Bill not too bright, he thinks GITMO is a better place to Die... He knows what they do in Supermax to Pedos, he doesn't realize that its not long term prison at GITMO...
In my opinion, this is not Clinton talking about himself. It's the DS / Establishment campaign push now to accuse Trump of wanting to use the military against his enemies. Like Harris in the Braier interview, saying when DJT talks about "the enemy within" he's saying that he wants to use the military against "the American People".
This is the narrative they are attempting to spin. And, I expect that they think that by 'getting ahead' of the narrative by framing Trump's future actions as against the people, as a dictator, as going after his opponents and people "who criticize him", they are attempting to lay a foundation for somehow having popular opinion hold back Trump from actually executing justice on some level.
That when the Justice phase kicks in, they will turn around and say "see, we told you", so that there (might be) public backlash. it's maneuvering.
This is basic satanic behavior, 101, right? Accuse the enemy of that of which you are guilty (using power unethically because you hate or dislike the people involved, aka no regard for justice), and playing the victim.
The thing is, in their delusions, psychopaths like Clinton actually semi-believe what they are saying. To be as sick as these people are, in many cases, you have to actually convince yourself that what you are saying is true. It's called lying to yourself.
I don't know if the real truth about some of these elite, like Clinton, will actually come out. It would be unprecedented. Very hard for a lot of people to digest. But at some point, the truth needs to be revealed.
True but Trump will not personally persecute them. He will simply remove whatever it is that is blocking treasonous criminals like Bill Clinton from being brought to justice.
It feels like it will be a consensus beyond all consensuses, irrefutable evidence presented that will make any attempts at further obstruction of justice a metaphorical death sentence
I agree. Neither will he persecute them, nor even prosecute them. Law and order. The heavy hammer of accountability has been held back from these people tor too long.
there's millions of life-long democrats and republicans who want to see all the deepstaters rot in prison, regardless of affiliation. The only people who love the elite eunich party candidates are all retired beneficiaries with investments who don't care that life is unlivable for current workers. Those geezers who will not provide a meaningful 'backlash'.
They have been literally eating children, it won't be a long stay. Quit the political elite mindset. He said crimes against children require quick trial and execution.
If the political elite gets to plea bargain to prison we lost. Plea bargain mostly is done to save money, we don't need to save money.
Plea deals to spill the beans on others are acceptable, IMO. Life in Superman with no parole IF he gives live confession of his crimes and testifies against others involved seems like a pretty big red pill for the masses that still support these cretins.
If there is a god. Wouldn’t he have taken these child eating deepstate enemies out before they even had a chance to go after these kids? And don’t use the ‘man has free will’ excuse.
Trump won't be the arresting officer, the judge or the jury. The charges will be real, with real evidence, and real victims, not the fringe, convoluted cases you used against Trump.
And I had just redone my bingo card. I did not have Bill Clinton publicly preferring Gitmo. My previous card didn't have Haitians eating cats either. I tear this one up too and start again.
Satan seeks to change times and seasons. In my mind, Satan is like the flash in the recent version. He is trying to find a timeline where he gets to destroy the church and bring the perilous times of the end forth. God is always working towards the good of His children and sneaks things in to switch it back to His plans. Satan doesn’t win, God wins
You are describing "Operation Warp Speed" but at the level of Satan.
And its accurate. By forcing Satan to do his plan hastily, because he is really scared that he is losing, his plans are becoming clearly visible for people to see.
What was Satan's biggest deeception? Convincing the world that he does not exist. But now more and more people are believing that he exists.
[they] can spin it whichever way [they] want. Doesn't matter. The end results will be the same: some will get life in prison without parole, some will be swinging in the Caribbean breeze.
The funny thing is, to me at least, is that the Colorado Supermax Slick Willy refers to is for hyper-violent criminals who've committed federal felony offense crimes, and for those violent criminals that the individual states deem are too violent or too "popular" in their prison sytems to be allowed to to remain within the genpop. GITMO is a U.S. military prison, reserved for enemy combatants who've committed the most egregious of attrocities against the U.S. and her people. Yet, I bet not one of those in attendance (sounded like it couldn't have been more than 20-30 in attendance) even bothered to research why we have a prison in Guantanamo Bay. But they will soon find out, won't they? Hahahahahaha
Side note: I really hope PDJT televises ALL of those trials, military tribunals, sentencing hearings, and executions. It's the only way to truly bring the truth to the world about what these evil "people" have done.
he would probably not make it long in the Colorado Supermax. most prisoners, especially the harden ones don't like pedo's and they would probably kill him in prison.
This happened at a campaign event with Walz in Durham, NC four days ago. It sounds like Bill went off -topic. He looks really bad. Check the eyes and the body language. Even his hair looks bad. I think he’s scared shitless about the consequences of Trump winning.
