Big pharma is already controlling it in "legal" dispensaries. Decriminalization is the way. Weed is not profitable enough to be worried about if people just start growing their own.
Don't buy anything from them. Grow in a tent inside your home and just grow enough for yourself. Be aware of the risk. Not legal advice nor endorsement of action to get yourself in trouble
Obama said he would relax cannabis laws and not go after people, but under his administrations more dispensaries got raided then ever before.
Trump didn't make any cannabis promises, but quickly legalized medicinal hemp varieties of cannabis in just a couple years in the farm bill.
Now he's going to properly look into the unbelievable medical power that cannabis has hidden inside. Thank you Trump! Finally some common sense in cannabis policies.
I can attest to this. They attacked medicinal cannabis like no other under o bummer. But as soon as they make it recreational - crickets. They are only interested in getting people high to keep us pacified and distracted. They are absolutely not interested in you using marijuana for any health benefit or cure. Hence why they are breeding all the important cannabinoids out of the flower and hyper focused on increasing the THC %
You can still get some good quality but it’s harder to come by now since big canna is buying up all the small micro grows and pushing mom/pop shops out. One day everything will be commercial and mass produced if we continue this way. Right now it’s about 95% at least for CA.
Correct. There's a distinct profile of weed that is made purely for a toxic type of high. That's the GMO that I'm referring to. Closed house dispensaries only tell the govt what they need to, and I'm not against a good service. They have to hold a strong stance because I'm sure the govt wants to go in and take over or run them off. Just a lot of new joints popping up that are GMO clinics
Using cannabis to open up access to other natural therapies and treatments that have been suppressed?
I remember thinking the "Right to Try Act" during Trump in 2018 was going to lead to bigger things. In fact it should have prevented patients from being denied ivermectin when they were in the hospital.
4 realz, u ever seen those caff-heads when they can't get a fix of the devil's liquid? Tweaking on meth has nothing on a pot of those hot roasted devil beans.
Especially for the front runner of the Republican Party to support this. It was supposed to be the democrats legacy. Unfortunately for them Big Pharma will never allow them to fully legalize as it would hurt their business
Supposedly Schumer's been sitting on a house legalization bill since April that would have removed cannabis from the stupid "schedule", thus making it no longer a federal issue. Wonder why he never brought it forward. I don't have any sauce for this but recall a discussion about it here
They could have legalized it so many times if they wanted to. When Pelosi ruled the house they passed legislation to fully legalize (if I remember correct) but off course they killed the bill in the senate. Schumer has had many chances but as always members of the uniparty only want to put up a show to pretend to care and fool the people while not ever having ann intention on following through. They’ll just blame the other side and still score points with their mindless supporters who believe in their lies.
Economic competition with Cotton, Timber and Synthetic Plastics
The real reason was NOT fighting with addiction but eliminating competition for powerful and rich businesses. And we know now synthetic plastics in clothing => microplastics => lower fertility of people and health problems.And as tobacco is legal there is no reason other plant shouldn't be...
I'm not some of those crazy leftist environmentalists,but if you can do it clean and healthy way...
As long as legalizing it does not cause Big Pharma to then go on a GMO spree and actually ruin the natural healing properties or turn it into a vaccine (lol).
You know how many times I've been yelled at over the years by norms and even family about legalize vs decrim. This is one of the huge points of decrim. No one can benefit from selling it unless it's just out of generosity.
Just like alcohol, a small amount can be beneficial and excess can be devastating. To make Marijuana a schedule 1 illegal drug was to protect the Cabal's money maker. Billions a year go to the Cartels smuggling pot across the border and growing it in our National Forest. This plant should be treated just like alcohol because those that smoke it are going to get it legally or illegally---doesn't matter. If it is made legal like alcohol, the billions of dollars the gangs in this country make selling pot will dry up and they MAY HAVE TO GET A JOB!
The thing is, I still prefer black market weed. The shit coming from "regulated" legal sources are so mass produced and optimized for THC % and it has become an unnatural product. I'd much rather have a good homegrow where I know it wasn't sprayed with pesticides and shit.
I haven’t used since 1989. Too much of the illegal is sprayed with all kinds of bug killers because they don’t care about what happens to the user. Regulated by FDA or some other agency would prevent this. When I indulged the best was skunk weed and it was probably about 5% THC. They advertise some today that is 20-30% I hear. Skunk would knock you on your butt. I cannot imagine how some today would effect you. I see Willie Nelson smokiythat crap like a cigarette so it must keep you alive forever. Keke
I disagree that FDA regulated prevents any of that. It's actually kinda the opposite. They just approve something like glyphosate and call it "safe and effective" and boom all regulated products start doing it because why not?
On the other side, people who actually know what's going on want quality organic product and you just can't know what you're getting if you don't know the source. Government regulation never fixed anything and weed is no different.
FDA,USB,NFL---I don't care what "agency" is over it, I just used the FDA as example of an agency. The FDA has proven in the past to just be a rubber stamp for anyone with enough money to buy the stamp of approval.
As a former stoner, I don't agree with weed being so easily accessible, it may not ruin lives in the traditional drug sense, but it absolutely ruins a lot of peoples motivation and ability to socialize. Yes, I know there are stoners this is not a problem for, I'm not talking about you. With that being said, I 100% understand this as a political move.
