They lie about everything else. Children of the lie. Why would they suddenly tell the truth with regard to the nature of this realm?
I don’t actually care what the answer is, what’s important to me is sympathy and humility toward our inability to truly epistemologically know and prove any of this, especially given its practical irrelevance to any of our daily, functional lives (lone exception being if any of you are rocket scientists or something).
Even if spherical earth of claimed size is in fact correct, there needs to be more patience and less irritation with proving or claiming it. In a real, practical sense, it is of zero importance. In spiritual senses, flat earth or planar earth or whatever actually is of some degree of importance due to biblical verses about “firmament” being more significant in that scope. There needs to be patience and humility on that claim, too.
when people end up on the 'other side' or 'interior' of an earth they perceive to be hollow, what has happened is travel through foreign dimensions, to a reality in which earth is hollow. not ours, but such places are accessible via the intense energy patterns at the poles, which can be and have been accidentally traversed.
If you apply criticalthinking, you realize that if we are being to about elections, history, science, and (their) intentions, they won't be telling us the truth about anything else. I even wonder if number theory and math itself is true.
that's not critical thinking, that's trust issues of a traumatized mind. critical thinking is to not assume anything, but to investigate each issue thoroughly and honestly.
the existence of lies does not negate the existence of truth.
I believe Bill Cooper alluded to some of this in his book "Behold a Pale Rider"(?). Multi-media craft. Long video you point to but just 14 minutes in it's filling some gaps in pretty well.
If this is true, and there is an advanced civilization living there, then I can understand why the cabal run governments would want to keep it secret. Interesting that all of the countries represented down there, seem to get along just fine. Nobody has yet explained why the day after Trump was elected president, John Kerry flew straight down there. Thousands of questions, and no provable answers. As Sherlock Holmes once said, "When the impossible has been removed, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".
It's worth a raised eyebrow. Maybe this isn't the place for the discussion but I have plentybofnquestions and few answers. By the way, admiralnforrestalnwhonsent bird there later committed suicide jumping from the 13th gloor of the bethesda naval hospital. Did he try tondonsomething with birds information that got him suicided?
This is some exciting stuff. Stew Peters is far from mainstream but he’s the closest thing to it I’ve seen talking about this. Can’t wait till Tucker Carlson starts asking what’s with Antarctica?
True, what's sad is that nobody (not the majority of people, anyway) would bother asking that question unless someone in the MSM started probing the topic.
Old urban myth. Byrd was referring to an ice-free region of the mainland called the Bunger Hills. I've seen photographs of it in a nice coffee-table book on Antarctica. It is by no means representative of the vast remainder of Antarctica. The aerial reconnaissance is hard to reconstruct; maps of the routes taken are not readily available, and the research was superseded by the following International Geophysical Year. There is no "ice wall," unless you want to call it the beginning of the 2-kilometer thick cap that covers the rest of the continent.
There is no prohibition on private travel. Legal restraints can only be exercised by the government of which the intended travelers are citizens. You can book a tourist visit to The South Pole (the actual pole) by any number of agencies. For reasons of safety and international agreements relating to protected areas, permits may be required. (When presented with these facts, Antarctic mythologists usually retreat into defeatism by not even trying to find out anything.) Since gyrocompasses become ineffective near the poles, it is a very risky flying environment (not to mention having potentially dangerous weather).
Did I mention the Smithsonian? I don't recall doing so. And the existing data speaks for itself. Plenty of people have been to Antarctica. The Byrd claim is overblown; the dry valleys have been known ever since. Plenty of photos. Cold as hell.
So what? There are other accounts, all the same. You prove that any of it is wrong. I also pointed to the 1978 book that has photos of the dry valleys and lakes that Byrd mentioned, by an on-the-spot photographer who was seemingly unhindered by dire prohibitions on where to go. Byrd's claim was true---but only so far as it went. The dry valleys are bleak and cold, and not very representative of the ice sheet that is the rest of the continent.
GPS may be "fully functional" but not highly accurate. The orbital planes are at 55 degrees inclination, which means that anyone at the poles will be seeing them only above the horizon, which leads to relatively poor accuracy compared to latitudes between -55 and +55 degrees. But that's what I have been told while I was in the business of relying on their input for system designs. There are vast areas, but they are all under 2 km of ice.
Sounds like a good plot for a scifi movie: Antarctic explorers find a meltwater cave that leads to a vast, under-ice world where geothermal heat provides the basis for a previously unknown ecosystem where strange lifeforms have evolved, and light is provided by bioluminescent organisms throughout the ice ceiling, which is several hundred feet above the warm surface. :)
Been there, done that. "The Land Unknown" (1957), except it invokes volcanically-heated valleys. Otherwise, try the novel "Projekt Saucer III: Genesis" (1980) by W. A. Harbinson, which involves UFO-flying Nazis. Are you aware of the microbial life found in the deep under-ice Lake Vostok?
