It makes a lot of sense for her to run in 2024, probably a good seven years post mortem. Since all of her voters are dead, her 2024 vote count would be legitimate.
To be fair, I think the Potatus was himself pushing up daisies. I think the real Biden was as dead as a crushed can of Pringles long before his first basement campaign. That would make Killery not the first life challenged President, but the second.
When she loses again, they will blame sexism again and it still won't occur to them that if you believe the USA is too sexist to elect a woman President, then it is folly to nominate one.
I hope she does run. Then the seven year delta for Q#1 will be 10-28-24, where she gets detained. Then a couple of days later, arrested. And last, but not least, Q#34, with a seven year delta on 11/01/24. "My fellow Americans......"
This week just keeps getting better. Ever since the debate, the Left/Dems have been in complete shambles. It’s wonderful. Obviously, Saturday was very scary, but as soon as our guy stood up and defiantly pumped his fist into the air, it’s like the entire aura of the country has shifted.
I finally feel like God truly is not done with us yet. Our prayers are being answered and we may yet save this Country!
Lets just say I wouldn't be surprised. My State's new Supreme Court just reversed their earlier ruling from a couple years ago to make unattended ballot collection boxes legal.
Exactly this. They're not a cohesive group. They're all a bunch of special interests that scratch each other's backs. We're about to see them pitted against each other and the destruction will be glorious.
Kamala is unlikable, HRC is more unlikable. The women who were for HRC vehemently a decade ago, well the younger women of today do not have that love and devotion to her.
What if in an insane turn of events this does happen, and Kamala with her cackling self unloads the goods on her in front of everyone. Maybe that's why she's really been laughing; knowing this will all come
I messaged a friend saying that Killary had gone into radio silence since the attempt on Trump and I wonder if she will emerge from the woodwork to run again.
So now here's there dilemma. Do they kill off Joe, install Kamala, and say they had the first female president? You. know they want the first female to be a democrat. Or, do they keep Joe, run Hilary, and hope she can be the first female president? Because you KNOW she thinks the title belongs to her. They are just one big dogpile, falling all over themselves...
She didn’t win against Obama or Trump- why do you think now — I don’t think there’s enough trans/ gender equality or 3rd wave feminists to push her forward— most real people don’t like her and lots more real people like Trump more than 2016- imo
I don't want her to win, but i had a vision of her winning back in 2008 or so, and i was on the edge of my seat in 2015 fearing she would. I just want her to begone because my life changes radically if she does win (i just want to continue being some unknown on the internet and living my life). The cheating wasn't stopped in 2020, we saw in 2022.. the possibility exists the same system is ready to elect <NOT Trump> in 2024.
I don't tell many people my visions, and when i do it likely ends up being wrong (not always), so this is why im talking of my vision, because i don't want it to happen.
If she goes in I hope she loses anon, but i cannot dismiss this option until it is closed this is why i'm being vocal about it. This is the way God trained me to fight. I hope Trump wins.
I had a dream ( I’m in my 70’s and have had lots of weird dreams that actually manifested) a few years ago(2021) of a male African lion walking through the streets of a city ( I live in the country now but grew up in suburban area) suddenly the lion was joined by Trump -
I get where you’re coming from. Personally I will be shocked if Trump wins against anyone. Not because of low numbers. I think he won all 50 states in 2020. He’ll do the same in ‘24. But if “they” get even a small chance to cheat, which they will. I don’t see how this is possible, especially…especially if SHE is the nominee. They are done worrying about the fallout. They’ve got patsies lined up forever. They are willing to kill. And we have a serious, SERIOUS enforcement problem. They can pass whatever they want, we still have zero proof of enforcement of these laws. I’m not counting some low key players. The cheat was massive. And they are going all out now. But we’ll see. At this point I hope Trump survives till the election. I don’t want Vance going forward as my president. We don’t need another 4 yr election. We need true change from this sinkhole. Bring God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ back to the front of this country. Or we’ll end up in the dirt.