As a previous stoner I understand your sentiment but disagree. It was the dulling of my mind and the strong apathy that ultimately drove me away from pot. Coupled with the fact that I could no longer allow myself to be controlled by something. Feeling the need to have to have something, anything, doesn’t sit right with me. So ya, I get it. While I have chosen to abstain, I feel it is still highly useful for people in moderation. Some people still function highly with large amounts. It’s a natural substance that God made for a purpose. It is the responsibility of adults to find that purpose on their own. It is far less harmful than many, if not all, synthetic chemicals that are legal and available over the counter.
At the end of the day gluttony is the root cause of nearly everything. Is “it”, whatever “it” may be, controlling you? Or are you controlling “it”?
I only recently started smoking weed - after 4th back surgery - I only smoke at night before bed bc it helps me sleep. I don't smoke at any other time - it puts me to sleep lol.
Some advice, if you’re using it for pain moderation, find a way that’s suitable to you to eat it. Gummies, oils, baked goods, butter, etc. I can’t speak for drinks. I never wanted to try those.
Anyway, I smoked, vaped, ate, etc. Every which way. While recovering from a near death motorcycle accident, I learned to make my own pot butter. I was able to wean myself off pain meds waaaay before the doc could understand how. Just by eating pot. A regular sized pat of butter on toast or bagel in the morning gave me comfort all the way to early evening, at which point I would take a puff or two and chill on into bedtime.
Eating was way more effective for me. It also has more staying power in your system. Try it out by getting some edibles and see what you think. It made a big difference for me to eat it instead of smoke it. A lot better for my lungs as well.
If it works for you like it did for me then learn to make your own edibles. It will save you tons of money and will be way more effective. Search “Magic Butter Machine” (MBM). It’s what I used to make butter. All you do is bake whatever pot you like in the oven for a short time to ready it to release the magic, then throw it in the MBM with your favorite butter, and the MBM does the rest. Filter it and pour it into molds that allow you to take measured amounts so don’t end up eating more than you need and wasting it. It will change your life and give much comfort from your pain. God bless!
It was the dulling of my mind and the strong apathy that ultimately drove me away from pot
Same. It made me content with doing nothing. Including socializing. I know countless people where becoming a stoner has become a part of their identity and that is equally as weird as making being a faggot your identity.
It is less dangerous than other drugs, 100% agree, but it's dangerous in it's own way, of making you apathetic, agreeable, and weak. It becomes a slippery slope of saying it's up to the individual to abstain or use in moderation. Same can be said for processed foods, cigarettes, fast food, cocaine. It's a drug that messes with your natural dopamine and that is a problem when used for only recreational purposes.
Medicinal legalization is what I root for. Unfortunately we may have passed that windows since many states already are recreational. I just feel it makes it so the focus is on getting high and not on making you better.
Organic chemistry textbooks are not 'big pharma propaganda', O narrow one. They are used by many thousands of students who will go on to science-based careers completely outside the realm pharmaceutical drugs.
Any organic molecule whose name ends in -ol is classed as an alcohol. Xylitol, maltitol, sorbitol, erythritol, cannabinol, cannabigerol, isopropanol, even ethanol.
It's OK not to know anything about organic chemistry. It's not OK to act like you do. Wise up.
As cannabis is neither lethal nor physically addictive, it needs to be completely taken off the schedule and legalized, not on "Schedule 3" where federal police (which are provided for nowhere in the Constitution, by the way) can still lock you in a cage for years, merely for possessing the plant.
Meanwhile, anyone can walk into a liquor store and buy enough booze to kill themself within the hour if they choose to chug it - free choice for free adults in a free society. (This is a good thing; let them "weed" themselves out :)
It’s fine to take it off the schedule, but it’s not fine to stop enforcing DUI for people that are high.
I know of multiple fatal crashes because people thought they were fine to drive high as a kite.
And I don’t think it’s okay to be vaping and smoking marijuana around schools and public places just like cigarettes. St. Louis smells like a Bob Marley concert at all times now, and it’s annoying when you’re just trying to go about your day.
Yes but DUI fatalities drop by about 25% when states legalize cannabis.
Fully legal, non-scheduled ethanol is a far worse alcohol problem than THC is.
Drivers under the influence of THC actually tend to drive 5-10 mph SLOWER than usual...almost everyone has experienced this phenomenon, it's a running joke. I've never personally heard of anyone being in an accident due to THC but I've had two close friends die while driving drunk.
But we agree, both options should be off the schedule and up to free adults to decide what to put inside their body.
DUI fatalities drop by about 25% when states legalize cannabis.
Can you post a link to a study that supports that claim? Meanwhile, I found a study that directly contradicts the statement you made.
Since recreational marijuana was legalized, marijuana related traffic deaths
increased 151 percent while all Colorado traffic deaths increased 35 percent.
Since recreational marijuana was legalized, traffic deaths involving drivers who
tested positive for marijuana more than doubled from 55 in 2013 to 138 people
killed in 2017.
This equates to one person killed every 2 ½ days compared to one person
killed every 6 ½ days.
The percentage of all Colorado traffic deaths that were marijuana related
increased from 11.43 percent in 2013 to 21.3 percent in 2017.
Since recreational marijuana was legalized, traffic deaths involving drivers who tested positive for marijuana more than doubled
If the number of drivers consuming cannabis goes up 100% (because it's suddenly legal) then you can expect the number of accidents involving a driver with THC in their system will go up 100% as well.
That's not what it's saying. Accidents overall went up. The population of Colorado increased ~7.7% from 2013 to 2017, but overall traffic deaths increased 35%.
