Check my post history I made a post a few days ago with a link to a substack talking about the New York City underground comedy scene and the comedy cellar
Alastair Williams in the UK is super based. And Christian. His takedowns of Dr John Campbell are hilarious. Here is his latest on Campbell’s monkey pox stance…
As far as I recall we only saw partial flight logs that didn't even always have full names. Some were 1st initial last name. We also couldn't determine if the John Roberts was the CJOTUS or the DNC reporter.
Trump said he wanted to leave a legacy of healthy children, he most likely prefers them to be unmolested as well. Be patient, it is coming.
I have been saying for a few years, where have all the big names in Hollywood gone? You see very few big names making movies these days. Think back 20 years ago, much of the advertising on TV was for entertainment, it has been replaced with vaccine and medication ads.
I think, behind the scenes, the Hollywood pedophilia stuff has been dealt with, bringing the people up to speed will come afterwards. You don't advertise the arrests of pedophiles if you are tracking these sort of people, collecting evidence. They will start scurrying like cockroaches when the light comes on. You don't want to give them any warning before SHTF.
Timing has to be right for the release of the Epstein list. Right now we have so much other bad news to deal with, stolen elections, illegal immigration, economic collapse, nuclear war threats, mandated bioweapons, list goes on and on. Weak minded people need a way to escape from the daily evils, the entertainment industry is the most likely option.
The release of the Epstein list will come when the future of the country looks much brighter. This will come after Trump gets back in office and turns everything around. You don't want to release mind blowing bad news at a time when people are questioning the future of the country. It could be too much for people to handle. We don't want to crack the mental stability of the country to a point we can't recover from. It is like the "few steps forward, one step back" routine. Let Trump bring back lots of good vibes before dropping the really bad stuff. The bad stuff will have less of an impact if surrounded by enormous amounts of good momentum.
Although we are looking to push them to the precipice, so who knows.
You make a good point. I guess 'the list' has to keep hitting the news cycle periodically so we don't forget to demand action. It just seems to frustrate us though. How long oh Lord! There are so many fronts where justice must be served if we are to go forward as a nation. The Epstein list is a big one.
Its not just those on the list, but those who hold the blackmail info on them that don't want it released. Once the information is public, the leverage is gone.
His discussion about Chapelle is fascinating too. They were excellent friends. He doesn’t think it’s the same Chapelle.
And before Chapelle disappeared for those years he warmed him that he had ______ waiting in his apartment and was noticeably shook. He told him if he disappears the next chapelle won’t be him.
Fascinated with whoever Brewer was too scared to say. The devil? A clone of chapelle? Obama? Something wild!
WOULD THAT BE A BAD THING? WOULD SAVE OUR MILITARY AND DJT A LOT OF TROUBLE. But to avoid bedlam, I guess it should be done a little slower, however if you do it slower, you might not get them all. ABOVE MY PAY GRADE, thankfully.
Government is a structure. People in govt are just politicians and beaurocrats. They used the government to enrich themselves and oppress others. Expose them all. Darkness to light.
Then let’s fucking do it!
Kick over the wall, cause governments to fall, how can you refuse it!
Burn the whole F'ing temple to the ground
Jim Breuer is based.
He's about the only comedian who is
There's actually quite a few. They just don't get Netflix specials.
The underground comedy scene right now is almost exclusively conservative leaning and based.
LGBTQ weirdos and liberals get booed off the stage or virtually zero laughs.
I did a big post about it a few days ago.
I smile just imagining this. Thank you for brightening my outlook!
How does one get into the underground comedy scene
Check my post history I made a post a few days ago with a link to a substack talking about the New York City underground comedy scene and the comedy cellar
You have to dig
Got it
Better yet, how does one get access to the Epstein client list? How did this guy get access?
thanks fren
Adam Carolla.
Alastair Williams in the UK is super based. And Christian. His takedowns of Dr John Campbell are hilarious. Here is his latest on Campbell’s monkey pox stance…
Kek. Thanks for the laugh
Sings a mean AC/DC too - my apologies for Billy Joel
He's representing real Jersey.
Not those NYC bitches...
Not that jersey shore horseshit...
Not the sopranos fantasy...
Not "real" wives nonsense....
In case you were wondering... Plenty of people just like JB in that state.
So let's fucking go already. The world NEEDS a purge!!!!!!!
Uh yeah. Babylon falling would be Biblical.
That is a lame reason for not exposing the list. Bring them down. Bring them all down.
