This is President Trump letting them know that he knows full well what their playbook is going forward. Netanyahu is telling us that they intend to start World War III by obliterating Iran. The only way that this happens, as per the messaging from Netanyahu, is with President Trump out of the picture.
Nutjob Yahoo isn't warning Iran not to assassinate President Trump. He is telling the world that the plan is to eliminate President Trump and Iran at the same time.
Remember what Q said about saving Israel for last . . . I'm thinking that this obliteration and threat of assassination will backfire severely upon the Israeli government.
It still seems odd that Trump would say "I hope America obliterates Iran". Now that Sulemani is dead, it seems like Iran are not hostile or antagonistic at all.
I agree, it's odd thing for him to say and out of character, I'm inclined to think it was from Netanyahu, though the 5 second video doesn't have this in it.
he says...
And as we recently learned, they even brazenly threatened to assassinate President Trump.
WTH? Are you Iranian? They've been hostile for as long as I can remember, and that includes them being involved in a car bomb that killed a friend of mine in the early '90s in Turkey. They have hits out on several people in the current and former US administrations. They fund all kinds of groups. Granted, the US govt is responsible for pissing them off over and over again, but they are absolutely hostile.
Edit - I didn't downvote you, thought I really wanted to.
Agreed - Iran used to be a great country until CIA messed things up. They were very western. Now, not so much. The people that identify as Persians instead of Iranians are really nice. It is the govt that is really bad - much like ours.
The greatest con civil servants do is conflate the government and their country.
Rarely does a government, particularly a modern one represent the wishes or values of their citizens.
Governments have evolved into Ponzi schemes to enrich civil servants and protect political interests. They have no regard or respect for citizens, their employers.
Those could have been orchestrated by someone like Suleimani, who may have been a traitor, acting to give Israel/USA a reason to oppress/destroy Iran.
When you look at who the real enemies of the West are virtually none of them are Iranian:
The Fed and other countries' central banks
Black Rock
Lying CIA Media
Congress and Senate who leave the boarder open and send jobs overseas
Teachers abusing kids with sex and gender shit
Teachers spreading racism against whites
DA/Judges who let criminals back out to terrorize the pop.
DAs, like Kamala, who prosecute the clearly innocent.
Terrible trade deals
False teachers in Churches who give a downgraded Gospel in order to keep people in fear. (Anyone who has believed in Christ has eternal life (Jn 6:47))
I don't think Iran has even a 10 % part in any of those and in most I don't think they have even 1 % share.
Yes. Old enough to remember protesters on the 14th street Bridge and then taking diplomats hostage, when the king was admitted to US for cancer treatment. Which was the only time in history that had happened except for China doing it once. All this was in support of the creepy Muslim who took over.
Another thing to consider is that when deep state controlled countries like Ukraine, Israel and previous Afghanistan are given money, it goes straight to the government, but when Obama gave Iran money, he gave pallets of cash.
It might mean that the deep state doesn't have a strong enough grip on the Iranian government to ensure that the evil people will get the foreign aid, so they had to manually deliver it, in a clandestine manner.
I hope you're just young and haven't had a lot of experience in hostility. If so, consider yourself lucky.
The reason Iran wanted pallets of cash is because they needed hard currency they could use to trade internationally. It has been that way for decades because of sanctions. In Turkey if we needed to trade dollars for lira it was usually an Iranian guy that gave the best exchange rate. They needed dollars. They also made a lot of money selling pistachios by the kilo. I personally helped with that. A lot.
Think about it. The world still (but maybe not for too much longer) deals with US Dollars. Not only did Iran not have enough, but other countries didn't want to risk paying Iran in dollars to avoid the wrath of the US for breaking sanctions. Obama also didn't give Iran just dollars - he mixed in other currencies like Euros to make it even easier for Iran to spend. Countries under sanction deal mostly in cash to avoid losing their money.
In Iran - 1 guy controls everything - the Ayatollah. The evil people are getting the money. The only reasons it was clandestine is because the US is not supposed to negotiate with terrorists, we had sanctions on them and were breaking our own sanctions, and because Obama is a POS.
