Came here to write this. "Medical officials" are corrupt and shitty. But they pale in comparison to the absolute tragedy that our government and insurance companies have perpetrated here. This is like an unholy hybrid of Vogon-level Commie bureaucracy with rapacious, sneaky-as-fuck oligopoly.
Updoot for making a comparison to Vogons. I live in Japan where there is socialized medicine, but the big difference is that Japan is 1. not a society of litigation and 2. not a country of mass, illegal immigration. As to the second point, the closest problem is especially Chinese who come here as tourists, somehow exploit the medical system, and return to their country and not pay the bills. In America, if some guy named Jose from Venezuela is rushed to the ER with a gunshot wound because he's a cretin, the hospital saves his live and never hears from him again. Then there are the frivolous lawsuits. My friend's wife had her own practice but when she saw what Obamacare would bring, she called it quits and became a tradwife, raising a family on a single income. He's an engineer, so they can afford it. Anyhow, Howard Dean at the time when Obamacare was being foisted on society even admitted himself that there would never be tort reform included in the package because the Democrat Party is beholden to the Trial Lawyers' Association.
So when Leftists in America look to socialized medicine as their ideal, they emulate Cuba or Canada rather than Japan where it actually sort of works. In America where you have healthcare legislation written by ambulance chasers, the individual is gonna get screwed. On the Right you have politicians who want you to pay through the nose for the medical industry to kill you, and on the Left you have politicians who want the medical industry to kill you "for free" (ie taxed to death). Either way, the medical industry kills you. That is the Rockefeller Western medical paradigm we live in.
I would add that, in my experience, Japan has a culture that is based upon honor/duty/shame, and the society is homogenous, largely. So abusing the system (any system - transport, etc.) is almost unthinkable.
In contrast, the USA is ethnically diverse, the culture of moving around has broken the link between people and their clan/tribe/neighborhood, and criminality is glorified. So don't count on any of that "I won't do this because what will Grammaw think" idea modulating actions.
You may abandon your body, but never your sacred honor. - Musashi-san
I realize the modern Japanese people are "no Musashi-san(s)". Most of them anyway. But still in some aspects, these ideas go to the bone.
P.S. The Chinese have a culture that glorifies cheating the "lao why"/gaijin. And as you know they love to hate the Japanese, which to my eye is mostly jealousy but if they need a reason they'll bring up Manchuria. So going over to Japan to steal medical services would be right up their street. They do it in the USA as well, I am guessing.
As for the tort reform issues in the USA: "First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." - Shakespeare, Henry VI.
Considering a marriage certificate is an actual merger of the two person corporations to the government corporation this bad situation did them both a favor. Well, if they annulled it anyway. Otherwise all it did was remove God from between them and replaced Him with the State. Assuming it was a a religious bond to begin with. This one of the toughest gov contracts to get out of because it involves two people that have to be in agreement over it. Every single gov form that uses the ALL CAPS name is a contract that limits the natural living (wo)man in some way. Usually constitutional freedoms are given up.
Edit: now that I think about it. Medical bills are unsecured debt so they didn’t have to divorce. They could’ve just set it off using UCC-3. Knowledge is power.
IMO all medical goods and services should now be either non-profit or not-for-profit. Also, outlaw insurance. The insurance companies selling malpractice insurance, thereby forcing doctors to raise their rates, and then selling the patients medical insurance since we can no longer afford medical treatment, is an absolutely beautiful scam - if you can stomach such things.
That's all the gov't involvement I want in my medical decisions.
The malpractice insurance is because of frivolous lawsuits. My mom had leukemia for 15 years or so, which is essentially AIDS. She picked up a bacterial infection at a hospital which gave her a super high fever. They administered some experimental drug to take the fever down (dunno the name) and the side effect was that it shut down her colon. Her body poisoned itself to death. The hospital claimed she died from leukemia, but no, she died from the bacterial infection and the medicine, both from the hospital. Sure, my family could have sued and made a fortune, but where does that come from? Everyone else paying high hospital expenses. America is a society of litigation and healthcare legislation is written by ambulance chasers.
Trump's plan to force companies to sell their drugs at the same prices as they were to other countries was a very, very good one because of how much we fund the socialist healthcare systems of other countries by paying more here.
Thank you. Not sure what OP is trying to say with this one. Nurses, various hospital techs, EMTs, medics, etc are some of the most underpaid people in our society. I have buddies working construction framing and siding jobs making more than many health care providers (NPs, PAs, and some MDs). Hospitals are barely keeping afloat. I think others in this thread have more clarity when they blame govt, regulators, esp govt ‘insurance’ providers like CMS. I could go on, but, just wanted to thank u for the wisdom.
Marriage is a union in spirit. Everything else is just paperwork.
Stop focusing on the paperwork. They are still married in spirit, and God understands. Their marriage hasn't come to an end... just the legal status, which doesn't count for much.
My wife and I have been together over eight years. We're essentially married, with the exception that I refuse to enter into a contract with the government by signing their marriage license contract. I don't NEED, and more specifically I don't WANT them legally involved in my marriage. The idea that you need a license from the gov to do things is asinine.
She just needs to have him sign medical power of attorney to her. Then she'll have all rights as if still "married in eyes of govt" - they are still married in God's eyes. They were married in a church?
Right...I was conflicted about that at first b/c I do not believe in divorce. However, it appears the civil union portion of man's court has been dissolved.
I'm still a bit unclear as to my thoughts on this but completely understand their perspective. I'm assuming their union between God is still intact and I don't fault them for attempting to take it to the corrupt system.
My parents lost everything this way. Dad's medical bills ate every single penny he ever saved. Gone. Cars, house everything. So your parents are smart and it's a shame their marriage was destroyed figuratively because of debt enslavement. It's sad.
