So we have talked about the mass influx of military age men that seem to know which new cities they are supposed to go to.
Some, if not many, are already well trained.
The idea is that these militant groups are coming up, being acquainted with varied locations & will attack America just in time for the deep state to have Biden claim martial law & stop the election because we have war in our own borders.
I could see blackhats absolutely attempting this. I personally only see one path (currently & have been wrong before due to a lack of data & experience) that Trump takes office again at all & that is if the beast is chased out of the US by the young Lion mentioned in 2nd Esdras 11-12, Devolution gives me this hope that we are far enough along in the timine that the heads of the eagle have swallowed each other up & our military is the sole remaining head of this beast that is in its death throes or that the Biden we see on TV is the little horn with the eyes & mouth.
I could be way off on all of this text from parts of the Bible that were included until some Christian sects decided they didn't want them in official cannon any longer. I have read in some Jonathan Gray books, IIRC, where he claims that the Bible Code (math code) doesn't add up correctly if the Apocrypha books are included. Though the coincidences are incredible regarding how many 4 year & 8 year terms president's were voted in. Also that JFK is the middle of the life of the beast & that Roosevelt was elected to 4 terms & none other would serve as long as him. It spelled out that Trump would be removed (which he was) as was Nixon & JFK.
The last bit is the Biden is removed sooner than Trump was, & two others stand to take the presidential seat & are denied it. Then the heads wake up & take each other out (maybe the branches of government?)
I can see that Biden was GITMOed or killed for treason/any other military reason. Kamala & Pelosi (would Pelosi give up that opportunity to someone who wasn't a natural born resident like Kamala?) didn't get to take the seat because the military woke up & took control see Devolution
Just looking for thoughts from others on how this might play out with some game theroy. How likely do you think it is that black hats have imported foreign militants to stop a Trump landslide & will activate it to get the election denied next year?
I would love to hear all ideas, including ones telling me how wrong I am and why. Just looking for more data/ideas to help figured out the game theroy here.
Whatever the deep state has planned, it won't go their way.
From your mouth to God's ears...
It is essential to internalize and meditate on that point
Getting tired of them constantly getting their way, getting away with everything and anything under the sun, getting away without prosecution....
you mentioned 3 things:
--1. getting their way
--2. a. getting away
--2. b. with everything
--3. without prosecution
-1. Did they get their way? The answer is no. As it stands now, the whole plandemic infrastructure is failing.
-2. slowly we are seeing getting away = becomes more difficult. within no time their false flags and narratives are being tested, and shown to be a load of bullocks.
-3. in progress of establishing they won't.
They got their way to the point they succeeded in killing millions.
They got their way with J6.
They got their way stealing the election.
To this point, any obstacles to them have been trivial and easily hurdled.
Unless the cabal shot callers are dead, they won't let Trump be elected. They'll murder millions before they let that happen.
Q and Q+ have underestimated the cabal by a lot. Trump has hinted at this multiple times. They won't be stopped by law and order and it's naive to think they will be. Stop in the name of the law, isn't going to work.
From the perspective of "THE GREAT AWAKENING" no, they did not, they exposed themselves more, and woke up more people.
From the perspective of "THE GREAT AWAKENING" no, they did not, they exposed themselves more, and woke up more people.
Plus the entire thing had to crash while someone else in "office".
The game theory of GA requires many moves and countermoves. You could read this as additional months and more months. Sometimes a chess match can last a long time, far longer than anticipated, or in frog speak: dont datefag the ending of a 5d chess match kek.
Why would they let him have his first term though? Seems they don’t always get their way
Maybe the deep state thought they could handle him like Kennedy & Reagan, but he had unknown people behind him and a few loyal people in his Administration.