Ok, same principle applies. If more people are getting off their couches and going into the world because cannabis improves their mood and helps them to see the beauty of God's creation, then the number of car accidents will rise.
I admit that's only speculation on my part. It would be interesting to know if the number of cars on the road did increase after cannabis was legalized.
I get that correlation does not equal causation. But the population of Colorado increased ~7.7% from 2013 to 2017 and overall traffic deaths increased 35%. What was the change within those years? Marijuana legalization. If you have another theory of what could have caused such a jump in traffic related deaths, I'm all ears.
I’m going to need a study link to show people drive slower after consuming THC and not « everyone has experienced it. »
Maybe have the personal responsibility to not put others at risk by driving high in the first place? 5-10 mph slower on a highway absolutely can cause major accidents.
I don’t know about you, but I get blurred vision when using medical marijuana. I’d never get behind the wheel of a car because I would be unable to make the quick decisions necessary to avoid a collision and would have difficulty seeing the lines on the road.
It’s really quite simple. Don’t be under the influence when you get behind the wheel a vehicle. It’s not that hard.
But because people, including those on this board, have the self image that it « could never be them , » we need some kind of regulations in place.
it’s really quite simple. Don’t be under the influence when you get behind the wheel a vehicle. It’s not that hard.
Agreed. Then, for consistency, that needs to be extended to patients taking any of the hundreds of prescription drugs that have psychoactive effects, like many antidepressants and anxiolytic medications, among others. Nobody with those prescriptions can be both following their doctor's medication recommendations and move about freely anymore.
Fine for big cities, I guess, where there are uber, lyft and public transportation. Too bad for everyone else
I'd wager those people drove recklessly to begin with. That is the root cause of nearly all auto accidents. Most people don't take driving seriously enough.
I'm not sure why it would upset them to hear that? My point is that "stoned" drivers who cause accidents are likely unsafe drivers 100% of the time, not just when they have THC in their system.
If I may offer that we look at driving accidents another way - assuming we get back control of “our” government.
If you can prove it was just an accident, the crime is much lower and you focus on restoring what property and injury you can if you were at fault, with debts negotiated (which we don’t have precedent for that I’m aware of) if you weren’t responsible enough to have assets or insurance in place to restore any damages you incur while driving, and where solid precedent is set on determination of that (which we already have).
If someone is found to be “negligent” - habitual inattentiveness with inattentiveness being causal, drunk, stoned, excessively drowsy/asleep, etc - additional punitive damages may be added by the jury in accordance with the severity of the damages incurred.
This is what I believe is meant by “judge righteously, for as you judge, you will be judged”. i.e. It was meant, within a court or tribunal, and with precedence considered. (Matthew 7:2, Luke 6:37)
“But make peace with your neighbor wherever possible, lest they drag you before a magistrate (judge)” (Luke 12:58)
Can’t have any of this under statutory law without right to a trial by jury.
In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
($20 being about $600-$250,000 now, depending whether you go pure spot price, or certificate-suppressed spot price of $30*400 per oz)
Points taken and some valid, especially about common decency. I would think with decrim, the fad of smoking would be sucked out and hoping people would be more conservative about it
As someone who has never touched a drug in their life and has no desire or curiosity to, this is mindblowing to me. I think when you reach a certain degree of awake and have certainty in God, anything altering of your mind is unnecessary.
BUT IF IT WINS THE ELECTION, SO BE IT, MEANS TO AN END. I trust Trump, this a shot at prosecuter Kamala
i have smoked an insane amount of weed. 24/7 for the last decade. i don't regret it, but i also agree with you. I recently quit cold turkey because of any effect it might be having on my relationship with God.
I tried it a few times while on vacation years ago in Amsterdam. While it did make me paranoid that the cops coming in to check on the hash bars were going to arrest me (they weren't) it did make my back fell better than it has since I was a child. It also somehow opened up my ear canal or did something else that allowed me to hear things far better than I've been able to since I joined the Air Force at 17 years old. A few decades of working in data centers finished that job.
Honestly if I didn't tend to have jobs that require clearances or drug tests I would use it fairly regularly for back and neck pain. I've had a couple of surgeries on my spine and also have gout (be careful if you go full carnivore).
I don't have any problem with adults using cannabis for medicinal or recreational purposes.
But any steps toward de-scheduling or re-legalization should be balanced with stronger penalties for anyone who aids a minor in possessing / consuming weed (unless under supervision of a licensed medical doctor).
The minds of American children deserve a world class education first, without weed, wokeness or big Pharma getting in the way.
They should just decriminalize all drugs. There are already laws covering the consequences of actions that cause injury or death to others, or damage the property of others.
Decriminalization is liberty. Why have limits on possession? It doesn't hurt me if someone has 3 ounces or even 3 tons. My point is, you either have true liberty, or you don't.
alot more than you seem to think, a hell of alot more than those stuck on barstools across the country, whining about what is going on but not voting...
As long as it's still illegal federally, you run into the 2A gun issue (Hunter problem of lying on a federal form). Any time you buy a gun you fill out a federal form 4473 from the ATF and if you answer "no" to the marijuana question, you can be charged. You can't own a firearm legally if you smoke pot.
He said "states rights to pass marijuana laws" - that does not work. It would still be illegal federally and you wouldn't be able to own a gun
True, but what happens if you were busted for possession before (or even later for that matter) and the feds are already looking for something to charge you with? Now they have felony perjury on an official government form.
that's a good point. but wouldn't they have to prove that you were using it at the time of filling out the form? anyone could have at one time been a user of marijuana, stop being a user at that current time of filling out the form, and then in the future become a user again. that would technically not be lying
Please note the very next part of the same question (the warning) states it is unlawful to use or be addicted to on the federal level even if the state you were in legalized it, therefore if you have ever used or we're ever addicted to (once an addict...), then you either disqualify yourself, or lie on the form and you are still in the same shape.