No you don't. In the USA we pay for our medical care after we have received it. You pay for yours in the form of astronomical taxes. You pay just as much for your healthcare as we do for ours, you just pay in advance, which means there's far less incentive for the providers to provide you with quality care because they already have your money.
I paid 3.5k towards public health system and you're right, it isn't free but I could have a lifetime of issues and not pay a cent. Both have their pros and cons.
Yeah but now you're tied to that system, and when it decides you don't need treatment when you know you do, or refuses to cover a natural safe treatment and only offers you some dangerous alternative?
If you're lucky, and your government hasn't shut down all private alternatives sure, you can pay out of pocket, but the prices will be sky high and you'll already be down $3500. One of the reasons I still keep some cash in the bank is so that I can run out and see a real natural doctor in a pinch if I need to. My employer offers good insurance but the system doesn't always let you do what's right for your health. Letting the government have full control only exacerbates all the problems we have with our hyper regulated and monopolized system here.
No we don't.
I hate people making this argument
NOT as expensive as America for sure but definitely not free.
Chemo *free but you need a signature off the oncologist each time $250 in 2020. No idea on price now, I refused and went natural
My wife's story-
She got the vax so she could travel to Europe and see our new grandson(military family), developed pneumonia upon return. One year later, gets boosted so she can return to Europe to visit grandson, develops pneumonia upon return. One year later she develops stroke symptoms. Limited function on right side. First ICU stay. Doctor performs laser ablation on her brain. She spends a month in rehab facility learning to function again. During medical testing they find uterine cancer. During further testing, prepping for surgery, they find blood clots. This halts surgery plan. Chemotherapy started. Two days later I find her in fetal position on bed. One drug given is keytruda. This caused myasthenia gravis. This affected her ability to swallow so a feeding tube is installed into her stomach. Second ICU stay. Further chemotherapy cancelled. She is released to another rehab facility. After her stabilizing and training us on tube feeding she is released to go home. There she develops severe pain in kidney area. It was caused by cancer moving into her ureter, blocking it, causing infection. Third ICU stay. Doctor installs a urinary catheter in one ureter, hoping infection doesn't develop in other ureter, it didn't. Once the infection is cleared up she is released from hospital with catheter. So we are feeding by using a bolus syringe 3 time per day, meds are given this way also. She is sick but at least she is home. We await the development of a treatment plan. The stroke symptoms started about the first of February 2023. We had an Oncologist appt on December 15, 8:30am. There we were given the update. There was nothing more that could be done. Chemo just about killed her, surgery is not an option due to the blood clots. By this time she was in alot of pain so I charted her meds so she could get her oxy as soon as possible but it usually not enough. I tried to keep her comfortable. She had lost most of her strength, could barely stand. On December 21st at 4:30am, I woke to Nancy's moans. It was to soon but she was hurting so I gave her another dose of oxy thru her bolus. I sat with her and held her hand, stroked her cheek. I knew the time had come as her breath became shallow and weakened. I told her she was the strongest, bravest person I knew. To have put up with everything she did and never a complaint. She was in 5 different hospitals, at each one, the nurses told us Nancy was their favorite patient. Always smiling, joking around. Compared to the other patients, she was fun to be around. We never discussed the end, after 44 years, it ended. At 4:45am she took her last breath. A while later her sister showed up while we waited for the coroner. When I told her that Nancy had never told me what she wanted done with her remains she told me that in her last hospital stay, she told her she wanted to give her body to science, that maybe some young doctor at UCSD Jacobs Medical Center could learn something from her. Which takes me back to our last Oncologist appt, the Doctor said that when one of his interns or nurses was having a bad day he would tell them "go see Nancy, she will cheer you up. That was my girl. Man do I miss her.
Reading the statistics about deaths, miscarriages, and turbo cancers is one thing, but reading stories like this is where it really hits home the severity of the crime against humanity that they have committed.
I am so sorry for your loss. The governments of the world overstepped their authority by demanding the populous submit to their kill shot. The Covid shot was untested, the populous were the test subjects. Our governments, Big Pharma and scientists all knew what was in those shots and that it would kill or maim many. I want to see all involved arrested, prosecuted and executed. They should be killed by a lethal number of Covid shots. The enraging part is that the U.S. government colluded with China , financed by our government via taxpayer dollars through illegal gain of function research. The University of N.C. started the research, before it was moved to Wuhan. Those scientists knew what they were doing.
Decades ago, my husband worked with a construction crew, and when each job ended he would go wherever the money took him and often times it meant the new insurance would not kick in for 90 days. Well, I found out I was pregnant with our second child and I was already about 3 months along when we figured out what was wrong with me. (Didn't think we were going to be able to have another, (Long story) so it was a happy surprise) However, we knew that in highway construction, likely by the time this baby would arrive, we would be in between the 90-day wait period for insurance to kick in, so we went to the hospital nearest us and asked if we could just pay upfront before the baby arrived just so we would not have that hanging over our head and could enjoy the rest of our journey, and we were told by the financial coordinator at the hospital that if we were to separate temporarily the baby would be covered. We said nope. We struck a deal in which we paid $700 cash and barring any complications, we could have the baby and go home within a few hours afterwards. We had complications. Our $700-baby became a $10,000 baby. God heard our prayers though and our baby boy was fine and eventually we left the hospital with our bundle of joy. We made $25 a month payments and then within a few months of making those prompt payments, the hospital wrote it off completely.
“Sad” in that this has been how we’ve thought of marriage for decades.
Good in that marriage should be a covenant between a man, a woman, and God, and NOT a contract between a man/woman/other, another man/woman/other, and the state, so this is actually a step in the right direction.