There is another thing I am noticing, perhaps due to the fact that I speak to many people on the ground from different countries:
10 years ago, say, people generally lived within the concept of an idea to which their system conformed on general terms. Yes, there were excesses but on the whole, people had an idea that the system was going into the right direction, and was still oozing the basic principles of freedom. The concessions through time in terms of administration of complex societies were on acceptable. Of course, there was observed a divergence between the people and politics, but big concerns there were not.
Right now, many more people are seeing the bankrupt state of the system. No longer they have this sense that the system purports to render justice and is just.
It is small steps, tiny events that won't make the news that allows this view to creep in. For instance, a woman bought a second hand car. There were constant problems with the car. she had this one car for 7 months, but it had stood still for 4. So, she annulled the sale, and demanded her money back. The company went bankrupt. Now she sees how the system is geared towards not giving her justice. But instead, it is geared towards the harvest at the behest and to the advantage of the players within that system.
She is not a rich woman. Rather poor I should say. She was taken advantage of. And the system no longer has the capacity to do what it purports to do: to protect the rights of the people.
Instead the system protects the rights of persons: Juridical persons with influence.
Widen, with this as a basis, the view 360 degrees. From Climate Change to parking ticket: it is one big scam in order to bring each and everyone of us under the boot of absolute despotism. And as long as we are willing participants in the harvest of our energy, then we are allowed to live.
It has become existential.
And I belief that Q meant this recognition of an existential threat with these words: only at the precipice.
Slowly, but surely we see the tide changing. The flood is coming in. And just like in 1953 in February in Zeeland with the flooding: it was not the sea per sé, being pushed up by spring-tide and the North-Western-storm-winds, but the ground water that did the damage, because the moon has an influence, bigger than was admitted. That information was declared a state-secret back then, or rather, that this was known before hand and they did nothing to secure the people there, but instead, on purpose screwed up the Delta-works.
Interestingly, we also see here that seemingly incompetence (which is actually purposeful ( knowingly) parasitic behavior) paired to an act of God.
Analogous to that, both the sea, ground water present the unconscious, the moon the feelings, emotions, the mother, wife, home.
This is existential. And what happens when it comes together en masse?
The end, God wins, check mate, and all that.
I really appreciate this thoughtful response. ThanQ
Anon, successful prosecutions don't come until the end.
DC == WW2 Berlin.
Only if we succeed in seizing DC (by reelecting President Trump in 345 days so he is again Inaugurated) will Nuremberg 2.0 dreams have a chance to become reality.
When are desserts, including just desserts, served?
In just 335 DAYS each anons chances to earn this sweet treat reward for a hard won victory will be GONE FOREVER.
Consequently, God bless those, like PDJT, who choose to use these few remaining days being victory FOCUSED Real World and Screen World DOERS rather than fretful, distracted Screen World viewers.
Wielding common sense like a superpower you are.
So right! 👍❤️🇺🇸
Optically, a Biden admin public suspension of the Constitution and/or Posse Comitatus Act (ref. Abraham Lincoln) to "quell a rebellion or insurrection" would then publicly allow the military to take whatever pending action is needed, including public mass arrests of all treasonous infiltrators. Some things may have already been done behind the scenes, but this would be what the public would see at a time that would make sense to them.
This may be a trap set for them with immediate consequences, but because it appears to be have been ordered by the Biden admin, it would provide lots of narrative cover for what might have been long-planned anyway. Everyone is just waiting for a "triggering event" to make a move.
Some breadcrumbs that Space Force (immediately after its creation) did not fall under Posse Comitatus Act for some period where they were likely active domestically recording evidence of infiltration, money laundering, bribes, and criminal activity by the Deep State and foreign operators:
This absolutely makes good sense!
As if they'd be arresting the traitors, if the Biden regime were the one to do this.
I really thought Trump was going to emulate Lincoln to save the Republic, but no such luck
Once the military can legally take action, they can actually arrest or detain everyone on both sides, even if some of it might be for show. Military in control = military actually in control, Constitution suspended, but likely following Law of War legal procedures. Can look like a coup, especially by the media/CIA talking heads who will all be in prison justifiably. But that is military's authority in a time-of-war with Constitution and Posse Comitatus Act suspended.
