BREAKING: Former Hawaii teacher, Alden Bunag, was sentenced to 17 years in federal prison for making child porn...
Bunag was very upset with "right-wingers" on X popularizing the term "groomers."
🤢 These GROOMERS are sick! 🤮

Narrator: He was projecting
Ha ha he projected about projection
Double Projection: That sounds like National League rules. /s
Projection Inception
New term: Man, I think you're Bunaging.
Sucks to be him. Not sure if Hawaii has a large prison that said hate to be him with those South Pacificers
I hear it my head like Opie on Arrested Development.
Hard core.
Prosecutors said he taped repeated sexual activity with a 13-year-old student in a classroom and sent it to others.
Investigators found thousands of videos and photos of child pornography in his possession.
Some of which showed underage boys bound and in pain.
"I have such deep regret for what I've done that I ended up developing depression and anxiety as well as a firm determination to get the treatment and support I need to never do this again," said Bunag.
When Bunag is done serving 17 years behind bars, he will be on federal probation for the next 15 years.
This jackass wants us to feel sorry for his depression and anxiety? Get bent. Well, I guess you will in prison. 17 years? kek
I do hope that he realizes that the BARS DON'T MOVE and some have even tried putting their heads through them...IT DOESN'T WORK...The bars I mean...
I do hope he enjoys his time in the clink because he will NOT get a "warm" reception when he gets there...
He’s only sorry he got caught.
Won't make it that long. As it should be.
Oh, I think he's gonna get bent (over) pretty damn hard in prison.....
Even most prisoners hate child molesters so much that they generally have to be kept away from the general population.....
I hope he reaps, what he has sown; nothing more, nothing less.
As such, the equivalent of a millstone around his neck (or a shiv in his jugular) seems fair.
Just another thing wrong in this country! We shouldn’t be protecting a child rapist from anyone or anything.
Agreed. Completely agreed.....
He regrets getting caught and going to prison that’s it.
Also, pedos get a beating from others everytime they are moved to a new place. They also get raped. In prison, it is not play-boxing. It is a matter of grievous bodily harm and broken ribs.
So he will prolly be in solitary most of the time, for his own protection.
They call them chomos in prison and it’s basically prison law to beat them into oblivion. And if you’re their cell mate it becomes your duty to do so or YOU will be beaten into oblivion.
Chomos jump prison guards right away to get solitary. Otherwise they’re toast.
I suspect the treatment of pedos is both condoned and broadcast so that when a pedo is arrested, the cabal can leverage them. Just like Cathy O'Brien's story about her father. The cabal owns pedos.
Unfortunately not. PC, with a whole block of other like minded scum.
SEE my reply above...we be on same page!!!
News flash for the smug smarmy disgusting perverted groomer faggot:
You'll be lucky as fuck to survive 17 DAYS in prison, let alone 17 years, numbnuts.
Hell, your sorry ass could be "riding the witch's broomstick" within 17 HOURS, if society is lucky.
"I [...] I've [...] I [...] I need to never do this again,"
Four thoughts for himself, zero for the victim, just.. let's hang this creep by the neck until dead.
How long of a rope should be used for this LGBT star?
Once someone harms a child intentionally they should never, ever be allowed to be free again. Anytime we have a 2nd offender, whoever released the pedo should be tried along side the offender.
I don't think he'll survive prison. There are good men working as janitors in prison.
What I said.
With brooms.
Long-handled "PUSH" brooms.
Justice will come in jail….
i truly hope so.
Double secret projection
Irony and "karma" (God's justice, in actuality) in one tight little package.
What is wrong with these sick bastards? Not reformable. Don't give them prison, give them the fucking rope.
Hopefully he does not make it out
I wonder why "groomer" is so upsetting, because it is accurate.
Sorry but i prematurally proejected,i hate when that happens
He needs the pedo treatment in jail. I believe when they fist a pedo on prison from Hawaii, they keep their hand like 🤙. After that, Bubba is gonna hang 10 on his chin before before stuffing it in his hung loosened hole.
Well, if prison justice gets him, that'd be great. One can only hope.
I hope that piece of shit dies there in prison
Projecting, huh? Hahahahahaha.
I'd like nothing more than to have 5 minutes alone with these "people "
there is NO cure for them. they need to be sentenced to death.
the children are handed a life sentence when one of these demons touch them. why does the person who harms a child for life get to live?
The death penalty sounds heartless for persons who have probably become predators because they had been preyed upon, but that's the reason the death penalty is necessary: to stop the cycle of abuse.
[Dreamer soundtrack]
Groomer... you are nothing but a groomer ... can you put your hands on their butt... oh yeah.
When I read his post “You’re fucking acting like -we want- to show kids porn or something”
This is admittedly stating-he is doing it. Possibly “they” are doing it. Knowingly. Yet they have no choice but to do this.
He is admitting he is sick and admitting he has done this sick thing. I assume he is with other teachers too. However these wokies are also confessors of being possessed at times and call themselves they/them which could be we.
I'm sorry Alden, but MADTv already made the "I did it, but..." skit. Now rot in prison.
Justice is SERVED pedo-freak. I suppose it was MAGAts fault tho right? gtfo 💥
Plea bargaining stinks, screws some kid gets found guilty of porn.