Most of the people around me who took the vax are constantly sick, getting strange skin conditions, one had to have one of her ovaries removed due to a sudden and speedy growth, a relative and a friend died from "turbo" cancer, many suffering from fatigue of varying levels... Yet most of them still repeat the mantra that the COVID "vaccines" were safe and effective.
A few of them have woken up and realise what those jabs did to them, but most just follow the mainstream narrative.
They all know that they have been sick since taking the vaccine, but they just refuse to piece it all together because the media haven't told them to yet.
Honestly, it's hard not to think that they deserve what they've done to themselves due to a complete failure to think for themselves.
As I have said before... longest and saddest "I told you so" ever.
None of these people deserved to lose their health permanently, simply because they were fooled. The ones who administered this death shot deserve to lose their lives, but saying the dumb deserve a death sentence for simple stupidity is where i draw the line.
No they don't deserve to lose their health permanently, but they weren't merely fooled. They also took it a step further and turned their backs on those of us that didn't take the shot. My own brother called me horrible names, ME - who he claims he loves more than anyone else on this planet. Some families excluded members from their Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. They told us they hoped we die, that we deserved to die for our selfish action. They excluded us from shopping for groceries just so we could LIVE, kicked us out of our employment, etc etc.
No, they don't deserve bad health or to lose their lives. But a fucking apology wouldn't be too much to ask. I have learned, though, to forgive. But I'm having a hard time with the forgetting part.
Well, my sentiment is... "Fuck em!!" I washed my hands of them all. And I say that from my perspective of dealing with these same scenarios. I dont go out of my way for any of them anymore.
I'm with you, Magpi. The same experiences here. They might not "deserve" to lose their health permanently, but most could have thought a little more critically about the consequences. These days, if most people are on board supporting or pushing something...I immediately question it.
So sorry about your relatives, but I think you underestimate the power of propaganda. Those who could not see through the propaganda were totally brainwashed.
Unless they have awaken somehow, the need for an apology has probably never even occurred to them. Their brains are wired to believe you are wrong and they are right.
Knowledge is power is a understatement,i too would not wish harm to anyone for being ignorant of the facts ,however with that said,I did my research early on with the vaccines and literally read and downloaded all the material from all the data i could read on the results/blind studies/ingredients from all the pharma vaxxes involved and made copies of each not knowing which is true who withheld what and still found deeply hidden the Myocarditis and Pericarditis and the high percentage in the small group test data ,sent all this info in marked highlighted and tagged on each paper with my nurse wife to take and show her doctors/bosses because she was being forced to take the vaccine or be fired,it was like yelling at the walls at the top of my voice ,and she still was fired.
may GOD help them all because i wont,we were both angry at the world ,couldn't believe what we were seeing ,but we knew we did the right thing ,and when i still hear "IT'S SAFE AND EFFECTIVE " the rage comes boiling back out of my pottymouth.
Were living in several nightmare movies right now ,it's like living in a continuous court trial daily,with no end in sight ,what will be the precipice to turn this universe we live in around.
Unfortunately we are in this mess because of complacent pacifists who allowed a whole train of abuses on the world. It was not just the vax that folks should have been holding their ground on... people should have been fighting Governments and idiots long before the vax.
We have spent years fighting narratives and calling out the BS at every turn, yet a lot of us still cannot win among our closest of friends/families to wake them up.
The vax is just one example of how these folks are lost forever. Their new alignments are yet another badge of honor for them which they will use to virtue signal and call out everyone who is healthy on how they need special privilege's.... these folks remind me of the 400lb welfare beasts who we have to break our backs for to fund their habits of unhealthiness, all the while they need to roll around at the supermarket on disability carts and get parking spots at the front of the store.
Tons of turbo cancer — mainly cancer that was in remission only to return with a vengeance —also, myocarditis, in 18-year old and 22-year old — and another, full-blown heart attack, survived, with 5 stents to the heart in which her arteries were filled with blood clots (she’s only 50)! A couple of former colleagues have died “suddenly”! I now can notice who got the saline and who got the clot shot — massive aging — massive cognitive decline! Scary!
Friend is a mortician in California—lots of weird fiberious blood clots. Another friend’s 3yr old baby has hepatitis. Another friend who had a double mastectomy and survived cancer several years ago — now has breast cancer again?!? This list goes on and on…It’s everywhere, and happening in every state (no matter blue or red). Sick.
