I know many of you have seen the video and picture , but many have not...
Show me any other President in US history to have the military with them while they do their inauguration speech...
Special note, who was standing by Trump specifically?..
Why is this important?.
DJT, Military Intel, & JAG

Military is the only way forward when all other means are corrupt...
Who controls the military?
It was Admiral Rogers who originally asked Trump to run for President.
He was head of the NSA at the time I believe.
It was Admiral Rogers who alerted Trump at Trump Tower that he was being wire tapped after he was elected.
Close, but I thought Adm. Rogers warned Trump's team DURING the campaign and as a result, Trump moved his operation to a more secure location.
It was Nov 17, 2016 when he warned Trump :)
Remember this day.
OK, thanks, I'll take your word for it.
Yes that's true, but I also thought Admiral Rogers was part of a secret group of top brass that wanted Trump to run for President.
That is something that I believe is likely as well.
Admiral Rogers denied Trump Tower was ever wiretapped.
Devin Nunes denied Trump Tower was ever wiretapped. He says it quite clearly here.
Nunes had been running around claiming there was a wiretap.
But there wasn't so he had to walk it back. Rogers never made this claim.
Rogers testified to this alongside Clapper and Comey
One thing that came in the testimony is Obama or any other President can't simple order a wiretap. It has to go through a judge.
Nunes's claim originated with Ezra Cohen Watnik. He saw Trump's name in classified info and told Nunes about it. But he misled Nunes, either deliberately or unwittingly. The classified documents that mentioned Trump DID NOT come from any surveillance on Trump on Russians who were discussing Trump.
I know disinfo is necessary. Just saying...
1866 Important takeaway. We've had the ball the entire time. Think offense. Why did POTUS move his entire operation out of TT the DAY AFTER the ADM ROGERS [SCIF] MEETING? The WORLD is WATCHING. The WORLD is HERE. EYES ON. Q
Trump did not move his operation out of Trump Tower in 2016. This is just false
The Trump transition team met with people in Trump Tower right through January,
They also had an office in DC because public money was not supposed to go to Donald Trump's business.
Mike Flynn, hope Hicks, Mike Pence, and many others on the Trump transition team or photographed at Trump Tower all throughout December and January.
https://twitter.com/Mike_Pence/status/805823083697283079?t=u3kfVbReoygVsSB0kNANMg&s=19 https://twitter.com/Mike_Pence/status/816294638369771520?t=xRWu92eE5NE-3AqkbWlvag&s=19
Cspan had a Trump Tower lobby camera set to cover the transition.
Do a search for
C-SPAN Trump Tower lobby camera 2016 2017
I get that 7 months before Q first posted that Rogers and Nunes would say as much, even now. One of the greatest strengths of the Q movement is the plausible deniability provided to President Trump.
However there are articles from Nov 17 and 18 2016 regarding moving his transition team meetings to Bedminster.
That first article is about a single days meetings. And probably means Trump wanted to golf that weekend.
The second article confirms what I suspected.
There's tons of evidence of that Trump did not move his transition team out of Trump Tower. Dec 3 https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-presidential-transition-1.3863762
Dec 15 https://techcrunch.com/2016/12/15/oracle-ceo-safra-catz-joins-trump-transition-team/
This was all documented.
A. There was no wiretap. B. Rodgers confirmed this himself. C. The Trump Transitionteam met at Trump Tower all through November, December and January.
And do you think Trump wouldn't say anything for two YEARS?
Even before Admiral Rogers testified under oath the wiretape story fell apart because there was no evidence. So then Sean Spicer claimed the NSA asked the Brits to do it. This was false.
It was more than Rogers. There was a group of Generals that asked Trump to run. This most likely happened back when Obama was gearing up for his second election campaign. Go back and watch interviews of Trump from back then. He "toys" with the idea of running against Obama. This operation took years to plan.
Remember when he came down the escalator and in his speech he said, "I have 300 generals who back me"?
Yes, and LT Gen Flynn was one of that group.
Also, I think it's the video titled something like "This is the video that will get Donald Trump elected president", that Trump says:
I think it was "We always knew this day would come..." And it was the narrator who said it.
No, it was Trump who said it. And he said:
I believe JFK was the original Q...
BTW I remember seeing a video of Bill Clinton saying that he advised DJT to run for president as a republican. Knowing Trump, he probably got Clinton to think it was his idea ;) (Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer)
I have never heard this
What are you talking about.
Roger Stone and Trump have been plotting this for years.
The evidence we have is Rogers never ever spoke to Trump until he was elected.
RMN put the idea in Roger Stone's mind & according to Stone he was the 1st one to suggest the idea of running for president to Trump (But I wouldn't be surprised if RMN & DJT discussed it even before that)
Richard Milhous Nixon, 36th president of the United States of America as well as friend & confidant of Donald John Trump, 45th president of the United States of America. Nobody knows what they discussed on that 3 hour flight when Trump gave Nixon a ride back home but you can bet that Nixon gave Trump a few tips about how the swamp can mess with you. It certainly messed with him.
I'd love a sauce for Nixon started the idea.
Nixon was pretty comfortable with the swamp.