Most of us have known this for decades
And this is a bad thing if Governments topple by Pedo Sacrifices, etc ??
Or only valid if the CIA takes them out with
Muh Regime Change ??
Pedo wood needs to burned, scorched earth
I've got some matches
Can we have a reminder of that list?
Is this about the flight logs? Or is there another list - eg black book blackmail or ‘Kompromat’ list?
Not saying he's wrong, but why would Jim Breuer be privy to this info? If some comedian is, then more people are.. so why isn't anyone releasing it?
He's not. It's all talk, just like Dom Lucre.
So fucking what. They are scum....not so big.
Didn't we already see a list?
As far as I recall we only saw partial flight logs that didn't even always have full names. Some were 1st initial last name. We also couldn't determine if the John Roberts was the CJOTUS or the DNC reporter.
If true we should demand that the list be made public!
Trump said he wanted to leave a legacy of healthy children, he most likely prefers them to be unmolested as well. Be patient, it is coming.
I have been saying for a few years, where have all the big names in Hollywood gone? You see very few big names making movies these days. Think back 20 years ago, much of the advertising on TV was for entertainment, it has been replaced with vaccine and medication ads.
I think, behind the scenes, the Hollywood pedophilia stuff has been dealt with, bringing the people up to speed will come afterwards. You don't advertise the arrests of pedophiles if you are tracking these sort of people, collecting evidence. They will start scurrying like cockroaches when the light comes on. You don't want to give them any warning before SHTF.
Timing has to be right for the release of the Epstein list. Right now we have so much other bad news to deal with, stolen elections, illegal immigration, economic collapse, nuclear war threats, mandated bioweapons, list goes on and on. Weak minded people need a way to escape from the daily evils, the entertainment industry is the most likely option.
The release of the Epstein list will come when the future of the country looks much brighter. This will come after Trump gets back in office and turns everything around. You don't want to release mind blowing bad news at a time when people are questioning the future of the country. It could be too much for people to handle. We don't want to crack the mental stability of the country to a point we can't recover from. It is like the "few steps forward, one step back" routine. Let Trump bring back lots of good vibes before dropping the really bad stuff. The bad stuff will have less of an impact if surrounded by enormous amounts of good momentum.
Although we are looking to push them to the precipice, so who knows.
You make a good point. I guess 'the list' has to keep hitting the news cycle periodically so we don't forget to demand action. It just seems to frustrate us though. How long oh Lord! There are so many fronts where justice must be served if we are to go forward as a nation. The Epstein list is a big one.
Its not just those on the list, but those who hold the blackmail info on them that don't want it released. Once the information is public, the leverage is gone.
His discussion about Chapelle is fascinating too. They were excellent friends. He doesn’t think it’s the same Chapelle.
And before Chapelle disappeared for those years he warmed him that he had ______ waiting in his apartment and was noticeably shook. He told him if he disappears the next chapelle won’t be him.
Fascinated with whoever Brewer was too scared to say. The devil? A clone of chapelle? Obama? Something wild!
The reason¿ not to. lol
"topple the entertainment industry."
"break up the shitty hollywood monopoly."
who cares? governments are people. you can't bring them down. just stuffed assholes who claim to own them.
Spill the fucking beans already.
Bring the whole diseased temple down, please!
This guy knows? Flynn knows? We've asked for the list for YEARS. Where is it?
"I've seen the list but I'm going to send you guys on a wild goose chase to find it, haha!"
This fucking video
Exactly my point!
WOULD THAT BE A BAD THING? WOULD SAVE OUR MILITARY AND DJT A LOT OF TROUBLE. But to avoid bedlam, I guess it should be done a little slower, however if you do it slower, you might not get them all. ABOVE MY PAY GRADE, thankfully.
I already told you i want to see the list, there's no need to sell it to me
NCSWC. Trust in the plan had have faith. Brewer knows a few of his old pals are on that list. AC will be going down.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
So are we not supposed to want them toppled? Sick of this shit.
Too big to fail revisited?
My answer is: GOOD.
Feel free to just drop a name any old time, fellas.
Any time at all.
You know, instead of being like Greggggg Phillips with the never-ending tease. Or Dom Lucre. Or Jack Maxey.
Just feel free to provide any actual evidence if you've got it.
Then let it ALL OUT!
Government is a structure. People in govt are just politicians and beaurocrats. They used the government to enrich themselves and oppress others. Expose them all. Darkness to light.
Oh no….. that would be terrible 😏
I can't wait!