Yes! This pains me most. My son was 8 when the schools shut down and he was forced into "remote learning" and trying to figure out how to use a laptop for homework. I still hear the agony in his voice from meltdowns when he was unable to figure out how to navigate. Tears, frustration, all unpleasant emotions that were forced upon him. And I have nephews who were high school aged, excited about homecoming dances, socializing, sports games, and graduations. All wonderful experiences stolen from them.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. But 100% agree with you that what that shamdemic did to kids is entirely unforgiveable.
My son is fine physically/mentally/emotionally. Not what we in the US call "special needs" or anything like that. He's just a normal boy, and was 8 at the time and frustrated by not being able to go to school, socialize, play, etc. Forced into a room to learn using a computer and learn thru the computer was frustrating for him.
What was done to the world but especially kids during the scamdemic is entirely unforgettable and unforgiveable. So many "setbacks to their progress" as you said and are experiencing first hand and its sad and tragic.
That is exactly as I saw it. ANYONE wearing a mask even - it makes you either an ignorant or a coward. You either don't know it's pointless (ignorant) or you know and comply anyway (coward or maybe just lazy/apathetic to be kinder about it).
I will never get over it, and it's sad because the only friends I have left are the ones I avoided altogether during that time, because after the first few folded I could not bear to find out if they were all like that. Sickening.
I also think there is a 3rd mask wearer type. I call them the commie propagandist. They wear their masks under their chin and hang it on their ear. They walk alone outside with a mask on. They drive alone with a mask on.
They basically use the mask as a cudgel to instill fear, control, and brainwash the sheeple to conform or else.
For the most part, people wearing masks right now are commie propagandists and should be treated as such.
Yes good point, all are my natural enemies, but this category is first among them, as they are the ones creating the ignorance and cowardice with their gaslighting malarkey
In places that required masks, I wore it over my mouth and breathed through my nose like I always do :) I think there was only one time where some mask nazi who worked for the store said to put it over my nose, and I said, "I can't breath when I do that", and that was the end of that confrontation.
I had to wear one once when I went into a state government office. It was one of the plain blue/white ones with the blue on the outside and white on the inside - the crappy ones. Before I went I very carefully cut out the white piece so all that was left was the blue. Turns out the blue side is basically a mesh - you could see my face easily through the mask. My wife was pissed because she thought I would get in trouble (or worse) but the person we had to deal with just glared at me (he was probably pissed he didn't think of it himself). I was following "the rules" and there wasn't a damn thing anyone could do about it.
That was the only time I wore one. If I went to a store or a doctor or wherever and they told me to put a mask on I either left or just ignored them.
I was tempted to make a mask our of a piece of screen :) I think I saw that someone was selling masks that WERE essentially screens, but looked like regular masks; sort of like buses with those window coatings that you can't see through from the outside, but can see out from the inside.
hehe I can see the advantage in this, don't get me wrong. The adrenal overload was crazy. I spent months half expecting to get body slammed from behind at any moment, which is no fun after a while, what with the weight loss etc..
Your soul. That is a greater price. Cowardice, ignorance of God is soul ruining. Don't be afraid to seek God and when you find Him, don't be afraid of telling the world.
Let's be very clear, they ARE cowards with no discernment. But I do not want anything to happen to them. I want these Doctors, Nurses, Bio-Chemists, all the way up and down that chain to be tried for Crimes Against Humanity.
It is hard to have compassion for those who attacked us for no other reason than we wanted to control our health decisions. Not the taking of unborn life but our life. And only our life.
It's hard to have compassion for those who attacked us and will attack us again.
I have never been so pissed off. See I and many will be calm but that doesn’t mean we are not pissed off.
Locking my kids in the home and causing my autistic oldest kid to have years of recovery… I am already struggling at being a parent of him and his brother without the government intervention. Then all the drama at work and such.
No wonder they are desperately seeking www3 in the hot form. They know all these people like me and those who are worse off are becoming apparently pissed off with a coupling of food, gas, and day to day living becoming expensive.
These people are sick. They will smirk and their art they have created. This art of sickness and control.
When will it be enough? When will people ever stop being the weakest people in the history of not only USA, but the western Civilization?
They have awakened the beast their forefathers have warned them about but has the beast become to fat to move?
Understand I am very calm. Only God can raise the correct army to defeat this, but is their any worth raising?
I know probably 20 to 30 people, including close family members, who faked the Covid "vax".