If we give them the authority to recognize marriage, we give them authority to change and annul it, but it is not their matter in which to meddle.
Side note: If a spouse is TRULY intolerable, I suspect a better alternative to a divorce is just to split up the living conditions, especially with children involved, just keep close together with less direct contact. There are a lot of times now where even Christians don’t look at themselves first, though. Just a thought.
People can just enter into contracts between themselves, similar to a prenup or cohabitation agreement rather than using the government's default contract, which makes the government a party to the marriage, and a right to the "fruits of the marriage," which is how they steal children and property.
That would be the secular way to do it for sure. I lost sodomite friends back in the day for suggesting they do that exact thing, while telling them that they couldn’t have possession of the word “marriage”.
It may be necessary to do that within a religious context, but I currently see no reason it couldn’t be avoided, either.
Sure, it can be viewed that way, but there is nothing in the Bible about getting a marriage license (i.e. permission) from the government. There also is nothing about a church ceremony, wedding ring, wedding dress, wedding cake, etc.
All of those things are fine to do, and none are a violation of biblical principles, but those are all optional.
Biblical marriage, if you look at the examples given, is merely (a) agreement to be married, and (b) consumation of that agreement.
It is no different than a typical contract, verbal or written, where an agreement is made, and then a handshake and/or signature symbolizes that the agreement was, in fact, made.
Government has made itself the default contract, when it has no business being that. The "marriage license" was not even a thing until about 100 years ago. The Founding Fathers certainly did not bother with that nonsense.
This is true, however there are 7 or 8 states that "recognize common law marriage," while the rest do not.
For states that do, if you meet their definition (living together for some period of time, telling others that you are married, etc.), then the state makes an assumption that you are married, and will treat you as such, even though you never wanted that contract with the state.
The states that do not recognize it just treat you as shacking up and not married. That's a better situation because the state won't drag its ugly self into the marriage.
The government wasn't what made their marriage real, and it hasn't ended unless they let those pieces of paper tell them it has. In this case the government only (when functioning properly) recognizes something that can and will exist with or without them, for purposes of law.
To be clear the situation is extremely messed up and this does need to be fixed, but to actively go around saying you're no longer married because you had to pull some paperwork shenanigans to get around the government and and their monopolized economy, that's some serious societal brainwashing.
Agreed, dissolved in Man's world but appears still intact in God's. I imagine God could interpret this way but would really have to dig into the scriptures. Still the conviction of choosing money over marriage still is there (I know let the down-votes begin). Think of the rich man...I"m not sure if the appropriate thing before God's eyes would be to eat the bill and uphold the sanctity of marriage?
Tough one b/c the Bible is pretty clear about divorce but I"m just not sure of the context here.
Tough one b/c the Bible is pretty clear about divorce
Actually, it isn't.
In the OT, God has a set of laws regarding divorce. So, it is clearly allowed.
In the NT, Christ says it is not the preferred thing to do, but sometimes necessary.
Nothing in the Bible says it is sinful to get divorced. Any church doctrine that says otherwise is merely a false teaching that was conjured up by mortal men, and not what the Bible says.
Still, it is not ideal, so can be considered a dilemma for many.
I'm not sure it's quite that simple. In that context the OT was used to prove that man could never uphold to the law. Time and time again man falls short. We are no longer bound by the law. He was merely pointing out that Moses had allowed it because their hearts were hardened; but that was never the intention. Again this is the theme repeated over and over all throughout OT.
While there are many verses on it; it is definitely frowned upon. All I am stating is if money is the main motivator no matter how much it is (200k plus here) I don't see how that would be justifiable. Matthew 19:8-9 pretty clear on this.
Matthew 5:31-32 states that anyone who divorces (except for sexual immorality) makes her an adulteress.
Marriage is a core theme in the Bible; we are the bride of Christ. Each will feel their own conviction but again I would have a hard time justifying divorce for money no matter what the cost. Think of the parable of the rich man Matthew 19:16-30. What is more important here? Your vows before God, or saving 200k? When you put it in that light I think you have your answer.
I would rather be wrong and err on the side of caution, then fall into the Hands of the Living God Hebrews 10:31
In that context the OT was used to prove that man could never uphold to the law.
I see it a little differently. It's not that man could not uphold the Law, but rather that man did not, in many cases. But those who did, such as Abraham, were rewarded.
Later in the NT, Jesus says that those who uphold the Law will be great in the Kingdom of Heaven, and those who do not will be among the least.
"Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." -- Matthew 5:19
We are no longer bound by the law.
Again, not so. Jesus came to fulfill the Law, not to destroy it. He came to lead the way to show how to live by the Law (since so many were failing).
I would argue that God's people were not following the Law very well, so He wiped most of them out and had Noah do a re-start. Later, many were still not following along, so He chose Abraham to receive the special promise, and another re-start within Abraham's family tree (from which the Israelites came). Later still, many were still not following, so He sent Moses to write it all down. And then it still wasn't going the way He wanted, so He came to Earth in human form, as Jesus, for the purpose of satisfying the Law (OT) regarding the death penalty for so many sins, and re-starting by allowing His people to continue without those severe penalties hanging over their heads, and to appoint certain individuals to lead a movement (the Church), so that there could be brotherhood in pursuing the Law.
But the Law remains, modified by eliminating the death penalty, which has been served.
He was merely pointing out that Moses had allowed it because their hearts were hardened; but that was never the intention. Again this is the theme repeated over and over all throughout OT.
Of course, it was not Moses who allowed it, but rather God who did. Jesus was just using that language to communicate this message.
What is more important here? Your vows before God, or saving 200k? When you put it in that light I think you have your answer.
My answer would be the God would not want people to go bankrupt due to the laws that men have put into place, just because someone got sick.
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's. But Caesar is a nasty mofo when he has his hand out to grab your assets.
