WAYYYY to much HYPERBOLE TO EVEN consider what these cases are going through...The LONGER the case BEFORE the SC stays in and the questions the Supremes are asking...Jack Smith is coming off like the class clown he is...Alito is pulling Smith's chain pretty hard....Gateway Pundit has the article...
Yeah, I remember thier coverage of the drones… the former drone operator they always went to who was kicked out for asking too many questions? He was actually kicked out for not being able to pass the PT test…
If he loses then the last presidents don't have any shield against future legal action. Then the SCOTUS would have to overturn or otherwise rule in Trump's favor on the election to make every legal action against Trump go away and to invalidate every law enacted since the big steal. Not saying it's going to happen, but it's a scenario currently in play. That being said, I don't put any credence on a Rolling Stone article.
As u/catsfive has explained in the past. Posts are often pinned as “come at me bro”. If the post has merit, explain why. If the post is bullshit, explain why. Remember, anons are not supposed to be passive. We’re supposed to analyze, think critically, etc. We are the news.
BINGO! You're paying attention! Trump will lose this, they will arrest him and put him in jail. This is all part of the plan. Trump is innocent we and they know it, so nothing is going to stick. Obama and Bush are sweating their asses off right now and know what's about to happen to them. I fully trust the plan. So yes, we want SCOTUS to say no blanket immunity.
We should want whatever Trump wants if you think about it
He makes a compelling case for immunity
I don't get wanting to lose this
It's not like we will ever go after all the past traitorous presidents - those prosecutions would never fly - and in the minds of the populace that would be portrayed as going after his political enemies for revenge
Why do people think Trump will do all kinds of stuff he NEVER DID last time, I don't get the reasoning behind it; seems like nothing but wispy fantasy
Maybe. Unless laws passed in "United States of America, Inc." won't have absolutely any distinction or precedent in the new and improved "United States of America 2.0"!
IF they decide to pull his immunity, I hope he is sitting in the room. And when they make their decision, he should give them a big smile, and say "Thank you". That would screw with all the lefties.
So if Trump has no immunity while President, for crimes he didn't commit; and evidence that FISA warrants used to get the investigation were done by fraud,
then Obama and Joe can be tried for crimes they did. With receipts, video and audio of them boasting about committing them.
Why would we want anyone to have total immunity? If Trump gets granted immunity, Biden could have him taken out immediately. And if he doesn't get immunity, Biden can prosecute him immediately.
12/17/2019 17:03:45
8kun/qresearch: 7538264
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
Capital Letters:
Duplicates removed:
I really have no idea what is supposed to be going on with all this. What is the point of claiming that the president has immunity and getting the SC to rule on it if Trump not only expects to lose, but wants to? Why even bother starting down that lane, if that's the case?
And while I'm sure that everyone here would be just fine with Trump having immunity as President, the idea of the next Democrat president having immunity should highlight why that's just a bad idea all around.
And yes, everything is conveniently all part of The Plan in hindsight, and it's really amazing how people are so certain that they know what The Plan involves. But no one was saying that Trump was going to lose on election night in 2020. It was only after the election, after all the recounts, after January 6th, after Biden's inauguration, after the "alternative" inauguration on March 4th, and whatever other dates I've forgotten did people start claiming that Trump losing the election was all part of The Plan.
At this point I'm not even pretending to know what is involved with The Plan, but it just seems way too convenient that everything that happens always turns out to be part of The Plan no matter how far away from the original goals and expectations they are.
I almost feel like I should get ahead of the game and go ahead and claim that Trump is going to lose all the court cases against him, and is going to go to prison or be put on house arrest and will lose the 2024 election, and that it's all part of The Plan, for whatever reason. Maybe it's because we never had that economic collapse that was supposed to be part of The Plan showing people how bad things are under Biden. So we need another 4 years of showing normies how bad life is under Democrats, and then Trump will run again and win in 2028.