This rhetoric is similar to what we've been hearing from Kamala, James Carville, Jen Psaki, and a few others in the past several weeks. It's like someone just now showed them the Q drops or something.
Has Trump or MIL been making some big moves behind the scenes? Perhaps triggered by assassination attempts?
Or are [they] just setting the stage to undermine Trump's imminent re-election?
Note: Presidents do not that same oath as members of military, namely "to defend the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic"
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Shall we play a game? No Deals.
Watch the course over the next two weeks the panic level grow. The stupid or WTF moments of comments or acts made. The bells are tolling. They know it. We, the People know it. They know We the People know it and We the People know they know we know. The game is over. It's nothing but a clean up operation. Trump is isolated and protected. They will make a push to prevent DJT from inauguration and that's when the whole demonic Temple will collapse as the military swoops in and conducts lightning strike arrests/detainments. Many believe the truly bad ones have already been arrested, tried and executed and videos will be shown later of said actions. IF not, then it will happen. The best is yet to come!!!
The crowd thinks Clinton is just joking. LOL, little do they know.
You can hear the nervous "oh shit maybe those conspiracy theorists are right again" laughter from the crowd at points.
Oh Bill knows they are right
Bill not too bright, he thinks GITMO is a better place to Die... He knows what they do in Supermax to Pedos, he doesn't realize that its not long term prison at GITMO...
Probably wanted to go to gitmo to die with his people.
KSM begs to differ. He has been there for nearly 20 years.
Which is a better option than lasting a long time to suffer for his crimes
In my opinion, this is not Clinton talking about himself. It's the DS / Establishment campaign push now to accuse Trump of wanting to use the military against his enemies. Like Harris in the Braier interview, saying when DJT talks about "the enemy within" he's saying that he wants to use the military against "the American People".
This is the narrative they are attempting to spin. And, I expect that they think that by 'getting ahead' of the narrative by framing Trump's future actions as against the people, as a dictator, as going after his opponents and people "who criticize him", they are attempting to lay a foundation for somehow having popular opinion hold back Trump from actually executing justice on some level.
That when the Justice phase kicks in, they will turn around and say "see, we told you", so that there (might be) public backlash. it's maneuvering.
This is basic satanic behavior, 101, right? Accuse the enemy of that of which you are guilty (using power unethically because you hate or dislike the people involved, aka no regard for justice), and playing the victim.
The thing is, in their delusions, psychopaths like Clinton actually semi-believe what they are saying. To be as sick as these people are, in many cases, you have to actually convince yourself that what you are saying is true. It's called lying to yourself.
I don't know if the real truth about some of these elite, like Clinton, will actually come out. It would be unprecedented. Very hard for a lot of people to digest. But at some point, the truth needs to be revealed.
True but Trump will not personally persecute them. He will simply remove whatever it is that is blocking treasonous criminals like Bill Clinton from being brought to justice.
Persecute nor prosecute…this is exactly what people don’t get. President Trump is simply getting the ball rolling.
No one is above the law.
It feels like it will be a consensus beyond all consensuses, irrefutable evidence presented that will make any attempts at further obstruction of justice a metaphorical death sentence
Prayer and positive affirmations…whatever everyone uses…can make this happen…add it to your 8 pm eastern prayer alarm.
I agree. Neither will he persecute them, nor even prosecute them. Law and order. The heavy hammer of accountability has been held back from these people tor too long.
there's millions of life-long democrats and republicans who want to see all the deepstaters rot in prison, regardless of affiliation. The only people who love the elite eunich party candidates are all retired beneficiaries with investments who don't care that life is unlivable for current workers. Those geezers who will not provide a meaningful 'backlash'.
Bit like Obama warning us that any videos of him doing bad things will be deepfakes.
Left is gonna claim soon "Trump didn't send Clinton to Gitmo, he went there voluntarily"
They have been literally eating children, it won't be a long stay. Quit the political elite mindset. He said crimes against children require quick trial and execution.
If the political elite gets to plea bargain to prison we lost. Plea bargain mostly is done to save money, we don't need to save money.
Plea deals to spill the beans on others are acceptable, IMO. Life in Superman with no parole IF he gives live confession of his crimes and testifies against others involved seems like a pretty big red pill for the masses that still support these cretins.
Plea deals for those who aren't eating children sure!
Though calirado is already a shithole filled to the brim with shit…do we really need more??
God is going to take care of them sooner than they think, and it doesn't matter the jail...
If there is a god. Wouldn’t he have taken these child eating deepstate enemies out before they even had a chance to go after these kids? And don’t use the ‘man has free will’ excuse.
That is your belief, and I respect you for it.