I asked him to do this on his official request form when he was President-elect; asked him to repeal all laws against Cannabis. First he removed the federal ban on hemp cultivation via the Farm Bill. Now he is going further with Cannabis for medicine as well as for plain fun.
THIS is BIGLY and I LOVE the fact that he appears to be on the side of medical use only as I don’t care for the new generation of stoner vape kids and want to see the medicinal benefits prioritized over simply getting high. The quality has severely degraded since recreational took over the market in many states. They only focus on high thc when really they should be offering organic, pesticide free cannabis with emphasis on the full spectrum of cannabonoids not just the one that gets you high. Marijuana has become too commercial and it’s not like any other junk food product you can buy in stores.
My experience has been that if people drink they do it after work, those that smoke do it before work, then go smoke in their car at break and again at lunch. I’ve known people that have been continuously stoned for years without a single day of clarity. What’s left of my family lives in Colorado and they smell it everywhere they go even in church sometimes. I understand people wanting to get high sometimes, but damn I don’t want my entire town high as a kite, they are dumb enough to begin with.
This is good, back in 79 i was charged with possession simply because I was a passenger in the car , driver had it in his pocket tshirt, for anyone to see.
I live in a legal state, grew it long before it was legalized, now its legal for retail sale in the cannabis shops, finally. I was able to buy seeds from Canada, discreet shipping and all.It's about time, a person should be able to grow what ever medicine they need, and if its recreational use, fine with that too, my grandmother brewed her own elderberry wine, taught my uncle how to, and pot is a lot less of a problem than alcohol.
Apartments and homes with smokers (pot and to a lesser degree tobacco) can cause severe damage to homes, most often interior walls, but sometimes more. Smoke saturates into drywall/sheet rock, causing significant expense to replace it after a Tennant moves out.
More extreme cases have seen actual structural damage from heavy pot use. (Talk to any builders association and most every member has dealt with this). I know a landlord personally that had a tennant do over $45k in damage to a rental due to pot, they had to gut the place. They were good people and reasonable landlords, and the tennant was a bum. Somehow was able to afford a lawyer and tons of pot but had no job. Couldn't pay for the repairs when he lost his suit (yes, he sued the owners for trying to kick him out to save their rental).
FYI tobacco homes can be like this with heavy smokers in the house. That smell never truly goes away.
Talk to residents in states where it is legal. Driving while stoned is a big issue that is played down by the media. A lot of people hurt from stoned drivers. A strangely high proportion of pot smokers drive without insurance, or with a suspended license.
-state crime records. Pick a state, any state.
Crime and homelessness in general increase in legalized pot area.
-state and sheriff records, easy to find with direct correlation to when that state legalized.
If you are a person who doesn't smoke, areas with legal pot smell terrible. I don't mind cigar, pipe, cigarette smoke nearly as much, at least that doesn't have that nasty lingering smell
More extreme cases have seen actual structural damage from heavy pot use. (Talk to any builders association and most every member has dealt with this). I know a landlord personally that had a tennant do over $45k in damage to a rental due to pot, they had to gut the place.
Gotta give credit where due...I've heard a lot of unhinged lunacy regarding cannabis but this is an absolute first for "Cigarette smoke smells better!" and "The smoke will destroy the structure of a building, you'll have to GUT the place!"
And, while it’s been multiple years so I can’t find the headline, a woman was struck and killed in my hometown by some pothead who couldn’t say no to getting behind the wheel.
This isn’t ibuprofen. I say this as someone who used medical marijuana for PTSD. It needs regulations, just like alcohol.
Big pharma will oppose legalizing pot. It cuts into their pain killer sales.
Will cut into a whole lot more than just pain med sales.
Big pharma is already controlling it in "legal" dispensaries. Decriminalization is the way. Weed is not profitable enough to be worried about if people just start growing their own.
Don't buy anything from them. Grow in a tent inside your home and just grow enough for yourself. Be aware of the risk. Not legal advice nor endorsement of action to get yourself in trouble
The goal, to demonetize Big Pharma.
And Que Mala announces HER support for Amendment 3 in 3.... 2..... 1 ....
Obama said he would relax cannabis laws and not go after people, but under his administrations more dispensaries got raided then ever before.
Trump didn't make any cannabis promises, but quickly legalized medicinal hemp varieties of cannabis in just a couple years in the farm bill.
Now he's going to properly look into the unbelievable medical power that cannabis has hidden inside. Thank you Trump! Finally some common sense in cannabis policies.
I can attest to this. They attacked medicinal cannabis like no other under o bummer. But as soon as they make it recreational - crickets. They are only interested in getting people high to keep us pacified and distracted. They are absolutely not interested in you using marijuana for any health benefit or cure. Hence why they are breeding all the important cannabinoids out of the flower and hyper focused on increasing the THC %
This. There is no medical benefit to GMO dispensary weed.
I used dispensary weed to control pain after 4 knee surgeries. It worked great for that purpose.
You can still get some good quality but it’s harder to come by now since big canna is buying up all the small micro grows and pushing mom/pop shops out. One day everything will be commercial and mass produced if we continue this way. Right now it’s about 95% at least for CA.
