"The readiness of warning systems is being checked, please remain calm," a Russian male voice was heard on television and radio.
"When you hear the sound of a siren, you need to remain calm and not panic, turn on the TV - any publicly accessible channel or radio - and listen to the information message," the Ministry of Emergency Situations said in a statement.
I’m in Russia and did hear a slow siren. Unfortunately I was too swamped to collect other information. Wish I would have realized that this would be a habbening for frens in the US. But anyway I can confirm it happened.
Are you native to Russia or just working there? Either way, thanks for the info. I find it interesting that both countries decided to test their emergency systems on the same day, 10-4 (global radio meaning as "understood"). Who knows, maybe we never will.
I’m an American, moved here just before Covid, family wanted to move eventually and we moved the schedule up when they were already talking about suspending passports if people didn’t do the whole vaccine schedule back then. I ran a Telegram channel independently covering the beginning of the operation in Ukraine and saw lots of clues that there’s coordination behind the scenes.
Thanks for fighting the good fight, Anosha! Is your channel still up? Smart to move when you did, hope that is working out. If shit goes south here (like biblical south), which I hope it does not, we may be moving to somewhere. My wife is Greek, but they are commie, except for Crete. Southern Mexico is an option, but globalist cartels run the norther half. This is a weird world for sure!
We have friends who are Greek and moved to Greece, and yeah the DS is currently having its way with that place. Ugh. Is she a churchgoer? We are Russian Orthodox.
Not really, but we were married in St Andrews in Chicago, which is a very well known Greek Orthodox church, her mom insisted and my mom loved the photos.
My Telegram account got stolen somehow and I didn’t have 2-factor authentication set up, so it’s unrecoverable, but you can see what I was doing at https://t.me/anoshanews
So Biden will set it up that we have WWIII with Russia & right at the moment we are to strike each other both Russia ^ USA join forces & attack the real enemy which is the cabal
There's some videos of people asking Siri and Alexa when WWIII is supposed to start and they say it starts between Russia and the US on Nov 23, 2023.
Not saying I believe it, just saying that if both countries are testing their federal EMS at the same time, that it would seem as if something is afoot.
When operators go on a mission [at least in Hollywood movies] don't they all synchronize their watches?
Cue "start of kinetic War false flag"!
Nearing the finale, not a good time for a bathroom break!
Man, ive been holding in my pee lol
"tested" "warring" ......ole Dom might have hit the sauce a little early.
The U.S. EAS alert must've wiped out his spellcheck.
Kek I thought op made a funny headline until I read the tweet
USA, India and Russia?
perhaps it's a systems interoperability and time-sync test for some future (imminent) joint chess move
https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/fema-prepares-test-nationwide-emergency-alert-hours-after-russia-tests-public-warning Russia tested its system early Wednesday, "blaring out sirens and interrupting some television and radio broadcasts to warn the population to stay calm," according to Reuters.
"The readiness of warning systems is being checked, please remain calm," a Russian male voice was heard on television and radio.
"When you hear the sound of a siren, you need to remain calm and not panic, turn on the TV - any publicly accessible channel or radio - and listen to the information message," the Ministry of Emergency Situations said in a statement.
''turn on the TV"
Thats my signal to circle the wagons
I know right !
Well that's either scary or kind.
A "Greenland" scenario...
(A great Amazon movie with Gerard Butler)
Supposedly India too, but that's unconfirmed on my end.
Has anything like this ever happened before? Two major countries "testing" their EAS pretty much simultaneously?
And of course "coincidentally".....
There are what; 192 countries, 365 days in a year.....EAS isn't even tested annually, right?
Any autist want to run statistical probability of any 2 countries "randomly" testing their EAS / EAB systems, simultaneously?
So, if misspellings have meanings, what does it mean that it was called it's "national warring system"?
I thought they said it was a world wide test?
Anyone have a link to their messages?
I heard an alarm siren here in Russia yesterday but wasn’t thinking about picking up the messaging. (And was very busy) Sorry about that.
great idea. Tried some russian search engines but no luck. Prob some images on some russian social media sites.
Did some searches on twitter but Russia banned twitter.
Found some of these:
no timestamps though, and not russian
It would lead one to believe these two countries are actually working together.
Isn't the day over in Russia at this point? What's the time difference? I'd be curious to see a translated version of what the Russian message said.
Even if it was within a day, it’s still a very interesting coincidence… Of which there is no such thing of course.
For sure. I read on the boards y'day in prep for today that India was doing it today too. Not sure if accurate
It’s currently 10 PM in Moscow
Russia did their alert this morning at 8am eastern time.
Roughly speaking, Moscow is about 10 hours ahead of the U.S. west coast, so it could all have happened today.
I’m in Russia and did hear a slow siren. Unfortunately I was too swamped to collect other information. Wish I would have realized that this would be a habbening for frens in the US. But anyway I can confirm it happened.
Are you native to Russia or just working there? Either way, thanks for the info. I find it interesting that both countries decided to test their emergency systems on the same day, 10-4 (global radio meaning as "understood"). Who knows, maybe we never will.
I’m an American, moved here just before Covid, family wanted to move eventually and we moved the schedule up when they were already talking about suspending passports if people didn’t do the whole vaccine schedule back then. I ran a Telegram channel independently covering the beginning of the operation in Ukraine and saw lots of clues that there’s coordination behind the scenes.
Thanks for fighting the good fight, Anosha! Is your channel still up? Smart to move when you did, hope that is working out. If shit goes south here (like biblical south), which I hope it does not, we may be moving to somewhere. My wife is Greek, but they are commie, except for Crete. Southern Mexico is an option, but globalist cartels run the norther half. This is a weird world for sure!
We have friends who are Greek and moved to Greece, and yeah the DS is currently having its way with that place. Ugh. Is she a churchgoer? We are Russian Orthodox.
Not really, but we were married in St Andrews in Chicago, which is a very well known Greek Orthodox church, her mom insisted and my mom loved the photos.
My Telegram account got stolen somehow and I didn’t have 2-factor authentication set up, so it’s unrecoverable, but you can see what I was doing at https://t.me/anoshanews
Time to start workin on our glow boyzzzzzz !!!!
So Biden will set it up that we have WWIII with Russia & right at the moment we are to strike each other both Russia ^ USA join forces & attack the real enemy which is the cabal
I heard Russia was also planning a test earlier this week.
the Gov knows something we dont..........yet
Pro Tip: Theres nothing you can do in a case of MAD
It’s a 5-year delta homie
It's a dance.
Just a test folks. No need to speculate anything from it.
Only at the precipice.
There's some videos of people asking Siri and Alexa when WWIII is supposed to start and they say it starts between Russia and the US on Nov 23, 2023.
Not saying I believe it, just saying that if both countries are testing their federal EMS at the same time, that it would seem as if something is afoot.
Is the cabal gonna try and let off a dirty bomb in US or Russia in coming months??