If Caesar created the rules about who has to pay taxes, who has to drain assets, who has to pay medical bills, who is "allowed" to be married or divorced, then Caesar long ago stepped out of bounds.
But did anyone truly uphold the law? Only one did and that was Jesus Christ. Yes Enoch was taken up to heaven but no man is without sin since the orginal fall. We are all guilty of love the Lord with all your heart, all your soul and all your might (Duet 6:5) We are no longer bound by the law; but does that mean we stop running the race? By no means; we run the race till our last breath knowing our works do not save us but Christ's actions on the cross and his grace alone.
What does God care about money. Would it not be more important to honor a vow before Him than to worry about money.
That very quote still says render to Ceaser what is his. Mankind is corrupt; laws are corrupt. But in this world we still must honor authority. Romans 13:1-7 covers this. God has appointed those in positions of power into these positions; therefore who are we to go against His will?
I do recognize others may not see it the same; brings up many questions like are we able to rebel against a tyrannical government (In this case ridiculous laws; speeding, medical bills etc). I have heard some compelling arguments for both sides. A local gentleman who I admire very much wrote a book on this supporting what you are stating. I would give his name but could Dox me.
Either way I appreciate the dialogue here and I respectfully disagree as this is a Tier 1 issue for me. But I of course do see your argument my interpretation of the scripture is different. Either way glad to have another brother (or sister) in Christ on the same team as we fight the good fight in this fallen world.
What does God care about money. Would it not be more important to honor a vow before Him than to worry about money.
Lots of verses about money in the Bible. Misuse of money promotes all sorts of sins.
He doesn’t need our money, but how we spend it is likely very important to Him, or he wouldn’t have told us so much about it. If there was a man, let’s say “Joe Biden”, who was openly promoting worship of Satan, and says we owe him $32,500, every dime of which he intends to use to promote satanic activity. If we give it to him, we are literally paying tribute to Satan and granting glory to his authority.
It’s not going to result in damnation, but is that truly what we are called to do?
It is a pastime of Christians to respond, “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s”, but to also refuse to think about “what is actually Caesar’s, who has declared himself a god? What does it mean if I give him what he says he’s owed versus what I actually owe him?” What about the verse MAG cited about “teaches others to ignore even the least of these laws shall be least in heaven”?
Which is more glorifying of our Passover Lamb, that he be justifiably be struck down dead there by the Roman authorities for asserting Caesar to be a false god and an undue king and thereby committing treason, or for him to be falsely Isaiah 53’ed by those he came to save, put up as an atoning sacrifice on Passover, and thereby fulfilling all scripture?
u/Nehemiah’s efforts were so successful and impressive because he paid attention to commandments about money, courts of justice, and dealing with worldly masters. Nehemiah was a BOSS.
We need to pay attention to the whole book.
Now then, if you could please tell me how to make reproach in love rather than in autism, I could use the help!
The government has one job, protect us from foreign and domestic invasion. They take every penny we have and then take the penny’s we don’t have yet. It is time to end this nightmare and if we can’t do it, at least we will have tried. They are nothing but thieves and liars.
The following professions must take at least a 95% pay cut and anybody saddled with debt from these professions (except sports outside of gambling), must be paid back in full, tax free, and with at least 50% interest.
Banking including the Federal Reserve and credit card industry with the federal debt being declared null and void. Also, all currency must be backed by all precious metals. Payment must be in cash, check, or bitcoin.
Could have placed the house into a trust. Is a marriage ordained by God something that 300k should undo? A guarantee there are plenty of ways to have not been saddled with that debt.
I have elderly parents. I worry daily about their health and the corruption in big pharma. They've been taken advantage of already and are on unnecessary drugs. Told its time to take them just because their at "risk" in their old age. Total crap. They are healthy, active, thriving. Blood pressure medication and heart medication just because?
You bet that the medications have caused problems out of nowhere that needed another med to be "fixed".
I'd love to have all persons involved in crimes against humanity, treason, and usurping the government invited for a prolonged stay at Hotel Guantanamo. The Trump Administration should feel free to put the tribunals and hangings on Pay Per View to cover the cost of housing these despicable persons.
I'll probably end up the same way. Husband has dementia, I work from home Ft which allows me to manage him right now but in the future, I won't be able to and may need to put him in a nursing home. I can't afford 10k a month or 7500 which is what it costs to pay cash.
Doesn't the Bible talk about hanging a millstone around the necks and tossing into the sea, of anyone that harms a child? Corrupt medical officials have done quite a lot of harm to children by now.
Matthew 18:6: “But whoso shall cause one of these little ones who believe in Me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
Not sure this marks open season on pedos.
I "hope" that we see the guilty punished, but I am not praying to see it.
(The original must have been deleted - not seeing anyone praying for anything in the thread.)
That reference doesn’t mean children, as in a young child. It’s referring to Christians. Jesus just happen to be holding a child when he said this. Look into the translation of that verse. It’s Christians Jesus is referring to. Which are children of God the Father.
Government and insurance company involvement in medicine has caused prices to skyrocket.
More government involvement would be a disaster.
Came here to write this. "Medical officials" are corrupt and shitty. But they pale in comparison to the absolute tragedy that our government and insurance companies have perpetrated here. This is like an unholy hybrid of Vogon-level Commie bureaucracy with rapacious, sneaky-as-fuck oligopoly.