Rolling Stone was also the name of the covert double cross operation in The Spy Who Came In From the Cold. Watch The Spy Who Came In from Cold and think of Smiley as Trump and Biden as Richard Burton character.
12/17/2019 17:03:45
8kun/qresearch: 7538264
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
Capital Letters:
Duplicates removed:
12/17/2019 17:03:45
8kun/qresearch: 7538264
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
Capital Letters:
Duplicates removed:
Rolling Stone article.
I don't take much faith in them.
Thinking the same 👍
A lot of unnamed sources in that article for sure. Verdict: Rolling Stone is making most of this up, IMO.
They are trash.
WAYYYY to much HYPERBOLE TO EVEN consider what these cases are going through...The LONGER the case BEFORE the SC stays in and the questions the Supremes are asking...Jack Smith is coming off like the class clown he is...Alito is pulling Smith's chain pretty hard....Gateway Pundit has the article...
Thank you.
Yeah, I remember thier coverage of the drones… the former drone operator they always went to who was kicked out for asking too many questions? He was actually kicked out for not being able to pass the PT test…
I don't remember that one.
If he loses then the last presidents don't have any shield against future legal action. Then the SCOTUS would have to overturn or otherwise rule in Trump's favor on the election to make every legal action against Trump go away and to invalidate every law enacted since the big steal. Not saying it's going to happen, but it's a scenario currently in play. That being said, I don't put any credence on a Rolling Stone article.
Known anti-Trump fake news site Rolling stone.com?
"Source Close to Trump"?
Is this post serious?
"We already pulled off the heist"
What a weird thing to claim an unnamed source said.
Translation from Deepstatespeak to English:
"Source close to Trump" == "A street vendor who once sold him a hot dog in Central park."
Like they’d bother even going that far. Some diversity hire just made the whole thing up.
Who was raped by that same hotdog in the hands of Orange Man.
A hot dog vendor which thinks hotdog rapes are sexy.
As u/catsfive has explained in the past. Posts are often pinned as “come at me bro”. If the post has merit, explain why. If the post is bullshit, explain why. Remember, anons are not supposed to be passive. We’re supposed to analyze, think critically, etc. We are the news.
I am pretty sure we want to lose this. Unless we can charge the former presidents for treason. Immunity does not grant protection
BINGO! You're paying attention! Trump will lose this, they will arrest him and put him in jail. This is all part of the plan. Trump is innocent we and they know it, so nothing is going to stick. Obama and Bush are sweating their asses off right now and know what's about to happen to them. I fully trust the plan. So yes, we want SCOTUS to say no blanket immunity.
Yes but no matter what happens it is always claimed to all be part of the plan
That is confusing IMO
Will your enemy go left or right?
Set things up so that you win no matter which direction they turn.
Concidering you or I don't know the plan I guess that's about right.
The chess master plans his moves so that whatever the opponent does leads to checkmate. ♟️
That’s what makes him a great 5D chess player. No matter what move the enemy makes we still win.
We should want whatever Trump wants if you think about it
He makes a compelling case for immunity
I don't get wanting to lose this
It's not like we will ever go after all the past traitorous presidents - those prosecutions would never fly - and in the minds of the populace that would be portrayed as going after his political enemies for revenge
Why do people think Trump will do all kinds of stuff he NEVER DID last time, I don't get the reasoning behind it; seems like nothing but wispy fantasy
I had always thought a blanket immunity was absurd.
Then the deep state tried to frame Trump. Without imunity, one day they will succeed in framing a Republican.
I now am very conflicted.
Trump is a Republican
Maybe. Unless laws passed in "United States of America, Inc." won't have absolutely any distinction or precedent in the new and improved "United States of America 2.0"!
"Republic of United States of America" FTW
Doubt it. Plus it makes sense that presidents should have immunity.
Everything that happens is a win for Trump. Nothing stops what has already been determined for the next Trump term in the WH.
I remember when everyone said Jan 6 would stop the steal.
I remember signs saying that, but I don't remember anyone actually thinking that.