He gave the dairy industry $100 million dollars is subsidies after milk lobbyists contributed $2 million dollars to him. The hid the donation by breaking it up among hundreds of PACs. One of the PACs was called Americans United for Honesty in Government
The head of the American Milk Producers and his top Lobbyist were convicted of bribery https://www.nytimes.com/1974/08/01/archives/exhead-of-milk-coop-pleads-guilty-of-plot-to-bribe-connally.html
These two guys were convicted of bribing John Connally, but Connally got acquitted. Connally called Billy Graham and Jackie Kennedy as character witnesses.
Associated Milk Producers, Inc itself plead guilty to six crimes.
The Nixon Tapes capture that President Nixon was well aware of this scheme and that it could cost $100 million dollars. On the tape John Ehrlichman, the president's counsel, said,
In the smoking gun tape, John Dean tells Nixon the Watergate coverup is going to be expensive. He said, I picked a number I thought would scare him.
President Nixon: We could get that.
Those 2 bands are basically saying Military justice is coming (tribunals) and "we have it all" with the Mil Intelligence.
Lloyd Austin?
No. The Commander in Chief. SECDEF works for CIC.
I watched this live. When those armed forces members fell in behind him, I got goosebumps. I realized instantly, that there was no precedence for this act. It was a message to the satanic cabal that was in attendance: Mess with him, and you mess with us. That was when I knew we were going to win, no matter what.
I watched it too and was a bit confused as to why the military walked up there like that when he spoke. It was so different from other inauguaration speeches and stood out to me.
This was before Q started posting and before Trump mentioned there was a storm coming when he had dinner with the military. "What storm, Mr. President?" the reporters asked. "You'll see" said Trump.
Q started posting and it all fell together somehow.
We are getting closer to the storm now.
"We are transferring power from Washington DC and giving it back to you, the people."
Yes...it was unprecedented! I knew something incredible was happening at the time and hubby and I were astonished! Just didn't realize who the Officers were until later.
They stood behind POTUS for 17 seconds. 💥
? More like about 45 seconds. Def not 17 seconds
That speech lasted 17 minutes.
Because Trump handed power over to the military as explained in this well known video, after they asked him to run.
How much worse does it need to get?
Will they jump in right when the devil rapes my ass?
Dr Jan Halper basically said the military will step in when it’s been decided that the people accept the truth that the cabal is running things into the ground, basically the precipice. And no, we’re not there yet. Most are still just starting to wake up.
not EVERYBODY has to be awake
the plan is not predicated on a certain percentage being 'awake', either..
Military Planning at its Finest = deadlines will be met
We don’t need everyone awake. We just need Critical Mass.
I agree, not everybody, just the majority. If each of us were to ask 10 people that we regularly communicate with if they think the election was stolen, how many of those 10 would say, yes without hesitation it was. I’m sure we’re close to 70%. I think Trump’s mug shot is pushing it closer. Guess we’ll see at some point.
And from what we are hearing, the Fulton Co. indictment and arrest has STIRRED up the people of color in a way that has not happened before...........when you get arrested, as so many black males have been, then there is a bond, a closeness, a recognizing that THE MAN has struct again. This segment of society is circling Trump and recognizing that HE IS THE ONE WHO HAS THEIR BEST INTEREST AT HEART. What a plan......so brilliant that no one but GOD can take credit for it. I finally am liking these closing minutes of the MOVIE. An Oct. 23rd trial date!!!!!! The good guys have been collecting evidence for several years now, so when it is brought to the LIGHT, it is GAME OVER. Is CHRISTMAS 2023 going to be the best Christmas ever, per Q?
And the info about Haiti has yet to drop…
I hadn’t heard the trial date. That’s actually really good news!
5-6% lost forever? I've always taken that to mean the vax side effects, but maybe that's the demographic opinion level they're waiting for
On Dr Jan’s interview last week she stated 80% (or more)of people must be awake else you risk civil war…
And she said they no longer believe a civil war will happen
be careful who you follow
They were going to take the short dirty route and Force Obama out back then but decided to be prudent, at this point I don't think they would give a shit anymore.
The country needs to be united.
The country was united during WWII due to the attack on Pearl Harbor, which FDR helped orchestrate (not saying he did it directly, but more like an enabler). However, not everyone was united behind the war in Europe - many had no quarrel with Germany - heard more than 1 WWII vet tell me that - I used to ask a lot of questions whenever I met a vet.
So, IMHO, people need to understand and believe that elections are important, but that the DS has been stealing our votes and putting their lackeys in office to represent them, not us. We are getting close to that. Next, the people must be willing to believe that the military is protecting us and our election from the DS, and not imposing their will on the country. The next 12 months are going to be interesting.
Even General Pattton said he thought he might be fighting the wrong enemy!
Unfortunately, some people need a really sore ass to remind them that they thought bending over was a good idea.
"Hi, I'm from the Government and I'm here to help!"
"Why, yes! This is broken glass, sandpaper, and pine cones I have with me."
"Lube? What lube?"
Much, much worse. The next 15 months are going to be some of the worst of our lives.