Updoot for making a comparison to Vogons. I live in Japan where there is socialized medicine, but the big difference is that Japan is 1. not a society of litigation and 2. not a country of mass, illegal immigration. As to the second point, the closest problem is especially Chinese who come here as tourists, somehow exploit the medical system, and return to their country and not pay the bills. In America, if some guy named Jose from Venezuela is rushed to the ER with a gunshot wound because he's a cretin, the hospital saves his live and never hears from him again. Then there are the frivolous lawsuits. My friend's wife had her own practice but when she saw what Obamacare would bring, she called it quits and became a tradwife, raising a family on a single income. He's an engineer, so they can afford it. Anyhow, Howard Dean at the time when Obamacare was being foisted on society even admitted himself that there would never be tort reform included in the package because the Democrat Party is beholden to the Trial Lawyers' Association.
So when Leftists in America look to socialized medicine as their ideal, they emulate Cuba or Canada rather than Japan where it actually sort of works. In America where you have healthcare legislation written by ambulance chasers, the individual is gonna get screwed. On the Right you have politicians who want you to pay through the nose for the medical industry to kill you, and on the Left you have politicians who want the medical industry to kill you "for free" (ie taxed to death). Either way, the medical industry kills you. That is the Rockefeller Western medical paradigm we live in.
Agreed on all points.
I would add that, in my experience, Japan has a culture that is based upon honor/duty/shame, and the society is homogenous, largely. So abusing the system (any system - transport, etc.) is almost unthinkable.
In contrast, the USA is ethnically diverse, the culture of moving around has broken the link between people and their clan/tribe/neighborhood, and criminality is glorified. So don't count on any of that "I won't do this because what will Grammaw think" idea modulating actions.
You may abandon your body, but never your sacred honor. - Musashi-san
I realize the modern Japanese people are "no Musashi-san(s)". Most of them anyway. But still in some aspects, these ideas go to the bone.
P.S. The Chinese have a culture that glorifies cheating the "lao why"/gaijin. And as you know they love to hate the Japanese, which to my eye is mostly jealousy but if they need a reason they'll bring up Manchuria. So going over to Japan to steal medical services would be right up their street. They do it in the USA as well, I am guessing.
As for the tort reform issues in the USA: "First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." - Shakespeare, Henry VI.
Considering a marriage certificate is an actual merger of the two person corporations to the government corporation this bad situation did them both a favor. Well, if they annulled it anyway. Otherwise all it did was remove God from between them and replaced Him with the State. Assuming it was a a religious bond to begin with. This one of the toughest gov contracts to get out of because it involves two people that have to be in agreement over it. Every single gov form that uses the ALL CAPS name is a contract that limits the natural living (wo)man in some way. Usually constitutional freedoms are given up.
Edit: now that I think about it. Medical bills are unsecured debt so they didn’t have to divorce. They could’ve just set it off using UCC-3. Knowledge is power.
There's a little more to it than that.
IMO all medical goods and services should now be either non-profit or not-for-profit. Also, outlaw insurance. The insurance companies selling malpractice insurance, thereby forcing doctors to raise their rates, and then selling the patients medical insurance since we can no longer afford medical treatment, is an absolutely beautiful scam - if you can stomach such things.
That's all the gov't involvement I want in my medical decisions.
The malpractice insurance is because of frivolous lawsuits. My mom had leukemia for 15 years or so, which is essentially AIDS. She picked up a bacterial infection at a hospital which gave her a super high fever. They administered some experimental drug to take the fever down (dunno the name) and the side effect was that it shut down her colon. Her body poisoned itself to death. The hospital claimed she died from leukemia, but no, she died from the bacterial infection and the medicine, both from the hospital. Sure, my family could have sued and made a fortune, but where does that come from? Everyone else paying high hospital expenses. America is a society of litigation and healthcare legislation is written by ambulance chasers.
You're not wrong. I guess I should add that lawyers would only receive 5% of any awards to my wishlist.
That depends on one aspect:
Trump's plan to force companies to sell their drugs at the same prices as they were to other countries was a very, very good one because of how much we fund the socialist healthcare systems of other countries by paying more here.
Thank you. Not sure what OP is trying to say with this one. Nurses, various hospital techs, EMTs, medics, etc are some of the most underpaid people in our society. I have buddies working construction framing and siding jobs making more than many health care providers (NPs, PAs, and some MDs). Hospitals are barely keeping afloat. I think others in this thread have more clarity when they blame govt, regulators, esp govt ‘insurance’ providers like CMS. I could go on, but, just wanted to thank u for the wisdom.
Marriage is a union in spirit. Everything else is just paperwork.
Stop focusing on the paperwork. They are still married in spirit, and God understands. Their marriage hasn't come to an end... just the legal status, which doesn't count for much.
My wife and I have been together over eight years. We're essentially married, with the exception that I refuse to enter into a contract with the government by signing their marriage license contract. I don't NEED, and more specifically I don't WANT them legally involved in my marriage. The idea that you need a license from the gov to do things is asinine.
but by divorcing him doesn't she lose her status to be his care taker and call the shots on his care (if he can't) since she is not his wife any more?
She just needs to have him sign medical power of attorney to her. Then she'll have all rights as if still "married in eyes of govt" - they are still married in God's eyes. They were married in a church?
Right...I was conflicted about that at first b/c I do not believe in divorce. However, it appears the civil union portion of man's court has been dissolved.
I'm still a bit unclear as to my thoughts on this but completely understand their perspective. I'm assuming their union between God is still intact and I don't fault them for attempting to take it to the corrupt system.
a marriage license covers nothing about what the marriage vows say
My parents lost everything this way. Dad's medical bills ate every single penny he ever saved. Gone. Cars, house everything. So your parents are smart and it's a shame their marriage was destroyed figuratively because of debt enslavement. It's sad.
It's crazy... In au we have free hralthcare
No you don't. In the USA we pay for our medical care after we have received it. You pay for yours in the form of astronomical taxes. You pay just as much for your healthcare as we do for ours, you just pay in advance, which means there's far less incentive for the providers to provide you with quality care because they already have your money.