One other thing - the list you put above is a list of evil stuff - not war/hostilities. Of course Iran has little if anything to do with that. What they have done though (to name a few) is continue to build nukes, share the tech with other like-minded countries, create the bombs and IEDs used in Iraq against US and allied soldiers, fund terrorism around the world, commandeer boats in the Gulf (including a US Navy ship and our crew a few years back), and many other things. It is not lost on me that the US govt. does many of the same things. We are seeing it right now in Ukraine. But saying Iran is not hostile is just not true.
Iran didnt. Nutty Yahoo is just propping up his true goal. Using the US to take out his enemies. Even if that means taking out Trump to drum up support. Which sounds like other events in recent history.
It is easy to do - especially because Iran threatens people (like Trump and Bolton for example). I imagine the intel agencies and DS love it when that happens and they now have a new excuse.
I am not sure Iran had anything t do with it, either. But ...
A threat against Trump has been received from Iran.
They are still sore about Soleimani, apparently.
We know the alleged shooter had encrypted links to foreign countries on his phone. What is the betting that at least one leads to Iran.
Caveat: What follows is pure speculation on my part.
We have a possible plan in place, Iran assassinates Trump and, suddenly, all the genuine Trump supporters will want to attack Iran. All the pretend supporters will be happy to use it as an excuse. The Trump haters already want to bomb everyone and do Israel's bidding.
President Trump and the MAGA republicans are the only ones stopping the US from invading Iran. Trying to take him out would be the stupidest thing they can do.
Imagine what would happen if Trump never came to power. Liz Chenney, McCain's daughter, Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham would have had us balls deep in Iran.
You need to look elsewhere. You can start by looking at a country that had dancing art students that knew of the impeding plane attacks on 9/11. It so happens, that the same country is interested in taking out Iran as well for their own goals. It so happens that Trump is currently the only obstacle in their way.
Team globohomo swamp wants to frame Iran, in order to draw Russia into a full scale war, in order to eliminate the Russian naval base in Syria, and remove president Assad, so that Hillary and her swamp demons can finally build their oil pipeline through Syria. Same goal they have always had.
An evil ruler will destroy their own nation just to rule over its ashes.
Just to point out clearly for everyone reading, this is how you admit to the recent assassination attempt without saying you did it. This post by Trump serves the sole purpose of pointing that out.
It is my opinion that Mo55ad will unleash their Hama5 terror cells they've been importing into our country in order to create a casus belli which will be blamed on Iran. Trump has mentioned this is a 100% guaranteed certainly.
What would a widespread nationwide attack look like? Well, Kurt Schlicter has close ties to Ben Shapiro and Andrew Breitbart and knows a lot of Mossad, who helped him write a book called "The Attack". The book was conveniently written in three months after Oct 7 with "help from the military and intelligence community" and takes an unabashedly pro-israel stance on everything. Released 1/7/24, the book details how massive attacks by Hama5 cells kill 200,000 Americans and cripple our infrastructure by importing 10,000 men with ak47s, grenades, body armor, and manpad missiles. Livestreamed mass shootings, stabbings, rapes, torture, aircraft drownings, and bombings on public spaces and private homes over three days. "The Attack" culminates on the third day with infrastructure attacks on power plants/generation, telecom, Forest fires, and military installations. Iran is conveniently blamed for the attack and nuked into oblivion, all to israels joy.
This is terrifying. What would you estimate the odds of the attack happening before or after the election? What areas of the country do you see being targeted?
To me it seems clear the attack will happen before the election. In the book, the attack occurs from 8/27-8/29. I think the week of 9/11 is more likely because symbolism. In the book, they literally carry out thousands of simultaneous attacks across the whole country. Every major city and population center is hit by 4-5 man kill teams simultaneously. Day one is mass casualty attacks on parks, schools, offices, government buildings, shopping centers, cruise ships. They go so far as to down civilian airliners with smuggled manpad missiles and IEDs (there are literal stores about these weapons disappearing and ending up on black markets). The violence of day one is so bad, a stay home order is issued. The terrorists expect such an order, so they do mass casualty shootings, rapes, tortured, and bombings on people in their homes. They go after populated and affluent neighborhoods, big apartments in urban areas, and pretty much and dense housing. On the second day they go after police headquarters, govt officials, judges, and celebrities. The attacks of day two are meant to make you feel unsafe even at home. They attack infrastructure on day three because they needed to be able to Livestream all their atrocities. They attack water systems, power stations, transformers, bridges, military installations (aircraft storage mainly), and telecom. The day 3 attacks involve antifa and BLM lighting massive forest fires, poisoning water, and killing/raping for fun.
