The shill account
“Ariel” who has been activated to attack GenFlynn has been discovered making EXTREMELY bigoted comments about White people on an EXTREMELY bigoted blog post about White people.
Knew he was a fake MAGA infiltrator.
💊 Controlled Opposition 💊
I called him out months ago.
Him and Dom Lucre used to retweet one another constantly to build up their profiles before starting their fake feud several weeks ago.
Yeah, I have my doubts about Lucre, but he is smarter than Ariel.
Lucre wears and flaunts his masonic square and compass ring
Filthy Lucre.
Looking bad for him, too... unfollowed both
Proud of you fren! 👏
But the road to truth is long & winding. There's several other paytriots that are nothing but roadblocks for anons. Take to the skies at 40k ft and avoid them all!
Absolutely! They want to divide us, but they WON'T.
The linked tweet says that Ariel’s blog profile includes a photo, but I wasn’t able to find it. Does anyone have the photo? Could be hilarious
Great call bb! I couldn't believe when he & others started attacking Gen. Flynn...
Yeah, but long before he attacked Gen Flynn, he was actually attacking Trump and his family, in his very subtle casual way while making some other main point, especially using fake information. He does it all the time and I am surprised that so many Anons fall for his crap simply.
I only became aware of him several months ago... didn't know about his attacks on POTUS.
This was what caught my eyes https://greatawakening.win/p/17rT1xT0qm/x/c/4Tz109VhmdB
Holy Moly!! Thanks for posting!
I see one glaringly obvious false statement in his post. Maybe he's just low IQ. kek
I didn’t pay attention to those kind of things. I didn’t even know he/she existed. As soon I see someone attacking or saying something weird I blocked or avoid that person.
he gets traction on godlike forums, the Qanon it's on don't panic thread has a collection of his greatest 'hits' aka misses always spammed on there. It's probably him posting the shit under a coward anon account.
He “insinuates” in a very slick way. He’s also going after Defender if the Republic
It's the old poison pill buried in hopium that he offers.
He’s so disingenuous. Perhaps others will see stew peters the same way. 😂🤣
Another glowboy who came from out of nowhere in 2020.
Ali Alexander!
This is probably most accurate. They can't afford to lose the black vote. Look for new "patriots" in the black community to steer blacks away from Godliness and towards hatred when majority of blacks turn their back on the usual suspects (Sharpton, Jackson, Obama, Oprah, LeBron, Beyonce, rappers).
Note: discernment is a muscle. It requires practice, exercise and good nutrition in order to function effectively and productively.
Bonus Note:
Practice: ask yourself questions and challenge your own ideas and biases
Exercise: apply to content on a regular basis, with heightened attention to one's own biases, to generate awareness
Good nutrition: eat truth and information that raises your overall mental health
A learning curve...
Eye of the Tiger, Bubbles.
Will do fren, will do.
👏👏👏 agreed
He even tried to turn a photo of Trump pointing his finger at Scavino to show Scavino turned. 🙄
anon dig on him
Ariel, @prolotario1 Much faggotry from this account as of late. Current mission seems to be to split Q movement by attacking prominent figures within it, and divert following into nonsense, such as NESARA/GESARA etc, wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't some type of scamming for personal gain going on also.
Someone seems to have figured out who "TRDJ" THEREALDARKJUDGE is- an actual, scamming, Nigerian prince. Memes became reality.. https://threadreaderapp.com/user/H4ckerRogue <<<< THE(REALDARK)JUDGE, @(royal)mrbadnews "The judge, royalmrbadnews has been unmasked and is a Nigerian grifter from NJ" ... Anon thinks this Ariel-prolotario is either the same person or working with them
Screenshot of royalmrbadnews tweet
Screenshot of Ariel tweet
""Question: Who said they have direct access to all the world leaders through Ogiame Atuwatse III? Answer: The Judges."" sorry, what?
So in addition to the obvious shilling he does, seems to also be in cahoots with a Nigerian prince scammer pedo-ish anime dude sauce lmao. I remember "THEREALDARKJUDGE" from before getting banned on twitter, I always had bad vibes from that account. Now I know why. And ariel is parrotting his narratives and IIRC Jordan Sather had some more sauce on the two colluding together. Let them both crash and burn together kek
And as an aside, FRENS we have GOT to up the critical thinking skills around here. For months and months I saw people post this dudes stuff even after he went at General Flynn with no sauce, went after a few patriots actually. Let this be a lesson please!!
It's all faggotry. QR did a dig on this a while back. This psyop infowar is getting tedious - and hilarious.
It's all a circle jerk. {One which, ironically, that he accuses Flynn of running}
They are getting rich by pushing each other's narrative... The judge is a joke and so is Dom.
