The Coffee Deception: 13 Little Known Facts About Coffee - Humans Be Free
You're not going to like this one bit: you've been lied about the health benefits of coffee!1. Caffeine is an alkaloid that the coffee plant uses to kill bugs, which eat its' seeds.The coffee plant also uses caffeine in the coffee pods to kill surrounding ...
Can't speak on the list as a whole but the "the body enters fight or flight mode for 3 consecutive weeks after one cup of coffee" sounds like total bullshit to me. Isn't fight or flight for external threats? Why would your body even have the capacity to enter that state against internal threats when physical confrontation or fleeing are both impossible options?
Caffeine increases cortisol, the "fight or flight" hormone.
I didn't read the article, but obviously we shouldn't be addicted to drugs like caffeine.
i think fight or flight is mostly related to adrenaline release.
I can't tolerate much caffeine; it gives me palpitations and I feel ill. So I drink mostly decaf coffee. Strangely, I drink a boat load of cacao (pure cocoa) and it rarely gives me palpitations.
LOL, this sort of bullshit is up there with that clip of that retarded Indian celebrity who claimed that it takes the body 3 years to digest a scoop of protein powder. So how are we not weighing several tons already, math genius?
Yeah some things in the article seemed quite out there, like the 3 week thing.
Because it is.
What the writer may mean is caffeine fucks up the system so much, that without external influence, the body is in a state of anxiety. Maybe not🍻
So how has the 300+ mg that I often consume before a workout not turned me into a nervous wreck? I still sleep normally at the end of the day. LOL if any of the shit in his claims was true (like 52% less blood flow to the brain) I'd already be dead.
The assumption is, without your 300mg, you'd be better off. I understand your point and you're right. We'd all be dead.
Yeah doing a half-assed workout and getting less done would fit the Cabal plans better. I'm suspicious these days whenever someone wants me to cut down on something that's not obviously harmful. Watch us find out in a few years that caffeine use reduces dementia or some such, like how we now know that creatine supplementation also has neuroprotective effects.
No you wouldn’t already be dead.
Well, I know a lot of people who died in their 50's and early 60's who never drank even a cup of coffee, and I know/knew maybe hundreds who are/were in their 80's who drink at least a pot a day. So, this science makes no sense to me.
here to agree...and my father in law has been drinking coffee since he joined the Navy when he was early twenties...he'll be 99 this April. I think if anything the only bad side to coffee is all the sugars, creamers, etc we put in it these days.
Yes, look at all the additives in most coffee creamers, it's absurd how many have hydrogenated vegetable oil in them for some reason. I've seen very few on the shelf that had only milk, cream and sugar in them. If you know the ratios you can easily make your own at home.
...exactly, and one of the main culprits is ' lactose ' go lactose free and u will b fine
I digest lactose just fine and consume milk and milk products daily, project your lack of enzyme production onto someone else.
I think hydrogenated vegetable oils (heavily processed with Petroleum, not something we should be consuming whatsoever) is a far bigger problem than lactose
"I know lots of tall women and quite a few short men, so the science that men are on average taller than women makes no sense to me."
Anecdotes are not data. Human brains are bad at handling statistical information. I'm not saying this article is right or wrong but your intuitive sense of mortality among your personal acquaintances is not a good way to judge it.
This article didn't talk about averages nor did it present any data, and if their conclusions are believable, there ought to be some evidence observable over time that individuals can observe. Like the weird thing we're all seeing in our personal lives with the uptick in all ages of heart disease and turbo cancers and vaccinated people getting covid constantly. And it's not climate change, which was, not too long ago, called global warming
It's almost as if the wide levels of genetic variation across the species lead to wildly different outcomes for individuals.
Science that tells you something is fully good or fully bad for people is not science. It's the product of an intern who was not supervised properly, or someone who was paid to lie to you.
The obvious thing you can, and should ask, is "are there food pairings which reduce the negative impacts of caffeine while leaving the positive ones?" If they didn't even suggest that question, then they're latter type, and they're just flat out lying to you.