They were able to get a legit "vax" card, many even registered it in a national database so they were able to pull up their current "vax" status on their phones.
Some people continued working at jobs that required "proof of vax", took airline flights, traveled overseas or into Mexico and Canada, took cruises, visited relatives, etc... while carrying a fake "vax" card.
They made a choice. When the government is pushing an illegal vax on the public... then the public can produce illegal documentation of that illegal vax. :>)
I almost did the same. I collected a bunch of screenshots of vax cards, and a bunch more pics of all the covidiots that virtue-signaled by posing for selfies with their filled-out vax cards complete with the manufacturer, date, and batch number. Then I decided against it because I wasn't going to get on any airplanes and play their games, wasn't going on a cruise, and wasn't going overseas. The only time I could've flown was when I had to go from TX to TN for a work competition. I just drove the ~10 hours one way, won the competition, and back home the next day. I did however park my car at the airport so I could get a rental car - why put the miles on mine?
"Ain't no sense to bitch about it, because we all know what went wrong."
Honest question here from me... Am I the only one that would like to "Rip Van Winkle" it and wake up about 50 years from now? I want to hear what stories are told about this age more than I want to experience it. I look back on about 60 years of memories at 63 years of age and it's sort of stunning to ponder at times. Which way it all go? How much of what I experience will be reflected honestly in any "stories" about this "Great Reset" vs "Great Awakening" battle for the soul of man? I think it depends of whether or not "The Great and Powerful OZ" is allowed to cower in fear unmolested behind its curtains.
I am seeing people that are vaxxed getting "covid" over and over.
In my house no one got the jabs. No one is sick. Don't get me wrong. We still get the same cold that got before. Feel crummy for a day of two. Then slightly off for a couple of more days.
These people that get "covid" which I think is the common cold that their bodies cannot handle anymore. Are getting sick a few times a year.
It is almost like they are getting flu like symptoms from the common cold that last for a week or more not just a day or two.. Not only that but they are getting sick multiply times a year.
Most of them say they will never take another shot.
Hopefully they won't but lets see what happens if they are inconvenienced because they did not get the newest and greatest booster.
this kid might think he lost out on some of the best years of his life by not taking the vaxx, but he should not and will not regret having to live a life full of surgeries, heart attacks at a young age, cancer, etc. hope this young man knows, the best is yet to come!!
I have too many friends who are now victims of these fake 'vaccines'.
Started having severe chest pains, then seizures. Died from meningitis.
Bang. Aortic aneurysm. Dead. Not long after screening normal for that risk.
Turbo brain cancer. Dead.
Others are still living but suffer from cancers, strokes, paralysis etc. Why are the people who knowingly did this to us still walking freely? Not forgetting their enablers, like state broadcasters/newspapers.
The sad part is they know it was the vaccine that them sick and still thinking it is not the jab. Feel sorry and we have to pray for them. God didn’t give them wisdom. We are lucky to have God on our side.
I have a country place in rural Mississippi. Had a conversation with one of my neighbors. I asked him what's the latest news? His reply was "funerals"! I replied "What do you mean, funerals"? He said he's never been to so many funerals in his life - seems like there's been 1 or 2 a week lately. I asked him how old where the decreased? He said they were in their 40's, 50's & 60's - way too young to be dying. Sad...
Most of the people around me who took the vax are constantly sick, getting strange skin conditions, one had to have one of her ovaries removed due to a sudden and speedy growth, a relative and a friend died from "turbo" cancer, many suffering from fatigue of varying levels... Yet most of them still repeat the mantra that the COVID "vaccines" were safe and effective.
A few of them have woken up and realise what those jabs did to them, but most just follow the mainstream narrative.
They all know that they have been sick since taking the vaccine, but they just refuse to piece it all together because the media haven't told them to yet.
Honestly, it's hard not to think that they deserve what they've done to themselves due to a complete failure to think for themselves.
As I have said before... longest and saddest "I told you so" ever.
worlds largest IQ test was pass/fail.
In Revelations a sickle separates wheat from chaff. Fauci is a Sicilian name for Sickle.
None of these people deserved to lose their health permanently, simply because they were fooled. The ones who administered this death shot deserve to lose their lives, but saying the dumb deserve a death sentence for simple stupidity is where i draw the line.