It was not gmo.
Correct. There's a distinct profile of weed that is made purely for a toxic type of high. That's the GMO that I'm referring to. Closed house dispensaries only tell the govt what they need to, and I'm not against a good service. They have to hold a strong stance because I'm sure the govt wants to go in and take over or run them off. Just a lot of new joints popping up that are GMO clinics
Wait…. Obama lied?/s
And also Q735:
Using cannabis to open up access to other natural therapies and treatments that have been suppressed?
I remember thinking the "Right to Try Act" during Trump in 2018 was going to lead to bigger things. In fact it should have prevented patients from being denied ivermectin when they were in the hospital.
He might not smoke, I don't smoke but that's a good political move a very high percentage of America does....
It's huge of Trump to publicly support this when he's never touched it, not even a cup of coffee his whole life.
His power of discernment is legendary.
Coffee is probably not the innocent lightweight drug we think it is.
It may be, though. Seems like every time I see a new article about coffee, it's about how great it is for people.
4 realz, u ever seen those caff-heads when they can't get a fix of the devil's liquid? Tweaking on meth has nothing on a pot of those hot roasted devil beans.
Especially for the front runner of the Republican Party to support this. It was supposed to be the democrats legacy. Unfortunately for them Big Pharma will never allow them to fully legalize as it would hurt their business
Supposedly Schumer's been sitting on a house legalization bill since April that would have removed cannabis from the stupid "schedule", thus making it no longer a federal issue. Wonder why he never brought it forward. I don't have any sauce for this but recall a discussion about it here
They could have legalized it so many times if they wanted to. When Pelosi ruled the house they passed legislation to fully legalize (if I remember correct) but off course they killed the bill in the senate. Schumer has had many chances but as always members of the uniparty only want to put up a show to pretend to care and fool the people while not ever having ann intention on following through. They’ll just blame the other side and still score points with their mindless supporters who believe in their lies.
I too not smoke,however thing is hemp is excellent source of cellulose and other things,so legalizing it could be really good for resource use,avoiding pollution and so too people's health. So also important thing:
The real reason was NOT fighting with addiction but eliminating competition for powerful and rich businesses. And we know now synthetic plastics in clothing => microplastics => lower fertility of people and health problems.And as tobacco is legal there is no reason other plant shouldn't be...
I'm not some of those crazy leftist environmentalists,but if you can do it clean and healthy way...
As long as legalizing it does not cause Big Pharma to then go on a GMO spree and actually ruin the natural healing properties or turn it into a vaccine (lol).
Now do psilocybin!
Whoa! Easy now. We can’t be having too many free thinkers running around.
It’s for your own safety /s
Eh. Mushrooms do need some sort of regulation. Or at least criminality for selling. But possession shouldn't matter under a certain amount.
When I say sell, I mean profit off of. Giving it away for free is good in my book
Decriminalization hurts the illegal sales.
This helps stop the illegal stuff sold.
Stop the cartels cold, just like alcohol prohibition powered the Italian mafia. Prohibition is pro crime.
You know how many times I've been yelled at over the years by norms and even family about legalize vs decrim. This is one of the huge points of decrim. No one can benefit from selling it unless it's just out of generosity.
Just like alcohol, a small amount can be beneficial and excess can be devastating. To make Marijuana a schedule 1 illegal drug was to protect the Cabal's money maker. Billions a year go to the Cartels smuggling pot across the border and growing it in our National Forest. This plant should be treated just like alcohol because those that smoke it are going to get it legally or illegally---doesn't matter. If it is made legal like alcohol, the billions of dollars the gangs in this country make selling pot will dry up and they MAY HAVE TO GET A JOB!
The thing is, I still prefer black market weed. The shit coming from "regulated" legal sources are so mass produced and optimized for THC % and it has become an unnatural product. I'd much rather have a good homegrow where I know it wasn't sprayed with pesticides and shit.
I haven’t used since 1989. Too much of the illegal is sprayed with all kinds of bug killers because they don’t care about what happens to the user. Regulated by FDA or some other agency would prevent this. When I indulged the best was skunk weed and it was probably about 5% THC. They advertise some today that is 20-30% I hear. Skunk would knock you on your butt. I cannot imagine how some today would effect you. I see Willie Nelson smokiythat crap like a cigarette so it must keep you alive forever. Keke
I disagree that FDA regulated prevents any of that. It's actually kinda the opposite. They just approve something like glyphosate and call it "safe and effective" and boom all regulated products start doing it because why not?
On the other side, people who actually know what's going on want quality organic product and you just can't know what you're getting if you don't know the source. Government regulation never fixed anything and weed is no different.
FDA,USB,NFL---I don't care what "agency" is over it, I just used the FDA as example of an agency. The FDA has proven in the past to just be a rubber stamp for anyone with enough money to buy the stamp of approval.
You know de wae
As a former stoner, I don't agree with weed being so easily accessible, it may not ruin lives in the traditional drug sense, but it absolutely ruins a lot of peoples motivation and ability to socialize. Yes, I know there are stoners this is not a problem for, I'm not talking about you. With that being said, I 100% understand this as a political move.
As a previous stoner I understand your sentiment but disagree. It was the dulling of my mind and the strong apathy that ultimately drove me away from pot. Coupled with the fact that I could no longer allow myself to be controlled by something. Feeling the need to have to have something, anything, doesn’t sit right with me. So ya, I get it. While I have chosen to abstain, I feel it is still highly useful for people in moderation. Some people still function highly with large amounts. It’s a natural substance that God made for a purpose. It is the responsibility of adults to find that purpose on their own. It is far less harmful than many, if not all, synthetic chemicals that are legal and available over the counter.