There's only no prohibition on private travel around the perimeter and a bit inland. But if you want to go deeper, your government makes it impossible to gain approval. It's a very strange position for a government to take when no government owns the land. I've heard interviews of people who've tried to work with the system and get stonewalled. Then you must wonder why there are no flyover videos or pictures of inner Antarctica. Not saying there's an ice wall and woo-woo going on, but there's something down there they don't want us to see.
There's only no prohibition on private travel around the perimeter and a bit inland. But if you want to go deeper, your government makes it impossible to gain approval.
An extremely good reference is "Antartica" by Eliot Porter (1978, E.P. Dutton) who went there as part of a geological research team to photograph whatever he saw. The dry valleys that Byrd referenced in Operation Highjump are described in Porter's chapter 5. Inland Antarctica is basically ice plains penetrated by towering mountains. Not "impossible" for people to go there (even to the actual South Pole) as tourists or otherwise. Just not easy. Find a more congenial government. Plenty of flyover pictures and photos from space, though not well organized by search engines. I notice that no Antarctic anti-conspiracy organization has chosen to fund a photo satellite for that purpose.
It is an extremely dangerous environment and I don't blame the authorities, such as they are, for heavily screening those who want to risk death by penetrating it. They are on the hook for rescue. Navigational systems (gyrocompass, GPS) crap out near the pole. The weather is both unpredictable and unforgiving. It's not their job to facilitate what we want to see. They are not the ones operating tours. Just spend some time shopping for tours to see what your taste can afford. There are more tours available than people with money to spend on them.
A tour and deep exploration are two different prospects.
"Find a more congenial government." That's the point -- you can't. All governments have colluded on a universal prohibition. Which adds to the oddity of this situation.
Any number of well funded organizations could safely explore the inner terrain of the continent yet they do not or cannot. This issue deserves our skepticism.
My skepticism is directed toward those who claim they want to know, yet do absolutely nothing to confirm or refute the geographic reality, and insist on wallowing in their mythology and imaginary powerlessness. There are research stations across the continent. They publish research. No one resorts to them for information. This is just another branch of the Flat Earth know-nothingism.
They very rarely tell us why we are actually going to war. They almost always have some fake excuse. For all we know, we did go to war over Antarctica. For all we know, it could be one of the reasons we entered WW2. Especially if the rumors are true that the Nazis had secret bases there. Maybe we wanted to stop them from exploring further. Who knows what's real and what isn't. All I know is our government lies.
Not so frigid where those lakes are is it. Its weird after all the lies weve learned weve been told and all the stuff weve seen exposed that theyve hidden from us that people aren't interested. I think it's fear that makes them look away. It's too difficult on their psyche to confront truth. It's a weakness weve had exploited against us for generations.
What worries me is what if the nightmares HP Lovecraft had about Antarctica that inspired "At the Mountains of Madness" are true and there is some ancient entity trapped down there, or a portal to another dimension or deep underground?
My issue with it is that with the power of satellite imaging, how would we not have that mapped out and visible on maps unless there is something there?
They block out stuff on Google earth already. Why would they not just lie?
Also they would fight over it but there is a treaty.
The thing that really got me about Antarctica is the weird treaty and the fact you aren't allowed to visit certain areas in your own vessel. No other area in the world outside land military bases has that kind of treaty to my knowledge.
That fact leads me to believe theybare really hiding something big. I see no reason for admiral bird to lie. He was simply stating a discovery. Resources like that would have taken the excuse for most wars away.
My theory is the center of the earth is the garden of eden. Lush green but no sun, bc God is the sun there. I would understand why if true the elites wouldnt want us to know.
The video says the "brown" area is "300 square miles" — that's NOT very large. 17.3 miles square... about the size of Fresno or Salt Lake City. The size of a modest city. Still interesting of course... love to know more.
inner earth. It's a gateway, to something, perhaps a large cave type of structure, or a extra terrestrial or ancient complex, or previous civilization or forerunner civilization that has been dormant. Think science fiction.
To believe this you have to subscribe to flat earth. In my humble opinion they want you to think this. Its much more likely that INNER earth oasis' exist. While everyone is arguing about flat earth they dont think about the truth by design.
The laws of physics apply everywhere else on earth... except behind Antarctica's "ice wall"? For some reason, the climate there just doesn't have to make sense?