I paid 3.5k towards public health system and you're right, it isn't free but I could have a lifetime of issues and not pay a cent. Both have their pros and cons.
Yeah but now you're tied to that system, and when it decides you don't need treatment when you know you do, or refuses to cover a natural safe treatment and only offers you some dangerous alternative?
If you're lucky, and your government hasn't shut down all private alternatives sure, you can pay out of pocket, but the prices will be sky high and you'll already be down $3500. One of the reasons I still keep some cash in the bank is so that I can run out and see a real natural doctor in a pinch if I need to. My employer offers good insurance but the system doesn't always let you do what's right for your health. Letting the government have full control only exacerbates all the problems we have with our hyper regulated and monopolized system here.
I'd rather keep my money and not be dependent on communist healthcare.
No we don't. I hate people making this argument NOT as expensive as America for sure but definitely not free. Chemo *free but you need a signature off the oncologist each time $250 in 2020. No idea on price now, I refused and went natural
My wife's story- She got the vax so she could travel to Europe and see our new grandson(military family), developed pneumonia upon return. One year later, gets boosted so she can return to Europe to visit grandson, develops pneumonia upon return. One year later she develops stroke symptoms. Limited function on right side. First ICU stay. Doctor performs laser ablation on her brain. She spends a month in rehab facility learning to function again. During medical testing they find uterine cancer. During further testing, prepping for surgery, they find blood clots. This halts surgery plan. Chemotherapy started. Two days later I find her in fetal position on bed. One drug given is keytruda. This caused myasthenia gravis. This affected her ability to swallow so a feeding tube is installed into her stomach. Second ICU stay. Further chemotherapy cancelled. She is released to another rehab facility. After her stabilizing and training us on tube feeding she is released to go home. There she develops severe pain in kidney area. It was caused by cancer moving into her ureter, blocking it, causing infection. Third ICU stay. Doctor installs a urinary catheter in one ureter, hoping infection doesn't develop in other ureter, it didn't. Once the infection is cleared up she is released from hospital with catheter. So we are feeding by using a bolus syringe 3 time per day, meds are given this way also. She is sick but at least she is home. We await the development of a treatment plan. The stroke symptoms started about the first of February 2023. We had an Oncologist appt on December 15, 8:30am. There we were given the update. There was nothing more that could be done. Chemo just about killed her, surgery is not an option due to the blood clots. By this time she was in alot of pain so I charted her meds so she could get her oxy as soon as possible but it usually not enough. I tried to keep her comfortable. She had lost most of her strength, could barely stand. On December 21st at 4:30am, I woke to Nancy's moans. It was to soon but she was hurting so I gave her another dose of oxy thru her bolus. I sat with her and held her hand, stroked her cheek. I knew the time had come as her breath became shallow and weakened. I told her she was the strongest, bravest person I knew. To have put up with everything she did and never a complaint. She was in 5 different hospitals, at each one, the nurses told us Nancy was their favorite patient. Always smiling, joking around. Compared to the other patients, she was fun to be around. We never discussed the end, after 44 years, it ended. At 4:45am she took her last breath. A while later her sister showed up while we waited for the coroner. When I told her that Nancy had never told me what she wanted done with her remains she told me that in her last hospital stay, she told her she wanted to give her body to science, that maybe some young doctor at UCSD Jacobs Medical Center could learn something from her. Which takes me back to our last Oncologist appt, the Doctor said that when one of his interns or nurses was having a bad day he would tell them "go see Nancy, she will cheer you up. That was my girl. Man do I miss her.
Reading the statistics about deaths, miscarriages, and turbo cancers is one thing, but reading stories like this is where it really hits home the severity of the crime against humanity that they have committed.
Damn allergies…making my eyes water.
You’re a strong, good man, man.
I am so sorry for your loss. The governments of the world overstepped their authority by demanding the populous submit to their kill shot. The Covid shot was untested, the populous were the test subjects. Our governments, Big Pharma and scientists all knew what was in those shots and that it would kill or maim many. I want to see all involved arrested, prosecuted and executed. They should be killed by a lethal number of Covid shots. The enraging part is that the U.S. government colluded with China , financed by our government via taxpayer dollars through illegal gain of function research. The University of N.C. started the research, before it was moved to Wuhan. Those scientists knew what they were doing.
Tragic story. Very sorry for your loss.
Decades ago, my husband worked with a construction crew, and when each job ended he would go wherever the money took him and often times it meant the new insurance would not kick in for 90 days. Well, I found out I was pregnant with our second child and I was already about 3 months along when we figured out what was wrong with me. (Didn't think we were going to be able to have another, (Long story) so it was a happy surprise) However, we knew that in highway construction, likely by the time this baby would arrive, we would be in between the 90-day wait period for insurance to kick in, so we went to the hospital nearest us and asked if we could just pay upfront before the baby arrived just so we would not have that hanging over our head and could enjoy the rest of our journey, and we were told by the financial coordinator at the hospital that if we were to separate temporarily the baby would be covered. We said nope. We struck a deal in which we paid $700 cash and barring any complications, we could have the baby and go home within a few hours afterwards. We had complications. Our $700-baby became a $10,000 baby. God heard our prayers though and our baby boy was fine and eventually we left the hospital with our bundle of joy. We made $25 a month payments and then within a few months of making those prompt payments, the hospital wrote it off completely.
“Sad” in that this has been how we’ve thought of marriage for decades.
Good in that marriage should be a covenant between a man, a woman, and God, and NOT a contract between a man/woman/other, another man/woman/other, and the state, so this is actually a step in the right direction.
If we give them the authority to recognize marriage, we give them authority to change and annul it, but it is not their matter in which to meddle.