No they don't deserve to lose their health permanently, but they weren't merely fooled. They also took it a step further and turned their backs on those of us that didn't take the shot. My own brother called me horrible names, ME - who he claims he loves more than anyone else on this planet. Some families excluded members from their Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. They told us they hoped we die, that we deserved to die for our selfish action. They excluded us from shopping for groceries just so we could LIVE, kicked us out of our employment, etc etc.
No, they don't deserve bad health or to lose their lives. But a fucking apology wouldn't be too much to ask. I have learned, though, to forgive. But I'm having a hard time with the forgetting part.
No forgiveness without contrition
I completely understand this sentiment.
Well, my sentiment is... "Fuck em!!" I washed my hands of them all. And I say that from my perspective of dealing with these same scenarios. I dont go out of my way for any of them anymore.
The same could be same of different races and religions, just another way to divide us.
I'm with you, Magpi. The same experiences here. They might not "deserve" to lose their health permanently, but most could have thought a little more critically about the consequences. These days, if most people are on board supporting or pushing something...I immediately question it.
So sorry about your relatives, but I think you underestimate the power of propaganda. Those who could not see through the propaganda were totally brainwashed.
Unless they have awaken somehow, the need for an apology has probably never even occurred to them. Their brains are wired to believe you are wrong and they are right.
you missed out the word Some.
Knowledge is power is a understatement,i too would not wish harm to anyone for being ignorant of the facts ,however with that said,I did my research early on with the vaccines and literally read and downloaded all the material from all the data i could read on the results/blind studies/ingredients from all the pharma vaxxes involved and made copies of each not knowing which is true who withheld what and still found deeply hidden the Myocarditis and Pericarditis and the high percentage in the small group test data ,sent all this info in marked highlighted and tagged on each paper with my nurse wife to take and show her doctors/bosses because she was being forced to take the vaccine or be fired,it was like yelling at the walls at the top of my voice ,and she still was fired. may GOD help them all because i wont,we were both angry at the world ,couldn't believe what we were seeing ,but we knew we did the right thing ,and when i still hear "IT'S SAFE AND EFFECTIVE " the rage comes boiling back out of my pottymouth. Were living in several nightmare movies right now ,it's like living in a continuous court trial daily,with no end in sight ,what will be the precipice to turn this universe we live in around.
They went all in for virtue and a free donut.
Unfortunately we are in this mess because of complacent pacifists who allowed a whole train of abuses on the world. It was not just the vax that folks should have been holding their ground on... people should have been fighting Governments and idiots long before the vax.
We have spent years fighting narratives and calling out the BS at every turn, yet a lot of us still cannot win among our closest of friends/families to wake them up.
The vax is just one example of how these folks are lost forever. Their new alignments are yet another badge of honor for them which they will use to virtue signal and call out everyone who is healthy on how they need special privilege's.... these folks remind me of the 400lb welfare beasts who we have to break our backs for to fund their habits of unhealthiness, all the while they need to roll around at the supermarket on disability carts and get parking spots at the front of the store.
They couldn’t wait to put that “Vaccinated” frame on their Facebook profile pic.
And remember people posting pics of their vaccination card in order to win social credit points?
And diblasio French fries.
Tons of turbo cancer — mainly cancer that was in remission only to return with a vengeance —also, myocarditis, in 18-year old and 22-year old — and another, full-blown heart attack, survived, with 5 stents to the heart in which her arteries were filled with blood clots (she’s only 50)! A couple of former colleagues have died “suddenly”! I now can notice who got the saline and who got the clot shot — massive aging — massive cognitive decline! Scary!
At my work 7 people have died so far:
3 Older Men
1 Father
2 Mothers
It's all from "long covid" :)
Friend is a mortician in California—lots of weird fiberious blood clots. Another friend’s 3yr old baby has hepatitis. Another friend who had a double mastectomy and survived cancer several years ago — now has breast cancer again?!? This list goes on and on…It’s everywhere, and happening in every state (no matter blue or red). Sick.
Yes! This pains me most. My son was 8 when the schools shut down and he was forced into "remote learning" and trying to figure out how to use a laptop for homework. I still hear the agony in his voice from meltdowns when he was unable to figure out how to navigate. Tears, frustration, all unpleasant emotions that were forced upon him. And I have nephews who were high school aged, excited about homecoming dances, socializing, sports games, and graduations. All wonderful experiences stolen from them.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. But 100% agree with you that what that shamdemic did to kids is entirely unforgiveable.