Used to work in a nursing home kitchen for years, the residents used black coffee as a laxative to stay regular, because their medications caused constipation
Mormons don't drink coffee, but many will slip a No-Doz instead.
I believe it.
The older I get the more I notice caffeine and nicotine wreak havoc on my mind and body (I RARELY use either, but sometimes get lazy and indulge).
Nicotine is nootropic and good for the brain, but perhaps too much isn't.
"I RARELY use either, but sometimes get lazy and “use”...
There, I fixed it for you. I find that usually people who substitute the word “use” for drink, eat or take are usually people who are addicts or ex addicts of a particular substance that they now feel is harmful and wish to project their weakness on others. I reject such labeling. I drink coffee because I like coffee. I also like food but don’t “use” food. I eat it.
You don't think caffeine is an addictive substance??
Maybe to certain weak people, I often go days in a row without it and no ill effect. Cutting down on sugar from soft drinks was way harder.
For some it is, for others it isn't.
Nope. Certainly not to me.
Maybe it's not the coffee, maybe it's the flouride in the water the coffee is brewed with?
Or all of the sugar, chemicals, and additives in the creamers/flavors available for coffee out there.
starcucks nutritional data sheets are mindblowing.
I talk to personal trainers and a common frustration is how many of their clients have no clue that Starbucks they're drinking daily had over 600cal and don't count it but wonder why they're not losing any weight.
There was this trend a few years back of making Starbucks drinks "Keto friendly", meaning venti/big gulp sized iced lattes with heavy cream instead of regular milk and 5+ pumps of sugar free syrup.
No, I don't think any of them realized why their diet gave them all gunts.
Bullshit. These are milkshakes. They're marketed and served the same way milkshakes are. It's a dessert. If you can't sense that you're braindead, or you're just lying to yourself.
And the drinks aren't good enough to justify the damage you're doing yo yourself.
creamer = Irish cream for me.
Is flouride derived from bread? kek
I read another article recently that coffee wards off dementia. You can't believe any "science" anymore.
Coffee and Wine both for some reason...
One year they both cause cancer. The next year they're the nectar of the gods. The next year they're both bad again, the next year they're good again...
I have whiplash from Coffee, and Wine science.
Absolutely. Have read pros and cons back and forth over the years on both. I choose to drink both in moderation. My coffee is all half-caff, and I drink wine a couple times a month, if that. But I love your whiplash analogy.
There's also different grades of coffee and brewing methods have effects on the extraction of the chemicals in the beans. I just wouldn't bother with instant coffee, that's the ultraprocessed variant.
That data supports my personal observations (grin)
You could probably find 50 articles that say it's good, 50 that say it's bad ...
Maybe all us coffee drinkers are in a limited hangout similar to the Sixth Sense. We are all actually dead, together, experiencing this nightmare while still drinking coffee.
Maybe we should discuss it over some dark roast, I'll get my french press.
I'm in!
Used to be a dark roast kinda guy, make it a light or medium roast and you got a deal!
I will say this… i drink strictly decaff now…. Dark roast decaff has higher concentrations of N-methylpyridinium which helps reduce stomach acid production…. And i am free of the dependence of caffeine… Youre a fuckin man, you dont need caffeine for energy…. Be the chad you know you are…
Never seen anyone attempt to paint the guy drinking DECAF as the "manly chad guy". That's definitely a first.
Real men drink real coffee, don'tcha know. We're also not into wine coolers.
upvoted for originality!
I'm a beer man.... who once went thru a Zima phase.
#survivor 💪
Go on about other ways you're more natty than the rest of us, it's amusing to watch people air their insecurities while trying to look tough. It's a neverending spiral.
You apparently missed my 4chan-esque way of motivation…
Why would you want to screw up your body's natural function? You need acid to digest food and your stomach's mucus lining is designed to handle it.
If acid is the problem, then get an espresso machine, and learn to make americanos. Coffee is brewed and results in garbage. Espresso is extracted.
Damn... first queer beer now this?