Side note: If a spouse is TRULY intolerable, I suspect a better alternative to a divorce is just to split up the living conditions, especially with children involved, just keep close together with less direct contact. There are a lot of times now where even Christians don’t look at themselves first, though. Just a thought.
Complete separation of marriage and state.
People can just enter into contracts between themselves, similar to a prenup or cohabitation agreement rather than using the government's default contract, which makes the government a party to the marriage, and a right to the "fruits of the marriage," which is how they steal children and property.
That would be the secular way to do it for sure. I lost sodomite friends back in the day for suggesting they do that exact thing, while telling them that they couldn’t have possession of the word “marriage”.
It may be necessary to do that within a religious context, but I currently see no reason it couldn’t be avoided, either.
I don't see it as a purely secular thing.
Sure, it can be viewed that way, but there is nothing in the Bible about getting a marriage license (i.e. permission) from the government. There also is nothing about a church ceremony, wedding ring, wedding dress, wedding cake, etc.
All of those things are fine to do, and none are a violation of biblical principles, but those are all optional.
Biblical marriage, if you look at the examples given, is merely (a) agreement to be married, and (b) consumation of that agreement.
It is no different than a typical contract, verbal or written, where an agreement is made, and then a handshake and/or signature symbolizes that the agreement was, in fact, made.
Government has made itself the default contract, when it has no business being that. The "marriage license" was not even a thing until about 100 years ago. The Founding Fathers certainly did not bother with that nonsense.
you shouldn't need the state's permission to be married.
You don't.
This is true, however there are 7 or 8 states that "recognize common law marriage," while the rest do not.
For states that do, if you meet their definition (living together for some period of time, telling others that you are married, etc.), then the state makes an assumption that you are married, and will treat you as such, even though you never wanted that contract with the state.
The states that do not recognize it just treat you as shacking up and not married. That's a better situation because the state won't drag its ugly self into the marriage.
I'm in CA, no common law marriage here.
The government wasn't what made their marriage real, and it hasn't ended unless they let those pieces of paper tell them it has. In this case the government only (when functioning properly) recognizes something that can and will exist with or without them, for purposes of law. To be clear the situation is extremely messed up and this does need to be fixed, but to actively go around saying you're no longer married because you had to pull some paperwork shenanigans to get around the government and and their monopolized economy, that's some serious societal brainwashing.
Agreed, dissolved in Man's world but appears still intact in God's. I imagine God could interpret this way but would really have to dig into the scriptures. Still the conviction of choosing money over marriage still is there (I know let the down-votes begin). Think of the rich man...I"m not sure if the appropriate thing before God's eyes would be to eat the bill and uphold the sanctity of marriage?
Tough one b/c the Bible is pretty clear about divorce but I"m just not sure of the context here.
Actually, it isn't.
In the OT, God has a set of laws regarding divorce. So, it is clearly allowed.
In the NT, Christ says it is not the preferred thing to do, but sometimes necessary.
Nothing in the Bible says it is sinful to get divorced. Any church doctrine that says otherwise is merely a false teaching that was conjured up by mortal men, and not what the Bible says.
Still, it is not ideal, so can be considered a dilemma for many.
I'm not sure it's quite that simple. In that context the OT was used to prove that man could never uphold to the law. Time and time again man falls short. We are no longer bound by the law. He was merely pointing out that Moses had allowed it because their hearts were hardened; but that was never the intention. Again this is the theme repeated over and over all throughout OT.
While there are many verses on it; it is definitely frowned upon. All I am stating is if money is the main motivator no matter how much it is (200k plus here) I don't see how that would be justifiable. Matthew 19:8-9 pretty clear on this.
Matthew 5:31-32 states that anyone who divorces (except for sexual immorality) makes her an adulteress.
Marriage is a core theme in the Bible; we are the bride of Christ. Each will feel their own conviction but again I would have a hard time justifying divorce for money no matter what the cost. Think of the parable of the rich man Matthew 19:16-30. What is more important here? Your vows before God, or saving 200k? When you put it in that light I think you have your answer.
I would rather be wrong and err on the side of caution, then fall into the Hands of the Living God Hebrews 10:31
I see it a little differently. It's not that man could not uphold the Law, but rather that man did not, in many cases. But those who did, such as Abraham, were rewarded.
Later in the NT, Jesus says that those who uphold the Law will be great in the Kingdom of Heaven, and those who do not will be among the least.
"Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." -- Matthew 5:19
Again, not so. Jesus came to fulfill the Law, not to destroy it. He came to lead the way to show how to live by the Law (since so many were failing).
I would argue that God's people were not following the Law very well, so He wiped most of them out and had Noah do a re-start. Later, many were still not following along, so He chose Abraham to receive the special promise, and another re-start within Abraham's family tree (from which the Israelites came). Later still, many were still not following, so He sent Moses to write it all down. And then it still wasn't going the way He wanted, so He came to Earth in human form, as Jesus, for the purpose of satisfying the Law (OT) regarding the death penalty for so many sins, and re-starting by allowing His people to continue without those severe penalties hanging over their heads, and to appoint certain individuals to lead a movement (the Church), so that there could be brotherhood in pursuing the Law.
But the Law remains, modified by eliminating the death penalty, which has been served.
Of course, it was not Moses who allowed it, but rather God who did. Jesus was just using that language to communicate this message.
My answer would be the God would not want people to go bankrupt due to the laws that men have put into place, just because someone got sick.
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's. But Caesar is a nasty mofo when he has his hand out to grab your assets.
If Caesar created the rules about who has to pay taxes, who has to drain assets, who has to pay medical bills, who is "allowed" to be married or divorced, then Caesar long ago stepped out of bounds.