The attacks are all carried out by 4-5 man teams, using a total force of 10,000 men. 2,000 attacks are spread over three days, killing 200,000. The book is terrifying because it's brutal and accurate to how it could be carried out. I actually think that the intelligence agencies ego shows in this book. This book mysteriously ties together hundreds of stories and articles I read on this forum over the last four years and I don't think that's coincidence. The book is extremely UNSHY about highlighting mossad and their help writing the book.
President Kennedy wanted to keep nuclear weapons proliferation in check, especially keeping Red China and Israel from developing their own atomic bombs. So JFK sent a letter to Israel’s Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion stating the US wanted to inspect their nuclear power plant to ensure it wasn’t being used to develop nuclear weapons. Ben-Gurion saw this as a grave affront to the very existence of the Jewish State. In near total secrecy the Israelis were nearing the perfection of their first atomic bomb. But it wouldn’t be completed till 1964, and JFK letter was dated June of 1963. Ben-Gurion felt the American President was greatly over stepping his bounds. But Ben - Gurion days as Prime Minister ended in mid June, and he didn’t respond to JFK’s letter.
JFK wrote a letter to the new Prime Minister Levi Eshkol, that was even more fierce than JFK's previous communications with Ben-Gurion. President Kennedy told Eshkol that the U.S. commitment and support of Israel "could be seriously jeopardized" if Israel did not let the United States obtain "reliable information" about its efforts in the nuclear field. This amounted, in effect, to an ultimatum.
This cause a crisis for the new Israeli leader, which resulted in a "November secret meeting" held in Washington, D.C on November 13-14, 1963 and that Israel "had a broader agenda . . . than the United States was willing to discuss." A wee later JFK’s assassination dramatically changed everything. President Johnson was concerned about inspecting Israel’s nuclear power plant and in 1964 Israel had its first nuclear bomb.
So did the Mossad team up with the CIA in eliminating JFK. All of Israel’s future security rested on being able to protect itself, which JFK wanted to deny. In the 1956 Arab - Israeli War, the Israelis had bombed the US and British Embassies, blaming it on the Arabs.
Meyer Lansky was consider one of the great leaders of the underworld, even though he was Jewish and not Mafia. Lansky had strong ties to Israel, and also had ties to the Mossad and the CIA. JFK with his brother RFK had reneged on their deal to leave organize crime alone.
FBI Director knew of organized crime leaders who talked of removing the President for double crossing them, after they helped get JFK elected. The CIA was strongly intermingled with the Mafia. Hoover did not pass on these Presidential threats to the Secret Service. The Mossad with all their Jewish contacts around the world, had to know that the CIA and Mafia were plotting a hit, with big money flowing in from oil and other industries. With the Mossad and CIA having close contact, it would have been in Israel’s best interest if JFK was replaced.
Israel will not stop trying to kill Trump, until US sends their sons to die in the iranian desert. That was what I read, what?! which other leader speaks like this to the american people, in their capitol, to their political leaders. sickening.
Title very misleading as I highly doubt president Trump said that. That would be suggesting we murder millions of innocent people and I can't see president Trump suggesting that.
Trump's Truth was posted above, and the qagg link to it as well (for those of you that don't have Truth Social). Unless someone hacked his account, or Scavino went WAY rogue, he said it.
Go here @ 1:08 into the cspan movie. It is about the Iranian regime claiming that Israel is just a tool but that the real war is with America. They had send death squads to kill Bolton and another high ranking figure.
But, Nethanyahu says, seemingly quoting from Hisballah sources: in order to really challenge the US it must conquer the Middle East.
Of course, there is only one conclusion. Israel, a democracy, stands proudly in the way of executing such a plot.
When I reread the sentence on TS, It seems to me there is made a translation of what Nethanyahu actually is saying.
IT is interesting to listen to the son of the former Emperor of Iran: Palehvi, talking about what the Iranian people really want: an honest partner ship. And they themselves will do away with the regime.
So, there are a couple of diverging things being said. And the BIBI visit to Trump is gonna be interesting. It would not be the first time BIBI gets to hear something that is unpleasant. And this theater he is pulling, ..... rather shows a Biden policy commonality than a commonality with Trump.