IF they decide to pull his immunity, I hope he is sitting in the room. And when they make their decision, he should give them a big smile, and say "Thank you". That would screw with all the lefties.
That would be great.
So if Trump has no immunity while President, for crimes he didn't commit; and evidence that FISA warrants used to get the investigation were done by fraud,
then Obama and Joe can be tried for crimes they did. With receipts, video and audio of them boasting about committing them.
Recall Q: "These people are stupid." Looks like future is proving the past!!
"Three people with direct knowledge of the matter tell Rolling Stone..."
"“We already pulled off the heist,” says a source close to Trump..."
Source: "TRUST ME BRO!!"
These fuckers just make up any old slanderous shit and present it as truth via "anonymous sources"
Nice superglow you got there, fed.
What is this heist supposed to be?
I'm not sure, this is all so weird.
Why would we want anyone to have total immunity? If Trump gets granted immunity, Biden could have him taken out immediately. And if he doesn't get immunity, Biden can prosecute him immediately.
How does the RS define source? Better yet close? If a person walked in Trump Tower and walked out, would RS consider that close to Trump?
Anyway you look at this it shows more arrogance from the commie stone.
Q 12/17/2019 17:03:45 8kun/qresearch: 7538264 First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q
Capital Letters: F F T M Q Mirror: Q M T F F Duplicates removed: T M Q Mirror: Q M T
9 justices…
The hearings are still ongoing. Kind of early for remark IMO.
I think they’re referring to the SCOTUS hearing today.
I’m not going to read this garbage but let me guess….
“A source close to the Trump Team..”
“An anonymous source familiar with the Trump Team…”
DOJ didn't even do a rebuttal of the Trump case. This is going to go Trumps way.
Archived here https://archive.is/0cq2D
First, it’s Rolling Stone. Second, I doubt ANY MSM outlet has a real source close to Trump or his lawyers.
I really have no idea what is supposed to be going on with all this. What is the point of claiming that the president has immunity and getting the SC to rule on it if Trump not only expects to lose, but wants to? Why even bother starting down that lane, if that's the case?
And while I'm sure that everyone here would be just fine with Trump having immunity as President, the idea of the next Democrat president having immunity should highlight why that's just a bad idea all around.
And yes, everything is conveniently all part of The Plan in hindsight, and it's really amazing how people are so certain that they know what The Plan involves. But no one was saying that Trump was going to lose on election night in 2020. It was only after the election, after all the recounts, after January 6th, after Biden's inauguration, after the "alternative" inauguration on March 4th, and whatever other dates I've forgotten did people start claiming that Trump losing the election was all part of The Plan.
At this point I'm not even pretending to know what is involved with The Plan, but it just seems way too convenient that everything that happens always turns out to be part of The Plan no matter how far away from the original goals and expectations they are.
I almost feel like I should get ahead of the game and go ahead and claim that Trump is going to lose all the court cases against him, and is going to go to prison or be put on house arrest and will lose the 2024 election, and that it's all part of The Plan, for whatever reason. Maybe it's because we never had that economic collapse that was supposed to be part of The Plan showing people how bad things are under Biden. So we need another 4 years of showing normies how bad life is under Democrats, and then Trump will run again and win in 2028.
When you arre revealing the actual state of the war 4 years after it was actually won.
Rolling Stone was also the name of the covert double cross operation in The Spy Who Came In From the Cold. Watch The Spy Who Came In from Cold and think of Smiley as Trump and Biden as Richard Burton character.
Q 12/17/2019 17:03:45 8kun/qresearch: 7538264 First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q
Capital Letters: F F T M Q Mirror: Q M T F F Duplicates removed: T M Q Mirror: Q M T
Q 12/17/2019 17:03:45 8kun/qresearch: 7538264 First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q
Capital Letters: F F T M Q Mirror: Q M T F F Duplicates removed: T M Q Mirror: Q M T
Someone needs to let the colleges in their area know how much RS supports Israel.