And look at some of the comments Ariel receives... Especially from women, thanking him for helping them see the truth.
It's bad, man.
I actually used to like THEREALDARKJUDGE, but started getting red flags like 6 months ago. But after 2023 ended and he had categorically stated that he knew personally that within 2023 NATO will be exposed and brought to justice, and nothing like that happened - I had no doubts he is a clown.
Thank you for bringing the booms winn! 💥👏
He's gone too far in his "intel" droppings. I really do appreciate the fact he's finally showing who he really is.
Hate to say I told you so...
Actually, no I wouldn't
$$$$$$$$$$ is all those accounts are about
Crossed a line for me coupla weeks ago and I unfollowed him. seemed shilly
I would block but maybe time for everyone to start hitting deport button since everyone else still sees
True, while muting/blocking takes a clown off of your feed it doesn't stop them from leading others astray.
Yes. Exactly
"Black people are the original people of this planet. And we are absolutely tired of trying to educate white people about their behavior! Slavery built this country! As heirs, we are absolutely entitled to all of the stolen wealth generated by our ancestors! CUT MY DAMN CHECK!!!" ...(This pretty much sums it up it's always about wealth)
Yep...gimme attitude
There were more black slave owners than white slave owners. Never about wealth that is a secondary result. It's all about power and control, period. BTW, learn your history. Another thing, don't believe the slaves came from Africa. How many slave could be held in those ships? Figure the number of slaves and how many could fit in a ship. There is no way in hell there were enough ships to bring them all over to the US. More lies.
Either human skin color is related to uv exposure and distance from equatior (in which case skin color doesn't matter because it's all geography, in which case we owe black people nothing because of their ancestors,
The first modern humans that evolved from previous hominids were dark skinned, and many of us have since evolved even further and now have white skin, in which case we still don't owe blacks anything because of their ancestors.
They can't have it both ways.
It's either environmental and there's no difference, or its evolution in which case whites are more evolved.
I know what my money is on.
I don't know why so many black people have a problem understanding this. If we owe 'blacks', then blacks owe Homo Erectus, and Erectus in turn owes Homo Habilis... And on and on until one strand of RNA is owed everything from enceinte - which might explain why so much money was wasted on mRNA. Maybe the Vax is just reparations for the original ancestor, so it can live again in all of us. Nothing like starting over...
/end of rant
Fuck me, finally. I've been calling out this obvious disinfo account for months. People would get so mad. Some people need to recognize when they are being fed bullshit that they want to hear.
Which is why we still have people getting sucked in by Charlie Ward or Jan Halper (who mostly reposts old Charlie Ward BS.)
It's about time this arrogant and ignorant troll was outed.
Could somebody decode interaction on this for me? I apparently missed out on All this back & forth . Maybe just I’m on overload.
That's basically all I needed to know.
He reminds me of that grifter, who was riding the coattails of that stop the steel rally, the skinny black guy. I think his first name is Ari - he reminds me of Sammy Davis, Junior. Same vibe, same energy.
Don't know about him...
I wish I could remember his name, but he was that unremarkable. But he was on TV a couple times with Rudy Giuliani during those court cases. He’s a huge grifter just like Ariel. I wouldn’t be surprised. If it’s the same person they’re both black, and it just stinks of him.
Edit: It’s not the same guy, but here’s Ali Alexander’s profile.
Wow...he does look like Sammy Davis Jr.
Maybe he's Sammy Davis Jr. Jr.
probably a clone.
and Dom. They are all about infiltrating and causing discord
Dude reminded me of eyethespy and neon fuckface. True fucking jabronis.
eyethespy is the guy that calls himself "E" right? He is still very much on telegram and has a cult following.
I stopped following him awhile ago too
Flynn stood by Trump through the worst.
Attacking Flynn is basically a guarantee that you are the opposition in my opinion.
All you need to know that Flynn is part of the Q Team and the plan is his "beautiful black sky" comment to those FBI fuckheads before they interviewed him basically telling them they were bringing on the storm. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/mccabe-reveals-the-one-thing-that-stands-out-from-his-fateful-call-with-flynn
Thank you.
Yuge surprise, the “fuck you, I’m right, don’t question me” attitude, should have been a dead give away. Just another blip on the radar. Aaaaaaand, its gone.
Ariel is a jewish name. “Israel main exports are: cut and uncut diamonds, pearls and other precious metals and stones (33 percent of total exports); electrical machinery and equipment, mechanical machinery and appliances, sound and TV recorders and reproducers and computer equipment (22 percent) and chemical products (11 percent).”
Are they funding the South african genocide (De Beers)? Of course! George Soros is doing the same thing here by funding DAs, buying media, antifa, and blm. The playbook- The Talmud.
I bet it’s a coincidence. What happened to the nyc tunnel story?