Once mockingbird media shutdown and the military explains that they are supervising the election for handoff back to civilian control, few lefties will be dumb enough to fight the military at that time, imo.
Triggering event would likely be suspension of the election and/or Constitution by Biden admin under this scenario.
Optics are optimal if Trump is in prison at the time of "triggering event".
-Leftist globalist interrogating members of Joe Biden admin after they lose paper ballot 2024 election supervised by the military
I like the way you think here. A good theroy for sure.
He may be emulating Lincoln by splitting President/C-I-C and then devolving C-I-C to combatant commanders which have been operating under a wartime command, COG authority, and Law of War legal procedures. "Saving of the Republic" for now appears to be control/monitoring of "national essential functions" only.
There does not appear to be any way for Trump to take direct action against the Deep State without the media claiming "a coup" or "fascism", no matter what it is, per their design. I believe his talk of this "for my next term" is pure bait that they are taking it hook, line, and sinker now. However, there does appear to be a way for the "Biden admin" to take action that would trigger military action that might appear to be a coup. But it has to happen when Trump is not in power, and this appears to be the likely outcome when/if that is needed. They cannot reveal how Trump could actually initiate a coup while not in power without revealing that their whole Presidency was a sham acting job predicated on TREASON per the overthrow of a duly elected President via 2020 Covid Election Infection sham and ballot fraud.
-Joe Biden just before being hauled off to the looney bin while the military supervises a 2024 election with paper ballots.
Lots of evidence if you look that most of the "housecleaning" will be done before Trump even takes office on January 20, 2025. Just when Dems/media are ready to "start the battle to STOP TRUMP" and make him look like a fascist in 2025, they find out that they already lost the WAR and it has largely ENDED, as it has been going on since roughly March 2020. And Trump even told everyone he was a wartime President with lots of options.
Like the game theory here fren. Some logical thinking from my current understanding of possibilities.
I think we already won. We are currently in the awakening process so that the public (and the world) we all be on board with the uncomfortable changes we all must travel through.
I tend to agree we have already won, though I can see more moves & counter moves must be played out to show the undisputed checkmate. It is some of those future moves that I can't figure out the specifics on & really appreciate all the comments that have blown this post up.
So many things to consider & possible legitimate moves to get to the end game we all know is coming.
Playbook known.
Climate change stopping an election?
Also racism. And Putin.
I’ll sticky this up for discussion. Anons may have other info/ideas.
I love you Brent! Thank you so much, I was hoping for at least 4-5 responses from others who may have seen it that had some insight, or recalled things I couldn't.
I am so amazed at how much biblical end time stuff is being full filled in real time before our eyes. It is even more amazing if we are willing to allow for oral traditions to potentially be true. There are multiple friends who served missions of service & to teach about Jesus in South America that come back & told me about stories of Kate-Zal/Quetzoquatal/The Prophet/Wakea/etc... That spoke about various end time stuff when he would return. Often he spoke about touching the wall of the hut & the sun would turn on in our homes, though that would be taken away shortly before his return & a return to the truth. I have often wondered if this could the the 10 days of darkness/darnkess & is part of the what ancients in the western hemisphere were told millenia ago.
Seems to be so many interesting coincidences.
Thank you again. I had some unexpected fam come visit & come back to a plethora of information & suggestions.
You remember what I believe about Q correct? It’s what I trust, and it certainly is Biblical.
If your idea is correct, & there is absolutely no reason it couldn't be with everything else I have learned about the subject, my trust is there too & I can absolutely see the potential for them to speak directly to us at this time.
I don't know for sure, though I know my personal experience, that it would be something they tell me in the end I should have known all along.
It’s just a theory. But it’s the only one out there that somehow fit the pieces when I 1st wrote it. And nearly a year later, still fits.