We have satellite photos of the entire globe… (let me guess, every single engineer that works on all of these, for any and every country with satellites, they’re all in on it?)
I worked navy intelligence and my area was photo interpretation. Either by aircraft or satellites such as our rorsat in the 80's. I saw a lot of photos but only the ones compartmentalized to my AO. Some times a ship in a photo that had 10 other ships on company blithe it but all we got was the picture of the one ship. In other words, the folks with the complete picture were few.
I recenlty discovered there's no detailed satellite-imaged topology of Antarctica. On Google Earth, people have discovered photoshoppery like clone stamps.
Birdonce said there is an area larger than the u.s.a. sits South of the south pole. South of the south pole? Longines watch news show. It's on youtube.
When Trump won 2016 'unexpectably' from CIA John Kerry found the need to make a mad rush down to Antarctica for a quick visit. 🤔🤔🤔
It wasn't just Kerry who did that. Leaders from around the world did so too.
When the clones were swapped in.
They escaped to Agartha lol
This is so weird. What makes Antarctica so special that every politician needs to visit it, especially around elections.
I am guessing they need to check with their overlords and see what to do next!
That’s really what it seems like. Wasn’t there a tweet from Buzz Aldrin saying he went there and saw pure evil?
I don't remember that but I would not doubt it. The Nazis had a keen interest there for some reason!
Not just politicians. Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill visited Antarctica in Feb 2016.
And Marina Abramovic
Lizzid peeple bro. Lizzid peeple.
Love Hecklefish
The plushy is the best $30 you can spend.
So did the pope snd other world leaders if im not mistaken
Conspiciously missing: Ice Wall.
Also, there is a little mix up. Bird's Arctic expedition, and his Antarctic expedition.
Rare Third Reich Documentary - New Swabia Antarctica Base 211
The earth is not flat.
What if it’s just bigger than we are told?
They lie about everything else. Children of the lie. Why would they suddenly tell the truth with regard to the nature of this realm?
I don’t actually care what the answer is, what’s important to me is sympathy and humility toward our inability to truly epistemologically know and prove any of this, especially given its practical irrelevance to any of our daily, functional lives (lone exception being if any of you are rocket scientists or something).
Even if spherical earth of claimed size is in fact correct, there needs to be more patience and less irritation with proving or claiming it. In a real, practical sense, it is of zero importance. In spiritual senses, flat earth or planar earth or whatever actually is of some degree of importance due to biblical verses about “firmament” being more significant in that scope. There needs to be patience and humility on that claim, too.
its not flat, its not bigger, and its not hollow.
when people end up on the 'other side' or 'interior' of an earth they perceive to be hollow, what has happened is travel through foreign dimensions, to a reality in which earth is hollow. not ours, but such places are accessible via the intense energy patterns at the poles, which can be and have been accidentally traversed.
Also could be.
As I noted, I don’t really care about what is or is not on this topic, only the method of approach.
This is perhaps the best subject there is on which to practice one’s approach to epistemology.
An interesting idea, 15th.
If you apply criticalthinking, you realize that if we are being to about elections, history, science, and (their) intentions, they won't be telling us the truth about anything else. I even wonder if number theory and math itself is true.
Every mathematical principle has a proof that you can check for yourself.
that's not critical thinking, that's trust issues of a traumatized mind. critical thinking is to not assume anything, but to investigate each issue thoroughly and honestly.
the existence of lies does not negate the existence of truth.
…and it has a hole in it😂🤣😂
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I believe Bill Cooper alluded to some of this in his book "Behold a Pale Rider"(?). Multi-media craft. Long video you point to but just 14 minutes in it's filling some gaps in pretty well.
Admiral Byrd was right.
Smell flat earth BS
Doesn’t have to be “flat earth”. Could be portals, or any number of reasons for what many have experienced there.
Q said Earth is round, so I'm leaning towards secret wormhole tech OR secret temple hidden under the Antarctic ice the Cabal has access to via plane
If this is true, and there is an advanced civilization living there, then I can understand why the cabal run governments would want to keep it secret. Interesting that all of the countries represented down there, seem to get along just fine. Nobody has yet explained why the day after Trump was elected president, John Kerry flew straight down there. Thousands of questions, and no provable answers. As Sherlock Holmes once said, "When the impossible has been removed, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".
They probably have a SCIF there which is the most impregnable, if you want a more mundane reason.
This pede fucks.
It's worth a raised eyebrow. Maybe this isn't the place for the discussion but I have plentybofnquestions and few answers. By the way, admiralnforrestalnwhonsent bird there later committed suicide jumping from the 13th gloor of the bethesda naval hospital. Did he try tondonsomething with birds information that got him suicided?