At the end of the day gluttony is the root cause of nearly everything. Is “it”, whatever “it” may be, controlling you? Or are you controlling “it”?
I only recently started smoking weed - after 4th back surgery - I only smoke at night before bed bc it helps me sleep. I don't smoke at any other time - it puts me to sleep lol.
Some advice, if you’re using it for pain moderation, find a way that’s suitable to you to eat it. Gummies, oils, baked goods, butter, etc. I can’t speak for drinks. I never wanted to try those.
Anyway, I smoked, vaped, ate, etc. Every which way. While recovering from a near death motorcycle accident, I learned to make my own pot butter. I was able to wean myself off pain meds waaaay before the doc could understand how. Just by eating pot. A regular sized pat of butter on toast or bagel in the morning gave me comfort all the way to early evening, at which point I would take a puff or two and chill on into bedtime.
Eating was way more effective for me. It also has more staying power in your system. Try it out by getting some edibles and see what you think. It made a big difference for me to eat it instead of smoke it. A lot better for my lungs as well.
If it works for you like it did for me then learn to make your own edibles. It will save you tons of money and will be way more effective. Search “Magic Butter Machine” (MBM). It’s what I used to make butter. All you do is bake whatever pot you like in the oven for a short time to ready it to release the magic, then throw it in the MBM with your favorite butter, and the MBM does the rest. Filter it and pour it into molds that allow you to take measured amounts so don’t end up eating more than you need and wasting it. It will change your life and give much comfort from your pain. God bless!
Thx! I love edibles but the ones I can get here are useless. I had stronger ones years ago but I can't afford them now. I'll try the butter tho
Same. It made me content with doing nothing. Including socializing. I know countless people where becoming a stoner has become a part of their identity and that is equally as weird as making being a faggot your identity.
It is less dangerous than other drugs, 100% agree, but it's dangerous in it's own way, of making you apathetic, agreeable, and weak. It becomes a slippery slope of saying it's up to the individual to abstain or use in moderation. Same can be said for processed foods, cigarettes, fast food, cocaine. It's a drug that messes with your natural dopamine and that is a problem when used for only recreational purposes.
Medicinal legalization is what I root for. Unfortunately we may have passed that windows since many states already are recreational. I just feel it makes it so the focus is on getting high and not on making you better.
FUN FACT: Tetrahydrocannabinol is a type of ALCOHOL molecule
TREAT IT LIKE BEER AND WINE, WHICH ARE FAR MORE DANGEROUS yet we let free adults in a free society choose for themselves what to consume
No it's not. Where did you read that?
Yes, it is. Look it up anywhere you like. I learned it in pre-med organic chemistry class 40 years ago.
A better question might be Where did you read that THC is NOT a type of alcohol molecule?
I already did. Grok said you are wrong. A 40 year old big pharma propaganda book is your source? Maybe revaluate your trust in cabal sources.
Organic chemistry textbooks are not 'big pharma propaganda', O narrow one. They are used by many thousands of students who will go on to science-based careers completely outside the realm pharmaceutical drugs.
Any organic molecule whose name ends in -ol is classed as an alcohol. Xylitol, maltitol, sorbitol, erythritol, cannabinol, cannabigerol, isopropanol, even ethanol.
It's OK not to know anything about organic chemistry. It's not OK to act like you do. Wise up.
Federal decriminalization will bring gold columbian back!...haven't seen it since 1978
As cannabis is neither lethal nor physically addictive, it needs to be completely taken off the schedule and legalized, not on "Schedule 3" where federal police (which are provided for nowhere in the Constitution, by the way) can still lock you in a cage for years, merely for possessing the plant.
Meanwhile, anyone can walk into a liquor store and buy enough booze to kill themself within the hour if they choose to chug it - free choice for free adults in a free society. (This is a good thing; let them "weed" themselves out :)
It’s fine to take it off the schedule, but it’s not fine to stop enforcing DUI for people that are high.
I know of multiple fatal crashes because people thought they were fine to drive high as a kite.
And I don’t think it’s okay to be vaping and smoking marijuana around schools and public places just like cigarettes. St. Louis smells like a Bob Marley concert at all times now, and it’s annoying when you’re just trying to go about your day.
Yes but DUI fatalities drop by about 25% when states legalize cannabis.
Fully legal, non-scheduled ethanol is a far worse alcohol problem than THC is.
Drivers under the influence of THC actually tend to drive 5-10 mph SLOWER than usual...almost everyone has experienced this phenomenon, it's a running joke. I've never personally heard of anyone being in an accident due to THC but I've had two close friends die while driving drunk.
But we agree, both options should be off the schedule and up to free adults to decide what to put inside their body.
Can you post a link to a study that supports that claim? Meanwhile, I found a study that directly contradicts the statement you made.
If the number of drivers consuming cannabis goes up 100% (because it's suddenly legal) then you can expect the number of accidents involving a driver with THC in their system will go up 100% as well.
That's not what it's saying. Accidents overall went up. The population of Colorado increased ~7.7% from 2013 to 2017, but overall traffic deaths increased 35%.
Ok, same principle applies. If more people are getting off their couches and going into the world because cannabis improves their mood and helps them to see the beauty of God's creation, then the number of car accidents will rise.
I admit that's only speculation on my part. It would be interesting to know if the number of cars on the road did increase after cannabis was legalized.
