GA : Jenna Ellis is pleading guilty
JUST IN: Jenna Ellis has struck a plea deal with prosecutors in Fulton County, Georgia.
I’m jaded, so I trust almost no one in this scenario. Regarding Jenna Ellis my first concern about her was her level of competence. But, for sure she never instilled a sense of trust in her.
Having said that, if I was I was confident my co-defendant named Donald Trump was going to bring evidence that totally blows this case apart, I might plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge. First, as a low-level co-defendant in this case with limited money, it saves me from lifelong financial ruin. Second, I know my guilty plea will be stricken from my record when POTUS proves the election was rigged.
Jenna Ellis was apparently anti-trump, i remember the posts from 3 years ago.
That was the first thought/reaction I had after reviewing the article. As I was reading, I was thinking "What IF" all these high powered lawyers were dropping in order to :
It's getting very interesting as the world fires continue to ramp up IAW corrupt MSM info...
I am surprised that Attorney Ellis could not represent herself as Pro-Se Litigant. This is one of the great benefits of U.S. Constitution. You are not required to hire an Attorney. Visit free local Law Library where you will find many study guides and sample cases to defend by yourself.
Source: Me. 12 years ago, dirty cops charged me with a fraudulent Criminal Case. I defended by myself as Pro-Se Defendant. The District Attorney pushed me to accept a plea deal, but I refused. In the end, Jury acquitted me of all charges.
The only problem is that President Trump couldn’t pardon her - this is a state case, and he can only pardon federal criminals.
Correct. I realized that after submitting. Oops? Hoping someone didn't catch it. LOL
lol did not mean to sound critical. In my opinion the President should be able to pardon state crimes.
I don't its even that. This is 100% a show.
Correct. But I believe the puppet masters will sacrifice assets as necessary to further their agendas....
Appear weak when you are strong.
Almost every X link today has led to a message that something went wrong, this one was no exception.
It is probably your DNS. Change it to or My browser redirected from the to site just fine.
Weird. For the first time, I've been having that problem with Qwant search engine today.
It has to be significant that she just plead guilty to “J6” charges at the “J2 Lewis R. Slaton Courthouse” when Lewis Slaton had been famous for investigating missing children.
Is today’s 10/24/23 date involved in that, somehow?
What dates and where did the other two take their plea deals?
She says, "If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Trump in these post-election challenges. I look back on this experience with deep remorse."
So, "if I'd known I'd be unjustly destroyed by the Deep State for being anywhere near Donald Trump, I'd not have represented him in the first place."
I thought about this as well. I don't think she meant that, but it is at least plausible.
You have to know that this is for a reason. Were going to see why soon enough. Forgettungbthis 8s a don ed desl. Theatrucs for the normies Positioning your pieces. . Keep watching. A lawyer and a constitutional expert.
This boomerang is going to be great.
Lyon, that's what I've been speculating as well. All of these "guilty pleas" to less charges are part of the plan, I believe. Most of these lawyers were brave and defiant when speaking of Trump and his alleged crimes. I don't claim to understand how it works in the plan....I have faith in the plan and there are so many more people that are way smarter than myself.
I said last week there would be more plea deals this week. My guess is at least 4 or 5 more will plea before we are just left with the core that will eventually go to trial.
I'm guessing another example of overcharging and pleading to a misdemeanor (I don't know what her charges were to begin with). That and she's become sufficiently neverTrumper in the meantime.
She pled to a felony.
Which charge?
Aiding and abetting false statements and writings. Never ever put a lie inwriting and submit it to a court if you are a lawyer. But the bigger takeaway from this is that she's agreed to sit for interviews with prosecutors and has to testify in any trial they demand.
Perhaps a way, by taking one for the team, thus allowing things to boomerang back onto the 'judicials' involved in this travesty of 'justice'...
Powell + Chesebro + Ellis = P.C.E.
Potentially Compensable Event (“PCE”) has a significant impact on the outcome of a malpractice that may follow.
This is incredible! The plays that Trump makes are unmatched.
So what? Rudy Giuliani being the next one?
Something is brewing …
We don’t know the trick yet, although some attempts to explain it have been shared here over the last days.
48 hours to see …
Who cares?
Nothing can stop what's coming.
What part of NOTHING did you not understand?
YES!!!!! 🙏🏼
Why are they all pleading guilty?
This doesn't bode well for election interference.
Because “white hats” and “patriots in control” and “NCSWIC” . . . The more I see of the political persecution of Trump and the way Biden along with the Dems and the RINOs continue to ruin this country, the more convinced I become that something actually could stop what was coming and it did.
I like your analogy.
Who else pled guilty? I've not been keeping up with the news.....
The two recently were Sydney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro
Sydney Powell and some other guy who isn't very relevant.
It's because her lawyers explained to her that she will lose badly in a trial. She's trying to stay out of jail and save her career
This is why we will never get ahead.
Our court system is really set up to take a plea deal, it’s faster, easier, and financially better to just plead guilty to lesser crimes and walk away. Move on with life… unfortunately anyone that has ever had charges served against them wether guilty or not has learned this lesson.
It sounds like they are being offered deals that are so good these people would be stupid not to take them.
The persecutors do not want to prosecute them because their case is very weak. They don't want to end the Trump indictments. Which would fall apart
She took the deal on her lawyer's advice. The government is more than ready to try these cases as we've seen from states and the feds. They had all the evidence to convict her.