It’s a breakaway Nazi Chomo vampire civilization
John Podesta got to go to Antarctica too. His emails on Wikileaks are full of spectacular photographs of Antarctica.
This is some exciting stuff. Stew Peters is far from mainstream but he’s the closest thing to it I’ve seen talking about this. Can’t wait till Tucker Carlson starts asking what’s with Antarctica?
True, what's sad is that nobody (not the majority of people, anyway) would bother asking that question unless someone in the MSM started probing the topic.
Old urban myth. Byrd was referring to an ice-free region of the mainland called the Bunger Hills. I've seen photographs of it in a nice coffee-table book on Antarctica. It is by no means representative of the vast remainder of Antarctica. The aerial reconnaissance is hard to reconstruct; maps of the routes taken are not readily available, and the research was superseded by the following International Geophysical Year. There is no "ice wall," unless you want to call it the beginning of the 2-kilometer thick cap that covers the rest of the continent.
There is no prohibition on private travel. Legal restraints can only be exercised by the government of which the intended travelers are citizens. You can book a tourist visit to The South Pole (the actual pole) by any number of agencies. For reasons of safety and international agreements relating to protected areas, permits may be required. (When presented with these facts, Antarctic mythologists usually retreat into defeatism by not even trying to find out anything.) Since gyrocompasses become ineffective near the poles, it is a very risky flying environment (not to mention having potentially dangerous weather).
Here is an interesting account of the Byrd expedition (Operation Highjump), which was both more and less than one is led to believe.
Smithsonian is your source?
You realize they hid or destroyed thousands of giant skeletons, right?
Did I mention the Smithsonian? I don't recall doing so. And the existing data speaks for itself. Plenty of people have been to Antarctica. The Byrd claim is overblown; the dry valleys have been known ever since. Plenty of photos. Cold as hell.
You quoted it, dumb ass.
So what? There are other accounts, all the same. You prove that any of it is wrong. I also pointed to the 1978 book that has photos of the dry valleys and lakes that Byrd mentioned, by an on-the-spot photographer who was seemingly unhindered by dire prohibitions on where to go. Byrd's claim was true---but only so far as it went. The dry valleys are bleak and cold, and not very representative of the ice sheet that is the rest of the continent.
Prove it
I've never seen you ratioed before. Lol
I get it a lot really lol
GPS is fully functional at poles. Otherwise, I agree that some vast warm area at any pole is a pretty ridiculous myth.
GPS may be "fully functional" but not highly accurate. The orbital planes are at 55 degrees inclination, which means that anyone at the poles will be seeing them only above the horizon, which leads to relatively poor accuracy compared to latitudes between -55 and +55 degrees. But that's what I have been told while I was in the business of relying on their input for system designs. There are vast areas, but they are all under 2 km of ice.
Sounds like a good plot for a scifi movie: Antarctic explorers find a meltwater cave that leads to a vast, under-ice world where geothermal heat provides the basis for a previously unknown ecosystem where strange lifeforms have evolved, and light is provided by bioluminescent organisms throughout the ice ceiling, which is several hundred feet above the warm surface. :)
Been there, done that. "The Land Unknown" (1957), except it invokes volcanically-heated valleys. Otherwise, try the novel "Projekt Saucer III: Genesis" (1980) by W. A. Harbinson, which involves UFO-flying Nazis. Are you aware of the microbial life found in the deep under-ice Lake Vostok?
Yes, and there are chemosynthetic organisms that live in areas of deep ocean volcanic vents.
There's only no prohibition on private travel around the perimeter and a bit inland. But if you want to go deeper, your government makes it impossible to gain approval. It's a very strange position for a government to take when no government owns the land. I've heard interviews of people who've tried to work with the system and get stonewalled. Then you must wonder why there are no flyover videos or pictures of inner Antarctica. Not saying there's an ice wall and woo-woo going on, but there's something down there they don't want us to see.
👍 correct...And why?
Well we k o w there are pyramids... Soo what else
An extremely good reference is "Antartica" by Eliot Porter (1978, E.P. Dutton) who went there as part of a geological research team to photograph whatever he saw. The dry valleys that Byrd referenced in Operation Highjump are described in Porter's chapter 5. Inland Antarctica is basically ice plains penetrated by towering mountains. Not "impossible" for people to go there (even to the actual South Pole) as tourists or otherwise. Just not easy. Find a more congenial government. Plenty of flyover pictures and photos from space, though not well organized by search engines. I notice that no Antarctic anti-conspiracy organization has chosen to fund a photo satellite for that purpose.