Are you equating "testing positive for marijuana" with "being impaired"?
I know the govt would love to have you believe this, but it's not true.
I get that correlation does not equal causation. But the population of Colorado increased ~7.7% from 2013 to 2017 and overall traffic deaths increased 35%. What was the change within those years? Marijuana legalization. If you have another theory of what could have caused such a jump in traffic related deaths, I'm all ears.
I’m going to need a study link to show people drive slower after consuming THC and not « everyone has experienced it. »
Maybe have the personal responsibility to not put others at risk by driving high in the first place? 5-10 mph slower on a highway absolutely can cause major accidents.
I don’t know about you, but I get blurred vision when using medical marijuana. I’d never get behind the wheel of a car because I would be unable to make the quick decisions necessary to avoid a collision and would have difficulty seeing the lines on the road.
It’s really quite simple. Don’t be under the influence when you get behind the wheel a vehicle. It’s not that hard.
But because people, including those on this board, have the self image that it « could never be them , » we need some kind of regulations in place.
Agreed. Then, for consistency, that needs to be extended to patients taking any of the hundreds of prescription drugs that have psychoactive effects, like many antidepressants and anxiolytic medications, among others. Nobody with those prescriptions can be both following their doctor's medication recommendations and move about freely anymore.
Fine for big cities, I guess, where there are uber, lyft and public transportation. Too bad for everyone else
I'd wager those people drove recklessly to begin with. That is the root cause of nearly all auto accidents. Most people don't take driving seriously enough.
Tell that to anyone who has lost a loved one to drunk or high driving.
I'm not sure why it would upset them to hear that? My point is that "stoned" drivers who cause accidents are likely unsafe drivers 100% of the time, not just when they have THC in their system.
If I may offer that we look at driving accidents another way - assuming we get back control of “our” government.
If you can prove it was just an accident, the crime is much lower and you focus on restoring what property and injury you can if you were at fault, with debts negotiated (which we don’t have precedent for that I’m aware of) if you weren’t responsible enough to have assets or insurance in place to restore any damages you incur while driving, and where solid precedent is set on determination of that (which we already have).
If someone is found to be “negligent” - habitual inattentiveness with inattentiveness being causal, drunk, stoned, excessively drowsy/asleep, etc - additional punitive damages may be added by the jury in accordance with the severity of the damages incurred.
This is what I believe is meant by “judge righteously, for as you judge, you will be judged”. i.e. It was meant, within a court or tribunal, and with precedence considered. (Matthew 7:2, Luke 6:37)
“But make peace with your neighbor wherever possible, lest they drag you before a magistrate (judge)” (Luke 12:58)
Can’t have any of this under statutory law without right to a trial by jury.
($20 being about $600-$250,000 now, depending whether you go pure spot price, or certificate-suppressed spot price of $30*400 per oz)
Points taken and some valid, especially about common decency. I would think with decrim, the fad of smoking would be sucked out and hoping people would be more conservative about it
Sunshine republican much?
Ban xyz because it is annoying.
Fucking authoritarians can suck commie cock.
i have to say with Fentanyl around I much prefer it being legalized & held to a standard.
As someone who has never touched a drug in their life and has no desire or curiosity to, this is mindblowing to me. I think when you reach a certain degree of awake and have certainty in God, anything altering of your mind is unnecessary.
BUT IF IT WINS THE ELECTION, SO BE IT, MEANS TO AN END. I trust Trump, this a shot at prosecuter Kamala
i have smoked an insane amount of weed. 24/7 for the last decade. i don't regret it, but i also agree with you. I recently quit cold turkey because of any effect it might be having on my relationship with God.
I tried it a few times while on vacation years ago in Amsterdam. While it did make me paranoid that the cops coming in to check on the hash bars were going to arrest me (they weren't) it did make my back fell better than it has since I was a child. It also somehow opened up my ear canal or did something else that allowed me to hear things far better than I've been able to since I joined the Air Force at 17 years old. A few decades of working in data centers finished that job.
Honestly if I didn't tend to have jobs that require clearances or drug tests I would use it fairly regularly for back and neck pain. I've had a couple of surgeries on my spine and also have gout (be careful if you go full carnivore).
Ian has an interesting video related to this…
I don't have any problem with adults using cannabis for medicinal or recreational purposes.
But any steps toward de-scheduling or re-legalization should be balanced with stronger penalties for anyone who aids a minor in possessing / consuming weed (unless under supervision of a licensed medical doctor).
The minds of American children deserve a world class education first, without weed, wokeness or big Pharma getting in the way.
They should just decriminalize all drugs. There are already laws covering the consequences of actions that cause injury or death to others, or damage the property of others.
Decriminalization is liberty. Why have limits on possession? It doesn't hurt me if someone has 3 ounces or even 3 tons. My point is, you either have true liberty, or you don't.
he should just announce that he supports full legalization of marijuana on the federal side and he will receive all the support he needs...
just needs to do it before harris does.
Sounds good, but just how many stoners will actually go vote?
alot more than you seem to think, a hell of alot more than those stuck on barstools across the country, whining about what is going on but not voting...
As long as it's still illegal federally, you run into the 2A gun issue (Hunter problem of lying on a federal form). Any time you buy a gun you fill out a federal form 4473 from the ATF and if you answer "no" to the marijuana question, you can be charged. You can't own a firearm legally if you smoke pot.