My son is fine physically/mentally/emotionally. Not what we in the US call "special needs" or anything like that. He's just a normal boy, and was 8 at the time and frustrated by not being able to go to school, socialize, play, etc. Forced into a room to learn using a computer and learn thru the computer was frustrating for him.
What was done to the world but especially kids during the scamdemic is entirely unforgettable and unforgiveable. So many "setbacks to their progress" as you said and are experiencing first hand and its sad and tragic.
The babies smiles there gone
That is exactly as I saw it. ANYONE wearing a mask even - it makes you either an ignorant or a coward. You either don't know it's pointless (ignorant) or you know and comply anyway (coward or maybe just lazy/apathetic to be kinder about it).
I will never get over it, and it's sad because the only friends I have left are the ones I avoided altogether during that time, because after the first few folded I could not bear to find out if they were all like that. Sickening.
There must be a reckoning.
I also think there is a 3rd mask wearer type. I call them the commie propagandist. They wear their masks under their chin and hang it on their ear. They walk alone outside with a mask on. They drive alone with a mask on.
They basically use the mask as a cudgel to instill fear, control, and brainwash the sheeple to conform or else.
For the most part, people wearing masks right now are commie propagandists and should be treated as such.
Embarrass them.
Shame them.
Mock them.
I've seen people driving alone in their cars with the windows up and a mask on. Mind boggling.
Those same people are also usually found in the left lane going the exact speed limit or less.
Yep. Sheeple to the Nth degree. They'd probably be the first to walk off a steep cliff if instructed to do so.
I’ve walked pass people in cars who put their mask on before they pass me lol.
Were you carrying a sign that said "Need BEER" or "Can't afford my meds"?
Exactly what Fauci wanted. He said if you don't wear a mask, you'll forget there's a pandemic.
Yes good point, all are my natural enemies, but this category is first among them, as they are the ones creating the ignorance and cowardice with their gaslighting malarkey
Saw a guy wearing a mask, walking down the side of the road by himself.
LOL. I've seen this too! No one within a 3-mile radius even near him, but mask on.
How about some of the homeless, around here pick them up off the ground to go into stores. Sad
In places that required masks, I wore it over my mouth and breathed through my nose like I always do :) I think there was only one time where some mask nazi who worked for the store said to put it over my nose, and I said, "I can't breath when I do that", and that was the end of that confrontation.
I had to wear one once when I went into a state government office. It was one of the plain blue/white ones with the blue on the outside and white on the inside - the crappy ones. Before I went I very carefully cut out the white piece so all that was left was the blue. Turns out the blue side is basically a mesh - you could see my face easily through the mask. My wife was pissed because she thought I would get in trouble (or worse) but the person we had to deal with just glared at me (he was probably pissed he didn't think of it himself). I was following "the rules" and there wasn't a damn thing anyone could do about it.
That was the only time I wore one. If I went to a store or a doctor or wherever and they told me to put a mask on I either left or just ignored them.
I was tempted to make a mask our of a piece of screen :) I think I saw that someone was selling masks that WERE essentially screens, but looked like regular masks; sort of like buses with those window coatings that you can't see through from the outside, but can see out from the inside.
hehe I can see the advantage in this, don't get me wrong. The adrenal overload was crazy. I spent months half expecting to get body slammed from behind at any moment, which is no fun after a while, what with the weight loss etc..
Your soul. That is a greater price. Cowardice, ignorance of God is soul ruining. Don't be afraid to seek God and when you find Him, don't be afraid of telling the world.
I lost relatives and friends for not getting the clot shot and some have died suddenly but I'm still here standing tall and strong.
Link to tweet
Let's be very clear, they ARE cowards with no discernment. But I do not want anything to happen to them. I want these Doctors, Nurses, Bio-Chemists, all the way up and down that chain to be tried for Crimes Against Humanity.
Such an Honest and straight forward statement
It is hard to have compassion for those who attacked us for no other reason than we wanted to control our health decisions. Not the taking of unborn life but our life. And only our life.
It's hard to have compassion for those who attacked us and will attack us again.
I have never been so pissed off. See I and many will be calm but that doesn’t mean we are not pissed off.
Locking my kids in the home and causing my autistic oldest kid to have years of recovery… I am already struggling at being a parent of him and his brother without the government intervention. Then all the drama at work and such.
No wonder they are desperately seeking www3 in the hot form. They know all these people like me and those who are worse off are becoming apparently pissed off with a coupling of food, gas, and day to day living becoming expensive.
These people are sick. They will smirk and their art they have created. This art of sickness and control.