As long as he ends up there lol.
ha ha ha... yep.
he's on a fact-finding humanitarian mission
Don't worry bill, where you're going, it will be hot
Bill ain't all there nowdays
The "ain't all there nowadays" category has a lot of participants: Biden, Harris, Pelosi, who else?
Trump won't be the arresting officer, the judge or the jury. The charges will be real, with real evidence, and real victims, not the fringe, convoluted cases you used against Trump.
"Trump will arrest us" translated from Cabalese means:
"Trump will empower the people and the government to allow the justice to take its natural course"
“Because Trump is not one of us…”
And I had just redone my bingo card. I did not have Bill Clinton publicly preferring Gitmo. My previous card didn't have Haitians eating cats either. I tear this one up too and start again.
Looks like Deep State is getting ready for a Trump win, and figuring out how to spin the arrests that follow.
Satan seeks to change times and seasons. In my mind, Satan is like the flash in the recent version. He is trying to find a timeline where he gets to destroy the church and bring the perilous times of the end forth. God is always working towards the good of His children and sneaks things in to switch it back to His plans. Satan doesn’t win, God wins
You are describing "Operation Warp Speed" but at the level of Satan.
And its accurate. By forcing Satan to do his plan hastily, because he is really scared that he is losing, his plans are becoming clearly visible for people to see.
What was Satan's biggest deeception? Convincing the world that he does not exist. But now more and more people are believing that he exists.
[they] can spin it whichever way [they] want. Doesn't matter. The end results will be the same: some will get life in prison without parole, some will be swinging in the Caribbean breeze.
The funny thing is, to me at least, is that the Colorado Supermax Slick Willy refers to is for hyper-violent criminals who've committed federal felony offense crimes, and for those violent criminals that the individual states deem are too violent or too "popular" in their prison sytems to be allowed to to remain within the genpop. GITMO is a U.S. military prison, reserved for enemy combatants who've committed the most egregious of attrocities against the U.S. and her people. Yet, I bet not one of those in attendance (sounded like it couldn't have been more than 20-30 in attendance) even bothered to research why we have a prison in Guantanamo Bay. But they will soon find out, won't they? Hahahahahaha
Side note: I really hope PDJT televises ALL of those trials, military tribunals, sentencing hearings, and executions. It's the only way to truly bring the truth to the world about what these evil "people" have done.
he would probably not make it long in the Colorado Supermax. most prisoners, especially the harden ones don't like pedo's and they would probably kill him in prison.
ADX Florence keeps their inmates in solitary confinement for 22-23 hours per day. He would live out the rest of his natural life.
Also let’s remember the renovations that have recently taken place at Gitmo…court rooms, expansions, etc…build it and they will come??
That's just guilt talking. He knows everything for which he is accountable.
If that is Clinton, and not just a double, it's obvious there is little life left in him. He may see hard time, but won't do much.
This happened at a campaign event with Walz in Durham, NC four days ago. It sounds like Bill went off -topic. He looks really bad. Check the eyes and the body language. Even his hair looks bad. I think he’s scared shitless about the consequences of Trump winning.
This rhetoric is similar to what we've been hearing from Kamala, James Carville, Jen Psaki, and a few others in the past several weeks. It's like someone just now showed them the Q drops or something.
Has Trump or MIL been making some big moves behind the scenes? Perhaps triggered by assassination attempts?
Or are [they] just setting the stage to undermine Trump's imminent re-election?
That thing about long-term couples eventually looking like each other seems true. Don't his eyes look just like the old bag's.
It seems like Bill flipped long ago and is saying this at the direction of the White Hats.
clinton just told on himself. He has a long rap sheet.
It'll be warm in hell. Or in Bills case, maybe very cold since he doesn't like it.
Note: Presidents do not that same oath as members of military, namely "to defend the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic"
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Good point! I think its a clue.
As a ex president, he should know this. So he is really referring to the military and not Trump as such!
he use to like Clinton? sounds like rambling
Bill Clinton should be put in a cell in his presidential library... and made part of the tour.
Shall we play a game? No Deals. Watch the course over the next two weeks the panic level grow. The stupid or WTF moments of comments or acts made. The bells are tolling. They know it. We, the People know it. They know We the People know it and We the People know they know we know. The game is over. It's nothing but a clean up operation. Trump is isolated and protected. They will make a push to prevent DJT from inauguration and that's when the whole demonic Temple will collapse as the military swoops in and conducts lightning strike arrests/detainments. Many believe the truly bad ones have already been arrested, tried and executed and videos will be shown later of said actions. IF not, then it will happen. The best is yet to come!!!
Predictive programming from the WH's. Preparing people for whatnwill be made known as fact in the future.
i don't ever remember trump saying that ,maybe he's referring to a Q post
No, this is Bill Clinton talking about what Trump must be thinking. Thats why people were confused by this.
ohh ,ok