I don’t think they can think that far ahead actually. Their pompous asses still probably think they’re winning and trump is going to jail. When the military does start rounding them up and I pray that’s the way it happens…that’s when the tears and screaming really begins. Lol
Well, the cynical part of me says that if Trump DID do all those things, I would vote for him just for the entertainment aspect of all that. But, alas, the media is afraid, and it's joyous to watch.
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!
Not so much cynical as facing reality. They are trying to protect their whole rotten temple. It needs to come down, and that includes them. People forget that they would simply re-organize and do it all over again if we let them off the hook. A good show includes justice in the end.
"If we're wrong, we go to jail - peacefully, quietly. We'll enjoy it. But if I'm right, and we can stop this thing, Lenny, you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters." haha
I suspect that something like "the Barbara Streisand effect" will kick in. The more the media shills scream about Trump, the more people will look closer at him and become intrigued.
It’s actually accurate just not in the way they want you to see it. The end of their democracy is the re-birth of the constitutional republic of The United States of America
What's hilarious is the montage amounts to leftists describing in rich detail exactly what leftists have done, are doing, and want to do. Every single point is projection.
It probably means that he (they guy in that media clip) wants to kill his wife. I don't exactly understand the way their brains work but these swamp creatures almost always project what they are doing or want to do.
I remember in 2015 thay said Trump will start WW III, destroy the environment, destroy Democracy. ALL LIES ------This time they might have it right! KEK
I dunno, I'm good with all that happening and more...especially since we are NOT a Democracy, but a Constitutional Republic.
You dont kill off a rat infestation by setting a couple traps; you gotta really get in there and eradicate without mercy until every last one is dead. Then you set up safe-gaurds lest the infestation return.
Amazing stuff. Yet every single one of these media (lords) wants vaccine passports, unvaccinated in concentration camps, mask mandates, no mask gets jail time.
How can American citizens at this point still deny the truth.
they really mean it's the end for them.
Long overdue
I don’t think they can think that far ahead actually. Their pompous asses still probably think they’re winning and trump is going to jail. When the military does start rounding them up and I pray that’s the way it happens…that’s when the tears and screaming really begins. Lol
Well, the cynical part of me says that if Trump DID do all those things, I would vote for him just for the entertainment aspect of all that. But, alas, the media is afraid, and it's joyous to watch.
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!
Cue the, "I already said I was voting for Trump, you don't have to sell it to me" meme.
"Stop threatening me with a good time!"
Exactly. The media continues setting themselves up for bitter mocking and we should make the best of it.
I’m so excited I may vote twice just like a democrat.
Not so much cynical as facing reality. They are trying to protect their whole rotten temple. It needs to come down, and that includes them. People forget that they would simply re-organize and do it all over again if we let them off the hook. A good show includes justice in the end.
I wonder what the 4am talking points said? Maybe something like…You’re on your own bitches! We lost.
"If we're wrong, we go to jail - peacefully, quietly. We'll enjoy it. But if I'm right, and we can stop this thing, Lenny, you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters." haha
THAT'S the ticket!!
They said this crap in 2016.
They said he wouldn't leave the WH.
How many more times do we have to hear this garbage?
Until the source is silenced by justice/truth.
Could be a while.
If people vote for trump even after being warned, I guess that's consent!
I suspect that something like "the Barbara Streisand effect" will kick in. The more the media shills scream about Trump, the more people will look closer at him and become intrigued.
So true Mary!
It’s actually accurate just not in the way they want you to see it. The end of their democracy is the re-birth of the constitutional republic of The United States of America
It's so desperate.
He has already been the president and it was a time of recovery and relative peace.
What's hilarious is the montage amounts to leftists describing in rich detail exactly what leftists have done, are doing, and want to do. Every single point is projection.
Just bought a mypilllow. Kek.
Score! They are nice pillows, especially with flannel pillow cases.
This gif makes me want to buy more my pillow so badly.
Then they shouldn't be surprised by what's coming. If it wasn't for all the lemmings following them off the cliff, we could get on with it.
Well, my nimrod neighbors believe it, so it’s working, they hate him though they cannot tell me what he ever did bad
8 years of Obummer, and 3 of dipshit, I’d say it’s our turn again! Vote Trump!
More projectors than an EPSON warehouse.
Since they are projecting like that, it sounds like justice would be served when those things come true.
They forgot he will kick puppies, take candy from babies and make us all go to bed without dinner.
…and rake up leaves in a wind storm! That’s what my Dad made me do. Worst thing ever…well that and picking weeds.
THEIR world will end. and fuck Michael Cohen, the convicted liar.
They're mad because trump turned their plan of destruction back on them.
He’ll give Biden an atomic wedgie. Calling it now.
Kill Melania? Why?
This seems like crazy talk.
It probably means that he (they guy in that media clip) wants to kill his wife. I don't exactly understand the way their brains work but these swamp creatures almost always project what they are doing or want to do.
I think they're talking about Dr Jill
Trump wins, then as president-elect shoots Jill Biden while she's still first lady. Got it.
NOW it doesn't sound batshit bonkers at all.
Well she’s the First Lady right now. I imagine they’re talking about her in the present tense not the future tense.
Unclear on grammatical tenses?
They forgot 2 scoops of ice cream.
Execution for the crime of treason does not equal being assassinated.
And we are not even in 2024 yet.
Is this a campaign ad?
“Their” world will come to an end.
I hope Trump cleans the place up once and for all. They have shown they will stop at nothing. It's time to end the madness.
im good with god.. bring on the end.
This is probably the lamest complaint. If they really believe this, just dont visit White House, duh!
i love multi level jokes. 🤣
Well it is a cocaine drop zone
I remember in 2015 thay said Trump will start WW III, destroy the environment, destroy Democracy. ALL LIES ------This time they might have it right! KEK
But he is destroying democracy. Democracy to the left = their power monopoly.
I dunno, I'm good with all that happening and more...especially since we are NOT a Democracy, but a Constitutional Republic.
You dont kill off a rat infestation by setting a couple traps; you gotta really get in there and eradicate without mercy until every last one is dead. Then you set up safe-gaurds lest the infestation return.
Perfect analogy. The Rat Buster shows us the way- https://iteroni.com/channel/UCqxDr4AJaAHixsM-5f0JREQ
This is like Groundhog Day. I remember this diatribe in 2016.
these people are true fruit loops
Al Sharpton is very concerned about the Justice Department.
I wonder if Sharpton thinks that it's the Just Us Department.
Nevermind. I don't wonder.
Question for you. Ever wonder how he lost all that weight but he still has a fat head?
True dat
I don't get it why are they telling us how great it will be when Trump wins? 🤣🤣
There's nothing left but sheer, unadulterated.TDS
Projection. It's always projection. This is what THEY will do if they take control of the White House again.
One can only wish.....
TDS for sure! This man needs psychiatric help STAT!
So clearly this is their plan bc they always accuse Trump of what they want to accomplish
Hilarious…..I wonder how many libs actually will believe this? 60%+?
Amazing stuff. Yet every single one of these media (lords) wants vaccine passports, unvaccinated in concentration camps, mask mandates, no mask gets jail time.
How can American citizens at this point still deny the truth.
Amazing stuff.
Yes, some of it is definitely panic.
But remember, they always accuse us of wanting to do what they themselves desperately want to do.
Right now it's "Trump will imprison and/or execute all of us".
Tomorrow it will be "We need to talk about imprisoning and executing DJT and his supporters before they can do it to us."
It’s called “let’s start over”