One that has some credibility in my book & I could easily still see it being what has happened.
Well, for.the deep state, that's the critical node. Trump out period, at all cost. They really don't care about the optics because in their minds IF they win they can force it down our throats. What I don't think they understand is that they've already lost.
It’s always fine to be prepped, now, I have Faith this won’t come to these extremities.🙏🏻
I pray for that my fren. Being prepared for the worst & hoping to be grateful on my knees when it doesn't get that bad near me.
The white hats push the black hats right up to the point of the black hats going full MAD and scorched earth, they pick off some bad actor and give other baddies a way to retreat then they do it again. The plan is for a neutralized DS and an awakened and responsible citizenry in all nations. If these invaders are messaged by white hats and told that their leadership is captured and they can be hunted down and killed or turn themselves in for a chance of life back home or legitimately in the USA I think most will turn themselves in. Normies need to see the fullness of the precipice to wake up. There is a real possibility of chaos. Some violence is likely. Being ready is being awake and patriotic. Be a neighbor and a great citizen and plan to assist in bringing peace.
This is how it is done. Great possibility here, thank you for the idea.
Q's Scare Event has turned into 500 of them. lol.
I could see this happening or at least being a plan of attack by the DS. I honestly believe we will not have a 2024 election or if we do it will not be like any other election we have ever had. 2024 will def be different and history making.
Haven't you heard?
"Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor domestic terrorists, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."
Trust your ballot to a public sector union that hates your very existence.
The Bible Code is bogus no matter what. Long story but thru all the translations and languages there was never an official Bible to base the code on. See Michael Heisers excellent explanations
RIP Heiser, he's the man.
Thank you. Admittedly I am only familiar with the concept & am still trying to verify the details of it all myself so I know for certain.
I will need to look into the info that Michael Heisers offers on these ideas so I can understand opposing views.
I really appreciate this.
His naked Bible podcast about where we get new testament and where we get old testament is where he covered it IIRC
It makes for an interesting story but i kind of agree with him it seems improbable because there has to be an approved version of something for there to be a code based on letter spacing etc. Chuck missler was big on it and I loved misslers stuff, really brought the Bible to life for me, but he was a bit of a hype guy who had the tendency to play up some questionable things as I've come to learn
I think you are 100% correct and it all makes perfect sense.
only question is - what do we do about it?
I am focused on being prepared to help my neighbors regardless of religion, race or creed. We are all in this together & I am committed to do my best to help my local community to the best of my ability. Many of my neighbors feel the same way & the love we have for each other these days is amazing. Many who have felt like the back sheep/outcasts of the neighborhood for over a decade now feel like we are all in this together. It is absolutely incredible since there are many levels of political belief on both axis of the political spectrum here (social control/freedom & financial control/freedom). Be as ready as you can to keep warm if this goes down in winter months. Any means possible.
Have enough food to feed your household for a few months to a year if possible where it can be done, and then make sure you have extra to help struggling neighbors. This allows you to naturally be a community leader. Develop a high Emotional Qutient & a hight Intelligence Quotient (EQ & IQ) to the best of your ability. We are all at different levels, though we can all improve from where we are.
No matter how good of shape you are in, get in better shape.
Do what you can to be able to defend your self, then defend your home, and finally defend your neighborhood & community. NEVER go looking for the fight, but be as ready as you reasonably can if it comes to your door or neighborhood.
Above all, pray that you never need to use force to defend yourself or neighbors. Pray that we can peacefully return this country to Constitutional principles.
Find ways to serve/help your neighbors & community which builds trust & friendships for tough times.
Live with love in your heart.
There is probably more, though I may be dumping too much already 😳
Very plausible
Thank you
For Pete’s sake, listen to X22 RePORT DAILY.
I do like me some Dave.
Unless we can get ahold of a coming machine and reverse engineer the code, we have to assume they control who wins. If trump wins, it's because they want him to win...or qhite hats have control of the machines.
