A precedent was set today Anons! Moves and counter moves. This is a game of chess! If President Trump can be charged, prosecuted and convicted, then so too can the Bushes, Bidens, Clintons, and every Deep State swamp rat. They took the bait hook, line, and sinker. NOW THEY ALL LOSE!
- N C S W I C -

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Remember what Ivan Raiklin said? That the list of 350 are now going to have what they did to Trump and associates done to them?
You are watching a movie.
I agree, however there are statutory limits as to when they expire and when charges cannot be brought. Certainly did not stop NY. What red state prosecutor has the balls to go after the Bushes, Bidens, Clintons and everyone else? That is the question we should be asking, otherwise this precedent nonsense is out the window.
Dare I say it. The military can go after them all now.
Who will authorize?
The CiC under COG/ Devolution. Donald J Trump.
R’s are cowards & likely too afraid to prosecute rival politicians. A strong worded letter on the other-hand….
Well no, most of them are playing for the same team. RINO's are Demtards in disguise. They are Uniparty. That's the part everyone kind of overlooks. They are there to make it look like there are two parties of almost equal power. The Uniparty makes up probably 90% of our Congress. THAT is why nothing ever happens to these people.
The GOP has been exposed by the last 4 years as they did NOTHING to help Trump. That's part of the awakening.
Face it, the majority of our politicians are being bribed or blackmailed by the deep state.
They've been neutered and have lost their Balls!
Yup, and that is the problem. All hat, no cattle.
Its easy to say this in frustration and ignore how difficult it is to displace a deeply entrenched and well funded enemy who has infiltrated and subverted nearly the entirety of government, worldwide.
I understand the frustration and sympathize.
But if you view everything from 40k feet, you can see what role these strongly worded letters have played in this disclosure phase of the plan and how the knowledge of the criminal depravity has become central to our National Conversation and is all funneling to a single point centered on November 5th.
We were never going to see Justice while the whole of government is under the heel of criminal psychopaths and sociopaths. The Justice phase comes after November 5th and that has always been where this has been headed.
Familiarize yourself with the plan and try not to lose sight of what we fight, how we fight and why we fight.
as far as i know there is no statutory limits on murder.
But...I remember Q saying that many of them were "allowed" to keep up their criminal activities while Trump was President. This way it covers the time limits. IF,,,I understood that right.
When considering RICO or other conspiracies, the clock on statutory limits doesnt begin ticking until the last act has been committed. They are still committing criminal acts in this conspiracy, the clock hasnt even begun to tick.
Well, it didn’t need to go this far but the Cabal decided to be really stupid. Now comes the final chess moves.
Another Anon pointed out that the 34 guilty charges coincides with THAT Q post.
Is EMS a typo?
Should be a B.
Yet it’s an M.
Who is B and M?
Double meaning?
EBS = Emergency Broadcast System
EMS = Emergency Medical Services
Could be that both EBS and EMS will be needed simultaneously when the operation begins. Q does mention organizations and people that wish to do us harm. Medical services will most certainly be needed during this time.
Could be Emergency Management System
Very interesting.
.. 34 also happens to be 17+17 = Q+Q (Q+ Q)
They chose the hard path.....
They chose....
Thanks for putting this verdict in context!
Now Comes the PAIN!
My husband said just now we are not in control.
Ask him how, when Trump just became a political martyr which will increase his donations and poll numbers.
He just said they will throw him off the ballot.
He can run as an independent then. (I'd like to see this, tired of "republicans" )
He would have to get enough signatures in all 50 states by their respective deadlines.
Oh. Can we just write him in then if he doesn't run as any party?
u/#q2254 u/#q2266
I try to remember this but it is difficult.
Who's going to prosecute?
That's the problem
Are we at the precipice yet?
Even though I think you’re right, it still saddens me to see how deeply corrupted our country and some of our fellow citizens have become. I guess we aren’t quite down to the 4% to 6% who can’t be saved, but we have to be close.
I find myself thinking about post 3728 and believe the fact President Trump continues fighting this fight and risk his fortune and freedom, is and will continue to open people eyes.
He'll claim Kenyan citizenship...
Now all this is possible:
People of that rank will be in Military tribunals, I am not sure what this is for.
THIS...this....this is exactly what I told my sister today after the verdict was handed down. I told her this means that Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden etc. can now be charged and indicted. It's a win.
You forgot about tthe partisan hacks pretending to be judges. They are now with their naked arse in the air. WE CAN SEE THEM.
Hope so - sure don’t get the feeling anyone will ever go after the swamp.
Not sure if this case matters given that
(A) It would be likely to be appealed and overturned on grounds of various things the judge did that were highly improper. (B) The black hat presidents likely secretly pardoned themselves or each other of all crimes.
In general, Trump has been good at covering his tracks, but understand this, this group is trying to use process crimes as if they were criminal or somehow worthy of impeachment.
Has Trump ever broken the law? Yes.
Has it ever been knowingly? Yes.
Unrelated to his tenure as POTUS.
Was it ever a high crime against USA? No.
45 loves America and has never committed Treason. Perceived laws could be RICO pertaining to his real estate business.
He may have used existing laws that favored corp interests (already in place for this reason) to build his properties. Not sure if it falls under RICO, the statutes are clear.
RICO can be used to take down corporate interests that exploit laws for corporate development when the business interest is a violation of the law or is fundamentally corrupt. Trump organizations were not corrupt in the sense that people were cheated while engaging in commerce.