It'll be the worst of times it'll be the best of times
The blurst of times
have they burnt the temple down yet? 🤔
Is the Federal Reserve Note still the world reserve asset? Are the money printers still going brrrrrr? If the answers to those questions are still "yes" then we are not to the precipice yet.
They didn't just stand behind President Trump. They arrived at a specific part of his speech and left when that part of the speech was finished. Right on Q.
Judge Advocate General
Yes, actually, I have wondered about the who, so appreciate this kind of info. Thank you.
The Judge Advocate General (JAG) represents the legal branch of the military in many countries, including the United States. The JAG is responsible for providing legal advice and services to the military and its personnel, as well as overseeing the military justice system. The specific roles and responsibilities of the Judge Advocate General can vary from country to country, but some common functions include:
Legal Advice: The JAG provides legal guidance and advice to military commanders, personnel, and government agencies on a wide range of issues, including military operations, administrative matters, international law, and more.
Military Justice: The JAG plays a crucial role in the military justice system. This includes prosecuting and defending military personnel in courts-martial (military courts) for violations of military law and regulations.
Legal Assistance: The JAG office often offers legal assistance to military personnel and their families. This might include providing guidance on personal legal matters such as family law, estate planning, and consumer issues.
Operational Law: JAG officers often provide legal support for military operations, ensuring that military actions and engagements comply with international law and rules of engagement.
Administrative Law: The JAG handles legal matters related to military administration, including personnel issues, contracts, and military regulations.
Advisory Role: The JAG provides legal input to military decision-making processes, ensuring that legal considerations are taken into account when planning and executing military operations.
Education and Training: JAG officers often contribute to educating military personnel about legal issues, rules of engagement, and other legal aspects relevant to their roles.
In the United States, the Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAG Corps) is the legal branch of the U.S. military services, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Each branch has its own JAG office responsible for legal matters within that branch. The Judge Advocate General, or the head of the JAG Corps, holds a high-ranking position and is responsible for overseeing all legal affairs within the military branch.
Military Intelligence Groups (MIGs), also known as Military Intelligence Brigades or Military Intelligence Battalions, are specialized units within the military that focus on gathering, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence information to support military operations and decision-making. The specific roles and functions of these groups can vary depending on the country and the military branch they belong to, but generally, they perform the following tasks:
Intelligence Collection: MIGs gather information from various sources, including open-source materials, signals intelligence (SIGINT), human intelligence (HUMINT), imagery intelligence (IMINT), and more. This information is collected to provide a comprehensive understanding of the operational environment, potential threats, and opportunities.
Analysis and Assessment: Intelligence analysts within MIGs evaluate the collected information to produce intelligence reports and assessments. They analyze data to identify patterns, trends, potential threats, and actionable insights for military commanders and decision-makers.
Counterintelligence: MIGs also focus on counterintelligence activities, which involve identifying and countering espionage, sabotage, and other activities conducted by foreign intelligence agencies or hostile entities.
Strategic and Tactical Support: The intelligence gathered and analyzed by MIGs is used to support both strategic and tactical military operations. Strategic intelligence helps military leaders make informed decisions about long-term planning, while tactical intelligence supports real-time or near-real-time operations on the battlefield.
Force Protection: MIGs contribute to force protection by providing information about potential threats to military personnel and assets. This information helps in enhancing situational awareness and implementing appropriate security measures.
Threat Assessment: MIGs assess potential threats from adversarial nations, terrorist organizations, insurgent groups, and other entities that could pose risks to national security or military operations.
Cyber Intelligence: With the growing importance of cyber warfare, some MIGs also focus on gathering and analyzing intelligence related to cyber threats and vulnerabilities.
Support to Special Operations: MIGs often provide intelligence support to special operations forces, helping them plan and execute covert and unconventional operations.
Collaboration: MIGs collaborate with other intelligence agencies, military branches, and allied nations to share intelligence, enhance coordination, and achieve common goals.
Training and Education: MIGs provide training and education to military personnel on intelligence-related topics, including how to gather information, analyze data, and protect sensitive information.
In summary, Military Intelligence Groups play a critical role in providing timely, accurate, and relevant intelligence to military commanders and decision-makers, enabling them to make informed choices and effectively respond to threats and challenges.
But didn't they turn and walk away party of the way through the speech? It was almost like an order came through and they all did it at the same time
Right when trump said we are returning the government back to you “the people”.
Start at 1:56
That's what I found most interesting. I'm not sure we yet know what was being portrayed.
One of the service members leaned over to say something to the other, he nodded, and the whole group turned and stepped away.
Just guessing, but would this be symbolic of going undercover?
That was a memorable moment…..one of many during Trumps time as President. Presidential moments where the President was Presidential.
Devils advocate- why is it strange or out of the ordinary to see high ranking military at a Presidents inauguration ceremony?
Not strange to see high ranking military at an inauguration, but it is strange to have them standing right behind Trump in a prominent position. He was making a statement for sure.
Coming and going right on Q, too.
The MSM found it to be “bizarre”.
Everyone is talking about the wiretap, but who is to say it was a legal tap if there was one at all?
Everyone is also stuck on the word "wiretap." He was spied on, but not necessarily via wiretap.