More likely that the violence would be used as justification for mail in ballots again, and to scare MAGA voters from going to the polls.
There is potential for this. Though was is the end game for it? Clearly more deep state control, though in rural America this will end quickly & bring great sorrow if they "Try That in a Small Town"
I wonder what plans are up their sleeve, pandemic part two? Cloward Piven due to mass immigration, many who are dangerous to America?
Multiple signs that round 2 is being prepped, though far more are awake. I have a hard time in my rural area finding more than a handful of individuals who are willing at all to comply again. They are awake, though this town is a pretty red area with splotches of blue in a couple of the newer developments.
My concern is that the media will push fear porn again and then the elites will feel like forcing us to get it the next time. The media is 80% of the problem. Ever hear the phrase "if it bleeds, it leads?" This is the situation we're still in. gives a pretty good explanation & that is a good summation of the concept that Negative News is more popular than positive news.
I love OAN specifically because they have a positive news story about every hour if I am keeping track of the background noise correctly.
If the vote were somehow cancelled it would be no big deal. The popular vote does not vote for the President. The Electoral College votes for the President. The State Legislatators would get together and vote for their Electoral College canididates for each state Those canididates would then vote for President. There is zero provision in the constitution to extend the Presidents Term. They can try bluffing but it won't work. If for some reason the Electoral College could not get together and vote the problem will fix itself. On Jan 20th 2025 at 12:01pm eastern time the USA will have NO President.
That is quite a possibly a correct scenario & a valid viewpoint using that biblical prophecy.
Local politics are the most powerful politics. I learned this almost two decades ago by some amazing mentors. That Electoral College point is a good one.
Thank you for an alternate idea for us to consider. That is absolutely what Game Theory is about.
and all we can do is wait and see...
I have learned this many times over.
They are absolutely here to create chaos within while war is knocking on our door on the outside. They will attempt to stop the elections completely knowing they can’t win and won’t be able to cheat biggly enough to steal. There will also likely be worldwide blackouts or at least internet black outs at this time and they will claim all voting can not take place because their electronic machines can’t run. I believe Trump has safeguarded the elections for whatever they have planned and we will have the elections under military supervision with water marked paper ballots. They will be counted in one day and Trump will be victorious.
This makes great sense assuming the Devolution, or some version of it, theroy that is put up by Patel Patriot is accurate. I personally think that is has the most credibility of what is happening now & appreciate your feedback.
I've wondered about this as well, HB. More in a general fashion in terms of the election not happening.
This scenario certainly doesn't seem impossible, though there are plenty of others of course that could play out.
I hate saying this because so much of my statement is based on gut feeling rather than data, but I've had the feeling for a long time that we're not going to have an election next November. Whether that's for better or for worse, I won't pretend to know. But I can't escape that feeling.
I have many friends' whose guts tell them something similar. I put my stock with how we win/NCSWIS stuff in God & that even if any specifics I try to figure out, I don't put my ego & hang my faith on it. I simply am fascinated by how as these end time things seem to get fulfilled, the Q plan seems to be running parellel to it.
Just know that if there is no election, that it is in God's hands & this nation will be saved by a dedicated population that is awake & demanding to return to our founding principles, which admittedly is my own gut feeling & seems to be backed up with various religious coincidences.
Only time will really tell.
Someone please just tell me that in the end (that’s not for everyone) we won’t see Trump on stage somewhere high fiving top Cabal members.
In the end, we won't see Trump on stage somewhere high giving top Cabal members.
I Pray So. 🙏🏻
Thanks though, I needed to hear it. God Bless You…
Yeah, who knows what will happen. Government maybe dissolved and the world economy switches over to crypto. Since there's no government people won't be scared to use cryptos becuase there wouldn't be big brother shutting your account down for giving money to truckers.
Let freedom ring fren.
You love it, you want it for Christmas.