This fearmonger piece is from 2017 actually.
No kidding. Lol. I got a feeling we would get along.
I'm 64 and drink a pot a day. I have not been to the doctor in ten years. My parents who are still alive drink more than me.
This seems like a ploy to stop people like us to quit drinking coffee. They surround the story with flowers to lull us into believing this. Just like the plandemic, I think I will trust my instincts.
If you want more energy, try fasting and a cold shower in the morning. You won't believe the energy you will have.
Good thing I’m not a bug.
Nicotine is used as a pesticide as well in certain concentrations. Then again so is borax and dish soap.
So is diatomaceous earth
[ Made from the fossilized remains of tiny, aquatic organisms called diatoms. ]
Yep, like most things it's all about the dosage vs bodyweight.
Same shit as always, 'coffee is bad for you' one year, then a year or 2 later 'coffee is good for you', rinse-lather-repeat...................
I've heard the same from Jason Christoff, who is a mind-control expert who speaks about the NWO and occult tactics. Coffee certainly is extremely ubiquitous, both in person and in media. Christoff alleges that Bill Gates (or his old man) actually bought Starbucks years ago because it is such a great tool for their ends. Most people believe Howard Schultz owns it, but who can ever say who really owns these places.
I wouldn't let the "fear porn" get to me. If you scrutinize anything close enough, you can find a reason not to do it or consume it. If you enjoy coffee and don't see any ill effects from it I wouldn't feel compelled to try and quit. I largely cut off coffee/caffeine a few years ago and don't feel much discernible difference (either better or worse).
Starbucks isn't coffee, they sell essentially coffee-flavored milkshakes given all the additives. Starbucks is pretty much why fat vegetarians are able to exist.
I don't go anywhere near that trash garbage. It's just a bunch of sugar to cover uo the taste of nasty over roasted coffee beans.
"nasty over roasted coffee beans"
The reason I've only tried StarSucks coffee once (regular old coffee-flavored coffee), almost 20 years ago. One sip and I threw that pond swill out.
amazing how horrible starbux is
I actually remember a conspiracy theory from years ago, that I unfortunately have forgotten much of, but it basically argued against coffee by begging one question of 'why do you think there's a starbucks on every corner around the globe'.
While I could easily write that off as capitalistic growth, it does come across somewhat strange to me. Though I am more inclined to believe its what they add to coffee that is bad and will eventually create a medical patient.
Sorry to say I was dead twenty-five years ago. Somebody show my caffeinated bones where to lay down. And then lets do a solemn happy hour.
Total bullshit.
I was compelled until I saw this:
When the body is threatened, it prefers fat as its’ primary fuel source, over sugar or protein.
Constant activation of the body’s fight or flight system (via the daily ingestion of caffeine poison) aids in a metabolic shift to fat storage and fat conservation, because again the body prefers fat as a fuel source when fighting any toxic intruder… because fat contains 9 calories per gram for the fight, as opposed to 4 calories per gram housed by sugar and protein.
From being in the keto/carnivore space I know that if your body has switched to fat for it's fuel source, you DO NOT STORE FAT, you BURN IT. Lol
This is what happens when you reach too far and try to make a list of reasons. You're going to expose gaps in your logic that defeat your credibility.
Keep the focus narrow.
dont tell them
Nothing wrong with coffee.
I do believe that coffee was meant to be a treat and not a daily habit. I used to see a very good acupuncturist who lamented the fact that most of his clients were coffee and caffeine addicts. It's become an obsession in the West. I live in a rural area and can think of at least four independent coffee shops within twenty miles of me. Anyway, I don't know how true some of the "facts" in the article are since there aren't sources to all of them. And what about some of the research that's been done to show some positive aspects of coffee, like its benefits for the liver? It's worth considering all sides, though, since I do wonder why the average American is now saturated in "coffee culture."
We've been lied to our whole lives about the supposed dangers of coffee.
I drink a pot every day and am never nervous, anxious, jittery, etc.