The greatest con civil servants do is conflate the government and their country.
Rarely does a government, particularly a modern one represent the wishes or values of their citizens.
Governments have evolved into Ponzi schemes to enrich civil servants and protect political interests. They have no regard or respect for citizens, their employers.
The Iranian people are not the problem, the Iranian government are, as are all governments.
Politicians and civil servants won’t be in the trenches, they will be in air conditioned offices watching bombing runs and revelling in the destruction. They are psychopathic criminal cowards.
This is President Trump letting them know that he knows full well what their playbook is going forward. Netanyahu is telling us that they intend to start World War III by obliterating Iran. The only way that this happens, as per the messaging from Netanyahu, is with President Trump out of the picture.
Nutjob Yahoo isn't warning Iran not to assassinate President Trump. He is telling the world that the plan is to eliminate President Trump and Iran at the same time.
Remember what Q said about saving Israel for last . . . I'm thinking that this obliteration and threat of assassination will backfire severely upon the Israeli government.
This is chilling to read.
VERY Chillin' indeed BUT VERY accurate...Netenyahoo will NOT be getting far with the words he has just espoused...
How much popcorn can one pop in several days??????
It's gettin' 'bout that time, I do believe!!!
Straightforward and concise, excellent interpretation. Well done fren!
Israel -
This one is interesting, if "double meaning exists"
Great job! 👏
Perfect answer!
So odd that he would post this. Does he have to play along for some reason?
It seems like the people trying to kill him and destroy America are the same people that want to destroy Iran.
Natenyah said this. Trump put up the quote. Of course Trump knows the playbook.
I don't think Trump said this. I believe he was quoting Netanyahu. And if not he is mocking him and the corrupt Congress.
In the short video Netanyahu doesn't say this, he says...
But maybe he said it later in his speech 🤷♀️
It still seems odd that Trump would say "I hope America obliterates Iran". Now that Sulemani is dead, it seems like Iran are not hostile or antagonistic at all.
Almost like he is goading them, mocking them, trolling them.
He knows Bibi is involved in the assassination, he letting us and them know he knows. (Why did I just think of Rumsfeld?)
I agree, it's odd thing for him to say and out of character, I'm inclined to think it was from Netanyahu, though the 5 second video doesn't have this in it.
he says...
Which sounds a true as Hamas beheading 40 babies.
WTH? Are you Iranian? They've been hostile for as long as I can remember, and that includes them being involved in a car bomb that killed a friend of mine in the early '90s in Turkey. They have hits out on several people in the current and former US administrations. They fund all kinds of groups. Granted, the US govt is responsible for pissing them off over and over again, but they are absolutely hostile.
Edit - I didn't downvote you, thought I really wanted to.
They have been hostile since the CIA coup that installed the current religious nutjob regime in the 70’s.
Iran used to be secular like Siria. Sadam went to war with them to halt the spread of radical Islam, look where that got him.
Our greatest ally needs radical Islam as a tool to get the US involved in wars in Middle East so they can eventually build Greater Israel.
Agreed - Iran used to be a great country until CIA messed things up. They were very western. Now, not so much. The people that identify as Persians instead of Iranians are really nice. It is the govt that is really bad - much like ours.
The greatest con civil servants do is conflate the government and their country.
Rarely does a government, particularly a modern one represent the wishes or values of their citizens.
Governments have evolved into Ponzi schemes to enrich civil servants and protect political interests. They have no regard or respect for citizens, their employers.
Those could have been orchestrated by someone like Suleimani, who may have been a traitor, acting to give Israel/USA a reason to oppress/destroy Iran.
When you look at who the real enemies of the West are virtually none of them are Iranian:
I don't think Iran has even a 10 % part in any of those and in most I don't think they have even 1 % share.
The first six things you listed are all ashkenazi. Khazarian Mafia. Cohencidence?
Yes. Old enough to remember protesters on the 14th street Bridge and then taking diplomats hostage, when the king was admitted to US for cancer treatment. Which was the only time in history that had happened except for China doing it once. All this was in support of the creepy Muslim who took over.
Another thing to consider is that when deep state controlled countries like Ukraine, Israel and previous Afghanistan are given money, it goes straight to the government, but when Obama gave Iran money, he gave pallets of cash.