He said "states rights to pass marijuana laws" - that does not work. It would still be illegal federally and you wouldn't be able to own a gun
that doesn't sound constitutional
No it doesn't, but right now it is being enforced.
its not like they drug test you when you fill out the form.
True, but what happens if you were busted for possession before (or even later for that matter) and the feds are already looking for something to charge you with? Now they have felony perjury on an official government form.
that's a good point. but wouldn't they have to prove that you were using it at the time of filling out the form? anyone could have at one time been a user of marijuana, stop being a user at that current time of filling out the form, and then in the future become a user again. that would technically not be lying
IIRC, it asks something to the effect of, have you ever used pot.
If you ever have and they find out, bam your done.
Likewise, if you ever use after that and try to buy one, same.
i looked it up. it only asks if you are an unlawful user of or addicted to it.
Please note the very next part of the same question (the warning) states it is unlawful to use or be addicted to on the federal level even if the state you were in legalized it, therefore if you have ever used or we're ever addicted to (once an addict...), then you either disqualify yourself, or lie on the form and you are still in the same shape.
Stupid feds.
yes but the question asks if you are, not ever have
I asked him to do this on his official request form when he was President-elect; asked him to repeal all laws against Cannabis. First he removed the federal ban on hemp cultivation via the Farm Bill. Now he is going further with Cannabis for medicine as well as for plain fun.
How do you get all the pot heads to vote Trump? Here it is.
Not a fan, but like he said, it’s a done deal anyhow
THIS is BIGLY and I LOVE the fact that he appears to be on the side of medical use only as I don’t care for the new generation of stoner vape kids and want to see the medicinal benefits prioritized over simply getting high. The quality has severely degraded since recreational took over the market in many states. They only focus on high thc when really they should be offering organic, pesticide free cannabis with emphasis on the full spectrum of cannabonoids not just the one that gets you high. Marijuana has become too commercial and it’s not like any other junk food product you can buy in stores.
This is awesome news!! Trump will gain a lot of support for this, especially from the younger college crowd on the fence. THANK YOU, TRUMP!
How about while still maintaining a concealed carry permit?
I was always taught that cannabis decreases your drive. I’d love to hear peoples perspectives on that.
Also, why wouldn’t they let people grow their own? That would be the safest thing; that way you know exactly what you’re getting.
It reduces my drive significantly. I use a CBD THC combination to help with back pain.
Where would the seeds come from? The govt, big PHARMA, or bit Tobacco? all of those are likely to geo-engineer the seeds.
My experience has been that if people drink they do it after work, those that smoke do it before work, then go smoke in their car at break and again at lunch. I’ve known people that have been continuously stoned for years without a single day of clarity. What’s left of my family lives in Colorado and they smell it everywhere they go even in church sometimes. I understand people wanting to get high sometimes, but damn I don’t want my entire town high as a kite, they are dumb enough to begin with.
This is good, back in 79 i was charged with possession simply because I was a passenger in the car , driver had it in his pocket tshirt, for anyone to see.
I live in a legal state, grew it long before it was legalized, now its legal for retail sale in the cannabis shops, finally. I was able to buy seeds from Canada, discreet shipping and all.It's about time, a person should be able to grow what ever medicine they need, and if its recreational use, fine with that too, my grandmother brewed her own elderberry wine, taught my uncle how to, and pot is a lot less of a problem than alcohol.
How many gummies does that equal ?
a shitload
Only real issues I have with this are practical.
More extreme cases have seen actual structural damage from heavy pot use. (Talk to any builders association and most every member has dealt with this). I know a landlord personally that had a tennant do over $45k in damage to a rental due to pot, they had to gut the place. They were good people and reasonable landlords, and the tennant was a bum. Somehow was able to afford a lawyer and tons of pot but had no job. Couldn't pay for the repairs when he lost his suit (yes, he sued the owners for trying to kick him out to save their rental).
FYI tobacco homes can be like this with heavy smokers in the house. That smell never truly goes away.
Talk to residents in states where it is legal. Driving while stoned is a big issue that is played down by the media. A lot of people hurt from stoned drivers. A strangely high proportion of pot smokers drive without insurance, or with a suspended license. -state crime records. Pick a state, any state.
Crime and homelessness in general increase in legalized pot area. -state and sheriff records, easy to find with direct correlation to when that state legalized.
If you are a person who doesn't smoke, areas with legal pot smell terrible. I don't mind cigar, pipe, cigarette smoke nearly as much, at least that doesn't have that nasty lingering smell
Gotta give credit where due...I've heard a lot of unhinged lunacy regarding cannabis but this is an absolute first for "Cigarette smoke smells better!" and "The smoke will destroy the structure of a building, you'll have to GUT the place!"
pot and joos, the two most divisive topics on this board. Guess chemtrails and flat earth could be in there too kek
Ok, so how about the deaths irresponsible potheads have caused? Just a few from my home area:
2023 in PA
Another one
And, while it’s been multiple years so I can’t find the headline, a woman was struck and killed in my hometown by some pothead who couldn’t say no to getting behind the wheel.
This isn’t ibuprofen. I say this as someone who used medical marijuana for PTSD. It needs regulations, just like alcohol.
I found the mentally insane person
this is nuts. cigarette smoke makes a place smell forever. weed smoke lasts two days maximum
Today's Marijuana is SOMA as foretold in Huxley's "BRAVE NEW WORLD".
We worked so hard to make Florida red and now this NY liberal is going to turn it blue with massive waves of liberal immigration.
Good bye, Florida. I don't know where I'll move once the takeover is complete.