When will it be enough? When will people ever stop being the weakest people in the history of not only USA, but the western Civilization?
They have awakened the beast their forefathers have warned them about but has the beast become to fat to move?
Understand I am very calm. Only God can raise the correct army to defeat this, but is their any worth raising?
I feel ya brother.
Following the group-think crowd is now deadly. That was the goal to begin with.
The road less travel.
I know probably 20 to 30 people, including close family members, who faked the Covid "vax".
They were able to get a legit "vax" card, many even registered it in a national database so they were able to pull up their current "vax" status on their phones.
Some people continued working at jobs that required "proof of vax", took airline flights, traveled overseas or into Mexico and Canada, took cruises, visited relatives, etc... while carrying a fake "vax" card.
They made a choice. When the government is pushing an illegal vax on the public... then the public can produce illegal documentation of that illegal vax. :>)
I almost did the same. I collected a bunch of screenshots of vax cards, and a bunch more pics of all the covidiots that virtue-signaled by posing for selfies with their filled-out vax cards complete with the manufacturer, date, and batch number. Then I decided against it because I wasn't going to get on any airplanes and play their games, wasn't going on a cruise, and wasn't going overseas. The only time I could've flown was when I had to go from TX to TN for a work competition. I just drove the ~10 hours one way, won the competition, and back home the next day. I did however park my car at the airport so I could get a rental car - why put the miles on mine?
How did u meet so many based ppl?
"It's sad, so sad, it's a sad, sad situation..."
"Ain't no sense to bitch about it, because we all know what went wrong."
Honest question here from me... Am I the only one that would like to "Rip Van Winkle" it and wake up about 50 years from now? I want to hear what stories are told about this age more than I want to experience it. I look back on about 60 years of memories at 63 years of age and it's sort of stunning to ponder at times. Which way it all go? How much of what I experience will be reflected honestly in any "stories" about this "Great Reset" vs "Great Awakening" battle for the soul of man? I think it depends of whether or not "The Great and Powerful OZ" is allowed to cower in fear unmolested behind its curtains.
I am seeing people that are vaxxed getting "covid" over and over. In my house no one got the jabs. No one is sick. Don't get me wrong. We still get the same cold that got before. Feel crummy for a day of two. Then slightly off for a couple of more days.
These people that get "covid" which I think is the common cold that their bodies cannot handle anymore. Are getting sick a few times a year.
It is almost like they are getting flu like symptoms from the common cold that last for a week or more not just a day or two.. Not only that but they are getting sick multiply times a year.
Most of them say they will never take another shot. Hopefully they won't but lets see what happens if they are inconvenienced because they did not get the newest and greatest booster.
I’m reminded by this video from Bill Whittle which I listen to every now and again. From 2 years back titled “Coerced Cowardice”.
this kid might think he lost out on some of the best years of his life by not taking the vaxx, but he should not and will not regret having to live a life full of surgeries, heart attacks at a young age, cancer, etc. hope this young man knows, the best is yet to come!!
i did. did i miss something?
I have too many friends who are now victims of these fake 'vaccines'.
Started having severe chest pains, then seizures. Died from meningitis.
Bang. Aortic aneurysm. Dead. Not long after screening normal for that risk.
Turbo brain cancer. Dead.
Others are still living but suffer from cancers, strokes, paralysis etc. Why are the people who knowingly did this to us still walking freely? Not forgetting their enablers, like state broadcasters/newspapers.
Tyranny is always cruelest to the obedient.
The sad part is they know it was the vaccine that them sick and still thinking it is not the jab. Feel sorry and we have to pray for them. God didn’t give them wisdom. We are lucky to have God on our side.
This is why "amnesty" is not even an option.
I'll take the hard right over the easy left.
i can relate,
i want to find a soul mate but i don’t want to risk getting vaxxed indirectly , or losing her to the vax if she’s been vaxxed.
the vax has turned Love into War.
With a bullshit radar that sensitive you must have a wonderfully peaceful life.
Cowardice isn't him. That's fighting for what you know is wrong.
I have a country place in rural Mississippi. Had a conversation with one of my neighbors. I asked him what's the latest news? His reply was "funerals"! I replied "What do you mean, funerals"? He said he's never been to so many funerals in his life - seems like there's been 1 or 2 a week lately. I asked him how old where the decreased? He said they were in their 40's, 50's & 60's - way too young to be dying. Sad...