It might mean that the deep state doesn't have a strong enough grip on the Iranian government to ensure that the evil people will get the foreign aid, so they had to manually deliver it, in a clandestine manner.
I hope you're just young and haven't had a lot of experience in hostility. If so, consider yourself lucky.
The reason Iran wanted pallets of cash is because they needed hard currency they could use to trade internationally. It has been that way for decades because of sanctions. In Turkey if we needed to trade dollars for lira it was usually an Iranian guy that gave the best exchange rate. They needed dollars. They also made a lot of money selling pistachios by the kilo. I personally helped with that. A lot.
Think about it. The world still (but maybe not for too much longer) deals with US Dollars. Not only did Iran not have enough, but other countries didn't want to risk paying Iran in dollars to avoid the wrath of the US for breaking sanctions. Obama also didn't give Iran just dollars - he mixed in other currencies like Euros to make it even easier for Iran to spend. Countries under sanction deal mostly in cash to avoid losing their money.
In Iran - 1 guy controls everything - the Ayatollah. The evil people are getting the money. The only reasons it was clandestine is because the US is not supposed to negotiate with terrorists, we had sanctions on them and were breaking our own sanctions, and because Obama is a POS.
One other thing - the list you put above is a list of evil stuff - not war/hostilities. Of course Iran has little if anything to do with that. What they have done though (to name a few) is continue to build nukes, share the tech with other like-minded countries, create the bombs and IEDs used in Iraq against US and allied soldiers, fund terrorism around the world, commandeer boats in the Gulf (including a US Navy ship and our crew a few years back), and many other things. It is not lost on me that the US govt. does many of the same things. We are seeing it right now in Ukraine. But saying Iran is not hostile is just not true.
This...and I started reading it with a no. Good comment.
I think this is to point out how crazy Israel is.
I'm not so sure Iran had anything to do with it. Looks like the SS and FBI have lots of questions to answer.
Iran didnt. Nutty Yahoo is just propping up his true goal. Using the US to take out his enemies. Even if that means taking out Trump to drum up support. Which sounds like other events in recent history.
blame iran is the new (pathetic) cabal narrative
It is easy to do - especially because Iran threatens people (like Trump and Bolton for example). I imagine the intel agencies and DS love it when that happens and they now have a new excuse.
I cannot forget how close Obama, Susan Rice and that woman who lives with the obamas is (old age. Forget her name. )
Valerie Jarrett. Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes.
I am not sure Iran had anything t do with it, either. But ...
A threat against Trump has been received from Iran.
They are still sore about Soleimani, apparently.
We know the alleged shooter had encrypted links to foreign countries on his phone. What is the betting that at least one leads to Iran.
Caveat: What follows is pure speculation on my part.
We have a possible plan in place, Iran assassinates Trump and, suddenly, all the genuine Trump supporters will want to attack Iran. All the pretend supporters will be happy to use it as an excuse. The Trump haters already want to bomb everyone and do Israel's bidding.
This could have been the plan all along.
President Trump and the MAGA republicans are the only ones stopping the US from invading Iran. Trying to take him out would be the stupidest thing they can do.
Imagine what would happen if Trump never came to power. Liz Chenney, McCain's daughter, Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham would have had us balls deep in Iran.
You need to look elsewhere. You can start by looking at a country that had dancing art students that knew of the impeding plane attacks on 9/11. It so happens, that the same country is interested in taking out Iran as well for their own goals. It so happens that Trump is currently the only obstacle in their way.
So, if you wanted Iran to be attacked then you would take Trump out and blame it on Iran ...
Nope. I don't think the Iranian people have anything to do it its government.
That give's Israel a motive....
12:31 PM u/#q1231
Well done LBT! 👏
Team globohomo swamp wants to frame Iran, in order to draw Russia into a full scale war, in order to eliminate the Russian naval base in Syria, and remove president Assad, so that Hillary and her swamp demons can finally build their oil pipeline through Syria. Same goal they have always had.
Just to point out clearly for everyone reading, this is how you admit to the recent assassination attempt without saying you did it. This post by Trump serves the sole purpose of pointing that out.
It is my opinion that Mo55ad will unleash their Hama5 terror cells they've been importing into our country in order to create a casus belli which will be blamed on Iran. Trump has mentioned this is a 100% guaranteed certainly.