She has nothing to run on. She would be dusting off a 2014 feminist playbook that falls flat in a culture that's sick of feminized Star Wars, Marvel, and inept VP's. She would spout nothing but Roe v Wade and glass ceilings while Trump is talking about grocery prices, food freedom, and prosecuting Fauci. Not to mention the low standard of evidence E Jean Carol gave us to credibly convict Bill Clinton of rape in the court of public opinion. As of now, nothing in the political or cultural environment favors Hillary.
Rematch!..."they never thought she would lose"
That's Demorats, they vote & run for president after they die.
It makes a lot of sense for her to run in 2024, probably a good seven years post mortem. Since all of her voters are dead, her 2024 vote count would be legitimate.
From potato to a side of beef !
To be fair, I think the Potatus was himself pushing up daisies. I think the real Biden was as dead as a crushed can of Pringles long before his first basement campaign. That would make Killery not the first life challenged President, but the second.
If you can't beat 'em, weekend at Bernies 'em.
Balanced meal that no one wants to eat.
movie title "Hillary: They Never Thought She Would Lose... AGAIN"
That glass ceiling’s gonna shatter with her howls 😬
Hey Infidel! Great to see ya! 😺
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Hillary will go down in bigger flames than Biden.
She’ll go down faster than Lewinsky did Bill
Or Kamala did... well... whoever it took.
"Bueller...? Bueller...? Bueller...?"
"Willy?, Big Mike?, Joe?" 😯
the last time she got lost in the woods this time they will find her hanging in a tree
"You might ask...why am I not more popular?"
At this point, H, what does it matter?
When she loses again, they will blame sexism again and it still won't occur to them that if you believe the USA is too sexist to elect a woman President, then it is folly to nominate one.
Popularity doesn't matter in a vote counting contest.
Popularity with the ones who count the votes does.
I hope she does run. Then the seven year delta for Q#1 will be 10-28-24, where she gets detained. Then a couple of days later, arrested. And last, but not least, Q#34, with a seven year delta on 11/01/24. "My fellow Americans......"
3 months and 10 days away.
Please God let us all live to see this come to pass.
We're in for a real treat.
Amazing malfunction. Like a side of beef.
I believe she was dead back then, that was a robot or something similar.
probably her clone. it's system got a shock from whatever she was drinking.
This week just keeps getting better. Ever since the debate, the Left/Dems have been in complete shambles. It’s wonderful. Obviously, Saturday was very scary, but as soon as our guy stood up and defiantly pumped his fist into the air, it’s like the entire aura of the country has shifted.
I finally feel like God truly is not done with us yet. Our prayers are being answered and we may yet save this Country!
MAGA, my frens.
Wouldn't that be something if she won the election?
Lets just say I wouldn't be surprised. My State's new Supreme Court just reversed their earlier ruling from a couple years ago to make unattended ballot collection boxes legal.
I keep hoping they'll pull off another 2016.
That requires stopping the fraud of 2018,2020, and 2022.
I'm thinking he must have something planned because he knows the deep-state is going to make a massive effort to cheat.
I thought that about 2020.
They cheated in both 2016 and 2020, but in 2020 they made more effort to cheat.
I think it was part of the Q plan to let them have 2020 anyway.
If they put H above Kamala on the ticket (or eliminate K completely), the black vote will disappear for the dems.
Exactly this. They're not a cohesive group. They're all a bunch of special interests that scratch each other's backs. We're about to see them pitted against each other and the destruction will be glorious.
I'm the same way you are. I can't bring myself to write her entire name.
If you do, better do it inside a pentacle drawn of salt. It takes strong magics and an even stronger will to control an elder demon.
Kamala is unlikable, HRC is more unlikable. The women who were for HRC vehemently a decade ago, well the younger women of today do not have that love and devotion to her.
She reminds me of somebody's ex wife.
Bill's LOL. only they're still married. I mean if I was married to Hillary, Monica would have looked pretty good, ya know wut i'm sayin...?
Oh good. Maybe now I can get another shot at the premature "Madam President" magazine.
Also, throwback to when LIAR Dom Lucre said that he had inside information about Michelle Obama running for President.
That dudes approach is so damn annoying, and he's gotten so much wrong.
Hillary can challenge till the cows, including her, come home. President Trump will win and Hillary will make more people dislike her.
even the cow on the steep roof? /s
Lol what a movie this is.She will lose big league.