"WW III + Pandemic II + Domestic Terror" all at the same time is their plan to stop the election from happening. Won't work. Too many people awake.
Hold on....Let me put my brother on the phone
Nothing can stop what is coming.
In history we had woman who could not vote (1919) and blacks could not vote (1870) in 2024 we could have whites not vote.
We have legislative bypassed how many times? Biden signs a EO to ban all whites from voting.
This will show us who is what real fast.
By removing Trump from the ballot will not work. Removing the right to vote but also allowing the voting to take place.
I mostly sure this is fantasy but after the last decade I am not so sure.
The world certainly has flipped upside down for many of us who are researching & learning. Glad to have you on board the train hat has no brakes.
I'd like to read all the same source material you have read..which Jonathan Gray book discusses the Bible Code, Apocrypha, Kennedy etc ? Do you feel the entire Devolution series makes sense? Have you seen the Majik Eyes Only, Devolution charting tying together Q and The Law of War manual (Complete autist brainiac unlike any I have ever observed before).
The two I have read are The Forbidden Secret & Dead Men's Secrets
It has been about 5-6 years ago that I read them IIRC.
None of them discussed JFK, that was in 2nd Esdras 11-12 & is only inferred as the Middle feather/king/president that is removed & lines up perfectly with the number of presidents since Hoover. Many individuals were discussing the topic after reading either Ezras Eagle who's author (James T Prout) has researched it & compared to other other scripture of varied religions. From my understanding James didn't accept the potential for the MAGA movement to be the lion he suggested from a friend of mine who had tried to discuss it with them.
That said, many who read this had also read A Remnant Shall Return by Michael Rush first because the timing was so coincidental for the line of presidents it claimed. I have a hard time accepting Michael's ideas, though a buddy of mine introduced me to the book a few years before the 2016 election & said it was crazy how the information lined up in Esdras & the guy had some pretty wild ideas that could happen. Though it got some discussion going & was an interesting data point to me.
I am still digesting the Devolution series & to be fair, have read about half of them. I think the fundamentals are decent, & can see that the military law is written pretty clearly from what I understand. I can't recall which country singer was laying out how the military law applies, though as written the concept is pretty solid from what I could read through & understand. Maybe it is his idea that I am thinking & Devolution is simply a theroy surrounding what he was talking about. I will dig through my notes & see if I can find that singer's name.
I have throughly enjoyed the way Majestic Eyes Only spelled things out. Their therories certainly get viewers thinking of possibilities & that alone had value to me. I wish I had the time to dig deep & determine how accurate I believe they are. The proofs I really seeing from them were awesome to watch at the time. I loved how much they tied the Law of War manual to what was going on.
Overall I have learned my guesses (ie date fagging) on future happenings are not anywhere as close to what I would likethem to be. Though it seems pretty clear when certain events trigger that they are what was meant. I just need to reread everything again & it would probably take me a couple months to read the drops, Law of War Manual & the prophecies again to grasp some of the things I am likely forgetting to either refute or support my thoughts on the subject.
Interestingly enough, if we are willing to accept many verbal histories of native groups in both Americas, the pacific islands, and the claims a neighbor makes about Russia & Japan, that there is likely going to come this "10 days of darkness" when people will not be able to "touch walls" to have the sun shine in their homes anymore.
Many interesting points line up & some of those tribes talked about child sacrifice & a great white bearded god being very angry with their people for accepting the dark priesthood. The prophet/white bearded god individual had incredible powers & taught peace & love to them. I will dig & find the story that I believe happened in Peru where the dark priests battled against the prophet/godly figure who walked among them & destroyed their whole village because they turned back to those dark priests. After a week or so of them begging forgiveness so their children might survive (this god had dried up their water supply) he returned & touched the ground where a lake filled up & is still considered a most holy lake today (I may be recalling many of those details incorrectly).