Sauce from Trump:
What would a widespread nationwide attack look like? Well, Kurt Schlicter has close ties to Ben Shapiro and Andrew Breitbart and knows a lot of Mossad, who helped him write a book called "The Attack". The book was conveniently written in three months after Oct 7 with "help from the military and intelligence community" and takes an unabashedly pro-israel stance on everything. Released 1/7/24, the book details how massive attacks by Hama5 cells kill 200,000 Americans and cripple our infrastructure by importing 10,000 men with ak47s, grenades, body armor, and manpad missiles. Livestreamed mass shootings, stabbings, rapes, torture, aircraft drownings, and bombings on public spaces and private homes over three days. "The Attack" culminates on the third day with infrastructure attacks on power plants/generation, telecom, Forest fires, and military installations. Iran is conveniently blamed for the attack and nuked into oblivion, all to israels joy.
Book is here:
These people have so much hubris, they literally released their attack plan.
This is terrifying. What would you estimate the odds of the attack happening before or after the election? What areas of the country do you see being targeted?
To me it seems clear the attack will happen before the election. In the book, the attack occurs from 8/27-8/29. I think the week of 9/11 is more likely because symbolism. In the book, they literally carry out thousands of simultaneous attacks across the whole country. Every major city and population center is hit by 4-5 man kill teams simultaneously. Day one is mass casualty attacks on parks, schools, offices, government buildings, shopping centers, cruise ships. They go so far as to down civilian airliners with smuggled manpad missiles and IEDs (there are literal stores about these weapons disappearing and ending up on black markets). The violence of day one is so bad, a stay home order is issued. The terrorists expect such an order, so they do mass casualty shootings, rapes, tortured, and bombings on people in their homes. They go after populated and affluent neighborhoods, big apartments in urban areas, and pretty much and dense housing. On the second day they go after police headquarters, govt officials, judges, and celebrities. The attacks of day two are meant to make you feel unsafe even at home. They attack infrastructure on day three because they needed to be able to Livestream all their atrocities. They attack water systems, power stations, transformers, bridges, military installations (aircraft storage mainly), and telecom. The day 3 attacks involve antifa and BLM lighting massive forest fires, poisoning water, and killing/raping for fun. The attacks are all carried out by 4-5 man teams, using a total force of 10,000 men. 2,000 attacks are spread over three days, killing 200,000. The book is terrifying because it's brutal and accurate to how it could be carried out. I actually think that the intelligence agencies ego shows in this book. This book mysteriously ties together hundreds of stories and articles I read on this forum over the last four years and I don't think that's coincidence. The book is extremely UNSHY about highlighting mossad and their help writing the book.
Trump's post -
on qagg -
Try to make it less obvous Demon.
I don't like this.
Do you really think they are gonna let potus walk into the Whitehouse and shut down a centuries old scam? Perilous times ahead.
I know that but I don't like hearing that.
Is Trump quoting Netanyahu? Because I can't picture Trump saying that himself.
Don't know if it's Trump saying this or Netanyahu, however in the short video Netanyahu doesn't say this, he says...
But maybe he said it later in his speech 🤷♀️
If Trump said that, then I think he should have used quotation marks if he's describing what Israel's plan is.
Then are you saying he actually meant what he said?
Fuck israel
Remind me again who murdered JFK?
President Kennedy wanted to keep nuclear weapons proliferation in check, especially keeping Red China and Israel from developing their own atomic bombs. So JFK sent a letter to Israel’s Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion stating the US wanted to inspect their nuclear power plant to ensure it wasn’t being used to develop nuclear weapons. Ben-Gurion saw this as a grave affront to the very existence of the Jewish State. In near total secrecy the Israelis were nearing the perfection of their first atomic bomb. But it wouldn’t be completed till 1964, and JFK letter was dated June of 1963. Ben-Gurion felt the American President was greatly over stepping his bounds. But Ben - Gurion days as Prime Minister ended in mid June, and he didn’t respond to JFK’s letter.
JFK wrote a letter to the new Prime Minister Levi Eshkol, that was even more fierce than JFK's previous communications with Ben-Gurion. President Kennedy told Eshkol that the U.S. commitment and support of Israel "could be seriously jeopardized" if Israel did not let the United States obtain "reliable information" about its efforts in the nuclear field. This amounted, in effect, to an ultimatum.