I think Kamala might be in danger of Arkencide then.
I don't think so. She's got 'insurance'.
Biden doesn't know who either of these two are at this point.
It's not as much fun to think about this since it's clone (or double) Hillary, not 'real' Hillary
What if in an insane turn of events this does happen, and Kamala with her cackling self unloads the goods on her in front of everyone. Maybe that's why she's really been laughing; knowing this will all come
I hope she does run. Bring back the great meme war of 2016 Hillary Remix. Short. A meme war classic!
Joetard knows not to cross Killary
How many dems will Hillary Arkancide?
Hahahahaha!!! I messaged a friend saying that Killary had gone into radio silence since the attempt on Trump and I wonder if she will emerge from the woodwork to run again.
At this point they should all be scared. I don't know what they're hoping for.
Kamala, you need to announce you are NOT running unless Joe is so the Clintons don't do you dirty. They will try and frame "MAGA extremists".
please please please please please 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I cant wait for chelsea vs Kai 2042
Very interesting, they are-or seem to be-scrambling for a replacement. We need to make sure we vote "too big to rig".
This has to be a joke, right?
So now here's there dilemma. Do they kill off Joe, install Kamala, and say they had the first female president? You. know they want the first female to be a democrat. Or, do they keep Joe, run Hilary, and hope she can be the first female president? Because you KNOW she thinks the title belongs to her. They are just one big dogpile, falling all over themselves...
I mean goodnight who else and what else will the dig up this year? Who is her VP the kitchen sink?
Boy, I sure hope so. Wouldn't it be fun?
Babylon Bee 🐝?
I can definitely see this happening.
Ugh I cannot stand her voice.
This option needs to close soon.
If she replaces Biden, she will likely win.
a pimple popping contest maybe
She didn’t win against Obama or Trump- why do you think now — I don’t think there’s enough trans/ gender equality or 3rd wave feminists to push her forward— most real people don’t like her and lots more real people like Trump more than 2016- imo
I don't want her to win, but i had a vision of her winning back in 2008 or so, and i was on the edge of my seat in 2015 fearing she would. I just want her to begone because my life changes radically if she does win (i just want to continue being some unknown on the internet and living my life). The cheating wasn't stopped in 2020, we saw in 2022.. the possibility exists the same system is ready to elect <NOT Trump> in 2024.
I don't tell many people my visions, and when i do it likely ends up being wrong (not always), so this is why im talking of my vision, because i don't want it to happen.
Point is- to me who’s had more miracles happen to me than I deserve— I believe this is meant to be and guided by God
If she goes in I hope she loses anon, but i cannot dismiss this option until it is closed this is why i'm being vocal about it. This is the way God trained me to fight. I hope Trump wins.
I had a dream ( I’m in my 70’s and have had lots of weird dreams that actually manifested) a few years ago(2021) of a male African lion walking through the streets of a city ( I live in the country now but grew up in suburban area) suddenly the lion was joined by Trump -
I get where you’re coming from. Personally I will be shocked if Trump wins against anyone. Not because of low numbers. I think he won all 50 states in 2020. He’ll do the same in ‘24. But if “they” get even a small chance to cheat, which they will. I don’t see how this is possible, especially…especially if SHE is the nominee. They are done worrying about the fallout. They’ve got patsies lined up forever. They are willing to kill. And we have a serious, SERIOUS enforcement problem. They can pass whatever they want, we still have zero proof of enforcement of these laws. I’m not counting some low key players. The cheat was massive. And they are going all out now. But we’ll see. At this point I hope Trump survives till the election. I don’t want Vance going forward as my president. We don’t need another 4 yr election. We need true change from this sinkhole. Bring God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ back to the front of this country. Or we’ll end up in the dirt.
She has nothing to run on. She would be dusting off a 2014 feminist playbook that falls flat in a culture that's sick of feminized Star Wars, Marvel, and inept VP's. She would spout nothing but Roe v Wade and glass ceilings while Trump is talking about grocery prices, food freedom, and prosecuting Fauci. Not to mention the low standard of evidence E Jean Carol gave us to credibly convict Bill Clinton of rape in the court of public opinion. As of now, nothing in the political or cultural environment favors Hillary.