The government does not want to try these cases, yet.
The government gave them plea deals that were cheaper than going to court. Why would the government do that if these people really tried to destroy our country?
The government does not have a case. But they control the juries. They can get a conviction that WILL be overturned by a higher court.
The government does not care if the case is overturned. As long as it not overturned before they attempt to block President Trump from the ballot because of the fixed conviction.
If the government tries any case now things will be over before it could effect next years election cycle.
The government gave them plea deals because that's how you build a case against a higher level defendant. The government has convicted hundreds of people for Jan 6 and those case have not been overturned. Everything you wrote is wishful thinking. The facts are that multiple people have flipped on trump and have agreed to cooperate and or testify. That is not good for trump.
You cannot possibility believe that nonsense. Then again, maybe you do.
Watch and learn.
Lawyers DO NOT plead to felonies unless they are thoroughly fucked. She was thoroughly fucked. Now she has to testify for the government. It is NEVER good when someone takes a plea and flips. Ever.
She does not have to testify for the government. The others do not have to testify as well.
If she is called to be a witness she has to tell the truth. The same as the others.
...Lawyers DO NOT plead to felonies unless they are thoroughly fucked.
What world do you live in? None of this is about quilt of innocence's. This is all about stopping the one man they cannot control.
It will not work.
I find it amazing that you are so invested in seeing the only President in our lifetimes not to start a war destroyed.
By now you should have been able to see over and over how the democrats are just throwing out charges over and over. Then when the charges collapse they move on to another one. All to keep you on edge.
Don't you remember for over a year the dems wanted President Trumps tax returns. They made all kinds of claims of fraud. When the tax returns were released they were spotless.
The media (which is supposed to be unbias) after building up the President Trump tax problems completely ignored the news and just moved on to something else. So they lied for years and when they got caught they just moved on and nobody called them out.
They proved they are not interested in the truth.
Yet you continue to buy what they are selling.
Wake up already.
Haven't you noticed that we Trump supporters are not one bit worried but everyone on the left is having a meltdown.
The media has lied to you and now you are emotionally hooked.
Seek the truth and set yourself free
I think the strategic value will show itself soon. Anyone that has been in serious lawsuit(s) knows you can't win directly against the machine. Milk will be spilled, just don't lose the cow. Call it "reverse lawfare" for lack of a better phrase. Trump will simply call it counter punch.
It's a kangaroo court. Of course they all are taking deals and pleading guilty to avoid a pointless trial. This isn't the own that you think it is. This is all you post about, you are clearly not a Q fan or a Trump fan.
When someone takes a lesser plea and agrees to interviews with prosecutors and to testify in trials, that is not good for the person being flipped on. Ever.
Part of the plan or fucked, World is.
Her lawyers told her that she was going to lose. Her only real option to stay out of jail was to flip.
If all of the accused conspirators plead guilty then does that in and of itself prove a conspiracy?
This may be their plan. Who can afford to fight the government if they plan to bankrupt you.
Looking this up
Powell pleaded guilty to six misdemeanor counts of conspiring to intentionally interfere with the performance of election duties.
Chesebro pleaded guilty to one felony count of conspiracy to commit filing false documents
Jenna Ellis pleaded guilty to a charge of aiding and abetting false statements and writings.
Scott Hall pleaded guilty to five misdemeanor counts of intentional interference with performance of election duties
So it looks like convictions were gotten on two conspiracies.
This is pure entrapment. I thought it was against the law.
I think you might mean something else.
Entrapment usually means the government was involved in original commission of the crime from the very beginning and the government persuaded the person to commit the crime when they normally wouldn't have.
Jenna is one of [them]. I'm not sure what this is about but I'm pretty sure she's not on Trump's side and never was.
Yeah. I recall her stabbing GEOTUS in the back just like Kaylee McEnemy.
I am very suspicious Jenna gave bad advice to Mastriano in PA also. She volunteered to help him... I'm undecided on Kaylee yet.
Wrong. Wakie wakie.
Please enlighten fren.
First Sidney, now Jenna
My understanding of Sidney is that she never worked for Trump and the stuff she pleaded to did NOT include the alleged "conspiracy" charges that would rope Trump in.
With Chesebro between
Hall who nobody really knew before this was the first to plead.
My money is on Rudy next.
They would have to offer him quite the deal. I don't see it happening, he's way too invested.
Also, I'm impressed that I happened to catch your reply 7 minutes after it was made and somebody already got a downvote in, on a post over a day old.
When jail becomes inevitable, those attitudes change quickly. Rudy is broke and now has Ellis giving interviews and having to testify against him. However, he may be a big enough fish that the prosecutors won't offer him a deal.
Remember.. these decisions are not individual decisions. Patriots in control.
She's guilty alright, guilty of stealing my heart
Both, its been a spectrum of emotions
Jenna flipped on Trump and joined Team Desanctimonious.
If she flips on him politically, she will flip on him legally.
Also, she was one of the only, if not the only, person to smile for her mugshot.
She is as serious as a valley girl at the putt and scream, licking her ice cream cone.
Just my opinion.
Now there's a simile you don't see every day ;p
She smiled because this is what was planned our side..ugh . Wakie wakie. Ffs.
You still cant see beyond the show can you? Watch more.
One count aiding and abetting false documents
Lawfare is so unfair. She's just a kid.
She's 38.
*38 year old kid