This cause a crisis for the new Israeli leader, which resulted in a "November secret meeting" held in Washington, D.C on November 13-14, 1963 and that Israel "had a broader agenda . . . than the United States was willing to discuss." A wee later JFK’s assassination dramatically changed everything. President Johnson was concerned about inspecting Israel’s nuclear power plant and in 1964 Israel had its first nuclear bomb. So did the Mossad team up with the CIA in eliminating JFK. All of Israel’s future security rested on being able to protect itself, which JFK wanted to deny. In the 1956 Arab - Israeli War, the Israelis had bombed the US and British Embassies, blaming it on the Arabs.
Meyer Lansky was consider one of the great leaders of the underworld, even though he was Jewish and not Mafia. Lansky had strong ties to Israel, and also had ties to the Mossad and the CIA. JFK with his brother RFK had reneged on their deal to leave organize crime alone.
FBI Director knew of organized crime leaders who talked of removing the President for double crossing them, after they helped get JFK elected. The CIA was strongly intermingled with the Mafia. Hoover did not pass on these Presidential threats to the Secret Service. The Mossad with all their Jewish contacts around the world, had to know that the CIA and Mafia were plotting a hit, with big money flowing in from oil and other industries. With the Mossad and CIA having close contact, it would have been in Israel’s best interest if JFK was replaced.
So Iseral is over here shilling on Iran to blame the Mossad/cia plan to kill Trump on. Those sneaky bastards. He’s telling us what’s next.
Israel will not stop trying to kill Trump, until US sends their sons to die in the iranian desert. That was what I read, what?! which other leader speaks like this to the american people, in their capitol, to their political leaders. sickening.
Wen mossad connected to asass*nation attempt?
Title very misleading as I highly doubt president Trump said that. That would be suggesting we murder millions of innocent people and I can't see president Trump suggesting that.
Trump's Truth was posted above, and the qagg link to it as well (for those of you that don't have Truth Social). Unless someone hacked his account, or Scavino went WAY rogue, he said it.
Yeah, Trump's post, but he didn't say that. I think he's quoting Netanyahu.
Yeah, Trump's post, but he didn't say that. I think he's quoting Netanyahu.
There's no way I believe that.
Basically calling out Bibi's motive for the assassination ploy.
OMG. I really hope people are questioning things enough to not believe some blanket IrAn narative.
Go here @ 1:08 into the cspan movie. It is about the Iranian regime claiming that Israel is just a tool but that the real war is with America. They had send death squads to kill Bolton and another high ranking figure.
But, Nethanyahu says, seemingly quoting from Hisballah sources: in order to really challenge the US it must conquer the Middle East.
Of course, there is only one conclusion. Israel, a democracy, stands proudly in the way of executing such a plot.
When I reread the sentence on TS, It seems to me there is made a translation of what Nethanyahu actually is saying.
IT is interesting to listen to the son of the former Emperor of Iran: Palehvi, talking about what the Iranian people really want: an honest partner ship. And they themselves will do away with the regime.
So, there are a couple of diverging things being said. And the BIBI visit to Trump is gonna be interesting. It would not be the first time BIBI gets to hear something that is unpleasant. And this theater he is pulling, ..... rather shows a Biden policy commonality than a commonality with Trump.
Assassinate has one qdrop -
That is a stupid bootlicking statement to genocidal apartheid israel. Fuck that!
Why would Trump advocate for war and genocide? This doesn’t sound like him, is he compromised?
Trust in God and keep your powder dry.
For the 5 seconds of video -
The greatest con civil servants do is conflate the government and their country.
Rarely does a government, particularly a modern one represent the wishes or values of their citizens.
Governments have evolved into Ponzi schemes to enrich civil servants and protect political interests. They have no regard or respect for citizens, their employers.
The Iranian people are not the problem, the Iranian government are, as are all governments.
Politicians and civil servants won’t be in the trenches, they will be in air conditioned offices watching bombing runs and revelling in the destruction. They are psychopathic criminal cowards.
So same as yesterday?
The Rockefeller bros asked for it, acccording to the famous AJ-Russo interview.
So Trump is implying what would happen if he was killed?