Yeah him and his "Dark Judge" friend is all bullshit!
Many of his posts were cuckoo 😜.
Juan O'Savin enters the chat
I am particularly wary of accounts that blatantly seem to defend Israel. I could be wrong but sometimes get that feeling about X22 as of late... Trying to stay on signal...
There are a lot of them attacking us, you have to hand it to them they are aggressive.
Where's u/thepowerofprayer or is it {Ariel}?
When at it with me about Ariel probably about 2 weeks ago
Did you even read the source linked in this OP?
Here he is pointing out the FBI and other federal government agencies are falsely labeling people who aren't considered white by the actual population as white when they calculate the crime statistics.
I suppose the Daily Caller was also pushing this same conspiracy theory?
The federal government and most state governments don’t consider Hispanic/Latino as a racial category — instead, most crimes committed by Hispanics are counted under the category “white.”
The Bureau of Prisons, for example, has relatively up-to-date statistics on the racial and ethnic composition of prisoners. As of May 28, 2016, 58.8 percent of federal prisoners are white, 37.7 percent are black, 2 percent are Native American, and 1.5 percent are Asian. Hispanics are not included in the race statistics, and the category only appears under ethnicity.
The data there shows that 66.2 percent of federal prisoners are non-Hispanic and 33.8 percent are Hispanic. According to Census Bureau estimates from 2015, 87.6 percent of people of Hispanic origin consider themselves “white” instead of “black,” “Asian,” “American Indian,” or “Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.”
This means an estimated 29.6 percent of federal prisoners are Hispanics who fall under the category of “white” when it comes to race. So while whites are identified as being 58.8 percent of federal prisoners, about half of those are Hispanic.
California, unlike the federal government, includes Hispanic as a race and the effect of this categorization on crime statistics is pretty clear. In the year 2014, 797 arrests of Hispanics were made for homicides, and 287 whites were arrested for the same crime. Census estimates of California in 2014 show 89.6 percent of Hispanics identify as white.
So if California did not have a separate racial category for Hispanics, statistics would then show an estimated additional 693 murder arrests of white Californians. This would more than triple the amount of homicide arrests for whites, yet that is the standard which the federal government uses.
New York City also includes a racial category for Hispanics. In 2014, 45.8 percent of those arrested for rape were Hispanic, 43.2 percent were black, and 5.7 percent were white. But using the federal government standards, NYC crime would mean an estimated 39.8 percent of those arrested for rape charges would be white.
So you mean to tell me you believe the FBI? LOL
I believe what I read on his X account is bullshit. You're the same person who thinks he's not monetized. You're hilarious Ariel!
But you're also a larp, buddy.
My post and comment history speaks for itself, as does yours.
You're the self-admitted Paytriot, not me.
And very smart to accuse me of being Ariel because I asked for proof he was monetized. Just because it's possible to hide a blue check mark doesn't mean Twitter will pay you for posting.
Ariel's content isn't exactly ad friendly.
Paytriot? By selling handmade t shirts?
That's pretty funny.
You might as well put a quarter in your ass
You were the one trying to make money on Etsy selling WWG1WGA T-shirts and bitching when they shut it down.
Guess you actually have to make money to be a paytriot?
There were no wwg1wga shirts, pappy
Sure, chief.
Whether this means you used WWG1WGA to label your merchandise or created actual gear with this makes no difference as far as being a PAYtriot.
Is he not speaking about the elites who will have to eat one another? Then, he compares this to “white people” who are always doing stupid, death defying stunts, playing fast and loose with their lives. I don’t think he necessarily meant this as slander against all whites.
I don't forget red flags, which is why I don't trust either of these two, though I'm much more open to Flynn. Definitely more open to the possibility that Flynn has acted out in concerning ways as part of the show but I won't forget things like him getting what appeared to be triggered and chastising people for calling for military intervention. If he's putting on a show of being suspicious it may be my role in that show to express distrust myself. This is if nothing else complicated business.
Tru dat fren...a very sticky wicket
So you are retreating?
Perhaps you need to click on his name and read his comments?
Benefit of the doubt I guess. He deleted the comment himself. Not deleted by mods (logs show this). Maybe just having a bad day?
Nothing wrong with having an opposing view, if you actually have something to back it up. But yes it could just be a faggot shill account. A few several year old accounts are being activated and showing true colors lately.
Did you see your shadow when you came out of your cave?
Oh that's right, that's a groundhog deal, not trolls.
Perhaps spend these next two months to see if you can find out who your mommies sperm donor was....
He may be right about Flynn but it doesn't change the shill factor
Some moves are done to fool the fools... seems like it worked with this one.
"Flynn circle jerk"
Straight out of the shill playbook, whether you're doing it intentionally or not.