of Election Fraud & Irregularities in formal Legal Filings as we fight to dismiss this disgraceful Indictment by a publicity & campaign finance seeking D.A., who sadly presides over a record breaking Murder & Violent Crime area, Atlanta. Therefore, the News Conference is no longer necessary!
Yes. He posted that his lawyers advised him against making it public at this time. Maybe it was a head fake, or maybe his lawyers are cucks.