It is an extremely dangerous environment and I don't blame the authorities, such as they are, for heavily screening those who want to risk death by penetrating it. They are on the hook for rescue. Navigational systems (gyrocompass, GPS) crap out near the pole. The weather is both unpredictable and unforgiving. It's not their job to facilitate what we want to see. They are not the ones operating tours. Just spend some time shopping for tours to see what your taste can afford. There are more tours available than people with money to spend on them.
A tour and deep exploration are two different prospects.
"Find a more congenial government." That's the point -- you can't. All governments have colluded on a universal prohibition. Which adds to the oddity of this situation.
Any number of well funded organizations could safely explore the inner terrain of the continent yet they do not or cannot. This issue deserves our skepticism.
My skepticism is directed toward those who claim they want to know, yet do absolutely nothing to confirm or refute the geographic reality, and insist on wallowing in their mythology and imaginary powerlessness. There are research stations across the continent. They publish research. No one resorts to them for information. This is just another branch of the Flat Earth know-nothingism.
My issue with this being true is we aren't invading someone or fighting with someone over it.
They very rarely tell us why we are actually going to war. They almost always have some fake excuse. For all we know, we did go to war over Antarctica. For all we know, it could be one of the reasons we entered WW2. Especially if the rumors are true that the Nazis had secret bases there. Maybe we wanted to stop them from exploring further. Who knows what's real and what isn't. All I know is our government lies.
Bird did take 7k troops amd war equipment down there. Operation highjump I think. In wonder why its the only place we all seem to get along.
Because it's a frigid wasteland where nobody can live profitably, so it isn't worth fighting over until our tech makes it profitable.
Not so frigid where those lakes are is it. Its weird after all the lies weve learned weve been told and all the stuff weve seen exposed that theyve hidden from us that people aren't interested. I think it's fear that makes them look away. It's too difficult on their psyche to confront truth. It's a weakness weve had exploited against us for generations.
probably because the cabal owns it and runs it, that's why no one else is permitted to be there except 'them'.
What worries me is what if the nightmares HP Lovecraft had about Antarctica that inspired "At the Mountains of Madness" are true and there is some ancient entity trapped down there, or a portal to another dimension or deep underground?
Why have i never seen that video?
If it's true, and that's the only footage of the oasis currently circulating.. then that is fascinating
perhaps it is the gateway to an inner earth.
My issue with this being true is we aren't invading someone or fighting with someone over it.
My issue with it is that with the power of satellite imaging, how would we not have that mapped out and visible on maps unless there is something there?
They block out stuff on Google earth already. Why would they not just lie?
Also they would fight over it but there is a treaty.
The thing that really got me about Antarctica is the weird treaty and the fact you aren't allowed to visit certain areas in your own vessel. No other area in the world outside land military bases has that kind of treaty to my knowledge.
They just block it.
"...unless there is something there"
That fact leads me to believe theybare really hiding something big. I see no reason for admiral bird to lie. He was simply stating a discovery. Resources like that would have taken the excuse for most wars away.
My theory is the center of the earth is the garden of eden. Lush green but no sun, bc God is the sun there. I would understand why if true the elites wouldnt want us to know.
They Definitely hiding Something from us...Whatever it is...I don't care what anybody says...
The center of the Earth is hell. Read Mary Baxter's Divine Revelation of Hell.
The video says the "brown" area is "300 square miles" — that's NOT very large. 17.3 miles square... about the size of Fresno or Salt Lake City. The size of a modest city. Still interesting of course... love to know more.
inner earth. It's a gateway, to something, perhaps a large cave type of structure, or a extra terrestrial or ancient complex, or previous civilization or forerunner civilization that has been dormant. Think science fiction.
To believe this you have to subscribe to flat earth. In my humble opinion they want you to think this. Its much more likely that INNER earth oasis' exist. While everyone is arguing about flat earth they dont think about the truth by design.
The laws of physics apply everywhere else on earth... except behind Antarctica's "ice wall"? For some reason, the climate there just doesn't have to make sense?
Pull the other one.
We have satellite photos of the entire globe… (let me guess, every single engineer that works on all of these, for any and every country with satellites, they’re all in on it?)
I worked navy intelligence and my area was photo interpretation. Either by aircraft or satellites such as our rorsat in the 80's. I saw a lot of photos but only the ones compartmentalized to my AO. Some times a ship in a photo that had 10 other ships on company blithe it but all we got was the picture of the one ship. In other words, the folks with the complete picture were few.
I recenlty discovered there's no detailed satellite-imaged topology of Antarctica. On Google Earth, people have discovered photoshoppery like clone stamps.
Birdonce said there is an area larger than the u.s.a. sits South of the south pole. South of the south pole? Longines watch news show. It's on youtube.