But did anyone truly uphold the law? Only one did and that was Jesus Christ. Yes Enoch was taken up to heaven but no man is without sin since the orginal fall. We are all guilty of love the Lord with all your heart, all your soul and all your might (Duet 6:5) We are no longer bound by the law; but does that mean we stop running the race? By no means; we run the race till our last breath knowing our works do not save us but Christ's actions on the cross and his grace alone.
What does God care about money. Would it not be more important to honor a vow before Him than to worry about money.
That very quote still says render to Ceaser what is his. Mankind is corrupt; laws are corrupt. But in this world we still must honor authority. Romans 13:1-7 covers this. God has appointed those in positions of power into these positions; therefore who are we to go against His will?
I do recognize others may not see it the same; brings up many questions like are we able to rebel against a tyrannical government (In this case ridiculous laws; speeding, medical bills etc). I have heard some compelling arguments for both sides. A local gentleman who I admire very much wrote a book on this supporting what you are stating. I would give his name but could Dox me.
Either way I appreciate the dialogue here and I respectfully disagree as this is a Tier 1 issue for me. But I of course do see your argument my interpretation of the scripture is different. Either way glad to have another brother (or sister) in Christ on the same team as we fight the good fight in this fallen world.
Lots of verses about money in the Bible. Misuse of money promotes all sorts of sins.
He doesn’t need our money, but how we spend it is likely very important to Him, or he wouldn’t have told us so much about it. If there was a man, let’s say “Joe Biden”, who was openly promoting worship of Satan, and says we owe him $32,500, every dime of which he intends to use to promote satanic activity. If we give it to him, we are literally paying tribute to Satan and granting glory to his authority.
It’s not going to result in damnation, but is that truly what we are called to do?
It is a pastime of Christians to respond, “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s”, but to also refuse to think about “what is actually Caesar’s, who has declared himself a god? What does it mean if I give him what he says he’s owed versus what I actually owe him?” What about the verse MAG cited about “teaches others to ignore even the least of these laws shall be least in heaven”?
Which is more glorifying of our Passover Lamb, that he be justifiably be struck down dead there by the Roman authorities for asserting Caesar to be a false god and an undue king and thereby committing treason, or for him to be falsely Isaiah 53’ed by those he came to save, put up as an atoning sacrifice on Passover, and thereby fulfilling all scripture?
u/Nehemiah’s efforts were so successful and impressive because he paid attention to commandments about money, courts of justice, and dealing with worldly masters. Nehemiah was a BOSS.
We need to pay attention to the whole book.
Now then, if you could please tell me how to make reproach in love rather than in autism, I could use the help!
Multidooting! Great post.
So what then, is Caesar’s, but what we give him!
Marriage is between two souls (yes, traditionally a man and a woman), not government + 2 souls, or church + two souls... Cast off the parasites!!!!
The government has one job, protect us from foreign and domestic invasion. They take every penny we have and then take the penny’s we don’t have yet. It is time to end this nightmare and if we can’t do it, at least we will have tried. They are nothing but thieves and liars.
Crazy that people say the marriage is over..... it ain't over lol
It's only legal documentation 🤷♂️
Yeah, the dirty blood suckers.
Paper is fiction. The truth is in their hearts.
The following professions must take at least a 95% pay cut and anybody saddled with debt from these professions (except sports outside of gambling), must be paid back in full, tax free, and with at least 50% interest.
*Higher Education
I think along with our Government agencies of ill repute, the medical & pharmaceutical industrial greedy azz systems must be dismantled and rebuilt.
Pay per view and use the money to send illegals home including all politicians that have allegiance to other countries.
I do not think there are enough grave plots in Texas to bury them all!
Could have placed the house into a trust. Is a marriage ordained by God something that 300k should undo? A guarantee there are plenty of ways to have not been saddled with that debt.
Now that is depressing 😲
I have elderly parents. I worry daily about their health and the corruption in big pharma. They've been taken advantage of already and are on unnecessary drugs. Told its time to take them just because their at "risk" in their old age. Total crap. They are healthy, active, thriving. Blood pressure medication and heart medication just because? You bet that the medications have caused problems out of nowhere that needed another med to be "fixed".
I'd love to have all persons involved in crimes against humanity, treason, and usurping the government invited for a prolonged stay at Hotel Guantanamo. The Trump Administration should feel free to put the tribunals and hangings on Pay Per View to cover the cost of housing these despicable persons.
I'd pay to watch the ensuing shenanigans.
That’s sad and disgusting.
The divorce is a corporate issue. The marriage was between them and God. That has not Been undone.
Our medical industry is like taking your car to a mechanic
and the mechanic can only use tools that are patented and expensive ---- when all they needed is wrench.
I'll probably end up the same way. Husband has dementia, I work from home Ft which allows me to manage him right now but in the future, I won't be able to and may need to put him in a nursing home. I can't afford 10k a month or 7500 which is what it costs to pay cash.
Who god are you praying to for the killing of people? Just curious.
Doesn't the Bible talk about hanging a millstone around the necks and tossing into the sea, of anyone that harms a child? Corrupt medical officials have done quite a lot of harm to children by now.
Matthew 18:6: “But whoso shall cause one of these little ones who believe in Me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
Not sure this marks open season on pedos.
I "hope" that we see the guilty punished, but I am not praying to see it.
(The original must have been deleted - not seeing anyone praying for anything in the thread.)
It's the title of the thread, "I'm praying for public executions of corrupt medical officials" that we're referring to here.
That reference doesn’t mean children, as in a young child. It’s referring to Christians. Jesus just happen to be holding a child when he said this. Look into the translation of that verse. It’s Christians Jesus is referring to. Which are children of God the Father.
Honestly, corrupt medical officials have done quite a lot of harm to Christians as well, so that isn't a saving grace for them at all.