All kinds of interesting things. I just have a hard time believing we are too far from a return of our Savior, though fully accept that no man knows the hour or day of his return.
edit - Hope you see this. After looking at some responses to the Devolution community splitting issue I got thinking that I might have conflated the Derek Johnson claims with Jon's Devolution claims & completely muddied the waters with this theory & will need to reassess. If you are not familiar with the Military law plan (Law of War stuff) Derek Johnson has put out, here is one of the links previously shared with his ideas, and I can't find the others I thought I had. Ignore the call to action to buy stuff from the Podcaster.
Your comment is so excellent, many things I will pursue knowledge about. I so appreciate your conscientiousness about sharing your viewpoints and your taking the time to do so. God bless you, fren
You are welcome. I love it when others have suggested new materials that might be able to help point me in the right direction. At the very least I have more information to dig into & the attempt to verify.
Thank you for your response. I hope these books help you.
Around August, if Biden lasts that long, he will announce that he is "transitioning" to Josephine Biden, creating a wave of support (from a very, very, very, minor fraction of the population :) )
Put down the bong pipe. You are fantacizing and overthinking in the same synapse. Devolution is real. This narrative is not. Things are steadily moving in our direction, but you should put a check on this Marvel comics - level novel you have started.
😄 If there is a way to support a family on an idea that turns out to be pure fantasy in the end, though is good historical fiction, I would be happy to be wrong & be able to get many chuckles out of it down the road once the storm is done & the work has rebuilt the world.
Never cared to try the bong, though a good energy drink has been a great tool occasionally.
Seriously, thank you for the push back & agree it is clear the win is already in the bag.
When the Devolution theory was first published, I was excited about it. Unfortunately, time has shown that is was a pipe dream. After witnessing the insane drama that unfolded on TruthSocial with the "Badlands Media" folks who were pushing that theory, I was really disappointed and have stopped listening to and reading all of their content.
It was an interesting idea though.
Noticing the prevelance of feels centric words and the absence of Q encouraged dispassionate, logic centric, words?
Anywhere else these emotional word choices would be unsurprising. But in a community for Q trained anons, they still do surprise me; surprise I try to transform into heartfelt prayers.
Let me try again, this time minus the feels:
I closely followed the theory of Devolution from the beginning. As time progressed, I didn't see any evidence emerging to support it.
Back in 2022, there was a major dustup on TruthSocial involving a number of supposedly "influential" anons and leaked chat logs and emails sent between these people behind the scenes were pretty ugly and very bizarre.
As a result of this schism, a group of individuals (Jon Herold, et al.) involved founded Badlands Media.
The details are a bit fuzzy now as I have a life and drama of this sort is childish and absurd. I think I have the leaked documents somewhere if you'd like to waste some time sifting through that garbage.
Here come the feels:
As a result of the conduct I witnessed by the involved parties on TruthSocial and the lack of any evidence supporting an active Devolution, I became disenchanted with the idea and my confidence in the sources of that information was severely eroded.
Hopefully that's a better explanation.
I have not see that, as you said, I have a life & there is far toouch information of a single person to review.
When you get some spare time, & if you remember, I would love to look at that drama/split & see if there is any "there" there.
Often I have found in this movement that pride gets in the way of seeking truth.
I figure I must be wrong about something & want to know where & why I am so I can get better. Too often individuals get upset because their very intelligent selves could be wrong & most/all of their eggs are in a single idea that they hang all of their faith on instead of taking the proverbial 40k view.
Ask and you shall receive!
Fair warning though, this crap is an absolute time suck and it's so petty and ridiculous, but it's a very interesting peek behind the curtain of supposedly influential anons. It really is straight up ridiculous and I was very disappointed things like this were going on behind the scenes.
All of this supposedly went down around the time of Thanksgiving 2022.
The key players in this are Jon Herold (Badlands Media), Tori Brooke (innocent party I believe?), TheKateAwakening and supposedly some saucy pics when she posed for Playboy or something, Gregg Phillips (not sure of his involvement or not, but "The Pit" was mentioned several times), and a slew of other anons on TruthSocial with significant followings.