It isn't harmful and is full of healthy molecules. Enjoy.
makes me think of the article that said hydrogen dioxide was dangerous.
Coffee keeps your adrenals active. I quit coffee about 3 months ago. I sleep better, i never get tired during the day, i wake up with ease now. I stopped all plants (so i had to stop coffee too). Strict carnivore does wonders for mental clarity and body composition.
Guess what, your adrenals are active all of the time. If they actually turned off you'd die. You'll also hit a wall before too long as the carnie diets shortcomings catch up to you.
Correct. For simplicity sake i did not specify that they keep them "hyper active" nor did i state the mechanisms in which they do so. Plenty of medical studies to look at to get this info
So drinking decaf is a way to "stick it to the man" ... interesting
This is bullshit, next!
Amen, having a nice hot cup as I read this😃
I read the footnoted studies= CRAP and anecdotal, this article is from 2017... Too many studies have already, and since this article have shown more benefits than harm- coffee has been areound for hundreds of years- I will bet the other shit we shovel into our bodies is far worse than a cupbof hot bean water... Carry on
I do not even remember why I stopped to drink coffee some 15 Yrs ago... but now everytime I just take a sip on a cup of coffee my wife makes everyday, my heart accelerates, and the only way to normalize it, is to drink lots of water. I still love the smell, as I was raised on it since the age of 5 yrs old.
Have quit it ten times over the years. Takes about ten days to completely leave the body. Every time I do it I rave about it. Always find some reason to take it again and eventually regret it.
After ten days without it I really can’t even adequately describe the calm I feel. Even my eyesight seems to improve. But not only that, but like…when I look at a beautiful view, not only can I physically see it better, but it’s like my mind is quiet enough to actually feel what I’m seeing and be 100% there for that moment.
I quit again just now for new years, along with alcohol, weed, nicotine vaping, and a few other party favors I’d grown fond of over the past few years. Day four and I already feel better in nearly every way. Trying to get to day 12 before I issue a full report.
Quit it all, is my opinion.
I haven't even read it yet but I do believe it is the most used and abused drug 👍 I'm pretty sure it destroyed my life in some sense. My mom got me addicted in third grade. I had about ten years of such high anxiety I felt like I was dying but I could not stop that addiction. Once I finally did I started getting better.
Coffee raw does not need protection in shipping. They put it in a burlap bag. Rats won't eat it, nor will insects. It releases a toxic fume.
Increased cortisol.
Reduces brain blood flow.
Overrides ATP receptors that make you sleepy.
Has psychedelic properties.
Coffee causes fat gain and cellulite because by triggering the body’s flight or fight system (which any poison or threat does). This eventually changes the body’s primary fuel source requirement to one of fat.
So..the body consumes fat....but produces fat?
What other clickbait are you easily fooled by?
I also heard that we shouldn't take the COVID vaxx😃😃😃😃
Swampeagle is a known troll on this forum. Wouldn’t take anything he writes seriously.
"You" are really defending your addiction very strongly.
Rather pushy individual, aren't you? Self-righteousness gets you nowhere.
Yep, probably has several addictions to much more serious substances or issues if they're projecting so hard.
I don't know this anon, but the constant pushy posts always remind me of those who go on vendettas on restaurant Facebook pages because someone forgot to bring them a side of ranch dressing, telling everyone to avoid going to that place and commenting under every other comment about how horrible the joint is. It's just another form of narcissism and needing an opinion to be validated as "I'm right and everyone else is wrong." Again, I don't know the anon, so I'm not making accusations (and I left FB years ago kek).
And yet you believed this one despite how absurd it's claims are.
Yeah, the entire article was bullshit even back in 2017 and is even more outdated now.
Come on. It shouldn't be that easy for an old article to control your mind.
Wait, being dependent on a drug just to get through daily life could be a bad thing?
I don't drink coffee, soda, or alcohol. I generally avoid substances to which I can become dependent (still working on sugar lol).
I make mine with well water.
They’re both “bad” if you consider how your heart and brain do in the absence of either option.