RICO laws were created so they could be used to take down "crimes" they knew happened but had no evidence for. Trump's RICO was building hotels and such. Not smuggling cocaine or children.
He is not a pervert or murderer. He's cut people dry in the past when he felt he was being cheated. He covers his tracks up and there are some people who were cheated out of "good deals" in the past. Unrelated to his tenure as POTUS. Attempts to "seek Justice" are spite/revenge.
At the expense of the United States of America. However the higher crimes of the Clinton Foundation / Haiti + Jeffrey Epstein is what has "paralyzed the right's judgement" to the left. No "credible by the left media machine" evidence has been presented ever.
They genuinely believe that those who believe in the fact that the Clintons and Epstein were trafficking thousands of children into sex slavery is trauma the Country will suffer. It will come out.
15/ The Cabal's arm inside the Justice Department is attempting to indict President Trump over process crimes that are easily and legally negotiated to mutual legality. He covers his tracks. Their crimes are coming out and they are in full PANIC mode. POTUS is fully protected.
I really don't get this. They've always been able to be charged, prosecuted, and convicted. It's not like Trump being convicted passed some sort of law that changed their ability to be put on trial or convicted of crimes.
Charging President Trump is like Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon. It is the point of no return from which all things are now possible. While the prosecution of a former President has technically been possible all along, it has been an unwritten rule that you just don't fucking do that. Its the line that politicians know you shouldn't cross lest you open pandoras box.
The democrats crossed that line first. Now when the Trump 24 administration goes after every deep state swamp rat, the democrats can't say shit about political persecution. They drew first blood.
Lol, of course they're going to say shit about it. You act like Democrats play fair or something.
Its not about what the Democrats do or think. Its about the court of public opinion. Had President Trump drained the swamp in 2017, it would have undoubtedly looked like a Banana Republic political persecution. The public perception has been shifted these past eight years. Ignore what the media and dems say in their echo chambers. The people of America see clearly what is going on with the witch hunt against President Trump.
The democrats will cry wolf about the upcoming swamp draining, but it will fall on deaf ears. They've burned all bridges and turned the public against them with their actions today.
We are in a place now where the People will not only approve of the Justice that is coming, they will DEMAND it.
Lawfag here - you are right and I don’t think many people understand this.
Our judicial system is based on precedent. The precedent has been set.
Ok, but what does that mean, practically speaking?
I'm not trying to be contentious, I just don't understand what people are thinking when they say this.
What precedent has been set? And what do you think that means?
Because, to me, it seems like people are thinking that it wasn't possible for presidents/ former presidents to be indicted, or arrested, or put on trial, or found guilty, or whatever precedent they're talking about, until now because Trump has gone through all of that.
Which makes no sense to me, because there was no precedent before Trump went through all of that. So obviously there didn't need to be a precedent set before any of those legal issues happened to Trump. So why would it be different for any other president/former president?
Again, I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm just trying to understand what people are thinking when they're talking about setting precedents.
I think it means more to the psychology of the American People rather than in legal terms. Now when President Trump actually goes in and drains the swamp, when the criminally depraved are detained, tried and face punishment, the People have seen the precedents that have been set and will not only support the President but demand action.
Eh, you give people much more credit than I do. I don't think that any of this is going to change the minds of the vast majority of the dem population.
It might sway a small portion of Independents. But I think by now, most people have chosen their side. Those with TDS won't change their minds no matter what, and those who love Trump already see how corrupt our government is.
Honestly, do you really believe that liberals are going to do a complete 180 and support Trump?
I dont know how you can miss all the dem sheep eyes opening. There are examples being shown here every day and then you have things like 35k in the South Bronx and 100k in NJ.
I live in a very blue area and most of my family are also libs, and I don't see much, if any, evidence of their opinions on Trump changing.
Trump drawing large crowds at his rallies isn't anything new, so I don't see it as evidence that there is any recent change in public opinion about him.
I know this isn't what people are wanting to hear. I'm not trying to pop anyone's bubble. It's just that until I see evidence of some big change amongst the population around me, I have to remain a bit skeptical.
34 counts \ 2 = 17
That's true; this has been pointed out for a long time now. Their overreach is how they doom themselves.
Not sure it sets any precedent.
Trump is the first former US President to be found guilty on anything. The precedent set is now we can legally go after former presidents and arrest them for past crimes. Let the games begin!
Not as long as the Leftists control the courts. Sorry.
The stage has been set for military tribunals trying non military personnel. Before this could happen the courts must be shown to be broken. There is no logical argument against the courts being broken after this.
I truly, truly hope you are right. The military really is the only way. But when?
Statute of limitations depending upon the state law says otherwise.
Treason has no statute of limitations, as far as I know.
Nor murder or Arkancide.
The clock on limitations doesnt begin to tick on a conspiracy charge until the last criminal act has been committed. Has the last criminal act been committed?
The hell it doesn't.
As long as the Left controls the courts, no Democrat will ever go to jail. Sorry.
Who said anything about civilian courts?
In 2017, those Generals were court martial'd and executed in Military Tribunals which are currently taking place. The Military is f irst cleaning itself out internally, which is why there are so many delays currently going on in addition to extreme GITMO activity recently.
Doomers gonna doom.
Nah, don't believe it. It's hollow victory, maybe. Not sure waht to believe anymore. Today feels like all hope is dead.