Elizabeth The Punisher Dove (@Carrier_Dove) wrote a great Substack digging into things a bit and it also contains links at the bottom of her piece to all the leaked chats and players involved, but I'll link everything here as well.
On a side note, if you haven't heard of Lizzy, you should check her out. She's a damn good writer and one of the most hones, straight up people I've met in The Movement. She's not a PAYtriot, grifter, or seeking fame. She's just a damn fine Patriot who loves her country.
Here's the link to her piece on some of the drama.
Here's a link to download the leaked chat messages and other batshit crazy drama.
Be sure to check out the links at the bottom of her piece for responses from various involved parties once things got leaked.
On another side note, Lizzy has done an incredible job exposing frauds, grifters, and PAYtriots in The Movement and her piece on SGAnon is a legendary bit of investigative journalism on her part.
Here's the link to Lizzy's piece exposing SGAnon and RealRawNews.
Once you read through everything, I'd be surprised if you didn't share my feelings of disappointment in the whole "Devolution" thing. I was strung out on hopium and followed that so closely and once I saw this stuff, I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me. It really was a big letdown for me and made me wary of those who were framed as influential players in The Movement, anons, and those circles. This might also give you some insight as to why I avoid Badlands Media like the plague. I could be wrong, but after sifting through so much of that garbage, it left a really bad taste in my mouth.
I don't think I missed anything. Good luck and have "fun" with that!
Thank you so much for introducing me to this information. I now recall glancing at the drama & brisingnitnoff as ego being stepped on.
That is some very interesting information.
I may have conflated Devolution with Derek Johnson, I thought I had more posts & info from his claims saved & this is the only one I could find. >
I couldn't recall his name earlier today. Now I need to go look thought a lot of stuff to figure who who claimed what & debunk or adjust this theroy with better memory & citation
Thank you again so much for the help in realizing this. This type of response is what helps memebers of our community grow & learn.
Jon may very well sincerely believe his Devolution stuff & I think I have heard him on podcasts he hosted (shared here) where he has guests that tell him they don't buy intonit & he makes it clear that is okay with him, he just wants everyone seeking the truth from what I recall. Though he really is stuck on Devolution.
I learned a long time ago (way too late in life) that when I am wrong, I need to adapt & align with facts to be able to move forward no matter how much it hurts. I might disagree with evidence others bring, or consider what they offer as deceived honest efforts to help, though when irrefutable proof is given I better accept it & reconcile how that needs to alter my course & goals.
Again thank you very much for taking the time to share this.
I forgot to mention that We The Media (WTM) and their contributors played a big part in this as well. I believe this is when folks split and some went to Badlands, some stayed with WTM, and some GFO altogether. What a mess!
It is so unfortunate that egos get in the way of Truth seeking.
Candace Owens with Ben Shapiro's company is the perfect example of this too.
Easy... Trump will be ‘reelected’ in 2024. Things will be ‘good’ for a time, and then all hell will be unleashed on all. Many forgot that they must never put their faith in anything other than the One.
Which also means NOT putting faith in online anons posting reports about what will happen in our future.
Perhaps ponder the many meanings of the word faith?
Perhaps ponder how malevolent PsyOps prey on their targets by conflating word meanings; including the meanings of "faith"?
For instance, having faith in your coach == having enuf confidence in his experience, wisdom and desire to have the team win to do what the coach asks.
Q linked White Squall movie trailer highlighted the survival mantra WWG1WGA.
WWG1WGA == when in a storm at sea, trust the captain enuf to do what he tells you to do.
Large F ie capitalized Faith =/= small f, not capitalized faith.
This is true, which is why Q reminded all all to read our Bible & pray in some posts. If God is whoth us, who can be against us? Trump is simply an instrument of God IMO, similar to Moses, Joshua, Israel, Joseph, etc...